What does the 2 of Cups card mean in tarot. Two of Cups: Tarot card meaning

The Two of Cups card shows how a man and a woman look into each other's eyes, exchanging their emotions and inner peace through the cups. The situation depicted is similar to a wedding ceremony, with wings and snakes forming a caduceus between the lovers.

The Caduceus, represented by the two serpents, has ancient and consistent associations with trade, negotiation, balance, duality (the union of opposites), proper moral behavior, protection and cosmic energy. At the top of the caduceus is a lion's head, symbolizing passion and fiery energy. The two snakes that end the caduceus represent darkness and light.

General meaning of the Two of Cups card

Direct position

  • business union
  • attraction
  • closeness
  • contact
  • connection
  • understanding
  • Team work
  • marriage
  • restoration of relations

The Two of Cups represents partnership and union. On this card, the caduceus announces a new relationship between two people, and invites them to treat a possible union with wisdom, honor and respect. Like the Lovers card in the Major Arcana, the energies come together to create a mutual connection.

Beauty, strength and electrical vibrations arise, bringing romance and sexual energy. Platonic relationships also benefit from the Two of Cups. This is a card that means coordination.

The struggle comes to an end and harmony is restored even in the most hostile relationships. The card promises the unification of not only two individuals, it can be groups, financial companies, states. The most important thing is that there is equality between representatives of the union. Everyone has the same rights and obligations. Rapprochement occurs on mutual attraction, coincidence of goals and motives, by mutual consent and to common pleasure.

Reversed position

  • discord
  • lack of equality and trust
  • disharmony
  • separation (divorce)
  • insincere friendship
  • painful union
  • contradictions
  • inconnectivity

If you get the Two of Cups upside down, don’t be upset, as the positivity of the card is not lost. Even in such an unfortunate position, the card communicates that happiness in your personal life, success in work, joy in life - all this is there, but some circumstances do not allow this to be realized.

There is an opinion that the Two of Cups in reverse does not lose the meaning of partnership and unity, which is destined to be, but for this you need to be patient, sacrifice something, and change something radically in life. This takes time, and the result will not keep you waiting. The Two of Cups warns of possible obstacles, thereby delaying the event in the time period.

In this case, she warns of temporary difficulties, urgent matters that have been postponed, and unexpected minor problems. A reversed card interprets events such as divorce, infidelity in a relationship, hostility among colleagues, difficulties at work. Perhaps you should reconsider your behavior, priorities, change your attitude towards people.

The Two of Cups emphasizes internal dissatisfaction and protest, speaks of unfulfilled dreams, greed, insincerity, and envy. You should take a closer look at your friends, are there any real ones among them? A love affair that is painful and brings nothing but experiences, a break with a person, be it a lover, a work colleague or a friend.

The card warns of family disagreements with a spouse, possible separation from a loved one, and difficulties in working with clients and friends. Problems with studies, conflicts with teachers. You should conduct an internal dialogue, perhaps you have chosen the wrong profession, and studying is not a joy. The Two of Cups makes you think, take a closer look, and become wary.

During interpretation, nearby cards play an important role. If they do not carry anything particularly sad or dangerous, then the inverted card does not need to be treated dramatically.

Meaning in Romantic Relationships

Direct position

The Two of Cups has many interpretations, but its primary meaning is love and matters of the heart. The Two of Cups represents a deep love relationship or a proposal for union. This exciting and hopeful card reminds us that it is love that rules the world.

The Two of Cups usually indicates a union based on mutual attraction and romantic inclinations. The card reflects the clear, caring, supportive and heartfelt exchange of emotions that is the gift of romantic relationships.

Marriage is also possible, as the man is seen extending his hand to the woman. It is a reflection of the commitment between two people who will live together, always taking care of each other's needs and desires.

The Two of Cups indicates a partnership, whether it be a business collaboration, a friendship, or an affection between a person and their pet.

At first glance, similar meanings are visible with the Lovers card. However, the energy of the Two of Cups is slightly weaker than that of the Lovers. While Lovers is a reunion of two people in love, Two Cups is a less strong union, and how long it will last is unknown. Although at the time of reading the cards, the union appears to be strong and stable, it is not clear whether the relationship shown by the two cups can stand the test of time. Only these two people are able to influence their destiny.

Despite the fact that the two figures depicted on the card are focused on their own existence, the two cups in their hands reflect their inner world. To be truly loved, respected and appreciated, you must first strive to create these feelings for yourself. That is, when you work on loving yourself, you value your inner spirit highly, treating it with reverence and deep respect. When you see yourself in this positive light, other people can't help but respond to your personal sense of worth in an equally positive way.

There is a strong spiritual connection between the couple at the Two Cups. The man and woman hold their bowls at the same height, symbolizing equality in the relationship.

The card also speaks of attraction. Perhaps there is someone you are attracted to, but feelings of vulnerability and uncertainty about reciprocity are preventing the person from opening up to you. Perhaps someone in the background has interested you, but a series of events and current affairs prevents you from realizing this fact. Look carefully, who could it be?

Reversed position

If the Two of Cups appears reversed, it warns of difficulties that relate to important moments in your life, and in no way relate to internal conflicts and doubts. If at the moment your relationship with a person is strong, stable and trusting, be prepared for changes that will disrupt the harmony in the relationship. The reason may be jealousy, money, grievances, other people's opinions.

Reversed two cups can mean discord or disharmony in a relationship. Everyone feels tension, you are moving away from each other, perhaps you rarely see each other, and the desire for another meeting is slowly fading away. In such situations, it is very difficult to be honest with each other, and everyone prefers to remain silent. Such understatement kills relationships. If you value your union, you should show wisdom and work around the sharp corners. The situation will result in a harmless quarrel. If the Two of Cups is surrounded by positive cards, then the quarrel will be short-lived.

The Two of Cups in an inverted position is not a strong card, and speaks of a lack of respect and mutual understanding. The balance of equality is disrupted. One of the partners is full of aggression and activity, the other prefers submission and a passive role. This situation leads to a breakdown in relationships. The card also indicates one-sided love without reciprocity, painful separation from the beloved. The Two of Cups is a card of grievances, scandals, hatred, regrets and divorces. Trust has been undermined. The union is based on lies and flattery. Constant showdowns, the desire to rub each other’s noses in, the struggle for primacy.

The classic meaning of an inverted card is parting, heartache, many tears, scandals, leaving the family, insincerity, jealousy, possibly betrayal.

Two of Cups and professional activities

Direct location

In an upright position, the Two of Cups predicts a favorable, business-like atmosphere, a spirit of teamwork and partnership, in other words, a place where work brings pleasure and benefit. The main thing is that working relationships are based on trust and equality. Personal relationships in life will not interfere with becoming successful business partners.

The key to success is camaraderie, common goals, trust and the ability to hear each other. Successful negotiations, successful deals and contracts await you. If you are interested in changing jobs, then the drawn Two Cups card foreshadows the friendly attitude of colleagues and management in the new place. If you are looking for a job, the card symbolizes profitable projects, the founding of your own business, a meeting with investors with further cooperation.

The Two of Cups also allows for business trips, work trips abroad, favorable terms of transactions, and implementation of projects. If you are a student - a favorable attitude from teachers, an increased scholarship, successfully passed tests and exams. Opportunity to intern abroad, receive offers to continue studies at European universities.

The two cups are directly related to diplomatic and communication abilities. If you are a creative person, then the card promises the realization of yourself as an artist, poet or musician. The card carries such meanings as refined taste, feelings of beauty, aesthetic beauty.

Reversed card

When reversed, the Two of Cups predicts conflict situations with management, lack of coordination with colleagues, shaky authority, and manipulation by superiors. If you get this card, be prepared for an unsuccessful business meeting, an unfavorable outcome of negotiations, a reduction in wages, possible dismissal, and a busy schedule.

You may have thoughts of changing your job. But you should pull yourself together, stress is not in your favor. Look at everything from the outside as an observer, maybe you yourself are the reason for all the failures? Fatigue, financial problems, nagging from superiors, envy and irritability of colleagues - this is difficult to cope with. Abstract yourself, do not become a victim and an easy target.

Description of the Two of Cups in health

Direct map location

The Two of Cups is a reflection of young, healthy people. In a direct position, he interprets good health and the positive dynamics of treatment. The Two of Cups falls on a person with an excellent genotype, good heredity, mentally balanced, with an excellent mood, positive emotions and sexual satisfaction.

Reversed Two of Cups

Do not forget that in the upright position the card symbolizes a love relationship, and where there is love, there is sex. And sex is not always protected. When there is a question about the state of health, the inverted Two of Cups forces you to be more attentive to yourself and to sexual intercourse, since there is a possibility of STDs. The infection affects the genitourinary and lymphatic systems, signaling inflammatory processes.

Personal qualities

Direct position

The Two of Cups chooses people who have a connection with it on a sacramental level; they are a kind of favorites of this card. Often these are people who live in harmony with themselves and their environment, and do not have internal turmoil and conflicts. Outwardly they are very sweet and charming, they attract their interlocutor.

They always have kind words, their courtesy is disarming. These people stand out with positive energy, are ready to help anyone and everyone, there is no self-interest or arrogance in them. They are truly the favorites of the card, and fate is favorable to them, protects them from adversity and gives them all the best. Luck does not leave those who are capable of being a true friend, a kind and sympathetic person, a faithful husband and a loving father.

