The name is nicholas in the church. Day of the angel and the name day of nicholas. The meaning of the name Nikolai for a boy is brief

Name Nikolay comes from the ancient Greek Nikolaos, whose roots "nika" - victory and "laos" - people, determine the meaning of the name, as the winner of the peoples, conquering the people.

Reliable and good, however, a somewhat harsh name. He is characterized by tenderness and kindness.

Among the numerous patron saints of this name, the miracle worker, archbishop Nikolay Mirlikisky .

The great Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in Asia Minor in the city of Patara. Miraculous signs of his life began to occur from the very birth, as if pointing to the great destiny of the holy baby for the Church of Christ. As bishop of the city of Myra in Lycia, the saint became glorified as a great saint of God, a miracle worker and a prayer book, filled with love for people and God.

Once, having appeared at the place of execution of three townspeople, he dared to snatch the sword from the executioner's hands and publicly expose the bribed judge. He was also able to save three generals from death by coming to Emperor Constantine in a dream and explaining his mistake to him. In times of famine, he again appeared in a dream to the grain merchant and ordered him to send all the goods to Mir. There are many legends and stories about the miracles of Nicholas, in which he rescues drowning people and seafarers, brings schoolchildren back to life, cut to pieces by the villain. In Russia, the cult of Nicholas is especially wide: he is the patron saint of carpenters, tirelessly helping the peasants, the bearer of beneficent natural forces in the image of Santa Claus.

Another patron is the holy fool for Christ's sake, Blessed Nikolai of Pskov, who lived in the 16th century. During his life, he performed many signs and wonders, but his main merit was the salvation of the city of Pskov from the irrepressible anger of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

Nikolai Pskovsky died in 1576.

Modern Nikolay Is a dark horse: his thoughts and actions are impossible to predict. Differs in tremendous self-control, which is easy enough to explain: there are very few things in life that are truly capable of touching his cold heart. As a ruthless analyst, he constantly tries to pretend that he is friendly and simple. Although, like all people, Nikolai thirsts for care and love, therefore, those who are kind to him respond with devotion and tenderness.

4 August - For Christ's sake, the holy fool Nikolai Novgorodsky, Kochanov.
March 22 - Martyr Nikolai of Sevastia.
January 6 - Schema monk Nikolai the Slav.
February 17 - hegumen, confessor Nikolai Studiysky.
16 february - Archbishop Nicholas of Japan, Equal to the Apostles.
March 13 - For Christ's sake, holy fool, Nikolai Sallos of Pskov (Blessed).
May 22, December 19 - Archbishop, miracle worker Nicholas of Mirliki.

The meaning of the name Nikolai, like other names, must be sought in its origin. And so, history, and then the meaning of the name Nikolai.

The name Nikolai came to the Russian language along with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Russia. Most of the names that are popular today are of Greek, Roman and Hebrew origin. The name Nikolay is a Greek name consisting of two parts. These are the Greek νικαο - "to conquer" and λαός - "people". Consequently, meaning of the name Nikolai - "winner of the peoples".

The meaning of the name Nikolai for a child

Little Kolya is growing up as a calm and sociable child. He easily makes acquaintances in kindergarten and at school, makes good contact with adults. Nikolai is rarely capricious, and if he does show impatience, it’s probably not his fault. His friends appreciate him and he is popular in the children's team.

In his studies, Nikolai's calmness is transformed into perseverance and perseverance. He does not always grasp everything on the fly, but his diligence helps him to study at a good level. Various active sports are good. She happily goes to workouts after school. Especially for various martial arts.

Nikolai's health is strong. He is growing up as a wonderful healthy child. But like everywhere else, not without problems. It is advisable to direct his activity in adolescence to a peaceful channel. Sports and parents' attention to upbringing will do their job.

Abbreviated name Nikolay

Kolya, Kolya, Kolya, Kolya, Kolya, Kolya, Nikolakha, Nika.

Diminutive names

Kolya, Kolya, Niki, Kolunya, Nikusha, Nikolasha, Nicolas.

Patronymic of children

Nikolaevich and Nikolaevna. The popular forms of abbreviation are Nikolaich and Nikolaichna.

Name Nikolay in English

IN english language the name Nikolai is spelled as Nicholas or Nikolas.

