It means live fish in a dream. Why does a woman dream of fish according to other dream books? Where did she dream and what did she look like?

It has long been accepted that for girls fish is the only symbol of imminent pregnancy. In fact, the meanings of the dream under discussion may be different. Hints from experienced interpreters will help you figure out why a woman dreams of fish.

Almost every dream book has a section dedicated to dreams in which fish appear. For example, Miller's interpretation depends on water. A clear liquid in which a shiny fish swims portends generous gifts from fate in real life. The main thing is not to try to catch her, otherwise serious difficulties will appear on the path to success. It's enough just to admire the beauty.

The women's dream book suggests: if you saw a fish in a dream, it means you need to do household chores and try not to make any serious decisions on your own in the near future. It is better to entrust them to your soulmate.

Vanga notes that the interpretation depends on the type of underwater inhabitants. Thus, a pike swimming away from a sleeping pike is a harbinger of financial troubles at work. For example, wages may be sharply reduced or a large fine imposed for an error.

According to the Muslim dream book, fish is a symbol of minor troubles. They will be associated with packing for a long journey.

A woman dreamed of a living, dead fish - meaning

The plot of a dream with a living swimming fish is especially important for representatives of the fair sex, who have recently seen their lives exclusively in dark colors. He suggests that the unpleasant state will soon leave the sleeping woman. She will be able to rejoice and feel the taste for life again.

If a dead fish appears in a net in her night dreams, it means that the girl will face serious life trials. But don’t be afraid of the problems that appear along the way. It is necessary to successfully overcome them, and then a huge number of new opportunities will open up for the dreamer that she could not even dream of.

A dream of a dead fish is a very bad sign for a pregnant representative of the fair sex. It may be a harbinger of a miscarriage, so after such a dream you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Seeing frozen, smoked, fried fish in a dream

If the underwater inhabitant in your night dreams was inanimate, you must remember what state it was in:

  • Frozen fish in a woman’s dream is a clear sign that it’s time for the girl to take care of her appearance. If an adult lady saw him, then it’s time to think about anti-aging procedures so as not to miss an important moment. Any such events will not only improve a woman’s appearance, but will also lift her spirits.
  • Smoked fish is a bad harbinger. If you had to eat it in a dream, it means that someone is trying to limit the freedom of the sleeping woman. This could be a domineering spouse, oppressive parents, or ill-wishers. But cooking smoked fish warns a woman about the possibility of making a serious, painful mistake. To prevent this from happening, you should abandon any important decisions in the near future.
  • Tsvetkov’s dream book will help you figure out why you dream of fried fish. If a woman just looks at her, there are probably enemies in the sleeping woman’s life. But they will soon disappear on their own. Frying fish in a dream means achieving a goal through risk. You need to boldly decide on it. Risky projects will be the most profitable.

Did you dream of cleaning fish? Most likely, the girl will face numerous everyday problems. But you will have to solve them exclusively on your own - without the help of your spouse.

Catching fish with a fishing rod

Catching fish with a fishing rod in a dream is a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy. A woman will be able to see two lines on the test even if previously, for some reason, motherhood seemed completely impossible for her.

If a girl does not have a partner or has already become a mother the desired number of times, then fishing with a fishing rod in a dream is a symbol of good luck for her in a variety of areas of life. She will catch fortune by the tail and will be able to achieve everything she dreamed of.

Big or small fish

Often the correct interpretation of a dream even depends on the size of its main guest. So, buying a huge fish at the market or in a store foreshadows the girl’s successful completion of any endeavors. If she has long been planning to change jobs or open her own business, now is the ideal time for such a change.

But a very large but dead underwater inhabitant in a dream symbolizes vain hopes. The best solution is to forget about your previous plans and focus on new goals.

Tiny fish from a dream can be harbingers of a variety of events. For example, warn the sleeping woman that she will soon have to communicate with unpleasant people. If there were a lot of small fish in the vision, it should be considered an omen of serious changes in life. A significant event is approaching that will turn everything upside down.

Dreams in which a fish performs actions

Important are not only the actions of the dreamer herself in relation to the guest of her dream, but also the behavior of the fish. If the underwater inhabitant turned out to be aggressive and bit the girl, in reality you can expect minor dirty tricks from ill-wishers.

