Curd corn casserole. Cottage cheese casserole with porridge in a slow cooker. Cottage cheese casserole with fruit

When you go to the supermarket, you are sure to buy something unplanned. So today I couldn’t resist and picked up a magazine with beautiful recipes. Very well designed - I really enjoy being a photographer looking at the different dishes full of light.

One recipe captivated me

Cottage cheese casserole with fruit

I also bought a slow cooker for cottage cheese casserole. It was then that I began to cook everything in the world.
This casserole is not easy. The recipe includes honey, apples and oranges.
Have you already done this?

Of course, I made this casserole my own way. And not in the oven, but in a slow cooker.
Recipe for cottage cheese casserole with fruits for a slow cooker (and not only):

  • - 250 g cottage cheese
  • - 1 egg
  • - 2 tbsp semolina or fine corn grits
  • - 2 tsp honey
  • - 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • - 1 tsp sugar
  • - 1 apple
  • - 1 orange
  • - soda 1/4 tsp

The procedure for preparing this casserole

— Place apple slices at the very bottom of the pan. But, since they will give juice, I poured a little cereal on the bottom.

We stopped adding flour to casseroles a long time ago. It has been verified that semolina is much better suited - it swells well and retains the structure of the cottage cheese. I went even further in my experimental cooking and replaced semolina with fine corn grits. Maybe it will be more useful, perhaps there will be something new. And so it happened - read on about the taste.

— Peel the orange and cut into slices - straight into apples.

- Let's prepare a curd mass from cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, honey and cereal. I took the corn one. Add baking soda slaked with lemon juice. I don’t separate the yolks from the whites, I don’t beat the whites and then carefully fold them into the mixture. I mix the products in random order. The slow cooker doesn't care at all. She will bake everything with equal success.

— The curd mass can be kept for a little while to allow the cereal to swell. At this time, you can prepare the fruit.

— Then carefully cover the fruit at the bottom of the multicooker with the curd mass and smooth it out.

— Turn on the “Milk porridge” program in the Panasonic multicooker or your favorite program for casseroles. The program runs for 1 hour. At the end, check for doneness. The main thing is that the top becomes dense (in practice you will understand what it should be). Even if the top is very tender to the touch, turn off the multicooker, leave the lid open and let it sit and firm up. You can remove the pan from the multicooker.

— If it turns out that the top is still sticking like a damp mass, you need to turn on the program again, but not for long.

Before taking out my new product, I shake the pan, turning it in a circle several times. Then you can hear the casserole slapping on the bottom - that means everything is fine. It was never bad.
I turn the pan over and take the baked goods in my hand, placing them on a plate with the fruit side up. This time I didn’t dare put it on the wire rack - the consistency is very soft.

It is better to eat the dish slightly warm. You will see that you don’t need any sour cream - it’s delicious!
It was in this casserole that I didn’t quite feel the role of corn grits, because the taste was determined by the fruit. Then I added corn to the regular casserole. And I was very surprised - where does the creamy taste come from?

Previously, I tried adding rye and oat flakes - just for variety. It turned out that it is the corn that goes so well with cottage cheese and, oddly enough, enriches the milky note of the casserole with some mysterious shade.

I didn’t think that the line of casseroles could be continued and added, adding something new, changing not only the number of eggs, adding milk or dried fruits. With a little imagination and practice, a variety of even more interesting cottage cheese casseroles will appear - and there is no end to them.

This orange recipe inspired me to create another interesting variation. Prepare a jar of pitted cherry jam or compote. Next time we’ll make a casserole with cherries - I’ve made it several times already - it’s simply delicious! For me, this is just a “new word” in my favorite cottage cheese casseroles.

I wish you success and good mood in the kitchen! If you are a woman, you will enjoy switching your thoughts to cooking. If you are a man, then by preparing this dish you will practice your patience a little. Good luck!

Sometimes it happens that you didn’t finish your porridge for breakfast, and in the evening no one wants to eat it anymore. Then I use a trick and make either a delicious casserole with cottage cheese from the leftover porridge, which goes really well for dinner. You can use any porridge - rice, millet, milk or regular. I have porridge with pumpkin left over from breakfast. You can hardly feel the grains in the casserole, the casserole turns out soft and tasty.


  • porridge - 200-300 g
  • cottage cheese - 300-500 g
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs (depending on the amount of porridge and cottage cheese)
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • semolina - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin
  • raisins optional

Cottage cheese casserole with porridge in a slow cooker:

Beat eggs with sugar. Combine cottage cheese with porridge. Add beaten eggs, vanilla and semolina. Mix well.

Place in a greased multicooker bowl. Set the “baking” program for 65 minutes.

After the signal, turn off the multicooker and leave the casserole for 20 minutes in the switched off multicooker. Remove the casserole from the bowl using a steamer basket.

