Lowest calorie sweets from the store. Carbohydrate-free sweets. What are they? Carbohydrate-free desserts recipes

I already wrote somewhere that over the winter, sitting at the easel at home, I happily gained extra pounds to the couple already in stock - the one that made me fill a whole suitcase a year ago with things that I no longer wet, but give sorry. More than a month ago, I took up myself and first decided to try out Protasov's diet - raw vegetables and "milk" below 5% fat, plus 3 apples and one egg a day. Withstood 10 days, no promised "pleasant lightness" instead of constant wolf hunger never came, and the scales showed nothing comforting. Nothing at all! To all I will add constant weakness, irritability and, sorry, a tendency to constipation, which has never been observed before. I realized that this was not mine, and decided to "change" to the already tested, easily tolerated and quite effective, Lord forgive me, "Kremlin".

From "Protasovka" I can recommend literally a few tested and liked recipes to those who nevertheless decide to stop at it - I personally know a person who dropped 7 kilograms on it in a couple of months.
She promised to be carbohydrate-free, but these are just a lot of carbohydrates (fructose, basically, which is smartly absorbed), so she didn’t take me. But suddenly it suits someone, try:

Vitamin salad
Very, very tasty, just unexpected and incredible!

Raw beets, apples and carrots on a coarse grater, pomegranate seeds, you can have a little walnut. Lemon juice or vinegar, salt, turmeric, powdered ginger (the last two ingredients are a must, they give a wonderful taste).

Raw food salad
Thawed green peas, raw champignons (choose the freshest and purest in the store) - in pieces, raw (!) Zucchini and raw celery root cut into strips (do not grate, but thinly cut). Salt, pepper, lemon juice, or vinegar.

Cucumber rolls.
Cut cucumbers lengthwise into plates, sprinkle with salt, leave for an hour. Filling - boiled egg, herbs, low-fat cottage cheese or tofu, salt, garlic. Wrap in rolls.

Rolls of lettuce leaves.
Filling - boiled egg, low-fat cottage cheese, herbs, salt, low-fat hard cheese ("Grace", for example), garlic. All on a fine grater, mix, wrap in lettuce leaves.

Indian cucumber salad.
Cucumbers on a coarse grater, squeeze and even get slightly wet in a paper towel. In yogurt - chopped fresh mint leaves, lemon zest, ginger, salt, Dijon mustard or mustard seeds. Pour cucumbers, eat immediately.

Pechersky salad
White cabbage very finely chopped, carrots (preferably grated for Korean carrots, or fine grater), chopped walnuts. Pouring - vinegar, salt, sugar or honey (without them), a teaspoon of lean oil.

Celery root, apple strips, you can also carrots. A little walnut. Season with yogurt and salt.

Radish with egg.
Radish, egg, green onion, season with yogurt. I take the white-green radish, the one that is red inside. We have it in "ATB" quite inexpensive and no worse than the usual radish.

Stuffed tomatoes.
Low-fat cheese (a little), cottage cheese, chopped herbs, salt, garlic - stuff a raw tomato with the core removed with a spoon.

Steam cheesecake
Cottage cheese 200g, half a large apple in small pieces, egg. You can have a little cinnamon. Mix in molds and in oven or double boiler for 20 minutes.

Now, in fact, low-carbohydrate.

They, carbohydrates, are almost absent in meat, eggs, hard cheese and fish (on the top photo - carp stuffed with onions and bell peppers and baked in the oven for 25 minutes). I don’t give other recipes for meat and fish second courses, it’s not difficult, the main thing is not to add flour and bread crumbs to the recipes, and, of course, not to eat bread. As well as potatoes, ordinary baked goods, pasta, sugar sweets, dried fruits, cereals. At the stage of losing weight, it is better to refuse most fruits - 2-3 weeks can be tolerated.

I can't say that I ate lard in chunks, but I did not particularly limit fats - I took ordinary cottage cheese and milk, not fat-free, added vegetable oil to salads - fats are necessary, because otherwise fat-soluble vitamins will not be absorbed, you can walk up to violations "cycle" and other unpleasant things.

In "milk" (yoghurts, cottage cheese, milk, kefir) there are carbohydrates, you need to look at the label and control if you are on a hard "non-carbohydrate" - the first two weeks the amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 40g per day. Expect that in a glass of milk there is about 8 mg - a teaspoon of sugar (in a glass of "Pepsi" - about 3 tablespoons !!!). If you take pre-made fruit yoghurts in jars, consider that you are feasting on dessert, and not dieting.


There are a lot of carbohydrates in potatoes, so we categorically refuse them. It is also advisable to limit the intake of other "underground" vegetables. If you are not used to giving up the "volume" in the thick soup, try cauliflower instead of potatoes (but do not boil it! It should cook for a maximum of 10-12 minutes!) Or (as I did) zucchini - fresh young zucchini can be eaten raw anyway, in the soup, it must be thrown, cut into cubes, 5 minutes before being removed from the heat. What kind of soups can you eat?

Meat hodgepodge (without cereal, of course!)

We cook the broth from meat on the bone (better beef, we don’t spare the meat!), Separate the meat from the bone, cut into pieces and put it back into the broth. Then we put in the broth all the meat that we can think of (this soup was invented by the servants who threw all the meat that remained from the master's feast into the hodgepodge) - smoked pork ribs (gorgeous!), Smoked brisket, bacon - etc., even the SK sausage is fine. Cook it all in the broth for 10 minutes, then put pickled cucumbers cut on a coarse grater into it (better not pickled cucumbers, they have a poorer taste in the soup) - do not regret it, 5-7 pieces are possible, cook for another 15 minutes. Then you can a spoonful of tomato paste and fried onions. 3 minutes before readiness, throw greens and pitted green olives into the soup, serve with sour cream and sprinkle with capers.

Fish hodgepodge

Everything is the same, but we cook the broth on fish heads or inexpensive fish (not as long as meat), 10 minutes before readiness we put a couple of canned fish in the broth (tuna, or pink salmon, or even sprats; for a mixed hodgepodge, 3 different ones are generally recommended type of canned food).

Chicken giblets soup

I didn't like the chicken liver in the soup, I prefer it fried or in pate, so it's better to take stomachs and hearts. They need to be washed and cleaned well, and excess fat should be cut off from the hearts.

