How to make pike perch. Pike perch in the oven: recipes with photos. Tomato soup with pike perch

Pike perch is a predatory fish that lives in rivers and fresh water bodies. In terms of gluttony, it ranks second after pike. Due to its high mobility and aggressiveness, pike perch contains little fat, which allows it to be classified as a dietary product. Its white and tender meat is suitable even for the first feeding of babies. In our article we will present the chemical composition and nutritional value, tell you whether the pike perch fish is bony or not, and explain how to properly clean this predator. Here we will offer simple recipes for delicious and healthy dishes.

Nutritional value and calorie content of pike perch fish

Among freshwater fish, this predator takes pride of place. It lives in deep water in clean reservoirs, so its meat has a pleasant color and smell. Many people are interested in the question of whether pike perch fish is fatty or not.

The meat of this predatory inhabitant of fresh water contains a lot of easily digestible protein, enough water and is completely free of carbohydrates. It contains a minimal amount of fat. Moreover, 75% of them are represented by mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Anyone who prefers to cook pike perch need not worry about their figure. This is a low-fat fish with low calorie content (84 kcal) and a rich vitamin and mineral composition. The amount of protein is 18.4 g, fat - 1.1 g, water - 80 g per 100 grams of product.

Pike perch contains up to 20 amino acids important for humans, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP, E. The fish contains a sufficient amount of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron.

Regular consumption of pike perch meat promotes:

  • harmonious development of the child;
  • improving brain function;
  • normalization of the stomach and intestines;
  • reducing blood glucose and cholesterol levels;
  • improving the condition of skin, nails and hair;
  • decreased blood density;
  • normalization of metabolism and improvement of the general condition of the body.

Vitamins, minerals and have high antioxidant properties.

Pike-perch fish: bony or not?

There is no doubt that the meat of this freshwater predator is healthy. The taste of pike perch fish is no less pleasant. The meat of this deep-sea inhabitant of reservoirs is distinguished by its delicate texture, white color and pleasant smell. It contains virtually no bones, which is a big advantage.

Pike perch is not so easy to clean due to its hard scales that adhere tightly to the skin. We will tell you how to do this correctly below.

How to clean pike perch fish?

You can remove the scales using a sharp knife with a serrated edge, special scrapers or a vegetable peeler with a longitudinal blade. Fish should be cleaned in the following order:

  1. Using culinary scissors, remove the spiny fins.
  2. Clean the fish with short movements from the tail to the head, lifting the scales and removing them. To prevent the fish from slipping out of your hands, it is recommended to rub it with salt or first pour boiling water over it before cleaning.
  3. Rinse the cleaned fish and place on a cutting board.
  4. Gut the pike perch. To do this, make a longitudinal cut from the tail to the head, revealing the belly of the fish.
  5. Pull out the insides, being careful not to damage the gall sac. Separate the fat lining the belly, milk or caviar.
  6. Remove the black film inside and rinse the fish thoroughly.
  7. Cut into portions.

If you want fillet, you need to make sure whether the pike perch fish is bony or not. As mentioned above, the dietary meat of this predatory inhabitant of fresh water bodies contains practically no bones. Therefore, you can safely fillet pike perch and prepare a wide variety of dishes from it.

How to cook fish?

Rich in easily digestible protein, dietary pike perch meat is recommended for consumption by those losing weight, people with diabetes and diseases of the digestive system and kidneys. This fish can be prepared in any way: boiled, fried, stewed, baked in the oven or on the grill, stuffed, dried, dried, smoked, chopped and made into delicious steamed cutlets. However, it should be taken into account that heat treatment increases the calorie content of pike perch. For example, it contains 97 kcal, and fried - 180 kcal per 100 grams of product.

We recommend preparing the following delicious pike perch dishes: fish soup from the head, aspic, baked in foil with vegetables and sour cream sauce, and stewed in a slow cooker in cream. A side dish of rice, buckwheat or potatoes is ideal for fish.

