Jamon recipe. Oak barrels. Jamon in an accelerated way

Jamon is a Spanish national delicacy - raw-cured pork ham which has a unique taste and aroma. Dried meat is prepared in different countries, but only jamon managed to gain worldwide fame. The Spaniards rightfully consider jamon to be their national treasure, and every self-respecting tourist will definitely try it and bring one or two pork legs with him as a keepsake or as a gift. If you are holding this expensive souvenir in your arms for the first time, then you are probably tormented by an intractable question - where to start biting? Here all about ham and my little experience with him .

Traditional for this country dry-cured ham can be seen in almost any Spanish bar. Impressive-looking pork hams are suspended directly from the ceiling, and one of them, open, is usually fixed in a special machine on the bar counter. This is it Author: Dmitry Kolpakov
Source: http://votpusk.ru
© Shkolazhizni.ru

In Spanish bars, shops, markets, you can see how impressive-looking pork hams with hooves are suspended directly from the ceiling - this is it.

The history of the manufacture of this product has more than two thousand years. The ancestors of modern Spaniards took it with them on the road, as a healthy, nutritious and unpretentious product to storage conditions. Roman emperors included jamon in the menu of their feasts, and in the Middle Ages this product was considered one of the symbols of prosperity. Modern dietetics is also delighted with this invention of European civilization, because. rich unsaturated fatty acids, which dissolve cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, contains vitamins A and E- natural antioxidants, as well as tyrazine slowing down aging.

For the production of jamon, a special breed of pigs is grown, which are specially fattened and grazed on an acorn pasture. Acorns are very important not only for the pleasure of the pig itself, but also for the quality of the future jamon. It is acorns that provide the set of taste qualities that distinguish samples of the best Spanish jamon. The process of production of the delicacy is quite long - from one to two years. Its main stages: salting meat and drying in caves or cellars at a special temperature and humidity. After maturation, it loses more than 40% of its original weight.

If a black pig with black hooves has wandered into your home kitchen, it is from such a special breed that best spanish jamon iberico (Iberico, he is Pata Negra, "black leg"), then you need to know a few rules communication with this guest.

Jamonera - What's this? Que es? SCH about that?
or what you need to know when buying jamon.

Without a special stand, which is called special knives, you will not be able to properly cut this wonderful meat and enjoy the true taste of jamon. Yes, it's not easy. In Spain, the skill of cutting jamon is taught in order to get a profession cartadora(jamon cutter), you need not only to complete special courses, but also to have a talent for this business, because often the process of cutting jamon is turned into a colorful show.

Where to buy hamonera?

What to do if you, drunk on a trip to Spain, bought a jamon, but forgot about the jamoner? Contact specialized stores selling Spanish delicacies, where you can buy this thing. Such stores are now in any more or less civilized city. In addition, you can contact the online store and they will deliver the hamoner by mail. Jamonera is usually sold with a long, thin, flexible knife, which is used to cut the thinnest slices of jamon. Of all the knives used for carving ham, this one is the most important. You can remove the remnants of skin and fat using ordinary knives that are in any home kitchen. The only condition is that the knives must be sharp.

How to cut a ham?

If you somehow contrive and risk carving the jamon without all of the above, or get a jamonera and, like a real kartador, start with a knife and sharpener to the jamone leg, then you should be prepared for the fact that part of this beautiful leg will have to be thrown away, because before cutting it is necessary to cut off a sufficiently thick layer of rancid fat and remnants of the skin of the animal. And God forbid you try at least the smallest piece of this waste! On this, your nascent love for jamon will end forever.
Cut the ham into very thin slices
. From the above, it is clear that this process is best entrusted to a man. The length of the slices should not exceed 7 centimeters. It is recommended to leave a small layer of fat around the edges of the jamon so that the jamon remains juicy.

Cut off exactly as much ham as you will eat at one time, after which be sure to cover the cut with the remains of the cut fat or a cloth soaked in olive oil so that the meat does not dry out.

Having reached the femur, it is necessary to make a deep incision around it using a short knife. Near the bones, the jamon is cut into shorter and thicker pieces, you can even cut it into cubes, which are usually used to cook and flavor hot dishes. Dried meat is soaked through with fat, so each slice of jamon melts in your mouth. But if you add it to a hot dish, it will almost dissolve. That is why jamon is added to hot dishes at the very last moment, so that the fat only melts a little and gives the dish a special flavor.
After cutting the meat from one side of the bone, the leg is turned over and re-attached to the jamoner to cut the jamon from the other side. Well, since it is better to see once than to read many times, I advise you to watch a video about professional cutting of jamon

How to store ham?

