Delicious pies with potatoes. Very tasty fried pies with potatoes. How to cook fried potato pies

Delicate fluffy dough with a crispy crust and a lot of delicious filling - here they are, perfect pies with potatoes, fried in a frying pan. The recipe with photos that I will share today will help you prepare exactly the same rich and tasty pies. I use my favorite, it's perfectly browned and crispy.

Dough recipe for potato pies:

  • Warm milk - 250 ml
  • Water – 250 ml
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Dry yeast - 20 g (two sachets)
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Flour - 1 kg

For filling:

  • Potatoes - 500 g
  • Onions - 2 pcs. medium size
  • Salt, pepper, herbs to taste

How to cook:

Mix milk (250 ml) and water (250 ml) - both liquids should be at a pleasant room temperature.

I resort to this trick: I mix milk from the refrigerator with hot water from the kettle, and at the end we get the liquid at the temperature we need.

Pour two bags of dry yeast into a bowl, pour 1/3 cup of warm water, stir.

With this soaking we awaken the yeast to action. Ideally, place the dough in a place without drafts for 10-15 minutes.

If the dough rises with a foamy cap, everything is going according to plan, the yeast is active and active. I like to wait until the dough for yeast dough has completely matured - the foam cap has settled and we can see small bubbles on the surface.

Pour the dough into a large bowl in which it will be convenient to knead the yeast dough.

Beat two eggs into a bowl. Milk diluted with water is also poured into the dough. Add salt.

Sift the flour in small parts and stir constantly.

At first it will be convenient to do this with a spoon, then with your hands.

I never knead “until my hands are clean” - in this case the dough turns out very stiff and clogged with flour. It is much tastier in finished baked goods, when the fluffy dough is tender and airy, not oversaturated with flour.

Place the yeast dough in a warm place without drafts (you can, for example, put it in a switched off oven). After an hour, the dough will rise noticeably. The ideal option is when it rises so much that it falls under its own weight.

To prepare the filling we need 0.5 kg. potatoes, which we first peel, wash, and boil until tender (usually 25-30 minutes). Drain the water and mash the potatoes.

Finely chop the onion (2 pieces are enough for me), fry in butter until golden brown.

To prevent the oil from smoking while frying the onions, you can add a little vegetable oil to a piece of butter.

Add the fried onions to the potatoes and mix. Add salt, pepper, any spices to taste.

If you have extra mashed potatoes, you can make some great potato pie.

Place the risen dough on the table and knead it.

From a large volume of dough, separate small pieces for portioned pies. Leave for 10 minutes for the dough to rise a little and increase in volume.

Using your fingers, press down each piece of dough and add the filling.

Close the potato pies so that there are no holes left.

Heat the oil so that the dropped piece of dough immediately sizzles and browns. Place the pies into well-heated oil so that there is no free space left in the pan (otherwise unused oil will burn and smoke).

As soon as the pies are browned, use a slotted spoon to turn them over to the other side. Potato pies should be evenly browned on all sides.

To remove excess oil, place the fried pies on a paper towel. It is better to eat baked goods hot, but not scalding. The recipe for fried pies with potatoes will delight your whole family and will receive compliments from everyone who tries this simple, hearty dish. Delicious and soft - what else is needed for a happy belly and good mood!

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I offer you a good recipe for fried potato pies in a frying pan, which turn out soft and tasty. They are not difficult to prepare, and it does not take much time. I take the simplest products for them, which are probably always available in any home. Inside is a very tasty filling for pies with potatoes, which is made from mashed potatoes, dill, a piece of butter and onions fried until golden. You can also add parsley and finely chopped and fried lard cubes to it.

I make the dough for fried pies with potatoes using water, which is quite economical, and I use fresh pressed yeast, but you can also use dry yeast, see for yourself which one you like best. But keep in mind that dry yeast is not added in the same quantity as compressed yeast.

Below I will tell you in detail how to deliciously cook potato pies in a frying pan so that they are soft and delicate in taste. If you have them for another day, store them in the refrigerator, and before serving, reheat them in a frying pan or in the microwave, it will be even tastier. I most like to eat them warm, when they are just cooked, but even when heated, they are quite tasty. If you take lunches to work, then these pies are definitely suitable for this, because they are also filling.