Pike perch fish soup recipe

The amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe is for a 3 liter pan. Pike perch head soup is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Cook the broth. To do this you will need the head and tail of a pike perch. They need to be thoroughly cleaned and washed. It is necessary to cut out the gills from the head. Place the fish in a saucepan, cover with cold water, add 5 black peppercorns and the whole peeled onion.
  2. Cook the broth for 25 minutes over low heat. Periodically you need to remove the foam.
  3. Strain the finished broth through a sieve. Disassemble the head and tail, separating the meat from the bones.
  4. Pour the broth into a clean pan, add salt and add meat to it.
  5. Add chopped potatoes (2 pieces) and carrots, chopped into strips, into the pan. As soon as the vegetables in the broth boil, pour a handful of millet into the ear. Boil the soup until the ingredients are ready. At the end of cooking, add salt, pepper and chopped dill.

Pike perch baked in foil

Tender, juicy, aromatic and low-calorie fish can be prepared according to the following recipe. The meat turns out lean and very tasty.

How to cook pike perch fish can be described in step-by-step instructions:

  1. Clean the carcass, remove the entrails and head. It can be used to prepare fish soup.
  2. On one side, make transverse cuts to the ridge at a distance of approximately 1.5 cm from one another.
  3. Salt and pepper the fish and leave it on the table for 20 minutes.
  4. Prepare a sauce from mustard (3 tablespoons) and the juice of half a lemon.
  5. Cut the onion into half rings, the tomato and lemon into slices, and then cut them in half again.
  6. Place part of the onion on a sheet of foil greased with vegetable oil. Place fish on top. Coat the pike perch with sauce, and insert half a lemon and a tomato into the transverse cuts.
  7. Wrap the foil tightly. Place the fish in an oven preheated to 200° for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, open the foil so that the pike perch browns. If desired, you can sprinkle the dish with cheese.

Jellied pike perch

This dish will decorate any holiday table, especially New Year's. For anyone who still doesn’t know whether pike perch is bony or not, and doubts whether it’s worth preparing aspic, we recommend that you start this process immediately. This predator has no bones, so both adults and children will enjoy eating it.

Step by step, pike perch aspic is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Clean the fish from scales, remove fins, entrails and gills. Cut off the head and separate the fillet from the bones.
  2. In a 3 liter saucepan, cook the broth from the head, tail and ridge. As soon as the water boils, you need to remove the foam. Add a whole onion, carrots, peppers, and peas. After 25 minutes, salt the broth and add bay leaf.
  3. Remove the broth from the stove and strain through a sieve or cheesecloth. Pour it into a clean pan, add the fillet pieces and cook them for 15 minutes.
  4. Place the meat into molds. Here you can add a beautifully chopped boiled egg, herbs and carrot pieces. Strain the broth again.
  5. Soak gelatin (2 teaspoons) in cold water for 15 minutes. Add the swollen mass to the hot broth, mix well and pour it into molds. Cool first on the counter and then put in the refrigerator.

How to cook pike perch in sour cream?

Many housewives complain that when baking low-fat fish in the oven, it turns out dry. To avoid this, it is recommended to cook pike perch in sour cream sauce. Then the meat will turn out tender and very tasty.

We will describe how to cook pike perch fish in the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Clean the carcass and cut it into portions 2.5 cm thick. The head can be used to prepare another dish.
  2. Salt the fish, pepper and place on a baking sheet greased with olive oil. It is good to pour lemon juice over the pike perch on top.
  3. Prepare a sauce from sour cream with a fat content of 15%, mayonnaise (2 tablespoons), 1 kg of onion cut into half rings, salt and pepper.
  4. Pour the prepared sauce over the fish. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  5. Bake the dish at 180° for 40 minutes.

Delicious pike perch in a slow cooker

You can prepare this recipe. Step by step, the dish is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Cut pike perch fillet (400 g) into portions. Pour lemon juice (2 tablespoons) over the fish, add salt, add a little lemon zest, then cover the plate with film and place in the refrigerator.
  2. Cut sweet peppers, onions, carrots and champignons (100 g) into strips. Mushrooms can be chopped into plates.
  3. Place the vegetables in the multicooker bowl, adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  4. Set the "Baking" mode for 5 minutes.
  5. Heat 10% fat cream (200 ml) on the stove. Pour them into the slow cooker with the vegetables, then continue to simmer the vegetables as usual for two minutes.
  6. Place half of the vegetable mass on a plate. Place the pike perch fillet on the remaining vegetables. Cover the top of the fish with the mixture set aside on a plate.
  7. Set the "Stew" mode and cook the dish for 20 minutes.

