How to properly propose a ring to a girl. What to tell a girl when you propose. How to propose to a girl: action plan

When a man understands that the woman next to him is the person with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life, there is little left to do, namely: how to surprise his beloved by making her a beautiful and original marriage proposal.
Those men who do not pay due attention to this event and prefer to make the proposal trivial, something like: “let’s get married, it’s time.” It’s even worse to sit in the kitchen or in front of the TV in the evening and say: “let’s sign,” they lose greatly to those who make an effort and use all their imagination to make this day memorable for the girl forever.

Many unromantic men are sure that proposing beautifully is expensive, both financially and morally. It is not at all necessary to order a hot air balloon or airplane. The whole essence of this event lies in the words you said and the beauty of your deed. After all, lovers create romance out of nothing. It is important to prove to your beloved the seriousness of your intentions and the stability of your feelings.

Marriage proposal on one knee

It seems so easy to make such a gesture, but most men are pragmatists and materialists. And you buy a ring (by the way, you can engrave it), a bouquet of flowers or one rose, it will be elegant, get down on one knee and tell her how you feel about her. For example: “Darling, we both had a past, but now there is a present, it’s Me and You, and I really want to share my future with you. It would be a great honor for me if you would marry me.” These kinds of words from an original marriage proposal will be remembered forever, and your beloved's tears of joy will become a truly pleasant moment.

"Multi-story" love

Some girls love publicity, they like to be in the thick of things. If your girl belongs to this type, you can safely discourage her with a serenade in the yard. If you don’t have a voice, it doesn’t matter either. Then write a confession on the pavement near her balcony and ask her to open the window. But don’t forget about the monologue. Since you are going to make a proposal publicly, so to speak, your speech should correspond to the moment. For example: “Darling! I want everyone to know what a wonderful girl lives here. I want the most amazing woman to be next to me. I don't want to share you with anyone. Will you marry me? I promise to do everything to always see a smile on your face!” Such a classic technique will fascinate any girl, and she will agree. After all, she will be bursting with a feeling of pride and, most importantly, joy that her beloved did not skimp on emotions. And the neighbors should forgive the “scratch” on the asphalt. The main thing is the result!

Marriage proposal made in nature

It is very romantic to propose to a girl in nature. There is no need to look for a better place. Either it will be sunset or dawn. There is no difference as such. In this case, prepare a bottle of champagne and her favorite sweets in advance. Everything seems banal, but the main thing in this method is to focus on speech. Be sure to think through your monologue. Do not spare expressions; it is so important for a woman to hear everything at this very moment. Every bride dreams of hearing beautiful, cherished words from her lover. For example: “Honey! To say that I thought for a long time would be an understatement. What I was most worried about and thought about was, am I worthy of a woman like you? And you know, I realized that only next to you will I become a real man who can make such a gentle girl like you happy. I don’t feel sorry for you not only for words, I will give you a state of complete love and family happiness. Will you agree to give me a chance to become a wonderful husband for you?”

No matter how you plan to surprise your woman, she will remember this day forever. Men who are stingy with their tongues have wives that become joyless and despondent. Women should bask in compliments and surprises. This makes them bloom and fill with vital energy. Men should give words more meaning and express their feelings more often. The main thing is not the financial or material side of the surprise, what is more important is your attitude, your speech, and the sincerity of your motivation!

By the way, when your beloved listens favorably to your words with a marriage proposal and reciprocates your feelings, you will need to draw up a plan for preparing for the wedding step by step. And it will be easier to do this by visiting our site again!

Girls are prepared for marriage from an early age by telling fairy tales about handsome princes who take the beauty to their castle to live in peace and harmony until old age. Girls become smart young women and connect their lives with real men, but deep in their souls they never stop waiting for a miracle. A marriage proposal is one of the best moments to give your loved one magic, so everything must be perfect.

Basic moments

A man should carefully hide his plans: tell about his plans only to those friends who know how to keep other people’s secrets, not leave a receipt from a jewelry store in his pocket, hide the ring in secluded places where the girl will definitely not look. Before buying jewelry, it is advisable to ask your chosen one about her views on marriage and family life. Perhaps the girl is not ready for serious changes, so instead of the coveted “yes” the man will hear “no”. The conversation should not be too serious or intrusive; it is better to ask your beloved in a humorous manner so that she does not suspect anything. If the chosen one is mentally ready, you can begin to implement the idea.

