Runes as a talisman for career and business success. Ansuz - a great rune of luck, knowledge, inspiration and positive cooperation

Becoming to gain wisdom

Becoming Óðrerir - setting the spirit in motion

But the sign "stimulates" creativity not only verbal, but in general any - to sing, dance, draw

Becoming Alfar

This angel sharpens intuition and bestows mental flexibility and quick thinking. It makes sense to turn to him if you need not to miss in making an important decision and choose the right path to fulfill your desire.

Becoming Roly-Vstanka

Working runes:

DAGAZ-Awareness of the essence of things

TEYVAZ - The ability to take responsibility for one's actions. courage, vigilance

ALGIZ - Protection of the Gods

TASKS OF STAV. In a difficult situation, when life stubbornly kneels, personal responsibility for one’s life (Teivaz) will give an awareness of the essence of what is happening (Dagaz), receive the protection of the Gods (Algiz) to stand up to his full height and go into battle (Teivaz) for his right to happiness.

Becoming Inspiration 1

Another, but already well-known symbol of inspiration in creativity:

You can draw it and put it on your workplace, on a musical instrument, on the table at which you often work, in the place where you create. This sign inspires you to create something new, activates internal reserves, ensures the arrival of new ideas, plans .

Becoming Inspiration 2

Becoming Exit to new levels of consciousness

Exit to new levels of consciousness. Valid for 24 hours. It is better to test on the weekend.

Becoming the Road of Knowledge

Becoming ancient knowledge

Becoming intended to learn any knowledge, whether it be fencing or a foreign language, at the heart of the stav is the repeatedly repeated Mannaz rune, and the Ansuz rune as the result of adding all the runes in the stav.

Becoming spiritual growth

The runescript for spiritual improvement, moreover, a person forms his growth in such a way that he clearly feels the situation and correctly orients himself in the choice of actions and decisions, intuition allows you to determine the direction and soon he can observe the fruits of his labor and efforts.

Becoming the golden path

A complex sign with a complex configuration. It activates creative channels, enhances energy, gives stamina and crystal clarity in thinking. Thanks to this sign, you can find the best solutions in the most difficult situations. And If you decide to change your life, start a new business, then this runic combination will help you show creativity in your own life and make dreams come true.

Becoming Insight

Becoming is intended for insight to come. You're writing a book or an article, coming up with a project rollout, or just solving a problem. There is no way out, the problem is not solved, the answer is somewhere on the surface, but the necessary thoughts and ideas do not enter the head. Then it is worth applying this becoming.
- ansuz - the right thoughts, the flight of thoughts in the right direction
- fehu - 2 pcs - getting something material as a result of the necessary thoughts (ie, an apple in the hand) - owl - 2 pcs - a flash of an idea, insight. - Inguz - the transition of the situation to a qualitatively new direction.

Becoming a path opener

Mechanism of action: violent destruction of the boundaries of a closed system in order to extract an object in order to move it to a new life stage outside the mentioned closed system. intention - "this formula opens up new opportunities for me, using which I can get a job .... in ... (such and such an enterprise)"
Working runes - Odal, 2 Tours (direct and mirror), Eyvaz and Evaz.
Runes of the second plan - 2 Uruz (direct and mirror), Tyr, Ansuz direct and Ansuz mirror-inverted.

Becoming a Flight - freedom in creativity

Becoming "Flight" reduces your dependence on anyone, gives freedom in creativity.
The image of the stav is a bird escaping from the cage. She is free and flies towards the light, leaving all the bad things behind.
Glyph "Baston. Verdict of Independence" gives freedom from attachments and other people's mental attitudes, takes strong personalities out of control.
The glyph "WINGS OF BEAUTY" contributes to the disclosure of creative potential, the search for new ideas.
Glyph "Pribo. The South Node” contributes to the disclosure of independence of will, finding oneself.
The glyph "LOOKING TO THE FUTURE" is aimed at revealing creativity and the flight of the soul.
The glyph "AWAKENING THE STEPS OF TIME" attracts good luck and prosperity to life, promotes spiritual growth and finding oneself. Increases creativity, gives freedom and independence of thinking.