Cook broth from hearts and stomachs for at least an hour. Fry mushrooms with onions in butter, put in broth, put green beans, cook for 12-15 minutes. Add herbs, salt and pepper to taste. Mix 150 ml of cream with a teaspoon of starch (better than corn starch), pour into the broth, bring to a boil, cook for another 3 minutes. Done.

Kharcho with spelled.

Spelled is a cereal made from wild wheat, it contains 61 g of carbohydrates, only 26 g in spelled porridge on water, so it is quite possible at the stage of maintaining weight:

Wonderful spelled porridge with fried onions and mushrooms(I took cereals in "Ashan", today I will go buy more).

Soy isolate (as well as stevia, erythrol, bran flour, ice cream thickener - gum, pasteurized proteins and flavors) I took, and I have already turned to them more than once. In Kiev, they bring it on the day of order, if ordered before lunch, delivery is 50 UAH.

Pancakes turn out dryish, but quite tasty, especially if with sour cream, and you can't sit without pancakes on Shrovetide if I'm on a diet ?! I used chopped boiled meat with boiled eggs and herbs as a filling).


Sweet pancakes according to Dukan


Fry like pancakes. This is a recipe from the book "Desserts of Ducan", but it gives large portions, in total I took 2 times less.

As a jam, I used thawed blueberries, ground in a blender with a sweetener (I took stevia mixed with erythrol). You can add a little gum to thicken it.

Pumpkin and Carrot Pie:

The recipe, deliciously incredible! It is better to add a sweetener instead of honey.

Adzuki bean brownie

Recipe. As you can see, the recipe is lean, I deviated from it, added 2 eggs and instead of honey - a mixture of stevia and erythrol. Don't ask if you can have other beans - I don't know. Azuki used to shop somewhere on the Internet a long time ago.

Cottage cheese pie stuffed with apples and strawberries

I took the recipe from Facebook, but I had to adapt it:

In the picture they have everything so appetizing, but it is not clear how they did not bake the strawberries. Apples are quite enough 2. Bake is better on low heat and longer, my dough turned out to be watery, it was baked for almost 40 minutes. But it turned out to be very tasty, and tastier chilled.


Coffee cream

From the same book "Ducan's Desserts".

On the top picture - the "wrong" cream, I tried to cook it in a double boiler. It turned out watery and not very dense, but still ate it, of course.

And here's the correct one:

I kept it in the oven at low heat for about 40 minutes. It turned out 3 such molds.


Dieic Cola Jelly:

Pour agar-agar dissolved in hot water into 400 ml of very cold cola (a teaspoon without a slide for half a glass of water. It is necessary for the agar to completely dissolve, perhaps even heat it almost to a boil. Pour in, stir quickly, pour immediately into the molds and immediately put into I even got the texture of "bulbs"!

Jellied yoghurt

I take only homemade yogurt, I make it from milk in a yogurt maker. For 2 cups of yogurt (about 400 ml in total), a bag of gelatin. Dissolve gelatin in half a glass of water, bring to a boil, cool slightly (so as not to freeze only), pour into yogurt, add sweetener. It is also very tasty to add 2-3 tablespoons of coconut milk or 1 sachet - these are triangular, sold in portions. Other flavors, instant coffee, zest, fruit pieces, and the like may be added instead.

Orange ice cream.

Original recipe:

Boil 2 whole oranges for 90 minutes, cool, chop in a blender. Add 150 ml of 20% cream, 2 yolks, 2/3 cup of powdered sugar. Mix everything in a blender, place in a mold, put in the freezer. remove and mix every 30 minutes (preferably with a submersible mixer) at least 3 times in a row. You can eat in 4 hours.

My recipe: boil 2 oranges for 90 minutes, chop, 150 ml cream, 2 tablespoons of soy protein isolate, erythrol sweetener, half a teaspoon of guar gum (it does not allow ice to freeze), everything else is the same as in the original. It was frozen in a food container, before putting it in the bowl, it must be defrosting in the microwave for 3-4 minutes, otherwise you do not pick it out - it freezes strongly. Whoever has an ice cream maker is easier.

Very tasty, although there is a hint of orange bitterness - it even refreshes. I did it 2 times already, when I cooked oranges longer (almost 2 hours) it didn't taste bitter at all.

Lemon ice cream:

Also yummy, I used pasteurized proteins. They also say that you can take quail - there are no salmonella in them.

For dessert, you can also eat a simple soufflé - homemade yogurt, frozen berries after defrosting (blueberries, black currants, strawberries or cherries), a sweetener. Beat everything in a blender.

About sweeteners.

Stevia is the most "healthy", but it has a smack, rather an aftertaste, so it is better to drink pastries and desserts with coffee or strong tea (I have been drinking them for a long time without sugar). I'm used to it already, and without drinking everything is ok. Stevioside (stevia extract) is quite expensive - also a disadvantage, but it is concentrated and is economically consumed. It is better to use a mixture of stevia with erythrol - there is almost no aftertaste, I order such composite sweeteners on the already indicated website. Pure erythrol is gorgeous, without any aftertaste, but you need a lot of it - it gives 70% of the sweetness of sugar. Mixed with milk, stevia sometimes gives uh ... not a weak laxative effect. Well, for many with a sedentary lifestyle, this is an added benefit.

Stevia is like this:

Slightly "thin", since it contains maltodextrin, or molasses - this is practically the same sugar. The manufacturer claims that it is added in order to maintain the crystalline structure of the powder, but the percentage of maltodextrin in the mixture is bashfully silent. So this product is not desirable for diabetics.
Diabetics can use fructose, insulin is not needed for its assimilation, but it is "bursting" by leaps and bounds.
There is also such a sweetener, sold in "Auchan":

Quite budget-friendly and not disgusting. It is based on sodium cyclomate - a synthetic sweetener. There is a lot of conflicting data about it, so don't abuse it too much, I use it sparingly.

The bottom line is clear - we want to lose weight - 40 g of carbohydrates per day, a table of food composition and a kitchen scale to help you. Then we follow this, but without fanaticism, in order to maintain weight, but not overeat proteins. The main thing is not to get too bad and stop eating sugar and wheat pastries, plus walk more. I don't walk very much, but I devote 20 minutes to daily strength exercises at home.
Now I weigh 57.5 kg, it was already 61 with a penny. I took out most of the things from the cherished suitcase, washed them and hung them on rampels in the closet - I got into everything, you can wear it. I don't plan to lose weight anymore, because my eyes will fall in and sag ..., well, in general, it's not beautiful. I will try to keep my shape.

