Heartfelt toast to a woman. Funny birthday toasts. Sms happy birthday to a man

In addition to beautiful lyrical congratulations and wishes in verse and prose, the anniversary feast is very decorated with table anecdotes, Caucasian toasts and parables, told to the point. A toastmaster or a guest who wants to make a beautiful toast to a woman - a birthday girl when choosing the main focus of congratulations: emphasizing her personal virtues or just a joke to cheer everyone up - should focus on the character of the hero of the occasion.

Proposed to Caucasian toasts, parables, jokes for a woman's anniversary: lyrical and comic - more suitable for a friendly feast on the occasion of the holiday with a benevolent and mature lady.

1. Caucasian toast for the anniversary "For a real woman!"

I think everyone will agree with me that our dear hero of the day is a real woman! Listen to what real women are defined by true connoisseurs. They say that if God wanted to create a woman who would be superior to a man, then he would create her from a piece of his head. If God wanted to make her a man's work, he would have created her from a foot. But since the woman was created from the rib of Adam, God conceived her equal to the man, that is, he wished that she would be his friend and adviser. So let's drink to a real woman and a true friend ….(name)!

2. Caucasian toast to the hero of the day "Age of the Goddess"

In the Caucasus, it is believed that the life of a woman can be divided into seven stages: baby, girl, girl, beautiful woman, blossoming woman, stunning woman and goddess. Looking at our hero of the day, any Caucasian sage would say that she is a goddess not by age, but by definition! So let our birthday girl always be a goddess in the eyes of men!

3. Parable for the anniversary of a woman "About age".

One young man really wanted to get married. The family was looking for a candidate for a long time, and finally, the relatives picked up the best woman, as it seemed to them, for him. But the young man said that he would ask only one question about this woman: how old is she? Relatives replied that they asked her, but the lady replied that she had forgotten how old she was. “Clearly,” the newly-made groom replied, “this woman is over forty, because all women over forty somehow suddenly forget their age!” And the sage answered him: “A wise woman forgets her age because a real man does not need to know it, the main thing is not how old she is, but how old she feels!” So let's drink to our hero of the day, forever young at heart!

4. Parable "Do not drink raw water"

A woman is the wisest creature on earth. She is so wise that any hundred-year-old snake can envy her mind. Let me tell you a parable about one of these women, who from the very beginning of her marriage told her husband not to drink raw water. But he continued his own, and then one day a misfortune happened to him on the river, he began to sink. The husband in the river chokes and blows bubbles, and his wise wife laments on the shore: “I told you: don’t drink raw water, it’s in trouble!” Let's drink: to the wisdom of women, and to the fact that we never have to drink water while there is wine!

5. Parable on the anniversary of a woman "On what can and cannot be forgotten"

Old people in the Caucasus tell this: a thousand years ago, one old and very wise prince ruled their land for his justice and mind, God gave him a beautiful son - both handsome, and healthy, and dexterous. His noble name was George, but George had one drawback - he quickly forgot everything that happened to him.

The prince wanted to marry George, but after five minutes the young man forgot any girl, no matter how beautiful she was. The prince was very sad because he couldn’t get his son married, and he really wanted to see and nurse his grandchildren! Then George decided to wander around the world until he finds himself such a girl that he will remember under any circumstances. On the way, the prince gave his son an elegant necklace with the words: “When you, my son, find a woman and love her, give her this necklace. And then you can remember her, no matter what happens!”

For a long time, George wandered around the world, but still there was no girl to whom he would wish to give a necklace. And now, completely desperate, ragged and hungry, he reached a village unknown to him. At the edge of the village stood a small house. A very pretty girl came out of it, seeing the exhausted stranger, she ran home and brought him wine and a fresh pie. George was surprised, because the girl could have given him just water and bread. He began to talk with a young stranger and realized that the girl was also smart. Then, without thinking twice, George took out and gave the girl a necklace: “Come to my principality if you decide to marry me. But be sure to save the necklace - I can recognize you by it!