Becoming a Genius Polyglot

kano (translation) -laguz- inguz-laguz-kano (translation)
algiz-pert- teyvaz-pert-algiz
Algiz confidence, perty internal potential, teivaz focus of attention, kano (translation) collection of information, anzus on a subconscious level, eyvaz the current situation, inguz source created by the rest of the runes, total - understanding the meaning of what was said to you in a language you do not know, without using a dictionary on an intuitive level ... something like that...
All the best in deciphering unfamiliar languages ​​and obtaining the necessary information ....

Becoming Knowledge Acquisition

This work of the formula focuses on the fact that we came in peace and we can be trusted, and after we get the connection and tuning to the right wave, we begin not only to receive, but to absorb, i.e. it will not be like after a state of trance or sleep - departed / woke up and don't remember what happened. Kano - shows the information that we need, so as not to take anything horrible, but exactly what we need. Log - does not overload information (so that the brains do not burst)

1st - attuning to the encoded information and receiving this gift / information

2nd - harmonious assimilation of information and its distribution among the "cells" of the brain and memory

Eyvaz (there are 2 of them) - one connects with the energy-information field, the second as protection from harmful energy and everything that can harm us when receiving information and also passes through the family tree, which serves as a filter, i.e. we get what we need, and not a garbage machine in which there is a tiny part of what we need

Uruz - for quick changes and removal of obstacles in the acceptance of information

You can put it on a photo or on a photocopy of a photo and put it somewhere in a secluded place, you can put it on yourself. Specify what information you want to receive such a task and put the formula. Works softly, the head does not hurt. Within a day or two, you will notice that you know what you asked for. Only the task should be set real, and not from the Fantasy world

Becoming Moor-Kul awakening creative energy

Becoming a tutor learning in-language

Runes that make up becoming: Kenaz-study, assimilation of information, Ansuz, Sovilo, Laguz ease and clarity in understanding speech.

Becoming a bright head

Dot - Operator

Pertro - obtaining, accumulating knowledge

Ansuz - normalization of the brain, help in remembering and using information

Laguz - the flow of information

Soul - gives energy to the stave and lightness of the thought process

Unlike the "Veda" stav, this stav was created for "civilian" as an aid in studying, studying the material, assimilation of information, or assistance in passing exams.

Light. Instantly, as a power engineer buzzes and works))

From experience with other staves, I can add that for the quality work of the stave, the operator needs to allow the operation of this stave, and if there are protections, stipulate that they work without blocking the stave. Disclaimer: d.r.s. after activation, it concentrates attention, improves the memorization, comprehension and absorption of information into the operator's memory, and also gives speed and ease of use of the information received, and helps the operator to use this knowledge with benefit, comprehensively. Becoming works without harm to the mental health of the operator.

Becoming Abilities and Ideas

, Hyeres, Soulou and Raido, which can be combined depending on your goals. You can make a talisman with combinations of Runes yourself. To do this, draw a picture of Runes and carry it with you, for example, in your wallet. Or embroider an image of runes, for example, on a handkerchief and always carry it with you, etc. In general, make your own talisman the way your heart and intuition tells you.

Rune combination for
salary increase

For those who dream of a salary increase, a combination of Feu and Soulu runes will do. Also, this combination of runes is ideal for those people whose business is directly related to personal creativity. The combination of these runes will help you make creative expression a source of material profit.

Rune combination to find
good employee or business partner

For those who are looking for an intelligent employee or a profitable partner, a combination of Run Mannaz, Gebo and Feu is ideal. Moreover, Mannaz will help in finding the right person, and Rune Gebo will help establish mutually beneficial cooperation with this person.

Rune combination for holding
successful negotiations

For those people whose field of activity is related to oratory, such as lawyers, lawyers, presenters, business coaches, etc. And also for those who have to negotiate and need to convince the interlocutor, impose their point of view, etc., a combination of Rune Soulu and Ansuz is suitable. Carry them always with you, especially before the start of important negotiations.