Pike perch is an extremely tasty and tender fish with white dietary meat and many useful microelements. In addition, this product is famous for its lack of unpleasant odor and low bone content. In addition, this fish is suitable for almost all occasions, because you can literally cook anything from it.

If you have this product, you are faced with a difficult choice: what exactly to cook from it? After all, from this fish you can make a lot of varied and incredibly tasty dishes: aspic, casserole, and fried delicacy. Only one thing is important - to know how to cook fish (pike perch), and to take into account all the features of this product in the process.

Probably every housewife wants to somehow diversify the daily menu and pamper her family with unusual dishes. How to cook pike perch? It turns out that you can do almost anything with this fish: boil, fry, stew, and stuff. And real craftsmen even prepare cutlets, zrazy and even rolls from it. In fact, there are a huge number of recipes that will tell you how to cook pike perch. This fish is good and original in each of them.

An important advantage of pike perch is that due to its lean meat, it is recommended for consumption by those who want to lose weight or lead a healthy lifestyle. It is noteworthy that despite its low calorie content, this fish is rich in nutrients and beneficial substances. So those who are on a diet due to illness should not deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying the most delicate taste of this delicacy. True, in order to get not just a tasty, but also a truly healthy dish, you need to know exactly how to cook pike perch.

Product selection and preparation

First of all, you should learn how to select the right fish. After all, the secret of a truly deliciously prepared dish lies primarily in the quality and freshness of the original product. Be sure to check the gills of the pike perch - they should have a bright scarlet color. Then inspect all the fish: the skin should be smooth, the eyes should be clean, not cloudy, and the meat itself should be elastic and have a pleasant smell. If you are wondering “how to cook pike perch in the oven,” keep in mind that it is best to choose small carcasses. The smaller the fish, the juicier the dish made from it will be.

Preparing pike perch is quite easy. In principle, the scheme is standard: you need to carefully clean the carcass, rip open the abdomen and remove the entrails. The gills should also be removed. Then rinse the fish thoroughly under water. Immediately before cooking, remove excess moisture from the pike perch using paper towels. Only after this can you begin the culinary process.

Fish baked in the oven with vegetables, spices and lemon turns out to be unusually appetizing, healthy and nutritious. If you don’t know how to deliciously cook pike perch, be sure to pay attention to this simple recipe for cooking a carcass in foil. Moreover, the process will not take you too much time and effort. You only need to prepare the pike perch, and the equipment will do the rest for you.

Grocery list

If you decide to bake the whole fish, buy all the necessary ingredients in advance:

  • approximately 1 kg of carcass;
  • large onion;
  • a small bunch of parsley or dill;
  • large tomato;
  • lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons French mustard;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable, or better yet, olive oil;
  • 2 teaspoons salt;
  • a pinch of ground pepper and other spices to your taste.


First of all, of course, prepare the fish. On the sides of the carcass, make equal transverse cuts every couple of centimeters. Rub the belly and outer part of the pike perch thoroughly with a mixture of spices and salt, then leave to marinate for half an hour. In the meantime, you can start preparing the vegetables.

Cut the tomato and onion into thin half rings. Cut the lemon in half: cut one part into rings, and squeeze the juice from the second into a separate container. Then add mustard to it, stir and brush the fish with this mixture. After the pike perch has been marinated, place the carcass on greased foil. Place sliced ​​lemon and tomato rings into the cuts made. Spread the onion throughout the carcass and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Then wrap the foil in an envelope and place it in an oven heated to 200 degrees for half an hour. Usually this time is enough to cook the fish. But if you have stocked up on a large carcass, then extend the baking for another 15 minutes. At this point the preparation can be considered complete. By the way, if you want your pike perch to be covered with a beautiful golden crust, open the foil 10 minutes before the dish is ready.

Perhaps the best side dish for such fish would be boiled rice or mashed potatoes. You can decorate the prepared dish with lemon slices, sprigs of herbs and olives.

This dish will be an excellent decoration for any holiday table. Although a delicate, transparent, beautiful cold appetizer can become an exquisite addition to even a simple dinner. This is also a great option for those who don’t know how to cook pike perch. Perhaps aspic is not so easy to prepare, but if you tinker a little with the fish and do everything correctly, you will be rewarded for your efforts with a delicious delicacy.