I also advise you to watch this documentary. There are some biochemical bloopers in it, but the essence is conveyed correctly.

You exclaim: "No! This diet is not for me! I can not live without chocolate!"

Come on, here's your chocolate bar:

Pa-abam! With orange peel and nuts, according to Sonya's recipe.

Bon Appetit!

Many people from time to time try to start to follow the figure and quickly get rid of those extra pounds on the holidays. In terms of getting out of such a large amount of food, a carbohydrate-free diet or an Atkins diet (Atkins) is suitable, they are slightly different, but the essence of the elimination of carbohydrates or reducing their consumption to a minimum. You can find more details about diets on the Internet without problems.

However, these diets imply the complete elimination of sweets from the diet, which sometimes becomes overwhelming for many sweet tooths. But there is a way out. Low carb chocolates. A friend is on a carbohydrate-free diet and a box of chocolate bars with coconut filling has become the best gift for her for the New Year holidays. Of course, she eats them not in whole bars, but not in large pieces. But most importantly, she can please herself. You can also try the low-carb peanut butter chocolate trays.

And now a few numbers for comparison. Conventional chocolate contains 40 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams. La Nouba's highly publicized low-carb milk chocolate contains 21g of carbs at overpriced prices, while our Atkins Coconut Bars have just 19g. (other bars have a lower indicator) Well, the price is several times lower than that of La Nouba chocolate.

Chocolate is also suitable for those who simply monitor their health, since the harmfulness is an order of magnitude lower, and the taste is not worse than that of the famous Bounty. However, the chocolate is darker and the coconut tastes more natural without flavor enhancers, the sweetness is slightly lower.

A low-carb diet is chosen due to various factors. It is extremely important for diabetic, weight loss athletes. A characteristic feature of such a diet will be a complete rejection of fast carbohydrates and a decrease in the use of complex ones. Any dietary food is a psychological stress due to the forced restriction of the usual food products. Substantial dependence on sweets in some situations is the main provoking factor for a breakdown. Carbohydrate-free sweets help to diversify the diet and also reduce the effects of sugar on the body.

They are products that contain the least amount of carbohydrates. In this regard, they are available for use in the diet. The products under consideration do not contain sugar (the most harmful carbohydrate), fructose or glucose. Various substitutes are used to give it a sweet taste. These sweets are characterized by a low glycemic index and are suitable for people with diabetes.

The main advantages of carbohydrate-free sweets are:

  • the ability to maintain harmony;
  • no harmful effects on tooth enamel;
  • good taste, not different from "real" sweets;
  • small glycemic index.

Low Carb Chocolate Products

Extremely popular is low-carb chocolate, where sugar is replaced by erythritol, stevioside, isomalt, maltitol and other sweeteners. A large selection of flavors will allow those who can hardly restrain themselves during dietary meals. Various ingredients are added to such products.

Low Carb Hot Chocolate

To prepare it you need to take:

  • one and a half glasses of filtered water;
  • 30 g of dark bitter chocolate;
  • 1 cup non-fat cream
  • vanilla syrup;
  • a quarter spoon of ground cinnamon.

Breaks apart. Water is poured into the container, boiled. After the fire is reduced, chocolate is placed in the container. The mass is stirred until complete dissolution. Sweetener and cinnamon can be added if desired. After that, the cream is added, stirring constantly until it dissolves. The mass is removed from the fire, whipped with a mixer or blender, and poured into glasses.

Chocolate meringue

For cooking, you need to take:

  • 3 egg whites;
  • 2 tsp cocoa;
  • 6 tbsp. l. sweetener;
  • 2 tbsp. l. instant coffee.

The whites are whipped into a thick foam. Over time, a sweetener is added to the thoroughly beaten foam and mixed with the coffee. Whisk for another half a minute. Special paper is laid out on a baking sheet, meringues are formed, and baked for a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees.

Cookies, baked goods, homemade sweets

Low-carb baked goods can greatly expand your diet. However, in order to prepare it at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the recipes in detail.

Cookies "Kokosanka"

To prepare such cookies, you need:

  • 80 g coconut flakes;
  • 15 g coconut flour
  • 3 egg whites
  • sweetener.

The whites are separated from the yolks and whipped until foamy, during which a sweetener is added. From time to time you can check for sweetness. Flour and shavings are mixed and poured into a container with proteins. The contents are mixed with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, balls are formed and placed on confectionery paper. Then it is baked in the oven to 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour, or until it turns golden. The cookie is ready to eat.

Almond pancakes

For cooking you will need:

  • 5 tbsp. l. almond flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and water;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 1 tsp fat;
  • sweetener and a few drops of vanilla syrup.

All components must be thoroughly mixed. Pour oil into the pan and heat it up. Lay out the pancakes with a spoon and fry over low heat until 1 side begins to bubble. Turn over and grill for another 5 minutes until cooked through.

Low-carbohydrate homemade sweets (cookies, jam) are allowed in any variation of a carbohydrate-free diet. However, this does not mean that such products will be absolutely harmless. Before finalizing the diet, you should consult with a dietitian.

Carbohydrate-free candy

Low-carb sweets have gained particular popularity, in particular among those who cannot imagine their life without sweets:

Atkins Bars

Suitable for those who are losing weight on any carbohydrate-free diet, who are involved in strength sports. The increased concentration of protein makes it possible to use the product as a snack, and a large assortment of fillings significantly expands the consumer audience. Taking into account preferences, it is possible to choose a bar with caramel, nuts, nougat, coconut, etc.


Whoever prefers lightness in dessert will focus on marshmallows. A characteristic feature of these marshmallow-like, carbohydrate-free sweets is that their composition is virtually indistinguishable from other sweets during a diet. In them, sugar is replaced by maltitol, the starch content is reduced. In some cases, they are fried over a fire, often a similar cooking technique is observed in Western countries. These sweets are added to tea or coffee.

Low carb desserts

Expanding nutrition for dieters is possible through the use of low-carb desserts. The most common recipes are:

Chocolate muss

To prepare it you will need:

  • 125 g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • 3 tbsp. l. water,
  • 6 proteins,
  • 125 g chocolate
  • salt and 1 tsp. coffee.