The Two of Cups highlights those who have found what they were looking for - namely their other half. A state of completeness, harmony in what is happening, completeness of what has begun, happiness from understanding and unity.

Reversed position

In this case, the Two of Cups sees a person - a former lover or friend. Such a person should not be trusted. He is a vampire, gigolo, rapist. He needs a victim. Cruelty, greed, envy, lust, revenge are characteristic states of him. Perhaps not long ago he was someone’s friend, loved one, conscientious worker, but fate played a cruel joke on him, and now he represents only the dark side of himself.

Two of Cups - like the card of the day

This day is associated with matters of the heart. You will have a great time with your loved one or a close friend. The day promises reunion, spiritual connection, sincere feelings. Take the initiative, take the first step, show fate what you want, so that Cupid will direct his arrows straight to the target.

If you have a little quarrel with someone or the relationship has begun to take on the character of war, this day will present a lot of options for reconciliation.

If you are lonely, feel free to go for a walk, perhaps you will meet the same lonely heart. The main thing is not to overlook it, fate will not show favor a second time. There is no point in sitting at home and being bored, otherwise you will remain living in dreams of a long-awaited meeting.

Inverted arrangement

An inverted card on this day warns of a possible quarrel with a loved one. You should be careful in your expressions, avoid reproaches and nagging; any wrong word will cause a negative reaction from your partner.

Any meeting, be it a love date or a work meeting, scheduled on this unfavorable day will not bring a positive result. Something is bound to go wrong, be prepared.

A lonely person will remain lonely on this day. I am glad that this is just one day that will end and a new one will come, and perhaps it will bring joy and happiness.

Try to compromise, but don’t get carried away, be persistent if the situation requires it. Remember, rose-colored glasses distort reality, thereby having a detrimental effect on relationships, careers and life principles.

The meaning of this card is clear even to those who see the Tarot for the first time - a harmonious relationship between two people or their growing interest in each other. Heart unity, loving rapprochement.

Traditional interpretations: courtship, partnership, union, attraction, attraction, friendship, mutual love, passion, intimacy, affection, harmony of feelings, mutual exchange. This could be a new acquaintance, reconciliation with a former lover, a manifestation of the best feelings in an already established union. The meaning of this card primarily affects the deeply personal, intimate sphere, no matter what we are talking about - sympathy, light flirting, sudden love, a date after a long separation, or the beginning of a new friendship or love relationship.

Most often - the formation of feelings between two people. This card loves lovers very much, and often appears in layouts precisely during the period of intense romantic infatuation. It serves as a kind of indicator that a person is ready to open up to the love that comes to him, to be filled with it and to share it. According to it, what divides people loses its meaning - what attracts and connects them becomes much more important.

This is also a good proposal (in the most traditional sense - marriage, but it can be something no less interesting). The Two of Cups describes good acquaintances, cooperation and the establishment of connections that help to reach new favorable prospects. Even if it is not about romance, this card describes favorable interactions, harmonious relationships, mutual sympathy, harmony, consideration and kindness. Its importance is the ability to trust and act in concert.

A joyful meeting, a warm welcome, hospitality. Unity and agreement. Forgiveness and reconciliation. Also, the Two of Cups is the main indicator of a date, a pleasant meeting.

The card was always considered good and, if the question had nothing to do with love, it foreshadowed success, honor, wealth and entertainment. Only in comparison with the higher cards of Cups, such as the Nine or Ten, did it represent a relatively small success compared to the possible greater one.

It gives a positive prognosis and foretells not only a favorable outcome of the matter, but also often the emergence of some new quality, a new direction of development.

In love.

The Two of Cups is a clear indication that the solitude is over, now all feelings and intentions, willy-nilly, are correlated with another person, even if the romance is still in the secret and platonic phase (and not to mention explicit and formed relationships).

All the same, isolation at the moment has given way to the internal unity of two loving people, the “sixth sense”. According to the Two of Cups, a person feels an emotional connection with someone, a flow of heart energy, a merging of souls. He clearly “cares” now. Taking into account the fact that the heart chakra is generally used quite little in our lives (most of the interactions occur through manipura and svadhisthana, and not at all through anahata), its strong inclusion is experienced as a holiday and revelation.

A striking sign of the activation of the heart chakra is the experience of love for life in general that accompanies falling in love with another person (“how beautiful this world is!”), and a special poetic perception of reality, that indescribable “phase shift” that is sung and cursed, and sung again. If this feeling is absent, we “fell in love” with some other place, which could equally well be located above or below the heart. If everything happens according to the Two of Cups - the soul sings, beauty is noticed where we have never seen it before, creative and artistic interests are revived. And the old maxim about the uplifting and healing power of love becomes completely clear.

Strictly speaking, the card can fall to anyone who has fallen in love, but there is also a type of people about whom we can say - this is a person of the Two of Cups. He is handsome, attractive, sociable and kind. He exudes friendliness, benevolence, gentleness and courtesy. He thrives in a warm environment and greatly values ​​love, friendship, and good professional relationships. He is sensitive, tactful and attentive to others. He has a subtle ability to give and take. His smile and kind word can have a simply therapeutic effect on others, liberating and instilling confidence. It also often happens that he is characterized by increased curiosity about other people, sincere interest in them without any special reasons (less often - in self-knowledge). This person enjoys reading all sorts of psychological notes and applying them in practice.

The card shows a man and a woman exchanging cups, symbolizing the two fundamental principles on which creation is based and the attractive force of opposites. A woman's blue and white clothing symbolizes the element of Water and the purity of the subconscious impulse, while the red and yellow color of a man's suit symbolizes consciousness and the element of Fire. They are overshadowed by a scarlet winged lion, a symbol of desire, but also the potential spiritualization of passions.

Above the cups is also elevated the magical caduceus of Hermes or Hymen, who was considered the patron saint of newlyweds (and is perfectly reflected in the Latvian word for “family” - ģimene). It is believed that the winged lion and the caduceus entwined with snakes symbolize the male and female reproductive organs. Paired meditation, which the Two indicates, in this case sharply enhances intuition and sensitivity, therefore another meaning of the card is a heightened perception, a keen sense of beauty. The rod of Hermes, entwined with two snakes, suggests that together they possess the highest knowledge and are able to pass it on to others. This is a true evolutionary union that promotes the growth of both parties. The house in the background expresses the idea of ​​human creativity based on the harmony of love. Love in the highest sense is the force that creates the world through the happy union of opposites in the manner of the double helix of DNA.

Archetypally, the card depicts the “ideal couple.” If the question was asked about relationships, then this is “a union that should be.” The soul of the androgyne (Ace of Cups) was divided in two in the outer world (Two of Cups) and now strives for reunification “like the immortal streams of eternity.” This is not only a physical, but also a spiritual yearning, since it is about a lost part of oneself. Alchemically it is coagula, the process of joining.

This is a situation where alchemical energy mixes two simple elements and refines them. Therefore, the Two of Cups can describe any type of marriage, including intellectual and creative, situations of cooperation and co-authorship, when joining forces gives an excellent result. This can also be a harmonious exchange of energy between the “yang” and “yin” sides of the soul. In a mystical sense, this depicts the spiritual marriage of the male and female components of the consciousness of the dedicated Hero. Many decks emphasize in the Two of Cups primarily the theme of self-acceptance, gradual self-knowledge, and building relationships with oneself. The contradiction with the traditional meaning here is only apparent.

At a deep level, Arkan describes the fundamental fact that how others treat us actually reflects our own attitude towards ourselves. Self-receptivity prepares us to be able to perceive and give ourselves to someone else.

Regarding astrological correspondences: “The first decade of Cancer symbolizes the first, unmotivated impulse of feeling, childishly vague and carefree, passive, gentle and affectionate. This is an intimate atmosphere, a family hearth and comfort, in which the most subtle sensations awaken. This decade is patronized by the Moon according to the eastern system, and Venus according to the European system. Venus in Cancer is visiting the Moon, and this is exactly the case when beauty ennobles the soul.

This is the novelty of emotions and their reflection in the sensory sphere, which give impetus to the disclosure of the subconscious. At first, feelings manifest themselves uncertainly and weakly: the disadvantages of this decade are lethargy, laziness and softness of consciousness. Here it is important to find the harmony of conscious and subconscious processes: awareness of your feelings will give greater strength and direction.” There is also an opinion that this card, of all the Minor Arcana, most closely corresponds to the sign of Libra.

The Two of Cups reveals an inspired passion, a sublimated driving force, reminding us that everything we do, we do because we love something (someone). Behind the search for the “second half” lie cosmic driving forces, a spiritual desire for completeness and completeness.

In a mystical sense, this card corresponds to ritual sex change, sexual magic, a meeting with one’s second self, which makes it possible to see what a person does not accept or realize in himself.

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: focus on common interests and build relationships. To form an alliance, to join forces with someone for a good purpose. Take a step towards the other, open up, cooperate, reconcile. Give and take. In the movie Some Like It Hot, Josephine gives Daphne the advice to “Go all out on your charm!” - also in the spirit of the Two of Cups.