The girl spent exactly three months thinking about marriage and decided that she couldn’t find a better husband. She went to George, but on the way she lost her necklace, so George did not recognize the girl he once liked so much. But the young beauty was not afraid: she just took out her wine, which she took with her, and baked a pie, which she once treated George. And the young man remembered the girl! I remembered her kindness and clever speeches. They, of course, got married and lived happily ever after! And I propose to drink for the hostess of our celebration, who today treats us with such delicious dishes that you can forget everything in the world!

6. Beautiful toast about the hero of the day .

A woman is a light cloud that brings coolness on a hot day. A woman is a bright sun that warms us in the days of longing and sadness. A woman is a cool stream that gives us strength to continue our difficult path. A woman is a full-flowing river that brings life to everyone who happens to be near her banks. Let's drink to our birthday girl, who illuminates us with her light, warms us with the warmth of her soul and gave life and raised beautiful children! Long life to you...!

7. Toast "For the strength of the weaker sex!"

Everyone says that women are the “weaker sex”. But this is an absolute delusion, because any of them has exorbitant power: it can forever destroy a man's life, rejecting his love. And vice versa, by accepting his feelings, make a man the happiest person in the world. A happy man can move mountains!

Let's drink to women who can love and inspire, to the strength of the weaker sex!

8. comic toast for a young active birthday girl.

It's okay that a birthday only happens once a year. With our toasts, you can decorate any feast and create a holiday almost every day. There is always a reason to have fun. And with the help of a variety of toasts for every taste, you can create a festive atmosphere and give everyone present a great mood.

If you do not have enough imagination to come up with an original and funny congratulation on your own, do not despair! With our selection you will become famous merry fellow and cheerleader. In this article, we have collected for you toasts for a birthday, or any other holiday, that you can choose for a man and a woman for any feast:

  • Short;
  • In verse;
  • funny;
  • Cool;
  • Vulgar.

Happy birthday dear!

I wish you dough and more fools

To get rid of the shackles

Our life is difficult.

Fur coats, clubs, diamonds

And champagne by the river

To pour from the tap.

Didn't get up from the sofa.

Chocolates, marmalades

For breakfast and lunch.

All whims were fulfilled

And you didn't hear it.

For you my friend!

We drink martinis, where is the mug?

Pour it, my old lady!

One day a girl was walking through the desert with a bottle of drink.. And he sees in front of him a weakened guy who was almost at death's door. He was thirsty. In a weak, barely audible voice, he asked the woman for a drink, but she refused him. The girl wanders further and here is an oasis in front of her. She is very happy, splashing in the water, bathing. And then she remembers the poor guy she met along the way. The girl took some water for him and decided to give him a drink, she returns to the place where she met him, but he has already given up ... So let's drink to the fact that women and girls always give on time! This applies to the birthday girl as well. For you, friend!

A beautiful and slender, absolutely naked woman is walking through the desert and meets a handsome young man. He is also naked, but the male genitals are covered with a hat. The woman wanted to see everything without a hat, came close to the guy and quickly removed her two hands. But the hat kept hanging. So let's drink to the indescribable beauty of a girl, which gives strength to hold the hat!

You are beautiful like a lama.

Graceful as a pava.

Appetizing like a bun

And smell like Chanel.

You demolish the tower worse than alcohol

I want to flirt with you.

Overhaul in your bed

Set up for a few weeks.

For you, my dear!

I myself drink and pour,

Raise this toast

And I stand up to my full height.

Happy Birthday!

If you have small troubles in your life, be ironic. If there are huge troubles - laugh heartily. If they ask about your age - shamelessly lie! Happy holiday, girlfriend, you have become another year older! Happy Birthday!

So that you are not jinxed,

So that you don't get off,

So that you always have something to wear

And there was always someone to get naked in front of!

Let's raise our faceted glasses so that the birthday girl has as much grief in her life as there is liquid left in our containers!

I wish you a lot of luck and a cottage by the sea. Happiness, health and all blah blah blah. Such are the things...