A fish that splashes water on a woman suggests that it is time for her to become more independent - learn to earn money and solve problems without turning to her family for help.

A dream guest who swims very quickly around a girl’s body is a harbinger of problems in family life. To prevent or solve them, you need to give more warmth and affection to your significant other, and also start talking openly about problems, rather than hushing them up.

A woman eats fish in a dream - meaning

It often happens that in the plot of night dreams the sleeping woman eats fish. If a woman first managed to catch and then eat an underwater inhabitant, such a vision promises her an early pregnancy. Interestingly, you can even determine the gender of the unborn baby by the type of fish. Thus, trout, pike, salmon and other feminine variants promise a girl. Perch, catfish, bream - son.

If the fish that you tried was fried and very tasty, it means that the fair sex will be able to easily overcome all the problems that arise on its own.

Eating a very salty fish dish symbolizes the lack of positive, bright emotions in a girl’s life. The dream suggests that it’s time to change something and stop denying yourself pleasures.

Washing and cooking fish

Did you have to wash a large fish in a dream? This means that those around her are dissatisfied with the behavior of the sleeping woman. Probably, the girl began to behave too selfishly or even aggressively. To avoid serious conflicts with loved ones and strangers, you need to learn to listen to other people and compromise.

Cooking in a dream most often has a positive interpretation. If a woman cooks fish, this symbolizes an excess of unspent love and tenderness in her soul. Most likely, the girl dreams of a relationship and wedding.

Baking fish for a married woman means a sudden replenishment of the family budget. There will be an opportunity to get rich very quickly.

Every woman is sure: if you dreamed of a fish swimming in the water, then this means pregnancy. If in your night dreams you managed to catch a pike in a pond with your hands or catch a mirror carp using a spinning rod, then such dreams only reinforce the confidence that pregnancy will come, and very soon. Such dreams should never be interpreted “one-sidedly”, because a fish peacefully splashing in a lake can be dreamed of by a gray-haired old man, a young girl, or a mature man, who is certainly not at risk of pregnancy under any circumstances.

Why do you dream of fish in water according to popular dream books?

Miller's Dream Book. Did you have a dream with a fish swimming in clear water? This means that fate is ready to present generous gifts, which you still need to be able to accept correctly. If the fish is dead and floats on the surface of the water with its belly up, then this portends loss and sorrow. If a disgruntled fisherman leaves the lake without a catch, then this indicates one thing: you need to set realistic goals for yourself. Watching in a dream how other people are trying to catch a slippery burbot or a log-like catfish is a sign of good health.

Vanga's dream book. Seeing the process of fishing in a dream is an ambiguous sign, since the result is very important for the full interpretation of such a dream. If the fishermen or the dreamer himself managed to catch a fish, then soon, in the real world, he will deal with his enemies and envious people. If the fishing doesn’t go well, then you won’t be able to celebrate the victory over your enemies yet.

Freud's Dream Book. If a person saw a fish swimming in clear water in a dream, then this clearly indicates that he does not have enough sex in his life, and he is constantly preoccupied with thoughts of carnal pleasures.

Successful fishing is a symbol of future victories on the love front. A lake teeming with fish of all types and sizes is a dream for those who experience real horror before the upcoming sexual intercourse.
The reason for this fear lies in inexperience or uncertainty.

According to the Modern Dream Book. If you dreamed of a school of fish in the sea, then the dreamer need not worry - luck will not leave him. Dreaming of fish swimming in a pond or lake brings great joy. A person who has lost peace of mind may dream of an aquarium fish, and such a dream clearly indicates to him that everything will soon get better, and he will regain what he lost. If fish swim in the pool - no matter what: big or small, then this means that the person has a persistent desire to have children.

Dream book of Nostradamus. If a person saw in a dream a lot of fish splashing in a pond, then this does not bode well, since he will have to spend a lot of effort to solve his problems. And this is provided that there may simply not be a positive result. Did you dream that a fish falls from the sky into the water? One should be wary of such a dream, since it is a harbinger of man-made disasters and natural disasters. A lonely fish swimming in clear water is a very good sign, indicating that help will come, and from where no one expected it.

According to the Chinese dream book. I dreamed that a fish was swimming not in a pond, but in a well - this is a sign: you will soon have to change your field of activity. Fishing with nets or drag nets is a sign of good luck, and with a spinning rod is a sign of family well-being. A school of fish promises quick wealth, and if you dreamed of none other than carp, then this means an addition to the family. An unsuccessful attempt to pull fish out of a pond foreshadows illness.

