What is a horoscope and how is it compiled? The history of the Eastern horoscope: legends and signs The history of the Eastern horoscope - animals and elements

Sumerians, a civilization that lived in Mesopotamia, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers 5000 years ago. This is modern Iran - Babylon, the temple of the Goddess Ishtar, etc. It was the Sumerians who began to divide the sky into 12 Heavenly Windows. The seven-day week is also an invention of the Sumerians. All ancient peoples had an idea of ​​the Zodiac (ancient India, China, Central America, Egypt - only the names were different). Astrology was known to the inhabitants of Atlantis and Lemuria .Where did the signs of the Zodiac come from? The ancients say that from the gods. For example, the Mayan Indians say that the Pleiades are the mother of astrology, that the gods descended from heaven and revealed this Knowledge to people. In Egypt, Sirius was revered - the Egyptians believed that the gods came to earth from there . In ancient India there was a variety of Sanskrit called Devanagari, the language spoken in the city of demigods. In this language, the ancient knowledge about horoscopes was revealed to people. The Sumerians spoke about the gods who came to Earth from the countries of the Milky Way. Ancient sutras are still preserved in Tibet, in which it is written that knowledge of the integrity of the Spirit, in addition to our world, is practiced in thirteen solar systems .Why exactly these signs? Because always before sunrise in the east, the same signs are visible above the horizon: in March - Aries, in April - Taurus, etc. The ancients took notice of this. This is how 12 sky windows appeared! The movement of the Sun along these “windows” - constellations is called the ecliptic. There is another 13th constellation - Ophiuchus. For centuries, people have been forced to believe that 13 is an unlucky number, that it is an inconvenient number because it does not fit into a harmonious circle! Indeed, how good it is when there are 12 months in a year and the Zodiacal Circle is perfectly divided into 12, where each sign has 30 degrees. 360:12 = 30. And then one of the most extensive constellations in the sky, Ophiuchus, was taken and thrown out of the Zodiac, like as if he had never been there! And they came up with a “theory” for the laymen that Ophiuchus is not a sign of the Zodiac, but just a constellation! This was done in Babylon long before the birth of Christ by local magicians, who are believed to have invented astrology - the science of the twelve celestial windows, which the Greeks later called the Zodiac, which translates as “Circle of Animals.” Until now, different schools use the most incredible explanations about reasons for the disappearance of the constellation Ophiuchus from the Zodiac. If we talk about the degrees of Ophiuchus, then in the Zodiac this is the area from 23° Scorpio to 7° Sagittarius, which is slightly at odds with the real movement of the Sun. Sometimes this section is called VIA COMBUSTA - “Burnt Path”, but astrologers still have no consensus on its exact location. But in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, among the Mayan Indians, the Zodiac consisted, as it should be, of 13 constellations - only there Ophiuchus was called the Bat - SOC, and the mystery of the Zodiac was built precisely around this constellation. This constellation falls at the very center of our Milky Way Galaxy and divides the Zodiac into “the world of the living and the world of the dead.” The energy of Ophiuchus turns the wheel of the Zodiac into a spiral. This is freedom, not walking in the zodiac circle.

Who invented the horoscope and why do we need it? and got the best answer

Answer from Yoash - not a girl's name[guru]
As for who and why, to you. most likely it doesn't matter. Well, find out who - and what?
But with arithmetic you seriously missed the mark.
In a correct horoscope there are: 12 signs, 12 houses, 12 real planets, 5 main fictitious planets (and in general there are a great many of them), aspects between planets, fixed stars (there are about a hundred of them, which are actively used. There are three to five in one horoscope). In one sign there are different intervals: decades (divided into three), phases, terms, degrees, including sacred ones for the planets... and so on, this is just what immediately comes to mind. So what else to divide and divide your six billion...
And this is only by birth, but there is also relocation (moving) and other changeable matter of our life.
What is being imposed on you (okay, us) differs from real astrology, like multiplication tables from higher mathematics or smearing with brilliant green from neurosurgery. For many ordinary people, the atom is still indivisible...
Source: As for why - for reference.
Sasha is not a girl's name
I'm an astrologer.