So, if you decide to give your preference to this delicious snack, first prepare:

  • kilogram carcass;
  • one large onion and one carrot each;
  • a root of parsley, celery or parsnip;
  • a small bunch of greenery;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 30 g instant gelatin;
  • a pinch of black and allspice;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process

Prepare the fish: remove the shells, fins, gills and entrails. Cut off the tail and head and place in a deep saucepan along with the celery root, carrots, onions, peppers and bay leaves. By the way, you don’t have to cut the vegetables. You can also put parts of fish with pieces of meat here: for example, cut fins and large bones. Fill all components with 1.5 liters of water.

The broth should be simmered for an hour over low heat. Do not forget to periodically stir and remove the foam. Then add the chopped carcass to the broth and cook for another half hour. Then carefully remove the fillet pieces from the liquid. To do this, it is most convenient to use a slotted spoon. Take out the carrots and celery - they can be beautifully chopped and used to decorate the dish. Strain the broth itself through cheesecloth several times.

Place the pieces of pike perch in several deep containers, add chopped vegetables and sprigs of herbs. Then dissolve the gelatin in the warm broth and pour the liquid on top. In addition, you can use olives and lemon slices for decoration. True, the citrus must be added a little later so that the aspic does not turn out bitter.

Wait for the broth to cool and place it in the refrigerator for several hours until completely set. It’s best to leave the aspic overnight. It is customary to serve jellied pike perch with horseradish.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


The taste of this fish can be called truly noble, so even true gourmets will appreciate it. In addition, no matter how you prepare it, the dish turns out not only nutritious, but also dietary. This is especially true for recipes that involve baking the product in the oven. Some of the most delicious of them are presented below.

How to cook pike perch in the oven

There are many options for how to cook pike perch deliciously in the oven. The carcass can be filleted or baked completely including the head. Before this, the fish is boiled, fried or poached, depending on how dense you want the flesh to be. When choosing certain additional ingredients in the form of sauces, vegetables, etc., it is worth considering that pike perch meat is low-fat and slightly dry. To prevent it from drying out completely, a carcass weighing more than 1 kg should be cut into portioned pieces. This way it will bake evenly.

Only stuffed pike perch cannot be dried out in the oven, because the filling is placed inside. If it is also a sauce, the dish will turn out especially juicy. To steam the fish even faster, you can wrap it in foil or a special sleeve. A simple dough will cope with this function. It is also very easy to deliciously bake pike perch in it, and any kind will do, even bought at a deli. All you have to do is decide what to choose - foil, sleeve or dough.

How to choose fresh pike perch

The secret to preparing any dish is simple – high-quality and fresh ingredients. This also applies to pike perch. There are several criteria for choosing this fish:

  1. Freshly caught pike perch has virtually no odor.
  2. When you press on the side of a fresh fish, the dent will quickly recover.
  3. The pike perch's eyes should be transparent and clear. If they are cloudy or the pupil has rolled upward, then the fish is not fresh.

Cleaning and cutting fish

Before cooking this fish, it must be cleaned and cut. Do not be alarmed by spiny fins and very small scales, because with the right approach they are very easy to eliminate. Cleaning pike perch is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. Keep the fish in salted water for a couple of minutes, then the same amount, but under a cold stream.
  2. Take fresh lemon peel and rub it on the carcass itself and the surface on which it will lie.
  3. To prevent the scales from scattering in different directions, you can attach a protective screen cut from a plastic bottle to the cleaning device.
  4. After removing the scales with a knife or a special tool, you can cut off the fins with ordinary scissors.

After cleaning, you need to properly cut the fish. Pike perch is a predator, so its anatomy is such that the gallbladder and liver are located near the head. It is important not to pierce them, otherwise the fish will no longer be cooked tasty. The cutting technology is as follows:

  1. Using a very sharp knife, make a cut along the abdomen from the base of the head between the fins. There is no need to insert the instrument deeply.
  2. Remove the gall bladder and gills.
  3. If you intend to use the head, then clean its cavity and remove the dark abdominal film.
  4. Rinse the carcass under cold water.