Why do women and men dream about fish in water?

If a woman dreams of a fish that she is diligently trying to catch with fishing gear or with her bare hands, then this is a sign of pregnancy.

If a man or woman dreams:

Predatory fish - to a quarrel or scandal at work.

Large fish means making a solid profit.

Brightly colored fish - there is a risk of food poisoning.

Red fish - very soon the secret will become apparent.

A large school of fish - you don’t need to waste your energy, but concentrate on one thing.

A flock of fry means trouble and fuss.

Crucian carp - to illness.

Shark - an acquaintance awaits that will literally change your life.

Perch - for the birth of a son.

Pike - for the birth of a daughter.

Catfish - to trouble.

Trout - winning the lottery.

A light, large fish is a pleasant surprise.

Dark large fish - trouble.

Three fish swimming in clear water - to dizzying success and good luck.

What does it mean to fish in a dream?

If a woman catches fish in a dream, then this means pregnancy, and the sleeping male “fisherman” will receive in reality either an increase in salary or a promotion.

It is important what exactly you happened to go fishing with in your night dreams:

Fishing rod or spinning rod - tedious, tedious and unpleasant things will soon appear on the horizon.

The network is unexpected wealth, a good improvement in one’s financial situation.

The “manual” method of catching, that is, using one’s own hands, is always interpreted differently, and if such a dream promises pregnancy for a woman, then for a man it means performing some actions at an accelerated pace. For example, he will have to very quickly make repairs in an apartment or disassemble/repair/assemble a car in one night.

What does it mean: to see a fish swimming in a dream:

Clear water - to a whirlwind romance with a representative of the opposite sex.

Clear water - the ideal time has come to start a family.

Dirty water - the other half is not saying something and is being dark.

Troubled water - to make profit through illegal means.

Why do you dream about a lot of fish in the water?

If you dreamed of a pond teeming with fish, then this is a very good sign, foreshadowing a good improvement in your financial situation. The larger the fish, the more banknotes the dreamer will see in reality.

The same applies to the number of individuals. If such a dream was dreamed by a person who decided to start a business, then it can be considered a good omen. This means that you should not be afraid to master a new type of activity or invest money in a project: everything will work out.

Dream Interpretation - big, small fish in water

If at night you dream of a small fish being swallowed up by a large fish, then such a dream should be taken into account, as it warns: you need to behave more carefully “with the powers that be,” that is, with influential people. A carelessly dropped word or rudeness can cause serious trouble.

If a “naked” fish swims in the water, that is, without scales, this means that difficult times await the dreamer: he will lose his fortune or get sick.

In all other cases, dreaming of large fish does not bode well. Except for situations when the sleeper has to catch it with his bare hands. This means deception or disappointment.
Or when a person watches a wounded or clearly sick fish frolic in a pond. This means the appearance of an envious person or an enemy.

A small fish in a dream is a harbinger of big changes in a person’s life. All attempts to catch her are interpreted as the imminent onset of happy days. If the caught fish slips out of his hands, it means that the dreamer will miss his chance. If you dreamed of dead small fish, this means grief, sadness and tears.

Dream options

  • Dead fish in the water - your plans will not come true;
  • releasing the fish into the water means missing an opportunity;
  • feed the fish in the water - a trip abroad is coming;
  • a fish swimming away that could not be caught - luck will pass you by;
  • rotten fish in the water - a series of troubles and disappointments lie ahead;
  • live fish in clean water - the upcoming deal will be profitable;
  • live fish in muddy, dirty water - you should not agree to the offer, there will be no benefit from it, but on the contrary: only losses;
  • managed to catch a fish - favor of fate;
  • seeing one fish eat another is a disappointment;
  • a fish splashing vigorously in the water is an unexpected joy;
  • catching fish with a torn net means experiencing the bitterness of defeat;
  • dry fish plunging into water is unheard of luck;
  • a fish with a human face - to war or armed conflict;
  • a fish spawning in the water - the birth of a child prodigy;
  • ride fish on the water - the disease will recede;
  • a fish swimming in a river - events will soon occur that will radically change life;
  • fishing from an ice hole in winter - there is no need to be too frank, since the information can be used by strangers pursuing selfish goals;
  • swim with the fish - your boss will praise you or give you a bonus.