Warning: you shouldn’t sacrifice principles for the sake of a “bad world” and try to please everyone. Possible excessive passion for feelings, idealization, the effect of “rose-colored glasses”. You shouldn’t be too frank; it makes sense to weigh your words so as not to be made a fool. Another trap is connecting with someone for the sake of lower goods (marriage or other union of convenience).

Successful business partnership, effective cooperation, full mutual understanding in partnerships and pursuit of a common goal.

Partners in business can be partners in life. Trusting relationships in the team, respect and equality. A situation of synergy, when together you can achieve much more than alone. A favorable working atmosphere (maybe so favorable that it is almost no longer perceived as a working atmosphere - this is the case when it is colleagues, and not household members, who are perceived as a real family). Loyalty, collectivism, inspiration. Mutual assistance, the ability to rely on each other. Contractual relations, conclusion of a contract. Joint venture. Uniting for a higher common goal. Interest in cooperation, cooperation.

Successful negotiations. Nice welcome. Recognition and respect.

All professions that require diplomacy and the ability to communicate productively.
Sometimes the Two of Cups speaks of realization in the field of artistic creativity (good taste and aesthetic sense are included in the meaning of this card).

Shared resources. Mutually beneficial relationships (connections or capital of one partner are valuable to the other and vice versa). Pooling of funds, “common pot”. Material security.

If the card appears precisely in the context of a relationship, and there are no unfavorable Arcana that nullify its meaning, then it can be argued that the feelings are mutual and the development of the relationship will be favorable and harmonious. It is interesting that ancient interpreters persistently repeat the idea that unfavorable cards can only delay the influence of the Two of Cups or create obstacles on the path of the people involved in the relationship, but even this negative influence cannot change the prediction - this is a union that will be.

The partnership of the Two of Cups differs from others primarily in that it is not overshadowed by internal conflicts. There is no hesitation here, no doubt - is it necessary or not? Here everything is clear and understandable, there is simply no place for all these questions and protests, love is romantic and correct, which gives it a taste of simplicity. Another feature of the Two of Cups is that you can’t make a secret out of it. In any case, it is very difficult (as a rule, the couple does not even try).

Here the connection is visible to the naked eye, tenderness shines through in everything, and “parting is worse than death.” People according to the Two of Cups resemble communicating vessels, this applies to health, money, mood and almost anything. What happens to them clearly has a mutual connection, and the words “two are one flesh” are interpreted in a new way. The intuition of both partners is heightened, sometimes they easily “read” the thoughts and feelings of the other, no matter where he is. Here there is a correspondence of views and characters, harmony and agreement in feelings, full-fledged human joy.

This is a successful union of suitable partners, in which there is love and intimacy, reciprocity and cordiality. Deep sympathy, strong affection, the ability to see only the best in each other and excuse shortcomings. This is a “honeymoon” - the first or the next one. In general, an idyll in a relationship is an emotional response, care, tenderness, respect, equality, frankness and sincerity (and all this is true, even if the relationship is not purely romantic).

Strong attraction, passion, merging of two hearts, the ability to open up to another, a declaration of love, a new quality in a relationship. Sexual compatibility, intuitive understanding of the partner's needs. In physical intimacy, conscious and unconscious aspirations are harmoniously combined, again leaving no room for internal conflicts. The Two of Cups indicates the fundamental possibility of having a child (this can be important when, for example, there is an assumption of childlessness).

This card includes “little things”, such as successful romantic dates and significant gifts, and “major events”, which include engagement and marriage. Therefore, if the question concerns the conclusion of an alliance, some other marriage significators in the layout are still desirable (for example, the Four of Wands or the Hierophant).

Renewal of old friendship. Reconciliation. Forgiveness.

This card seems to develop the meaning inherent in the Ace of the same suit. The Two of Cups is a sign that the feeling that was only predicted for you by the Ace that appeared in the layout is gradually but steadily gaining strength.

This is a card of good health. It is also a healing card. Therefore, in health scenarios it should be interpreted optimistically.
As a signifier of illness, the Two of Cups can speak of all kinds of infections transmitted from person to person, from respiratory to sexually transmitted.

Even in an inverted form, the card indicates that the possibility of happiness, success, joy exists, only at present it is difficult to realize for some reason. There is an opinion that in an inverted position, the Two of Cups retains the meaning of an alliance that will be, but for the sake of this you will have to be patient. This card moves an event back in time or describes obstacles in the path of the people involved in the relationship. Among other things, this card brings up the theme of infidelity and jealousy. Appearing in a reading, it may indicate that attempts to unite with someone (or, for example, make peace) are doomed to failure, at least at the moment. Conflicts and disputes, inability to reach consensus.

In ancient commentaries there is such a definition as “bored love.” Also, problematic, turbulent, unsatisfying relationships, “difficult romance” can occur on this card. These are all those cases when yesterday they discussed almost the details of the wedding, today they send you out with your things, and the next day they call you shouting “Come back!”, and those around you have been philosophically following the development of this Mexican series for quite some time. Quarrels, storms in a glass of water and contradictory interactions from the series “but as soon as the heart flares up, they cool the arrogant one with coldness,” when it is completely unknown what to think.

In an upright chart, what unites overcomes differences - with an inverted map, what separates two people, be it social status, personality traits or anything else, tends to become stronger than their desire to be together. Hence such interpretations as a break in the union, separation of people, divorce, life apart. Insincere friendship. Broken trust. Confrontation, disagreement, misunderstanding

Sexual incompatibility, dissatisfaction. There is an opinion that the card indicates “perverted sensuality”, speaks of crudely manifested desire, irrepressible lust without heartfelt attraction. According to Mary Greer, this may be an indicator of a person who “really wants it, but has no one to go with.” But this can also be a reluctance to reconcile and meet halfway, and rejection of someone’s love, and the fading of feelings that were once very bright, and the experience of unrequited feelings, lack of reciprocity.

When interpreting, the surrounding cards are important. If there is nothing particularly dark and eloquent in them, like the Three of Swords, then the reversed Two of Cups should not be interpreted dramatically. This could be a short-term separation from a loved one, just being late for a date, a misunderstanding between lovers from the series “darlings scold - just have fun.” Still, it's a good card!
It may also portend simply a situation of a showdown. It may hint at a lack of tact and diplomacy in relationships, a lack of taste and moderation.

But in business terms, this is a very alarming signal if it concerns the conclusion of any transaction.

With Lovers - the meaning indicating union, marriage, connection is noticeably enhanced

With the Hermit - the effect of the Two of Cups weakens, the Hermit’s tendency to solitude overcomes the desire to communicate

With Moderation - joint work, favorable relationships

With the Five of Wands - Hostility and disagreement in the alliance

With the Three of Swords - indifference, coldness

With the Ten of Swords - collective success (according to Guggenheim)

With the Four of Cups - self-absorption and solitude harm relationships

With the Five of Cups - broken relationships

With the Nine of Cups - meet a loved one in company

With the Ten of Cups - family ties, kinship, blood ties

Reversed with the Queen of Pentacles reversed - vain hopes.

All kinds of mythological and legendary Couples.

“What love binds receives wings.”

Two of Cups (Two of Cups) in Tarot cards: meaning in relationships, love

Tarot 2 of Cups: meaning in upright and inverted position

Among the minor arcana of the Tarot, the 2 of Cups has the meaning of the ruler of love. The card shows two lovers standing opposite each other and holding a golden cup in their hands. A mythical creature is often depicted above them, who blesses this union and endows them with special knowledge, which they will have to pass on to their children.

This pair symbolizes the novelty of feelings and the severity of emotions in a person’s love life. The astrological aspect of the Two of Cups is represented by Venus in the Cancer zodiac, which gives a person a kind of impetus to unlock his subconscious potential.


The Two of Cups speaks of satisfaction with your personal life, harmony and unity in your relationship with your loved one. For those who have not yet met their soulmate, this card promises pleasant acquaintances, easy flirting and love adventures that will leave many pleasant and exciting memories.

In the Tarot deck of 78 doors, the card is interpreted as a strong attachment, love.

In addition, the lasso speaks of success in financial affairs, concluding profitable agreements and finding a reliable partner in work.


In an inverted position, the Two of Cups will symbolize quarrels and conflicts in relationships with loved ones, which will arise due to your inability to cope with your own emotions. In professional activities, the lasso indicates disagreements with management and colleagues, denial of someone else's point of view and making hasty, rash decisions.

It is better to postpone the implementation of important and significant projects for a while, if you get an upside down card in the layout.


In health readings, the Two of Cups has a favorable meaning. This lasso is considered an indicator of good health and excellent physical shape. Some tarot readers call the Two of Cups a “healing card,” believing that it may indicate special magical abilities in the fortuneteller.

In an inverted position, the lasso will talk about possible infectious diseases, ranging from those transmitted by the respiratory route to those spread through sexual contact.

Love and relationships

For personal life scenarios, the Two of Cups is the most favorable lasso in the entire deck. The oldest interpreters say that not a single negative card in the deck can radically negate the meaning of the Two of Cups. Combination with a “bad” lasso can only delay the effect of this card.

However, modern tarot readers rarely adhere to this opinion, allowing free interpretation of combinations. In love affairs, the Two of Cups is the lasso of luck and the patronage of Cupid. This is a card for strengthening existing alliances and new romantic acquaintances.