A mandatory attribute of such an event is a ring. You don’t have to spend your entire salary on jewelry by choosing an expensive option with ten diamonds. A cheap, neat ring, decorated with unusual patterns, will look more original and cute than something massive and tasteless. If your financial situation allows, you can order engraving on the inside of the accessory.

How can you guess the ring size so that you don’t have to go back to the jewelry store the next day and change your purchase? Invite the girl to go together and choose a ring for her ring finger, and during fitting, remember the necessary data. You don’t have to buy gold jewelry; you can get by with silver or nice jewelry.

We must not forget about flowers and champagne. When choosing a bouquet, you should take into account the girl’s tastes, or choose classic red or white roses. Champagne should not be cheap, and if your chosen one does not drink alcoholic beverages on principle, you can buy a children's version, but change the wrapper with elephants to something more adult.

A man cannot do without speech. It should be sensual and written from the heart. No pretentious phrases will touch your beloved as much as sincere words and confessions. Shy or emotional guys are advised to write a speech on a piece of paper so as not to forget it at a crucial moment, or make a video. You can give your chosen one a beautifully designed letter, because it is easier to express your thoughts and feelings on paper.

Without leaving home

Proposal at home is an option for girls who do not like noisy companies or the attention of strangers. It is also suitable for young men who have not yet saved up for an expensive restaurant or a helicopter.

You should choose the moment when your beloved goes shopping with her friends, goes to visit her parents, or is at work. Leave a few hours in reserve so that you have enough time to buy light snacks, flowers and other accessories, as well as decorate the apartment.

Line the path from the front door to the bedroom or kitchen with rose petals. You can replace flowers with candles or paper arrows with beautiful words written on them. When the girl enters the room, kneel down and make a speech. When you hear “yes,” open the champagne and invite them to the table.

You can also propose in the bedroom using neon stars that glow in the dark. Post the cherished phrase on the ceiling, and when the lights go out in the room, your beloved will be pleasantly surprised. An alternative is a poster. Make a collage of photos together, and in the center, in large letters, ask her to become your wife. Attach the poster to the ceiling and wait for your chosen one to notice it. Be sure to keep the ring on hand so that you can present the girl with a velvet box at the right time.

An offer instead of dessert

Serious and discreet men who love the classics can invite their beloved to a restaurant. Order wine and light dishes, give a luxurious bouquet and have a nice time with your girl. Arrange with the waiter so that at the end of the dinner he will place a tray in front of the chosen one, on which there will be a box with a ring and a plate with the inscription: “Be my wife.” If the restaurant has live music, you can ask for a romantic melody to play at this moment.

An alternative is to invite the lady to the karaoke bar where you first met. A man with good hearing and a beautiful voice can sing a girl’s favorite song, and then kneel in front of her and give her an engagement ring. The second option is to ask a local singer or one of your friends to perform a composition associated with the first kiss or declaration of love.

Tip: Do not hide the ring in food or drink. If you're lucky, it will end up in the girl's stomach, and in the worst case, you'll have to take your chosen one to a surgeon or dentist.

Man's best friend

Has a girl dreamed of having a pet for a long time? It's time to please her with a cute kitten or puppy, on whose neck you should hang a collar with a wedding ring. Present the baby in a basket or box with a bow, give a bouquet, and when she holds the new pet and notices an unusual decoration, propose. You can say with a smile that a puppy needs a full-fledged family, so the chosen one has no right to refuse the ring.

Some girls are more attracted to feathered rather than fluffy pets. In this case, you should find a talking parrot and teach him the phrase “Marry me” or “Become a wife (insert the desired name).” Cover the cage with the bird before handing it over so that the parrot doesn’t spill all the secrets from the threshold, and when the chosen one pulls off the cape and hears those very words, secure the proposal of the feathered accomplice with a ring and flowers.

