How to attract happiness in the new year. How to attract good luck for the New Year. Your own wizard

It’s not for nothing that the most common greeting for the New Year sounds like this: “Happy New Year! With new happiness!". After all, everyone wants to leave everything bad in the old year, everyone expects success, good luck, and wealth from the New Year.

But, a person’s happiness is in his hands, so before the New Year and on New Year’s Eve itself, we must try to do everything so that luck and money never bypass the house.

The Year of the Dog is coming. So how to attract luck and money in the New Year 2018?
Since ancient times, our ancestors performed various things before the New Year in order to attract good luck, money, and love. As in many other things, we should follow the example of our ancestors and help ourselves become successful and rich; this is not at all difficult.

There are several tricks on how to attract luck and money in 2018:
On the night of December 31 to January 1, you should put a vat of water and dip a gold or silver item into it. The next morning you should wash your face with water, which is charged with silver and gold ions;
For a couple of days after the New Year, our ancestors tried not to take trash out of the house. It was believed that good luck was taken out of the house along with the trash;
Many witches advise taking a “money bath” on the morning of January 1st. The bath should be filled with hot water, a glass of milk and 7 drops of bergamot essential oil should be added, then 7 coins should be thrown into the bottom. You need to lie in the bath with your eyes closed for 10 minutes, while imagining the cash flow. Then you need to plunge your head into the bath three times. Then, after leaving the bath, you cannot dry yourself with a towel; the body must dry on its own;
On New Year's Eve you should change your outfit 2 times. It is believed that changing clothes symbolizes prosperity and promises changes in the New Year. New attracts new. After performing such a ritual, you can count on the fact that all ideas will be successfully implemented and will bring prosperity;
In the New Year, luck will smile on generous and kind people who, on the eve of the holiday, helped the homeless with clothes or food, or those who donated funds to those in need. They say that good attracts good, and fate will definitely thank a nice person, increasing his happiness and luck;
In the Year of the Monkey, there must be a lot of fruits, vegetables and fresh herbs on the New Year's table. If the mistress of the year remains well-fed, then there will always be prosperity and good luck in the house;
There is a sign according to which you need to put a coin in a glass of champagne and drain the glass to the bottom as the chimes strike, then the year will be rich in money;
So that happiness and good luck do not pass by, the New Year must be celebrated in smart and new clothes. It should be remembered that new attracts new!;

How to attract luck and money according to feng shui

They say that there is no such thing as too much money, but sometimes the need for it is felt very acutely. In this case, Feng Shui for money is a lifesaver for everyone who does not want to worry about money in the New Year.

A person’s house is his reflection, therefore, if in the New Year you want to attract everything new, as well as good luck and money, then the house should be cleared of everything old. According to Feng Shui, only those things that a person actively uses should be stored in the house; everything else clutters the space and does not allow energy flows to pass through the house, including cash flows. It’s not for nothing that they start spring cleaning before the New Year; this is the most appropriate and necessary moment to allow luck and money not only to come into the house, but also to stay there.

You should definitely hang coins on the tree to attract money, and a four-leaf clover for good luck. To ensure that there is income in the house throughout the year, the tree should be located in the South-West of the house. It is believed that it is in this place that more monetary energy flows pass.

During the chiming clock, when a wish is made, you should ring a small bell three times, and then hang the bell in the money area. This is not only a talisman for attracting money, but also a talisman against various adversities.

Fortune telling for luck and happiness in 2018

The Slavs have a hidden secret God, Roof-Semargl, in ancient times our ancestors worshiped him, because it was he who determined the success and happiness of everyone. The most successful was his help on Wednesday. Since the New Year 2018 will come to us just on Wednesday, you should not miss the chance and attract good luck and happiness for the whole next year, taking advantage of the strongest fortune telling for good luck and happiness in 2018. You just have to be very careful and do everything in strict order, otherwise you can anger Kryshny and, on the contrary, scare away the dacha, or attract something bad.

For fortune telling, you need to prepare a magic circle and install an altar in the center of the circle. The altar can be an ordinary small wooden tablet standing on 4 stones. The board should be wrapped in a linen scarf or tablecloth. On both sides of the altar you need to light 2 white candles.