In an inverted position, the lasso warns the fortuneteller that relationships with a loved one may be darkened due to the machinations and gossip of ill-wishers. Try not to talk to others about events in your personal life.


The Two of Cups is a card that means that in any difficult situation, close people will support you. You can count on having someone to rely on at a critical moment. In the upright position, the lasso promises a successful and quick resolution of all issues of interest, new business connections and fruitful cooperation.

If a question was asked about relationships with people around you, the Two of Cups will indicate a change in position in society.

The inverted lasso will become a symbol of deception and loss, which will await you in the very near future. It is worth thinking about narrowing your circle of contacts to the closest people for a while, so as not to find yourself in an unpleasant ambiguous position later.


When divining a professional situation, the Two of Cups often indicates that business connections can eventually develop into friendships and romantic ones. This card is considered an indicator of sympathy between colleagues or flirting with superiors. Trusting relationships in a team will contribute to fruitful work, however, it is better not to translate the partnership into close and romantic relationships.

The inverted Two of Cups is a symbol of financial instability and procrastination in work. You will feel uneasy and unsure about who you can trust. The best advice is to trust only yourself.

Combination with other Tarot

Major Arcana:

  • With map "Jester"- uncertainty about the future.
  • With map "Magician"- your loved one is trying to manipulate you.
  • With map "High Priestess"- it's time to tell your loved one about your feelings.
  • With map "Empress"- pregnancy.
  • With map "Emperor"- they will make you an offer that you cannot refuse.
  • With map "Hierophant"- a feeling of harmony and complete trust in relationships with a partner.
  • With map "Lovers"- personal life can become an obstacle to career growth.
  • With map "Chariot"- different interests with your loved one.
  • With map "Force"- searching for a compromise in trying to improve relationships with a friend or girlfriend.
  • With map "Hermit"- coldness and isolation.
  • With map "Wheel of Fortune"- relationships with your soulmate will move to a new level.
  • With map "Justice"- marriage, engagement.
  • With map "Hanged"- betrayal of a loved one.
  • With map "Death"- a difficult period in life.
  • With map "Moderation"- you will have to make concessions to your partner in order to maintain harmony and mutual understanding.
  • With map "Devil"- you are being deceived, be careful.
  • With map "Tower"- conflict with a loved one, which can lead to a cessation of communication.
  • With map "Star"- unity of views and interests with a partner.
  • With map "Moon"- the appearance of a third person in your romantic idyll.
  • With map "Sun"- addition to the family.
  • With map "Court"- a test of character strength awaits you.
  • With map "World"- romantic acquaintance.


  • WITH Ace of Wands- communication with children.
  • WITH Two of Wands– it’s time to start making plans for a joint vacation with your loved one.
  • WITH Three of Wands- pre-wedding concerns.
  • WITH Four of Wands– do not try to influence the opinions and actions of your loved one.
  • WITH Five of Wands– minor disputes and misunderstandings in communication with others.
  • WITH Six of Wands- good luck in love affairs.
  • WITH Seven of Wands– signing documents, accepting new rules in relationships.
  • WITH Eight of Wands– long journey, unplanned trip.
  • WITH Nine of Wands– you can become a victim of someone else’s scam.
  • WITH Ten of Wands- the promise you were given will remain unfulfilled.
  • WITH Page of Wands– new romantic relationships.
  • WITH Knight of Wands– hasty decisions.
  • WITH Queen of Wands- meeting with fate.
  • WITH King of Wands– it’s time to exclude from your circle people who bring nothing but troubles into your life.


  • WITH Ace of Cups- a romantic proposal.
  • WITH Three of Cups- a stranger will show signs of attention to you.
  • WITH Four of Cups– you will remain dissatisfied with your own behavior.
  • WITH Five of Cups– conflicts with loved ones over trifles.
  • WITH Six of Cups– renewal of previous connections.
  • WITH Seven of Cups- love at first sight.
  • WITH Eight of Cups- distrust and hostility towards a loved one.
  • WITH Nine of Cups- measured and calm life.
  • WITH Ten of Cups– meetings with relatives or friends.
  • WITH Page of Cups- profitable offer.
  • WITH Knight of Cups– awkward situations, complexes and self-condemnation.
  • WITH Queen of Cups– disruption of the usual way of life.
  • WITH King of Cups– relationships with your loved one will be based more on friendship than love.


  • WITH Ace of Swords– you will win the sympathy of the person you are interested in.
  • WITH Two of Swords– a feeling of uncertainty and understatement in relationships with a partner.
  • WITH Three of Swords– separation from a loved one that will not last long.
  • WITH Four of Swords– destructive relationships that only bring you anxiety and sadness.
  • WITH Five of Swords– loss of trust from a close friend or girlfriend.
  • WITH Six of Swords- forced isolation.
  • WITH Seven of Swords– the insincere attitude of a new acquaintance.
  • WITH Eight of Swords– you will find yourself captive to your own emotions.
  • WITH Nine of Swords– insomnia, painful condition.
  • WITH Ten of Swords- you will be rejected by your loved one.
  • WITH Page of Swords– recklessness and unwillingness to face the truth.
  • WITH Knight of swords- you will find yourself drawn into an unpleasant story.
  • WITH Queen of Swords– quick resolution of the existing problem.
  • WITH King of Swords– coldness and causticity in relationships with loved ones.


  • WITH Ace of Pentacles- the beginning of a new stage in your personal life.
  • WITH Two of Pentacles– inconstancy of a loved one, uncertainty in a partner.
  • WITH Three of Pentacles– decency and serious intentions of the person who shows sympathy for you.
  • WITH Four of Pentacles- gifts, joyful events.
  • WITH Five of Pentacles– promiscuous relationships with the opposite sex.
  • WITH Six of Pentacles– attention and care should be shown to elderly relatives.
  • WITH Seven of Pentacles- unpromising relationships.
  • WITH Eight of Pentacles– you will have to make a lot of effort to establish relationships with a close friend or girlfriend.
  • WITH Nine of Pentacles- unfulfilled dreams.
  • WITH Ten of Pentacles- family life.
  • WITH Page of Pentacles- a new round in relationships with your soulmate.
  • WITH Knight of Pentacles- stability and regularity.
  • WITH Queen of Pentacles- fulfillment of desires.
  • WITH King of Pentacles– a sense of self-sufficiency and confidence in one’s life.

This is a good time to confide in your loved one, confess your feelings, or provide help and support if they need it. This day will be held under the auspices of love, sensual emotions and dizzying surprises. For those who are lonely, it's time to look around. This is the day when you can fall in love at first sight and for life.

In an inverted position, the Two of Cups warns that you should not make sacrifices to satisfy other people's needs. Today, first of all, you should think about your own desires.

Source: http://www.hiromantia.net/taro/2-kubkov-znachenie/

Two of Cups Tarot: meaning in relationships, love, work

Do you want to know the main features of fortune telling with Tarot cards? In this article we will tell you about the meaning of the Two (2) of Cups (Cups) of the Tarot, the compatibility of the Arcana with other Tarot symbols, and also teach you how to correctly apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Enjoy reading!

2 of Cups: description of the card, plot, meaning in the layout

To get an objective idea of ​​this Minor Arcana, consider the meaning of the Two of Cups Tarot from Rider-Waite. The card depicts two people - a man and a woman, in love with each other. Above them is a mythical (biblical) creature, blessing their feelings, suggesting the following - the highest knowledge that they have should be passed on to others.

The meaning of the card in the layout is new emotions, sensuality, giving impetus to the revelation of intuition, etc.

To find out the details of the interpretation of this Minor Arcana, we recommend enrolling in courses at the Russian Tarot School or reading the book by tarot reader Sergei Savchenko “Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards.”

Key words and ideas of the 2 of Cups in the reading

Let's look at the key words and ideas of the Two of Cups in the layout. Details of the interpretation are described below.

  • Having fun
  • Harmonious relationships
  • Mutual love
  • Fun
  • Passion
  • Friendship
  • An offer of marriage
  • Reconciliation
  • Engagement
  • Agreement
  • Conclusion of an agreement
  • Assigned obligations

The key ideas are as follows: if you love yourself, you will become attractive to others. Receptivity prepares the fortuneteller for complete dedication towards another person. The result is a deep emotional exchange, interchange of energies, etc.

Meaning of the 2 of Cups card in upright position

Let's consider the meaning of the Two of Cups in the upright position. Read the specifics of the interpretation below.

The card means mutual sympathy, the search for promising connections, the reunion of two loving hearts.

Another interpretation option is new ways of meeting people, good feelings, mutual understanding, respect in an existing union. The essence of the Arcana is touching on the intimate sphere of the fortuneteller’s life.

It can also mean a warm welcome from close relatives, hospitality, business negotiations or a satisfying meeting.

Meaning of the 2 of Cups card in reversed position

Let's consider the meaning of the reversed Two of Cups Tarot. Details of the interpretation are given below.

If the layout shows an inverted position of the Two of Cups, do not rush to get upset. The card wants to warn you about upcoming temporary difficulties, short delays and other minor problems.

At the event level, the reverse meaning of the card can be interpreted as suspicion, separation, jealousy, insincerity, lack of coherence in collective actions, dissatisfaction in the performance of one’s own and/or others’ actions.