Why do you dream about living fish and what does it want to warn against? What such dreams mean and what changes will happen in the near future can be read from our selection of dream books.

Dream interpretation live fish


The psychologist interpreted the appearance of fish in night dreams as a gift from heaven. In his opinion, this could be a fateful meeting, an unexpected package, an unplanned trip to a warm country. The larger the individual, the stronger the luck in all matters.

If the dreamer catches a fish by hand, then he will have to go through serious tests and difficulties associated with his work. Catching it and holding it tightly is interpreted by the dream book as overcoming pressing problems and achieving the intended goal.

In a dream, holding a fish with your hands means that your life depends on the decisions you make, which no one can influence.

Looking at a swimming fish indicates that a loved one will soon change his destiny.

Seeing a fisherman catching a live fish means the emergence of small obstacles that will bring a lot of trouble. If the fishing was unsuccessful and the fish fell off the hook, then Miller interprets this as the dreamer’s precarious position in society and an idle attitude towards life.


According to the soothsayer, catching a fish by hand means achieving great success. You will be able to achieve the long-desired result.

Seeing live fish splashing in blue water means a love adventure.

When you dreamed that the fish itself jumped into your hands, it means that in the near future expect an addition to the family or an invitation to a celebration.

If the fish slipped out of the hands, then the chance to change fate, which was given to the dreamer, was missed. Admiring large fish through an aquarium indicates an incorrect attitude towards people. You place too much hope on them, which will only result in disappointment and resentment. A fish swimming peacefully in a river symbolizes an increase in business, a boost of energy and relief from illness.


Freud believed that seeing live, fast fish in night dreams is nothing more than an opportunity to get rich and gain success with the opposite sex.

Looking at aquarium fish, in his opinion, will help achieve success in one of the areas of life. When you dreamed that fish were swimming in a river, it is likely that one of these days a creative breakthrough will arise that will change your life for the better. For a sick person, such a dream means complete recovery and a surge of strength.

A large individual is dreamed of before the onset of changes in life. They will bring happiness and peace.

Muslim dream book

Various fresh fish in a dream symbolize prosperity, luck, love and health.

Catching a fat, large specimen is a harbinger of great success and advancement up the career ladder.

A large number of small fry in a bucket means small surprises or small changes.

Watching a school of fish swimming in a lake means that you need to work harder to get the desired position in the future. Throwing bread to the fish is a harbinger of meeting an influential person who will subsequently take care of you.


Hasse interprets dreams with fish positively. Its weight and size are of particular importance. The larger and heavier the fish, the better for the dreamer. Such dreams indicate the onset of a favorable period in which you can make risky transactions and go all-in. Small, skinny live fish portends illness and injury.

Fishing with gloves indicates the appearance of enemies and intrigues on their part. If a live fish caught suddenly dies, it means that the dreamer has already developed a disease that passes without symptoms.


If a living fish flies in a dream, it means that some kind of tragedy will occur. This may be a harbinger of wars, hunger strikes and natural disasters.

Seeing a whole bunch of fluttering fish means a precarious, unstable position. It will be difficult to get out of it, but you will have to put a lot of effort into it. Rain of living fish falling from the sky signifies to the dreamer a serious illness or imminent death.

Bringing a whole net of live fish home from fishing indicates the beginning of a difficult period in the dreamer’s life. This could be a divorce, loss of property or litigation.

Bringing a few fish home means that the decision that was recently made was the right one.

Who dreamed

When a woman dreams of a transparent surface of water in which fish swim, she will have good luck in all endeavors in any field. A dirty, opaque liquid indicates the difficulties that will have to be faced to achieve your goals. A large number of small fish indicates frequent, pleasant surprises from fans. A person of large size means for a woman a valuable gift or a marriage proposal from her beloved man.

If an unmarried girl dreams of a fish, then good news awaits her. A large individual indicates the appearance of an active suitor. Many large fish indicate popularity among men. Catching her by the tail means meeting a guy who will become her husband in the future. A muddy, dirty lake, in which you can barely discern fish, is a harbinger of important changes in the girl’s fate. Seeing a beautiful fish means a date with a cute guy who is secretly in love with her. The shiny scales of the fish indicate that the guy does not need funds and has serious intentions. Watching fish spawn means a pleasant surprise.

