Breakfast on March 8 from eggs

The history of International Women's Day on March 8 stretches back to 1908, when in New York, at the call of a women's organization, a 15,000 rally was held, demanding equal rights with men in wages, as well as for women's suffrage.

In 1910, in Copenhagen, an international women's conference was established. On this day, it was planned to hold events that should draw attention to women's problems: domestic violence, lower wages, rape, and more.

The UN annually celebrates International Women's Day as women's right to fight for equal rights and emancipation.

In our century, in the countries of the former USSR, March 8 is traditionally celebrated as a women's holiday. On this spring day, men give flowers and gifts to their beloved women, and “the original meaning of this day has long been forgotten.”

For us, March 8 is associated with the smell of mimosa, an abundance of colorful tulips, and in general with spring. Hence the spring high spirits, you want love and affection.

Every man tries to do something nice for his woman on this day. Give flowers and prepare breakfast for your beloved, something unusual, and serve it in bed.

And of course, many of our men are faced with the question: what and how to cook for their beloved wife or girlfriend in order to surprise her? So we will try to help them, prepare an unusual breakfast.

10.Video recipe:

Read recipes for how to prepare a romantic dinner for your loved one at home here.

Baked bananas for breakfast for your loved one

Very tender, tasty and satisfying breakfast

We need:

  • 4 bananas, peeled
  • 1/2 lemon, juice
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 100 ml yogurt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 5 pcs dried apricots (can be raisins)
  • 50 g chopped walnuts


  1. Cut the peeled bananas into two halves lengthwise. Place them in an oval bowl (cut side up) and pour lemon juice over them to prevent them from darkening.
  2. Steam dried apricots with boiling water and cut into small pieces.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with yogurt, egg, nuts, dried apricots and honey.

Cottage cheese must be low-fat and well squeezed, then it will not “spread”

4.Place the resulting mass on bananas.

You can place various berries on top of the bananas prepared for baking: currants and raspberries.

5. Place the pan with bananas in the oven with a grill on the top shelf, bake for 8-9 minutes at 50% on the grill.

You can bake bananas in a regular, but preheated oven. Bake for 20 minutes.

The presentation of the serving can be done using melted white and dark chocolate, also with strawberries.

Diet salad with avocado for your girlfriend

We need:

For the salad:

  • avocado (300 g)
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • 250 g chicken fillet
  • 200 g feta cheese (or feta cheese)
  • 150 g onion
  • green salad leaves
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 pcs cherry tomatoes

For refueling:

  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • salt, pepper to taste


  1. Boil the chicken fillet (cook for 20 minutes). Cool and cut into cubes.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, add salt and marinate in apple cider vinegar.
  3. Cut cucumbers, feta cheese, and cherry tomatoes into cubes, separately.
  4. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, and cut the pulp into cubes.
  5. Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands.
  6. Let's get to the refueling. Mix all the ingredients, first squeeze the garlic through a press. Salt and pepper.
  7. We collect the salad. Mix fillet, onion, cucumbers and avocado into one bowl. Pour the dressing over the mixture and add feta cheese, mix everything carefully. Salad ready.

The salad can be seasoned with mayonnaise or replaced with sour cream sauce, adding mashed yolk from a boiled egg and a teaspoon of mustard.

“Fried Egg” cake is a delicious gift for March 8th

We need:

  • 1 can canned peaches
  • 200 g cottage cheese
  • 1.-2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 10 g vanillin
  • 0.5 kg puff pastry (can be bought frozen at the store)
  • 50 g butter


  1. Sprinkle a piece of dough with sugar and roll out into a circle, 0.8 cm thick. Using a glass, cut out circles with a diameter of 8-10 cm. And form baskets, with small sides, about 1-1.5 cm in height.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with butter and arrange the dough baskets. Brush their edges with lightly beaten yolk. Prick the centers to allow air to escape during baking.

If it is possible to use silicone muffin tins, then grease the tins rather than the baking sheet.

3. Mix cottage cheese with vanilla, sugar and 1 yolk and mix thoroughly. We divide the cottage cheese in proportion to the number of baskets received.

4. Place the peach halves in the middle of the basket, cut side down, and cover them with cottage cheese around them. Cover the top with egg and bake in the oven for 1-15 minutes at 175 degrees.

You can serve it with coffee or tea, your favorite one, right in bed.

