Scoliosis in children: signs, treatment and prevention. Parents: what to do if the child has scoliosis Children's scoliosis what to do

There are three types of curvature of the spinal column in children:

  1. lordosis,
  2. kyphosis
  3. scoliosis

Interestingly, doctors call pathologies exactly the same as the natural curves of the spine are called.


Lordosis- This is a physiological or pathological curvature of the spine, in which its bulge is turned anteriorly. Physiological lordosis is observed in all people in the lumbar and cervical spine.

Pathological lordosis is usually located in the same departments, but differs from the physiological degree of bending.

In rare cases, pathological lordosis is formed in the thoracic spine.

Manifested by a violation of posture and back pain.

It is diagnosed on the basis of examination data and x-ray results.

Causes of lordosis

The main causes of curvature and development of lordosis in a child:

  • Dysplasia, dislocation of the hip joint;
  • Overweight, obesity;
  • Malformations of the spine;
  • Injuries of the legs, spine;
  • Inflammatory processes in the vertebrae;
  • Lack of vitamins, minerals in the spine or the body as a whole;
  • Tumor of the spine (benign or malignant);
  • Spasm of the back muscles;
  • Displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other (spondylolisthesis);
  • Prolonged posture disorder.

Symptoms of lordosis

With a straight cervical spine (hypolordosis), fatigue, headaches, and nape numbness begin to bother. The muscles of the neck are tense, the back is flattened.

The mobility of the neck is reduced, as a result, the blood supply to the brain is disturbed. The patient begins to stoop, as kyphosis intensifies in the thoracic region to compensate.

With hyperlordosis, the head is pushed forward, the neck seems short. Disturbed by pain, numbness, crawling sensation in the neck, collar area, shoulders. Blood pressure can rise even with small physical exertion.


Disease of the spine, in which there is a gradual deformation of the spine in the thoracic region. It occurs most often in adolescents during puberty.

Causes of kyphosis

Until the end, the true cause of curvature of the spine in children and the development of kyphosis has not been established, there are negative factors, the influence of which increases the likelihood of developing the disease.

The negative factors are:

  • heredity,
  • deposition of calcium salts in the anterior longitudinal ligament of the spine,
  • impaired development of bones and connective tissue,
  • bad posture,
  • weak muscle tone.

Symptoms of kyphosis

The main symptom of kyphosis is a violation of the correct form of posture, which is determined visually.

A person at the beginning of the development of the disease begins to periodically stoop, then while sitting, then while walking. Over time, stoop is almost always present.

A complication of stoop is the development of hunchback.

The shoulders of a person with kyphosis are tilted forward and slightly down, the abdomen is also bulging forward, while the chest is sunken, and the upper back is bulging backward. From the side, you can observe a person in the form of the letter "C" or an arc. The chest narrows as the disease progresses, the diaphragm descends, which contributes to unfavorable conditions for normal ventilation of the lungs.

Symptoms of kyphosis:

  • Deformation of the vertebral cartilage and intervertebral discs;
    Increased fatigue;
  • Feeling of discomfort in the chest area;
  • Pain in the back, especially in its upper part;
  • Numbness of fingers and toes;
  • Tension and stretching of the muscle tissues of the back, thoracic region;
  • Difficulties in maintaining correct posture;
  • Discomfort in breathing, feeling of lack of air;
  • Violation of blood circulation in the brain;
  • Headaches, dizziness, tinnitus;
  • The development of chronic diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems: gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis, constipation, stomach ulcers.

Scoliosis in a child

This is the most common type of pathology. In this case, the curvature of the spinal column occurs laterally from the vertical axis, if you look at the spine from the back.

Scoliosis- a disease of the musculoskeletal system curvature of the spine in a child, which manifests itself in childhood and progresses as the body grows.

Simply put, this is a lateral curvature of the spine. In this case, there can be either one, or two, or three arcs of curvature.

The value is measured in degrees.

True scoliosis is a deformity in which the deviation of the spinal column from the vertical axis is more than 10 °, sometimes reaching 100 or more.

Causes of scoliosis

Doctors identify several causes of scoliosis:

  • insufficient depreciation of the spine due to weakened or atrophied muscles;
  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • flat feet (due to which the load on the back is unevenly distributed);
  • congenital bone defects.

At the same time, the probability of spinal curvature in children is much higher, since up to 16 years of age, the back muscles are not strong enough and cannot fully distribute the load.

Causes of scoliosis of the cervical spine

The main causes of curvature in scoliosis of the cervical:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands (occurring during puberty, after which active growth of the skeleton and muscles begins, but intercellular metabolism is disturbed);
  • insufficiency of the muscular-ligamentous system (when the skeleton develops actively, and the muscles are weakened); dysplasia of the bone tissue of the cervical spine;
  • syringomyelia (formation of cavities in the vertebrae or in the intervertebral discs);
  • hernia of the spine (especially often - Schmorl's hernia).

scoliosis symptoms

Symptoms of spinal scoliosis include changes in the configuration of the spine and disorders of the function of the nervous system and internal organs.

These symptoms include:

  • Sometimes visible even to the naked eye, the deformation of certain parts of the spinal column
  • Violation of the configuration of the chest - protrusion of the intercostal spaces on the convex side of scoliosis and retraction from the inside
  • In children - asymmetry of skin folds on the legs and buttocks
  • Torsion (twisting) - rotational displacement of the vertebrae around the vertical axis.
  • In the lumbar region - a muscle roller due to pathological muscle tension
  • Violation of the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines due to changes in the volume of the chest and abdominal cavity
  • Brain damage due to lack of blood supply in cervical scoliosis
  • Flat feet, secondary shortening of one of the lower limbs, gait disturbance
  • Secondary curvature of the pelvis, and, as a result, problems with gestation and childbearing in women
  • Depression, hysteria, emotional depression due to a qualitatively inferior life.

Which doctor treats curvature of the spine in children

With the appearance of pathological curvature of the spine in children, back pain, you can consult an orthopedist or neurologist.

You may need additional consultation with a neurosurgeon, oncologist.

A physiotherapist, a masseur, a specialist in physiotherapy exercises take part in the treatment of patients.

How to fix curvature of the spine

Candidate of Medical Sciences Yakov Fishchenko, orthopedist-traumatologist of the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics advises and.

Quite often, parents are faced with the fact that their children are diagnosed with scoliosis at school or during preventive medical examinations, and most of them do not even think that this disease can lead to serious consequences for the child's health.

Scoliotic curvature develops in the thoracic or lumbar spine, sometimes occurs in both at the same time.

Conservative (non-surgical) treatment is usually used for deformities less than 40°, large curves require surgical treatment.

Depending on the age of onset of the deformity, the following groups of scoliosis are distinguished:

  • Infantile (diagnosed before 3 years)
  • Juvenile (diagnosed in a child from 3 - 6 years old to 10 years old)
  • Juvenile (teenage) (diagnosed in children from 10 - 13 to 15 years old)
  • Scoliosis in adults (diagnosed in adulthood, after cessation of growth)

Most often, scoliosis is diagnosed in adolescents.

Juvenile idiopathic scoliosis (JIS)

Most cases of this scoliosis are initially detected and treated during childhood or puberty during puberty, when the curvature becomes more noticeable. If it is impossible to determine the cause of the spinal deformity, then doctors call such scoliosis idiopathic.

This form of scoliosis can affect children on the background of absolute health.

Juvenile idiopathic scoliosis is the most common form of spinal deformity and occurs in up to 3% of the population.

Symptoms of idiopathic scoliosis

In most cases of idiopathic scoliosis, the child will not notice the problem. Because most patients with scoliosis do not feel any physical pain from the condition, it is often not discovered until the deformity has progressed and become more noticeable.