Let's drink to ensure that your desires for horseradish fell from my capabilities.

Girlish melodrama: “I didn’t have time to look back, as they stopped looking back.” Let's raise a glass to those who don't look back. For you, newborn!

Vulgar toasts for a cheerful company

And to put you in to jail for 100 years for the brutal rape of a young wife!

I want to get drunk for "ELK"!

To want

Fuck * ELK and live!

Let's raise our stacks for the ladies! After all, “I won’t give” is a bad phrase!

Let everything pass by you, of course, except for intimacy!

For the men! The women drink on their knees ... with the men!

A stray dog ​​is walking down the street, and a well-groomed lap dog is running towards him. -Hey! Who are you?” the dog asked. - I'm a beautiful lapdog. - She answered playfully. - And I just decided to pee ... I'll make a simple toast, like this stray dog. To always stand ... stopar and loot has always been found!

Funny birthday toasts for a man

A man is like good wine: every year he makes him better, wiser. And let's drink to healthier, more profitable and more successful!

Only heard on every corner: a man must do this, a man must do this ... Enough! Today you, my friend, should only one thing - to be happy! After all, the birthday, as the crocodile Gena sang in one children's song, is only once a year! So have fun and don't worry about debt!

You're tough like Bruce Willis. Handsome like Brad Pitt. Strong like Schwarzenegger. Gentle, like Dima Bilan. So let's drink to your split personality!

Guys are like little kids, honestly! They always need new beautiful cars and a lot to have their own airplanes and other toys. So let's drink to our stronger sex and their addictions, and so that they always have pretty dolls in their cars!

We always drink on days starting with the letter "C": on Wednesdays, Saturdays and today!

Once upon a time there was a very unhappy guy in this world. He did not see happiness, did not laugh and did not even smile. Everything about him was very bad. And so it went from day to day, from month to month, from year to year. But suddenly, one day, a miracle happened! Lady Fate herself appeared to him and offered one of the three royal gifts. She offered to choose between Love, Luck and Health. so let's raise our cups so that our dear friend never has to choose and all three of these gifts are present in the life of our birthday boy in abundance!

Cool short toasts

I am not a thirty-year-old lady, but a young 17-year-old girl with 13 years of experience!

The only wife - all right, a mistress - not bad. Two mistresses - perhaps, but several spouses - too much! Let's raise our glasses to a sense of proportion!

Such a treasure as an ideal woman cannot be found, it can only be created with your own hands, overwork, sweat and blood. So let's drink to the men who work tirelessly around the clock!

The girl is ready for absolutely anything for the sake of feeling love - and even make love. The guy is ready for a lot for the sake of just making love - and even falling in love. So let's drink to a wonderful and bright feeling!

Expensive! Alcohol makes you just gorgeous! But I didn't use it! - That's not the point, I used it! So let's raise our cups for female attractiveness!

Cool toasts in verse

To always stand with us

And you had ** yes.

To break the bed

The parties didn't end.

Let's drink to the girls!

So many bows, skirts.

Tights, ruffles, thongs, bodices

And so many go around myths!

There are many of them - all sorts of simpletons,

Aristocrats, po * yadushki,

Their legs will grow from their ears,

And we kiss them, Ukrainians.

They are so passionate and hot

And they love veal tenderness.

We drink vodka slowly

Girls, let your life be

Fresh, cute and good!

This toast is a little simple,

But feelings are immeasurable in him.

Pour the third toast

And we drink to our girls!

As they say, the strong sex is weaker than the weak, due to the weakness of the stronger sex to the weak. How twisted! Let's drain our cups to the bottom!

Let's drink to the fact that today the sun, illuminating the world, remembers the birthday of the birthday girl and let her send her a ray that can fulfill her every wish!

They say that women are like chocolates: you never know what filling will come across. I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl and drink to her unique filling! The way she will be a surprise for everyone, and for her only one - the sweetest and most desirable!

