How to find a virus in the list of Windows processes. Information and information processes. Basic information processes and their types Methods of teaching information technologies

Data storage. People store information either in their own memory (sometimes they say “in their mind”) or on some external media. Most often - on paper.

The information that we remember is always available to us. For example, if you memorized the multiplication table, then you don’t need to look anywhere in order to answer the question: what is five for five? Every person remembers his home address, telephone number, as well as the addresses and telephone numbers of loved ones. If we need an address or telephone number that we don’t remember, we turn to a notebook or telephone directory.

Human memory can be called operational memory. Here the word "operative" is synonymous with the word "fast". A person quickly reproduces knowledge stored in memory. We can also call our memory internal memory. Then the information stored on external media (in notebooks, reference books, encyclopedias, magnetic recordings) can be called our external memory.

People often forget something. Information on external media is stored longer and more reliably. It is with the help of external media that people pass on their knowledge from generation to generation.

Transfer of information. The dissemination of information between people occurs in the process of its transmission. Transfer can occur during direct conversation between people, through correspondence, using technical means of communication: telephone, radio, television, computer network.

There are always two sides involved in the transfer of information: there is a source and there is a receiver of information. The source transmits (sends) information, and the receiver receives (perceives) it. When reading a book or listening to a teacher, you are a receiver of information, while working on an essay on literature or answering in class, you are a source of information. Each person constantly has to move from the role of a source to the role of a receiver of information.

The transfer of information from source to receiver always occurs through some kind of transmission channel. In direct conversation, these are sound waves; in correspondence - this is postal communication; in a telephone conversation, it is a telephone communication system. During the transmission process, information may be distorted or lost if the information channels are of poor quality or there is interference (noise) on the communication line. Many people know how difficult it can be to communicate with poor telephone connections.

Data processing. Information processing is the third type of information processes. Here is a familiar example - solving a mathematical problem: given the lengths of two legs of a right triangle, you need to determine its third side - the hypotenuse. To solve a problem, a student, in addition to the initial data, must know a mathematical rule that can be used to find a solution. In this case, this is the Pythagorean theorem: “the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs.” Applying this theorem, we obtain the desired value. Here the processing is that new data is obtained by calculations performed on the original data.

Computation is just one option for processing information. New information can be derived not only through mathematical calculations. Remember the stories of Sherlock Holmes, the hero of Conan Doyle's books. Having often very confusing testimony of witnesses and circumstantial evidence as initial information, Holmes, using logical reasoning, clarified the whole picture of events and exposed the criminal. Logical reasoning is another way of processing information.

The process of processing information is not always associated with obtaining some new information. For example, when translating text from one language to another, information is processed, changing its form, but not its content.

This type of processing includes information coding. Coding is the transformation of the representation of information from one symbolic form to another, convenient for its storage, transmission or processing.

The concept of coding began to be used especially widely with the development of technical means of storing, transmitting and processing information (telegraph, radio, computers). For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, telegraph messages were encoded and transmitted using Morse code. Sometimes coding is done in order to classify the content of the text. In this case, it is called encryption.

Another type of information processing is its sorting (sometimes called ordering). For example, you decided to write down the addresses and telephone numbers of all your classmates on separate cards. In what order should these cards be folded so that it is then convenient to look for the necessary information among them? You'll most likely put them in alphabetical order by last name. In computer science, organizing data according to some rule that links it into a single whole is called structuring.

Search for information. You and I very often have to search for information: look for a translation of a foreign word in a dictionary, a phone number in a telephone directory, the departure time of a train in a railway schedule, the required formula in a mathematics textbook, a route on a metro map, a travel route in a library catalogue. information about the book you need. Many more examples can be given. All these are processes of searching for information on external media: books, diagrams, tables, card indexes.

Information processes in living nature. Is it possible to say that only human life is connected with information and information processes? Of course not! Science knows many facts confirming the occurrence of information processes in living nature. Animals are characterized by memory: they remember the way to their habitat, where they get food; Pets distinguish familiar people from strangers. Many animals have a heightened sense of smell, which carries them valuable information. Of course, the ability of animals to process information is much lower than that of humans. However, many facts of intelligent behavior indicate their ability to make certain conclusions.