In fact, if a child is suffering from severe low back pain, the diagnosis of idiopathic scoliosis is not considered. Often, with minor deformities, it is difficult to diagnose the curvature of the spine in a standing position; for greater clarity, an examination should be carried out in a forward tilt position.

Detection of scoliosis in schools

Many schools now screen students for scoliosis, so children often get referrals to orthopedists from school health workers. Parents or physical education teachers are often the first to notice symptoms of scoliosis in a child.

The main changes in appearance, which you should first pay attention to:

  • One shoulder or hip may be higher than the other
    One shoulder blade may be taller and more protruding than the other
  • These deformations are more visible when leaning forward.
    "Rib hump" - protrusion of the ribs on the convex side of the deformity, is a manifestation of the torsion component of scoliosis
  • One arm appears longer than the other due to the tilt of the upper body
  • Asymmetrical triangle waist

Treatment of scoliosis in a child

The choice of treatment for a patient with juvenile idiopathic scoliosis depends on the magnitude of the deformity, the age of the patient, and the degree of skeletal maturity (growth potential).

What to do if the deformation in scoliosis is insignificant (15-20°)?

A sick child needs dynamic observation by an orthopedist at the place of residence. To this end, in addition to the examination, the doctor should prescribe x-ray control once every 6 months during the period of rapid growth, and then once a year. If the deformation progresses, it is required to immediately apply measures to stop its development.

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises) for scoliosis

Teenagers with scoliosis often work with a physical therapist.

A comprehensive individual wellness program helps to strengthen the muscular corset, improves the mobility and strength of the spine.

Adolescents with juvenile curvature of the spine should continue active physical activity, participate in sports competitions. The most favorable sport is swimming, gymnastics, morning exercises.

The most unfavorable are work with heavy weight in a standing position and running.

The goals of gymnastics and physical therapy for curvature of the spine are to:

  • help improve posture;
  • contribute to the improvement of pulmonary activity;
  • maximize the volume of movement;
  • strengthening the muscular corset;

Video: Therapeutic exercises for scoliosis. Complete set of exercises

What mattress is needed for a child with curvature of the spine

To stop the development of the disease and correct the situation, measures must be taken immediately! It is important to pay special attention to the sleeping place. If there is already a problem, you need to focus on hard models; a medium-hard mattress is suitable for prevention.

The word "orthopedic" itself means that the product is designed to correct body deformities.

Therefore, to find out which mattress is better to choose for scoliosis, you need to read the recommendations:

  • You can not sleep on a soft mattress.
  • Preference should be given to products with a medium or high level of rigidity.

If you choose a spring mattress, it is better to consider the option on independent springs:

  • when a person lies down on the product, it bends only where pressure is applied, and not over the entire area.

This design supports problem areas - the neck, lower back. If two people sleep on a mattress, they won't roll over each other.

As for the mattress filler:

  • in addition to springs, in order to achieve medium rigidity, plates of coconut and latex are added to the product, for high rigidity - only coconut.

Springless mattresses with these fillings are made according to the same principle, in addition, they can be made of bamboo, polyurethane, orthopedic foam.

Who likes what.

All of the above mattresses have anatomical properties, however, it is believed that a springless mattress is more elastic, and therefore more suitable for patients with scoliosis.

The doctor will best answer the question of what kind of mattress you need for scoliosis, because each case is individual.

Fixation in corset

Brace fixation is usually used when the deformity is in the range of 25-40°, especially if the child has growth potential and the deformity may increase.

It is important that the child wears a corset every day, strictly following the doctor's prescription.

Scoliosis often affects several areas of the spinal column. The corset, accordingly, should be chosen so that it fixes the entire spine and prevents the progression of the deformity.

Sometimes teenagers feel embarrassed about wearing corsets and take some time to get used to. It is usually easier for adults to get used to a corset, however, for a teenager during puberty, when appearance is of great importance, this is not easy.


Surgical treatment should be considered as the only reasonable method in patients with scoliosis in the following cases:

  • if the amount of deformation is greater than 40-45°
  • with pulmonary heart failure caused by scoliotic deformity
  • with neurological complications of scoliosis
  • with pain sensations
  • with steady progression of deformity

After the onset of skeletal maturity, deformities less than 40° do not tend to progress and therefore do not require surgical correction. Deformities greater than 100° are rare and can be life-threatening due to the development of severe complications in the heart, lungs, and spinal cord.

The main task of surgical treatment is to achieve maximum correction of the deformity and fixation in the resulting position.

  1. Physical exercises and massages are not able to cure scoliosis
  2. Manual therapy is contraindicated in scoliosis.
  3. It is not always possible for polyclinic doctors to give comprehensive advice and conduct adequate treatment of deformity. Seek advice from narrower specialists.>
  4. If you have been diagnosed with scoliosis, be interested not in the degree of deformity (this is a conditional and rather relative concept), but in the magnitude of the deformity in degrees.
  5. It is not always possible for polyclinic doctors to give comprehensive advice and conduct adequate treatment of deformity. Seek advice from narrower specialists.>

The most primitive scheme for correcting and treating curvature sounds like this:

1. Deformities up to 20 degrees are observed by a doctor;

2. Deformities of 25-40 degrees are treated in corsets;

3. With deformities of more than 40 degrees, surgical correction of the curvature of the spine is required.

If you have been given indications for surgery, contact and listen to the opinion of another specialist regarding the need and extent of surgical intervention.

A well-made back massage for scoliosis for a child helps not only to prevent or stop the development of the pathology, but also to completely remove the disease.

How to massage a child with scoliosis, see below.

To begin with, we will find out what methods of influencing the back of a child are used:

  1. Therapeutic massage for scoliosis, aimed at eliminating the defective curvature of the spine of a sick child.
  2. Preventive, this technique stabilizes the disease. This type of massage is divided into: - reflex, stimulating the work of the circulatory system to notify muscle tissue of the loss of essential substances (dystrophy); - segmental, affecting the active points of the child's body, through which the activation of internal organs passes. massage for scoliosis of the 1st degree

Impact on the body Massage for scoliosis affects:

  • On the nervous system, while the child calms down, becomes less capricious and whiny.
  • The work of the musculoskeletal system, while increasing its blood supply. - On the circulatory and lymphatic systems, in this case their activity is corrected, and this leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • On the skin, while its appearance improves, dead cells are eliminated, the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands resumes.

Video: massage for scoliosis

Curvature of the spine is the scourge of modern society, but against this there is a good and reliable remedy - massage.

Therapeutic massage technique

Massage for scoliosis has two goals:

  1. Achieve relaxation in the tense part of the back;
  2. To tone weakened muscles.

Which side of the back is most stressed in scoliosis: concave or arched?

The reason for the uncertainty is as follows. There is no clear definition of what is the cause and what is the consequence of scoliosis. Either the curvature of the spine causes tension in some muscles and weakening of others, or vice versa, tension and weakening of the muscles of the back leads to a curvature of the spinal column.

The first theory is based on the experience of practicing surgeons. This theory is called the "bowstring", where the curved spine is the neck of the bow. In this case, tense muscles are stretched like a bowstring, achieving relaxation.

Adherents of the second theory, mostly specialists who rely on instrumental methods, say the exact opposite.

The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

It is impossible to divide the muscle groups involved in holding the spine into fully tense and completely relaxed. Even on the same side of the body, muscle tissue can be in different states.

Therefore, when doing massage for scoliosis, it is necessary to pay attention to individual muscle groups. A medical massage should be carried out by a medical worker with the appropriate education and who has undergone advanced training in the conduct of the procedure for scoliosis in children.