A small container mixes water, cracked chocolate and coffee. The mass is melted in a water bath. It is mixed with cottage cheese until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Whisk the whites with salt until a thick mass appears. It is combined with the resulting chocolate mixture, poured into glasses and infused in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Hello dear friends. Our conversation today is about what are the lowest calorie sweets ... After all, we all want sweets, but we really don't want to harm our figure. So are there such goodies and where to find them?

Healthy sweets

Sugar is known to be white death. Especially for those who are watching their weight. But a person is so arranged that he always wants something sweet, and therefore he is looking for ways to replace the usual sweetness. Than?

I mentioned some of the methods in my articles and.

List such delicacies are simple - these are dried fruits, honey, dark chocolate, marmalade and marshmallows. But, you see, the same thing quickly gets boring.

Of course, you can always cook something tasty and low-calorie like cake, with recipes which can be found in the article .

However, often there is simply no time to stand at the stove, and so you want to pamper yourself with something sweet.

Looking for a sweet life

And so, once in the store, we sometimes make a considerable effort of will to restrain ourselves and not buy something harmful to the figure.

However, if you look closely, you can find quite useful sweets on store shelves. What kind? Let's take a closer look!

Fruit jellies

35-55 kcal per 100g

It is customary to refer them to the lowest-calorie purchased sweets. As a rule, they contain very few calories (carefully read the packaging, which contains Calorie indication as well as composition).

Also pay attention to the presence and quantity of all kinds of flavors, food additives and preservatives.

It is better if it is prepared on the basis of agar-agar rather than gelatin, agar-agar is a natural, plant-based substitute for gelatin.

It is very tasty to eat jelly in combination with low-fat yoghurts, as well as with the addition of sweet fruits or berries.


One of the most popular snacks for tea however, you need to choose it wisely.


About 420-437 kcal per 100 g

It is widely believed that the lowest calorie cookie is oatmeal. However, this is only true for what is cooked at home.

If it's from a store , then it is worth knowing that it contains white flour, margarine, confectionery fats, sugar, as well as various chemical additives designed to extend the shelf life.

All this increases its calorie content and at the same time reduces its benefits. And so, in general, this is a very nutritious cookie, rich in B vitamins, micro and macronutrients, fiber.


350-390 kcal per 100 g

In terms of energy value among cookies, it is at the very bottom of the list. That is, even nutritionists recommend drinking tea with it to those who are on a diet.

The composition may include different products - partially rye, oatmeal or corn flour, oatmeal, all kinds of flavoring additives such as vanilla or caraway seeds, as well as confectionery fats.

The special benefit of biscuit biscuits is that they contain a lot of useful substances - vitamins and macro- and microelements.


380-410 kcal per 100 g

The energy value depends on the recipe it is prepared according to. It happens with or without sour cream (it is replaced with melted pork fat), the dough contains eggs, margarine or butter, flour, sugar and soda, preservatives and flavorings, as a filling - nuts, cocoa or jam.

Not too healthy food for the figure (however, like all cookies), there are a lot of simple carbohydrates that are quickly stored in reserve.


410-470 kcal per 100 g

A very popular and inexpensive product that can hardly be called healthy. Contains cheap ingredients like palm oil, flavors and preservatives.

It is mainly harmful to health and is not at all recommended for losing weight.

Muesli bars

Approximately 415 kcal per 100 g

A very popular snack, it gives a quick and large burst of energy, it is sold even in pharmacies, but in large quantities it is harmful.

The composition is usually oatmeal, nuts, dried fruits, honey, seeds, which in itself looks useful. However, there are studies that suggest the dangers of such bars, which are equivalent to that of sweet soda.

It is believed to be nothing more than a fast carbohydrate that contains only empty, that is, useless calories.

Diet jams

From 0 kcal per 100 g

There are probably any supermarkets on the shelves. And the problem with them is the same as that of the bars - some nutritionists say that these products are no more than fast carbohydrates, there is nothing natural in them, only dyes, thickeners and flavors.

To be honest, I never came to a consensus. Maybe someone will share their thoughts on this in the comments?

Today, there is just a huge number of such jams on the market, they can be of any taste, there are also jams, which instead of sugar include, for example, stevia, a natural sugar substitute.

In general, the product is useful as a substitute for the usual jams, does not harm the figure. Such jams with sweeteners are considered to be carbohydrate-free - no more than 10 g of carbohydrates usually come per 100 grams of product, and often much less.

Atkins Bars

130 kcal per 34 g (this is a serving of a bar)

Diet food from the Atkins diet food set. This diet is based on a low carbohydrate content. The bar contains 1 gram of sugar, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron.

Fat in its composition is about 20% of the total mass (peanut, palm oil). However, the Atkins diet itself does not refuse fats. In general, the bar is nutritious, but contains cheap fats.


About 300 kcal per 100 g

Sweetness from fruit, or rather, from fruit puree. It also contains egg whites, sugar glue syrup, agar-agar (or gelatin) and molasses.

There is practically no fat in the marshmallow, and due to its relatively natural composition, it may well pass for a dietary product. True, like most sweets, it is only good in moderation, you should not get carried away with marshmallows.


318 kcal / 100 g

American version of marshmallow, which at the same time resembles a marshmallow. It is difficult to call it dietary, however, like many on the list that we have already considered.

Marshmallows are very tasty with cocoa, tea or coffee - just dip the marshmallow in a hot drink and it will immediately disappear without a trace.

Such a candy is prepared from whipped sugar, dyes, gelatin and corn syrup. Nothing useful, and therefore nutritionists look at this sweet with skepticism.

However, on sale there is a dietary marshmallow, which can be safely called low-carb. sweetness - it is argued that carbohydrates in uncoated sweets are from 0.5 to 1.5 g per 100 grams. Hard to believe.

Ice cream

About 100 kcal per 100 g

It would seem that this product is not at all for harmony. However, it is believed that ice cream without fillers, and even better from yogurt, will save your figure from extra pounds.

It is rich in minerals and nutrients and improves digestion. it is best to take frozen yogurt in this case - this is a relatively new product on our market, personally I have not seen it in stores.

Frozen yogurt

55 to 97 kcal per 100 g

It is believed that this yoghurt contains only natural ingredients and live bacteria and is free of sugar and preservatives.

However, be careful not to confuse yogurt and buy one that does not have live bacteria. This video tells about the dangers lying in wait here.