On New Year's Eve, you need to go into the circle, kneel before the altar and say the following words: “I dedicate this circle to Semargl, I wish you good luck and happiness in the New Year.” Then, you should sit like this for 3 minutes, while mentally clearly formulating your desire, the goals that are set for the New Year. Then you should put out the candles, wrap them in a linen scarf from the altar and hide them so that no one can see them.

It is believed that after this, all the actions and thoughts of a person will be guided by the intelligent Roof, and luck and happiness this year will not leave either the person’s home or himself. Don't forget that all good things come back! Do it and life will reciprocate.

New Year is not only a holiday. This is a certain milestone beyond which new hopes await. Since ancient times, people have performed this to attract good luck, happiness, love and health.

Silver water

- this is an update. Place a silver item in a decanter of water on New Year's Eve. Wash your face with this water in the morning. This will help you “renew”, start over with a “clean slate” and give you a favorable start in the coming year. The ancestors believed that such water also helps good people.

In addition, this water kills bacteria and protects against winter diseases, because in addition to the energy of magic, it will be charged with silver ions.

Money to money

To attract wealth, you need to hang a large bill on a Christmas tree branch for a couple of hours, and put a coin in a glass of champagne, then in the New Year there will be no problems with money. Big money will remain in the house.

Successful new thing

It is important for good luck in the New Year to dress in new outfits, as new things will not only help attract good luck and prosperity in the New Year, but will also protect you from negativity and evil spirits. And if you manage to change clothes twice during the night, then expect double luck!


Here are 7 simple tips on how to attract the owner of the year, Pig, to your side: Tip No. 1. Be lazy with the Boar! If necessary, the Pig can show miracles of efficiency, but he, more than anyone, appreciates the opportunity to properly rest and philosophize


How not to make mistakes when preparing for the New Year of the Pig? Although the owner of 2019, the Pig, according to the Chinese horoscope, is not a very whimsical animal, there are things that may not be to his liking.


2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. Does this mean that only yellow is considered a lucky color when celebrating the New Year? Not so simple. According to the Chinese horoscope, the official color of the year brings happiness and good fortune.


In relation to gifts, as well as to any other areas of life, the owner of the year Pig is primarily a practitioner, not a romantic. He stands on the ground with all four hooves, and therefore, when choosing gifts for the New Year, try to take a practical approach.


As you know, people are greeted by their clothes, so it makes sense to appear before the new owner of the year - the Yellow Pig - in the best possible way. This brutal guy has an excellent sense of style; he cannot be fooled by cheap tinsel: he appreciates good things.


In what style to celebrate the New Year 2019? The final choice depends, of course, on where exactly you are going to spend the holiday, however, if you are free to choose, on New Year's Eve 2019 you have a large choice:


“Wrong” clothes for the New Year: what you shouldn’t wear

To celebrate the New Year 2019, you should not wear clothes made of genuine leather. Even though it is becoming fashionable again, Pig will not like it. Synthetics Of course, it is almost impossible to live without synthetic materials, however


To win the favor of the Pig in 2019, try to please his refined forest tastes when decorating your house for the New Year. Away with glass balls, “rain” and foil streamers! All this useless glitter is in no way associated with the forest.


Despite the fact that the Boar considers himself part of high society, he lives in a very ordinary forest. This means that he will like it if for the New Year 2019 you decide to decorate the Christmas tree with something associated with the forest. These could be: spruce or pine cones

Orenburg residents can try several New Year rituals at once. The AiF Orenburg correspondent sincerely hopes that the wishes will come true.


3 minutes. There is an interesting custom of seeing off the old year in Bulgaria. Residents of this country turn off the lights in the house exactly three minutes before hour X. And they kiss! A nice tradition to spend the year with. Who knows, maybe that same prince charming will be next to you.

Water procedures. In distant Myanmar, instead of snow there is ordinary water. And you won’t always find that one. That's why people in Myanmar throw water at each other on New Year's Eve. The fact is that this holiday falls on the hottest time. And people splash themselves in order to feel the pleasant coolness at least for a short time.