Persimmon and orange salad with pomegranate

We need:

  • 2 oranges
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1-2 persimmons
  • 2-3 tsp. yogurt


  1. Wash the persimmon, remove the receptacle and cut into large cubes.
  2. Peel the orange from the skin, partitions and also cut into large pieces.
  3. Peel the pomegranate and separate the seeds.
  4. We put pieces of persimmon and orange mixed into the bowls.
  5. Sprinkle with a handful of pomegranate seeds and pour over yogurt. You can sprinkle any nuts on top.

Tangerines in chocolate glaze

An unusual breakfast dessert for your girlfriend can be prepared using this recipe.

We need:

  • 1 kg tangerines
  • 250 g sugar
  • 4 tbsp. cocoa
  • 8 tbsp. water
  • 50 g pine nuts
  • 100 g cranberries
  • 1 lemon

We need:

  • 1 kg tangerines
  • 250 g sugar
  • 4 tbsp. cocoa
  • 8 tbsp. water
  • 50 g pine nuts
  • 100 g cranberries
  • 1 lemon


  1. First, we peel the tangerines, you can divide them into slices, or you can whole them, their surface should dry.
  2. .Preparing the glaze. To do this, mix cocoa, sugar and water in a saucepan. Place over low heat and bring the glaze to a boil while stirring. And simmer over very low heat for 5-6 minutes until the sugar caramelizes. Remove from heat and cool until the glaze begins to thicken.
  3. Dip the prepared tangerines into the glaze, envelop them on all sides and transfer them to plates.
  4. Drizzle more glaze over top and sprinkle with pine nuts and cranberries.
  5. Garnish with lemon slices and serve when the glaze has hardened.

Using this recipe, you can make any fruit chocolate and make any presentation, whatever your imagination suggests.

Cottage cheese casserole - an unusual breakfast from ordinary products

A very tasty, healthy dish, easy to prepare, which suits breakfast like no other dish.

We need:

  • 300 g cottage cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. semolina
  • berries and fruits to taste (can be frozen)


  1. Mix cottage cheese, semolina, sugar, egg and beat.
  2. Grease the mold with oil. Place fruits and berries on the bottom and fill with the resulting mixture.
  3. Brush the top with egg yolk or sour cream.
  4. Bake in the microwave at maximum power for 10 minutes or bake the casserole in the oven for 20-30 minutes

You can see another recipe for cottage cheese casserole.

Curd dessert - the most delicious breakfast in bed

We need:

  • 200 g baked milk cookies
  • 5 peaches (canned can be used)
  • 2 tbsp. gelatin
  • 4 tbsp. water
  • 1 cup cream 35%
  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 100 g powdered sugar


  1. Pour gelatin with water, proportion 1:2.
  2. Whip the cream.
  3. Chop the peaches into small pieces.
  4. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, add whipped cream and beat. Add powdered sugar to the mixture and beat everything again.
  5. Dissolve the swollen gelatin in a steam-water bath and pour it into the cottage cheese. Stir the mixture.
  6. Crush the cookies with your hands and mix with the curd mixture. Peaches are also added here.
  7. Take a baking dish, transfer the resulting mass, press down and put in the refrigerator for 45 minutes until the gelatin hardens.

Peaches can be replaced with raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants, cherries, kiwi, basically to your taste or your favorite.

Strawberry parfait for a romantic breakfast for your loved one

We need:

  • 200 g strawberries
  • 100 g baked milk cookies
  • 200 g 30% cream
  • 120 g sour cream
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 90 g powdered sugar


  1. First, mix sour cream with powdered sugar
  2. Separate from the sour cream, whip the cream with vanilla sugar.
  3. Carefully place the cream into the whipped sour cream and mix it. We have a mousse.
  4. Crush the cookies with your hands.
  5. Cut the strawberries into 4 parts.

7. Place the resulting products into the bowl in layers: 1st layer - cookies; 2nd layer - strawberries; 3rd layer - mousse and so on until we have used all the products. Decorate with whole strawberries and cookie crumbs.

Favorite drink: hot chocolate for breakfast for your beloved

Due to the content of theobromine in cocoa, it has an invigorating effect on the body, but is milder than caffeine. Cocoa is an excellent antidepressant. The ancient Aztecs used it to prepare the aromatic drink “chocolatl,” which is the “ancestor” of the modern drink, beloved by many, hot chocolate.