Sweets based on dried fruits and nuts

Another response from the food industry to those who follow their figure. Such a product is not cheap, because it is produced most often by small private factories.

The composition includes dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts, oriental sweets (sherbet, halva). Exclusively natural ingredients, no chemical preservatives (at least, manufacturers say so).

For those who want to try such a tasty treat, we can recommend making it at home, since the process is not complicated at all. Here, for example, is a candy recipe called.

Lemon balls


  • 140 g almonds
  • 150 g cashews
  • 15 pieces of dates
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

The calorie content of such a dish is 154 kcal per 100 g

Mix all the components in turn in a blender - first, the nuts to the state of flour, then add dates and lemon juice there, beat everything thoroughly.

Then you need to roll the balls with your hands and send them to cool in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

What to remember

  • When purchasing a sweetness in a store, pay attention to the composition. It should not contain (or at a minimum) incomprehensible ingredients. The more simple, familiar words, the better.
  • If sugar comes first, put that product back and never buy.
  • It is also worth remembering that the energy value is indicated per 100 grams, and the product itself can weigh much more. And if you eat a pound of marshmallow, you will bring nothing but harm to your body.

This is not to say that store-bought sweet foods will be low in calories and one hundred percent useful, but, in small quantities, sometimes (not more than once a week) they will not do much harm, but they will bring pleasure.

And this is important for a person trying to keep track of his figure. After all, nothing is as sweet as the forbidden fruit.

It remains for me to wish you health and a beautiful figure. Subscribe to blog updates and you will not miss any news about proper weight loss! And see you soon in new articles.

The main feature of this diet is the absolute exclusion of fast carbohydrates and the limitation of complex ones. The ban includes foods with a high glycemic index - sugar, baked goods, cereals, very sweet and starchy fruits and vegetables.

Any diet is a psychological stress due to the forced restriction of, perhaps, not particularly valuable, but familiar products. Addiction to sweet tastes, pronounced in the modern world, sometimes becomes the main reason for the breakdown on a low-carb diet. Carbohydrate-free sweets will help not only diversify the menu, but also reduce the dependence on sugar.

Low-carb sweets use natural or artificial sweeteners. Most popular stevioside, sucralose, isomaltite, erythritol (erythritol), maltitol, saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame. Some these substances have a lower calorie content and a very low glycemic index.

Low Carb Chocolate Products

Special chocolate in which sugar is replaced by erythritol, stevioside, isomalt, maltitol and other sweeteners. You can choose chocolate bars or bars, black or milk. The variety of tastes will delight those who find it difficult to refuse sweets during a diet. Nuts, coconut, orange, lemon, raspberry, vanilla, and cinnamon are added to low-carb chocolate products.

number digestible carbohydrates depends on the type of product and flavorings. In a standard bar of low-carb milk chocolate, there are about 13 gramdigestible carbohydrates... In small bars (35 grams) - from 1.5 g Do not overuse this product, as large amounts of sweeteners can cause stomach upset..

Atkins Bars

This type of sweets is suitable for those who are losing weight on any low-carb diet, as well as those who are engaged in bodybuilding. The high protein content makes the Atkins bars a snackable snack, and the wide variety of toppings makes them a pretty attractive dessert. Depending on your preferences, you can choose a bar with caramel, nutty flavor, nougat, blueberry, apple creeps, coconut. There is also a low-carb counterpart to M & M-s from Atkins.

One 35-gram bar contains from 2 to 4 grams of digestible carbohydrates... Maltitol acts as a sweetener.


Those who care about lightness and not satiety in dessert will like marshmallows. The peculiarity of these marshmallow-like candies is that the composition of simple marshmallows does not differ much from low-carb ones. In the latter, sugar is replaced by maltitol, the amount of starch is reduced. Marshmallows are sometimes fried over an open fire, often seen in American films. These sweets are added to tea and coffee.

Very low content simple carbohydrates - from 0.5 to 1.5 grams per100 grams of product - lets call marshmallows carbohydrate-free sweetness... The amount of carbohydrates increases slightly if the candy is coated with chocolate.

Low-carb "spreads"

This group of sweets includes everything that is most often not consumed as an independent dish. Berry and citrus jams with stevia, nut and chocolate spreads, caramel sauces.

Jams with sweeteners can be attributed to carbohydrate-free sweets... Chocolate nut spreads contain on average 7.5 grams of digestible carbohydrates per 100 grams of product.

Cookies, baked goods, homemade sweets

If flour made from wheat or other cereals is replaced with a special low-carb mixture it will be possible to expand the diet through healthy baked goods. Sample recipe low-carb cookies.

  • 180 grams of baking mixture;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • liquid sweetener - to taste;
  • 1 egg;
  • almond crumbs - optional.

Melt the butter, pour the sweetener into it, add the beaten egg. Then gradually introduce the mixture into the resulting mass, as much as the dough will "take". Form small round cookies, sprinkle with almond crumbs on top. Bake in the same way as shortcrust pastry.

Using almonds, crushed to a powder, prepare carbohydrate-free marzipans with stevia extract.

According to classic recipes, but with the use of sweeteners instead of sugar, it is easy to cook at home protein meringue, condensed milk, eggnog, cottage cheese desserts.

Carbohydrate-free sweets are allowed in any of the low-carb diet options. But this does not mean the absolute harmlessness of such products. The safety issue of some sweeteners remains open. Do not forget that the word “ low carbohydrate"Not synonymous with" low calorie».

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Carbohydrate-free desserts recipes

DIETA.RU - August 2007

Almond pancakes

Almond flour (ground almonds) - 5 tbsp spoons

Sour cream - 1 tbsp. the spoon

Water - 1 tbsp. the spoon

Soda - half a teaspoon

Cooking oil - 1 tsp

A drop of vanilla syrup


  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Sprinkle a skillet with oil and heat.
  3. Spoon the pancakes into the pan (there are about 3 of them) and simmer until one side is bubbly. Turn over and cook for a few more minutes until tender.


Coconut flakes - 200 g

Sugar substitute - to taste


  1. Gradually add the sugar substitute to the curd, tasting the resulting mass. When the mixture is sweet enough, add the coconut flakes and mix thoroughly.

Meringue with pine nuts

Egg whites - 3 pcs.

