Suicides, what awaits them. The soul of a suicide after death. What do we have to do


According to Christian beliefs, after death a person continues to live, but in a different capacity. His spirit, having left the physical shell, begins its path to God. What is ordeal, where does the soul go after death, should it fly away and what happens to it after separation from the body? After death, the spirit of the deceased is tested by trials. In Christian culture they are called “ordeal.” There are twenty of them in total, each more complex than the previous one, depending on the sins committed by a person during his lifetime. After this, the spirit of the deceased goes to Heaven or is cast into the Underworld.

Is there life after death

Two topics that will always be discussed are life and death. Since the creation of the world, philosophers, literary figures, doctors, and prophets have been arguing about what happens to the soul when it leaves the human body. What happens after death and is there life at all after the spirit leaves the physical shell? It just so happens that a person will always think about these burning topics in order to know the truth - turn to the Christian religion or other teachings.

What happens to a person when he dies

Having completed his life's journey, a person dies. From the physiological side, this is the process of stopping all systems and processes of the body: brain activity, breathing, digestion. Proteins and other substrates of life decompose. Approaching death also affects a person's emotional state. There is a change in the emotional background: loss of interest in everything, isolation, isolation from contacts with the outside world, conversations about imminent death, hallucinations (past and present are mixed).

What happens to the soul after death

The question of where the soul goes after death is always interpreted differently. However, the clergy are unanimous in one thing: after a complete cardiac arrest, a person continues to live in a new status. Christians believe that the spirit of the departed, who lived a righteous life, is transferred by angels to Paradise, while the sinner is destined to go to Hell. The deceased needs prayers that will save him from eternal torment, help the spirit pass tests and get to Paradise. The prayers of loved ones, not tears, can work miracles.

Christian doctrine says that man will live forever. Where does the soul go after a person dies? His spirit goes to the kingdom of heaven to meet the Father. This path is very difficult and depends on how a person lived his worldly life. Many clergy perceive their departure not as a tragedy, but as a long-awaited meeting with God.

Third day after death

For the first two days, the spirits of the dead fly around the earth. This is the period when they are close to their body, to their home, wander through places dear to them, say goodbye to their relatives, and end their earthly existence. Not only angels, but also demons are nearby at this time. They are trying to win her over to their side. On the third day, the ordeal of the soul begins after death. This is the time to worship the Lord. Relatives and friends should pray. Prayers are performed in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On day 9

Where does a person go after death on the 9th day? After the 3rd day, the Angel accompanies the spirit to the gates of Paradise so that he can see all the beauty of the heavenly abode. Immortal souls stay there for six days. They temporarily forget the sadness of leaving their body. While enjoying the sight of beauty, the soul, if it has sins, must repent. If this does not happen, then she will be in hell. On the 9th day, the Angels again present the soul to the Lord.

At this time, the church and relatives perform a prayer service for the deceased with a request for mercy. Commemorations are held in honor of 9 angelic ranks, who are protectors during the Last Judgment and servants of the Almighty. For the deceased, the “burden” is no longer so heavy, but very important, because the Lord uses it to determine the future path of the spirit. Relatives remember only good things about the deceased and behave very calmly and quietly.

There are certain traditions that help the spirit of the departed. They symbolize eternal life. At this time, relatives:

  1. They perform a prayer service in the church for the repose of the spirit.
  2. At home they cook kutya from wheat seeds. It is mixed with sweets: honey or sugar. Seeds are reincarnation. Honey or sugar is a sweet life in another world, helping to avoid a difficult afterlife.

On day 40

The number “40” can be found very often in the pages of the Holy Scriptures. Jesus Christ ascended to the Father on the fortieth day. For the Orthodox Church, this became the basis for organizing commemorations of the deceased on the fortieth day after death. The Catholic Church does this on the thirtieth day. However, the meaning of all events is the same: the soul of the deceased ascended to the holy Mount Sinai and achieved bliss.