Questions and tasks

    1. Give your examples of professions in which the main activity is working with information.
    2. Name the three main types of information processes.
    3. Why can information that we “remember by heart” be called operational? Give examples of operational information that you have.
    4. Give examples of situations in which you are a source of information or a receiver of information. What role have you had to perform more often today?

EDP ​​discipline. Computer Science 1st year groups
Program topic No. 1.2: Information processes
Lesson topic: Information processes: types of information processes
Lesson objectives:
Educational: Systematize knowledge about information processes and their types.
Educational: Formation of information culture and acquisition needs
Developmental: Develop skills of independent and cognitive activity.
Class type: Combined
Logistics for the lesson:
Tools and equipment: computer, projector, presentation
Information support for the lesson:
Literature: Ugrinovich, N.D. Computer Science and IT. 1011 class
Formation of competencies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard:
OK 2. Organize your own activities based on the goal and ways to achieve it,
determined by the manager.
OK 3. Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final control, assessment
and correction of one’s own activities, and take responsibility for the results of one’s work.
1. Organizational moment: greeting, checking attendance and readiness for class
2. Statement of the topic, purpose of the lesson, evaluation criteria
3. Repetition of learned material
Progress of the lesson
What problems does computer science consider as a science? (Consideration
information processes in systems of various natures,
automated means for processing information)
4. Explanation of new material
A person constantly participates in various processes at home, at work, on the street, in
in public places. By process we mean the course, development of some phenomenon,
sequential change in the state of an object.
Some processes are characteristic of society, others - of living nature. In some
situations, a person actively participates in the process: for example, a driver when driving
by car. In other cases, he is passive and takes the position of an observer: for example, in
excursion time.
A special role among all the existing variety of processes is occupied by the process
called information.
The information process is the actions performed on the operation.

transmission, protection of information.
Information search is a process that comes down to searching, selecting, receiving and
accumulation of information necessary for further use.
Information storage is the process of placing information in a specific repository with
the purpose of extracting it from there after some time for further use.
The storage of information depends on its medium.
Information carrier –
a material object designed to store and transmit information.
Information processing is the process of changing the type (form), meaning (content),
volume (quantity) of information.

Information processing: calculations, logic, error correction, text translation,
coding, search.
Information transfer is the process by which information is transferred from
one object to another.
If the process of information exchange occurs face to face, then it is said that
information makes a direct transition from source to destination.
People often use technical means to transmit information over a distance.
When using them, the addressee generates information based on
the data obtained and the accumulated experience and knowledge.
The information process is a set of processes
occurring in people’s thinking apparatuses upon receipt of data and processing processes
Information processes can occur in biological, social and technical
environment (system).
As a result of information processes, the content of information changes or
form of information presentation.
5. Fixing the material
Select informational processes from the listed processes and indicate what type they are
Production of gasoline from oil; Air temperature measurement; Unit conversion
length from meters to centimeters; Movement of the Earth around the Sun; Photographing
the far side of the Moon; Steel smelting; Translation of text from English into Russian;
Recording the solution to a mathematical problem in a notebook; Correcting errors in an essay;
Cooking lunch; Increase in body size when heated; Preparation of astrological forecast;
Present your solution in the form of a table:
Information process
6. Summing up the lesson
What is the information process? (The information process is the actions
performed on the operation)
The main information processes include: search, storage, processing,
transmission, protection of information.
7. Reflection
8. Homework
Prepare a report with a presentation on the topic “Methods of transmitting information in history”


1 Correct answers to the “Information” test 1.Which of the following statements most closely reveals the meaning of the concept information used in everyday communication: d) information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by a person directly or with the help of special devices (thermometer, barometer etc.); 2. Information that does not depend on personal opinion or judgment can be called: c) objective; 3. Information that reflects the true state of affairs is called: b) reliable; 4. Information that is significant and important at the moment is called: b) relevant; 5. Information with which you can solve a given problem is called: d) useful; 6. Information sufficient to solve the problem is called: c) complete; 7. Information presented in a language accessible to the recipient is called: e) understandable. 8. According to the way a person perceives information, the following types of information are distinguished: d) visual, audio, tactile, olfactory, gustatory; 9. It is known that a person receives the greatest amount of information with the help of: b) the organs of vision; 10. Visual is information that is perceived by a person through: a) the organs of vision; 11. Visual information includes information that a person receives by perceiving: b) graphic images; 12. Audio information is information that is perceived through: d) hearing organs; 13. Audio information includes information that is transmitted through: d) sound waves; 14. A person receives tactile information through: d) organs of touch; 15.According to the form of presentation, information can be divided into the following types: b) textual, numeric, symbolic, graphical, tabular, etc.; 16.An example of text information can be: c) a rule in a textbook of your native language; 17. An example of political information could be: c) an article about the activities of a party in a newspaper; 18.Indicate an extra object in terms of the method of presenting information: c) telephone conversation;