Rune combination for business development

Rune for success
starting a business

In fact, the Raido Rune is a symbol of travel, bringing good luck on the road. However, in addition to being useful in matters related to movement and transport, this rune can also be beneficial in doing business, especially at its initial stage. If you have already decided on the direction of business development or your own implementation at work, but have not yet developed a specific strategy to achieve the desired goal. In this case, Raido will become your guiding star, bring you together with the right people, inspire you to take concrete steps in the right direction.

There are various options for the name of this rune - Kano, Kenaz, Ken, Kaun. In Anglo-Saxon languages ​​- Cen, in Old Norse - Kaun. In the Germanic Elder Futhark, the rune is called Kenaz and is ranked sixth. Depending on the language, the name of the rune is translated differently - “torch”, “torch”, “ulcer”, “wound”, “know about something”, “be able to do something”.

Despite the discrepancies, most interpreters of the runes agree that the sign of Kano is endowed with a powerful energy force of fire, dispelling darkness, illuminating the right path with its light. This is a symbol of renewed clarity, disclosure and understanding of the meaning of what is happening. The rune allows you to determine your goals and gives strength to realize your plans.

The main meanings of the Kano runes

Photo runes Kano

One of the main and most common meanings of the Kano rune is a torch. Since ancient times, its flame has dispelled darkness and illuminated new paths. Kano has become a symbol of knowledge, study, insight, clarity of thinking, understanding of the essence of things and events hidden in the darkness. Runa Kano reveals the hidden areas of inner self-consciousness and the outside world, helps to find new ways and directions of spiritual development.

Kano possesses the energy of a tamed, controlled flame similar to that of a blacksmith. It is a symbol of creativity and creation. The rune stimulates enthusiasm and inspiration, helps not only to reveal their talents and abilities, but also contributes to their implementation and implementation.

Rune Kano is a symbol of physical love and fiery passion. It is also a sign of healing and physical health.

The use of the Kano rune in esoteric practice

The rune of Kano helps to comprehend the new

Rune Kano helps to concentrate, develop intuition, acquire new knowledge and reveal your abilities. Hence the main use of the rune in magic is the development of occult practices, the comprehension of the deep meaning of ancient teachings and spells. It allows you to dispel the darkness and penetrate into the unknown corners of the spiritual world.

With the help of the rune, you can understand the hidden causes and prerequisites for various problems, realize both your own and other people's secret motives, motivations and intentions. Kano also serves as a tool to protect against negative influences and attract favorable opportunities.

The rune is used as an astral gate for transition to other worlds and spiritual states for the sake of new knowledge and answers to specific questions. One of the esoteric meanings of the Kano rune is the transformative flame of the funeral pyre, which allows Kano to be used as a beacon that illuminates the path when traveling to and from the world of the dead. Such transitions from one reality to another allow the combination of Kano along with three other runes -, and.

Rune Kano will help people of creative professions to achieve recognition

Amulets with the image of the rune can help in a variety of areas related to the search, creation, creativity and the embodiment of new ideas. For example, such a talisman will help a woman to set the gender and give the desired qualities to her unborn child during conception and pregnancy. For the musician, the symbol of the rune inscribed on the instrument contributes to the favorable reaction of the public to his playing. Kano gives poets, writers and artists the opportunity to more accurately formulate, depict and bring to life their ideas. The rune helps geologists, treasure hunters and hunters in their search. With it, you can speed up the learning process, the rune contributes to the spiritual development of magicians and fortune tellers.

Among other things, Kano is one of the main healing runes. It is often used for healing and health promotion.

Interpretation of the direct position of the Kano rune in divination

Kano in a straight position - a good sign

In a direct position, Kano speaks of the release of previously hidden motives, talents, intentions. This is a symbol of a positive and optimistic attitude, confidence that all fears and anxieties will soon dissipate. The causes of problems will be revealed, and ways to solve them will be found.

The dark period of life is over. Boredom, stagnation, loneliness - all this will go away. A new stage of activity, strength, vigor begins. Time to reveal and realize your abilities, the best sides of your character. Expanding horizons, the emergence of new ideas and discoveries that will make life rich and interesting, especially in combination with a rune. A surge of creativity and energy is expected. Kano also serves as an indicator of good health and a prediction of a speedy recovery from illness. In general, the rune marks success in such aspects of life as creativity, love, health, the embodiment of pure intentions.