Pike perch dishes in the oven - recipes

If you have already completed the procedure of cleaning and cutting up the pike perch, then you can begin the preparation itself. First, decide on the recipe. There are a lot of them, but you will definitely like any of them. If you are not going to bake the whole pike perch, then do not throw away the tail, head and cartilages, because they can still be used for fish soup. The process of preparing fish in each recipe is the same and is carried out according to the instructions above.

Baked in foil

The simplest recipe is pike perch baked whole in the oven in foil. Due to this processing, the fish turns out to be very juicy. In addition to the fish, you will only need spices, which you can take at your discretion. A very original taste is obtained by adding sesame seeds. It gives the fish a pleasant nutty flavor. You can add tenderness using sour cream.


  • mustard – 1 tsp;
  • pike perch – 1 piece;
  • salt, fish seasoning - to taste;
  • sour cream – 2 tsp;
  • onion – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the already prepared fish on a sheet of foil, rub with seasonings and salt, and let sit for 10 minutes.
  2. Turn on the oven so that it warms up to 180 degrees.
  3. Combine sour cream with mustard and coat the carcass with this mixture. Let her lie there for a couple more minutes.
  4. Peel the onion, chop into half rings, add a little salt. Place some in the belly of the fish, and place some on top for decoration, as shown in the photo.
  5. Wrap the foil tightly, place the workpiece on a baking sheet, and bake. Half an hour is enough to prepare.

With potatoes

To get a complete dinner, you should use the recipe for pike perch in the oven with potatoes. This vegetable is great as a side dish for fish. How to prepare such a dish? One option is not to cut up the pike perch, but bake it whole in foil or a sleeve, simply adding potatoes. The fillet of this fish will also turn out delicious. It can be baked under a coat of potatoes and, for example, tomatoes and cheese.


  • sour cream – 400 g;
  • salt, pepper - to your taste;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • pike perch fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • potatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - a little for lubrication;
  • Parmesan cheese – 100 g;
  • tomato – 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fish fillet, cut into portions, pour in soy sauce and let stand.
  2. At this time, take a baking dish and grease it. Next, first lay out the potato cubes in layers, followed by onion half rings and tomato slices, and grease each with sour cream.
  3. Place the fillet on top of all the products. Grease with sour cream again and sprinkle with grated cheese on top.
  4. Bake at 180 degrees, setting the timer for 80 minutes.

With vegetables

In this recipe, the side dish is not so filling, but this is good, because such a dish is perfect for a healthy diet dinner. Vegetables give all their juice to the fish, due to which its aroma and taste become more intense. The appearance of the dish will also please you, because the ingredients are multi-colored - peppers, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes or carrots. The recipe with the photo below will help you prepare pike perch baked with vegetables.


  • soy sauce – 10 ml;
  • spices, salt - to your taste;
  • leek – 1 pc.;
  • broccoli – 0.2 kg;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh thyme – 10 g;
  • honey – 10 g;
  • pike perch fillet – 0.25 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the pepper, rinse, cut into half rings. Do the same with onions.
  2. Wash the broccoli too, then separate it into smaller florets.
  3. Cover a baking sheet with parchment. Next, place the broccoli in the middle, place the washed fillet on top, and place the onion on it.
  4. Place the pepper and thyme sprigs in the last layer.
  5. Send to bake, setting the temperature to 180 degrees.
  6. After 10 min. pour a mixture of soy sauce, olive oil and honey over the fish.
  7. Cook for another 40 minutes.

In sour cream in the oven

If you are still looking for a decent recipe, then pike perch in sour cream sauce in the oven is perfect for you. With this sauce, the fish dish turns out to be especially tasty, because its flesh becomes more tender, juicy and aromatic. Despite all this, it remains satisfying and nutritious. Pleasant flavor notes can be added to sour cream sauce even with the help of cottage cheese.


  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 0.4 l;
  • pike perch – 1 piece;
  • pepper and salt - to taste;
  • onions – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean and gut the fish, cut into large pieces approximately as in the photo. Season with salt and pepper, pour over lemon juice.
  2. Place the pieces on a greased baking sheet.
  3. Peel and cut the onion into half rings, mix with sour cream and mayonnaise, season with pepper and salt.
  4. Pour the resulting sauce over the pike perch.
  5. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. When the sauce boils, reduce the temperature to 180.