If a pregnant girl dreams of a live male fish, then she will give birth to a boy. If female, then a girl. Seeing a lot of colorful, bright fish indicates imminent matchmaking from several guys. For a woman of Balzac's age, such a vision suggests that she needs to go on vacation and gain strength.

For a man, dreams of vigorously swimming fish foreshadow the birth of an heir from his beloved girl. Seeing fish of different colors and weights indicates that the guy cannot decide on the choice of his chosen one. Material well-being depends on the weight of a live fish caught in a dream. The larger it is, the higher the labor will be paid. Holding it in your hands means recognition from colleagues and approval from superiors. If the fish sleeps at the bottom of the reservoir, then financial problems will soon arise.

Where did she dream and what did she look like?

Seeing live fish in an aquarium means the successful completion of a protracted process that you have been carrying out for several months. Pisces in a net or basket speaks of stability in a relationship with a partner. Pulling them out of the sea means a quarrel with loved ones. Pisces in water indicates a pleasant acquaintance with an interesting person. If algae is visible in it, then this person will cause a lot of trouble in the future.

Looking at a live fish thrown onto land means an exacerbation of a chronic disease. If the fish are without any liquid in the container, then it’s time to rethink your behavior with people. Many fluttering fish in a bucket indicate an invitation to a party or a trip with friends. If you dreamed of holding it in your hands, then expect profit in the form of an unexpected bonus. Fish lying on the ground in a dream speaks of the desire of the sleeper to go against the system and the rules accepted by society.

Caught fish symbolize prosperity. If it is large, then in reality you will experience luck in all areas of life. Seeing a lot of live fish means confidence in your own decisions and the correctness of your actions. Fresh - promises active recreation in reality. A huge, river-like specimen signifies the desire to be better than others and diligence in work activities. When she swims in a body of water in a dream, then expect an offer to change her place of work. If the fish is dead, then this indicates missed chances to change your life for the better.

Fried freshly caught fish foreshadows the emergence of a large-scale project that will require a lot of hours and energy. Eating live fish means disappointment in love and dissatisfaction with your partner. A small fish bites you in a dream, which means that in reality there is an enemy who is spreading false rumors about you. An aquarium fish portends care from a stranger. A living fish without a head symbolizes problems with colleagues and superiors.

Type of fish and action with it

  • Seeing a pike means trouble and scandals will arise.
  • If you dreamed of carp or sturgeon, then expect profit and increased prosperity.
  • Seeing a whale is a sign of great achievements and self-confidence.
  • Fish of the herring family are dreamed of when small worries and troubles arise.
  • Seeing crucian carp is interpreted by the dream book as meaningless vanity.
  • A live eel indicates unrequited passion for the object of desire.
  • Light-colored fish portends conception for women and increased potency for men.
  • The golden color of fish scales is a harbinger of a profitable deal that will happen one of these days.
  • If you see a red fish, it means you are going through a lucky streak in life.
  • Fish with dark scales symbolize resentment and grief.
  • If you dreamed about salmon, it means that your precarious position at work will be strengthened, and troubles will pass by.
  • Seeing a flounder speaks of reciprocity on the part of a loved one.
  • Any predatory fish in a dream warns against impending danger.

Seeing live fish means an offer that will be very profitable. Catching her in a dream suggests that you need to calm down and let everything take its course. If she floats away from you, then the intended business will be lost. Holding it in your hands means a stable, confident place in society. Catching it for the female sex promises the onset of conception.

Buying fish at the market or from hand means that something important will happen or unexpected guests will arrive. Cleaning a fish carcass with a knife is explained as a person’s reluctance to influence his spiritual development. Petting a fry is nothing more than a new addition to the family of relatives or the birth of twins.

People have long treated dreams as certain signs of fate. And although science interprets dreams as the processing of information received by the brain during the day, many still believe in the special role of dreams. It is believed that some of them are able to warn a person, and sometimes even change his fate. Particularly interesting are dreams in which living beings are encountered. For example, why do you dream about living fish? It all depends on the details of the dream, but in general, it portends only good changes.

A dream in which a person sees a live fish usually promises a pleasant surprise in reality. This could be an unexpected big win, a useful acquaintance, a pleasant trip and other gifts of fortune.