2 19. Which of the following can be classified as a means of storing sound (audio) information: d) a cassette with classical music; 20. Which of the following can be attributed to the means of transmitting sound (audio) information: b) radio; 21. An example of storing numerical information is: c) a table of values ​​of trigonometric functions; 22. A mathematics textbook simultaneously stores information: e) textual, graphical, numerical. 23.Which of the statements is FALSE: c) a gramophone record can be a carrier of graphic information; 24.According to the area of ​​application, information can be divided into: d) everyday, scientific, industrial, technical, managerial, etc.; 25. In information theory, information is understood as: b) information that reduces uncertainty; 26. In management theory, information is understood as: c) information obtained and used for the purpose of maintaining, improving and developing a social or technical system; 27. In documentary photography, information is understood as: d) information recorded on paper in the form of text (in symbolic, symbolic, graphic or tabular form); 28. In semantic theory, information is usually understood as: e) information that is novel. 29. In technology, information is usually understood as: c) messages transmitted in the form of light signals, electrical impulses, etc.; 30. Which of the following statements is FALSE: d) the process of processing information by technical devices is meaningful; 31. In philosophy, information is usually understood as: e) reflection of the surrounding reality in the human mind in the form of a systemic information picture of the world. 32. Examples of information processes include: c) processes of receiving, searching, storing, transmitting, processing and using information; 33. An example of the process of storing information is: b) a sequence of human actions aimed at preserving the structure of data and their values, presented in one form or another on a material storage medium (paper, birch bark, ML, MD, etc.); 34. A notebook is usually used for the purpose of: b) storing information; 35. An information carrier is usually understood as: e) a material substance that can be used to record, store and (or) transmit information. 36. The ideas of our ancient ancestors, reflected in rock paintings, have come to us thanks to information carriers in the form of: b) a block of stone; 37. An event occurred: the Fox took the trail of the hare.

3 Place any sign in the first column of the table in the line in which the statement describing this event is TRUE: c) the organ that receives the information signal, the nose; 38.Event: The cook decides whether to add salt to the borscht or not. Place any sign in the first column of the table in the line in which the statement describing this event is TRUE: b) the organ that perceives the information signal, the tongue; 39. In the TV tower system, the television carrier of information is: c) electromagnetic waves; 40. Event: A tourist, getting ready for a hike, decides what clothes to take with him based on the weather forecast on the radio. Put any sign in the first column of the table in the line in which the statement when describing this event is TRUE: d) the organ that receives the information signal - the ear; 41. In the Human TV system, the information carrier is: b) sound and light waves; 42. Which of the following statements is FALSE: d) information can be stored without a material storage medium; 43. Which of the following statements is obviously FALSE: d) video recording of a school holiday is carried out for the purpose of classifying information; 44. At a weather station, measurement of environmental parameters (air temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, etc.) is: d) the process of obtaining (collecting) information; 45. Which statement is FALSE: c) one of the types of information processing is the replication of printed materials; 46. ​​The term signal can be defined: b) it is a discrete change in time of a physical quantity that can take two or more different values, which is used by a person to transmit data over a technical communication channel; 47. Which of the following statements is TRUE: d) material objects (paper, stone, magnetic disks, etc.) can act as information carriers; 48. Which of the following statements is TRUE: a) telephone lines are used as a communication line in computer networks; 49.A signal is called analog: b) if it continuously changes in amplitude over time;