Carrying out preventive massage at the initial stages of the disease can be entrusted to close relatives of the child.

The person who will conduct the treatment session must listen to a lecture on the procedure for preparing the child, the methodology and techniques for conducting massage, and also conduct a session under the guidance of a specialist.

Basic tricks:

  • Stroking is shallow and thorough. A shallow one is used to relieve pain, and a deep one is used to activate nervous activity (not indicated in the acute course of the disease);
  • Rubbing and kneading are the main techniques in the treatment of stage 1 and 2 scoliosis, carried out on all parts of the body;
  • Vibration and tapping are rhythmic and non-rhythmic. They are carried out mainly with the curvature of the thoracic region.

We prepare the place, ourselves and the child

Children's massage for scoliosis is carried out one hour after eating. For the procedure, choose a flat and hard surface. If the child is small, then the massage is carried out on a large stable table. At the same time, an adult should be able to be both to the right and to the left of the child.

If the child is large, then the massage place can be the floor in the middle of the room.

The place of massage is covered with a blanket with a clean sheet.

The massage therapist's hands must be clean and dry.

The child is laid on his stomach, bending his arms at the elbows, hands in the area of ​​​​the shoulders. The body is given the position in which the spine is in the most correct position. The shoulders are on the same level.

The position of the body during the session does not change. The hands of an adult and the body of a child are lubricated with baby oil intended for skin care.

Doing a massage on your own

The procedure begins with the convex part of the body with a further transition to the concave part. At the beginning, the entire surface of the body, which will be subjected to the procedure, is warmed up.

Warming up is carried out by stroking with a gradual increase in the applied force.

The movement of the arms is carried out from the waist to the shoulders, from the edge of the limbs to the body.

Then, with half-bent fingers in a circular motion, rubbing is carried out. After warming up, those parts of the body that are not being manipulated at the moment are covered with a warm blanket.

In the main part, kneading, rubbing and vibration are used.

Pressure should not be exerted directly on the spine. The nipple area is a restricted area for massage.

Stroking and pressing movements replace each other.

Video: Massage for scoliosis in children

How to do massage for scoliosis in children and adults.

Is your child healthy and suddenly it turns out that he has scoliosis? What are the causes of this disease? Where does scoliosis come from? Let's try to understand this problem.

So, what are the first signs of scoliosis? Parents can see this for themselves by undressing the child to underwear and looking at the following signs: is the child’s shoulders, shoulder blades, gluteal folds at the same level, is the waist the same on the right and on the left side.

Parents should be alerted by the asymmetry between the right and left parts of the child's body. You also need to look at the back of the child, whether he stoops.

flat feet very often causes scoliosis. How can parents check if a child has flat feet? Let them look at his shoes, how the sole wears out. If one edge of the sole wears out more, this is already a signal that the child has a certain deformity of the foot, and it must be corrected, because this will certainly lead to a violation of posture.

How to treat scoliosis in a child? Sports, sports and more sports!

The question is not how scoliosis can be detected, but what to do so that it does not appear. To do this, you need to follow elementary tips. The first one is sports! We are talking about systematic physical activity, doing some kind of sport three times a week for 2 hours a day. And it is better if it is not an asymmetrical sport, such as, for example, tennis. But the objection is reasonable that not all tennis players are "crooked". No, but when a child is involved in a certain sport in which the load falls on one side of the body, the coach must organize the training process in such a way that the other side also receives its proportional load, if possible. But as practice and life stories show, when a child does not show good results in sports, the coach begins to pay less attention to the process of his training. And the child himself cannot load his back symmetrically, as it should be. Therefore, sports are recommended in which there is a symmetrical load on the child's body. For instance:

  1. Athletics,
  2. swimming,
  3. a ride on the bicycle,
  4. sports walking.

It is very good if parents can equip a small sports corner at home. There, perhaps, there will be a Swedish wall, a rope, a ball, a mat. Then the child will do it himself.

Children who play one-sided musical instruments (for example, the violin, double bass) are also at risk for scoliosis or postural problems. Such children need even more proper physical activity.

About desks and backpacks

When placing a desk or table, it must be borne in mind that daylight should fall on the left if the child writes with his right hand, but if he is left-handed, then vice versa. It is necessary that the child sits straight, not slouching. It is necessary to ensure that the elbows do not sag, but rest on the table, so that the legs stand on the floor, and do not hang. The chair must be chosen so that the child leans on the back (it must be solid), and the chair itself must be without wheels.

The time of sitting at the table is well regulated in the school:

  1. in elementary grades, the lesson lasts 30 minutes,
  2. in the seniors - 45.

And it has been proven that this sitting time is optimal. Therefore, you can also organize the learning process at home. For example, do homework for half an hour, then take a break for 15-20 minutes so that the child gets up, stretches, runs, plays. And then continue to study. But you should not force children to do all homework without interruption, because it is given so much that it takes away all the free time from the child after school. The child sits at school for six or seven hours, comes home and sits again doing homework. Do you want to have healthy children or a gold medal? In fact, you can get super-class knowledge without a medal.

Schools still neglect the rule that from time to time it is necessary to change the location of children, to transfer them to other desks: from right to left, from left to right, from the last desks to the first. Teachers know this, but often do not.

An important role in how to correct or prevent scoliosis in a child is played by school bag. It should have a solid back and two shoulder straps. Of course, the weight of the backpack affects the spine. But if the child is physically developing, then he can withstand a certain load. And if he is weak, then one textbook can bend him in half. The child needs to work physically! He has all the resources for this, especially if he wants to be healthy.

Parents should make comments to the child so that he sits evenly and that his elbows are on the desk or table. You can talk to teachers so that they follow this. And parents can really track whether their child put on a backpack on his shoulders when leaving the house.

When did a child develop scoliosis?

In this case, you need to contact specialists who can correctly assess spinal disorders, draw up a treatment program and start working with the child. Often doctors recommend swimming, but only with an instructor. After all, swimming helps only when it is right. And the ability to return the spine to a healthy state depends on the stage at which scoliosis was detected. Scoliosis is a progressive disease that curves the spine, creating a defect that is visible from the outside. Due to scoliosis, compression of some organs on one side is possible. First of all, we are talking about the lungs and the heart. If the lung is compressed, it is difficult for the child to breathe, he breathes less, respectively, the body is filled with oxygen less, and all processes slow down. Then the child develops more slowly, becomes weak, lethargic. And the older he gets, the more actively it progresses. Added to this is such a moment as the emotional suppression of the child. He begins to be ashamed of his body, he develops a complex about his appearance, he closes in on himself.

Scoliosis develops rapidly. To do this, it is enough not to work out for several months, to sit incorrectly. The child will begin to stoop, load one side of the body more - and slowly the spine will begin to curve. And in a year or two, the child will already have scoliosis.

Scoliosis can be congenital or acquired. The main cause of acquired scoliosis is improper sitting and lack of physical activity. But if the child develops scoliosis, then he is not to blame. After all, the child does not know how to sit properly, wear a backpack, that sports are good. The child runs, and he is forbidden: “You will fall!”. You fall - you get up. Don't worry, move on. The child knows the world. Why limit it? The child must move. And this is very important.

Scoliosis can't be cured with a pill! It can be cured only by uniform and systematic physical activity.

Correct posture should be formed from childhood. It is important for parents to monitor how the child sits during the lessons, whether he tries to keep his back straight when moving. With the exception of birth defects, the incorrect position of the child's body during normal activities can lead to the development of scoliosis, kyphosis or lordosis. Curvature of the spine in children can be prevented if you know the features of this problem and preventive measures.

