Vowels before the suffix vsh. Topic: “Real participles of the past tense. vowels before the suffix –vsh- in dppv. Short and full participles

Spelling: spelling participle suffixes(formation of active participles of the present and past tense, passive participles of the present and past tense).

Formation of active present participles

Active present participles are formed from the stem of imperfect present tense verbs using suffixes -ushch (-yushch) from verbs of the 1st conjugation and suffixes -ashch (-box) from verbs of the 2nd conjugation: play - the one who plays, writes - the one who writes, shaves - the one who shaves, builds - the one who builds, shouts - the one who screams, sees - the one who sees.

Formation of active past participles

Active past participles are formed from the stem of the indefinite form using suffixes -vsh- (-sh-). Suffix -vsh- used if the stem of the indefinite form ends in a vowel: read - read, laugh - laughed . In this case, the suffix of the indefinite form is preserved before -vsh- just like in the past tense of the verb before -l: see - saw - having seen, melt - melted - melted.

Suffix -sh- used if the stem of the indefinite form ends in a consonant, as, for example, in all verbs ending in -whose. In this case, there is an alternation h/g, k. By using -sh- participles are formed from verbs ending -ty(in this case, alternations are also possible).

Formation of present passive participles

Present passive participles are formed from the present tense stem of transitive imperfective verbs using suffixes -eat- (-om-) from verbs of the 1st conjugation and suffix -them- from verbs of the 2nd conjugation: lead - led, respect - respected, see - visible, store - stored . You need to remember the participle with the suffix -them-- movable (in the meaning of “impelled”: “driven by a feeling of remorse”; also used in relation to property that can be moved). This participle is not formed from the verb move (I conjugation), and from an obsolete verb "move" .

Many transitive verbs have passive present participles Not are formed (for example, take, wait, reap, write, wash, pour, beat, drink and etc.). At the same time, there are several passive participles formed from intransitive verbs: preceded, guided, controlled .

Passive present participles should not be confused with verbal adjectives with suffixes -eat-, -im-(fossil, permissible, incomparable, invincible, inextinguishable). Such adjectives can be formed from intransitive verbs (dependent, inexhaustible, waterproof, incessant, unfading, incombustible) and from perfective verbs (beg - inexorable). Most of them are not used without the prefix Not-(imperturbable, unbearable, invisible, innumerable, inexhaustible). Features that are indicated by verbal adjectives are constant and do not occur over time (unlike features indicated by participles).

Formation of passive past participles

Passive past participles are formed from the bases of the indefinite form of transitive verbs using suffixes -nn-, -enn- (-yonn-), -t- (read, seen, decided, understood ).

Using a suffix -nn- -at, -yat. In this case, the verb suffix -A- or -I- preserved before the participle suffix - nn-(sow - sown, knead - mixed).

Using a suffix -enn- (yonn-) Passive past participles are formed from verbs in -it, -et. In this case, the verb suffix -And- or -e- is cut off ( seal - sealed, see - seen, offend - offended, ask - asked ). Participle suffixes -enn- (-yonn-) also used to form participles from verbs with a consonant as a stem (verbs with -whose: captivate - captivated, save - saved ; verbs with endings -ty: bring - brought, weave - intertwined ).

Table “Spelling of participle suffixes”

You looked at the Russian language notes. Continuation of the topic “Communion is” in the following notes:

SUBJECT: " Active past participles.

Vowels before the suffix –vsh- in DPPV.”

TYPE OF LESSON: discovery of new knowledge.

Equipment, demonstration material.

1.Task for motivation for learning activities.

Let's be friends, communion!

Let's not create misfortune.

We will write you correctly,

Convert and use in language .

2. Tasks for updating knowledge.

1. I love the smoke of burnt stubble,

A convoy spending the night in the steppe

And on a hill in the middle of a yellow field

A couple of white birches. (M. Yu. Lermontov.)

2. Trembling with fear, galloping horses, who built the house, the attending physician,

melting snow.

3. Standard. Algorithm “Spelling of vowels in suffixes of active participles.”

1. Determine the time of communion

present past

2. Determine conjugation 2. Determine vowel

verb from which there is an infinitive

formed the participle of the verb from which it is formed


I Ref. II Ref.