4 50. A signal is called discrete if: a) it can take on a finite number of values; 51.With the help of which a discrete signal is generated from the listed devices: c) traffic light; 52. In which of the following examples is the signal continuous (analog): d) electrocardiogram; 53. Sampling is: c) the process of converting a continuous signal into a discrete one; 54. Presentation of information in the internal memory of a computer: b) discretely; 55. The term communication channel in computer science understands: b) a physical line (direct connection), telephone, telegraph or satellite communication line and hardware used for data (information) transmission; 56.The media include: a) the television and radio broadcasting system; 57.Which of the sequences reflects the true chronology: e)mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, television, computer networks. 58. Translation of text from English into Russian can be called: c) an information processing process; 59. Automated processing of information is possible...: a) in the presence of strict formal rules for its processing; 60.The features inherent in natural languages ​​and facilitating computer translation from one natural language to another include: a) simplicity of syntax and lexical unambiguity; 61. The term management refers to: a) the process of influencing an object in order to organize its functioning according to a given program; 62. In an automatic control system, information from the control object to the control object is transmitted in the form of: a) a system of commands; 64. The concept of an open-loop control system implies: b) the absence in the control system of information about the state of the control object; 65. Which statement is FALSE: d) a computer operating system can be considered as a system for controlling human behavior. 66. In an open-loop control system: d) the control algorithm can be either linear or contain branching commands, but without feedback from the state of the control object; 67. A closed-loop control system differs from an open-loop one: c) by the presence of one or more feedback channels; 68. The feedback channel in a closed-loop control system is intended: d) for information interaction between the manager and controlled objects in the control system; 69. The term automatic control stands for:

5 b) object management carried out without human participation; 70. The role of the feedback channel in the control system of the car driver is played by: b) speedometer; 71. In the vehicle driver control system, the transfer of control actions from the driver to the vehicle is ensured by: b) steering wheel; 72. In the management system of the school director and student, the carrier of information about the state of the object of control (student) is: b) the class register; 73. In the management system, the school principal and student means that ensures the transfer of control information (the carrier of control information) is: a) class schedule; 74. The main carrier of information, as well as the means of storing it at the end of the twentieth century: a) was paper (invented in China in the 2nd century AD, paper appeared in Europe in the 11th century); 75. The first means of transmitting information over long distances is considered to be: d) mail; 76. The first arithmometer, which performed four arithmetic operations, was designed in the 17th century by: d) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz; 77. The idea of ​​using the binary number system in computing devices belongs to: c) g. Leibniz; 78. The composition and purpose of parts (functional elements) of an automatic computing device were first formulated by: b) Charles Babbage; 79. The idea of ​​software control of computing processes was first formulated: d) h. Babbage; 80. A decisive contribution to the possibility of formal transformations of logical expressions (formalization of logical operations) was made by: c) j. Boule; 81.The stored program principle was proposed by: c)j. P. Eckert; 82. One of the first electronic computers, ENIAC, was created under the leadership of: a) j. Mauchly and J. P. Eckert; 83. The first domestic computer, developed under the leadership of Academician S. A. Lebedev, was called: c) mesm; 84. An electron tube as an element of a computing device was first used: c) in first-generation electronic computers; 85. The emergence of the possibility of automatic processing of various types of information is associated with the invention of: e) electronic computers. 86.Computers of the first generation: b) had electronic tubes as an elemental base; characterized by low speed and low reliability; programmed in machine codes;

6 87. The purpose of creating the fifth generation of computers was: d) to realize the possibility of modeling human intelligence (creating artificial intelligence); 88. The term modern information system is understood as: b) an information repository capable of automatically carrying out procedures for entering, posting, searching and issuing information; 89.The term development of information processes means: d)increasing the share of information activities in the total volume of various types of human activity; 90.What is the reason for the transfer of humanity’s information resources to electronic media: b) the objective need to increase the speed of information processing, the increase in the cost of paper due to the environmental crisis; 91.What is the reason for the transition to paperless technologies in the information sphere of human activity: d) the objective need to increase the speed of processing and exchange of information, reducing the cost of electronic media with an increase in the cost of paper (due to the environmental crisis); 92. Among the negative consequences of the development of modern information and communication technologies are: c) the invasion of information technology into people’s private lives, the availability of personal information for society and the state; 93. According to the views of some scientists (O. Tofler, Bell, Masuda, etc.), an information society is a society in which: a) the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage and processing of information, new information and communication technologies have been introduced into all spheres of human activity technologies; 94.The term informatization of society means: c) the targeted and effective use of information in all areas of human activity, achieved through the massive use of modern information and communication technologies; 95. The concept of information culture is defined as: d) a set of abilities, knowledge, abilities and skills associated with understanding the patterns of information processes in nature, society and technology, with modern information and communication technologies, with the ability and ability to use the means of information and communication technologies in solving problems of their practical activities; 96. Exchange of information is: d) talking on the phone;