Meanings of the 2 of Cups in relationships and love readings

Below is the meaning of the Two of Cups (Cups) in love and relationships. See interpretation details below.

Straight position

The card represents falling in love, the candy-bouquet period, and courtship. It may indicate feelings that have arisen again between two people, another bright period in a mature union, reconciliation after quarrels or alienation. Ideal relationships, mutual understanding, respect for each other are only part of the characteristics of this card.

Inverted position

Arkan warns of the possible emergence of problems associated with misunderstandings and doubts. If the union has a good, stable relationship, minor problems may occur, for example, harmless quarrels that will last no more than a couple of days.

The meaning of the 2 Cups in matters of health

Let's consider the meaning of the Two of Cups (upright/inverted position) in matters of health. Details are below.

Directly. Harmony of health, speedy recovery, absence of acute relapses in relation to chronic diseases. Another interpretation is a disorder of paired organs (lungs, kidneys, bronchi, etc.).

Upside down. Beware of minor inflammatory processes in the lymphatic system.

The meaning of the Two of Cups in layouts for personality analysis, the psychological state of a person

Let's consider the meaning of the Two of Cups in layouts for personality analysis. Details of the interpretation are given below.

Directly. Charming, attractive, sweet person, attractive.

Upside down. Indicates a former lover, business partner, or someone who is not trustworthy. Be carefull!

The meaning of the card in layouts for finances and work

The meaning of the Two of Cups for work depends on the position of the card in the layout. Let's consider the direct/inverted meaning. Details of interpretation are given below.

Directly. Represents a good team atmosphere, excellent cooperation, excellent microclimate, etc.

If such a card appears during fortune telling regarding a job change, a warm, friendly welcome awaits you; managers and colleagues will help you get used to the new environment.

Another interpretation is the successful organization of a joint venture, successful negotiations, interest in cooperation.

Upside down. Manipulation, inconsistency in teamwork, loss of authority, disappointment from the negotiations, etc.

The meaning of the 2 of Cups in combination with the Major Arcana

Let us give examples of a brief interpretation of the Two of Cups in combination with the Major Arcana.

  • Jester: Lack of confidence in the near future
  • Magician: Attempts at manipulation by the other half
  • High Priestess: It's time to open up to your significant other
  • Empress: Long-awaited pregnancy
  • Hierophant: Mutual understanding with a partner, openness, respect for each other
  • Lovers: To achieve career heights, you should disown your personal life
  • Chariot: The fortuneteller and his partner have completely different hobbies/interests
  • Strength: An attempt to find a compromise in establishing contact with a person of the opposite sex
  • Hermit: Closedness, coldness to current events
  • Wheel of Fortune: Your current relationship with your partner will move to a fundamentally new level
  • Justice: Engagement, marriage, legalization of relationships
  • The Hanged Man: Betrayal by those close to you
  • Death: Hard Times Come
  • Moderation: The need to make concessions to maintain mutual understanding and harmony in relationships
  • Devil: Be careful - you may be deceived
  • Tower: A conflict is brewing with a person close to you. Risks the cessation of communication
  • Star: Unity of interests, views with a loved one
  • Moon: A third person can disrupt the romantic idyll
  • Sun: A new addition to the family is coming
  • Court: You are being tested for the strength of your character
  • World: Romantic dating

The meaning of the Two of Cups in combination with the Minor Arcana

Let's consider the meaning of the Two of Cups in combination with the Minor Arcana. Details below.

Combination with the suit of Wands

  • Ace: Communication with children is coming
  • Two: You should plan a vacation with your loved one
  • Troika: Troubles associated with the upcoming wedding
  • Four: You should not directly influence your partner’s actions/opinion
  • Five: Misunderstandings, minor quarrels in communication with other people
  • Six: Success, luck in love
  • Seven: Taking a new turn in relationships, signing important documents
  • Eight: Unplanned trip, long journey
  • Nine: A fortuneteller may become a victim of scammers
  • Ten: Unfulfilled promises regarding the querent
  • Page: Romantic relationships
  • Knight: Avoid hasty decisions
  • Queen: Fateful Meeting
  • King: Eliminate from your environment people who bring you trouble

Combination with the suit of Cups

  • Ace: A romantic date is coming
  • Troika: Signs of attention will be shown from a stranger
  • Four: The fortuneteller will remain dissatisfied with his own behavior
  • Five: Quarrels, misunderstandings, conflicts with close circle
  • Six: Renewing relationships with lost surroundings
  • Seven: Love at first sight
  • Eight: Dislike, distrust of a loved one
  • Nine: Calm, measured life
  • Ten: Meeting with friends and relatives
  • Page: Receipt of profitable offers
  • Knight: Awkward situations, self-judgment, complexes
  • Queen: Violation of the usual routine of life
  • King: Relationships with a partner are based not on love, but on friendship

Combination with the suit of Swords

  • Ace: The sympathy of the person of interest will be won
  • Two: Uncertainty, understatement in relation to a partner
  • Troika: Short-term separation from a loved one
  • Four: Sadness and anxiety from destructive relationships
  • Five: Loss of trust from your best friend/girlfriend
  • Six: Forced isolation from the outside world
  • Seven: Insincerity on the part of a new acquaintance
  • Eight: A person remains captive of his own emotions
  • Nine: Rejection towards your significant other
  • Ten: Painful condition, insomnia.
  • Page: Reluctance to accept the truth, recklessness, etc.
  • Knight: Getting involved in an unpleasant situation
  • Queen: A quick solution to existing problems
  • King: Acrimony, arrogance, coldness towards loved ones

Combination with the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: A new stage in your personal life
  • Two: Uncertainty about a loved one
  • Troika: Serious intentions, decency of a person who shows sympathy for the fortuneteller
  • Four: Joyful events, surprises, gifts
  • Five: Promiscuous sexual relations with the opposite sex
  • Six: You should pay attention to the health status of elderly relatives
  • Seven: Relationships without prospects
  • Eight: To improve relationships, you will have to make a lot of effort
  • Nine: Dreams that are unlikely to come true
  • Ten: The realities of family life
  • Page: Renewing your relationship with your significant other
  • Knight: Regularity, stability
  • Queen: Fulfillment of cherished desires
  • King: Self-sufficiency, confidence in one’s own life

Any compromises should be in moderation. Optimism does not always bring something good to a relationship; sometimes it can be destructive. In an inverted position, the Arcanum indicates the following - do not sacrifice yourself for the sake of others, think about your own needs.

Warning from 2 Cups

They hide a lot from you - be careful in communicating with your immediate circle.

What questions can 2 Cups answer?

  • With whom from your immediate circle can you share your feelings?
  • Causes of relationship problems

Let this information help you in fortune telling using Tarot cards. Don't forget to leave comments. All the best!

Source: https://hariola.com/taro/znachenie-i-tolkovanie-kart/2-kubkov-chash.html

Two of Cups Tarot - meaning in readings

If we are talking about the Two of Cups Tarot card, the meaning is not too difficult to figure out. This card promises harmony in any relationship, devotion and mutual feelings. However, its interpretation has some pitfalls.

In the article:

Two of Cups Tarot - meaning in readings

First of all, the Two of Cups Tarot denotes a romantic contact between two people, but this does not always mean marriage or a love relationship. The card may indicate cooperation that benefits both parties. She can also talk about harmony, indicating the state in which two people are.

The meaning of the 2 Tarot Cups is to remind the fortuneteller that support and mutual assistance can be the main reason for success. A state of balance, harmony and understanding of the feelings and emotions of other people is exactly what you need at this stage of life. Strive for this, and the realization of what you want will be closer.

The 2 of Cups Tarot can also talk about new ideas and projects, discussing ideas for joint projects, as well as the beginning of new relationships - love, friendship or business.

This card can also mean a warm welcome - a trip or a visit, a business trip, a trip. In general, the fortuneteller expects success in communication, but it is unknown what area of ​​life this success will affect.

Victories are likely both on the love front and in business negotiations.

The meaning of the Two of Cups Tarot, if the card is in an inverted position, is reversed. In this case, the questioner can be sure that the relationship he is fortune-telling is in discord. Conflicts, hatred, and mutual reproaches are possible. Disagreements will become a serious obstacle.

When divining for work, the value of 2 Tarot Cups can pleasantly please you. This card indicates that it is extremely pleasant to work in the company of a fortuneteller. The team boasts a spirit of camaraderie.

Within such a society of people there may be a certain element of rivalry, but this does not harm the friendship between colleagues.

The company has a good atmosphere, but sets requirements for employees - decency, friendliness and the desire to work in a team.

If during fortune telling the question was asked about changing your workplace, then a warm welcome awaits you at your new job. New bosses and colleagues will help you adapt to innovations, as well as get into the rhythm of work at the enterprise. Relations with the team will be friendly, you will come to this job with pleasure.

The answers to other questions that are usually asked when fortune telling on cards regarding business and work will be similar. Working on projects, proposing them to superiors, searching for a new job, opening an enterprise - everything will be successful, help is expected from colleagues and superiors.

The reversed card of the 2 of Cups indicates the refusal you will receive. The fortuneteller cannot apply for a new position; he will face failure when changing jobs; perhaps his project will not receive practical application and will not be brought to life. Failures and troubles will be associated with relationships with colleagues and superiors. The contract or agreement is likely to be terminated.