We need:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara
  • 4 tbsp. cocoa powder


  1. Let's boil the milk.
  2. Mix sugar with cocoa, pour in a little milk, stir so that there are no lumps.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling milk.
  4. Cook the drink, stirring, over low heat for about 15 minutes.

I think if you serve your girlfriend one of the proposed recipes for breakfast or a romantic dinner, she will be very grateful to you and will answer you with her tenderness and love!

The spring holiday is approaching, March 8th. And if women of all ages and parameters are waiting for him with aspiration and hope, then men begin to get nervous from the first days of February. What to give, how to congratulate, how to implement everything that the missus accidentally or intentionally mentions?

But gift cards are flowers; future efforts in the culinary field are represented as berries, which already cause a slight panic in advance even among the most persistent and seasoned.

And a man is a man to overcome everything, even if he cannot distinguish between buckwheat and rice, or a pancake pan from a grill pan.

Breakfast was chosen for a reason. After all, if you can take your precious one to a restaurant for lunch or dinner or invite your beloved to organize a bachelorette party (she’s been asking for a long time), then in the morning give or don’t give presents, you can’t get away from breakfast. And even a cup of coffee in bed won’t save you.

1. Pretend to be fast asleep. It is fraught with family squabbles and female grievances.

2. Order dishes in advance restaurant or cafe. The main thing is that everything arrives on time.

3. Ask your mother-in-law/mother to help in this tricky matter. Minus - relatives may live far away, they may refuse, and it’s their day too. You should not ask a familiar employee or childhood friend. What are the consequences - see point 1.

4. Make do with what’s left in the refrigerator from yesterday. Better than nothing.

Or you can wake up a little earlier or occupy your favorite cup of coffee and chocolate for a while and prop up the bedroom door to avoid premature exit, and go cook in the kitchen.

You can use the products and ingredients available in the house, or you can buy everything you need in the store in the evening.

The recipes below do not require any special skills or tools, so, non-culinary men, it's time turn into master chefs.

1. Sandwiches. Both regular (bread, butter/mayonnaise, sausage/meat/cheese, herbs) and hot – baked in the microwave or oven. It's faster in the microwave - 2-3 minutes at maximum power, and breakfast is ready.

2. Lavash rolls. Unwrap the Armenian lavash, spread with mayonnaise (or not). As a filling, add optionally or in combination with each other: grated hard cheese, tomatoes, sausage, pieces of meat, sweet or unsweetened cottage cheese, chopped boiled eggs, herbs, crab sticks, red fish. Roll it up.

You can put it in the microwave for a few minutes (for rolls with cheese, meat, sauce) or in the refrigerator. Cut into portions.

3. Festive scrambled eggs:

- Or masterfully fry 2 eggs, located in a frying pan next to each other and forming a “figure eight”,

- or use a heart shape,

- or cut out the middle of the bread with a glass or in the shape of a heart, place it in a hot frying pan and pour the egg into the hole.

- Can cut long sausages lengthwise, without cutting all the way through, turn them out, forming a heart silhouette and securing the ends with a toothpick. Break an egg into the hole formed in a frying pan and fry.

4. French fries. Fry large quantities of peeled potato blocks in a frying pan (you can buy frozen ones).

5. Omelet. Break into a bowl and whisk the eggs with a little milk. Fry in a frying pan with a lid. You can add sausage, herbs, and grated cheese to the egg-milk mixture.

6. Salads. Vegetables from cabbage with cucumber. Made from lettuce and pieces of salted red fish, seasoned with sour cream or olive oil. Puff pastry - made from cucumber, ham, hard cheese. Decorate with mayonnaise on top.

A prerequisite for serving a festive breakfast on March 8 is its decoration - you can use tomato, bell pepper, parsley, dill, onions. You can arrange the dish on the plate in an original way, you can display the necessary words with mayonnaise (don’t overdo it!) or sauce.

Even if your beloved is in a state of perpetual diet (for any parameters and volumes), sweets and fruits for breakfast will be favorably received.


1. Cut fruits - apple, banana, pineapple, mango, peaches. Everything that store shelves are rich in.

2. Canned fruit.

3. Thawed or fresh berries with cream on top (cream and toppings should be purchased in advance).

4. Sweets and chocolate.

5. Original cake for March 8th or cheesecakes, cupcakes, pastries.

6. Ice cream. Can be with fruits, honey, toppings, chocolate chips, nuts.

7. Fruit salad. Cut the available fruit into pieces, mix and pour in yogurt.

And be sure to accompany the invitation to breakfast with kisses, good, sincere words, and then any dish, even a quick one, will turn into a culinary masterpiece, because it was prepared independently and for the woman you love on March 8th.