Answer from ))))))))))))))))))))) [newbie]
Garascom is needed like everything else.

Answer from Vccccccxjnb,fj[newbie]
Defiler Deceiver learn to write...
The horoscope was invented by a man looking at the stars and it was a long time ago...

Answer from Sweetie-daughter[guru]
In the ancient Middle Ages, horoscopes were invented by people for reasons of ignorance. They simply had no other choice. In the enlightened twenty-first century, this is just one of four hundred relatively honest ways of taking money from the population.

Answer from MiLLiLitR[guru]
This is as necessary for us as, for example, a toothbrush)) But to be honest, the creators of the horoscope have long since sunk into oblivion, and who they were is unknown. There are only bare facts invented by so-called scientists, which are accepted by the overwhelming majority as the truth.

Answer from Without a mask[guru]
As far as I understand, only one celestial body matters, which affects us and the world around us. This is the Moon. All other bunks are rather landmarks that determine its position and nothing more. For ease of management, we are divided into groups (12 zodiac signs) and possibly subgroups. This explains the wholesale nature and at the same time individuality of horoscopes. This is a kind of supercomputer that controls (and plans) reality, working according to the laws that someone once calculated (or received?). Knowledge (but not understanding) of these laws is what astrology uses. Another name for this miracle technique is Fate. By the way, there is an American module on the ISS with the same name (coincidence?). This is TECHNOLOGY.
Dead ones, know the word of Hell:
"I decompose with the slowness of poison
Bodies are in the earth, and souls are on the moon."
A vampire draws circles around the earth,
And drinking the currents of life in a dream -
You greedy corpse of a rejected world!

Answer from Gina Lollobrigida[guru]
It was invented by the Sumerians, who lived 5,000 years ago. They were the first to divide the sky into 12 Heavenly Windows.... Why? So someone needs it...

Answer from Irene Kocharova[guru]
No one can force you.

Answer from @?@?@ K®i©ti[guru]
In the beginning, this was for the convenience of maintaining a calendar. Throughout the year, the zodiacal constellations moved across the sky, marking the change of seasons.
Initially, zodiacs were a kind of calendar, a way to fix a specific date. This method was invented by the Egyptians.
They have already noticed that when there is a change of power, each new ruler tries to introduce a new calculation system.
But the position of stars and planets in the sky does not depend on this. The picture of the starry sky changes and if you fix it
(graphically or textually), then you can accurately find out the date of the captured event, regardless of the chronology system.
Later, different movements of mystics assigned meanings unusual to them to the zodiacs, and thus astrology was born, as the art of “prediction” based on “horoscopes” - modified zodiacs. The mechanism is the same - to give the ordinary unusual properties and see some hidden meaning in it. Astrology, numerology, palmistry, fortune telling of all kinds, and so on.