Public recognition

Are you going to a football match or a concert of your favorite band? Why not take advantage of such a luxurious opportunity? Agree with the organizers or musicians to allow you to go on stage or in the middle of the field and confess your love to the girl. Usually performers and athletes are sympathetic to such requests and help for free, although the money spent is worth her surprise and tears of happiness.

You can ask your favorite band to invite your chosen one on stage in the middle or at the very end of the concert and say that the guy loves her very much and wants to legitimize the relationship. The guy’s task is to arm himself with a bouquet and a ring and kneel in front of his beloved in time.

A man who has many creative and sympathetic friends can organize a small flash mob in the middle of the street or shopping center. Put on a short dance to your favorite song, bring the girl to the agreed place and pleasantly surprise her. She definitely won’t be able to forget such a recognition and will be happy to tell her children about her father’s feat.

If a couple is interested in historical reconstructions and often attends various festivals, they should arrange a battle for the beautiful lady. A man can transform into a knight, general or other character who must save the girl. And as a reward, ask her to marry your hero.

Achievements of the 21st century

An option for shy young people is to create a romantic video. Make a presentation of joint photographs, and while they appear on the screen, tell the girl about your feelings and desires, and at the very end propose marriage. Upload the video to YouTube and send the link to your chosen one.

Recording a song or filming a video dedicated to a specific girl is a more creative approach. Or read poems written for your chosen one in front of the camera.

Place a note in a magazine or newspaper that your beloved reads daily with her photo and touching text. You should bring her the press yourself along with a light breakfast and wait until she gets to the right place, or make a bookmark.

Post your proposal on a social network in the form of a survey. Under the text there must be a photograph of the future bride. The answer is “yes” or “of course yes.” Don’t forget to send the link to the girl, otherwise she will pass by or not go to the right page.

In searching of love

Does your beloved love quests and riddles? Why not turn a marriage proposal into a fun game? Prepare notes with riddles and the main prize before the weekend, and on Saturday or Sunday morning make your chosen one run around the apartment. The reward will be an album with photographs or a diary with memories, inside of which a ring is hidden.

Does the girl love to be photographed? You should please her with a professional shooting, during which you should propose. The photographs will forever preserve the touching moment when the lovers decided to become not just a couple, but a strong and friendly family.

Does your chosen one like to spend her free time in the arms of Morpheus and does not notice anything during sleep? A man should wake up before his beloved, carefully place a ring on her ring finger, and wake her up with strawberries and cream or another delicious holiday breakfast. Enjoy the bride's reaction when she notices the decoration. The main thing is not to give yourself away ahead of time.

There are many ways to turn a marriage proposal into a fairy tale. Some people like extreme options, others prefer classic and calm ones. Some girls want the whole world to know about their happiness, others prefer to keep their joy a secret. It will be easy to choose the optimal and original option if you know the preferences of your beloved and take into account the characteristics of her character.

Video: the most unusual marriage proposal

I can't live without you anymore.
I was able to love so much
That I live only by you,
And I see only you alone.

Love gave me wings
But without you the sky is closed,
With you everything in the world is different,
And it has long been clear to me that
You were sent to me by fate,
I want to ask a simple question
Do you agree to become my wife?

Darling, there comes a moment in people’s lives when you realize that your life is impossible without a person. I realized that I couldn’t spend a day without you, I am firmly convinced that I want to continue going through life only with you. You have captivated my soul and I offer you my hand and heart. Darling, marry me and we will build a strong, happy family, we will give birth to wonderful children and become wonderful parents, every day we will give each other only joy, tenderness and love. You agree?

For a long time I could not decide
But the moment has come
I want to marry you
You alone are my ideal.

I offer my hand with my heart.
Please be my wife!
I only dream about one thing -
Live life together with you!

I suddenly realized what I want
Spend all the time with you.
Any joy to share
And comfort any pain.

Keys to my heart
I'm ready to give today,
Does my wife agree?
To be my beloved forever?

There is no one in the world dearer than you,
Kinder, smarter and more beautiful.
I want to unite forever
Our hearts and hands.

Please accept my ring,
And with it comes an offer.
Will you be my wife
And life's decoration?

You are like a ray of light to me,
You are like heaven to me
You are the best in this world,
And I love your eyes.