What does the 2 Tarot Cups mean at the level of consciousness?

The meaning of the Two of Cups of the Tarot at the level of consciousness is love and harmony. This means that the fortuneteller is ready to bring goodness to the masses, open his soul to the people around him, and help the world become a better place. First of all, he is concerned with issues of love and harmony, but on a larger scale than personal interests.

The card can also advise you to understand the meaning of love for your neighbor and build your life on the awareness of its significance. You may have already done this, but if not, there are many ways to do good and cleanse your soul. Volunteering, helping the poor, participating in cleanup days - the choice is wide.

Often the 2 of Cups means the fortuneteller’s optimistic attitude, a positive outlook on what is happening and the world in general. You owe this worldview to meeting a person who changed your outlook on life.

2 of Cups Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 2 Tarot Cups is the unity of lovers, harmony and enjoyment of each other’s company. It is extremely likely that new feelings will arise or meet a person who can become a good friend for the fortuneteller.

In this case, both light flirting is possible, which will not lead to anything serious, and a stormy romance, which will end in a wedding.

If you are single, don't worry, your love will suddenly appear on the horizon - when you least expect it.

Possibly reconciliation with a former lover or a new relationship. If you are in a fight with your partner, you will soon make up. For those who are in a relationship, this card promises vivid manifestations of feelings, the return of emotions that took place at the very beginning of the relationship, and the fading of conflicts. Probably a date after a long separation.

In general, relationships are the main area affected by the 2 of Cups. For the most part, it symbolizes the stage of falling in love and courtship, but the card can either promise similar feelings with a new person, or restore them with a partner with whom you are in a relationship.

The meaning in relationships of the 2 Tarot Cups, if this card is in an inverted position, is reversed. It suggests that the relationship is practically destroyed. Love has turned into hatred, communication with a once loved one brings only despair. On the path to happiness, the questioner faces disagreements with his partner.

In the reversed position, the 2 of Cups speaks of disappointment in a partner, problems due to incompatibility of characters and views, as well as other problems in relationships. A break in the relationship or a temporary but long-term separation is likely.

The card can also mean unrequited love, mistrust, and lack of sincere feelings. Divorce can be quite painful, but the fortuneteller's feelings will be rejected, and he will have no other choice.

Sometimes the 2 of Cups indicates passion without love, which can also be by mutual consent.

What personalities does the Two of Cups Tarot represent?

The Two of Cups usually does not represent any single person, it usually represents a couple of people. Moreover, if the position of the card is upright, this is a happy couple who either got married or are just about to do so. This could be parents or other relatives who live together, as well as friends, acquaintances and other options.

In addition, the Two of Cups in an upright position can mean a business partner or colleague with whom it is extremely pleasant to deal - he is reliable and incapable of meanness. The card can indicate a good friend as well as a loved one.

The reversed Two of Cups indicates the querent's former partner. This is a person who has not lived up to your trust. He is probably only capable of taking, but not giving in return.

Two of Cups Tarot - meaning in combination with other cards

The Two of Cups in combination with some cards can give a brief description of the relationship. For example, the combination of this card with the Jester lasso suggests that we are talking about an unpredictable alliance. It will be filled with emotions and bright events, but what such a relationship will lead to is unknown.

Often, the Two of Cups, despite its positive direct meaning, in combination with some cards speaks of problems in relationships. For example, its combination with the Arcana Magician speaks of the manipulations that take place in the fortuneteller’s relationship. Either he or his partner is a manipulator.

There are many well-known combinations of the Two of Cups with other cards that promise conception. For example, a new addition to the family is likely when this card appears near the Empress or Ace of Wands card. The combination with the Three or Four of Wands promises a wedding soon.

In general, the Two of Cups is a card that directly speaks of some improvements in existing relationships or the emergence of new connections. It promises harmony, happiness and enjoyment in the pleasant company of a loved one.

Two of Cups – Minor Arcana

Astrologically, the Two of Cups represents Cancer in the first decade as a symbol of the first, unmotivated, instinctive impulse of feeling. According to the eastern system, the patron of this decade is the Moon, the European system defines Venus behind it. Such patronage brings subconscious and conscious processes into harmony.

Other names for the Two of Cups: Two of Cups.

Description of the Two of Cups

The Arcana depicts a beautiful young couple radiating happiness, joy and euphoria of lovers. In their hands they have cups filled to the top. It seems that the guy and the girl decided to drink a divine drink for their fateful meeting.

On some decks, above the couple, a lion is depicted with a caduceus - a symbol of Hymen, the patron of lovers. On the Arcana Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, candle fire glows above the couple. These candles symbolize the beginning of a great and bright feeling.

In some schools, the Arcana depicts beautiful nature behind a couple. It denotes a happy future that awaits partners who are overwhelmed with the most grateful feelings.

The sacred meaning of the Two of Cups

To understand the deep meaning of the Arcana, you must first of all turn to the symbolism of a man and a woman holding cups in their hands. This is the central group of the Arcana. First of all, they traditionally symbolize the two principles that underlie any creation. Together they create a special attractive force of the unity of opposites. Their cups are full, their feelings are pure, their emotions are blissful.

The central group on the Arcana symbolizes partnership in all its manifestations. This could be a marriage union, which is also indicated by the Caduceus rising above the couple - the symbol of Hermes or Hymen. Hymen is the patron saint of people getting married or family ties. That is why in Latin any marriage relationship was called gimene.

The card also characterizes business and creative partnerships. The main message in this card is that from any partnership a creation is born: family, business, implementation of a creative idea.

It should be remembered that the Two of Cups follows the Ace of this suit. This also lies its sacred meaning: the lesson that a person learns alone with the help of the Ace of Cups should be continued. A person under the influence of Ace learned to love, realized the depth and truth of feelings, learned to reveal them without fear of being misunderstood. With the Two of Cups, it's time to show your feelings to the world and teach others to love.

Knowing yourself, your inner sensuality, which occurs under the influence of the Ace of Cups, is impossible without turning to your intuition. The person has acquired the skills of understanding it, which the Two of Cups enhances. In addition, it enhances sensory perception, understanding of the inner beauty not only of the person himself, but also of his creations.

Many tarot readers attach special importance to the Caduceus. They connect two snakes entwining a rod with the mutual wisdom of the partners, which makes their union truly evolutionary, creating all the conditions for the spiritual growth of both parties. This statement is not without meaning, because in order to get into the Two of Cups, each of the partners had to go through a lesson in love, but he will never be complete until he can give this love to someone and receive it in return.

If we turn to the legend of an apple divided into two halves, the Two of Cups indicates the meeting of these two halves and the formation of an ideal pair that harmoniously suits each other. Globally, the search for one’s half is nothing more than the desire for completeness, completeness and integrity.

There is another very interesting opinion: the Two of Cups is directly related to self-knowledge, self-determination and self-education. At first glance, this statement goes against the understanding of partnership, but in fact there is no inconsistency here. The attitude that others show towards a person reflects his attitude towards himself. If a person understands this idea of ​​the Arcana, then he will go through his lesson more fully.

The Two of Cups can also be called a map of sublimation of the energy of love. In fact, no matter what a person does creatively, he is always driven by love. It can be love for a specific object, or love for an idea or future creation, or all-consuming love.

Mythological correspondence of the Two of Cups

In mythology, the Arcana corresponds to all sorts of couples immortalized by legends.

The meaning of the straight Two of Cups in the layout

In the upright position, this Arcanum always indicates mutual sympathy, the emergence of mutual interest, the establishment of promising long-term connections, and successful cooperation. This card also indicates the establishment of peace in any union that has undergone some kind of discord.

In fact, this card always promises a meeting with the right person. Why this person is needed is determined by the circumstances. This could be a completely new person, or someone from old acquaintances. The main thing is that he will be in the right place at the right time. The card also suggests that a long-familiar person may come into life and suddenly open up from an unexpected side.

In addition to indicating a good, dynamically developing relationship, the Two of Cups can predict the emergence of new opportunities, opening up prospects, even the acquisition of new qualities.

If the Hierophant (V Arcanum) appears next to the Two of Cups in a reading, then this combination can be read as a very high level of trust between people, be they business partners or lovers. The court (XX Arcanum) in the vicinity of the Two of Cups will say that the person’s bad streak has ended, his problems have remained only in memories. The Wheel of Fortune (X Arcana) falling next to the Two of Cups will indicate a promising start to a new business that will bring success.

Twos in the reading indicate an upcoming choice. In this case, the Two of Cups will indicate that it will be necessary to use intuition and diplomatic qualities to make a choice. Essentially, what the Ace of Cups laid down must now manifest itself in relationships with people.

The meaning of the reversed Two of Cups in the layout

In the reversed position, the Two of Cups does not become purely negative. It points more to some difficulties and difficulties associated, first of all, with sensory moments and relationships with others. Here, not entirely “good” feelings are mixed into relationships - envy, jealousy. They destroy the idyll and mutual understanding between the participants in any situation, between any union, which creates additional problems, but they are not critical.

The only threat is the protracted position of this Arcanum. In this case, a break in the relationship may even occur. This happens solely for the reason that selfishness and unwillingness to meet halfway come to the fore.