Add to favorites!

Spring pleases us with a ringing drop, the first greenery on the trees and our favorite women's holiday - March 8! All representatives of the fair sex receive numerous congratulations, flowers and gifts on this spring day. Of course, gifts must be original! Just recently, lovely ladies treated their men to unusual dishes on Defender of the Fatherland Day, so why don’t our defenders make a reciprocal gesture and pamper their women with wonderful holiday dishes?

Festive breakfast

A festive mood from the very morning is more than real! Prepare a charming breakfast for your lovely ladies!

A breakfast made from sausages, quail eggs and red caviar will look especially original. And wonderful flowers and a hearty delicacy at the same time!

And for tea, bake a delicious and easy-to-prepare apple charlotte. Your chosen one will certainly appreciate all your efforts!

Original salads and snacks

To turn your holiday salad into an unforgettable culinary masterpiece, show a little creativity and decorate it in an original way. Of course, you will have to tinker a little, but don’t even doubt it - all your efforts will more than pay off with your lady’s sincere smile!

However, even such an ordinary dish as sandwiches can be decorated with a certain amount of humor. Hurry up, take note and make your loved ones happy!

Festive hot

Hot dishes make the holiday table more substantial and varied, so you can’t do without them either. To please the women you love, prepare delicious chicken breast pockets with champignons. By the way, they can be folded into a figure eight and decorated with bell pepper and cucumber flowers.

Another successful hot option is cutlets made from beef, pork, cheese and olives.

Your beloved will not refuse to try nest pasta with pork and spices. Plus, this dish is very easy to prepare!

Delicious dessert

If you want to surprise your other half with dessert, pay attention to a very unusual dish originally from Western Ukraine called “plyatsok”. The two-color base with funny curd-coconut balls is harmoniously complemented by rolls with the most delicate curd cream in an airy sour cream soufflé. It would seem that there is so much, and at the same time nothing superfluous!

And a wonderful cake with delicate airy cream made from cream and pineapple is ideal for tea. The special charm of this cake is given by different textured cake layers: from sponge cake and from shortcrust pastry. An unusual but very bright combination!

The spring holiday is not only about yellow fluffy lumps of mimosa and nice gifts. This is also a man's culinary chores. What could be better than breakfast for your favorite ladies? After all, a romantic breakfast can be a great start to a spring holiday!

The most important thing in breakfast for your beloved on March 8 is not complex dishes at all, but the surroundings, that same atmosphere that can be created using the simplest means. Flowers should dominate the design of a romantic breakfast. Let it be a beautiful rose in a low vase or colorful napkins and a tablecloth... You can draw a flower or a figure eight on the edge of a plate with chocolate or sauce, or lay out a salad in the form of a figure eight... Put a piece of your soul into breakfast for your loved one on March 8, please them, and your efforts will not go to waste.

The simplest dish you can prepare for breakfast is an omelette. But not simple, but with a twist!

9 eggs,
½ tsp. hot sauce,
¼ cup vegetable juice,
3 tbsp. l. chopped green onions,
⅛ tsp ground black pepper,
½ cup soft cream cheese.

Beat the eggs with the sauce until foamy. Heat vegetable juice in a large frying pan, add green onions and peppers and simmer until liquid evaporates. Reduce the heat to low, add the eggs and cook the omelette until done. Then spread half the cheese over the top of the omelette, fold it in half, and brush the top of the omelette with the remaining cheese. Cut it into 2 pieces and serve.

8 eggs
¼ glass of milk,
½ tsp. salt,
⅛ tsp. ground pepper,
2 tbsp. l. butter,
1 tomato
1 tbsp. chopped green onions.

Whisk eggs, milk, salt and pepper. Melt the butter in a frying pan, pour in the egg mixture and cook over low heat until the edges are set. Then place the chopped tomato on the omelette, sprinkle with green onions and fry until done. Fold the omelette in half using a spatula, top with your favorite sauce and serve.

6 slices bacon
3 slices of bread,
3 eggs,
1 glass of milk,
½ tsp. salt,
¼ tsp. dry mustard,
¼ tsp. ground paprika.