You are the only one on Earth.
I don't know happiness without you.
You are close and dear to me,
And I want to tell you.

Here are my hand and heart,
They belong to you
Accept this gift of my love,
What answer can you give?

I want to share with you
And happiness, and any troubles,
I want to live with my family alone,
So that there are restless children in the house,

Their laughter always sounds
I only went to you alone,
And the hymn of love played in my heart.
Dear, be my wife.

An important decision in life
Marriage proposal.
An endless promise of love,
Recognition for life.

I promise to remain faithful to you,
There is too much love to give.
I can do anything for you.
Will you marry me?

Your smile alone is mischievous
She destroyed the peace of my soul;
Now the keys to heaven are in your hands:
You alone decide my fate.

All I need and want is
To spend the rest of my life with you;
I'm calling to your heart now
And I beg you: be my wife!

I can't keep quiet about this anymore
I endlessly, sincerely love you!
You filled my life with warmth and light,
I know for sure: you are my destiny.

And therefore I can’t delay it.
I'll tell you how I feel.
Nothing is nice to me without you now.
So marry me.

I am so pleased that you and I have been together for two whole years. In my opinion, during this time, we checked our feelings enough. Our love is strong and mutual. Honey, I want to live my whole life next to you. And therefore, today I propose to you for marriage. Be my wife. I promise to make you the happiest in the world. We will live with you like in a fairy tale. My dear, good and most beautiful, I really hope for a positive answer. Be my second, most faithful and most reliable soulmate.

Darling, you are the best in the world. You radiate kindness and tenderness. I love you so much that I am ready to carry you in my arms all my life. My dear, my good one, marry me. We will have the happiest family. I've been dreaming about this for so long. Let our hearts beat in unison, and swan loyalty accompany us throughout our lives. I am sure that only you are my destiny. With all my heart I give you a ring, and I hope that you will answer - YES! I so want it not to be - you and me, and what would have been - us.

My soulmate, my bright ray, my happiness. I am so grateful to fate that she gave me you. I look forward to every meeting with you. I always admire your charming eyes, your delightful smile. You are the most beautiful, and there is no one more beautiful in all the earth. I love you very much, and I ask, my only one, become my wife. I promise to make life a paradise for you. I will just be your guardian angel and will always protect you from sadness. I really want us to have the happiest family.

Even though we’ve only recently met, it seems like we’ve known each other for a long time. We even think alike and understand everything perfectly. Our hearts beat in unison. You are so cheerful, cheerful, I love the way you laugh. I can no longer live a day without you. So why this suffering? Let's never be separated again, let's get married. I so dream of creating a cozy family nest. I so want to wake up every morning with you, my love, and tell you the most important words in the world.

I am so grateful to fate for giving me you - the most beautiful girl in the world. How I love listening to your ringing laughter, looking into your beautiful eyes, kissing your sugar lips. Honey, I just can’t imagine life without you. I have no one on earth dearer than you. I want to walk next to you all my life. And that’s why I’m proposing marriage to you. Marry me, I promise to make you the happiest in the world. You are my most beautiful, kindest and most beloved.

How glad I am, my beloved, that I have you. I am so pleased to listen to your clear voice, admire your charming appearance, and kiss your sweet lips. I am without you, like the sun without heaven. You are the only and most beloved girl in the world. I am so incredibly lucky that I am ready to thank fate every day for such a gift. I want to be with you every minute. Marry me, please. I promise to make you the happiest in the world. You are the only one with whom I dream of living my whole life.

You came into my quiet life as a priceless, wonderful gift. Wise, beautiful, gentle, affectionate, I so want to preserve our happiness for many, many years. My most cherished desire is to walk next to you all my life, to be your support and hope. Darling, marry me, give me the key to your heart, which I will carefully treasure throughout our lives. I love you more than anyone in the world, and I’m ready to fulfill any of your wishes, just be with me. You are my most beloved, most beautiful person in the whole world.

Sweet, dear and simply mine, you are the sweetest in the world. You're just a charm. Life seems like a fairy tale to me when I'm next to you. I so want to be always with you. You are the most gentle, affectionate and kind, you are my guardian angel. Darling, I offer you my hand and heart and really hope for a positive response. Always be with me, give me your love, and I promise to take care of you all my life as my most precious treasure. I am ready to fulfill all your desires every minute. I love you, my dear.