Christmas log. A funny tradition exists in Italy. In this country, a few days before the New Year, you need to bring a log into the house. Not a Christmas tree, but a wooden log. Before the New Year, the log should smolder in the hearth or fireplace. The Italians believe that this will burn away all the troubles. This means entering the New Year without any problems or worries. But what if you live in a city apartment? Unfortunately, the ancient tradition does not provide for such a situation.

Playing cards. In addition to the main gifts, the Greeks give each other a deck of playing cards. Why? They themselves don’t remember anymore, but the tradition remains. Therefore, among the gifts, the Greeks always find decks of cards under the Christmas tree (or rather, under another local tree). There will be plenty to do in the coming year! Also, almost everyone gives each other local wine.

Success and wealth. In the Baltics, it is customary to scatter peas on New Year's Eve. It is believed that this will bring wealth in the next year. The tradition originated a long time ago, of course, among local peasants, who actually scattered peas to get a rich harvest. But why Latvians still do this is not very clear.

Your own wizard

You can follow the good old traditions, or you can create your own - and they will work just as well, if not better. All you need is faith in miracles and that each of us is a wizard from birth. Simoron - a kind of school of wish fulfillment - with its funny rituals and conspiracies resembles the theater of the absurd. But here’s what’s surprising: everything works! What and how can you “conjure” yourself for the New Year?

Followers of this movement believe that from December 25 to January 7, the cosmic gates of abundance open. What does it mean? It is imperative to do some general cleaning and get rid of useless things. It is imperative to pay off all debts. Most likely, you already know this unspoken rule. If for some reason you were unable to do this, then never give money on the last day of the old year, or on the first day of the new year. The same rule applies to the first Monday of January, January 6 and 7.

Do charity work. This could be an elderly neighbor on the landing or poor relatives. You can distribute unnecessary clothes, help those in need with money or even food. There is a very true saying: “What you give is yours.” People who are generous never want for anything.

Try eating another fruit this year instead of grapes - pomegranate. According to followers of simoron, pomegranate has magical properties. Make a wish and start eating pomegranate - slowly, grain by grain, imagining in detail that the wish has already come true. The result will not take long to arrive.

If you want to lose weight, there is a great way. After the New Year holidays, take an empty plastic bottle. Wash thoroughly and pour in, for example, jelly. And now the most important thing: stick a label on the bottle from a detergent that dissolves fat well, for example, the same dishwashing liquid. Drink a spoonful of this potion for a week. And rest assured that the fat will literally literally dissolve.

Write yourself a message from 2018. What kind of job do you want to work in? Where do you see yourself in a year? Be sure to write in an affirmative form. This could be a letter sent to yourself (some sites offer this service, you send a letter and choose a date to deliver it) or an interview you conduct with yourself, or even a fairy tale starring you. Don't be afraid to dream, this is one of the most important conditions.

Are you dreaming of a promotion? There is also a certain ritual for this. Draw an ear. Yes, yes, the human ear. Imagine that this is the ear of your boss, tell him about your desire to take a higher position in the company or your request for a salary increase. Did they say? Rest assured that your boss has heard your request. By the way, this can be not only the boss, but also a girlfriend, friend, husband. So if you want to tell them something, please!

If you have a headache on New Year's Eve (or any other day), don't despair. Send yourself an SMS with the following content: “I’m leaving you, I’m sorry if I hurt you. Your headache." Has your head stopped hurting? And yes, don't drink too much. But you yourself know that.

Important! The main postulate of all “simoronauts” is to treat these rituals as a game. Believe that your wishes will come true, but at the same time do not express claims to the Universe in case of possible failure. Be patient! If the suggested rituals are not enough for you, feel free to come up with new ones!

Why do some people's wishes come true, while others don't?

Since childhood, New Year's Eve has been perceived by most people as something magical and enchanting, even by the biggest skeptics. According to statistics, wishes made on New Year's Eve come true for about 12% of people (every tenth person), and this is not a small figure. Wishes made on this night come true more often than those that people make on ordinary days, because usually at this time we experience an emotional upsurge. This is directly related to the feelings from childhood, when everything seems magical, wonderful and possible, but faith in one’s own strength helps to achieve a lot.