The pinnacle of culinary art is stuffed pike perch in the oven. Although not all housewives take up the task of preparing such a dish. This recipe has several difficulties, but following the technology, making stuffed fish will not be difficult. The finished dish will not be a shame to serve even at the holiday table, because it looks simply amazing.


  • cheese – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise – 125 g;
  • pike perch – a fish weighing 2.5 kg;
  • cod liver – 1 jar;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • crackers – 100 g;
  • seasonings for fish - to taste;
  • onion – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and peel all vegetables. Chop the onion into half rings, grate the carrots and cheese, cut the liver into cubes. Mix all ingredients, adding mayonnaise and crackers.
  2. Clean the fish, gut it, put the prepared filling inside, and sew it up with thread.
  3. Make several cuts on the surface of the carcass.
  4. Grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese shavings.
  5. Bake at 190 degrees, setting the timer for 1 hour.


If you don’t want to bother with cleaning and cutting up a whole pike perch, then buy fillets of this fish. It can also be deliciously baked, and with a variety of ingredients. The dish turns out to be especially soft, tender and juicy, and fewer or no bones will please anyone. How to cook pike perch fillet in the oven? Follow the simple instructions below.


  • greens – 1 bunch;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • grated cheese – 150 g;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • cream – 150 ml;
  • pike perch fillet – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • spices and salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fillet, dry it, then cut into portions. Rub with spices and let them soak in.
  2. Wash and peel the vegetables. Cut the pepper into cubes and the onion into half rings. Fry in a frying pan, add chopped herbs and chopped garlic.
  3. Cook the vegetables for a couple more minutes, then pour in the cream, warm it up, but do not let it boil.
  4. Place the fillet on the bottom of the baking dish. Pour over cream sauce and sprinkle with cheese shavings.
  5. Bake for 40 minutes. at 180 degrees.


Another interesting recipe is pike perch cutlets in the oven. This versatile dish can be served on its own or you can add a side dish of vegetables or potatoes. The main thing is to carefully select all the seeds so that the cutlets turn out homogeneous. They can be given a special aroma using ordinary herbs. You just need to sprinkle it on the finished cutlets.


  • green onion - a few feathers;
  • pike perch – 400 g fillet;
  • soy sauce – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - a little for lubrication;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt - to your taste;
  • onions – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash, peel and process all products using a meat grinder.
  2. Mix the ingredients, add soy sauce, pepper and salt.
  3. Form cutlets from the resulting minced meat.
  4. Place them on a greased baking sheet.
  5. Cook in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

There are several simple secrets on how to bake pike perch in the oven whole or in parts. To completely remove the scales, you should pour boiling water over the fish. Then it will be easier to clean. For baking, you should use Provençal herbs, such as thyme, sage, rosemary or marjoram. Before cooking the fish, the oven must be warmed up well. When using foil, it should be opened slightly 10 minutes before the end. This is necessary so that the taste of the fish is not bland and boiled, and the crust turns out golden.

Another important point is temperature. You should not set it more than 225 degrees. Temperature values ​​below this level are considered optimal for raw pike perch carcass. As for various sauces, for poached fish you can use thick ones. If a raw carcass is going to be baked, then more liquid fillings are better suited for it.


Pike perch in the oven: recipes with photos

Merchant style pike perch in dough

Pike perch in itself is an excellent fish for baking, but when you also cook it in dough, it turns out simply divine. The marinade gives the pike perch such softness and tenderness of the meat that it simply melts in your mouth. I recommend everyone to try this wonderful dish - merchant-style pike perch in dough, it is not at all difficult to prepare, and the result will exceed all your wildest expectations. Happy cooking!

Pike perch meatballs

The dish is quick to prepare and tasty in its quality. Fish is very necessary for humans, as it contains the necessary minerals and trace elements, iron and calcium. Pike perch meatballs go well with a side dish of boiled rice or potatoes. You can also supplement them with fresh or stewed vegetables. In addition, they are low in calories and will not take a “battle blow” to your figure. Happy cooking!

Pike perch baked in the oven is a delicious dish for fish lovers. The dish can be classified as dietary, because the fish is not greasy, but at the same time it is very nutritious for the human body, in addition, it is easily digested. Preparing the dish is not at all difficult and quite quick. Now I will share with you, dear housewives, this magical recipe for baked pike perch.