Cut the bacon into cubes and fry in a frying pan until golden brown. Cut the bread into small cubes. Place fried bacon, bread cubes in a small pan and pour in a mixture of eggs, milk, mustard and pepper. Bake at 180°C for 40 minutes. The readiness of the omelet is checked as follows: pierce the casserole with a knife in the thickest part - the knife should remain dry.

6 hard-boiled eggs,
¼ cup chopped onion
2 tbsp. butter,
2 tbsp. flour,
1 ½ cups milk,
1 cup grated cheese,
1 ½ cups crushed chips,
12 slices bacon.

Cut the bacon into cubes and fry. Cut the eggs into slices. Saute the onion in butter until transparent, add flour, stir, add cheese, milk and cook the sauce, stirring constantly. Place a layer of eggs in a greased pan, pour in ⅓ of the sauce, half of the crumbled chips, half of the fried bacon. Then repeat the layers and top with the remaining sauce. Place the pan in the oven, heated to 170-180°C, for 30 minutes.


2 eggs,
4 squirrels,
50 g smoked salmon,
ground black pepper,
greens - to taste.

Beat eggs and whites until fluffy. Pour the egg mixture into a frying pan greased with vegetable oil and cook until the omelette is set around the edges. Place the smoked salmon strips in the center, fold the omelette in half and cook until done. Serve with whole grain bread.

¾ cup chopped strawberries
1 tbsp. powdered sugar,
3 eggs,
2 tsp Sahara,
3 tbsp. warm water,
¼ tsp. salt,
2 tbsp. butter,
1-2 whole strawberries for decoration.

In a separate bowl, combine chopped strawberries and powdered sugar. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar, warm water and salt until foamy. Beat the whites to medium peaks for 3 minutes and carefully mix with the yolks. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Pour in the egg mixture and smooth it out with a spatula. After 2 minutes, run a spatula under the edges of the omelet to prevent it from sticking to the pan. Place the strawberries and powdered sugar in the center of the omelette, fold it in half and fry over low heat until tender. Garnish with cut strawberries.

6 boiled eggs,
2 tbsp. parsley,
2 tbsp. butter,
½ cup chopped onion
2 tbsp. flour,
½ glass of milk,
⅓ cup grated cheese,
¼ tsp. dry mustard,
1 ½ cups crushed crackers
2 eggs,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Chop the boiled eggs and mix them with parsley. Saute the onion in butter until transparent, add flour, stir and gradually pour in milk and cook the sauce. Add cheese, salt, pepper, mustard and eggs with herbs, mix and cool in the refrigerator. Make oblong croquettes, roll in cracker crumbs, beaten eggs, crumbs again and fry in hot oil until golden brown.

The aroma of fresh baked goods in the morning is an eternal classic! Preparing baked goods for breakfast is not difficult if you have at least a little experience with flour and the oven. And some types of dough can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator. In the morning, all you need to do is bake wonderful buns or muffins. Such a cozy breakfast will especially please your beloved mothers.


3 cups flour,
½ cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder,
¼ tsp. soda,
½ tsp. salt,
120 g butter,
½ glass of milk,
½ cup sour cream,
¾ cup dried cherries,
coarse sugar - for sprinkling.

Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt in the bowl of a food processor, add the cut butter and process until buttery crumbs form. Add sour cream, mix and, without ceasing to stir, pour in milk 1 tablespoon at a time. Stir until smooth, divide the dough into 2 parts and cover with cling film. Place the dough in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, preheat the oven to 180°C. Roll out one piece of dough on a floured surface into a rectangular layer 25x50 cm. Place half the quantity of dried cherries on the dough, fold it in half lengthwise and cut into triangles. Do the same with the other part of the dough. Place the triangles on a baking tray lined with baking paper, sprinkle with coarse sugar and bake for about 20 minutes.

½ cup margarine,
½ cup sugar
2 eggs,
1 ½ flour,
1 tsp baking powder,
½ teaspoon soda,
¾ cup rolled oats,
1 cup chopped apples
⅔ cup grated cheese,
½ cup chopped walnuts,
½ glass of milk.

Beat margarine and sugar with a mixer until white. Add eggs and beat well. In another bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt, add egg mixture, stir. Add apples, rolled oats, cheese and nuts, mix well and add milk. Spoon the dough into prepared molds (preferably silicone) and bake in an oven preheated to 180-200°C for 20-25 minutes.