But as we know, some wishes come true, while others do not. A reasonable question arises - why? Psychologists note that the meaning of making wishes is extremely simple: in any undertaking, project, or business, a specific goal is first set, so that later a plan can be drawn up that reflects the way to achieve it. The same thing happens with desires - you set goals for yourself and tune in to search and perceive exactly the information that is now necessary to implement your plans.

Let's assume that you have made a wish to buy a car in the new year and have clearly formulated this wish for yourself. Thus, you are already determined to better capture information about opportunities for additional income or career growth in the future, pay attention to advertisements for profitable car sales, and so on. All this will increase the chances that your plans will come true.

A systematic approach is very important; you need to understand what exactly you want. That is, to decide on the system of our values ​​and needs, since those of our desires that are formulated most clearly are realized faster and easier. That is why it is very effective to write down desires on a piece of paper (remember our traditional ritual that we perform during the chiming clock). After all, before we burn a piece of paper or do something similar, we clearly formulate for ourselves what we want to receive in the New Year, what it will look like, what words are better and more accurately described, thereby giving the desire a very real form, in other words - visualize. This is useful from the point of view of systematization, because the more accurately and clearly we formulate for ourselves what we want, the easier it will be for us to then form (consciously or unconsciously) ways to solve and realize this desire.

When making a wish, focus on your own values ​​and needs if you want them to come true. For example, if your parents are expecting grandchildren or dream of watching you in a white dress walking down the aisle, but you yourself don’t feel such a need, then by making this wish, you are most likely doomed to failure, since these are not your desires, you yourself will internally resist their fulfillment, and therefore the likelihood that they will be fulfilled is close to zero.

The next mistake is making wishes that are physically or emotionally extremely difficult to fulfill during the year, which require more time. Sure, doing the impossible and overcoming challenges can build your character and willpower, but you're more likely to become physically or emotionally exhausted trying to meet your deadlines. Try to make wishes without using the “not” part, as our brains have a funny tendency to “skip” this part and tune in to a positive statement. For example, instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” it’s better to say “may I have good health.”

Whatever method of making wishes you use, whatever traditions you adhere to, it is important to remember that wishes come true for those who believe in their strength and that dreams can come true.

Happy New Year!

It’s not for nothing that they say about the New Year: how you celebrate it is how you live it. It should be celebrated cheerfully, on a grand scale, in the circle of loved ones and relatives. The more beautiful the outfit, the richer the table, the better. You cannot be sad, grieve, or remain alone, so as not to ruin your life in the coming year.

The coming 2018 will pass under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog. This benevolent symbol is quite fastidious and requires mandatory compliance with all the rules for meeting and celebrating the New Year's celebration. Therefore, you need not only to carefully select recipes, gifts, outfits for yourself and decorations for your home, but also to observe ancient traditions, take into account signs and superstitions.

Traditions of decorating the house and the New Year tree

There are many signs associated with decorating the New Year tree and room decor. Superstitions also concern the choice of outfits for a celebration and cleaning tips. All traditions are associated with the anticipation of upcoming magic, protection from harmful negative energy. Here are the most famous New Year's customs that are recommended to be taken into account when preparing for the celebration of the New Year 2018:

  • It is forbidden to celebrate a holiday in a room with cracked windows, broken furniture and toys, torn wallpaper in the corner.
  • You can’t take the trash out of the house on New Year’s Eve so as not to lose happiness.
  • It is necessary to wash the services, cutlery and dishes in all sideboards in advance, throw away plates with cracks, cups with broken edges, so as not to attract poverty and lack of money into the house.
  • On January 1, you need to sweep all the floors with a new broom, purchased in advance, saying the phrase: “Broom, broom, bring a lot of money.” The old one should be thrown away or burned after the ceremony.
  • To attract wealth into your home, you need to roll up several large banknotes into a tube, tie them with a red thread, and hang them on the tree in hard-to-see places.
  • If a Christmas tree takes root in a bucket during the holidays, this means the arrival of a new family member in the coming year.