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Part 1. Test tasks on the topic 1.Which of the following statements most closely reveals the meaning of the concept information used in everyday communication: a) a sequence of characters of some alphabet;

Test “Information and Information Processes” Grade 8 1. Which of the following statements most accurately reveals the meaning of the concept “information” from an everyday point of view? a) a sequence of signs of some

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Informatics 2nd grade (1 hour per week - 34 hours) Explanatory note The work program of the educational subject “Informatics and information communication technologies” is compiled on the basis of the author’s program for

Explanatory note Calendar and thematic planning was compiled on the basis of: - Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES NOO) (approved by order

COMPUTER SCIENCE 8th grade MOSCOW "VAKO" UDC 372.862 BBK 74.263.2 K64 K64 Testing and measuring materials. Computer science: 8th grade / Comp. ON THE. Sukhikh, M.V. Solovyov. M.: VAKO, 2012. 96 p. (Control and measuring

WORK PROGRAM IN INFORMATION SCIENCE 2nd GRADE Explanatory note The work program of the educational subject “Informatics” is compiled on the basis of the Informatics program. Primary school program: 2-4 grades /

Contents Preface................................... 10 Part I. Theoretical material and problem solving... 19 I.1. Information and information processes...... 20 I.1.1. Basic approaches to definition

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCIPLINE The word computer science comes from the French word Informatique, formed by combining the terms Information (information) and Automatique (automation). This reflects

“Informatics” (9th grade) Compiled by: Computer science teacher Burtaeva O.N. Contents of the section Section title Page 1. Explanatory note 2 2. Contents of the subject 3-4 3. Requirements for the level of training

WORKING PROGRAM "BYTIK+". 2nd GRADE. Federal State Educational Standard. Explanatory note The work program “Baytik+” is compiled on the basis of the Informatics program for primary school: 2-4 grades / N.V. Matveeva, M.S. Tsvetkova. M.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Tashtyp secondary school 2" REVIEWED by the Methodological Association of Primary School Teachers Protocol 1 from "30_" _08. 2017_y.

Contents Section title Page section 1. Explanatory note 3-4 2. Content of the academic subject 4-5 3. Requirements for the level of preparation of students 5-7 4. Literature 7 5. Calendar and thematic planning

1. Task (( 92 )) TK 1 select one answer Information presented in a form suitable for processing by automated or automatic means are signals thesaurus data information

Topic 1.1. Computer science and information. The concept of information, properties of information. Objects and their properties. Information processes. Information Technology. Methods of transmitting and storing information. Carriers

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Adapted work program for students with mental retardation of the educational subject "Informatics and ICT" grades 8.9 Authors: Shishmakova E.N., mathematics teacher MBOU "Chushevytsia Secondary General Education

I approve the director of MBOU Secondary School 22 named after G.F. Ponomarev 2014 Work program in computer science and ICT for the 2014-2015 academic year for 2nd grade of a municipal budgetary secondary educational institution

Municipal educational institution Pomozdinskaya secondary school named after V.T. Chistalev APPROVED by: Director of the Municipal Educational Institution Pomozdinskaya Secondary School named after V.T. Chistaleva F.E. Lindt Instrumentation

Municipal budgetary educational institution Uzhovskaya secondary school Agreed with the ShMO Approved for primary classes by order of the school director. (Minutes 5 of 05/27/2016) Order 205 of 05/30/2016

SIBERIAN UNIVERSITY OF CONSUMER COOPERATION ENTRANCE TEST PROGRAM IN DIRECTION 230100.68 Informatics and Computer Science Novosibirsk INTRODUCTION Entrance tests for applicants,

Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "FINANCIAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" Department of "Information Technologies"

Testing and measuring materials for intermediate certification in the subject “Informatics”, grade 7 Specification. Purpose of the work: final test in computer science for seventh grade students of general education

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Irkutsk secondary school 72 “Considered” Head of the MO of the natural and mathematical cycle MBOU of Irkutsk secondary school 72 O.M. Shvaleva