In love, Kano symbolizes the masculine principle and the corresponding nature of actions. That is, if the sign fell to a woman, most likely it is she who will make an offer or a gift to her chosen one. The combination with indicates the upcoming verbal explanations between the partners. Runes or next to Kano speak of an imminent gift from a loved one.

This rune symbol carries a strong love energy.

In love stories, Kano often marks a new vibrant romance based on passion and sexual attraction. A prolapse nearby indicates the possibility of an early birth of a child. In general, the rune warns that in order to strengthen relationships, partners must fully open up to each other.

Kano in the layouts for business and career indicates complete control over the situation. The rune testifies to the creative nature and professionalism of a person. And although the questioner may have periods of reflection and lack of inspiration, in the end he is able to achieve success thanks to his talents and knowledge. The combination with speaks of perseverance and the ability to bring the work begun to the end.

Interpretation of the inverted Kano rune

In the reverse Kano layout, it has a strong negative meaning.

In an inverted position, Kano means loss, a stop in development, failure. Various clashes are possible, including armed conflicts. Not without reason, in ancient European cultures, an inverted torch symbolized a cemetery.

Upcoming negative events are inevitable, they should be accepted, and possible insults, pain, irritation should be left in the past. In any scenario, the main problem of the questioner is that the understanding of this is hidden from him. A person blames himself for failures, while trying to resist the ongoing events, instead of letting go of the situation and making a temporary stop until the streak of bad luck ends. Rune Combination

Inverted Kano in a love scenario - always parting

In the layouts for love, the inverted Kano rune means the end of old and the futility of new relationships. The resource of love relationships destined by fate has been exhausted, you should let go of your partner and give him the opportunity to build new happiness with another person. The combination with the rune speaks of the possibility of a calm, intelligent parting without squabbles and strife. Combination with, on the contrary, predicts a difficult break with mutual hatred and resentment.

The inverted Kano rune in business and career symbolizes complications in business, failures and misunderstandings that are almost impossible to correct. In attempts to resolve them, you can get even more bogged down in problems and find yourself in a complete dead end. Paired with the symbol, the inverted Kano rune predicts significant material losses, possibly one's own housing. The combination with the rune marks a long period of stagnation in business, which can lead to depression. In a health scenario, Kano means feeling unwell, illness and the need to seek help from doctors.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

Rune name: Kano (Kano)
Meaning: torch, royal castle, hill, beacon, true path
Sound: K
German name: Chozma (Kenaz)
Gothic name: Kusma
Old Norse name: kauna
Anglo-Saxon name: Sen, Ken
Celtic name: Ken
Icelandic name: Kaun
Norwegian name: Kaun

Divinatory meaning

The rune of Kano is the rune of creative fire and creativity.

The Kano rune is an extremely powerful rune. It is able, like a torch, to illuminate your creative and life path, not only to direct your activity in the right direction, but also to give it the necessary strength, which will lead to faster and more complete success. Kano is the rune of the birth of ideas, creativity, creativity, inspiration.

Direct position

Key Concepts. disclosure; clarification; creation; energy; sexuality; transformation; enthusiasm; luck; conception of a child, the true path; Centre; horizon; opening; light; torch; the fire; creative potential.

This is the rune of revealing your personality. You will achieve what you have planned, and you can only be congratulated on this. Do not quit the business or relationship you have begun - your personality is most fully manifested through them.

rune advice. Understand yourself, release your emotions and let the divine light of love into your life. Unleash your hidden talents, take action. Having penetrated the light, striving to know its nature, it will be possible to acquire some new knowledge, to restore the broken mutual understanding with others.

Reversed position

Key Concepts. defilement; wandering in the dark, loss; failure; disintegration of friendship; confusion; lack of vitality; disorder (confusion); the end of a relationship; energy loss.