Fried pike perch

Fish dishes are very beneficial for the human body; they contain huge amounts of phosphorus, calcium, iron and unsaturated fats. In Soviet times, Thursday was considered a fish day in any government institution. In kindergartens and schools, and in many enterprises, fish was prepared there. I advise you to eat fish at least once a week and saturate your body with useful microelements. Therefore, I recommend preparing fried pike perch according to my recipe, it turns out incredibly tasty. Happy cooking!

Pike perch fillet in beer

Pike-perch fillet in beer is aromatic pieces of fish marinated in spices and lemon juice, and then baked in beer. It turns out very tasty, aromatic and original. Can be served on the holiday table!

Pike perch in sour cream

Pike perch in sour cream is a very tender, elegant and tasty dish that can even decorate a holiday table. One pleasant thought is that you don’t have to bother with fish, and cooking it is a pleasure. After all, after frying the pike perch, it is simply placed on a baking sheet, greased with dressing and sent to the oven. The result is a fragrant fish, with a golden crust and an unforgettable aftertaste!

Stuffed pike perch baked in the oven

Stuffed pike perch baked in the oven is not only a tasty dish, but also healthy. It can be fried, stewed or boiled. I suggest baking pike perch today, because after cooking it turns out juicy, very tasty and with a golden brown crust. It is recommended in the diet even for those people who suffer from diseases of the digestive system. This is due to the fact that the meat of this fish is lean and there are practically no small bones. Please help yourself!

Pike perch in a slow cooker

Pike perch in a slow cooker is a lean and quick to prepare dish. Unlike other types of river fish, pike perch is less bony and lacks a specific odor. In addition, stewing pike perch is not time-consuming and does not require high cooking skills.

Pike perch fillet in the oven

Pike perch fillet in the oven is a fairly simple way to deliciously cook river fish. When you take out the finished dish, you will be surrounded by an appetizing aroma and no strange smell, which opponents of river fish like to refer to. After all, the recipe contains sour cream, which removes all the unpleasant flavors from the pike perch, making its fillet juicy and incredibly appetizing. I highly recommend trying it!

Pike perch in lime sauce

Walleye in Lime Sauce is perfectly cooked fish served with a creamy, flavorful sauce. Thanks to lime, simple and completely familiar pike perch acquires an excellent taste. Be sure to try it!

Pike perch is a representative of the perch and has a long body with a pointed head. The meat of this fish is low in fat and has virtually no bones, so it is suitable for any cooking method. This is a very common fish and in any national cuisine there is at least one pike perch recipe, where the basis of the dish is this fish. It is easier to clean pike perch if you first remove its fins. Before directly frying the pike perch, you need to salt it and leave it for 10-15 minutes, and then cook it in a hot frying pan, then the meat will remain dense.

Pike perch is a tasty, dry and low-calorie fish that is very easy to prepare if you know all the secrets.

There are many recipes for cooking pike perch: you can fry it, bake it in the oven, and vegetables, potatoes, and rice are suitable as a side dish.

True, when choosing a side dish and additional ingredients, it is worth remembering that pike perch meat is lean, so it can be cooked with sauce, and to prevent the fish from being dry, you should use foil.

A very important point is the choice of fish. There are several criteria:

  1. Fresh fish has virtually no odor.
  2. Press the side of the pike perch: if it is fresh, the dent will quickly go away.
  3. The pike perch's eyes should be clear and transparent - if they are cloudy or you notice that the pupil has rolled back, this indicates that the pike perch was caught quite a long time ago.

It is also important to properly clean and cut the carcass. The technology is simple:

The cutting technology is simple:

  • Using a sharp knife, cut the carcass along the belly so that the blade is located between the fins;
  • we remove organs and gills;
  • wash the fish with water.

Pike perch baked whole in foil

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g: 94 kcal.

It is considered the simplest recipe. Thanks to the use of foil, the fish will be juicy. In addition, preparation requires a small amount of ingredients.

You will need:

  • 1 medium-sized pike perch;
  • 1 tsp mustard;
  • salt and seasonings - to taste;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tsp sour cream (will give the dish tenderness).