You are half of my heart. Fate gave you to me, and I am so grateful to her for that. Sweet, kind, gentle, I love you more than life itself, and I ask you to be my wife. You will tirelessly swim in the ocean of my love. Only next to you, my beloved, I want to walk all my life, and I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes so that you are happy. My love for you is boundless, inexhaustible and endless. you give me happiness and love, affection, hope and warmth. I am very lucky to have you, my sunshine.

Every moment with you, my dear, is wonderful. I am very happy for such a royal gift from fate. I adore you, my love, and I will do everything to make your every day happy. Darling, like a good wizard, I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes. You are a ray of sunshine that warms me with love, you are my ideal. My dear, you are like a fairy-tale flower, just as beautiful, tender and trembling. Please fulfill my wish, be my wife, give me the happiness of life. Let the flow of love swirl around us, and our lives will be full of happiness.

Darling, looking into your beautiful eyes, I fall in love with you again and again. Your love always warms me, and this hot flame will never go out. Because there is no more beautiful person on earth than you. My sincere love is always with you, like a shadow. I can’t keep my love a secret anymore, because you are the best in the world. And the key that you found to my heart gives me happiness, affection and care. Dear, be my wife, become my soulmate, fill my life with warmth and comfort.

My dear, the nicest and kindest girl in the world. I want to always be next to you, kiss your beautiful lips, hold your tender hands in my strong hands. You are perfection, always cheerful, kind and the best. I found in you everything I was looking for: tenderness, soul, charm. I need you. I live and breathe only for you, and I want to make you the happiest in the world. Darling, marry me, be with me all your life. I promise to make our life a fairy tale. I love you, my soulmate.

How grateful I am to fate that she gave me you. All the warmest, most tender words to you, my love. I always feel comfortable, warm and light with you. Like the sun's rays, you warm me with your love. I am so happy that I have you, my kind, sweet and most beautiful girl. My love for you knows no bounds, without you I simply do not exist. Honey, I offer you my hand and heart, marry me. I will do everything as you want, and your expectations will never deceive you. And all your dreams will become reality.

Today is the most exciting and most important day of my life. I propose to you for marriage. For me, you are everything in my life. I love you more than anyone in the world. How I want to send you and wake up with you every time, to give you my tenderness and kisses. I will turn your life into a fairy tale, I will fulfill your most cherished dream, just give your consent. Be by my side all your life, my only love. Let there definitely be a place for me in your heart.

My kind, beloved and most gentle. You look like a scarlet flower that attracts with its extraordinary beauty. Your ringing laughter makes me happy, your eyes radiate kindness. I admire you. My most cherished desire is to be next to you all my life. My sunshine, marry me, be my only and most beautiful wife. I will carry you in my arms all my life, give you the most delicate flowers. A hundred times I am ready to swear my love to you. Thank you fate for such a huge gift.

My soulmate, given to me by fate. I can't live even a day without you. You are my light in the window, my golden ray of happiness. Every minute spent with you seems like a fairy tale to me. I so want to be next to you and give my love. Marry me and make me the happiest person in the world. You are my treasure, my sweetest, most gentle and kindest. Always be with me, give me your affection. My love for you grows stronger every day. I love, love, love you.

Let everyone in the world know how much I love you. Thank you so much to fate that I have you. I cherish our love, I cherish every minute of meeting you. And this, it seems to me, is not enough. I want to live with you all my life, I want to celebrate you every day. Darling, be my wife. Let's carry our love throughout our lives. May our family be strong and happy, may the stork be sure to fly to us, and more than once. You will be the most beautiful wife in the world, my beloved wife.

Today is the most crucial moment in my life. To you, my beloved, I want to propose. Be my wife. I want to be next to you all my life, to be your support, to help in everything, and, like a guardian angel, to protect you. You are my closest, dearest person. Without you, I have no joy in life. You are my light in the window, you are my love. I ask you to accept my offer, and I promise to make you the happiest. All my life I am ready to carry you in my arms and, like a good wizard, fulfill all your whims.