Pine nuts - 50 g

Artificial sugar substitute - to taste


  1. Whisk the egg whites with the sugar substitute until a firm and stringy foam forms.

Low carbohydrate curd mass

Vanilla or rum essence


  1. Soak the raisins in boiling water.
  2. Mash the cottage cheese with 1 tablespoon of cold water, add vanilla or rum essence, sweetener to taste, and raisins.

Low Carb Pancakes

Fiber - 3 tbsp. spoons

Sugar substitute - 4 tablets


  1. Beat eggs with kefir and fiber.
  2. Add baking soda gently. Make sure that no lumps form. Add the sugar substitute dissolved in 1 teaspoon of water. Season with salt to taste.
  3. Spoon the dough into a greased skillet in a preheated skillet. Fry the pancakes on both sides.

French cheese dessert

Sweet apples - 200 g

Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons

Lemon juice to taste


  1. Cut the cheese and peeled apples into thin slices.
  2. Add almonds, mayonnaise, lemon juice to the salad and stir. Season with salt to taste.

Low carb cheesecake

Cream cheese - 3 packs (660 g)

Vanilla - 1.5 tsp

Lemon juice - 1.5 tsp

Artificial sugar substitute - to taste (replaces 300 g of sugar)

Almond flour - 1 glass

Melted butter - 2 tablespoons spoons

An artificial sweetener that replaces 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar

For strawberry sauce:

Fresh strawberries - 2 cups

Artificial sugar substitute - to taste

Low Carb Strawberry Jam - 2 tbsp spoons

Preheat oven to 190˚ C.

  1. Combine the crust ingredients and place on the bottom of the baking dish. Bake for 8-10 minutes, until the crust is fragrant and begins to brown.
  2. Raise the oven temperature to 200˚ or lower to 175˚ if using a bain-marie.
  3. Place the cream cheese in a bowl and beat until fluffy. Add other ingredients, scraping the dough off the bowl and beater each time (this is important) to achieve a uniform consistency. When all the ingredients are combined, scrape off again and beat for another minute, then pour the mixture into the mold over the crust.
  4. When cooking in a water bath: wrap the bottom and sides of the mold with foil, place it in a large mold and pour boiling water into the space between the molds. Bake at 175 degrees for minutes, checking frequently. When the cake is firm, but remains slightly soft in the center, or the temperature in the center reaches 68 degrees, remove from the oven.
  5. When baking outside of a water bath: in this case, start baking the cake at a high temperature, gradually lowering it. Place the cheesecake in a leaf pan and place in the oven at 200˚, lowering the temperature to 100˚. Bake for a minute, checking often after an hour. When the cake is firm, but remains slightly soft in the center, or the temperature in the center reaches 68 degrees, remove from the oven.
  6. Cool it down. Top with strawberry or any other sauce, if desired.

Chop up the strawberries, add the sugar substitute and mix with a tablespoon of sugar-free jam.


Milk - 2 cups

Egg white - 3 pcs.

Egg yolk - 3 pcs.

Starch - 1 tsp

Grated bitter chocolate - 30 g

Sugar substitute - to taste


  1. Whisking the egg whites into a lather, gently stir in the liquid (dissolved) sugar substitute. Boil the milk at the same time.
  2. Dip the resulting mass carefully into very hot, but not boiling milk. Arrange the snowballs so that they do not touch.
  3. Cover the pan and let the milk boil. Place the finished snowballs on a sieve.
  4. Mash 3 egg yolks with starch and sugar substitute. Combine with cooled milk and stir until thickened.
  5. Dip each snowball in the cream and place on a plate. Sprinkle with grated dark chocolate.

Pancakes with cheese

Whey protein powder - 100 g

Ricotta cheese (or homemade) - 100 g

Heavy cream - 2 tbsp. spoons

Eggs - 2 large

Baking powder (soda) - 2 tsp

Artificial sugar substitute - to taste

Pinch of nutmeg


  1. Combine all ingredients with a whisk. Add a little water to thin the dough.
  2. Grease a skillet with oil. When it's hot, spoon the dough out and spread lightly.
  3. Fry on both sides for a few minutes until golden brown.


Egg whites - 3 pcs.

Egg yolks - 1 pc.

Artificial sugar substitute - to taste

Pinch of cocoa powder (no sugar)


  1. Whisk the egg whites into a firm foam, adding the sugar substitute to taste.
  2. While whisking, pour in the yolk and add a pinch of cocoa.

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Bamberg is a fabulous city on the Regnitz river. Bamberg is a city in Bavaria that survived during W.


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Low carb desserts and baked goods. Assembly.

Chocolate cake from Anastasia Shalyshkina

3 tbsp oat bran

2 tablespoons wheat bran

2 tbsp chocolate protein

1 tbsp dop-free cocoa

ml of kefir 0-1%

Sahzam (I have a milford quantity equal to 100 g of sugar)

Separate the whites from the yolks, beat until firm peaks.

Grind the bran to a flour condition.

Pour kefir into the yolks, mix, sift the dry ingredients into the yolk mixture.

Gently introduce proteins.

Divide the dough into 2 equal portions.

Bake 180 ° for a minute

500 ml skim milk

1 tsp guar gum

50 ml sugar-free caramel syrup

Sahzam to taste (I have an amount equal to 100 g of sugar)

Boil until thickened.

Cut the cakes in half, coat with cream, put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

2 tbsp. milk (approx. ml)

5 egg whites

lemon juice to taste (I took juice from 1 medium lemon)

2. Beki beat with a mixer until thick foam, gradually add sahzam and lemon juice.

3. Melt gelatin with 2-3 tablespoons of water over low heat (do not boil)

4. Warm - not hot gelatin gently pour into the protein mass, stirring with a mixer for 1.

And quickly spread on the frozen chocolate soufflé.

5. We put in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

6. Take your time to cook the protein soufflé, wait until the chocolate is fully cooked.

Biscuit dough:

1. Soft cottage cheese - 150g.

3. Baking powder - 1 tsp.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites, adding a pinch of salt, until strong peaks. Add the remaining ingredients to the curd, mix well. Carefully, in parts, we combine the proteins with the resulting mass. We spread the dough on a baking sheet, (on a silicone mat) distribute it in an even layer and send it to a preheated oven (degrees) for a minute, until golden brown. Divide the finished biscuit into four parts, cut off the uneven edges and grind them to decorate the cake.