Dear (Name)! I have always admired your virtuoso performance of the roles of wife, mother, grandmother, mother-in-law and a wonderful person. Looking at you, once again you are convinced that gold is not the true wealth on earth - but people. I congratulate you on your birthday and drink for you and your friendly family!

Beautiful, gentle and cheerful, charming, crazy, always loved and in love, forever young in soul, with fire in your chest, with a dream in your heart, unattainable like a star, and an unsolved mystery, you stay forever! For you!

The brook that ran to the sea, saw in front of it boundless blue expanses and mingled with this great blueness, should not forget that spring high in the mountains, from which its path along the earth began and all that rocky, narrow, rapids, winding path that it had to overcome.
So let's drink to the fact that we never forget our origins!

They say that women have no rules, only mood. What a mood - such rules! I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl so that her rule is to always have a good mood!

Something a glass is sad,
A congratulatory toast asks
Who will we drink to?
That's why we bring it.
We drink to Valya, a charming, charming woman, whose name day we are celebrating today! Health to her, happiness, bright life!

Know no worries - live happily
So that everyone always says:
How beautiful this woman is
How infinitely young!

This beautiful woman, on her birthday, I want to wish a lot. But I’ll drink to the correct behavior of the letter “D” in her life: so that money is in abundance, fools are far away, friends are wonderfully sincere, deeds are brought to achievements, longevity, kindness and a lot of love wildly.

I propose a toast to six N!
For our beloved, unique, extraordinary, irresistible, incomparable, necessary N! All the best to her in life! Happy Birthday!

In women, a birthday leaves twofold emotions, bringing along with joy a little sadness that a year has been added to age. But it is worth considering that elite alcohol and antiques only increase in price with age and become more desirable and

A wise man once said: “Happiness is when you don’t have to convince yourself that it’s not about money.” I want to drink that from now on you will be accompanied by happiness also in this understanding.

I want everything in your life to depend on your decision and desire. Let your smile illuminate the road of life brighter than the headlights of a Mercedes, and let the ride along it be exciting and safe!

Woman ... How much affection, understanding, kindness in this word! Each of you is unique, inimitable and mysterious. Congratulating you (name) today, I want to wish you to be always desired, loved, tender, to enjoy success and attention. And I also wish to remain always beautiful, kind and infinitely happy! Always be a woman!

If a woman is a book
Which is hard to understand.
Let there be a man
Who can read you.
Who won't tear the pages
And crush the expensive binding.
Who will not put you on the shelf,
And always take it with you!

Glasses up and drink at once!
May life be your reward
Live in love, live in fun
And don't worry about a hangover!

For always having a fresh manicure,
And to have enough money for a haute couture dress.
So that Louboutin would sew shoes for you,
And you did not faint from its prices.
So that lobsters for lunch, foie gras for dinner,
And so that you are slim at the same time! For you!

Let your eyes shine with happiness
And we will glorify you in a toast!
Let fate change for the better
Good luck in life and career growth!

They say that a woman is a complex riddle.
The main thing is that having solved it, it would not become disgusting to us.
But you, beauty, I know 100 years.
And there is no more beautiful woman in the whole world! For you!

I want to raise a glass for you!
So that the fire of goodness in your chest does not go out,
To make you glow with health
And they went through life only with love!

Witty toasts to women

And we will fulfill the first duty
And let's drink standing up
For our ladies! For our women
We're making this toast!


A young woman on the outskirts of a small village asks for a lodging for the night with an old woman. The old woman refuses her, but nods at the construction trailer, in which the brigade from the south lives.
A young woman knocks on the trailer, asks to spend the night with ten strong men and hears a condition:
- Guess the riddle - let us sleep and do not touch.
You won’t guess - you’ll have to sleep with everyone in turn.
The riddle is this: small, red, grows on a tree.
The next morning, the old woman decides to check how the woman settled down. Opens the door of the trailer and sees:
nine men lie exhausted, the tenth kneels before the woman and begs her:
- Girl, I beg you God, well, say "cherry"!
- Don't mess around here! - the woman speaks, - all the same a cucumber!
So let's drink to women for whom there are no unsolvable riddles!