Answer from Mistress of the still waters![guru]
Man has always been attracted to everything unknown and mysterious. Observing the stars, he connected them into constellations. 13 constellations made up the zodiac - the star belt along which the visible paths of the Sun, Moon and planets pass. And although there are 13 constellations, the zodiac circle is divided into 12 equal parts, each of which is designated by the symbol of the corresponding zodiac constellation. Only the constellation Ophiuchus does not correspond to any zodiac sign, because the Sun moves along it for only a few days. True, the priests of the Mayan civilization took this constellation into account. They called him Bat.
In recent decades, the eastern horoscope has gained unusual popularity. Now everyone knows what zodiac sign they were born under and what symbol their year of birth bears. Meanwhile, the eastern horoscope is one of the rather late variations on the theme of the ancient Avestan horoscope.
Using the isotope method, it was possible to establish that the Chinese only developed a calendar in the 14th century. Therefore, there is every reason to bring historical justice regarding the ownership of the Jovian calendar specifically by the Persians and the Avestan tradition.
The ancestors of the horoscope
The ancient Avestan horoscope had a 60-year cycle, in which not only the rhythms of the movement of the Moon and the Sun, but also the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn were taken into account and combined into a single whole. A period of 60 years is five 12-year cycles of Jupiter and two 30-year cycles of Saturn. The number “five” corresponds to the five astrological elements: fire, earth, metal, water, wood. Each of them is capable of exhibiting both positive and negative qualities. For example, fire, on the one hand, gives light and heat, on the other, it burns and dries. Water nourishes life, but it can also destroy all living things. All these are elements of the universe. Each such element corresponded to a specific color: blue or green, red, yellow, white and black.
In addition to the “heavenly branches” contained in the five elements of nature, there were 12 more “earthly roots”, each of which has been assigned the name of one of the 12 animals since ancient times. By arranging the “heavenly branches” horizontally and the “earthly roots” vertically so that 60 unique combinations are formed upon intersection, we get a diagram of the 60-year calendar cycle.
The idea of ​​​​creating a Jovian calendar with celestial symbolism of the 12-year animal cycle arose on the basis that Jupiter makes a complete revolution around the Sun in approximately 12 years. By dividing the path of Jupiter into 12 equal parts, each of which is associated with its passage through a certain zodiac sign, as well as with one of the animals, people created this solar-Jupiterian 12-year calendar cycle:
A similar Jovian calendar has existed since ancient times in the Zoroastrian tradition. Only some years are represented by other animals. The elements corresponding to each year remain the same.
The Chinese did not have this calendar until the 14th century. And when it appeared, for some reason they replaced several animals in it. Centuries have passed, and we designate the years according to the horoscope that came from China.

Answer from ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ! [guru]
Well, if a person loves miracles, let him love them!

Answer from * N i k a *[guru]
there is no pragmatist there - there is a melancholic one)).
Personal experience suggests that representatives of the same zodiac sign have many similar character traits; now even some organizations recruit employees taking into account their belonging to the sign they need

Answer from Mikhail Leonovich[guru]
To begin with, it would be worth separating tabloid horoscopes with books that teach how to make them... from real astromagic (the name is from the bullshit, just so as not to repeat what is in the question) and true knowledge that was known only to a select few and was not made public.
something that is so widely available is really not necessary, ..interesting, entertaining, ..but (((from the practical side, for some calculations there is no future, planning, .. alas.
Another thing is genuine astomagy, which looks not in a plane but in volume, which counts not by constant quantities, but by moving ones (in dynamics) ... which is not just content with interpretation, but also changes the coefficients of variables to achieve the desired, which... BUT, all this is only for initiates who will not recklessly use their skills.
but with us, as usual, I heard a ringing, didn’t look where it was and went on with it))) I didn’t really learn - but let’s teach others. We have not only not grown up to such knowledge, but also to the fruits of this knowledge.
the same applies to other sciences. a priori, not a single master (in the full sense of the word) will print books that can cause unpredictable consequences... and in our country, even if they learn from masters, it is only from booksellers... from "theorists")))
but if there is demand, there will be supply. As long as there are naive ones, horoscopes will be printed, schools of magic will be opened, ..
Apparently, to each his own, everything is learned by comparison, until you become serious about small things...they simply won’t let you take on big things.

Answer from Ykito 13[active]
self-hypnosis is for weak people.