-e- + -vsh-


-ush- (-yush-) -ash- (-box-)

4. Tasks for initial consolidation.

1. Explain the spelling of vowels before the suffix –vsh- in DPPV.

Dispelling doubts, falling hail

who built the building melted snow

repentant sinner putting up leaflets

exhausted along the way, worried about loved ones

the one who heard first finished the work

fulfilled the conditions melted snow

hail storm

2. Insert missing suffixes into verbs in the indefinite form. Form active past participles. Highlight the suffixes of verbs and participles.

la...t - glue...t - ball...t -

sk...th - believe...th - smooth...th -

ma...t - measure...t - look...t

hope - hope - hate -

re...t - argue...t - hang...t -

5. Assignment for independent work.

Fill in the missing letters. Graphically indicate the spelling “Vowels before the suffix -vsh- in active past participles.”

Those who harbored anger, cared... for children, spent... money, measured the depth, noticed... unkindness, expressed sympathy, met... with colleagues, forced... to retreat, decided... over the clearing, prepared... taking exams, seeing with my own eyes, hearing about what happened.

6. Standard for self-testing of independent work assignments.

cared for children (from v. take care)

spent funds (from the verb. spend)

measured the depth (from the verb. measure)

who noticed something unkind from ch. notice)

expressing sympathy (from v. express)

met colleagues (from v. get acquainted)

forced to retreat (from v. force)

soaring over the clearing (from the verb. soar)

prepared for exams (from v. prepare)

saw with my own eyes (from v. see)

heard about what happened (from v. hear)


1. Motivation for educational activities.

Goal: 1) create conditions for motivation for educational activities;

2) determine the content of the lesson: continue to introduce students to

spelling of participle suffixes.

Organization of the educational process at stage 1.

1.Reading a poem.

2. Dialogue with students:

Do you think we have already become firmly established with the spelling of all participles? (No)

What participles did you learn to write in the last lesson?

(Active present participles)

Do we need to know about the spelling of other participles? (Yes)

Shall we try to do this together today? (Yes)

I hope that in this lesson you will successfully discover new knowledge.

in spelling participles.

II . Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in a trial action.

Goal: 1) to update the educational content necessary for the perception of new things

material: spelling vowels in suffixes of active participles

present tense;

2) update mental operations: comparison, juxtaposition, analysis,


3) organize the updating of the studied method of action: the algorithm for determining

conditions for writing vowels in DPNV suffixes;

4) organize and record individual difficulties in activities,

demonstrating insufficient existing knowledge in vowel spelling

before the suffix –вш- in active past participles.

Organization of the educational process at stage 2.

1. Recording and dictation of an excerpt from a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov. (One student does this work on the board). Text analysis tasks: - what poetic picture did you present? - What is the author’s attitude towards what is being described? - give an interpretation of the lexical meaning of the words: “stubble”, “niva”, “cheta”; - perform punctuation analysis of the sentence - what spelling problem did you solve in DPNV? - what method of action should be used to solve this problem?
(Algorithm “Spelling suffixes of active present participles”).

2. Repetition of this algorithm, step-by-step pronunciation of its parts. (The graphic design of this algorithm in the general algorithm “Spelling of vowels in suffixes of real participles” is sequentially opened on the board.

3. Solving a spelling problem using an algorithm. (One student works on the board).

4. Individual task with difficulty:

Graphically indicate the spelling “Vowels in DPNV suffixes.”

5. Checking the completion of the task using the algorithm. (The phrases should remain: “who built the house” and “melted snow”).

III . Identifying the location and cause of the problem.

Goal: 1) organize communicative interaction, during which the

in loud speech, the place and reason for the difficulty in writing the vowel before -vsh-;

2) agree on the purpose and topic of the lesson.

Organization of the educational process at stage 3.

Why do you still have phrases with participles?

in which you could not indicate the spelling?

(This is DPPV, and we don’t know which method of action to use to write vowels before the suffix -vsh-).

What is the reason for the difficulty, since we have an algorithm?

(This is the algorithm “Spelling vowels in DPPV suffixes”, we need an algorithm for DPPV).

What is the purpose of our lesson?

Target: 1. Open the algorithm “Spelling a vowel letter before the suffix –vsh-DPPV”.

2. Learn to correctly write vowels before the suffix –vsh-DPPV.

Name the topic of the lesson.

Subject: Active past participles. Vowels before the suffix –вш-

in DPPV.

IV . Building a way out of a difficulty.