Be sure to try making these delicious yeast pies with potatoes, fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil. By the way, you can make other pies from this dough, with different fillings. This filling can also be used for another type of dough, because maybe you like to make them with milk or kefir, or maybe even with boiling water.

I also suggest you look at them, which turn out very tasty.


  • Water – 300 ml.
  • Pressed yeast – 10 g
  • Butter – 35 g
  • Vegetable oil – 2.5 tbsp
  • Salt – 1 tsp
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp
  • Wheat flour – 480 g


  • Potato
  • Onion – 1 pc. (large)
  • Butter – 10 g
  • Dill greens - to taste

How to cook pies with potatoes

Since I have fried potato pies on water, the first thing I do is make the dough itself. To do this, pour warm water into a large container, the temperature of which does not exceed 40 degrees, which is important for yeast. Next, I stir well with a spatula so that they dissolve in the water. Then I add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and melted butter.

I add the flour last and begin the kneading process. But don’t add flour at once; it’s better to do it in several approaches.

First I stir with a spatula, and when it becomes more difficult to do this, I continue to knead with my hands. By the way, if you have a bread machine or even just a mixer with a dough attachment, then you can knead it with them. It feels soft, elastic and does not stick to your hands. I cover it with a towel and leave it for 1 hour. It is important to put it in a warm place so that it comes up faster.

Since I must have a filling for pies with potatoes and onions, while I have time, I’ll start preparing it. First, I peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces, then I put them in a saucepan, fill them with water, add salt and put them on the fire. While the potatoes are boiling, I peel the onion and chop it finely. Then I transfer it to a heated frying pan with vegetable oil and fry it over high heat.

Fry the onion for about three minutes, stirring occasionally so that it does not burn, but turns out to be a beautiful golden color.

While we are doing all this, the potatoes are boiled, so I drain the water from it, but not all of it, but leave a little.

Then I use a special device to mash the potatoes. And when it’s ready, I add butter, chopped dill and fried onions to it.

I mix everything again and the potato filling for the fried pies is ready, so now it’s time to check how well the dough has risen.

During this time, it has expanded well in volume and become airy, so now I put it on a silicone mat sprinkled with flour and you can begin to form the pies.

First, I knead it well and immediately cut it into pieces, preferably not large ones. In my opinion, the smaller the product, the neater it looks. From each piece I form a flat cake, in the center of which I put the potato filling.

Then I carefully seal it, turn it seam side down and form flat pies with potatoes, simply flattening them with the palm of my hand.

Now see how to fry pies with potatoes so that they have time to bake inside. I pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and put it on the fire to warm up. When it is hot, I put the pieces in it 3-4 pieces at a time, if you can fit more, then put more.

I fry the potato pies in a frying pan over medium heat, that is, if I have 14 divisions, then I set it to 10 - 11. Fry them until cooked and golden brown on both sides.

I transfer the finished products into a bowl and leave to cool slightly before tasting. From these products I made 16 pies.

I serve them at the table with sour cream or any sauce; I prefer the first option. This is the recipe for fried pies with potatoes. I really like them, so I advise you to try them too. Bon appetit!

In my search for making something tasty out of nothing, I came across an old recipe for fried potato pies. My grandmother often prepared them for me as a child. I remember: there was nothing tastier than these soft, fragrant potato pies. All my friends celebrated when she cooked them. We scattered them in no time. And now, remembering my favorite taste and reading the recipe, I realized: I have all the ingredients at home. This is generally a very budget-friendly dish. In addition, you get a lot of delicious pies with potatoes - enough for a large family or a friendly group (especially if they are children).


  • flour - 500 grams;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon (5 grams);
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 0.25 teaspoon;
  • potato broth - 350 milliliters;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

For filling:

  • medium-sized onions - 4 pieces;
  • peeled potatoes - 800-1000 grams;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon (to taste);
  • butter - 50-80 grams.