If you look at the back of an adult, you can see that the spine has 4 physiological bends - two lordosis (forward bends) and two kyphosis (backward bends) - and resembles the letter S in a lateral projection, while when viewed from the back it will be even. This curvature is absolutely normal if the bends do not exceed the allowable limits.. It is due to them that a person is able to maintain balance while moving, they also provide additional depreciation of the body, preventing shaking of the head when walking.

However, in newborns, the spine is absolutely straight. The formation of natural curves occurs in the process of growth and development of the baby. The beginning of the formation of an "adult" curved spine occurs at the age of about a year, when the child begins to take his first steps. And the process lasts a long time, ending by about 12-14 years. Thus, the correct formation of posture largely depends not on the spine, but on how it developed and the muscle tissues surrounding it.

Attention! With prolonged exposure to certain negative factors, the child is formed incorrectly - pathological curvatures of the spinal column appear. Because of them, a person in the future no longer has a straight back and a beautiful posture - he hunches, his back “leads” to the side, his stomach can protrude, etc.

Moreover, it is important to remember that the spine is not only an element of the musculoskeletal system, but also a receptacle for the spinal cord, which controls the work of most of the body's organs. Curvature of the spinal column will negatively affect not only the appearance of a person, but also the state of his health in general. In people with a curved spine, the spinal cord may be compressed.

On a note! Children with curvature of the spinal column are often more capricious, lethargic and tired faster than children with a smooth and beautiful posture.

It is important to pay special attention to the formation of the child's posture, since the older he is, the more difficult it will be to cope with curvatures if they occur for some reason.

Table. Causes of curvature.


This is a childhood disease, the development of which occurs due to a lack of calcium in bone structures and due to a violation of material metabolism. Bones in this case develop incorrectly.

This dangerous disease, fortunately, is now practically not common, as children are vaccinated against it. Poliomyelitis is caused by an infection that affects the spinal cord. It proceeds without pronounced symptoms. As a rule, the result of the development of the disease is paralysis of the whole body.

Some serious injuries can cause curvature. For example, incorrectly fused leg bones after a fracture can provoke such a disease.

This infectious disease affects the bone tissue, but in general its causes are the same as those of pulmonary tuberculosis. Symptoms may not appear for a long time - sometimes several years pass from the moment of infection before a person discovers the first signs. Requires special treatment.

This category includes incorrect body position during homework, too high a pillow for sleeping, a soft mattress on the bed, as well as improper and unbalanced nutrition. Carrying a heavy briefcase on your back or just on one shoulder also provokes the development of the problem.

Children who are in a state of depression, as well as embarrassed by something (for example, being tall) often begin to slouch. This is the child's attempt to become less visible. Unfortunately, sometimes this is enough to get a curvature of the spine as a reward.

On a note! Curvature of the spinal column in a child can also develop against the background of obesity, hormone imbalance, observed in children with cerebral palsy or in those who are not sufficiently developed for their age. The underdevelopment of the back muscles easily leads to the appearance of pathological bends.

Most often, posture problems are observed in schoolchildren who are forced to carry heavy bags to school and home every day, sit motionless for a long time, leaning over a desk while studying or doing homework.

Orthopedic chair for children

Types of curvature

There are three types of curvature of the spinal column in children - lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis. Interestingly, doctors call pathologies exactly the same as the natural curves of the spine are called.

This is the most common type of pathology. In this case, the curvature of the spinal column occurs laterally from the vertical axis, if you look at the spine from the back. Simply put, this is a lateral curvature of the spine. In this case, there can be either one, or two, or three arcs of curvature.

Scoliosis can be both congenital and acquired. In the first case, it develops due to violations in the process of intrauterine development. Scoliosis is divided into:

  • habitual, which arise due to violations of posture;
  • rickets, developed due to rickets;
  • static, formed if the child has different leg lengths;
  • post-traumatic, developed due to injuries;
  • paralytic, appearing due to poliomyelitis and other diseases that affect the nervous system and muscles of the body;
  • reflex-pain, arising against the background of damage to the nerve endings of the spinal cord;
  • cicatricial - they are caused by burn or postoperative scars.

On a note! Scoliosis in a child can have three degrees of development. In the first case, the problem is easy to fix, in the second, only traction of the spine will help, and in the third degree, there is a persistent deformation of the spinal column.

Symptoms at the first stage are practically absent - the child will not complain of back pain. Sometimes he can say that he has aches in his chest. Parents will be able to notice the change in posture themselves. Also, the child may complain of rapidly emerging fatigue. As a rule, these signs become apparent at the age of about 6 years, especially after physical exertion. Other signs are uneven shoulders, a protruding shoulder blade on one side or the other. If these signs are present, it is important to immediately contact a specialist for help. Treatment will depend on the stage of the disease.

Poor posture - how to treat scoliosis

Prices for orthopedic corsets and posture correctors

Children's kyphosis

This is another type of curvature of the spinal column. In this case, a hump is formed in the child's upper back (especially with a combination of kyphosis and scoliosis), the upper spine is bent. Kyphosis can also be congenital or acquired.

On a note! Physiological kyphosis has an angle of inclination of about 20 degrees, and with pathological kyphosis this angle changes by 30-45 degrees or more. There are three degrees of kyphosis, differing in the level of inclination of the angle.

The causes of kyphosis are often birth trauma, developmental defects, tumors of the spine. It can also be provoked by underdeveloped back muscles, poor posture during homework, tuberculosis of the spinal column.

The main symptom is that the child stoops, and when trying to straighten his back, he complains of discomfort or pain. The stomach of a young patient bulges forward and sags, the shoulders are also lowered forward.

On a note! The negative consequences of kyphosis are an ugly posture, a decrease in the volume of the chest and a deterioration in the quality of breathing, the appearance of headaches and heart pain.


This type of curvature is extremely rare in children. It is characterized by the appearance of a strong forward bend. Causes:

  • birth injury;
  • hip dislocation congenital;
  • congenital diseases of the skeleton and muscle tissues;
  • rickets;
  • trauma;
  • excess weight.

Excess weight is one of the causes of lordosis

Sometimes lordosis develops against the background of pathological kyphosis. So the spine is trying to compensate for the existing curvature. Pathology is both primary and secondary. Most often, children's lordosis manifests itself in the lumbar region.

On a note! Doctors distinguish other forms of curvature when signs of several pathologies are noted at once. That is, it turns out, as it were, combined curvatures - kyphoscoliosis, etc.

Assessment of the condition of the child's back

Parents at home can themselves try to determine the presence of posture disorders. First you need to visually inspect the child from the back and sides. It is required to ask him to stand up straight, but at the same time not to straighten his back forcibly, but to take his usual position. You need to draw a visually vertical line along the spine and see if there are deviations to the side, whether or not the symmetry of the shoulder blades, pelvic bones, etc. is observed.

From the side, you need to evaluate the smoothness of the curves of the spine and the position of the head. Moreover, the chest should be slightly raised up, and the stomach is slightly retracted. In preschool children, the stomach may bulge a little in the middle, but not at the bottom.

After that, you need to ask the child to bend over and reach with his fingers to the feet without bending the knees. Children can easily perform these actions if their bones and muscles are in order. But it's time to start worrying if the child calmly puts his palms on the floor near the feet or does not reach them at all. Next, the child is asked to relax in a tilt - so you can easily examine the back for scoliosis.

You can test against a wall. For this, the patient is asked to stand with his back to her and press the back of the head, buttocks and heels against a vertical surface. The feet are placed together, and the arms hang freely. If a child can hardly accept such a position, then it makes sense to talk about the development of kyphosis or lordosis.