2 ½ cups flour,
1 tsp salt,
1 tbsp. baking powder,
¼ tsp. soda,
3 tbsp. butter,
1 glass of kefir.

Mix all dry ingredients and add butter. Stir in butter until buttery crumbs form and gradually add milk. Knead the dough and roll it out on a floured table into a layer 1 cm thick. Cut the cookies into hearts or flowers with a notch, place them on a baking sheet and bake at 180°C for 10 minutes.

½ cup butter,
1 ½ cups sugar,
4 eggs,
1 tsp vanillin,
3 cups flour,
1 tsp baking powder,
½ tsp. soda,
½ tsp salt,
½ tsp. lemon zest,
1 cup buttermilk or skim milk
1 cup strawberries (fresh or frozen)
coarse sugar - for sprinkling.

Using a mixer, beat the butter and sugar until fluffy, then beat in the eggs one at a time, whisking continuously, and add vanilla. In a separate bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Using a wooden spoon, stir the egg mixture into the flour, add the lemon zest and buttermilk, mix and pour the batter into the molds, filling them ⅔ full. Place strawberries on top of the dough, sprinkle with sugar and bake at 170-180°C for 20 minutes.

Porridge is good for breakfast, but not plain, but with fruits and nuts. It’s easy to prepare, and you can serve it in the form of a ring. Place a glass on a flat dish and place the porridge around it, forming a circle and pressing lightly with a spoon. Carefully remove the cup from the center. Make two of these rings by combining them - and your festive edible figure eight card is ready!

1 cup wild rice (basmati type)
2-2 ½ glass of water,
¼ tsp. salt,
½ cup dried cherries
½ cup chopped hazelnuts
milk, cream, brown sugar - to taste.

Coarsely chop the hazelnuts and lightly fry in a dry frying pan. Place washed rice in salted water and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer for an hour or until water is absorbed and rice is tender. If the grains have become tender and the water has not yet evaporated, then simply drain it. Remove from heat and add cherries, sugar and cream as desired. Serve sprinkled with nuts. The cherries in this recipe can be replaced with any dried fruit to taste.


½ cup couscous
¾ glass of water,
¼ cup freshly squeezed orange juice,
1 tsp orange zest,
1 tbsp. honey,
3 tbsp. finely chopped almonds,
a little cinnamon to taste.

Pour a mixture of water and orange juice over the couscous, add the zest, honey and almonds and microwave at the highest power. Cook for 5-6 minutes, covered, then let sit for another 1 minute. If you don’t like cooking in the microwave, then “sunny” porridge can be cooked in the oven. Simply place the saucepan or pot in a hot oven, cover and cook for 10 minutes or less. The liquid should be completely absorbed, and the couscous grains should become crumbly and tender. Remove the finished couscous from the oven and let stand covered. Serve garnished with 2-3 thin orange slices.

For ladies who are careful about their figure, the best start to the day would be a fruit salad or smoothie. Decorate them with mint leaves and fruit flowers, and your first holiday bouquet is ready! Try yourself in the art of carving - intricate carving of vegetables and fruits, but do not experiment without preparation.

4 oranges,
1 banana
½ glass of orange juice,
¼ cup honey
2 tbsp. lemon juice,
¼ cup coconut flakes.

Peel the orange and divide into slices. If possible, peel them from films or simply cut them in half lengthwise. Cut the banana into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent it from darkening. Mix orange juice, lemon juice and honey and pour over the fruit. Sprinkle with coconut flakes.


½ ripe melon,
1 glass of skim milk,
1 glass of natural yogurt,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
1 cup crushed ice.

Peel the melon, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend until smooth. Serve garnished with mint leaves.

Choosing a drink for a holiday breakfast is an individual matter. For mommy, prepare cocoa or hot chocolate, they warm the soul so much. For your beloved wife, you can prepare aromatic coffee according to a new recipe and add a drop of cognac to it. And you can surprise a girl with a champagne cocktail. Get Lyolik out of your head from the immortal film with its aristocrats and degenerates drinking champagne in the morning, and prepare a drink with magic bubbles.

Cocktail “Amaretto flirt”: 20 ml amaretto liqueur, 20 ml orange juice, a glass of dry champagne, a circle of orange for decoration.

1 tsp raspberry puree, 1 glass of champagne.

Cocktail "Mimosa"(well, just an Eight-March name!): ½ glass of orange juice, ½ glass of champagne.

Love and tenderness to you!

Larisa Shuftaykina