Goal: 1) organize communicative interaction to determine the method

way out of difficulty;

2) build a plan to achieve the goal.

Organization of the educational process at stage 4.

How do you propose to achieve the objectives of the lesson?

(Possible hint: remember our modus operandi when studying TDNV).

What plan will we make?

(1. Consider the formation of DPPV.

2. Let’s try to draw a conclusion about the conditions for writing a vowel before the suffix –vsh-.

3. Let us derive an algorithm for a new method of action).

V . Implementation of the completed project.

Goal: 1) organize communicative interaction for the implementation of the project,

aimed at discovering new knowledge: the “Spelling” algorithm

vowels before the suffix –vsh- in DPPV”;

2) fix a new method of action in external speech and symbolically;

3) organize clarification of the general nature of new knowledge

Organization of the educational process at stage 5.

1. Observation of the peculiarities of the formation of DPPV, analysis and comparison of examples from a task with difficulty, conclusions.

Write down DPPV from the remaining phrases, determine the method of formation, draw a conclusion in the form of a diagram.

(One student does the work on the board).

built - build (Soviet view)

Melted - melt (unsightly)

Conclusion No. 1 . DPPV are formed from the base of the infinitive of perfective and imperfective verbs using the suffix –vsh-. (Writing with a scheme).

Have we considered all cases of DPPV formation?

(No, because DPPV can have the suffix –sh-).

Give examples, show how they are formed,

draw a conclusion.

Grown up - grow up (owl species)

Nesny - to carry (nesov.v.)

Conclusion No. 2 . DPPV are formed from the base of the perfective and imperfective infinitive using the suffix –sh-. (Recording with a scheme).

Compare both cases of education. What other conclusion

we must do?

(About when the suffix -vsh- and when the suffix -sh- is added.

Conclusion No. 3 . If the stem of the infinitive of the verb ends in vowels, then the participle is formed using the suffix -вш-;

if the stem of the infinitive ends in consonants, then the participle is formed using the suffix -ш-.

2. Compare the students' output with the textbook materials on p.312.

3. Further work to resolve the project.

Which point of the plan to achieve the lesson goal have we completed? A

Is the goal itself solved?

Try to draw a conclusion about the spelling of vowels before

suffix -vsh-.

Conclusion No. 4. Before the suffix -вш- in DPPV the same vowel is written as before the suffix -т in the infinitive of the verb from which the participle is formed.

4. Comparison of the students’ output with the wording of the spelling “Vowel before the suffix –-вш- in active past participles” in the textbook on p. 315.

5. Drawing up an algorithm for a new method of action:

1. Find the infinitive from which DPPV is formed.

2. Highlight the vowel before the suffix –т.

3. Write this vowel before the suffix –вш- in DPPV.

(Introduction of the algorithm “Spelling of vowels before the suffix –vsh- in DPPV” into the general algorithm “Spelling of vowels in suffixes of real participles”).

6. Fixation of the constructed method of action in speech.

How did we act to solve the first goal of the lesson and

getting out of difficulty in completing a task? Which ones are new?

knowledge discovered?

(We examined the formation of DPPV. We came to a conclusion about the conditions for attaching the suffixes –vsh- and –sh- to the stem of the infinitive, and about preserving the vowel before the suffix –vsh-. We developed a new algorithm and included it in the general algorithm “Spelling of vowels in suffixes of real participles”)

VI . Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

Goal: 1) to record open educational content in external speech;

2) organize the implementation of standard tasks for the use of the new algorithm.

Organization of the educational process at stage 6.

Remind us of the second goal of the lesson.

What are we going to do now?

(We will train to learn how to correctly write vowels before the suffix -vsh- in DPPV using a new method of action, i.e. a new algorithm).

I think you'll handle this well.

1. Explain the spelling of vowels before the suffix –vsh- in DPPV according to (Work on handout cards).

2. Insert missing suffixes into verbs in the indefinite form. Form active past participles. Highlight the suffixes of verbs and participles. (E.S. Barova, M.R. Bogdanova. Independent and testing work In Russian. 6th grade. Page 6, task No. 3).

VII . Independent work with self-test against the standard.

Goal: 1) organize students’ independent completion of tasks for a new

way of operating and applying new educational content;

2) organize a self-test of the completed task by comparing

with a standard;

3) organize, if necessary, the correction of mistakes;

4) create conditions for the success of each student.

Organization of the educational process at stage 7.