Let all the most singing birds sing to you about my love. Let the most sonorous streams tell about my love for you. You are my sweetest, kindest. No flowers on the planet can compare with your beauty. I am fascinated by your smile, your heavenly blue eyes. I want to live my whole life with you, give you all my love, my tenderness. Darling, I ask for your hand and heart, be my wife, make me happy. I promise to be the most exemplary husband, and to carry you in my arms all my life.

And decided to take a serious step? Do you want to get married and spend your whole life with her? Have you decided to propose?

But how can I tell her about this, how can I make an offer? Scenes from romantic films immediately pop up in my head, where everything is beautiful and solemn.

But will she appreciate it? Does he even want to get married? How to propose to your girlfriend in an original way?

How to propose to a girl:

1. Think about why you are making an offer.

Tell the truth to yourself openly. Why did you decide to get married? What is your real goal?

Maybe the parents insist on this? Or have all your friends already gotten married? Or is the girl constantly hinting that it’s time to ask for her hand in marriage?

No? If not, what motivates you to get married? Do you want to tie her to you in this way? Indicate to everyone that the girl is busy? Mark her with this ring?

If not, then good. If you are driven by love and a deliberate desire to live your whole life with this particular girl, congratulations. What to do next?

2. Make sure she is the one.

It is very important that you propose because you sincerely want it. No other reasons will be accepted!

3. Make sure she wants it too.

When a girl loves you, it can be seen in her actions, words and decisions.

This is important because you need to be sure that she will agree to your proposal.

If you rush or choose the wrong young lady, you will get a refusal. It is stupid to propose if you have never talked about the future and marriage. Maybe she doesn’t want to get married at all or doesn’t take you specifically seriously?

4. Decide how you will propose.

The girl will remember this moment for the rest of her life, so think about what you are going to do and how. Any ideas?

Knowing the character of the young lady, choose whether this proposal will be shocking or sweet and romantic. You can even take her on a yacht under the stars, or have a cozy dinner with flowers and a ring at your home. Think about which option she will like best. A simple and memorable evening that ends with a proposal is loved by many.

If you are planning to do a whole show, ask your friends for help in organizing it. Together you can come up with everything in the best possible way. Decide how much you are willing to spend on the ring and buy it in advance. Don't skimp, your future wife will wear it all her life.

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How to choose a decent ring? Gently ask if she likes a ring in a movie or on a mutual friend. A girl who is ready for marriage will happily describe to you the ring she would like to receive. And don't go wrong with the size.

5. Propose to a girl.

How? It is not necessary to memorize poetry and dress up in a tuxedo. The most important thing is to remain yourself. Make an offer in a way that makes you feel comfortable and pleased. Don't behave in a way that is not normal for you. This will make you look insincere and funny in her eyes.

There is no need to behave unusually, constantly checking the ring in your pocket and smiling mysteriously. Be confident. Otherwise, your chosen one will see through your intentions, what the hell to do.

Be prepared for your girlfriend to be shocked or cry - this is a normal reaction. There is no need to think that something went wrong. When she tells you “yes”, don’t be confused. Put the ring on her finger and kiss your future wife.

  • It is best to propose marriage in the evening. Many people associate this time of day with romance.
  • Remember that classic is always good. It is best to get down on one knee. This is exactly what most girls have dreamed of since childhood.
  • If a girl tells you “no” or that she needs to think about it, there is no need to show dissatisfaction. It's your fault, not hers. Either you were in a hurry or you chose the wrong woman.


  • Try to avoid cliches, don't try to do everything right. Feel free to cross out the option with a ring in a glass of champagne, on a bouquet or in some food. It will look like you were too lazy to bother and come up with a beautiful way to propose.
  • Hide your plans well from the girl. The proposal should be unexpected. Women love surprises.
  • Don't make an offer as if "by the way." Phrase at breakfast “Let’s get married in May?”- not at all what your future wife dreamed of. And in bed. And by phone/sms.
  • Don't drink before proposing. For courage - too.
  • There is no need to say too sentimental phrases and humiliate yourself. You are a man and you want to be loved and respected.

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