Prevention and treatment

The treatment of bad posture should be dealt with by a specialist. Only he is able to identify the pathology, determine the degree of its development and prescribe the appropriate therapy that will give the expected effect. It is unlikely that treatment will be associated with taking medications - most likely, only vitamins or preparations with trace elements can be prescribed. Typically, therapy includes exercise therapy, swimming, spinal traction (in some cases), massages, manual therapy, etc.

To prevent the development of curvature of the spinal column in children, it is recommended:

  • give the child the opportunity to move as much as possible (play, jump, run, etc.), and the passive will have to be motivated for these actions;
  • do not rush to teach babies under the age of one year to sit or walk;
  • buy a good pillow and a quality mattress, as well as the right furniture for preparing lessons;
  • regulate the number of loads and rest, movement and immobility;
  • monitor the position of the back;
  • control the time spent in a sitting position at the computer;
  • do exercises.

School orthopedic backpack

How to correct posture?

Step 1. The tests described above should be carried out and the presence of posture problems in the child should be determined. If they are, but in an undeveloped stage, then you can try to do a series of exercises that will help to cope with uneven posture.

Step 2 It is recommended to ask the child daily to press the buttocks, back of the head, heels against the wall and stand like this for 1-2 minutes. At the same time, he should try to remember the position of the body and keep it while walking or daily activities.

Step 3 You can relax your neck muscles using a massage ball. It is placed under the neck of the child lying flat and asked to move his head from side to side for 5 minutes.

Step 4 Every day it is desirable to stretch the muscles of the neck in other ways - by tilting the head to the sides and down using the hands.

Step 5 Every day you need to perform a set of exercises for the back. It will help develop muscles. It is important that the complex for the child is selected by a doctor.

Step 6 If a child goes to school with a bag over his shoulder, then it is required to replace it with a backpack. Moreover, it is recommended to ensure that it is not overloaded.

Step 7 When sitting at a computer for a long time or over lessons, it is important to control that every 30 minutes the child takes small breaks.

Step 8 It is important to purchase quality bedding that will not adversely affect your posture.

Step 9 It is recommended that the child move as much as possible, while it is important that he monitors the position of the head and back. If there are psychological problems that make him slouch, you need to seek help from a psychologist.

Video - How to fix scoliosis in a child?

Children are quite flexible and plastic; in some cases, it is not difficult to correct spinal curvature in them. The main thing is to seek help from a specialist in time, without delaying the start of treatment.

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Scoliosis - specialists in Moscow

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Scoliosis (curvature of the spine to the right and left of the vertical axis of the body), even with the current level of development of medicine, remains a pathology that is most often diagnosed in childhood. A child suffering from this disease is characterized by posture disorders, the severity of which depends on the stage and type of curvature of the spinal column. In adolescence, scoliosis can go unnoticed, progress slowly, and can manifest clearly only in adulthood, with the appearance of additional loads on the body as a whole. When looking for suitable methods that answer the question - how to correct scoliosis, it is important to remember that the effect of treatment depends on a combination of many factors.

It is necessary to determine the cause, provoking factors and the degree of development of the disease, the rate of progression of pathological changes, and only then proceed to the treatment of spinal curvature. To avoid erroneous diagnoses and not worsen your condition, it is necessary to consult a specialist before starting treatment.

What is scoliosis?

With scoliosis, there is a noticeable violation of posture. If you look at the back of a sick person, you can see that the spine forms a bend to the right or left. In a healthy person, the spine is located in a straight line in the middle of the back.

Doctors distinguish several types of scoliosis:

  • C-shaped scoliosis. With this scoliosis, the bend occurs to the left or right, which forms the letter C.
  • S-shaped scoliosis. Such a pathological curvature is formed due to the bending of one of the sections of the spine in the opposite direction.
  • Z-shaped scoliosis. It is formed as a result of three bends at once, affecting the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

Many mothers, noticing that the child is stooping, are looking for all sorts of ways to fix scoliosis: they study video lessons, read books, consult doctors on forums. However, it is important to understand that self-medication is dangerous. In addition, the child's stoop does not always indicate the presence of scoliosis. After all, scoliosis is a persistent curvature of the spine, which the doctor can determine when examining a child. Even if the characteristic curves of the spine are not observed, an x-ray will help to make the correct diagnosis.

Causes of the development of curvature of the spine

Scoliosis can be congenital or acquired. The first occurs when the intrauterine development of the skeleton is incorrect. Congenital scoliosis can be the result of abnormal development of the hips and vertebrae, fusion of the ribs, fusion of the vertebral bodies, the formation of an additional vertebra, etc.

Acquired scoliosis develops in childhood (6-8 years) or adolescence (10-15 years) age. This age is characterized by intensive growth of the bones of the skeleton, and the development of the disease may be associated with this. Doctors have long noted that girls have spinal curvature much more often than boys. In most cases, the cause of acquired scoliosis remains unknown, then the diagnosis is idiopathic scoliosis.

The cause of the development of the disease may be diseases of the central nervous system or the musculoskeletal system. Here are some of them:

  • herniated disc characterizes the protrusion of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rickets - a disease that develops with a lack of vitamin D;
  • muscle disease (for example, cerebral palsy - a violation of muscle tone);
  • frequent spasms of the muscles of the neck and back;
  • congenital torticollis.

In order to understand whether scoliosis can be corrected at home, it is necessary not only to establish the cause of its occurrence, but also to determine the degree of development of the disease. There are several degrees of development of scoliosis:

  • Grade 1 - the curvature of the spine is barely noticeable, the stoop is slightly pronounced, one shoulder is slightly higher than the other. Initial scoliosis is diagnosed when examined by an orthopedist or traumatologist.
  • Grade 2 is the most common. Disturbing back pains appear, asymmetry of the shoulder blades is noted - this makes a person see a doctor.
  • Grade 3 - back pain becomes unbearable. The shape of the back changes, protrusion of the ribs may appear.
  • Grade 4 - a costal hump is formed, the deformation of the back is pronounced, retraction or protrusion of the ribs.

Scoliosis diagnosis

The most effective method of diagnosis is an X-ray of the spine. Based on the result of the image, the doctor will be able to determine the presence or absence of the disease, establish some of the many causes of scoliosis and calculate the angle of curvature of the spine, which is especially important for determining the degree of development of the disease.

The angle of scoliosis up to 10 degrees is typical for the first degree of development of the disease, for the second - from 11 to 25 degrees, for the third - from 26 to 50. If the angle of scoliosis is more than 51 degrees, the disease is assigned the fourth degree of development.

You can determine the presence of scoliosis in a child yourself at home. However, for a more accurate diagnosis, you should consult an orthopedic doctor.

In order to determine scoliosis, parents at home can:

  • carefully examine the back of the child: the spine should be located exactly, in the middle of the back. Shoulders and shoulder blades should be symmetrical.
  • ask the child to lean forward. Pay attention to the fact that the shoulder blades should be at the same level.

Signs of scoliosis

In addition to stoop and asymmetry of the shoulder blades, the following symptoms are noted with scoliosis:

  • one shoulder is higher than the other;
  • when examining the back, the deformation of the spine is pronounced;
  • back pain when walking or after standing for a long time. The more the spine curves, the more the pain becomes.

Is it possible to correct scoliosis at home?

Treatment of scoliosis depends on many factors: age, causes of the disease and the degree of its development. It includes massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy exercises. In more severe cases, elective surgery is necessary.

What will help in the treatment of scoliosis of the 1st degree?

Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the muscles, establishing the correct posture. In case of illness of the child, it is possible to give it to sports sections. Daily morning exercises, therapeutic exercises, massage, swimming are the main therapeutic measures for scoliosis of the first degree.

How to correct scoliosis of the 2nd degree?