Jamon cannot be put in the refrigerator. Only at a temperature of 14-22 Cº dried meat shows all its best taste qualities. The Spanish leg can be stored at room temperature on a jamoner or in a suspended state for quite a long time (up to a year), being a decoration of the kitchen interior.

What to do if there is mold on the jamon?

If you notice mold on the jamon, do not be alarmed - this is a natural phenomenon. It is of a very noble origin, testifies to the naturalness of the product and the observance of production technology. Do not cut or scrape the mold! There is an easy way to hone marafet ham: wipe it with a damp cotton or linen cloth dipped in olive oil.

What is jamon eaten with?

Jamon self-sufficient and unique in itself, good as an aperitif in the company of olives, almonds and noble red wine. In addition, jamon goes well with many products, such as pears, cucumbers, figs, melons, olives, avocados, eggs, asparagus, fried mushrooms, olive oil. Some combinations are just as good, for example, jamon with olive oil and green mixed salad, jamon with toasted bread, olive oil and sweet tomatoes. The main thing in tasting jamon is not only its correct cutting into the thinnest slices, but also a beautiful presentation, as a careful and respectful attitude to a valuable product. Try to cook this beautiful and unusual When you finally eat it (leg) or it (jamon), do not throw away the remaining bone, because it is from this jamon bone that you get a great

Well, finally If no one has made you happy with a Spanish souvenir, you should not be upset. Today jamon can be bought in Russia. Moreover, progress does not stand still and now jamon comes from Spain in large boneless pieces(it is easy to cut with a slicer), as well as in the form of cutting in vacuum packing. Despite the indignation of authenticity advocates, for use in our Russian home cooking, I would choose exactly cutting in vacuum.

Being on a par with such delicacies as black caviar and truffles, Spanish jamon is considered a true gastronomic symbol of its country.

The word jamón in translation simply means "ham". But all over the world it is known as a unique dry-cured delicacy with a unique taste and aroma. Below we will tell you what kind of meat jamon is made in Spain and where you can try it.

What is ham

Specialized establishments in Barcelona where you can buy Spanish jamon:

  • Jamonarium(Passeig Sant Joan, 181) with different types of meat, cutting and storage accessories, . The price of a package of Serrano variety is 3.20-3.85 €.
  • Casa Alfonso(Roger de Lluria, 6) - here you can have lunch and see with your own eyes how jamon is made in Spain.

How much does a spanish delicacy cost

They sell dried ham in supermarkets, butchers or markets. In Spain, the price of jamon directly depends on the type of meat and the producer. For example, cutting jamón serrano (200 g) in a chain supermarket costs from 2 €. On the market, a kilogram of jamón serrano can be bought for 8-9 €, jamón ibérico for 25-30 €.

In butcher shops and hamoneriya the price will be different. Jamon is sold sliced ​​​​and whole hams there. Sliced ​​jamón serrano (100 g) - about 4 €, jamón ibérico (80 g) - from 12 to 25 €. The price of 7 kg hams is 90-100 € (serrano) and 225-850 € (ibérico, depending on the variety).

The rarest and most expensive jamon, Manchado de Jabugo, is produced by Dehesa Maladúa. The approximate price of the “precious” delicacy is 4100 € per ham.

Cooking jamon is a complex and time-consuming process, which explains its high cost. But you will not find the best souvenir in the country, because you will bring an authentic piece of Spain as a gift to friends and family.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Spanish jamon meat is not ham, but dry-cured pork. It is a delicious homemade delicacy made from the hind leg of a pig that has been salted, dried and then cured. The dish contains practically no cholesterol, you can eat it every day. It differs from Parma ham (prosciutto) in that the taste of dried ham is more salty due to the difference in production technology. Every Spaniard knows what jamon is.

Spanish jamon

Jamon - what is it? In Spain, these types of jamon are made:

  • Serrano - inexpensive with a white hoof. It is obtained from the meat of white pigs, and it ripens from seven months to a year.
  • Iberico - will cost more, with a black hoof. Black pigs of the Iberian breed are fattened with corn from an early age, then they graze in the open spaces of the mountains, taking a photo. Before slaughter, they feed acorns for several months, achieving a special smell and taste. The most expensive beyot and resevo. Buying outside of Spain is difficult.

How is jamon made

What is jamon made of, how is it salted and ripened:

  1. The dish is made from the back leg, removing excess fat, covered with sea salt for two weeks. The process takes place in a cold room, at a temperature of 0 to + 8°C. It is important to know how to prepare the foot for the next process.
  2. Then they are washed from excess salt, dried, shaped and hung vertically.
  3. Then they are dried and the degree of salinity is equalized in a humid chamber from 1 to 2 months.
  4. Drying completes the main process of the recipe: the hams hanging vertically ripen. The suitability is determined by piercing with a beef bone needle, a conclusion is made according to a special aroma.