1. Card No. 1. Self-test against the standard. Self-esteem: “+” - if true; "?" - if there are errors.

Where did the difficulty arise and why?

VIII . Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Goal: 1) train the skill of using new content with previously studied

topics: spelling of vowels in DPNV suffixes, punctuation in sentences

with participial phrases;

2) train the skill of using the “Spelling Suffixes” algorithm

real participles."

Organization of the educational process at stage 8.

1. Selective distribution dictation : in 1 column write down the active participles, the vowels in the suffixes of which depend on the conjugation of the verb, in 2 - on the vowel base of the infinitive from which the participles are formed. Identify spelling patterns in participle suffixes.

Loving brother, dependent on the weather, offended by brother, ended

the game, who heard the song, who hated lies, who rumbled in the distance, who believed in luck.

2. "The third wheel." Prove your choice.

1) who saw , performed, pasted;

2) he who sowed, who hated,melted ;

3) whipping, writing, breathable ;

4) blewjumping out th, ridiculed;

5) are fighting , trembling, hearing.

3. Game “Put it back in place.” Determine the correct location of the participial phrase, perform punctuation analysis; indicate spellings in the suffixes of participles (Work with cards):

IX .Reflection of educational activities in the lesson.

Goal: 1) to record new content learned in the lesson;

2) organize children’s assessment of their own activities in the lesson;

3) organize the recording of unresolved difficulties as a direction for future

educational activities;

4) discuss and write down homework.

Organization of the educational process at stage 9.

1.Dialogue with students.

What was the difficulty in the lesson when discovering new knowledge?

What goals did we set for ourselves? Have you achieved them?

How did we discover new knowledge?

What did they “discover” today?

Try to evaluate the level of new knowledge and your activities

in class, marking it on the card.

2.Discussion and recording of homework.

1) pp. 312, 315 (learn theoretical material)

2) Exercise 580.

1) The driver drove an electric locomotive for the first time in his life, having recently completed courses.

2) There were a lot of fresh bear tracks in the wet snow, scattering glass grains underfoot.

3) The sultry sky shone high and motionless, as if melting in the sky.

Game "Put it back in place." Determine the correct location of the participial phrase, perform punctuation analysis; indicate spellings in the suffixes of participles (Work with cards):

1) The driver drove an electric locomotive for the first time in his life, having recently completed courses.

2) There were a lot of fresh bear tracks in the wet snow, scattering glass grains underfoot.

3) The sultry sky shone high and motionless, as if melting in the sky.

Game "Put it back in place." Determine the correct location of the participial phrase, perform punctuation analysis; indicate spellings in the suffixes of participles (Work with cards):

1) The driver drove an electric locomotive for the first time in his life, having recently completed courses.

2) There were a lot of fresh bear tracks in the wet snow, scattering glass grains underfoot.

3) The sultry sky shone high and motionless, as if melting in the sky.

Game "Put it back in place." Determine the correct location of the participial phrase, perform punctuation analysis; indicate spellings in the suffixes of participles (Work with cards):

1) The driver drove an electric locomotive for the first time in his life, having recently completed courses.

2) There were a lot of fresh bear tracks in the wet snow, scattering glass grains underfoot.

3) The sultry sky shone high and motionless, as if melting in the sky.

Game "Put it back in place." Determine the correct location of the participial phrase, perform punctuation analysis; indicate spellings in the suffixes of participles (Work with cards):

1) The driver drove an electric locomotive for the first time in his life, having recently completed courses.

2) There were a lot of fresh bear tracks in the wet snow, scattering glass grains underfoot.

3) The sultry sky shone high and motionless, as if melting in the sky.

Determine the verb conjugation.

In participles formed

    from verbs of the 1st conjugation, write the suffix -ushch (-yushch): knowing, reading.

    from verbs of the 2nd conjugation - -ashch (-box): loving, seeing

Pay attention: Active present participles are formed from the stems of present tense verbs:

know no,know ut– 1st conjugation, stem know + suffix -yush →knowledgeablelove it,love yat – 2nd conjugation, stem love + suffix -box →loving.

2. Suffixes -ем (-ом), -им in passive participles of the present tense: raised, visible

Determine the verb conjugation.