The preparation is very simple:

  1. Prepare the fish, place on foil, rub with seasonings and salt, leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Turn on the oven so that it warms up to +180 degrees.
  3. Mix mustard with sour cream and brush on pike perch.
  4. Peel the onion, cut into rings, put some in the belly, and sprinkle the rest on top of the fish.
  5. Wrap the carcass in foil and place in the oven for half an hour.

Recipe with potatoes

Cooking time: 100 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g: 88 kcal.

Want to get a full dinner? In this case, you need to “arm yourself” with this recipe, because potatoes are one of the best side dishes for fish.

The following ingredients are needed:

  • 400 ml sour cream;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 1 onion;
  • 500 g pike perch fillet;
  • 1 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • 6-7 potatoes;
  • 0.5 tsp vegetable oil;
  • 100 g parmesan;
  • 3 tomatoes.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. Rinse the fillet, cut it into pieces, pour in soy sauce and leave to steep for 20 minutes.
  2. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil.
  3. Peel the potatoes, cut into pieces, do the same with the onions and tomatoes.
  4. Place in the mold in layers: potatoes, onions, tomatoes, fillets - and each layer should be coated with sour cream.
  5. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  6. Bake in the oven for 80 minutes at +180 degrees.

Diet dish with mushrooms

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g: 140 kcal.

Fish combined with mushrooms is perfect for a dietary dinner.

The following products are needed:

  • 1 large pike perch;
  • 350 g of mushrooms (forest mushrooms will have a special aroma);
  • 1 onion;
  • 50-70 g cheese;
  • 30 ml cream;
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil;
  • salt, ground black pepper and coriander - to taste.

Prepare the fish: if you take a whole pike perch, then cut out all the insides, large bones, ridge, remove the skin; if fillet, cut into pieces. Place the fish in a separate bowl, sprinkle with spices and salt, leave for 10-15 minutes. While it is cooking, chop the onion and fry until translucent. After this, add the mushrooms to the frying pan and simmer for about 15 minutes over low heat.

You need to make a sauce: mix grated cheese, cream, then pour it into the mushrooms, mix everything thoroughly.

Place the prepared fish in a baking dish, cover with mushroom sauce and place in the oven for half an hour at +180 degrees.

How to fry fish in a frying pan

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g: 137 kcal.

No time at all and a lot of products? In this case, it is best to cook pike perch in breadcrumbs in a frying pan - the taste and aroma of the fish will please even the most capricious guest.


  • 1.5 kg pike perch;
  • 50 g breadcrumbs;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil;
  • salt and spices for fish - to taste.

For this recipe, cut the fillet or whole carcass into pieces up to 2 cm wide (the tail and head will remain from the whole carcass - you don’t have to throw them away, but freeze them for further preparation of fish soup). Rub the pieces of pike perch with salt, pepper, spices, and leave for half an hour.

Pour breadcrumbs into a separate shallow plate, roll each piece on all sides - in this case, the fish will be fried evenly (the more breading, the richer the crust will be). Heat a frying pan in oil, add pieces of fish and fry over moderate heat - this way the pike perch will be thoroughly fried and the breadcrumbs will not burn.

As a side dish, you can serve potatoes, rice, fresh vegetables or a light salad.

How to cook Heh from pike perch

Cooking time: 60 minutes (+1 day).

Calorie content per 100 g: 134 kcal.

Hye is a popular Korean dish that is traditionally made from pieces of fish marinated in vinegar and spices.


  • 1 small carcass or 500 g fillet;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar 70%;
  • 1 tsp each ground black pepper, coriander, salt.

Cut the pike perch fillet into pieces 2-3 cm in size, place in a deep bowl, add vinegar, mix and place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. While the pike perch is marinating, prepare the remaining ingredients: grate the carrots and cut the onion into rings.

First place the onion in layers on the fish, then grated carrots, sprinkle the ingredients with pepper and coriander.

In a small bowl, heat the vegetable oil (without bringing it to a boil), pour over the fish. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator for at least three hours, but it’s better to leave the pike perch overnight. After the specified time, try the appetizer and add vinegar or spices if necessary.

It is extremely important to use only fresh fish for this recipe; it is good if you buy live pike perch and cut it yourself.