Answer from °. °. Little Mermaid.° . °[guru]
It is historically recorded that the oldest horoscope (namely a horoscope, and the use of the Sun and Moon calendar) was in ancient Babylon.
....Although indirectly, the excavations of Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region. they talk about astrological knowledge from about 2500-3000 BC. e.
People have been fascinated by horoscopes since ancient times.
Ancient rulers certainly consulted astrologers before passing government decrees.
To this day, horoscopes are very popular. People have not lost interest in them.
Some people believe in horoscopes, some read them as a joke, some listen to recommendations, and for others they are complete nonsense. People are all different, and therefore everyone has different attitudes towards horoscopes.
Very often horoscopes do come true, but this is most likely due to the fact that the forecasts are given in vague and general explanations.
During periods of cataclysms, interest in horoscopes intensifies. In this case, the horoscope plays the role of a psychotherapist - it sets you up for the best and calms you down, because many people are very superstitious. Especially often, people who are not confident in themselves and are prone to depression turn to horoscopes.
James Randi, widely known in the USA, conducted a rather interesting experiment. He involved students in conducting the experiment. Participants received sheets of horoscopes, which, as Randy claimed, were made using a new scientific method. Randy argued that these horoscopes take into account the individual characteristics of each person. As a result, more than half of the students confirmed that the horoscope accurately and reliably conveyed their character and habits. Moreover, before this, many of them stated that they did not believe astrologers and horoscopes. Then Randy invited the participants to exchange sheets of paper, and in the end it turned out that the same text was printed on all the sheets. This experiment shows that horoscopes can only be trusted with a certain degree of skepticism, especially if the person is suggestible.
Each person must decide for himself to believe in horoscopes or not.
One way or another, they have existed for centuries.
And this means.... that they still have SOMETHING and they attract our interest and attention.

The origins of astrology date back to ancient times, when people first began to think about the structure of the Universe. It was then that the assumption arose that the whole life of a person is closely connected with the cosmic processes that accompanied the moment of his birth. This is how the horoscope and its various variants appeared. Some of them, for example the zodiac circle, are still popular today.

What is a horoscope

The question “what is a horoscope” can be answered using different concepts. For example, it is often defined as the totality of the relative positions of celestial bodies during a certain period. In ancient times, this concept meant the so-called. "ascendant", or ruling planet at the time of a person's birth. And nowadays it usually means a description of the horoscope - zodiac signs or specific forecasts.

The term itself is of Greek origin and is translated as “observer of time.” The first evidence of making predictions dates back to the 5th century BC. e. It is believed that horoscopic astrology began in Mesopotamia, and was further developed in Egypt, Greece and Byzantium.

The version most famous today appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that a famous British astrologer named Alan Leo compiled an accelerated method of description based on the cyclical movement of the Sun, which passes through the same constellations every time during the year. Since that time, a person’s zodiac sign has been determined mainly through the position of the star at the moment of his birth.

How to make a horoscope

All diagrams, be it a weekly horoscope or a natal chart, are compiled according to a certain methodology based on geometric constructions and mathematical calculations. For a specific moment in time (this can be any date), the astrologer calculates the position of celestial bodies, and he also uses the geographic coordinates of the event.

To understand what a horoscope is, you need to imagine the ecliptic - the circle on which the projection of the planets is plotted. It is divided into 12 sectors, each of which is assigned a specific symbol. Analysis of the position of the celestial ones shows that each of them falls into one of the segments of the ecliptic, i.e., into a specific zodiac sign. The totality of data on the coordinates of the luminaries and planets forms a horoscope cosmogram.

The basis of the astrological description is the interpretation of the diagram obtained from the symbolic image of the sky. As a rule, the process of building it takes quite a long time and requires thorough training of a horoscope specialist.

Natal chart

The fact that the determining role in a person’s fate is played not only by the position of the Sun, but also of all the planets of the system, is best demonstrated by the natal chart. It is something like a personal horoscope relating to the moment of birth. When compiling it, not only the date is taken into account, but also geographical coordinates and the most accurate time of day. It is believed that even because of a difference of a few minutes, people born on the same day can have completely different character traits and destinies.

Professional astrologers are able not only to correctly draw diagrams, but also to “decipher” the received information, resulting in a complete and detailed description. This is what allows us to understand what a horoscope is in its true meaning. A natal chart helps to reveal a person’s character, his inclinations, “weak points” and predict important life circumstances and turning points in fate.

Other types of horoscope

The local horoscope is calculated in a similar way. However, it no longer refers to the date of birth, but to the coordinates of the person’s current location. It makes sense to draw up a local map, for example, when changing your place of residence, in order to assess the possible consequences of this decision. There are other versions of the horoscope:

  • horary - used to answer a question;
  • mundane - refers to historical events, the fate of entire states and future large-scale events;
  • thematic (one of its most popular varieties is the marriage horoscope) - allows you to calculate possible success or failure in a particular area;
  • karmic - aimed at revealing the circumstances of past lives;
  • compatibility horoscope - calculated on the basis of two natal charts and characterizes the essence of the relationship;
  • by year of birth (one version is the eastern calendar).