In participles formed from verbs

    1st conjugation, write the suffix -em -om: lifted, driven,

    2nd conjugation - -im: beloved, visible

Pay attention: Passive present participles are formed from the stems of transitive present tense verbs:

raise no,raise ut- 1st conjugation, stem raise + suffix -em liftable,love it,love yat - 2nd conjugation, stem love + suffix - -im → Darling.

Step 3. Selecting vowels in past participle suffixes.

Past participle suffixes

1. Vowels before the suffixes -вш, -ш in active past participles: saw, heard, walked

In active past participles before the suffixes -вш, -ш write the same vowel that is written at the base of the infinitive form of the verb: viewe past←looke oh, I hearA heard←heardA t.

2. Distinguishing the vowels of the suffix of the verb stem -а (я) before the suffix -NN and the suffix -ENN in the passive past participles: lost, seen

Determine the final vowel at the base of the infinitive form of the verb.

If passive participles are formed from the stem of the indefinite form of verbs

    with the suffix -a- -я-, before the participle suffix -nn- write the letters and I): lost ← lose,

    with suffixes -i- or -e- , in the suffix -enn- write the letter e:filled ← fill.

Complete tasks

Assignment from the demo version of FIPI 2015:

Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.



    take a look...




1. Put the verbs in the personal form into the indefinite form: look...look at it - look at it.

2. Determine the conjugation: stare - verb 2 sp. It is a derived verb from the verb look, So this is an exception.

3. Knowing the conjugation, determine the unstressed vowels in the personal form: inspectionAnd sew. The letter I is missing.

4. Identify the vowels in the suffixes of participles: reformed, dissolved, broken and washed.

1) transform...my, washed...my- suffer. prib. present vr., therefore, it is necessary: ​​to know the conjugation of the verbs from which they are formed: transform...my- from convert(1st reference), washed...washed- from wash(1st reference), write a vowele : transformed, washed.

2) dissolute, broken...- suffer. prib. past vr., therefore, it is necessary to know the indefinite form of the verb from which it is formed, and the suffix of this form: dissolute - from dissolve, broken...from breaking. Since in passive past participles formed from the indefinite form of a verb with the suffix and, the suffix enne is written, then write a vowele : loose, broken .

The vowel before the suffix –ВШ-of active past participles The vowel before the suffix –НН-passive past participles
Before the suffix –ВШ- the same vowel is written as before Ть in the infinitive: · see t– see Vsh y; · HEARING t- heardA Vsh y; · rasta t– rastaYa Vsh yy. If the original verb ends in the infinitive with –АТ- or –ЯТ-, then the vowel letter А, И is preserved before НН in passive past participles: · heard AT- heard; · pose YAT- sown. If the original verb ends in the infinitive with –IT- or –ET-, then only E is written before НН: · see TH– see NN y; · build TH– built.

Note 1. Spelling vowels before one N in short passive participles follows the same rule as the spelling of the vowel before NN in full passive participles: heard A t - hear A nny – heard A on the.

Note 2. Participles from verbs like become weakweaken, bleed - bleed differ in vowels E, AND before the suffix -VSH-; compare: exhaustedE gone("he who has lost his strength") and exhaustedAND gone

("depriving someone of power"); bleedingE gone(“the one who lost his blood”) and bleedingAND gone("deprived someone of blood").

Note 3. In gerunds before suffixes -IN-, -VSH- the same vowel that comes in the past tense before -L - (or in the infinitive before -th, compare: get well- E-in (recovered- e-l, get well- e-th), hear- A-in (hear- A-l, hear- A-th), akimbo- AND-leaning (akimbo- And-lying, akimbo- And-tsya).

Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

Application is a definition expressed by a noun. If an appendix is ​​the name of something in quotation marks, then the appendix is ​​inconsistent. How to use it correctly?

· If there is a common noun before the application, then the application is used in the nominative case:

I am reading Leo Tolstoy’s book “War and Peace” (Im.p.)

My mother works at the Zarya factory.

· If there is no such common noun, then the application is used in the case that is required by the context:

I admire War and Peace (TVp.)

She works at Zarya (P.P.)

What kind of mistake happens in task No. 7?

She works at the Zarya factory (that's right: at the Zarya factory).

I am reading Leo Tolstoy’s book “War and Peace” (that’s right: the book “War and Peace”).

Not written together:

1. In all cases, when without negative particle Not the word is not used, for example: ignorant, inevitable, unfortunate, indignant, unwell, unwell, lacking (meaning “not enough”), impossible, impossible, really, unbearable, unshakable, unharmed.