For the treatment of scoliosis of the second degree, as in the first, physiotherapy exercises, gymnastics, and massage are prescribed. Also, wearing a special corset is added to the basic procedures. It is made individually. The time of wearing a corset is gradually increased from several hours to a day.

What remedies will help cure grade 3 scoliosis?

In this case, the wearing of a special corset is also prescribed, only it should be worn much longer than with scoliosis of the second degree. If the angle of scoliosis is more than 45 degrees, a stabilizing system is installed on the vertebrae by surgical intervention, which helps to straighten the spine.

4th degree scoliosis

With 4 degrees of scoliosis, a surgical operation is also performed. However, it is associated with a certain risk, and they resort to surgery only when other methods do not bring results.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat - this statement is true for patients with scoliosis. If a person cannot prevent congenital scoliosis, then it can prevent the development of an acquired curvature. General preventive measures include: maintaining an active lifestyle, swimming, daily exercise. It is necessary to sit at the computer as little as possible, as well as take regular breaks to recharge during work.

What is scoliosis of the 1st degree (+ photo)

Why do parents insist on keeping your back straight as a child? This is not so much a concern for the appearance as for the well-being of the child. Many health problems arise from a diseased spine.

It is a complex structure of 24 rounded vertebrae with intervertebral cartilage. Imagine a construction of 24 children's blocks.

She is very fragile. So the children's spine with weak muscles and ligaments is unstable and prone to such a disease as scoliosis. By the way, girls are more likely to be diagnosed with this disease than boys. The disease is insidious in that it appears almost imperceptibly.

Basically, scoliosis is detected at preventive medical examinations before school or at an educational institution during periods of intensive growth of children (in preschoolers at 6-7 years old and in children 10-12 years old).

What is scoliosis: a general description of the disease

In translation from the "ancient Greek" scoliosis means tortuous, crafty. Scoliotic disease is a lateral curvature of the spine, leading to functional changes in the vertebrae. Do not confuse with slouching back (kyphosis)! Poor posture is caused by the wrong habit of holding the back.

It is caused by increased muscle tone on one side. In this case, the spine does not change shape. With scoliosis, it shifts from the center of the axis to the right or left. Therefore, right-sided or left-sided scoliosis is distinguished.

He is also characterized by the shape of the curvature: S-shaped, C-shaped, etc. Depending on the place where the ailment is detected, they distinguish between lumbar, thoracic and cervical. From how pronounced the disease, experts distinguish 4 degrees.

The first degree of scoliosis is the initial stage, which causes a minimal deviation of the spine up to 10 degrees.

A set of exercises for scoliosis will depend on the severity of the disease.

3 degree of scoliosis provides for a deviation angle of 26-50 degrees.

In many cases, scoliosis of the 2nd degree is diagnosed in children 8-11 years old:


Modern medicine does not give a clear answer why the spine is bent. Allocate congenital and acquired causes of the disease:

  • congenital include a violation of intrauterine development of the fetus, underdevelopment of the vertebrae.
  • to acquired ones - incorrect body position with strabismus, flat feet, a consequence of past diseases (tuberculosis, rickets, poliomyelitis), injuries. But these are not the main causes of scoliosis. In 80 percent of cases, the diagnosis is written idiopathic scoliosis, that is, "of unknown cause."

Increasingly, experts are inclined to believe that scoliosis occurs due to improper body position when sitting and, accordingly, improper muscle development in children who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

When writing or drawing, sitting in front of a computer, they develop a habit of moving their right (or left - for left-handers) shoulder forward, which leads to a curvature of the spinal column.

Symptoms of the disease

Recognizing scoliosis of the first degree is not easy. There are no obvious symptoms of the disease. The child has a slight asymmetry of the shoulders and stoop. And parents begin to understand that something is wrong. At the first suspicion, immediately go to the orthopedist.

How to recognize the disease: diagnosis.

The diagnosis of scoliosis is made after a comprehensive examination: examination by a doctor and according to the results of an X-ray study. The picture is taken in a standing position. It allows you to refute or confirm the diagnosis, determine the angle of the spine and the condition of the vertebrae. The sooner the pathology is detected and treatment begins, the easier it is to stop the disease.


It is generally accepted that the deformation of the spinal column entails a whole bunch of diseases. The disease proceeds with impaired functioning of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, respiratory functions, and affects vision. This is true, but only with 3-4 degrees of scoliosis. At the initial stage, the disease does not worsen the work of internal organs. However, it can progress and turn into a more complex deformation.

Risk factors:

  • detection of the disease at an early age (5-6 years);
  • poor muscle development, sedentary lifestyle of the child;
  • heredity, if the parents have pronounced scoliosis.

By the way, in Europe and America, the first degree of scoliosis is considered an individual feature, and a deviation below 10 degrees is regarded as within the normal range. Still, don't get your hopes up. It is better to start treatment right away.

Treatment of scoliosis of the 1st degree

It should be comprehensive and preventive. The main goal is to slow down the rate of development of the disease and strengthen the muscular frame. After all, if you start scoliosis, you will need to wear a corset and surgery.

Restorative treatment of scoliosis of the 1st degree is as follows:

  • increasing the child's motor activity (hardening, outdoor games, walking, swimming in the pool),
  • therapeutic exercises (daily!). There is a special set of exercises in the clinic in every exercise therapy room. It is important for strengthening muscles and developing the skill of correct posture.
  • massage (courses 1-2 times a year). It will benefit only if it is performed by an experienced specialist. Please note that he must know the diagnosis of the child. Tense muscles need to be relaxed, and too "sluggish" to be stimulated.
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultrasound, magnetotherapy). Only when prescribed by a doctor.
  • alternation of the mode of work and rest a (long sitting and standing in one position are not allowed).
  • proper nutrition, rich in protein (meat, fish, dairy products) and vitamins.

The complexity of the treatment of scoliosis lies in the fact that it must go on constantly and for a long time (several years, while your child's body grows). And always under the supervision of an orthopedic doctor who can track the dynamics of the disease.

Scoliosis and sports. Is everything allowed?

Many parents, having learned about scoliosis of the 1st degree in a child, immediately seek to enroll him in the sports section. Know that with such a diagnosis, not all physical activity is useful. Tennis, badminton and other sports that require an asymmetric load on the muscles should be avoided.

Gymnastics is also banned due to the increased flexibility of the spine. It is optimal to choose swimming, general physical training (fitness or a gym, specially choosing a set of exercises), martial arts. Workouts should not be too intense.

Let's summarize: It will not be possible to completely cure scoliosis, but it is quite possible to stabilize the condition. Having learned about the disease, it is important to start treatment with an orthopedist as soon as possible, follow his recommendations, review the daily routine and nutrition of the child. Show perseverance and diligence, efforts will bring results - in the form of a straight back and graceful posture in a child.

Scoliosis in children. Treatment and prevention of scoliosis in children. | Life without scoliosis

Ekaterina Ivanova turned to her child's doctor with the following problem: the child studies well, studies a lot, sits in

Causes of scoliosis in children.

"tilt". What could be the risk of curvature of the spine in this case? And what could be the adverse consequences of poor posture in a child and, most importantly, how can they be prevented?

“The most unpleasant thing that can expect you is scoliosis,” the pediatrician answered Ekaterina. To begin with, the doctor advised the woman to understand the very essence of the problem. "Forewarned is forearmed". So, what to do if your child has been diagnosed with this?

How many children suffer from scoliosis and poor posture?

To date, it has been proven that more than 15% of children suffer from scoliosis. The highest risk of developing this disease occurs between the ages of 10-14 years. The skeleton has not yet had time to fully form, and the child’s workload is quite large: work in the classroom at the school desk, doing homework, besides, now children spend a lot of time at the computer and most often do not monitor their position, posture. Children of any age suffer from scoliosis or scoliotic posture:

  • from 7 to 9 years - about 30%,
  • 10-14 years old - 40% are sick,
  • 15-17 years old - 33%.