After the spirit is reintroduced before the Lord on the 9th day by the Angels, it goes to Hell, where it sees the souls of sinners. The spirit remains in the Underworld until the 40th day, and appears before God for the third time. This is the period when a person’s fate is determined by his earthly affairs. In posthumous fate, it is important that the soul repents of everything it has done and prepares for the future correct life. Remembrances atone for the sins of the deceased. For the subsequent resurrection of the dead, it is important how the spirit passes through purgatory.

Six months

Where does the soul go after death six months later? The Almighty has decided on the future fate of the spirit of the deceased person; it is no longer possible to change anything. You can't sob and cry. This will only harm the soul and cause severe torment. However, relatives can help and ease the fate with prayers and remembrances. It is necessary to pray, calming the soul, showing it the right path. Six months later, the spirit comes to her family for the penultimate time.


It is important to remember the anniversary of death. Prayers performed before this time helped determine where the soul would go after death. A year after death, relatives and friends perform a prayer service in the temple. You can simply remember the deceased from a heartfelt heart if it is not possible to attend church. On this day, souls come to their families for the last time to say goodbye, then a new body awaits them. For a believer, a righteous person, the anniversary gives a start to a new, eternal life. The annual circle is the liturgical cycle after which all holidays are permitted.

Where does the soul go after death?

There are several versions of where people live after death. Astrologers believe that the immortal soul ends up in space, where it settles on other planets. According to another version, it hovers in the upper atmosphere. The emotions that a spirit experiences influence whether it goes to the highest level (Heaven) or the lowest (Hell). In the Buddhist religion it is said that having found eternal peace, a person’s spirit moves into another body.

Mediums and psychics claim that the soul is connected with the other world. It often happens that after death she remains close to loved ones. Spirits who have not completed their work appear in the form of ghosts, astral bodies, and phantoms. Some protect their relatives, others want to punish their offenders. They contact the living through knocks, sounds, the movement of things, and the short-term appearance of themselves in visible form.

The Vedas, the sacred scriptures of the Earth, say that after leaving the body, souls pass through tunnels. Many people who have experienced clinical death describe them as channels in their own body. There are 9 of them in total: ears, eyes, mouth, nostrils (separately left and right), anus, genitals, crown, navel. It was believed that if the spirit came out of the left nostril, it went to the moon, from the right - to the sun, through the navel - to other planets, through the mouth - to the earth, through the genitals - to the lower layers of existence.

Souls of dead people

As soon as the souls of deceased people leave their physical shells, they do not immediately understand that they are in a subtle body. At first, the spirit of the deceased floats in the air, and only when he sees his body does he realize that he has separated from it. The qualities of a deceased person during life determine his emotions after death. Thoughts and feelings, character traits do not change, but become open to the Almighty.

Soul of a child

It is believed that a child who dies before the age of 14 immediately goes to the First Heaven. The child has not yet reached the age of desires and is not responsible for actions. The child remembers his past incarnations. The First Heaven is the place where the soul awaits rebirth. A deceased child is awaited by a deceased relative or a person who loved children very much during his lifetime. He meets the child immediately after the hour of death and escorts him to the waiting place.

In the First Heaven, a child has everything he wants, his life resembles a beautiful game, he learns goodness, receives visual lessons on how evil deeds affect a person. All emotions and knowledge remain in the baby’s memory even after rebirth. People who live nobly in ordinary life are believed to owe these lessons learned and experiences in First Heaven.

Soul of a Suicidal Man

Any teaching and belief states that a person does not have the right to take his own life. The actions of any suicide are dictated by Satan. After death, the soul of a suicided person strives for Paradise, the gates of which are closed to it. The spirit is forced to return, but it cannot find its body. The ordeal lasts until the time of natural death. Then the Lord makes a decision according to his soul. Previously, people who committed suicide were not buried in the cemetery; suicide items were destroyed.

Animal souls

The Bible says that everything has a soul, but “they are taken from dust and will return to dust.” Confessors sometimes agree that some pets are capable of transformation, but it is impossible to say exactly where the animal’s soul ends up after death. It is given and taken away by the Lord himself; the soul of an animal is not eternal. However, Jews believe that it is equal to human meat, so there are various prohibitions on eating meat.


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Stories of people who experienced clinical death (video)

"People sleep; when they die, they wake up."