The situation becomes critical when the Three of Swords appears nearby in the layout. This will mean that the situation, the relationship, is becoming dramatic. The reason is indifference, coldness and lack of “inner” fire. With the Hermit (IX Arcanum) reversed, the Two of Cups will show a person trying to withdraw when some difficulties arise in his life. With the Queen of Swords both upright and inverted, this Arcanum will speak of unreasonable hopes. The Magician (Arcanum) dropped next to the Two of Cups makes it clear that there is some kind of manipulation.

Despite the fact that the card in any form directly symbolizes partnership, the inverted one speaks only of the emerging discord in it. With such a card, it is quite easy to correct the situation if you use the lesson given by the Ace of Cups - try to communicate from a position of positive emotions and feelings, try to understand the motives of your partner and find common ground with him.

Direction of self-development

In order to understand the direction of self-development, one cannot help but take into account that the Two of Cups follows immediately after the Ace. Consequently, the lessons that a person must learn under the influence of the Two of Cups inevitably correlate with the lessons that he learned in the Ace card. If there it was important for a person to learn to trust his inner feelings, to reveal them to himself and to realize love in all its manifestations, then the Two of Cups requires a person to realize all these feelings, and for such realization he definitely needs those around him.

To direct self-development with the help of the Two of Cups, a person chooses the ability to sincerely demonstrate his feelings, generously bestow them on others and gratefully receive love in return. However, the Two of Cups is not necessarily a card for lovers. This is a card of partnership in any of its manifestations, therefore, for a self-development lesson, a person must learn to listen to his partner, empathize, come to the rescue and be responsible for this relationship.

The reversed Two of Cups in the direction of Self-Development indicates that a person in the past most likely suffered some negative moments related to love or partnerships. These negative moments affected his feelings. We must understand that a person does not believe the partner himself, but does not even believe in the existence of such phenomena as love and good partnerships.

In order to overcome this Arcanum, a person must again trust the world, realize that the world was not created as an enemy for him. In fact, a person must learn to trust and only then can he enter the direct Two of Cups and fully go through its lesson.


In scenarios for career, work, business, the Two of Cups in any position must be assessed from the position of partnership, since this is precisely the meaning it carries. If this Arcanum appears in an upright position in the scenario, then we can talk about the success of the project, since all partners, team members and contractors are very positive towards each other.

The map shows successful negotiations, and a solution will be found that completely suits both participants. It promises a good deal. In some cases, this card may indicate starting a new business or opening an enterprise with partners who are “obsessed” with the same idea.

For creative people, the Two of Cups predicts very interesting prospects for the implementation of creative projects, unusual ideas and the implementation of bold plans.

If the alignment is made for the team, then we can talk about an ideal well-coordinated team that is aimed at a common success. There is mutual understanding and support, people have good feelings for each other. In such a team, everyone is interested in further cooperation.

If the Two of Cups falls on a person looking for a job, then we can say that he will have an excellent offer, which he will gladly accept.

The inverted Two of Cups indicates that a person has lost authority, he cannot find a common language with the team or with management. A rather difficult period begins in the team: people try to manipulate each other, relationships are accompanied by envy and jealousy, and hence disappointment.

If we are talking about negotiations and business meetings, then with such a card, most likely, there will not be the expected result. Negotiations may be unsuccessful or simply disappointing.

Very often, this Arcanum inverted means that a person is trying to do some work alone, while the process itself requires teamwork. Because of this, he gets unsatisfactory results.

If the layout is made for a team, then the inverted Two of Cups will indicate that there is absolutely no coherence in it, each employee “pulls the blanket over himself,” which ultimately leads to problems.

If Justice (VIII Arcanum) appears next to the inverted Two of Cups, then we can say that business will be conducted using not entirely legal methods, which will cause certain problems. With the Hierophant (V Arcana), the reversed Two of Cups will indicate distrust in the authorities, which, most likely, has no basis. In combination with Strength (XI Arcanum), the card will show the need to adapt to a certain person in your work.

Personal relationships

In relationship scenarios, of course, the Arcanum, denoting partnership in its pure form, is the most revealing. If the alignment is made for an alliance, then it can be argued that the partners live in perfect harmony; they understand each other almost perfectly. Such a union can safely be called ideal. Moreover, this is suitable for both love unions and business ones.

In love relationships, this card shows openness, absolute trust, tenderness, and a romantic mood. People in such relationships are usually called “soul mates.” For business unions, the card denotes the pursuit of a goal in a single impulse - this is an alliance that will always have a successful future.

If the card falls on one of the partners in an alliance, this indicates that the person is experiencing vivid emotions and does not strive to hide them. He is ready to show his feelings and is sincere. In order to build an ideal relationship, such a person is always ready to make compromises.

An excellent combination in relationship scenarios is the Two of Cups next to the Lovers (VI Arcanum). With the Hierophant (V Arcana), this card can predict marriage.

For a single person, the Two of Cups promises a successful, promising meeting with good prospects for a long-term relationship. With such a card, the meeting will bring not only vivid emotions, but also deep feelings. In addition, the Two of Cups promises a love date.

Inverted, the Two of Cups indicates the presence of some difficulties that are currently preventing harmony in the union. As a rule, these are not internal factors, but external ones. These should also include inconsistency of characters, since it becomes a problem only in a specific case.

The accompanying cards in the layout will tell you in what aspect to look for the problem. For example, the Chariot (VII Arcana) in combination with the Two of Cups inverted will indicate that people’s interests are in different directions, and if this is a business alliance, then the partners set different goals for themselves. The Moon (XVIII Arcana) with the Two of Cups reversed will indicate the presence of a third party in the union, who indirectly interferes in the relationship. This is a love triangle combination.

Internal problems will be shown by the combination of the Two and Four of Cups. She says that a person cannot build relationships correctly due to low self-esteem and self-flagellation.

If the card falls on one of the partners in the union, then we can say that it is this person who makes the relationship problematic. He may experience jealousy, dissatisfaction, excessive passion and emotionality.

For a lonely person, the inverted Two of Cups predicts an unsuccessful love date, a weak relationship, or a meeting with a person who will play with feelings.

Personality characteristics

The Two of Cups characterizes not so much the personality as such, but rather its current state. It is not constant, because it is not character, but only what a person experiences at a given period. If you write this state in one word, then the most suitable one for it would be “falling in love.” But it needs to be understood in a broader sense.

With the Two of Cups, a person is in that phase when feelings illuminate him from within, he is inspired by them, fascinated by what is happening in his life. These are not necessarily external manifestations of feelings. The Two of Cups begins its description with a nascent feeling, which is in the platonic secret phase, but since this card has appeared, therefore, the feelings will continue.

The lasso also symbolizes a well-developed “sixth sense”, which, in essence, is a tool of intuition. With this Arcana, a person feels a strong emotional connection with another person, which is manifested by a strong flow of heart energy. During this period, the heart chakra is more active than ever. Further relationships may be accompanied by an exchange of energy according to Manipur or Svadhisthana, but with the Two of Cups they are determined by Anahata.

A clear example of Anahata’s “inclusion” is a change not only in a person’s behavior, but also in his perception of the world around him. They say about such people “as if they fly on wings.” The world seems completely different to him: bright colors, enchanting sounds, poetry.

During the period of the Two of Cups, a person’s “soul sings,” he begins to notice what previously passed him by, everything appears to him in a more beautiful light. During this period, a person may develop a creative interest or find a way out for some talent.

A person during this period is soft and tactful, he is very sociable and attracts people to him. He tries to surround everyone with his attention. Most often his mood is smiling and friendly.

The only thing that darkens such a person is his vulnerability, his acute perception of injustice or manifestations of ugliness in the world. All this can drive him into a depressed state.

The reversed Two of Cups speaks of a person who has become disillusioned with love. Such people are characterized by reasoning like “love is an invented feeling, it is nothing more than a chemical reaction” and the like. He is self-absorbed and quite selfish. He is especially irritated by lovers. This state will last exactly until the next meeting, since such a person, although he does not believe in love, is always waiting for it.


In the upright position, the Two of Cups speaks of good physical and psychological condition. A person is not bothered by a bad mood. If a person is already sick, then the direct Two of Cups predicts a quick recovery from the illness.

An inverted Arcana predicts rather unpleasant moments: a person may have a sexually transmitted disease, an infection, an acute stage of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, the inverted Arcana also reports airborne infections.

Layout for the situation

In situational scenarios, the Two of Cups characterizes any situation only from the perspective of relationships. If a financial issue is being considered, then we can say that in order to solve the problem, a person will need a partner or an influential person who is favorably disposed towards him. The neighboring Arcana will tell you where to expect help from.

Even in everyday matters, the Two of Cups views everything through the prism of relationships. In principle, in this case, any situation should be resolved only with the help of an outside person, even if he becomes a partner for a while.

An inverted Arcana on a situation also shows relationships, but here they are characterized by somewhat negative aspects. The card may indicate that the situation is getting worse due to the fact that one of the partners or even both are experiencing irritation, envy, jealousy.

Card of the day

On the map of the day, the Two of Cups promises a successful pastime with a pleasant person. This can be either a love date or an interesting meeting with a like-minded person.

If someone had a quarrel or the relationship began to be bellicose, this day is most suitable for reconciliation and restoration of relationships. By the way, good neighbors too.