Of course, if something bothers you in the child's posture, you should, like our heroine, immediately consult a doctor, but there is also a very simple test for detecting scoliosis at home.

The child should take a prone position. If the spine assumes a normal straight position, then all curvature refers to a violation of posture. But if, with various turns of the child, the spine remains curved, you should contact a specialist immediately.

Most likely, the doctor will diagnose you with scoliosis. Only a surgeon can cope with the disease. He will determine the degree of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Today, scoliosis is usually distinguished by the time of their manifestation in the corresponding growth spurts. This:

  • Infantile - appear between the first and second years of a child's life
  • Juvenile - appear between four years and six
  • Adolescent (adolescent) - occur mainly between ten and fourteen years

Prevention of the development of scoliosis in children

Of course, any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with it. And this statement applies to our health in the first place. It is possible to prevent the development of scoliosis in a child. The main thing is to do it on time. Here are some tips:

  • It is very useful to be in a prone position. On the back or stomach, several times during the day (only not recommended immediately after eating - it can be dangerous) for 15 minutes. It is recommended to lie flat, preferably on a hard surface. This position will relieve the spine. And now no one can reproach the child for the fact that he loves to lie around. Recommendations: The softer the bed on which your child goes to the realm of dreams, the more likely he is to face such a problem as a “bad back” and receive an appropriate diagnosis.
  • Anyone who often sits at a computer knows how unpleasant it is when the machine freezes. But children really should sometimes hang ... on the horizontal bar. This should be done passively, without shaking yourself, without pulling up - just hang as much as you have enough strength. Then in no case can not jump. Be sure to gently lower yourself onto your toes. You can ask someone (if we are talking about a child, then mom or dad is best) to remove it from the horizontal bar and gently put it on the floor. Otherwise, when you jump, all the vertebrae that you deliberately stretched so carefully will shift again, reducing the effectiveness of the “training” to zero. In our case, this is simply unacceptable.
  • It is very useful to “fly”. You need to slightly bend your elbows, take them behind your back and bring your shoulder blades together. All this is done in a sitting or standing position. If something crunches in the back at this moment, there is no need to be afraid. This is completely normal and completely safe. In case of violation of posture, it is advisable to repeat this exercise from 8 to 10 times a day for two to three weeks in a row. Then take a break for 2-3 weeks.

If the doctor has diagnosed your child with scoliosis, this is not a reason to panic. Like any disease, scoliosis can be treated. The same principle applies here as elsewhere: the main thing is not to start. If the disease is established, then, depending on its severity, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for your child.

The main tasks in the treatment of scoliosis in children

The main task in the treatment of childhood scoliosis is to achieve a reduction in the heavy load on the spine, together with strengthening the muscles of the back and the entire body, which, in combination with the growth of the child, will straighten the existing curvature over time.

Prevention of children's scoliosis

Usually this is a complex of classical methods, the list of which is well known to everyone: massage, a complex of physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy), physiotherapy. These procedures include electrical muscle stimulation, ozocerite applications, etc.

The main essence: this complex of treatment is aimed at eliminating muscular dystrophy and increasing the contractile function of the spinal and abdominal muscles. A set of physical exercises and a massage technique are usually selected by the child's attending physician. All this takes place exclusively on an individual basis. With scoliosis of the 1st degree, the child can attend school physical education classes with his classmates, but then a set of exercises specially compiled by the doctor is added, performed under the guidance of an instructor. Also, the child can perform these exercises under the supervision of their parents at home.

With scoliosis of the 2nd degree, the child is exempted from school physical education lessons. In this case, he needs to perform only the complex of physiotherapy exercises prescribed by the doctor. Also, at large angles of curvature (about 30 - 40 degrees), the child may be assigned to wear a special corset. This refers to active-corrective corsets (for example, the Chenot corset). They are made of plastic according to a plaster cast from the child's body. As the patient grows, a new corset needs to be made. Despite the fact that wearing it will be associated with some inconvenience, this type of treatment is the only method for correcting scoliosis in children, since other classical methods are of a more mediocre, auxiliary nature. In some clinics, children are prescribed manual therapy. But here you should exercise some caution, as this type of treatment can cause irreparable harm.

My child has scoliosis, what should I do?

self-medication will not lead to anything. especially since it's a child. it is advisable to consult with doctors.

tatyana medvedeva

I had scoliosis as a child!! Nothing so terrible, they did massage, electrophoresis, sent me to a specialized sanatorium. Literally six months later, there was no trace of my scoliosis. Go to the hospital, they should write you special procedures. All this depends on the degree of the disease. Good luck and don't worry =)

Tanya Ziletskaya

after consultation with the doctor, you will be prescribed a massage, exercise therapy and, maybe, a corset.

Girl Chorus

Keep your back straight, especially at the table. Sit properly - never cross your legs. Do gymnastics... this is prevention ... or measures that would not be worse! Perhaps a massage. A special corset that allows you to constantly keep your back straight - consists of wide tight elastic bands ... Don't worry! This is a common occurrence in children ... she herself once had ...

*~*Green Eyed Beauty10000*~*

There are special kindergartens for such children, they do all the procedures there, the pediatrician gives directions to such kindergartens ...

Tatyana Glazkova

buy a child a ticket to the sanatorium

Exercise therapy and massage ... helps a lot ... I had a corset myself at school ... you get used to it, and when you take it off, you still stoop ... it doesn’t help ... .
In any clinic there is an exercise therapy department, it really helps, 10 sessions and everything is fine ... then you can repeat the course in a month or two
Buy an orthopedic mattress in a specialty store.

physical therapy and send to dance, preferably classical. if the situation is not running, then in six months it will be the norm. and make sure you don't slouch and sit at the computer for hours. many have it now.

Svetlana Antonova

You were rightly told, I will add that this needs to be done for more than one year, you will have to follow it up to 16 years. the skeleton grows and develops

Alexey Chernitsky

sports, swimming, calcium in food-cottage cheese to eat, you need to grab all this in the initial stage. at one time, I had to remove my daughter from the violin because of this

Yana Strelkova

What degree is given to him? Or is it just suspicion? What do the pictures say?
Active movement is necessary, 2-3 hours a day minimum. What age? In addition to the uncomfortable bed, the mattress needs to be changed.
Buy a good orthopedic. They are selected according to the diagnosis, and the weight of the person.
And most importantly, do not panic, your nerves will not help in any way, but the child feels everything, he will not be better off from this.

Children's scoliosis is a persistent lateral deformity of the spine. Children's scoliosis appears from 6 to 15 years old, it can be congenital and acquired. Scoliosis causes malfunctions in the internal organs, worsens the mobility of the spine, provokes the appearance of pain, systemic osteochondrosis, radiculitis, intervertebral hernias.

Children's scoliosis is one of the common ailments, in most cases associated with rapid growth. Curvature of the spine should be treated immediately. The consequences may be irreversible. In severe forms of scoliosis, the child is given a disability.

The main types of scoliosis:

  • Congenital - manifested by intrauterine growth failures of the bones of the skeleton, intervertebral discs and cartilage tissue;
  • Acquired - formed under the influence of negative circumstances and the environment (bruises of the spinal column received by children, loose muscle corset of the back, permanent position in the wrong position and other factors);
  • Left-sided - left-sided scoliosis is more common than right-sided. Left-sided scoliosis appears in people with a dorsal hernia;
  • Right hand.

Poor posture leads to the following types of scoliosis:

  • C - prominent. Has one arc of deformation;
  • S - prominent. Has two arcs of deformation;
  • Z - prominent. Has three arcs of deformation.