Serve with sour cream or jelly. Bon appetit!!!

We thank Oksana Baibakova for the recipe with photos!

Step-by-step recipes for cottage cheese-corn casserole with semolina and flour, cereal, raisins

2018-07-10 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

11 gr.

9 gr.


16 gr.

188 kcal.

Option 1: Classic cottage cheese-corn casserole in the oven

Recipe for sunny cottage cheese casserole with finely ground corn grits. An excellent dish for an afternoon snack or breakfast. Additionally, you will need semolina, which will add grain to the structure and also absorb excess moisture. To bake in the oven you need a mold. You can take a bowl made of food-grade silicone; it’s very convenient to cook in it.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 3 spoons of semolina;
  • 100 g corn grits;
  • 0.5 tbsp. milk;
  • 0.6 kg cottage cheese;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • vanilla to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for classic corn-cheese casserole

Mix corn grits with semolina. Add milk to them, add sour cream and stir everything together. Let it sit for about half an hour. Corn grains are hard and need to swell.

The cottage cheese needs to be ground. But you can just take a fork and mash it well, it all depends on the moisture content of the product. Beat the eggs until well foamed and add to the cottage cheese. We also add sand here. You can add sugar when beating eggs, it is not so important. Add a pinch of salt and vanilla if desired.

Place semolina and corn grits into the cottage cheese and stir well. The casserole mixture is almost ready.

Rub butter inside the mold. Nothing should stick to food-grade silicone anyway, but the oil will give you a nice crust. Spread the prepared mixture and level it out.

The temperature for placing the casserole in the oven is 180 degrees. Cook for about an hour, the time will vary slightly depending on the height of the mold and the thickness of the layer. The casserole should be covered with a golden brown crust. Serve with sour cream, condensed milk, and jam.

If the corn grits are coarsely ground, then it simply will not have time to swell. It’s better to grind it in a coffee grinder in advance. It is better to prepare casseroles with flour, as in one of the recipes below.

Option 2: Quick recipe for cottage cheese and corn casserole

An unusual recipe that requires canned sweet corn. The end result is not only a tasty, but also a satisfying sweet dish. It can replace a full meal or be a wonderful addition to tea.


  • 400 g cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 cans of corn;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 spoons of sour cream;
  • 2 spoons of crackers;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 3 spoons of flour.

How to quickly prepare cottage cheese-corn casserole

You can do everything with a blender or grind it with a spoon by hand. Mix cottage cheese and sugar with sour cream. Break the eggs into it and bring the mixture until smooth. Add regular wheat flour to help the casserole set during baking. Add vanilla if desired.

Open a can of corn. We need about half. Pour into a strainer to remove excess liquid. Grease the mold and sprinkle with crackers.

Corn can be added directly to the common cottage cheese or placed in a layer, it will become a filling in the casserole. We choose a convenient option. Place the casserole in a mold, level the top, and you can also lightly sprinkle it with crushed breadcrumbs.

Place the corn-cheese casserole in the oven. There it will cook for a little over half an hour at medium temperature.

If the corn appears in a layer in the casserole, then you can lay out a whole jar. Mixing with raisins or other dried fruits is allowed.

Option 3: Cottage cheese and corn casserole with raisins

This casserole is very similar in appearance to a pie. It turns out to be quite large, fluffy, and can be consumed not only warm, but also cold. We take raisins dark or light. Additionally, for the recipe you will need wheat flour, we take the highest or first grade, this is also not so important.


  • 100 g flour;
  • 500 g cottage cheese of any fat content;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g corn grits;
  • 160 g sour cream 20%;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 90 g raisins;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • crackers;
  • spoon of butter.

How to cook

Wash the raisins. You can leave it in water for five minutes, it will swell a little. Mix flour and corn grits. If it is coarsely ground, it is recommended to grind it immediately.

Measure out the cottage cheese and grind. Or beat it, that’s also possible. Beat eggs with sugar. It is advisable to add salt so that the casserole has a pronounced taste. For flavor, vanilla is usually added to such dishes, but you can also add cinnamon, which goes well with raisins.

Add sour cream and immediately milk to the prepared cottage cheese. Add corn grits mixed with flour. Pour in the beaten eggs. After stirring, let stand for ten minutes.

At the very end, raisins are added. Grease the form. Rusks are indicated here, but you can also use semolina for sprinkling. Prepare and lay out the casserole. Put it in the oven. Cooking for about an hour. If the top begins to brown too quickly, you can cover the pan with foil or reduce the temperature. Planting and baking at 180 degrees.

Stores sell not only corn grits, but also flour. It can also be used to make casseroles. There is no need to infuse the mixture with flour, as it is already very finely ground.

Option 4: Dietary cottage cheese-corn casserole

This version of healthy corn casserole is intended for dietary nutrition. Therefore, by default we use low-fat cottage cheese. The recipe also contains white yogurt; it can be replaced with sour cream, but not more than 15%.