Zodiac circle

The most popular type of horoscope is the so-called. "zodiacal circle" Each of its 12 sectors corresponds to a specific symbol, which is under the auspices of one of the 10 celestial bodies. The zodiac circle allows you to determine a person’s sign by the constellation through which the Sun passed on the day of his birth.

An early version of the system was invented around the 7th century BC. e. The symbols of the constellations through which the Sun passes during the calendar year were taken to represent the 12 signs. Half of them depict animals, the other part - characters from ancient Greek myths (according to one version, all names arose on the basis of legends about the exploits of Hercules). The astrological cycle begins with the constellation Aries and ends with Pisces.

It is noteworthy that once another sign, the 13th, was singled out in the zodiac circle. It is known as Ophiuchus and, according to the calendar, its period - from October 30 to November 16 - lies between the Scorpio and Sagittarius sectors. Currently, astrology does not include it in the circle due to the discrepancy between the modern arrangement of signs and the pattern that existed 2.5 thousand years ago.

Zodiac signs

The characteristics of each of the 12 representatives of the zodiac are greatly influenced by several factors. In particular, this is the ruling element and the degree of its expression. In addition, it is believed that people born “on the border” of zodiacal periods will also have features of the neighboring constellation. At the same time, representatives of the “middle” are carriers of the pronounced qualities of their sign.

Representatives of the zodiac circle can be divided into groups according to several criteria. Thus, in astrology, each of them can be classified as “dominant” or “subordinate”, “male” or “female”, “northern” or “southern”, etc.

Each of the 12 “solar” signs is also under the protection of one of the 4 natural elements. This allows us to divide them into special groups - trigons. Fire is personified by Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, Earth - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Under the influence of Air are Gemini, Libra and Volodya, and the trine of Water symbolizes Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.


The natural element determines mainly the personal characteristics of its “wards”. “Fire” horoscope signs are distinguished by their strong-willed character and leadership qualities. Representatives of the Air element are sociable and have a developed imagination. “Earth” signs are endowed with a calm temperament and a tendency towards rational thinking. People born under the influence of Water are emotional and have developed intuition.

It is also believed that “fire” and “air” signs are predominantly extroverts. As for Water and Earth, they mainly correspond to introversion.

The first constellations of the zodiac circle have the most striking features of the ruling elements. This applies to Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. At the same time, in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the traits of their protective natural forces are manifested with the least strength. As for the “average” signs of the zodiac circle (Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio), they have moderately expressed characteristics of their element.

Compatibility Horoscope

Clients of professional astrologers most often ask to draw up not only a natal chart, but also a relationship forecast. The compatibility horoscope is very popular and is calculated by comparing individual characteristics obtained by date of birth. After a series of calculations, the astrologer can give a detailed picture of the relationship: the similarity of two people, the nature of their interaction and future prospects.

A similar forecast can be made not only for a romantic union, but also for colleagues and friends. It is important to understand that even a not very favorable compatibility horoscope does not sign a “sentence” on the relationship. Rather, it helps to predict and prevent their weaknesses in advance.

Today, the compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs is widely known. It is based mainly on the nature of the mutual influence of different elements. Of course, such a forecast is somewhat useful. But to get a much more accurate and detailed picture of the relationship, a conclusion about the compatibility of two people should be made on the basis of their natal charts.

Astrological predictions for every day

A horoscope for today or any other specific day may contain advice from astrologers compiled for each sign. Such a forecast is carried out on the basis of the daily lunar phases and the position of the planets in relation to a particular zodiac sector. In it you can get information about the success of a particular undertaking, possible dangers and general emotional and even physical state on a certain day.