1. Soft cottage cheese

2. Sahzam (to taste)

3. Instant coffee 1.5 tsp.

Dissolve coffee in a small amount of boiling water, add sahzam, mix with cottage cheese, beat with a mixer.

We collect the cake, coat each cake with cream. decorate with top-free cocoa, sprinkle with crumbs.

3 tbsp oat bran

1 tbsp wheat bran

2 tbsp corn starch

Sahzam = 10 teaspoons (according to the instructions)

400 gr. soft cottage cheese 0%

Vanillin, shazam = 10 teaspoons (according to the instructions)

Cake "Potato" from Olga Nikolaevna. Alternation

based on twisted -

4 tablespoons oat bran (ground into flour)

2 tbsp wheat bran (ground into flour)

0.5 tbsp starch (10g.)

2 tablespoons skim cocoa

1 tsp baking powder

3 tbsp fat-free cocoa

sahzam to taste (I have two caps of milford liquid)

aromatics cognac and irish cream

200 grams of cottage cheese

1 tbsp cook. starch or isolate

2 tbsp oat bran

1 tsp baking powder (or 0.5 tsp baking soda)

SZ to taste, vanillin

Mix everything, put in a mold and bake in a pressure cooker for 40 minutes. I have a Lendlife pressure cooker, I bake in the Baking mode. I also baked in a micra, for minutes, but I like it more in a pressure cooker. It looks like a cross between a muffin and a curd casserole. If you put more SZ and grease with condensed milk, there will be a cake, if you put less SZ, then you can spread it with melted cheese, there will be delicious toasts 🙂 You can also bake in small tins, then you get 10 cottage cheese muffins.

Delights and plumb lines to everyone 🙂

1 glass of milk

1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin

sahzam 6 tablets,

2 teaspoons of cocoa.

Pour gelatin with milk and leave for 40 minutes. Then heat, stirring constantly, without bringing to a boil. Mix cottage cheese with sahzam, and beat well in a blender. Mix with milk and beat again. The result is a mass in consistency that resembles Danissimo curd. Put half of the curd in a deep plate, mix the other half well with cocoa, carefully put on top. Then overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning, turn it onto a plate and leave for a couple of minutes, it will fall out by itself, or eat with a spoon directly from the plate. It turns out very tasty and tender!

Delicious "chocolate" sweets with a coffee touch. Recipe from LaPerla.

cooked natures. coffee 60ml

creamy cottage cheese 60g

powdered milk 6 tablespoons with a large slide (90g)

cocoa 2 tsp with a large slide (14g)

gelatin 1/2 tsp (2.5g)

sweetener to taste

* heat the coffee until the gelatin dissolves (do not boil!)

* mix all ingredients

* beat the mass with an immersion blender so that there are no lumps left

* put on silicone molds for 1 tsp.

* cover with cling film and put into the freezer until completely solidified

Store in a freezer in a tightly sealed container.


Recipes: Desserts

480 posts

Disassemble the cabbage into leaves. Boil water in a large wide pan, add lightly salt. Dip the white cabbage leaves and cook for 5 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to a bowl of cold water. Dip red cabbage leaves in boiling water and cook for 8 minutes. Transfer to another bowl of cold water. Select the 12 largest red cabbage leaves. Cut off the thick middle without breaking the integrity of the leaves. Cover them with cling film and beat lightly. Set aside. Cut the remaining leaves of red and white cabbage into very thin strips. Red cabbage gives this pie a festive and vibrant look. In order for the cabbage to retain its beautiful purple color during cooking, you need to add a little lemon juice or vinegar to the dish.

Cut the bacon into small cubes. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Preheat a frying pan. Fry the bacon for 12 minutes until golden brown. Transfer it to a separate plate, and fry the onion in the fat melted from the bacon.

In a large bowl, stir in chopped cabbage and red cabbage, onion and bacon. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Grease a wide saucepan or dish with high edges with butter. Place 6 red cabbage leaves on the bottom so that they cover the sides and slightly overlap each other. Put the prepared filling on the leaves. Place the remaining cabbage leaves on top. Cover with a well-oiled plate of suitable size. Press firmly and drain off any liquid. Put under oppression in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Cabbage pie can be served cold or reheated in the microwave.

100 gr cream 33%

5 eggs (or quail, but very confused with them)

2 teaspoons of instant coffee

2 tablespoons rum / cognac / whiskey

25 sahzam tablets

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add salt, vanillin, eggs, butter and mix. Grate carrots and combine with cottage cheese. Put the resulting mass in a greased form and bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes. Drizzle with sour cream / melted butter

The taste is very delicate and pleasant.

7 sahzam tablets

1 tbsp. a spoonful of toasted hazelnuts or coconut flakes

15 sahzam tablets

0.5 tsp instant coffee

1 tsp hot water

Beat egg whites and salt until soft. Continuing to beat, add sahzam tablets and vinegar, gradually diluted in a teaspoon of boiling water, add ground nuts or coconut. Place rectangular meringues on baking paper on a rectangular baking sheet. Bake for a minute at temp. When ready, remove, turn over onto another sheet of paper, let cool slightly.

Coconut flakes - 200 g

Walnuts or almonds - 16 pcs.

Sugar substitute - to taste

Form balls from the resulting mass. Put one nut in each and roll in coconut.

Place the cakes in the refrigerator for a minute.

Egg whites - 3 pcs.

Pine nuts - 50 g

Artificial sugar substitute - to taste

Fill a pastry bag with the mixture and place it in the form of balls on a baking sheet lined with paper. Sprinkle pine nuts over each cake.

Place the cakes in a cool oven and dry without browning. Refrigerate.

200 ml. Cola-light (or Pepsi),

If you make layers with milk and coffee with a sugar substitute, and pour into glasses, you get funny stripes 🙂

1.gelatin 40 gr

2 Water -2 cups

2. Very thick and heavy cream - 2 boxes (regular box 100 gr)

3. Instant coffee - a teaspoon

4.sweetener - to taste

After that, we put it in a water bath.

2 We make 2 parts of jelly - creamy and coffee -

creamy - cream (1 box!) Pour into a bowl, sweeten with s / s and pour them with continuous stirring into half of the hot gelatin solution and cool

coffee - we make a solution from 50 grams of hot water, a teaspoon of coffee and the required amount of s / s (I warn you immediately we make the cream and coffee oooooo very sweet so that it was impossible to drink straight, because we will pour in a whole bunch of liquid gelatin, which will dilute the sweetness), and pour in the second half of the hot gelatin.