Where does a suicide go after death?

While the souls of people who have passed away naturally experience relief and even joy in the world of the dead, the souls of suicides, on the contrary, once in the next world, experience torment and suffering there. One expert in the field of suicide said this about this: “If you part with life with a restless soul, then you will go into the next world with a restless soul.” A suicide commits suicide to “end everything,” but as it turns out, “beyond the line” everything is just beginning for them. Are they able to get rid of life’s problems or do they, for their choice, get an eternal problem from which there is no way out? What awaits suicides after death?

Every year in Russia 60,000 people commit suicide. In Christianity, it is believed that the soul of a suicide goes to hell. After all, suicide is a sin in which...

From the point of view of a simple philistine, and even a rational one, everything is correct. His legs were torn off, say, by an anti-personnel mine, along with his balls, so he shot himself, why should he suffer in vain... after all, he will never have those values ​​that are rationally considered fundamental in life, family, children, health, material well-being, etc. .

From a spiritual point of view, everything is completely different. Something completely different is valuable, different goals in life, different meaning. For example, for an Orthodox person, the meaning of life is to achieve a God-like state, uniting one’s will with the will of God. Becoming God no more no less. And he will perceive every difficulty in life as a challenge, as a chance to show fortitude to overcome it, but in no case as punishment or injustice. This is called humility. Such a character cannot be broken or defeated, you can only kill him, then he will be as holy as a martyr.

I remembered this story. During the Civil War, a Cossack regiment, retreating from the Red Army, approached...


The main karmic and universal task of a person and his soul is to LIVE

this life, that is, to go all the way including trials and difficulties.

A person who commits suicide chooses the “easiest” one.

option to solve your problems, no matter what the difficulties and

tests are sent to him... But I highlight exceptions: people who

committed suicide in the name of saving another person, including

number of your loved ones. Of course, someone may say: was it necessary in the name

to save oneself from committing suicide if the person who was in danger,

should have received it by fate; the answer may not be clear, but I

I believe that every person has pity, compassion and desire

help, therefore suicide in the name of saving someone cannot be

a terrible sin... For example, God forbid, a situation where relatives or friends

people rushed from a high-rise building, fulfilling the demand...


Dmitry Dulsky is a participant in the international battle of Psychics of the 13th season of STB, a leading expert on many TV channels.
Leading expert - “The investigation is being conducted by psychics” STB.
Expert of TC Ukraine - “Speaking Ukraine”, “Morning with Ukraine”
TK Inter - “Skin anxiety”, “Teach your wife to drive”.
TK ICTV - “Top 5”, “Secret Front”.
Psychic, Magician, Esotericist, Transpsychologist, Parapsychologist.

Dmitry Dulsky, hereditary black magician-necromancer, Psychic. I got my strength from my grandmother, the village witch.
-I can predict the future
- contact the souls of the dead,
- I practice love magic,
- the magic of business and money,
-restore the aura, etc.,
- I provide consultations in express diagnostic mode.
I'm part of a magical conglomerate. If a situation arises when I cannot cope with a client’s problem, my fellow magicians supplement my energy with theirs...

Many people believe that suicidal people go to a special place in Hell. In part, that’s how it is.

Due to depression and despair (no matter what the reason), people decide to cease existing in this world. The most common methods of suicide are a rope, a razor and a bath, a shot in the head, jumping into water with a stone around the neck, drugs, jumping under a vehicle, jumping from a height.

I'm not talking about suicides who play to the public and publicly, as a protest to something, kill themselves. Although what I write below will also apply to them.

So here it is. Psychologists who communicated with those who were able to be saved at the last moment have proven that: more than 99% of suicides, at the last moment of consciousness (for example, hanged people, when they begin to suffocate due to the lack of the ability to breathe, look for a chair with their feet to stand up and stop their business - this is the last moment of realization) do not want to die and understand what stupidity they are doing. The same thing is said by many Mediums and Spiritists when...