A lonely person can safely go out in the hope of meeting his soul mate. The main thing is not to pass by, because although fate is favorable to single people on this day, it certainly will not impose anything. And you shouldn’t sit at home, otherwise the long-awaited meeting may remain a dream.

The inverted Two of Cups on the map of the day warns against harsh statements or violent emotions towards a partner: you can easily cause trouble. Any nagging can ultimately become a candle from which the flame of a quarrel will ignite.

If a love date is planned on this day, then you should prepare yourself in advance for the fact that something may go wrong. And the date itself may remain in doubt. It was a very unfavorable day for him.

A lonely person with such a card will have to put this day in the treasury of his loneliness. Fortunately, this is only one day, and tomorrow everything can change.

Card of the Year

If the Two of Cups appears on the map of the year, it can be said that the coming year will pass under the sign of love and profitable partnerships. This year a person can meet the couple he has dreamed of all his life. But this card also says that the person himself must be internally ready to accept this relationship.

It will also be a wonderful year for business, since relations with a partner will be the most favorable, which will bear fruit. Mutual assistance will prevail in relationships, therefore, problems will be solved and assigned tasks will be completed.

It will be a good year in terms of health.

The inverted Two of Cups on the map of the year does not have a negative connotation. It means that the union has long been established, the relations in it have acquired a constant and even character. If this is a love union, then we can say that “passions have subsided” and respect has come to the fore. The business union this year will be dominated exclusively by the work environment.

This card is not pleasant for a lonely person, for whom it promises a continuation of this state.

The card also warns that within a year a person will be susceptible to all types of infections.

Arcana Council

Since this is a card of partnerships, you should first learn to use the experience gained from the lesson of the Ace of Cups and direct your feelings towards others. Arkan advises learning to trust people, allowing them to take part in a person’s life.

You need to live in harmony with others, especially with partners, extend a helping hand to those in need and not reject help yourself. Any relationship will be ideal if both partners are inclined to seek compromise.

Everyone without exception has a desire to know their future. But how can this be done if an ordinary person is unable to see it? As popular wisdom says: “If I had known where I fell, I would have spread some straw.” This is why people become frequent guests of fortune tellers. Which do various manipulations, but most often turn to Tarot cards for help.

Tarot cards provide an opportunity to learn about your future

Features of Tarot cards

Not many people know that the Tarot deck is capable of strange things. But we can say with confidence that even the most inveterate skeptics, after just a few sessions, confidently declare that they are telling the past, present and future. And this is 100% true.

The fact is that this deck is alive: each suit corresponds to an element, belongs to a specific sign, each is patronized by a planet, and the most interesting thing is that they have a gender. For example, Cups or Cups, as well as Swords, are feminine. But you shouldn’t think that this matters in the scenario. The main thing is to decipher each card (arcana) separately and in combination with others.

The ability to guess and see everything using cards does not oblige a person to have clairvoyance or witchcraft abilities. You just need to choose a deck for yourself and be able to read the meaning of each arcana. But their peculiarity is that they choose their owner, and not vice versa. There are more than a dozen Tarot decks, and each carries secret knowledge. Therefore, before purchasing Tarot cards, familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each.

Suit of Cups

The Tarot consists of 4 suits: Cups (Bowls), Swords, Pentacles, Wands, as well as the major arcana.

The second in strength and seniority are the Cups. They are also called Bowls. Each lasso has a mandatory element - a gold cup. It contains nectar that gives the most tender feelings and emotions. This suit can be called a symbol of happiness, success and love. As already mentioned, the suit belongs to the female gender, the element is Water, the zodiac signs are Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. In any of the scenarios they serve as a signal of improvement in various situations and circumstances.

Since the Cups are human emotions, if there are a large number of arcana in the layout, the suits suggest that for a person, at the moment, only the emotional sphere of the issue is important. If the fortune telling was for one card, then deciphering will not take so much time.

Tarot. 2 Cups

Each lasso has a specific pattern with a mandatory element. In the case of the suit of Cups - a cup made of gold. Each image carries a meaning that is not so difficult to unravel by looking at the lasso. Let's take a closer look at the 2 Cups.

This card is one of the most interesting and positive in the deck. It conceals the harmony of all feelings: from devotion to reciprocity. But, as with everything, there are some nuances:

The Two of Cups symbolizes mutual understanding between people

  1. The first and most important meaning of the card is romantic relationships. This cannot be said to be a marriage or a love relationship. It may be that the lasso indicates pleasant cooperation or mutual understanding between people.
  2. Sometimes the Two of Cups is a reminder to the questioner that one cannot always rely on oneself. Sometimes it is still better to accept the support and help of family or friends. Only together can we achieve certain successes and heights. The question asked of the cards will have a successful resolution thanks to feelings, mutual understanding and harmonious relationships.
  3. Tarot Two of Cups in some readings may indicate the emergence of new projects or relationships in the near future. And both love and partnership.
  4. The Two of Cups has another meaning - success and victory in all your endeavors. And also the approach of the trip.
  5. The meaning changes significantly, provided that the lasso falls upside down.

What does a lasso in an inverted position mean?

Depending on the deck chosen, the meaning of the 2 Cups will differ from each other. For most Tarot (including classical), it is a sign of greed and betrayal.

In a relationship there are clear omissions and envy, jealousy that consumes the partner. It may be that everything around the fortuneteller is only an illusion of success and love.

The Two of Cups in an inverted position is a symbol of mistrust between partners

But there is another meaning for the inverted Two of Cups:

  1. The emergence of misunderstandings between the parties (business partners, spouses, friends), possible disputes and quarrels.
  2. Most likely, a break in the relationship awaits the fortuneteller, so it is better not to rush, but to act carefully and thoughtfully. All the haste will definitely lead to negative emotions.
  3. The reversed Two of Cups can be a signal that planned actions, trips and projects will be postponed indefinitely. But we must not lose hope; the map is not evidence that nothing will work out. Now is simply not the time to implement them.

Schedule for work and business

Recently, layouts for work and starting a business have become widely used. If in such a fortune-telling the card two of cups falls, then this is a definite success and positive emotions:

  1. If you already have a job or have just received a new assignment, then the meaning of the card reveals the attitude of colleagues and management. The questioner is a pleasure to deal with. They treat him very well. It may be that there is a spirit of competition in the team, but the friendly atmosphere prevails over it. The priority requirements are: the ability to work in a team, treat everyone kindly and not put a spoke in the wheels.
  2. If you want to change your job, the Two of Cups of the Tarot promises the questioner only good luck and a wonderful team. You can safely change jobs, as a person will definitely succeed in his search. There will always be a desire to go to work and do what you love.
  3. When creating a business or implementing your most daring projects, success will be present. Support from both close and unfamiliar people is possible.

But we should not forget about the inverted position of the card. In this case, everything will be exactly the opposite. The value of the card changes plus to minus, which means that in all endeavors, searches and changes in life, unpleasant moments are expected (in relationships, in signing agreements and contracts, refusal in a new position or job). In such cases, leading fortune tellers recommend stopping and not making serious decisions.

Personal fortune telling

It's natural to want to know everything about a person we like or will collaborate with. Especially if you just started dating or are hiring a new employee into your business. The card indicates that the person for whom the alignment is being made will bring only goodness and positive emotions. Such a person always tries to help. This is a kind of ray of love and happiness.

The Two of Cups indicates that your new partner (or new person in life) brings only good things

The lasso also advises understanding the significance of relationships and feelings. Thanks to the presence of a personality card, we can say the following: this person appeared in the fortuneteller’s life not by chance. He serves as an example of true feelings, encourages people to do gratuitous good, and is a messenger of the urgent need to change their views on various aspects of life.

Relationship breakdown

The lasso itself depicts two figures symbolizing lovers. Therefore, falling out in relationship relationships in the upright position, the meaning of the card is as follows:

  • soon the one and only one will appear who can give love, warmth and new feelings;
  • there is a new acquaintance on the horizon that can give you a faithful and devoted comrade or partner;
  • a long-awaited wedding (if people have been dating for a long time);
  • if there is a quarrel between lovers, then the 2 of Cups foretells a successful reconciliation.

The card promises new feelings in a relationship and symbolizes love and devotion. But what to expect if the card is upside down? Only disappointment, betrayal and breakup. Feelings will be painful and difficult, since betrayal and betrayal are very difficult to withstand.

Combination with other cards

The Two of Cups in combination with other cards can have a rather unpredictable meaning. But when generalized, it will indicate an improvement and the emergence of new feelings and emotions in life. In some variations, the lasso foreshadows the birth of an heir.

Changes in meanings may not be very pleasant if the two falls next to the major arcana, such as the Jester, the Devil or the Magician. Combining them can even change the meaning of the direct position. For example, with the Devil lasso - the use of good intentions and pure feelings of the fortuneteller for selfish purposes, and with the Jester - a bright relationship, but their result will not be quite expected. Unexpected values ​​can also occur with cards of other suits:

  1. Nearby lies the 9 of Wands - a catch from relatives and friends. If the plan was for work, then they are trying to trick you and want to set you up.
  2. With the 3 of Swords, a cooling of feelings and alienation will arise between lovers.
  3. In combination with 10 swords, the fortuneteller will be greatly disappointed.

But no matter what result this map shows, it should be remembered that the future is changeable and its course depends on the decisions made at a given stage of time.