You are lost among the three pines, the cats scratch in your soul. Maybe you have lost a loved one, friend or job. Perhaps something is crumbling inside of you. This is very painful. But believe me: what you have lost has become obsolete and you will not need it anymore. You will understand this after a while, when the pain subsides. This rune requires you to happily put aside the past and be willing to live with the emptiness inside for a while.

rune advice. Let go of the things that are troubling your life right now. Do not cling to the old and do not regret it: in its current form, you will no longer need it.

magical use

New beginnings; health and wellness; stability and passion in relationships; help in concentrating the will and in the embodiment of the plan; help with conception and pregnancy; helps to look into the depths of one's own personality; amulet for treasure hunters; contributes to the realization of creative ideas.

Use in rune records:

Kano is another rune of fire, but unlike fegu, it is a rune of light that grants the ability to create. This is the rune of an artist or artist, it is useful in cases where the question is about creativity or when creative motives are very important for the person for whom you are writing a rune script. This is the rune that governs passion and sexual love.

  • For the implementation of creative ideas.
  • To enhance any rune record (runescript).
  • To strengthen love and passion.
  • To protect valuables.
  • For healing.


Represents the Mouth of Creation. The rune of magicians, since it gives a person the opportunity to transmit information, i.e. conjure.

This is an energy rune, as you remember from previous issues, energy runes, when working with them, add energy, strength, and power to us.

Working with it, you can get information from the subtle world, although at first not everyone can understand it. But it does not matter, as we move forward, you will succeed, and you will learn how to easily read all the signs and put them into practice.

Ansuz will help you in learning, in acquiring new knowledge, including secret ones, and will provide a connection with the Divine Power.

But you need to use this rune with caution, because. it is dedicated to the god Loki, who does both good and evil deeds. Therefore, it should be addressed only with pure thoughts and an open heart. (We agreed on this before). Turning to her, you need to ask for mercy and admonition. It will help you to accept and love yourself, and will also cause sensitivity and attentiveness towards other people. Facilitates the process of cognition and activates consciousness.

SPELL: to release from addictions, pressure, other people's influence. And also from their inner temptations: the desire for power, the desire to please and the desire to manipulate other people.

The fourth I know

When I'm shackled and bound

By your enemies:

I'll tell him

And the fetters will fall from their feet,

The ropes slip from the hands.

Ansuz acts as a link with the wisdom of the ancestors, allowing you to restore lost knowledge. Gives an understanding of what is beyond the obvious. Adds a new dimension to any situation and brings an element of Luck, helps to see a whole new opportunity in the current reality.

Ansuz (ASS) - the great Rune of knowledge, inspiration and positive cooperation.

The rune is simply necessary for people passing exams and tests, passing all kinds of interviews and tests, gaining a reputation as a business person. The god of wisdom, Odin, is the direct curator of this rune, as well as the great Dwarf Quazir, and the wisest of the giants Mimir. Wearing this rune as an amulet receives their admonition and guardianship. Study and creativity, especially literary, is the sphere of influence of this talisman. Her strength should also be resorted to by those people who have problems with communication, including communication with the opposite sex. Speakers who ask Runa Ansuz for patronage will easily win the attention of the audience, and the poets will receive the necessary inspiration. Actors draw from it an ideal understanding of their roles.

Mouth and the Almighty is a brief quintessence of this rune.

The ability to think strategically, to have fun and excellent results from mental work are obtained by those who have resorted to the patronage of Ansuz. Intuition develops amazingly, clairvoyance opens up. A person wearing the Ansuz rune cannot be deceived. Of course, provided that he learns to trust the inner voice. It is very useful to have this talisman for those who find themselves in an unpleasant situation related to justice and are forced to defend themselves. His speech and arguments will win the trust of his listeners. Obviously, the ASS rune will be a wonderful gift for lawyers and judges. In addition, it is worth turning to her wisdom and those who are still looking for their own path, their highest goal in life. Many runologists noticed that if you carry the Ansuz rune with you, funny and pleasant stories begin to happen in life, about which you can only say this: “Luck has come to you, man.

Yes, the Ansuz rune is the rune of active LUCK!!!

ANSUZ or Knowledge

The night in the cave passed quietly. To set off at sunrise, Orsana and Wulf awoke while darkness still shrouded the Earth. Before leaving the cave, Orsana asked:

Can we ask the runes for advice?

If it calms you, - Wolfe smiled.