It’s interesting to watch how the facial expressions of people who learn about my illness for the first time change.
Today I met my class teacher on the trolleybus. This is how we meet on New Year's Eve! I was even glad to see her, which surprised me a lot. In four years she had aged dramatically, as if something had broken in her. Or maybe it's just me seeing the world through different eyes. She, as always, like all teachers, began to complain about the current generation of students. How stupid, lazy, all arrogant and completely uncontrollable they are. But you were...
She asked me about my classmates, and about me, of course. I was overly happy that I entered the master’s program.
“I had no doubt that you would go to university, and I have no doubt that you would go to graduate school.”
An old resentment suddenly began to speak within me.
“That’s right, and the medal has nothing to do with it,” I said, emphasizing the word “medal.”
“You know,” she said quietly, “I...

Requests for help

Write your story

Hello. I already wrote here and followed the advice I received (I talked with my father, I talked with my mother, and even yesterday I bought the book “Live! Conversation with a Suicide” (I found out about it on this site)). But still some voice whispers to me, kill yourself. When I look at the blue sky, I want to go there, I want to go to heaven, I want to go to God, I want to die, just die, not commit suicide. After all, suicides go to HELL, but I want to go to HEAVEN. I ask God for death.
The day before yesterday it was my dad’s birthday (he turned 50 (he lives with a new family)) and I went to see him. We drank a little there, and my uncle and I went for a walk. On the way we also drank beer and vodka (I only drink on holidays, half a bottle of beer is enough for me, and then it’s disgusting to drink this crap, but I actually tried vodka for the first time in my life, and I won’t drink it again!) Well, in general, he brought us home, dad's wife's brother (dad was already asleep) I have a good relationship with dad's new family. Well, actually they put me in...

Speaking about the psychoenergetic nature of death, it is impossible to ignore the problem of suicide. What happens to the human subtle structure if his departure from the physical world was caused not by natural death, but by suicide?

In ancient Rome, if one of the inseparable friends died, the other, not wanting to part with his friend, committed suicide. In our time, such idealism would probably not be understood. However, these days the number of suicides not only has not decreased, but has even increased. True, the reasons for suicide have become completely different. But whatever the reason for suicide, the consequences still turn out to be terrible in their hopelessness. The main reason for suicide is not so much a difficult life situation as a person’s ignorance of the consequences of suicide.

Almost all religious and spiritual-philosophical, especially esoteric, teachings speak about the inadmissibility of unauthorized death.

What is this categorical condemnation of suicide based on?

A person, voluntarily taking his own life, hopes for one thing - to put an end to all problems and moral torment once and for all. Because death, from the point of view of most people, is the absolute cessation of intelligent life, the extinction of consciousness, non-existence. But does this imaginary nothingness really exist? What is death really like? In the mysterious world of the afterlife, which one day awaits all of us, there is neither non-existence nor oblivion of everything and everyone that a suicide counts on.

Consciousness not only continues rational existence, but also reaps the karma of earthly life, that is, it enters the world of posthumous consequences of earthly thoughts and actions. A person who is burdened with difficult life circumstances will also suffer from problems that he could not solve in earthly life. Those who have passed into another world will feel their earthly problems there with even greater acuteness. But unlike the physical world, he will have practically no opportunity to correct anything - only a painful emotional reaction will remain to the scenes of dramatic episodes of life on Earth passing before his eyes. This is exactly what is said in the incomprehensible words of the Gospel: “Whatever you untie on Earth will be untied in heaven.”

It is possible to untie the knots of difficult karmic circumstances only on the physical plane! If, instead, a person leaves the physical world for another world of his own free will, the untied knots will torment him even more, tormenting his soul with hallucinatory memories that are perceived and experienced as acutely as real events during life on Earth.

The point is not only that the problems that led to such an end remain just as acute and torment the consciousness even more painfully. Suicide, in addition, is associated with a violation of the most important - a person’s life purpose and his life span on the earthly plane.

All people on Earth are born with a specific mission regarding their personal spiritual development. And if this spirit is talented and great, the mission may concern not only himself, but also many other people. even before his incarnation on Earth, he knows what this highest spiritual purpose is. But when clothed in a body, physical matter obscures the knowledge of the soul and the purpose of life is forgotten.