Very tasty fried pies with potatoes. Step by step recipe

  1. To prepare the filling: cut the peeled potatoes into small pieces, add water so that it just covers the potatoes, add salt (approximately 0.5 teaspoon, but use your taste here), cover with a lid and boil over medium heat until tender. We check readiness with a skewer or the back of a match: it will easily go into the boiled potatoes.
  2. We pour the water into a separate bowl: we will use it to knead the dough. We will need 350 milliliters of broth. If you get less than this volume, then add regular boiled water.
  3. Add butter (50 grams) to the potatoes and mash with a masher until smooth. Try not to leave any lumps. To do this, be sure to crush the potatoes while they are still hot.
  4. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. If desired, you can add approximately 30 grams of butter to get a more delicate creamy taste.
  5. Add the onion to the potatoes, stir well, taste and, if necessary, add salt. If your children or you do not like the look of fried onions in dishes, then before combining them with potatoes, you can beat them in a blender until smooth. Or replace it with finely chopped dill. Only in this case, add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the potatoes to make the mass more tender.
  6. Step-by-step preparation of the dough: if you use dry instant (fast-acting) yeast, then in a deep bowl mix the sifted flour, sugar, yeast, salt (if your broth is lightly salted) and mix. Then pour in warm potato broth, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and knead the dough. Since instant dry yeast (which looks like small cylinders) does not require additional activation, it can be added directly to the dry ingredients.
  7. If you are using dry active yeast (granulated), then you first need to activate it: to do this, combine warm potato broth, yeast, sugar, stir and leave for 5-10 minutes (you will notice how quickly it begins to foam). Then add, according to the recipe, sifted flour and salt, pour in vegetable oil and mix.
  8. You can knead the dough in any way convenient for you: on the workbench, using the French technology (we pick up the dough (approximately half), stretch it, fold it in half, turn it over and pick it up again, stretch it, and so on). In a bowl: beat with your hand from bottom to top, constantly turning the bowl to gradually capture all the dough. Or, the fastest way is in a dough mixing machine using a hook attachment. The result is a very soft, sticky dough: I would call it alive.
  9. Grease a proofing bowl with vegetable oil, place the dough in it, round it, cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for about 1.5-2 hours (maybe earlier, depending on the activity of your yeast and the quality of the flour, and the temperature ). The dough for pies should increase 2-2.5 times.
  10. Grease the work surface with vegetable oil and carefully turn the dough onto it, trying to keep it airy as much as possible.
  11. Grease your hands with vegetable oil and separate small pieces of dough of the same size (I take them approximately the size of a chicken egg).
  12. We stretch each piece of dough with our hands into a flat cake, adjust the thickness and size yourself, depending on what kind of pies you like: so that they have a thin dough and a lot of filling, or vice versa. I pull about 0.5 centimeters thick.
  13. We put the filling on each flatbread: for this we also lightly grease our hands with vegetable oil, form a small patty from the potato filling and place it on the flatbread. We spread the filling over the cake so that the edges of the dough remain free: approximately 1 centimeter to the edge.
  14. With clean hands, we again grease with vegetable oil and pinch the edges of the dough (like a dumpling), after which we turn the pie over with the seam down and make it as flat as possible: so that it is better fried.
  15. Pour a lot of vegetable oil into the frying pan, 1.5-2 centimeters thick (it is necessary that the oil reaches the middle of the pie), heat it over medium heat. To check the desired temperature for frying, throw in a little dough: if it starts to boil immediately, then the temperature is right.
  16. Fry the pies until golden brown on both sides.
  17. We first place the finished fried pies on a paper towel to remove excess fat, and then transfer them to a dish.

The fried pies with potatoes and onions turned out just like a bomb: soft dough with a delicious crispy crust, like after deep-frying, and a very tasty potato filling, like with mushrooms - you won’t understand right away. These pies sell out faster than they cook! In general, if you wish, you can add mushrooms, boiled liver, minced in a meat grinder, any greens to the filling - and whatever you like.

While the dough is rising, you need to make the filling. Wash the potatoes, peel and boil until tender in salted water.

Cut the peeled onion into cubes and fry in vegetable oil, stirring occasionally.