APPENDIX 1 TO OOP SOO MBOU "KSOSH 5" WORK PROGRAM IN INFORMATICS grades 10-11 2016 The work program in INFORMATICS for grades 10-11 is compiled on the basis of the Federal component of the state

Appendix 5 to the Basic educational program of primary general education of the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution of the Salgan Secondary School. Order 64/4 dated 09/01/2017

Introduction to Computer Science Evgeniy Sergeevich Vagin, assistant Institute of Cybernetics Subject of computer science Computer science is a science that studies the patterns of receiving, storing, transmitting and processing information in nature

Municipal state educational institution "Kezhemskaya secondary school" Work program "Informatics" for 8th grade students for the 208-209 academic year Kezhemsky village 208 Planned

Information. Information processes. Information is such a general and deep concept that it cannot be explained in one phrase. This word has different meanings in technology, science, and life. Information concept

CONTENTS Explanatory note 3 Goals of the program 3 Requirements for the level of preparation of the applicant 3 General rules for conducting the admissions test 3 Form of the admissions test

Class: 11 Hours per week: 2 Total hours: 68 Calendar and thematic planning Subject: computer science and ICT lesson Section, lesson topic Correspondence to FC Number of hours on the topic Practical part of the program Approximate

Module 2. Computer architecture 1. A set of devices designed for automatic or automated information processing is: 1) information system 2) information technology 3)


Appendix _10 to the Order dated 08/12/16. 91 MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "MGINSKAYA SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL" Work program on the subject "Informatics and ICT" for 10-11


Computer science 9th grade. Module 1 Task 1 The properties of information do not include: 1) completeness 2) value 3) accessibility 4) universality Task 2 Select the types of information processed by a computer Select

State educational institution of secondary vocational education College of the service sector 32 Methods of presenting and processing information Teacher Glebova E.G. Forms of information submission

The work program of the subject Informatics and ICT for grades 10-11 The work program in informatics for grades 10-11 is compiled on the basis of the following regulatory documents: 1) Informatics. Programs for educational

Methodical manual Contents Concept of information Sources and receivers of information Transfer of information Coding Code Numerical coding method Graphic coding method Symbolic coding method

Appendix 5 Approved as part of the OOP SOO Order of MAOU "Secondary School 45" dated August 3, 207 64a Work program of the academic subject "Informatics and ICT" for grades 0 Planned results of mastering the academic subject

The work program of the basic course “Informatics and ICT” for 10 grades is compiled on the basis of the following regulatory documents: Federal component of the State educational standard for secondary (complete)

Leningrad Region Municipal Educational Institution "Lyceum 1" of Vsevolozhsk "REVIEWED and RECOMMENDED" for approval by the Methodological Council of Municipal Educational Institution "Lyceum 1" of Vsevolozhsk Ave. 5 dated June 27, 2014 “APPROVED” Director of the Municipal Educational Institution “Lyceum”

CONTENTS Preface.................................................... 3 Chapter 1. The concept of information. General characteristics of the processes of collecting, transmitting, processing and storing information 1.1. The main tasks of computer science......................

Lecture 1. Introduction to information technology Topics for consideration: 1. Computer science as a science and as a type of practical activity. 2. Information. Basic concepts and definitions. 3. Information process.

Plan: COMPUTER SCIENCE (semester 1) Topic 1. Basic concepts of computer science 1.1. The concept of computer science as a science and academic discipline. 1.2. Main directions of computer science. 1.3. Concept of information. Main types

Computer Science Lecture 1 Assoc. Ignatieva Inga Anatolyevna Department of Information Technologies in Continuing Education Scope of discipline and types of academic work Type of academic work Total hours Classroom classes

Curriculum and calendar-thematic planning of computer science lessons in elementary school (grades 2-4) based on the textbook “Informatics. 2,3,4 grades”, based on the author’s program N.V. Matveeva, L.P. Pankratova,

Program of entrance examinations in computer science and information and communication technologies ST. PETERSBURG Section 1. Computer science and information Computer science as a science and type of practical activity. Role

Information. Data processing. Sources and receivers of information. Data storage. 1. What is computer science? A. Program science B. Computer science C. Information science D. Computational science

When studying the “Informatics” course, the following subject results are formed, which are aimed at providing mainly general educational and general cultural training. o Formation