  • 300 g cottage cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons corn flour (fine grains);
  • 1 tbsp. l. Hercules;
  • egg;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of white yogurt;
  • sweetener to taste.

Step by step recipe

Rub the cottage cheese. If it is initially dry, then add more yogurt; instead of two spoons, you can add four. Mix together and add a whole egg. For taste, we introduce a sweetener or do without it.

Pour corn flour and a spoonful of oatmeal into the curd mixture. Stir, cover, leave for half an hour. We need the flakes to swell well.

For dietary dishes, it is better to use silicone molds that do not require oil coating. We spread the whole mass, spread it and put it in the oven.

Cook the dietary corn-curd casserole for 30 to 45 minutes. Serve with the same white yogurt, complement with fruits or berries.

You can sweeten the dietary casserole with dried fruits. Raisins, prunes, dates are very healthy, affordable, and give good taste and aroma. But we add them in small quantities, since all dried fruits have a high calorie content.

Option 5: Tender curd-corn casserole “Alivench”

The recipe is a very soft and tender casserole, which is prepared on the basis of corn grits, that is, boiled porridge. Additionally, berry sauce is made for serving. You can use strawberries, blueberries, cherries or other types. Cottage cheese of arbitrary fat content, choose at your discretion.


  • 300 g cottage cheese;
  • 75 g corn grits;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons butter (soften);
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • glass of water;
  • 150 g berries for sauce;
  • 4 spoons of sugar.

How to cook

We start by preparing the porridge. Take a saucepan in which it will not burn. We send milk and water there. Be sure to add salt. After boiling, add corn grits. Cook until it is completely boiled. After cooking, cool. Can be placed in cold water.

Grind the cottage cheese, combine with sour cream, three tablespoons of sugar and yolks. Beat a little and add to the cooled porridge. Beat the whites until foamy and add them afterwards.

Grease the mold well, spread the corn mixture with cottage cheese, and send it to bake. Half an hour is enough for this dish.

While we prepare the sauce. Place the berries in a saucepan, mash them a little, cover and steam until soft. Pass through a sieve and add a full spoon of sugar.

Cut a piece of casserole, pour berry sauce on top, and serve. You can just use condensed milk or sour cream.

Such casseroles are especially convenient to prepare if the corn porridge is left over after breakfast and has thickened, and it would be a pity to throw away such a valuable dish. By the way, everything works great with semolina porridge, but it won’t be so healthy, the taste will change.

If you decide to pleasantly surprise your loved ones and amaze them with your culinary skills, then be sure to prepare a delicious and appetizing, aromatic cottage cheese casserole for breakfast or lunch, and maybe for dinner. Today with corn grits. Cottage cheese casserole with corn grits is prepared quite quickly and easily, just follow the recipes that I want to share with you.

With dried apricots

This casserole is very tender and airy, and there is no flour in it. The delicacy turns out like a soufflé.

For cooking we buy 600 gr. cottage cheese, two eggs, three tbsp. sugar, the same amount of corn grits, two tbsp. sour cream and one hundred and fifty gr. dried apricots.

Pour boiling water over the dried apricots and leave for a while. Grind the cottage cheese with a blender, combine with beaten eggs, sugar, sour cream and corn grits, ground in a coffee grinder.

Mix everything with a blender or mixer. Chop the dried apricots and add to the curd dough. Grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with semolina and spread the mixture. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees until the delicacy is browned - cook for about sixty minutes.

Cut the finished dish into portions and serve.

With raisins

We need six hundred grams. cottage cheese, four eggs, 50 grams of flour, one hundred - corn grits, thirty - butter, one hundred ml of milk, sixty grams of sugar, zest of one lemon, vanillin, thirty grams of raisins or walnuts, one hundred and fifty ml of sour cream, fifteen grams. breadcrumbs.

Grind the curd using a sieve so that there are no lumps. Add four beaten yolks, 20 g. butter, milk and sugar, as well as lemon zest, vanillin and corn grits. Add flour and raisins or walnuts there - mix everything with a blender, carefully add four whipped whites. Place the dough in a saucepan, grease it with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake over moderate heat. Serve with sour cream.

With coconut flakes and sour cream

For six hundred grams of cottage cheese you will need four chicken eggs, ten grams. vanilla sugar, one hundred gr. sugar, thirty-five - coconut flakes, one hundred and fifty - corn grits, the same amount of sour cream, as well as ten grams of butter.

First, beat the eggs with a mixer or whisk. Add sugar and cottage cheese. Sprinkle in coconut flakes. Then combine the mixture with corn grits and sour cream. Mix thoroughly with a blender. Transfer the dough into a mold greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. We bake the delicacy in a preheated oven - this will take about forty-five minutes - during this time the delicacy will have time to brown.