According to the location, scoliosis is divided into the following types:

  • Cervical;
  • cervicothoracic;
  • Thoracic;
  • Lumbar-thoracic;
  • Lumbar (lumbar);
  • Combined (in case of S or Z-shaped curvature).


1 degree of scoliosis is characterized by symptoms:

  • oblique pelvis;
  • Irregular shape of the shoulders;
  • Slight stoop.

2 degree scoliosis is characterized by:

  • Visible to the eye rotation of the vertebrae vertically around the axis;
  • Slightly oblique pelvis;
  • Curvature, which is visible from any angle.

3 degree is characterized by:

  • Huge hump;
  • Noticeable recession of the ribs;
  • Significant weakening of the abdominal muscles (that is, the abdomen);
  • Marked pelvic obliquity.

Grade 4 is characterized by a serious distortion of the entire spine. Signs of the 3rd degree are aggravated, there is a strong stretching of the muscles in the deformity zone. The angle of curvature is already more than 50 degrees, it is difficult to correct.


The main causes of scoliosis in children are:

  • Incorrect body position when sitting;
  • Spinal injury;
  • Incorrect posture;
  • Loose muscular corset;
  • Past illnesses;
  • Carrying heavy bags in one hand;
  • Shortened leg;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Tumors and hernias.

Sometimes scoliosis in a child is a congenital defect of the spine, but more often an acquired form of curvature occurs.


Symptoms that can be observed in a child with this pathology:

  • Tingling in chest, back, pelvis and legs;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • stoop, distortion of the spinal column;
  • Weakened back muscles
  • Asymmetrically located shoulders, shoulder blades;
  • Twisted hip bones;
  • Chest distortions.

In the early stages of scoliosis, the symptoms are not very noticeable. With the deterioration of the process, the symptoms of scoliotic curvature become more pronounced and persistent.


The following methods are used to diagnose scoliosis:

  • scoliometer;
  • Measurement of deformation angles by X-ray;
  • X-ray examination of scoliosis;
  • Determination of the angle of distortion by Enchur;
  • Determination of the angle of distortion by the Ferguson method.


To cure scoliosis, orthopedists use physiotherapeutic methods, recommend wearing a corset, prescribe strengthening drugs, pills, injections, and, if necessary, perform an operation.

The most effective treatment at home is achieved through exercise therapy. Also, physiotherapy exercises for children with scoliosis are introduced in many preschool educational institutions (gymnastics, swimming).

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For children with problems of the musculoskeletal system, there are special sanatorium boarding schools. Here, children are trained and actively treated for scoliosis of varying degrees.


Physiotherapeutic methods are used to treat scoliosis at an early stage. To heal a child prescribe preventive massage, Charcot shower, mud therapy, electrophoresis, phonophoresis. Modern physiotherapy methods are very popular: magnetotherapy, laser and ultrahigh-frequency therapy, thermotherapy.

Electrophoresis is famous for the fact that it improves the penetration of anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines into the body under the influence of galvanic current. Electrophoresis promotes the ionization of medicines using an electric current. Electrophoresis allows patients to inject multiple drugs into different areas of the body at the same time.


Wearing a corset is necessary when the curvature is from 25° to 40° and the age of the patient is limited (up to 17 years). But the corset will not remove the disease, will not lower the stage of scoliosis, only the correct posture will appear. The corset will only slow down the aggravation of the disease. For example, a child under the age of 17 was found to have scoliosis of 2–3 degrees, and making final pictures throughout the year, it is noticeable that the situation worsened by more than 10 °.

It is necessary to wear a corset to maintain posture and reduce the load on the intervertebral tissues. For other cases, the corset is contraindicated. Patients with the first degree of distortion, without an acute course of the disease, do not need a corset.

Orthopedic mattresses

With a significant curvature and a constant aggravation of the condition, doctors advise resting on boards or a hard bed. Sleeping on a hard, flat surface is necessary for children and adolescents at home and in preschool. But if scoliosis develops acutely and is not amenable to therapy, then the use of orthopedic aids will not help. At the initial stage of scoliosis, children need a semi-rigid mattress. An orthopedic mattress should be as comfortable as possible.

Up to 3 years, you need to choose a slightly hard mattress, at 20 years old - medium, at 40 years old - soft.


Effective work with soft tissues. Massage cannot cure the patient of scoliosis, it will only bring slight relief by relaxing the back muscles. But in complex treatment, massage is used as a supportive therapy.

Sanatorium schools

At 1-2 degrees, a regular school brings great psychological trauma to a child with a disability. With a significant curvature of the spine and the inability of the child to psychologically adapt to society, a special sanatorium boarding school is recommended.

The boarding school provides medical services in addition to the educational sphere. Doctors of sanatorium schools help to quickly identify severe forms of curvature of the spine and choose the best therapy scenario.

But the most important thing is the sanatorium boarding school teaches a new lifestyle that can further control the disease. The boarding school puts dances, physical exercises, exercise therapy in the foreground, and pride in the second.


Surgery for scoliosis is necessary only in two cases:

  1. If there is a deviation in the development of the spine of 1-2 degrees, which will definitely provoke disability, an operation is performed. It is necessary to do the operation as soon as possible.
  2. With scoliosis from 40–120° (3–4 degrees) and the presence of negative dynamics. The operation is done at any age, but the results will be better if the treatment is carried out before the onset of puberty. The operation includes the installation of additional metal structures to strengthen the back.

At home

You can save a child from disability yourself at home, using sets of physical therapy exercises. Such sets of exercises are easy to practice at home:

  • Complex-charging (just do the exercises, walking in place, correct posture is important);
  • Charging in the prone position (a set of exercises performed on the back);
  • Charging in the prone position (a set of exercises are performed on the stomach).

exercise therapy

Exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises) - a whole complex of special physical events. The complex is used in the treatment and prevention of scoliosis, it is intended for dow and for treatment at home.


The best type of physical therapy for children with scoliosis is swimming. Swimming in a supine position, the child unloads his spine. Swimming contributes to the natural correction and self-extension of the spine, and has a positive effect on the respiratory system.


Physical therapy gymnastics is performed both at home and in the dow, with a curvature of 1 and 2 degrees. Gymnastics is the most effective elimination complex. Dosing exercise therapy exercises in scoliosis has an effect on muscle groups in hypertonicity, helps to restore the back frame.

In the future, the muscular frame will be able to support the spinal axis in the desired (physiological) position.


The consequences of scoliosis are risky and irreversible. Curvature of the spine causes the formation of a costal hump, asymmetry of the pelvis, malfunctions of the internal organs, and deformity of the chest. In addition to cosmetic defects, there are violations of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, malfunctions in the spinal cord. Severe stages of scoliosis can lead to disability.

  • Recommended reading:


Prevention of scoliosis in children is very important. If all the causes of the disease are eliminated, then scoliosis will not have to be treated. Prevention should be done at home and in the dow.

  • It is important for a child to properly organize a bed. The best choice is orthopedic mattresses and flat pillows;
  • Holding a baby in your arms, you need to support his back;
  • In the crib, the baby should not constantly lie on one side. It is necessary to alternate the left and right side;
  • Teach the baby to keep his back straight in an upright position;
  • Classes in the preschool educational institution, such as modeling, drawing, appliqué, should be carried out only at the table;
  • Teach your child to sit at the table evenly, to keep their posture. The back of the head should be raised and laid back, and the chin should be lowered, the shoulders should be straightened. This position contributes to the normalization of blood supply in the brain;
  • It is good if in the preschool educational institution for children they make up a correct and healthy diet, exercise therapy, teach the child to play sports (gymnastics, exercises).