3. Pour into a cake pan in layers - a layer of creamy - let the top harden slightly in the refrigerator - a layer of coffee - harden again and so on until the gelatin runs out (I make 4 or 2 layers)

4. put everything in the refrigerator and let it freeze well

5.whip the 2nd box of cream in a mixer

6. we take out the well-cooled jelly, turn it over on a plate or dish and start with a spoon, or decorate it with whipped cream with a pastry syringe (this should be done immediately before serving, a maximum of half an hour before eating).

(based on a standard gr. cup):

cocoa butter - 70 gr,

cocoa powder - 15 gr,

carob (dietary substitute for cocoa, sugar and chocolate) - 50,

milk (regular, or soy) - 70 gr,

Dissolve gelatin in water, heat in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil. cut fruit

Mix sour cream, cottage cheese, sacchoses and gelatin. (1 glass of gelatin is needed). put fruits on the bottom of the prepared container, pour half of the mixture

Add cocoa to the remaining mixture and pour without stirring the layer

Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then remove from the dish and put on a plate. PLEASANT APPETITE (THIS IS WHAT GOT ME, yummy (I didn’t eat grapes))

Low carb desserts

In this article, we'll take a look at three dietary recipes that are low in carbohydrates. Low-carb desserts are great for those who cannot give up sweets, but adhere to dietary restrictions.

1. Recipe for cheesecake with strawberry sauce.

Ingredients (pie - 16 servings):

  • cream cheese - 650 grams;
  • chicken egg - 4 pieces;
  • vanilla - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - 50 grams;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1.5 teaspoon;
  • sugar substitute - to taste;

Ingredients for the crust:

  • almond flour - 1 glass;
  • melted butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • sweetener - to taste

Ingredients for the sauce:

  • strawberries - 2 cups;
  • sugar substitute - to taste;
  • low carbon strawberry jam - 2 tablespoons

How to make cheesecake with strawberry sauce:

  1. Preheat the oven at 190 degrees.
  2. Mix all the components for the crust and bake on a baking sheet for 8-10 minutes, until golden brown. Then we increase the temperature by 10 degrees.
  3. We begin to prepare the base. To do this, beat the cheese until it becomes fluffy. After the cheese has risen, add all the other ingredients and beat until smooth. After that, pour the resulting mixture on our cake. Leave for a few minutes, then lower the temperature to 100 degrees and leave to bake for a minute.
  4. In order to make the sauce, you need to chop the strawberries, then mix them with the jam.
  5. Pour the resulting pie with sauce.
  6. The nutritional value of the recipe per 1 serving: carbohydrates - 2g, proteins - 6g, calories - 221 kcal.

2. Recipe for low-carb fritters.

Ingredients (per 4 servings):

  • whey protein powder - 100 grams;
  • cream cheese (for example "Riccoto") - 100 grams;
  • soda or baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • cream - tablespoons;
  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • sugar substitute - to taste.

How to make low-carb fritters:

  1. Beat eggs and dry protein. Then add cheese, soda, cream and mix.
  2. Add cinnamon to the resulting mixture.
  3. Add sugar substitute to your taste.
  4. Mix everything until smooth. The dough should not be too thick, but not sparse either.
  5. Preheat a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it. Spread the pancakes with a spoon and fry on both sides.
  6. Each serving contains - 6 g of carbohydrates.

Ingredients (per 2 servings):

  • egg yolk - 1 piece;
  • egg white - 2 pieces;
  • vanilla sugar - to taste;
  • cocoa powder - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • sugar substitute - to taste.

Cooking method Gogol-Mogol:

  1. Egg whites should not be very cold, but at room temperature. Combine them with a sugar substitute in a special container and beat until a dense foam is formed.
  2. Add the yolk to the protein foam and beat again.
  3. Add cocoa powder and vanilla sugar to the whole mixture. Stir everything until the cocoa dissolves.
  4. Pour the resulting Gogol-Mogol into glasses.
  5. The drink contains 1 g of carbohydrates.

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I always read your articles with pleasure, I draw a lot for myself from the bottom, and since I love to cook and I often do it, I take the course most of all in this direction, I have already tried to cook myself, it’s not even bad at all, thanks to your advice

Didn't know there were such delicious low-carb goodies. At the moment I really wanted to taste

delicious desserts, I would have bothered them all the time))) everything looks and sounds very tasty, for those in need of weight loss it is generally an irreplaceable thing, especially for those with a sweet tooth

To hell with what delicious pictures of products, it's too lazy to cook only)) cheesecake is generally tin, delicious, but I will cook from all this a Toko mogul mogul, somewhat different in preparation from a lazy mogul, but most likely tastier, you just need to get cocoa, well, you do not need to replace sugar I'm not going to diet)

We must keep the recipes for ourselves. I love all kinds of desserts. But sometimes I wonder how many calories it brings me. But it is not possible to resist. I especially liked the recipe for cheesecake with strawberry sauce.

I love this kind of food, especially desserts! The most important thing is that it is tasty and healthy. And the pancakes are just super)

The other day, my wife made pancakes according to this recipe (on a diet together). It turned out very tasty. Will now become our family dish. In general, it is not easy to find a similar recipe that is both tasty and healthy.

First came across your site. A lot of useful things, but the recipes made me happy

I love cheesecake, it’s an unreal yummy, but I don’t want to buy it all the time in stores, but here you can try to make such a dessert according to the recipe. I will definitely take advantage of the moment!

Gogol Mogol is occasionally very eager, only I put a lot of sugar in there, so I don't have a dietary one))) but this is sweet, although cocoa is rare, it definitely makes the taste very interesting

Looks very tasty! Besides being tasty and healthy! Even though you can do all this, you don't eat much. I'll go now, I'll try to make a cheesecake with strawberry sauce. Thank you for the article)

Loved the recipe for cheesecake with strawberry sauce. I will definitely cook it for my family for the weekend. In general, it turns out there are plenty of low-carb sweets.

Cool site. Lots of great information and good low calorie recipes. I love sweets terribly, it constantly prevents me from achieving success.

I sit with proper nutrition, but it is very difficult for me to give up sweets and desserts (

Sweet all my life I ate a lot, and now I do not have enough. I'll try to make pancakes.