It's night in the country. The country is busy.
In the doctor's bedroom is heard: - Next.
In the athlete's bedroom: - One more time. Another try.
In the collective farmer's bedroom: - Don't rush dear, the students will come and finish it.
Women rule the country at night.
So let's drink to women - night commanders.


The very first woman was Eve.
The most beautiful was Cleopatra.
The smartest is George Sand.
Did you know it? Very good.
Now forget!
Because the very first woman -
This is the one next to it.
The most beautiful is the one next to you.
And the smartest is the one that is silent.


They say that a couple of centuries ago, the hussars buzzing in the tavern from time to time began to yell at the top of their lungs: “Champagne and women, change it!”
We have a worthy answer to these revelers: “We will not exchange the women present here for anything and will not give them up to anyone!” Moreover, we also drink for them!


Eastern wisdom says:
“If you want to know the strength of steel, rub it on a whetstone;
if you want to know the strength of a horse, load it;
if you want to know the mind of a man, listen to his speeches;
you want to comprehend the heart of a woman -
you'll never get it!"
This toast is for beautiful, but incomprehensible women!


As they say at the festive table,
Let's drink to the beautiful companions.
And flattery today has nothing to do with it,
She just destroys the whole undertaking.
But our women are worthy of big words,
They are sure to brighten up the holidays.
And therefore we boldly drink for them.
Let the companions learn about the power of their charms!


A reckless woman abandons a wealthy husband in the name of an ardent lover.
The prudent one chooses a rich husband, refusing an ardent lover.
A wise woman refuses neither.
For wise women!


What should be a good wife?
A good wife must be a good B.,
have a large J. and hold H tightly.
B - grandmother;
Zh - living space;
X - economy.
And if she also possesses
what did you think - she is an ideal wife!
For ideal wives!


Women throughout their lives give us, men, their beauty, their strength, care, energy.
First we get all this from the mother, then from the girlfriend, then from the wife, daughter...
Let's drink to our beloved mothers, spouses, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and friends giving us their warmth and tenderness for as long as possible!


So, for women!
To languish in them
And kindness
And a reserve of courage.
So that without resistance
At their mercy
The tigers surrendered
Slumbering in us!


An impeccable woman is one that is difficult to reproach for wanting to look better than she really is.
For flawless women!


Carry women in your arms
Catch their smile on their lips
You will see so much joy in the eyes,
And so much happiness in loving hearts!
After all, the main thing in life is to find love,
And bear the tenderness of feelings through the years
Let's drink to a dream
Find the only one!
Let's drink to the charm of women, to their captivating smiles! The path from the eyes shine, but the joy does not leave the beautiful faces!


The outstanding Polish satirist Stanislaw Jerzy Lec said: the eternal riddle is not the one that has no clue, but the one that has a new clue every day. Let's drink to our mysterious women who do not stop surprising us with new clues every day!


Oh woman! Soul languishes
And the thirst is getting stronger and stronger!
Let's get drunk today!
Pour some wine into our glasses!


An angelic woman is one who will make an angel out of any trait.
For angelic women!


For the sun to shine, the sky to turn blue, roses to bloom, and women to be beautiful!


Here are the words of Valery Bryusov:
You are a woman, you are a book between books,
You are a rolled up, sealed scroll;
In his lines and thoughts, and words in abundance,
In his sheets every moment is insane.
Someone will call the last line a poetic exaggeration or say that it is very controversial. But there is no doubt: if there were no women, we men would definitely go crazy!
So let's drink to our beautiful women!


The beauty of women does not depend on the sparkle of her diamonds, but on the sparkle in her eyes. Let's drink to women and wish the hearts of men to light up from the radiance of your eyes.

Today only one toast is holy - For a woman!
After all, this is a lot.
To stand up to their full height
And keep your head up high!
Glory to our girls
Delicate and adorable!
Glory to our women
Sweet and kind!

Birthday toast to a woman

An impeccable woman is one that is difficult
blame the desire to look better,
what she really is.
For the perfect woman!