Customs for preparing the festive table

The Yellow Dog loves to eat tasty and satisfying food, so the New Year's table should be bursting with treats. However, you will have to make sure that no one present has any food left on their plates - the totem animal has a negative attitude towards such wastefulness. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare salads and appetizers in portions, serving them to guests in tartlets and bowls. Here are some more traditions related to drinks and food:

  • Do not cook dishes with crayfish, shrimp, or lobster on New Year's Eve. Crustaceans like to back away and can reduce your income in the future.
  • The bread must be cut before dusk outside the window - this ritual will increase wealth in the New Year.
  • To attract money and good luck, set a rich seven-course table. In the year of the Yellow Dog, you must definitely treat your guests to meat, chicken, appeasing the totem animal. It is better to make meat frying with ribs.

New Year's signs related to health

Everyone wants to be healthy, strong, resilient, have a strong immune system and nerves of steel. That is why most people wish and make good health for themselves and their families. And in order to appease the Earth Dog, they also observe ancient customs. Here are a few signs that promise the absence of illness in the new year:

  • Before the chimes, throw a scarf, blanket or scarf over your shoulders, and with the last strike, throw it off your shoulders. This ritual will help to “reset” all illnesses and misfortunes.
  • Before the celebration, go to the bathhouse or take a shower. This procedure will wash away all the negative that has accumulated over the year and help restore a healthy energy field.
  • Repaying all debts before the new year will help you regain lost health or maintain it. You also need to ask for all borrowed money back.
  • If a street dog comes to you during the holidays, try to, if not shelter, then at least feed it. This way you will attract good luck and health.

Signs for attracting good luck for the whole year

Who doesn’t dream that the coming 2018 will be successful for all family members? But you can’t earn happiness and love so easily, you need to help “Lady Luck” a little. In order for mutual understanding to reign in the family, success in business, and peace in the soul, the following New Year traditions should be observed:

  • After the New Year holidays are over, collect all the pine needles that have fallen from the living tree from the floor and burn it in the oven or in the yard. This way you will destroy all misfortunes, sorrows and problems in the coming year.
  • At the last minute of the old year, peel the tangerine and place it under the tree. This ritual will help attract not only good luck, but also financial stability.
  • To meet new love, you must celebrate the occasion in a red dress or suit.
  • Another sign of love is to put a fragrant cinnamon stick in your pocket on New Year’s Day, and then carry it constantly in your bag.
  • To get pregnant and give birth in the New Year, you need to invite a couple expecting a child to the celebration, and hold the woman’s hand during the chiming clock.
  • An ordinary ficus tree will help you attract good luck in the New Year of the Dog. You just need to buy a flower in a pot and put it in a visible place.
  • To attract good luck to your guests, you need to buy a new outfit for the holiday. This will help not only restore well-being and peace of mind, but also get rich and become happier.

Signs for attracting money and wealth in the New Year

There are many traditions associated with coins, paper bills and ways to attract money into a wallet. Everyone believes that on New Year's Eve you can make a wish, ask Santa Claus for wealth and improved well-being. However, money won’t just fly into your pocket; you need to perform several rituals to attract it in the New Year 2018. Here are some ways:

  • You should place 4 yellow coins in the corners of the table under the tablecloth so that the coming year will be rich.
  • You cannot wash dirty dishes until lunch on January 1 - you can “flush” prosperity and wealth down the sink.
  • You should put a coin under the plates on the table, and if possible, you can put them under the seat upholstery.
  • Before the chimes strike, a cleanly washed coin should be thrown into the bottom of a glass of champagne. After the champagne is drunk, the coin is taken out, wiped with a napkin, and worn all year in a closed compartment of the wallet so that it attracts money.
  • Never lend on the eve of the New Year holidays - this will “take away” all the money and good luck.
  • Before the New Year, a few coins are placed under the threshold so that the owners always have money.
  • To definitely get rich, you need to “wash yourself” with large bills while the chimes ring, preferably in both ruble and dollar equivalents.

The main thing when observing traditions and customs is faith in the fulfillment of desires. Only sincerely made requests come true on the night of miracles. And to make your dream come true in 2018 as quickly as possible, you need to buy a New Year’s toy in the shape of a dog and hang it on the tree closer to the center.