In addition, most dream books regard such a dream as an indicator of a person’s state of health - a live frolicking fish indicates good health, vitality and overflowing energy.

A woman, a man had a dream

Why does a woman dream about live fish?

Depending on the context of the dream, it can be interpreted as follows:

  • Fish scurrying in clear water is a generous gift of fate.
  • For girls, such a dream promises a happy romantic relationship.
  • Fishing means going through serious trials.
  • Catching her means pregnancy (possibly already occurring).
  • Buying live fish means finding joy and prosperity in reality.

A man dreams of a living fish:

  1. For representatives of the stronger sex, a live fish in a dream means a strong competitor in business. The dream warns: you should be careful and prevent possible harm from your opponent.
  2. If a man sees another person with a live fish in his hands in a dream, this indicates a good relationship with a close friend or comrade. This may also portend the appearance of a person in his life with whom it will be easy and comfortable to communicate.
  3. For a man to receive a live fish in a dream as a gift is a sure sign of an imminent meeting with the person he once loved. Most likely, such a date will plunge the dreamer into nostalgia.
  4. Killing live fish in a dream means making sure of the loyalty and devotion of your friends.

Big, little fish

Having seen an increasingly large fish, after waking up you should try to remember the subtleties of its behavior. A predator that has eaten a small fish warns of the possible excessive secrecy of the one who is dreaming. Most likely, the information you know may be very important and necessary for someone else.

A small, nimble fish testifies to the strong business acumen and passion of the person watching the dream. You definitely won’t miss your benefits and won’t let luck slip away from your hands.

See in water, on land

According to most dream books, live fish in the water means trouble, but not for the one who sees the dream, but rather about him. Perhaps this will be the patronage of a high-ranking person.

  • Watching fish in an aquarium and feeding them means providing a service to an important person in the very near future.
  • A lively and fast fish splashing in the water means the dreamer’s indispensable success in love.
  • Live fish that find themselves in unusual conditions (in the air or on land) can sometimes warn of approaching disasters (natural or military).

Live caught fish

When you dream of a live caught fish, the success of the dream interpretation comes from the quantity of what was caught.

  • Successful fishing portends great success in reality.
  • A bad bite warns you that someone is trying to thwart your plans.

Fishing promises a girl an early marriage and the birth of her first child, and middle-aged people - idleness and entertainment.

Catching a goldfish in a dream means fulfilling your cherished plans in reality and enjoying the success of what you have achieved. The main thing is not to miss the catch.

It is believed that the dreamer who missed the fish will wait a long time for the heirs to appear.

  • Walking on water, dragging nonsense behind you, means in reality achieving success thanks to your entrepreneurial spirit.
  • If you don’t catch anything during your entire fishing trip, your dreams and plans are most likely empty and unfulfillable.
  • Watching fish catch means feeling a quick surge of strength and energy.

Lots of live fish

Seeing a lot of fish in a natural reservoir in a dream means a pleasant acquaintance if the water is clear. A large concentration of fish in troubled waters does not recommend relying heavily on new acquaintances and trusting them.

If you dream that you are swimming in a pond surrounded by many fish, then in reality a romantic adventure with a sexual overtone awaits you.

Interpretation depending on the day of the week

  1. On Tuesday night. Dreams that occurred this night are under the auspices of Mars, the most restless of the planets. The actions of a dreamed fish or the general background of a dream will help prevent the possibility of an upcoming conflict in reality or indicate a relatively peaceful period of life.
  2. On Wednesday night. Such a dream will help lift the veil into the secrets of the dreamer’s past. After waking up, you should try to reproduce the dream as accurately as possible - perhaps the correct interpretation will make it possible to correct past mistakes and influence the future.
  3. On Thursday night. The more favorable the events in a dream (live, fast fish, successful fishing, etc.), the greater the chance that the dreamer has only a cloudless and happy future ahead.
  4. On Friday night. Such dreams, as you know, are considered prophetic. Try to remember everything you dreamed as much as possible - this can be very useful in the process of interpreting the dream.
  5. On Saturday night. If the dream you had about a fish that night left behind only positive memories, a surge of vigor and strength, then the future promises to be happy and cloudless.
  6. On Sunday night. Sunday dreams are closely related to creativity and business prospects. Live fish swimming in clear water or a rich catch promise the dreamer inspiration, creative inspiration and good luck in business.
  7. On Monday night. Such dreams characterize the emotional state of the dreamer. If you dreamed of water along with fish, this may promise household chores and idle chatter.