The horoscope for tomorrow can often be heard in radio programs and found on the Internet. For many people, their idea of ​​astrology is formed precisely on the basis of these “express tips”, which they are very skeptical about. Meanwhile, when planning particularly significant events, a horoscope for one day can really be very useful. Especially if it is compiled in detail, taking into account not only the zodiac sign, but also the person’s natal chart and the exact coordinates of the upcoming event.

Eastern (Chinese) calendar

The Chinese horoscope by year of birth has a very ancient history, much longer than the zodiac circle. It was compiled approximately 4.5 thousand years ago during the reign of the legendary Huang Di. The eastern horoscope by year is based on the movements of the Sun, Earth, Moon and two planets: Jupiter and Saturn.

Several legends are associated with the origin of the Chinese version. One of them tells that Buddha once called all the animals to celebrate the New Year. He promised to give everyone who came a gift of a whole year of reign. However, only 12 animals responded to the invitation, which then became symbols of the Chinese horoscope, and in the sequence in which, according to legend, they appeared at the holiday. Thus, the Rat opens the cycle and the Pig completes it.

According to the calendar, each sign can “rule” under the auspices of the energy “yin” or “yang” and a certain natural element: wood, fire, water, metal or earth. 5 primary elements multiplied by 12 animals result in 60 years of the eastern cycle.

Eastern calendar signs

By analogy with the zodiac system, the Chinese horoscope by year serves to characterize a person’s personal qualities. The animal symbol of the year is capable of imparting its own special traits, including both positive and negative. All signs are divided into 4 groups: competitors, intellectuals, independents and diplomats, which determines their most striking qualities.

The patron element, which gives a person’s personality a special shade, is of great importance. Representatives of the same sign, born under different elements, will have rather different characters. It is noteworthy that the eastern calendar also has its own version of the compatibility table, containing pairs of “allies” and “antagonists”.

In addition, the Chinese horoscope allows you to obtain characteristics of a person based on the time of day of his birth. Every 2 out of 24 hours correspond to one of the signs, and this cycle traditionally begins with the Rat. All animals have the most suitable birth hours. For example, the same Rat, born at night, has greater determination and dexterity than the “daytime” representative of this sign.

There is another very interesting type of eastern calendar - age. This yearly horoscope begins with the Rooster, and the last, twelfth period of a person’s life, meaning the transition to death, passes under the sign of the Tiger.

Other prediction systems

The traditions of different cultures have had a significant influence on what types of horoscopes there are. Almost every ancient civilization had its own way of predicting fate at the moment of birth. Some of them have survived to this day and are known as horoscopes, although this designation is not entirely correct. These include, for example, the Druid calendar, as well as numerological, Zoroastrian, Tibetan and a number of other systems.

An individually compiled horoscope is something like a “map of fate”. It can convey a lot of valuable information about a person. To get the most detailed picture, you need to rely only on professionally interpreted planetary maps.

As for popular descriptions of zodiac signs and daily forecasts, they mostly contain too generalized information and cannot claim high reliability. You can only get a complete understanding of what a horoscope is and how well it corresponds to the real state of affairs with the help of an experienced specialist.

We all know our zodiac sign, but few have thought about the origin of their names and their history.

The name of the zodiac sign Aries has Greek roots. According to ancient Greek mythology, a ram kidnapped two children of a Greek king, whom their stepmother wanted to kill. The king's daughter fell into the sea, but his son survived. When he was safe, he sacrificed his savior ram to Zeus. Zeus took this ram to Olympus.

The name of the constellation Taurus is also associated with a Greek myth, according to which Zeus turned into a white bull to kidnap the Phoenician princess Europa. In this guise, he took her to Crete, where she lived all her life.

The constellation Gemini got its name from the sons of Zeus - the Dioscuri. Initially there were three brothers. When one died, Zeus took his two sons to Olympus. Also, the origin of the name of this constellation is associated with the kings Romulus and Remus, who founded Rome.

The Zodiac sign Cancer takes its name from the Greek myth of Hercules. When the hero fought with Hydra, the cancer bit him with its claws, causing incredible pain to Hercules. But he was able to cope with both Hydra and cancer. The feat of an inhabitant of the deep sea, crayfish, did not go unnoticed. The goddess Hera, who hated Hercules, thanked him by taking him to heaven.