2. With nouns, if the negation gives the word a new, opposite meaning, for example: enemy, misfortune, if the negation gives a word that does not have this particle the meaning of opposition, negation, for example: non-specialist, non-Marxist, non-Russian, For example: disagreements between Marxists and non-Marxists; all non-specialists liked the report; a non-Russian will look without love at this pale, bloody, whip-scarred muse (Nekrasov).

3. With full and short adjectives and with adverbs -o(-e), if their combination with Not does not serve to deny any concept, but to express a new, opposite concept, for example: unhealthy looking (i.e. painful), impossible character (i.e. heavy), the sea is rough (i.e. worried), the matter is unclean (i.e. suspicious), come immediately (i.e. immediately, immediately), acted badly (i.e. bad).

4. With full participles, for which there are no explanatory words, for example: unfinished (work), unblown (flower), stainless steel (steel), unloved (child), undisguised (anger), uncompressed (stripe) (in such cases the participle is close to the adjective); But: work not completed on time, a flower not blooming due to the cold, a child not loved by the mother, students who have not yet been examined (in such cases the participle is close in meaning to the verb).

Note. With explanatory words indicating the degree of quality, Not with the participle is written together (in these cases the participles with Not close to an adjective), for example: extremely rash decision, completely inappropriate example, But: a completely inappropriate example (Not written separately due to the presence of an explanatory word to the rule ).

5. In pronouns when Not is not separated from the subsequent pronoun by a preposition, for example: someone, something, no one, nothing (But: no one, no need, no one, no reason, no reason ).
In pronominal adverbs, for example: no time, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere.

6. In adverbs no need(meaning “aimless”, for example: there is no need to go there), reluctantly; in prepositional combinations despite, despite; in a question particle really.
Writing adverbs and adverbial combinations that include a negation, a preposition and a noun or adjective (for example, unknowingly, inadvertently, by chance, beyond the power ), determined by the rules laid down in § 83, paragraphs 5 and 6.

7. In a verb prefix under-, indicating non-compliance with the required standard, for example: under execute (perform below the required standard), under look (not enough, bad look, miss something), under sprinkle (sleep less than normal).

Note. From verbs with a prefix under- it is necessary to distinguish between verbs with a prefix before-, having negation ahead of them Not and denoting an action that was not completed, for example: not up to read a book, not up to to drink tea, not up to watch the play.

Not written separately:

1. With verbs, including participial forms, for example: she doesn't drink, doesn't eat, doesn't speak; cannot help but see; without looking, without looking, without haste.
About continuous writing despite, despite and verbs with a prefix under- see § 88, paragraphs 6 and 7.

Note. Commonly used verb forms numb, numb, numb are written together.

2. In participles: a) in short form, for example: the debt is not paid, the house is not completed, the coat is not sewn b) in full form, when the participle contains explanatory words (see § 88, paragraph 4), and also when the participle contains or implies opposition, for example: he did not bring the finished work, but only individual sketches.

3. With nouns, adjectives and adverbs, if there is or is implied opposition, for example: It was not luck that led us to success, but endurance and composure; It’s not death that’s scary, it’s your disfavor that’s scary. (Pushkin); the morning came not clear, but foggy; the train is coming not fast and not slow (implied: “at some average speed”); not tomorrow (there cannot but be a contrast here).

Note. You should pay attention to some cases of separate spelling of a particle Not. Particle Not written separately:
a) if with an adjective, participle or adverb, the explanatory word is a pronoun starting with neither, For example: neither to whom (for no one, etc.) Not necessary thing, neither When Not encountered error, neither to whom Not it is profitable to undertake this;
b) if Not is part of intensifying negations far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, etc., preceding a noun, adjective or adverb, for example: He not at all friend to us, not far the only wish not at all fair decision, not at all the best way out not far enough.

4. With pronouns and pronominal adverbs, for example: not me, not this, not another, not like that, not otherwise, not like that. About cases of continuous writing Not with pronouns and pronominal adverbs, see § 88, paragraph 5.

Note. Philosophical term not me written with a hyphen.

5. With intensifying adverbs, as well as with prepositions and conjunctions, for example: not very, not quite, not quite, not from..., not under..., not that... not that.
The expression is written separately not once, For example: More than once he accused himself of being overly cautious. (Fadeev).