Regulatory documents Abstract to the work program in computer science, grade 8. The work program in computer science and ICT is compiled on the basis of the author's program of Ugrinovich N.D. taking into account the approximate program of the main

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk “Secondary school 141 with in-depth study of mathematics” ADOPTED by the pedagogical council, protocol 1 of August 29

Section 1. Information and electronic means of its processing Topic 1.1. Types and properties of information. Presentation of information in the computer OP.04. Technical means of informatization Lecture plan: 1. Concept of information

1. Planned results of mastering educational material The study of computer science and information technology in high school at a basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals: mastering the system of basic

HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING At all stages of its evolutionary development, man tried to mechanize, and later, automate labor. In the field of calculations, people first used

EXPLANATORY NOTE Information about the program (approximate or original) on the basis of which the work program was developed The work program was developed on the basis of the State Educational Standards FC of basic general education, program

Option 1 1. Convert the number 897 10 into binary code. 2. Convert the number 101010 2 to decimal code. Topic: “Information coding. Units of measurement of information." 3. What is encoded by the following sequence

Explanatory note The work program for the subject “Informatics” for grades 5-9 of GBOU School 2070 is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic


COMPUTER SCIENCE 7th grade MOSCOW "VAKO" UDC 372.862 BBK 74.263.2 K64 K64 Testing and measuring materials. Computer science: 7th grade / Comp. ON THE. Dry. M.: VAKO, 2012. 112 p. (Control and measuring materials).

Lesson planning 9th grade, 68 hours of lesson Lesson topic Chapter, paragraph, pages Date 1. Coding and processing of graphic and multimedia information (15 hours) 1. Safety precautions

Theoretical foundations of computer science Conceptual apparatus 1. Information and computer science Computer science is a technical science that defines the field of activity associated with the processes of storage, transformation and transmission

Information and information processes Basic approaches to defining the concept of “information”. Systems formed by interacting elements, states of elements, exchange of information between elements, signals.

WORK PROGRAM in computer science and ICT grades 10-11 Basic level Compiled by: teacher Kupriyanov I.V. 1 The work program is compiled in accordance with the federal component of the state government approved in 2004

Explanatory note. This work program in computer science and ICT for 9th grade students of a general education institution is developed on the basis of the original program in computer science and ICT by N.D.

1. What does computer science study?

    Computer techologies

    information is intangible




    human speech




    transfer of information

    data storage

    list sorting

    database search

6. What is coding?

    information search tool


    changing the type of information

Test on the topic: “Information and information processes”

1. What does computer science study?

    any processes and phenomena related to information

    computer programming

    relationship between natural phenomena

    Computer techologies

    mathematical methods for solving problems

2. Mark all correct statements.

    information is intangible

    information is a reflection of the real world

    information characterizes diversity

    when receiving information, the uncertainty of knowledge decreases

    there is a strict definition of information

3. Mark the types of information that the computer cannot yet do.




    human speech



4. Select processes that can be called information processing.


    transfer of information

    data storage

    list sorting

    database search

5. Mark all correct statements.

    information can only exist together with the carrier

    information storage is one of the information processes

    in order to extract information from a message, a person uses knowledge

    information processing is a change in its content

    When recording information, the properties of the media change

6. What is coding?

    information search tool

    recording information in another sign system


    changing the type of information

    change in the amount of information

    selection of required elements

    changing the order of elements

    removing unnecessary elements

to convey information?



solving some problems?


to yourself?




7. What phrase can serve as a definition of sorting?

    selection of required elements

    arranging list elements in a given order

    alphabetical ordering of lines

    changing the order of elements

    removing unnecessary elements

8. What is the name of the change in media properties that is used

to convey information?


9. What is the name of knowledge that represents facts, laws,



10. What is the name of the knowledge that represents algorithms?

solving some problems?


11. What are people’s ideas about nature, society and themselves called?

to yourself?


12. Check all the correct statements.

    the information received depends on the knowledge of the recipient

    the information received depends only on the received message

    obtaining information always increases knowledge

    knowledge increases only when the information received is partially known

    the same information can be presented in different forms

13. What is the name of information recorded (encoded) in

some form, in particular in computer information











a, b, d

a B C D

a, d

a, d, d

a, c, d

b, d











a, d, d