The young man took out a rune, put it in his palm and showed it to the girl.

Do you know this rune? - he asked.

I only know that it is called Anzus, Orsana replied. If you can, tell me about this sign.

This is an amazing rune,” Wulf began his story.

It was born by the element of Water, which gives inspiration to artists and artists. She is patronized by Loki - the god of Good and Evil at the same time, two-faced and dexterous. But the whole clan of Ases also takes care of this rune. Old people say that Odin's song created her. Be that as it may, this rune comes from strong and powerful deities, and now it warns that today will require wisdom and dexterity from us.


Literally in two hours we will reach the lands that were capturedor people from the West. We need to be very dexterous in order to pass this part of the path unnoticed.

Is there no other way? - with fear asked Orsana.

There is, but it, unfortunately, will lengthen our trip byseveral days. Then, when we find a place for our new village, and all our tribe follows us to the north, then we will choose a bypass road. But now we have little time, and we will have to go straight, although it is dangerous.

I'm afraid, she whispered.

Calm down, the rune will help us Anzus and knowing how to hide in the forest, how to use Mother Nature's protection and the ancient Song of our tribe.

I do not understand.

You will see and hear.

They walked in silence for the next two hours. Finally Wulf made a sign with his hand that it was time to stop. The travelers took cover behind a large oak tree on a hill and began to observe the village, located in a small valley. From their hiding place, its inhabitants were visible at a glance.

“This is the most dangerous place, if you can get around it, then it will be easier,” said Wulf.

But how to do that? Maybe it's better to wait for the night?

At night it will be even worse, people from the West have a strong night terrorwell, you need to do it now. We use the Anzus rune hint. Remember, no matter what happens, you must remain silent and follow me.

Wulf sat down under a large oak tree, took a flute out of his pocket and began to play. At first the sound was quiet, then it began to grow and became louder and louder.

Orsana was amazed. In fear, she closed her eyes, as she was sure that in a minute the soldiers would seize them. Suddenly, she felt a touch on her, opened her eyes and saw Wulf, who put his finger to his lips, and with the other hand pointed to the village.

Imagine her surprise when Orsana saw that everyoneThe villagers fell into a deep sleep. Even dogs and other domestic animals fell asleep. Wulf moved forward, urging the girl with gestures.

They walked quietly through the village. Nobody even raised their heads. The silence was broken only by the singing of birds. The travelers quickly moved away from the dangerous place. Only a few hours later, the girl dared to ask in a whisper:

How long will we be in dangerous territory?

We've been through it for a long time. Now we can finally rest.

Tell me how did you do it?

This knowledge, Orsana, Rune Knowledge Anzus.


anzus, ansuz, os, oss, as


as - the highest deity, the kind of gods - aces, mouth (mouth)


It treats diseases of the throat, stuttering, ailments of the oral cavity. Improves the condition of the sense organs, useful in eliminating migraines.

Rune potential:

Creative and mental manifestation of the Spirit.

Basic properties:

Creative thought, artistic inspiration, cognitive abilities, practical application of knowledge, public and social relations.

Rune Message:

Learn to communicate with nature to broaden your horizons.

Predictive value:

Science, learning, getting information. Successfully passed the exam, reason. The gift of words, public speaking, conversations. Negotiations, conclusion of agreements and contracts. Public activity, creativity, artistic talent, gift.

Magic use:

Helps to understand what is beyond the obvious; helps to make contact and receive support from the inner "I". Facilitates the passing of exams, the conclusion of agreements and contracts. Activates magical energy, favors the acquisition and reasonable use of knowledge.

Rune Anzus can help you:

- find inspiration and new ideas;

- reveal hidden creativity and new talents;

- to strengthen the intellectual potential;

- eliminate shyness and shyness;

- strengthen personal and friendly relations;

- remove obstacles that impede the correct use of the energy of the body and thought.

Rune Anzus should meditate, when you would like answers to the following questions:

What is knowledge for me?

How do I feel about learning?

- Am I a creative person?

— what do my contacts with people look like?

- how fully do I use my abilities?

What does the word "truth" mean to me?

How can I broaden my horizons?