Name Nikolay for passport - NIKOLAI, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Nikolai into other languages

in Arabic - نيكولاس (This is how the name of St. Nicholas is spelled)
in Armenian - Նիկողայոս (Nikolayos)
in Belarusian - Mikalaj, Mikola
in Bulgarian - Nikola
in Hungarian - Miklós
in Greek - Νικόλαος and Νικόλας
in Georgian - ნიკოლოზ (Nikoloz)
in Spanish - Nicolás
in Italian - Nicolas and Niccolò
in Chinese - 尼古拉斯
in Latin - Nicolaus
in German - Nickolaus and Nicolas
in Polish - Mikołaj
in Portuguese - Nicolau
in Romanian - Nicolae, Niculae
in Serbian - Nikolaј, Nikola
in Slovak - Mikoláš, Mikuláš and Nikola
in Slovenian - Miklavž
in Ukrainian - Mykolaj, Mikola
in Finnish - Nikolaus
in French - Nicolas
in Croatian - Nikola and Nikula
in Czech - Mikuláš, Mikoláš and Nikola
in Swedish - Nikolaus and Nicklas
in Japanese - ニ コ ラ ス (Hitonosori, meaning "victory of the people")

Name Nikolai in church remains unchanged - Nikolai. Nikolai is one of the most revered names in the church.

Characteristics of the name Nikolai

If we try to briefly describe Nicholas, then his most important feature can be called restraint (self-control). He is so unshakable in his calmness that sometimes there may be a feeling of some kind of detachment, but this is not at all the case. This is one of the outward manifestations of his analytical mind. He kind of observes everything from the outside and only sometimes interferes with what is happening.

Work for Nikolai is quite important in life. He is inclined to systematize any process. In his pursuit of efficiency, he completely loses his humanity, which sometimes becomes an obstacle in communicating with colleagues. However, for the position of a manager or systems analyst, he is the ideal candidate.

Family for Nikolai is one of the most important components of his life. He perceives the family as one of the criteria for assessing his own success, so that the family will be like in the picture. Likes to work around the house, and especially if it is not an apartment, but a house. Loves children and enjoys spending time with them. Likes to have a good rest with his family.

The mystery of the name Nikolai

The secret of Nicholas can be called a tendency to tyranny in the management of employees. He is so hardworking himself that the slightest flaw of a subordinate causes anger in him. Its employees are not to be envied, they will work until the seventh sweat or 24 hours a day.

Another secret is Nikolai's jealousy. He will not allow even the easiest flirting to his soul mate. Even a friendly kiss on the cheek can make him jealous. However, a lady who will put up with this will have a wonderful man and a wonderful life partner next to her.

Planet - Jupiter.

Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

Totem animal - Knight or bishop.

Name color - Green.

Wood - Ash.

Plant - Gladiolus.

A rock - Emerald and sapphire.

The fashion for names is always changing rapidly. If about twenty years ago Sasha, Seryozha, Lena and Ani went to first grade, then ten years later they were replaced by Nastya, Alina, Kirill. It happens that children are named in the spirit of the times, sometimes - in honor of outstanding relatives or just grandparents. IN recent times people again began to resort to the calendar, and the forgotten old nominal forms Miron, Nazar, Matvey came to life. But there are names that are always popular and loved. The names of Nikolai, Andrey, Alexander have been celebrated for thousands of years, but they are not perceived archaic.

Name Nikolay

The name has Greek roots, and its translation means "conquering people".

These people are in good health since childhood due to their increased energy tone. They are enough both for good training and for sufficient communication with peers.

As a rule, Nicholas are balanced people, they approach making decisions in the same way.

Hardworking, sociable and friendly - all this is about Nikolai. Quite a demanding leader.

By nature, he is an amorous person, in love he is prone to adventures. He may marry a girl she doesn't know well, but thanks to good intuition, he will be right. Loves children, pampers.

You should be careful with alcoholic beverages.

Nikolai is essentially a secretive person. Strives for development and has its own opinion. He never reveals his true motives to the end.

Day Angel

Nikolai's birthday church calendar are very common and happen almost every week. A lot of people named by that name have canonized the church at different times.

Celebrates on February 28 Pskov Nikolay name day. The Orthodox call him Nikula. On this day, the church celebrates the day of his death.

The people in Russia, especially children, were expecting the name day of Nicholas the Wonderworker, or Nicholas the Ugodnik, which falls on December 19 and May 22.

Saint Nicholas of Mirliki is considered the patron saint of children and disadvantaged people. Our people love him for his kindness and generosity.

According to one of the legends, he helped the family to marry the daughters without daughters by throwing a bag of gold into the house.

Nicholas the Wonderworker became the prototype of Santa Claus. Patronizes sailors and travelers.

The name Nikolai is identical to the nominal form Nicodemus. Initially, it was customary for the Old Believers to call Nicholas Nicholas. This form was considered correct.