Fry the onion over low heat for about 7-10 minutes until the onion becomes soft and golden.

The dough has doubled in volume, you can start working with it.

When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water. Add fried onions to the potatoes and crush the potatoes into mashed potatoes, add salt and ground black pepper to taste, mix the resulting filling well. Knead the dough and divide into equal small pieces. I got 38 pieces. Roll each piece into a flat cake and add a tablespoon of filling.

Pinch the edges and form into pies. Leave them for 5-10 minutes until they rise and you can start frying.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and place the pies with potatoes and onions. When frying, the oil should cover the pie exactly halfway.

Delicious, rosy fried pies with potatoes and onions are ready. Place them on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

These pies are especially delicious when eaten hot.

Bon appetit!

Step 1: Prepare the dough for the pies.

The milk needs to be heated, but do not let it boil or burn. We don't need hot milk either, only warm milk. Check the temperature by dipping your finger (clean, of course) into the milk. Add sugar to the milk and, stirring, dissolve it. Now you can pour in the yeast, after which we stir the mixture again until foam appears.
To make the dough for pies more airy, you need to sift the flour before cooking - this way it is saturated with air. So, pour the flour into a bowl and make a small depression in the center, into which we pour the milk with dissolved yeast and sugar. We leave the yeast to ferment so that it rises and forms a so-called “cap”, which is clearly shown in the photo. "Cap" means the yeast is fresh and fermented enough to continue cooking. Break a couple of eggs into a glass, pour vegetable oil and salt into them. Beat them with a whisk or fork.
Pour the whipped mixture into a bowl with flour and yeast and begin to knead the dough, in a spiral from the center to the edges. When a ready-made lump forms, you need to beat the dough on the table so that it becomes even softer and more homogeneous. Now the dough is ready for rolling out and subsequent baking.

Step 2: Prepare the filling for the pies.

Potatoes and onions should be washed with running water and peeled and peeled. Fill a saucepan with water and place the potatoes in it. We cook it as for puree; the filling itself will consist of it. When the water boils, add bay leaf to give the vegetable more flavor. While we are waiting for the cooking to complete, finely chop the onion.
20 minutes after the start of cooking, check the readiness of the potatoes with a knife or fork; when the tubers are easily pierced, this means you can drain the water and be sure to remove the bay leaf. We make mashed potatoes from boiled potatoes, adding milk and butter so that the potatoes are better wrinkled and the filling is more tasty. Salt and pepper to taste, mix well and cool. Now the filling is ready!

Step 3: Prepare fried potato pies.

Sprinkle the table or other rolling surface with flour to prevent the dough from sticking. We pinch off small balls from the dough ball, which we roll into flat cakes, approximately 6 millimeters thick. If you like there to be more dough and less filling, then roll out the flatbread thicker.
Place about 1 tablespoon of filling in the center of the cake, and then bring the edges together and pinch them very carefully and carefully so that the pies do not open.

Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, heat it up and fry the first batch of pies over medium heat, on both sides. When a golden crust forms, the pies are ready. You can put them on a plate with a slotted spoon, and send the next batch to the frying pan. It will take you about 10 minutes to fry one batch of pies.

The pies taste best when they are just cooked, so we call the family to the table, pour milk or tea into glasses and serve hot pies with a crispy crust. Lunch pleasure is guaranteed!

Bon appetit!

Instead of dry active yeast, you can use fresh pressed yeast. You will need 30 g of them.

Try adding dried dill to the filling - it will add an incredible aroma. And if you want heartier pies, add fried mushrooms, cabbage or meat to the potatoes.

If you want as little oil as possible on the pies, dry them with a paper towel.

Save your time; you don’t need to make all the pies at once, especially since the dough doesn’t need to rise. Make the first batch and send it to the frying pan while they are frying, make the second, etc.

If the dough is soft and elastic enough, you can not roll it out, but simply knead it with your hand. Grease your hands with vegetable oil to prevent the dough from sticking.

To prevent the pies from “sweating,” do not stack them on top of each other. Spread a towel and lay them in a row, or even better, place them vertically. This way the pies cool faster and don’t get soggy.