The constellation Leo is directly related to one of the labors of Hercules, in which he dealt with a huge lion that was interfering with the life of the city of Nemea.

The origin of the name of the zodiac sign Virgo has not yet been precisely established. According to one version, the constellation was named after the goddess of fertility Demeter. However, the symbol that denotes this constellation (the letters M and V) can be deciphered as “Maria Virgo” - the Virgin Mary.

The origin of the name of the Zodiac sign Libra also has several versions. According to the first version, the constellation was named after the goddess of justice Themis, who holds scales in her hands. According to another version, Libra personifies the day of the autumn equinox, when day and night have the same length in time.

The name of the constellation Scorpio comes from a legend according to which the goddess Artemis quarreled with Orion and sent a scorpion to poison him with its poison.

The myth of Hercules, in which he killed the centaur Cheron, is associated with the origin of the name of the constellation Sagittarius. Zeus took the centaur to his place on Olympus and allowed him to shoot Scorpio from there.

The symbol of Capricorn, which is depicted as a monster with horns and a fish tail, was formed as a result of the myth of Pan. God was fleeing from the monster Typhon and accidentally jumped into the Nile. Coming out of the water, he appeared before Typhon in a completely different guise. Pan became half goat, half fish. This image became the prototype of the constellation Capricorn.

The name and symbolism of Aquarius are associated with the Nile River, which personified life in Ancient Egypt. The two waves representing the constellation Aquarius are also associated with the rainy season in many ancient civilizations.

The myth of Eros and Aphrodite is the source of the name of the constellation Pisces. Aphrodite and Eros, as well as the God Pan, fled from Typhon. Jumping into the Nile, they turned into two fish.

11.06.2013 18:41

It is known that different Zodiac Signs have different character traits. We have all heard about the positive qualities...

Did you know that in the zodiac horoscope there are not 12 Zodiac Signs, but 13? In astrology...

The Druid horoscope also has other names - Celtic or Gallic horoscope. The Druid horoscope is an astrological system that is based on the views of numerous tribes that in ancient times inhabited the northern side of Europe, namely Ireland, Gaul and Britain.

Druids are priests of pre-Christian cults among the ancient Gauls and Celts who inhabited the northern regions of Europe. These were the keepers of legends and magical wisdom, they had the right to breed and maintain the sacred fire, they composed poisons and medicines, told fortunes and taught youth.

The Druids attached great importance to the trees and forests in which they lived. Hence their connection between human characters and trees is clear. According to them, a person, like a tree, has his own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages.

The Druids attached great importance to the summer and winter solstices, the summer and spring equinoxes. On these days, it was customary to organize holidays, solemn processions and sacrifice white bulls.

Besides all that has been said, we owe the traditions of the New Year tree to the Druids. Not much is known about them. What is known is that in Ancient Ireland, Gaul and Britain they formed a closed caste of priests, as we already mentioned above. The Druids, before starting their Kaplan activities, had to spend twenty years alone. They spent this time in the forest in deep solitude, which was a holy place for the Druids. This test strengthened their spirit, character and was the first stage of initiation.

The highest category included those priests who were famous for the title of sorcerer. By the way, it was they who established the calendar with favorable days for the tribes and were called the guardians of the past and knew how to predict the future.

It is a known fact that the Druids believed that human character is closely related to the date of birth. Like the horoscope, the year in the teachings of the Druids was divided into several periods, or, to be more precise, into two periods, which consisted of eighteen segments several days long. In the second period, each segment had its own pair, that is, the segment was a twin. The name of the segments corresponded to the name of the tree, on the nature of which the fate of people and the events occurring in their lives completely depended.

As mentioned above, the Druids attached great importance to the days of the summer and winter solstices, between which the mentioned eighteen paired signs were located, as well as to the days of the summer and spring equinoxes. The tree horoscope of the Druids has a total of twenty-two signs: and these are eighteen paired and four single.