Name day of Nikolai the Pleasant

According to the church calendar, they occur twice a year. People say: "Nikola Zimny \u200b\u200band Nikola Letniy: one with frost, the other with grass." Both holidays are important for people working with the land.

Legend has it that a peasant was driving with a wagon and got stuck in a muddy puddle. The wagon was loaded, he himself could not cope with the trouble.

At this time, Kasyan was heading to God in paradise, he walked by, but did not respond to the call for help from the peasant. So the peasant would have spent the day in the mud, if Saint Nicholas had not come to his aid. He helped the peasant to get out, but he got covered in mud. So Nikola went to heaven.

Both saints came to God, and he asked why Nikolai was late and looked untidy. The saint told about the incident, then the Lord was curious why Kasyan did not help the peasant? He said that he was afraid not to be in time for the meeting and get dirty.

God reasoned: since Kasian did not help, his name day will be celebrated once every four years, and the name day of Nicholas according to the church calendar will be celebrated twice a year.

So it happened that Kasyan had an angel's day on February 29. The birthday of Nicholas the Pleasure is honored on May 22 - when his relics arrived in the Italian city of Baria from Turkish Lycia, and on December 19 - on the day of the saint's death.

Life and miracles

Saint Nicholas is an ambulance, he loves the people. And this love is mutual. The man was a model of a meek disposition. Saint Nicholas was a follower of the Apostles of the Lord, he was considered a zealous disciple of God and a teacher of people.

Three centuries later, after the crucifixion of Christ, at the first Ecumenical Council, with his help, it was proved that Jesus Christ is one of the hypostases of the Holy Trinity. He fought against heresy and ignorance.

During his lifetime, this man was known for acting as a conciliator of warring parties. He defended the innocent at trial, delivering them from death.

There are legends that he resurrected a lifeless sailor with a prayer.

Once Saint Nicholas helped the starving Lycia. He appeared in a dream to a bread merchant who was going to the West, and told him to bring food to Turkey. Nikolai promised to buy all the bread from the sailor and gave money in advance. When the merchant woke up, he found coins in his hand and hurried to Lycia with bread. So the people were saved from hunger.

Signs and traditions

It is Winter Nikola which is celebrated on a special scale. Although the dishes are all lean, friends and relatives are called. Honey cakes and cakes are baked and served to children.

On this day, you definitely need to do something for a stranger who needs help. It is believed that if you do not pay attention to disadvantaged people, then the next seven years will be difficult and unprofitable.

Gifts are sure to be given to children. The Slavs put them under the pillow, and the Europeans put them in hanging socks, next to which they put a carrot for the donkey on which the saint moved.

"Varvara plows, Savva sharpens nails, and Nikola hammers." From that day, severe frosts began.

People said: "Nikolai would have arrived in time, and there winter would come for him," "After Nikolai's day, you can praise the winter", "In the winter before Nikolai, a thaw may come."

Each year there are two Nikolaos: there is no cold until the winter, and the warmth before the summer.

How much snow on winter Nikolay, so much grass will be on the summer.

Rite of passage for the day of Nicholas the Pleasure

On the name day of Nicholas, prepare 40 candles and an icon of the saint. You will need matches and a plate of salt.

After that, put all the candles in a bowl of salt and light them. You need to take a wide plate for this amount. When the candles are lit, you need to read a prayer to the Wonderworker, and then a letter. After reading it, you can burn it in the flame of candles and wait until they burn out completely.

The ashes must be thrown to the wind, and the candle ends must be collected in a bag and put behind the icon of the saint for a year. After a while, they should be taken to the church and placed there.

The saint, loved and respected by the people, has not been forgotten to this day. He lives in legends and legends, in people named in his honor. And he will continue to live as long as he is remembered and honored.

When, according to the church calendar, the name day of Nicholas: May 22, December 19 - Nicholas of Mirlikisky, archbishop, miracle worker, August 10 - Nicholas of Novgorod, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, March 22 - Nicholas of Sevastopol, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Nikolai:

From the ancient Greek language - the winner of the peoples - Nikola, Mikola. Nikolai's birthday four times a year. In the old days, schismatics vehemently rejected the Greek name Nicholas as "dog", because of the ending "bark". Therefore, the only correct form was considered - Nikola, Cola. Looking at the handsome, funny, sexy Nikolai, he just wants to sing "Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai, stay at home - don't walk!"