What do you eat jamon with?

The product is considered a diet food, contains healthy fats, low calorie content. What is jamon with? Olives, herbs, cheeses (delicious with curado) are suitable for the dish. Spaniards stew ham with shrimp, add it to salads, because it gives any dish a unique taste and aroma. Small daily portions of ham are considered a diet when it comes to cooking. put before a professional: it is delicious with red dry wine, beer. Thinness for cooking hot dishes - adding at the end of cooking so that the fat is slightly melted.

How to make jamon at home

How to cook properly dried homemade ham? To cook it at home, you need to choose and buy fresh piglet meat (hind leg), a well-ventilated cool room. It is important that the pig is fed acorns, then the dish will be called jamon. The type of ham will add color to Spain, fill the room with a pleasant aroma. The preparation of the dish takes a long time, almost like beef, and it is expensive to buy such a ham.


  • Ham;
  • sea ​​salt is 3 times the weight of the ham itself, a little ordinary salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean pork ham from fat, sprinkle with salt.
  2. Keep for 2 weeks in a cool room to evenly salted.
  3. Rinse off excess salt, shape.
  4. Hang in a well-ventilated area to dry. Periodically change the temperature from lower to higher so that the sweating process occurs (excess fat and moisture are removed).
  5. After that, the ham is taken out to the cellar for ripening, for about 12 months. After that, you can cut the meat.

Step by step cooking jamon at home:

  1. The main ingredient after the ham is salt. It is a preservative and gives a special taste.
  2. All the fat is cut off from the pork ham, and the piece is salted with coarse sea salt.
  3. Salted meat is kept in a cellar or refrigerator.
  4. The amount of exposure time is calculated depending on the weight: 1 kg will take 1 day. It usually takes about two weeks for the whole piece. During this time, the salt is distributed throughout the ham, absorbed and displaces excess moisture.
  5. After salting, the pork is washed and left indoors for 2-3 days at a temperature of at least 30°C.
  6. Next, the meat is placed in a dark place at 10 degrees, in which the humidity level and air temperature are gradually increased. In this room, it is kept and dried from 6 months to several years. Drying usually begins in winter or early spring. This allows for a slow and gradual increase in temperature until the very late summer.
  7. Then, in the fall, the last stage is carried out with pork - the completely dried ham is moved to a cool place at a temperature of 8-10 ° C (cellar or balcony) for 9-36 months until the final condition. This begins the drying process: under the influence of microflora, the meat acquires a characteristic structure, taste and aroma.
This technology is as close to genuine as possible. After all, jamon is like expensive cognac, which only gets better with time.
  • The ideal temperature for storing the Spanish delicacy is 15-20 degrees.
  • Jamon should not be placed in the refrigerator and freezer. Also, temperature fluctuations should not be allowed.
  • Small thin slices, on the contrary, are best placed in the refrigerator, wrapping it in foil. So slices can be stored up to a crescent.
  • Long-term storage of meat is carried out in a suspended state.
  • When the delicacy begins to be consumed, it is placed flat on a hamoner, a half-meter wooden stand with a special mount. This will make the cutting process more convenient.
  • After cutting the ham, it is consumed within 5 months.
  • The incision site is treated with olive oil and covered with a cotton towel. This will prevent contact with air.

A whole ham is fixed on a hamoner so that it slips out. At the right time, it is turned over, loosening the fasteners. The slicing process is done by hand in very thin slices. Slicing Jamon is a special art. The Spaniards believe that automatic cutting will violate the quality of the product, so a specially trained specialist, a cortador, who uses a special tool, is engaged in this business.

Jamon goes well with citrus fruits, hard cheeses, smoked fish, alcohol, mushrooms, herbs, pickles, fresh and pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. The most popular way to consume ham in Spain is to thinly slice a melon and wrap the pieces in sheets of meat. They take pieces only with their hands, and it is considered bad taste to eat them with bread. In addition, jamon is a great addition to salads and makes amazing rolls and snacks from it.

Jamon is a medium calorie product, 100 g approximately contains 160-200 kcal. Therefore, it can be included in the diet menu. The finished product contains fat - 16 g, proteins - 34 g, carbohydrates - 1 g.

As you can see, cooking jamon (raw-cured pork ham) at home is not so difficult. But in order to wait for the moment and get fragrant meat, you should be patient.

If you ask what Spain is associated with, many will call bullfighting, flamenco, someone will say passion, expression and sensuality. And someone will remember jamon - a gastronomic masterpiece of this amazing country. Everything about its history and cooking rules will be told by I WANT.