In general, a dream in which live fish is present has a positive meaning. Much, however, depends on the context of the dream and additional details. They are the ones who will help decipher the dream and indicate to the dreamer possible prospects for the near future.

If you like to control your life, including your dreams, and you are very interested in why you dreamed of a fish, then we advise you to read all the answers below.

Why does a woman dream about live fish:

Since ancient times, fish has been a symbol of luck, happiness and prosperity. And water, the immediate habitat of all fish, symbolized power, strength, a source of endless energy and life endeavors. Remember the famous fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “About the Fisherman and the Fish”. It was the little goldfish that fulfilled all wishes. So why does a woman or man dream about living fish in water?

If in a dream you saw a pond with clear and clean water, and a fish was splashing in it, be sure that soon you will have to consider a fairly lucrative offer that affects all aspects of your life, from material well-being to your personal life. If you dreamed of one huge fish, then the offer will be in only one area of ​​life, but especially important for you. A huge school of small fish says that your life will be filled with diverse interesting offers in all directions.

Why does a woman dream of fishing with a fishing rod:

If during a dream you are trying to catch a fish, then in real life you need to stop and not rush things, everything will happen in the best possible way and without your assistance. By interfering, you will only destroy good intentions and prevent the situation from unfolding. However, a fish that is not caught in a dream, or swims away from you, promises no successful outcome, or the offer will turn out to be absolutely unprofitable.

A beautiful fish in the aquarium suggests that you will soon go on an exciting journey. With a number of new acquaintances that will be pleasant for you, and perhaps with a number of mutually beneficial proposals.

If you caught a fish with your hands:

Other dream books interpret the question of why a woman dreams of catching fish with her hands as a sign of good income or of receiving significant benefits from a planned event. A huge school swimming towards you predicts quick wealth for you. But a fish caught by hand symbolizes great luck and luck in some matters.

If your fish in your hands also turns out to have caviar, then the business you have taken on will bear tangible fruits and go uphill, and will also help you discover some new opportunities for obtaining tangible results. A predator fish in dreams makes it clear that there is a serious rival on your way in the fight for first place and you will need to seriously prepare for this fight.

If you dreamed of live fish from your aquarium, then in reality luck will be so close that you only need to reach out with your hand, and a way out of this difficult situation will be found. But a fish caught with a fishing rod is a sign that told you that for good luck you will need to work very hard. However, if you caught it in a net or net, then fortune smiled on you and in any case you remain on top, without even making any effort. If things are going well, you may also dream of a fish flying or flying high above the water.

Happiness and love:

This interpretation is often found in various dream books and is already classic.

If a young woman dreams of a live fish, then in real life she will have to meet a young man who is dear to her and reciprocates. But catching a fish with your hands means a quick wedding with the object of her adoration.

A shiny fish dreams of wealth in marriage and abundance.

Small fish that spawn are a harbinger of great personal happiness.

If a woman dreams of a live fish, then expect an early pregnancy, and carp and carp foretell the birth of a boy, but the lady pike foretells the birth of a girl. Motley fish in a dream can mean that a woman or girl will have a very difficult choice among the suitors who have wooed her, because she herself has not yet made the final choice. But for a man, such a dream, on the contrary, suggests that the time has come to stop at one.


This can happen if in a dream all your efforts to keep the fish end in failure and the fish leaves you and hides. An old or sick fish can also provide the same explanation.
In some publications printed on Freud, sleep can be interpreted from a psychological point of view, explaining such dreams as an outburst of negative or obsessive experiences. In such a scripture, a live fish in a woman’s dreams is a symbol of an overly intense emotional state. Unable to manage negative emotions in reality, a person can free himself from them during sleep, when many positive aspects could not break out.

By the way, referring to similar dream books, we can say that such people are frigid and do not enjoy love games with their partners for a number of reasons that they have come up with for themselves.

Now it’s clear, in order to correctly recognize and explain why a woman dreams of a fish living in water, try to listen to yourself, your feelings, and analyze your previous life. Then you will know exactly which description is suitable for your situation.