Anniversary toast to a woman

What is time? Nobody knows for sure. Therefore, the anniversary cannot be taken seriously - it is just a thought in the human mind, a notion. But it is known for certain that a person receives respect not for age, but for his deeds, thoughts and words. And I am glad that I can raise a glass not just for the anniversary, but for the person sitting in front of us. A man with a capital letter, who won my respect for her actions! For you, (Name)!

Toast congratulations to a woman

One famous person said: “Being a man is a lot, but being a woman is even more!”. Let's drink to our dear<>, who is not only an excellent worker, but also a wonderful woman. For her ability to always look charming, cheer up, support and professionally do her job!

Cool toast for the anniversary of a woman

Sweet, kind, gentle -
You are so beautiful now!
Let it be as fresh
With sparkling eyes,
You will please us for a long time,
On our birthday, we
The best award in the world
The prettiest of ladies!
Let's drink to adversity
Your eyes were not clouded
Let's drink to the fact that with age
Was in it, as before, enthusiasm!

Cool short toast to a woman for her anniversary

On your anniversary, I wish you to choose the sweetest piece of the birthday cake and eat it with appetite! And then with exactly the same appetite to absorb all the best that is in life! I also wish you fruitful everyday life and a fun weekend! May you succeed in any business, may your success be above all expectations!

Cool birthday toast for a woman

Today we all gathered in this hall to celebrate the anniversary of our dear (name) - a charming and sweet woman. After all, our whole life is based on the shoulders of just such people. There is no price for such hardworking and modest women. Therefore, I propose to fill and raise glasses for her health, well-being, kindness and endless patience!

Funny toast to a woman

Unfortunately, for many women, the mind, honor and conscience are in one place. And besides the girlish honor, they have no other.
For ... (name), which has all these qualities and stores them in different places!

Toast to a woman with humor

I will start a toast to the health of our hero of the day with the words of the Roman poet Publius Ovid Nason:
There is no need to count the years: people live longer.
The point is not in years, but in deeds - they must be counted.

Toast to a woman for 50 years

Today is the anniversary of the wonderful and charming hostess of our celebration. As one famous sage said: “Like fireworks and torches that turn pale and become completely invisible from sunlight, even the most brilliant mind, just like beauty, is eclipsed and fades before the kindness of the heart.”
I propose to drink for the boundless kindness of our dear hero of the day, who, like the sun, warms us all. Happiness to you and health! For you!

50th anniversary toast to a woman

Today we celebrate the anniversary of ... (name), a sweet and charming woman, one of those on whose shoulders our life rests. There is no price for such modest and hardworking women. Therefore, let us pay tribute to her and drain our glasses for her health, for her well-being, for her work and kindness!

Toast for 55 years to a woman

The French say: "If in youth we have the face that nature gave us, then in maturity - the one that we deserve." I absolutely agree with them, dear. You are always in a good mood. Your charming smile delights us. And so the years have no power over you. You radiate feminine beauty and kindness. On your anniversary, I wish you to remain as cheerful and generous. I kneel before you. And I raise this glass in your honor!

55th anniversary toast to a woman

Our beloved and dear hero of the day! We sincerely congratulate you on your holiday. We sincerely wish you to remain the same cheerful, beautiful, self-confident. We also wish you health, good luck, success, career growth and fulfillment of all your plans. Your beauty and mind will allow you to build your own destiny. So let life be generous and supportive to you, give you health and success, peace, confidence and inner harmony. Let not age, but life light, luck, optimism, and faith in the best be added with every passing year. And also love to you, which inspires and fills with meaning all aspirations. Happy holiday to you!

Toast to a woman for 60 years

Our today's hero of the occasion has always evoked a feeling of admiration in many men. She is able to masterfully play the roles of mother, wife, grandmother, mother-in-law and a wonderful person. After all, the true wealth on earth is not gold and jewelry, but people. I congratulate our dear birthday girl on her anniversary and drink to this priceless treasure of your family!