6. For unchangeable words that are not formed from adjectives and act as a predicate in a sentence, for example: don't mind, don't mind, don't be sorry.

7. For all words written with a hyphen, for example: all non-commercial and industrial enterprises; it is not said in Russian; They don’t sing in the old way.

Neither written together:

1. In pronouns, if the particle neither is not separated from the subsequent pronoun by a preposition, for example: no one, nothing, no one, nothing, no, no one's, no one's, no one's, But: no one, no one and so on.

2. In adverbs never, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, no way, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all and in the particle something.

In all other cases the particle neither written separately.

About using particles neither see § 48.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between revolutions none other than..., none other than... from revolutions no one else...; nothing else... For example: This was none other than your brother But: no one else could say this; It was nothing more than fire; But: nothing else could scare me.

To choose the correct participle suffix, you need to know the conditions for their spelling!

1. The spelling of the suffixes of the active present participles -УШ-, -УШЧ-, -АШ-, -ЯШ- depends on the CONJUGATION of the original verb.

2. The spelling of the suffixes of the present passive participles -IM-, -EM- depends on the CONJUGATION of the original verb.

Exception: MOVABLE

3. The spelling of the vowel letter before the suffix -ВШ- in active past participles is subject to a special rule.

Before the suffix -ВШ- of active past participles, the same vowel is written as before Ть in the initial form of the original verb.

see E t - see E heard, heard A t - hear A gone

Note: in order to correctly write the vowel letter before the suffix -ВШ-, the conjugation of the original verb does not need to be determined.

The spelling of the vowel letter before НН in passive past participles depends on whether the INITIAL FORM of the original verb ends in - АТ, -ЯТ or - ИТ, -ЭТ.


The spelling of vowels before one N in short passive participles follows the same rule as the spelling of a vowel before NN in full passive participles:

heard A t - hear A nny - heard A on the.

Algorithm for completing the task

1) Find out in which part of the word the vowel is missing:

· at the end

· in the suffix.

2) If the vowel letter is missing from the ending, then use the indefinite form to establish the conjugation of the verb:

· in the personal endings of verbs of the first conjugation the vowels E, U, Yu (EdU) are written;

· in the personal endings of verbs of the second conjugation the vowels I, A, Z are written (donkey IA).

3) If a vowel is missing in the suffix, then analyze the nature of the spelling:

· missing vowel in participle suffixes - USH-, -YUSH-, -ASH-, -YASH-, -IM-, -EM-.

· a vowel is missing before the suffix of the participles -ВШ- and -НН-.

4) Spelling of participle suffixes -USCH-, -YUSCH-, -ASCH-, -YASCH-, -IM-, -EAT- depends on the tense of the original verb:

· in participles formed from verbs of the first conjugation, the suffixes -USH-, -YUSH-, -EM- are written;

· in participles formed from verbs of the second conjugation, the suffixes are written -АШ-, -ЯШ-, -ИМ-;

5) The spelling of the vowel letter before the suffixes of the participles -ВШ- and -НН- depends on whether the initial form of the original verb ends in -АТ, -ЯТ or -Ити, -ЭТ:

· if the original verb ends in -AT or -YAT in the initial form, then the vowel letter A, I is preserved before НН in the passive past participles;

· if the original verb ends in -ITE or -ET in the initial form, then only E is written before NN;

before the suffix -VSH- the same vowel is retained, as before the end -TH in initial form.


Exercise № 1.

bed..sh / checked..dispelled / heard..my / rescue..


Exercise № 2.

acceptable / drag..sh / invisible / jump..sh / significant


Exercise № 3. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank?

burnt out / lingered / dozed..sh / top..sh / audible..my /


Exercise 4. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap?

delayed / looked..sh / pros..sh / foreseen / fulfilled..sh


Exercise 5. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap?

hover..sh / linger..sh / fight..sh / twirl..sh / invisible..my


Exercise № 6. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap?

get used to / respond.. stick / stick..sh / download..sh / controversial


Task No. 7. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap?

fighting / taking a photo / moving / falling / hoping


Task No. 8. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank?

present..sh / corral..sh / sealed..sh / completed..sh / see you..sh


Task No. 9. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank?

endure..sh / ventilate..sh / heal..sh / integral..my / tormented..my


Task No. 10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank?

wander..sh / learn..sh / grind..sh / see you..sh / disappear..sh