Calling jamon just a Spanish appetizer or ham is rude and ignorant. This is the pride and treasure of the Spaniards, their amazing and famous cuisine. Jamon is a delicacy which occupies a worthy place in the menu of almost all restaurants in the world. The hind leg of the pig is salted, then dried and dried. All this is carried out under certain conditions, subject to the conditions of humidity and temperature. Jamon has a minimum cholesterol content, and in its homeland, in, it is the most consumed meat product.

History of Jamon began over 2,000 years ago. According to one version, the technology of its preparation appeared due to the desire of Europeans to save and preserve food, using salt as a preservative. In a similar way, meat cooked was sometimes the only food in poor and large families. Another version, based on folk legends, is that the Spaniards learned the taste of salted pork after they caught a pig that was drowning in the river. It originated in a salty spring, and a pig that floundered in it for quite a long time was soaked

This delicacy adorned the tables of Roman emperors, jamon was part of the mandatory diet of Spanish soldiers and Roman legionnaires. But what is most valuable and important, the recipes and rules for making jamon recorded at that time have survived to this day, with virtually no significant changes and edits.

In the 18th century, the active export of jamon to other countries began. Its taste has so satisfied the needs of many gourmets around the world that to this day the popularity of this delicacy remains unconditional and obvious.

Jamon is mainly prepared in the five provinces of Spain (Huelbas, Salamanca, Segovia, Teruel and Granada). There are 2 types of this delicacy, which are prepared using almost the same technology. The difference is only in what breed of pigs they choose, because they differ in the methods of keeping and feeding rules.

Iberico is considered the best jamon(Iberico) or Pata Negra (black leg). It is prepared from the meat of black pigs of the Iberian breed. Animals are fattened on one of two special diets, the first contains only acorns and is called beyota (Bellota). The second combines acorns and fodder and is called Recebo. The pigs of the Iberian breed have black hooves, which was the reason to call this variety of jamon that way. It tastes incomparable, which is why it is supplied to the court of the king of Spain and exported in very limited quantities.

A cheaper variety of jamon is called Serrano. (Serrano), and it is obtained from the meat of white pigs, whose diet consists only of fodder.

In addition to the jamon itself, which is prepared from the back leg, there is also a jamon made from the front leg - delantero (Delantero), also called paleta (Paleta). But the shoulder blade, processed in the same way as jamon, is called lomo.

Rules for making jamon - it's a kind of ritual. It all starts with salting. After cutting the carcass, the ham is freed from excess fat and covered with sea salt for 2 weeks. The salt should draw the moisture out of the meat and brown it slightly. All this should take place in a cold room, at a temperature of 0 to + 5ºС.

The next step is to weed and equalization of salinity. The ham is placed in a chamber where the temperature is low and the humidity is stable. Only under such conditions, the salt is distributed evenly throughout the product, and the moisture finally evaporates. This stage can last from 1 to 2 months.

Completes the drying process during which the meat is suspended vertically so that subcutaneous fat is absorbed into the muscle mass. Then the hams are placed in special cellars where they ripen. Here, the product is sorted by weight and quality, and the product is also tasted. The expert pierces the ham with a thin needle made from the bone of a cow. The aroma determines the completeness of the process.

This delicacy pairs amazingly with melon. . At first glance, this is a strange and dubious combination, but everyone who has tried it will agree that this is the real delight for gourmets - a unique and unusual taste. The combination of the sweetness of melon and the salty nuance of jamon will give you a lot of new emotions. In addition, jamon is ideal to use with olives, olives, greens, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, beans, pasta and potatoes. True, it should be added to ready-made and hot dishes a few minutes before serving, so that slightly melted jamon saturates the dish with its unique salty taste. The choice of drinks that go well with jamon is also varied - sherry, wines (especially dry red ones), and beer.

However, before enjoying the delicacy, it should be cut properly . It looks very bright, but it is not an easy task. Those who master this art to perfection are called cortadores. The cutting of jamon takes place on a wooden board called jamonera. Cortadors use special knives with different blades - long thin and short hard.

Having placed the jamon with a hoof up, the cortadors seem to “open” it with a knife with a short blade - they make an incision towards themselves and remove the skin and fat until the meat appears. Only after that, the ham is cut with a long knife into thin, tender and transparent slices, 6-7 cm long, always leaving a strip of fat along the edges. In a place where the ham is no longer possible to cut thinly, a short knife is again used. The remaining meat is also used later in the preparation of hot dishes, broths and soups.

The Spaniards are happy to keep the ham at home, suspended from the ceiling in the kitchen. It is suitable for consumption for about a year and a half and in general gives the home a truly Spanish flavor.