But Kolya - at least sing, even scold, at least close the doors - he will still run away with a pretty girl. And if he also likes her, then in a day or two she will already become his legal wife. After all, Kolya is terribly in love, and also very jealous. However, he can still be forgiven a lot. It literally works day and night. During the day at the service he gives all the best "from and to", and in the evening he arranges his house. If he is a simple employee, then with his colleagues he is a “shirt-guy”.

Well, if he is the boss, then he behaves like a “specific prince”. In this case, if one of the subordinates sees him in anger, then he runs away from his eyes. However, this situation, as a rule, does not last long. After all, Nikolai is essentially balanced, easy-going, friendly. At home (in the family) Nikolai is an exemplary, caring husband and father.

He just adores his children. Allows them to do whatever they want. But Nikolai himself should restrict something, in particular, excessive alcohol consumption.

Nikolai regards himself as the center of action, relatively little feeling other forces above and below him. He overestimates his importance in the world, and it seems to him that everything around does not happen by itself, organically unfolding and guided by forces that have nothing to do with the implementation of human plans, but must certainly be done by some reasonable will.

Congratulations on Nikolai's birthday:

Do not forget to celebrate Nikolai's name day and congratulate Nikolai on the day of the angel.

We want to congratulate Nikolay

Happy name day

We respect you Kolya

How we love Kolya

Be the same as an Angel!

May fate please you more

creative events,

but for this, be you too,

Nikolay, by all means active!

In life, so kings were baptized

And devotion, love was given.

And apparently the custom has survived,

You, too, were born a king:

The environment loves you so much

Everyone respects your opinion.

For everything, perhaps, your will

Congratulations, Kolya!

Nikolay, you today

My congratulations.

I wish you a lot

And good luck and love.

Friendship, sincere and faithful,

And spiritual beauty.

Name day, that's right

All dreams come true!

The name that a person receives at birth forms his character and determines his future destiny. Parents, deciding to name their son Nicholas, should know that this name came to us in the ancient Greek language and is translated as "The winner of the nations." Nikolai is one of the common male names. In ancient times, many received this name, so during the year we celebrate several name days.

Nikolay - name day

Day Angel - this is a special date when it is customary to remember the saint. This holiday can be considered theirs by those who were named after the saint who was born on that day. But only baptized people can celebrate Angel's Day. Then a person acquires a patron and protector for life.

In case of trouble, one can hope for the intercession of the Saint before God.

The name "Nikolai" occurs 112 times in the calendar, so it is difficult to name a specific date for the celebration. Most often, the name day is celebrated on the next day of the saint's memory.

The character and fate of Nikolai

To know what to present as a gift to a person with such a beautiful and regal name, you need to know main character traitsthat he possesses. Most often it is

  • intelligence and practicality;
  • hard work;
  • self-confidence and exactingness to others;
  • irascibility and jealousy.

In childhood, boys named by this name love their mother very much and try to obey her in everything, but with age they begin to show more and more independence, expressing various protests. Sometimes it is impossible to predict his thoughts and actions. In his youth, his fate is subject to changes in mood. Fate sends him various tests, which he withstands with honor. over time, his life is getting better. And a calm guy turns into a self-sufficient and purposeful man.

Personal life is going well. Seeing the lady of his heart, he immediately invites her on a date, and then offers his hand and heart, but he is extremely jealous. If the spouse is suspected of treason, he will begin to take revenge in the same way. As a result, the family will break up. But if everything goes well, he becomes a wonderful husband and father.

Name dates

Here are the most common days on which Nikolai celebrates his birthday orthodox calendar... Dates are in new style.

The most revered is Nicholas the Wonderworker, whose name day falls on December 6 in the old style and on December 19 in the new. This is the most revered date among all the saints with this name.

The life story of the Wonderworker

There are many legends and legends about this man.... The time of his life falls on the III-IV centuries. eka AD. He was born in the city of Patara, which is located in Central Asia. His parents were pious but had no children. Then, in fervent prayer, they implored the child from God, promising the Lord that the boy would serve him until the end of his days. And already in infancy, little Nikola began to show a special zeal for God. There is such a belief that during baptism he stood alone in the font for 3 hours.

His parents taught him Christian truths and values \u200b\u200bfrom childhood. He did not like playing with peers; his favorite pastime was reading theological books and prayer.

When he became a priest, he became even more pious and performed all his deeds in solitude. He helped poor people as best he could, so his deeds remained in people's memory forever. Therefore, the name day of Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered very important in Orthodoxy.

Therefore, everyone who decides to call a child by this name gives the person a reliable protector and patron. The angel will always protect him, protect and instruct him on the true, God's path.

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