To fulfill his destiny, a person is given a certain period of earthly life and a corresponding amount of vital energy by karma itself. If someone leaves the physical world before the time allotted to him, he, accordingly, does not fulfill his destiny. In addition, the potential of the energy given to him for the entire period of his life also remains unrealized. And this means that the undone vital energy will attract the soul of the suicide to the physical plane for as many years as he was destined to live on Earth.

Posthumous captivity of suicide

In the event of a person’s natural death, his soul, as a rule, easily and painlessly breaks away from the physical plane and goes into the astral plane, full of enchanting music and bright colors. People are evidence of this. But in case of suicide, a person’s energy complex, due to unspent energy potential, turns out to be tied to the lower strata. It is in the lower, dark layers of the astral plane that, according to esoteric teachings, the souls of sinners are located. In religions these layers of the parallel world. Even if the suicide was a good person, he will not be able to escape the attraction of the lower, hellish layers. And therefore, if a person was destined to live, say, 70 years, and he committed suicide at 20, then for the remaining 50 years he will be a prisoner of the lower layers of the astral plane and will be doomed to a painful, painful wandering between this and the physical world.

Even in ancient times, it was noted that posthumous ones usually belong to suicides. This is explained by the fact that the astral bodies of suicides, not being able to go to higher layers of the astral world, often appear in the form of ghosts in those corners of the Earth where they made the fatal decision.

Another proof of the inadmissibility of voluntary suicide as an attempt to resolve a difficult life situation is the evidence of clairvoyants. Many clairvoyants immediately determine whether a person is alive or dead from his photograph. But in the case of a suicide, clairvoyants claim that they “do not see” the person either among the living or among the dead. How painful this condition can be is evidenced by people who experienced clinical death as a result of an unsuccessful suicide attempt and were brought back to life. It turns out that even such a short-term opportunity to look into the other world, which is provided to a person’s consciousness during clinical death, can already provide a lot of knowledge about posthumous existence. This is convincingly evidenced by modern studies of death and the posthumous existence of consciousness conducted by the doctor and other scientists.

One of Moody's patients, comatose as a result of a suicide attempt, said: “When I was there, I felt that two things were absolutely forbidden to me: killing myself or killing another person. If I commit suicide, I will throw his gift in God's face. By killing someone, I will break God’s commandment.” Here's what a woman who was brought back to life after taking a lethal dose of sleeping pills said: “I had a clear feeling that I had done something bad. Not according to the norms of society, but according to the highest commandments. I was so sure of this that I desperately wanted to return to my body and live.”

As Dr. Moody notes, patients' post-mortem experiences show that natural death is characterized by a sense of calm and a feeling of "That's right, this is the completion of my destiny." While suicide is characterized by mixed feelings, anxiety and a certain feeling that “this is wrong, I should go back and wait for my death.”

Dr. Moody's conclusions are also confirmed by the research of the Russian scientist from St. Petersburg K. Korotkov, who studied the phenomenon of death using the Kirlian effect, which allows one to observe the energetic state of the human body in the first hours and days after his death.

According to Korotkov’s observations, the posthumous states of people who died a natural death from old age and an unnatural death as a result of voluntary suicide have a different energetic nature. The scientist, for example, identified three types of glow in the fingers of people who died from different causes. This glow was recorded using high-frequency photography using the Kirlian method.

The first type of glow, characteristic of natural death, has a small amplitude of energy fluctuations. After a rise in energy in the first hours after death, a smooth and calm decline occurs. The second type of glow, characteristic of sudden death as a result of accidents, also has a small amplitude of energy fluctuations with the presence of one pronounced peak. The third type of glow is characteristic of death that occurred as a result of a combination of circumstances, but they could have been avoided under more favorable conditions. This type of glow is characterized by a large amplitude of energy fluctuations that occur over a long period of time. The same glow is characteristic of death resulting from an unnaturally interrupted life.

According to the St. Petersburg researcher, sharp rises and falls in energy in the body of a suicide are caused by the state of his energy double - the astral body, which prematurely lost its physical shell, was forcibly “pushed” from the physical plane into another world and is not able to begin a natural existence in the latter. To put it another way, the subtle body of a suicide literally rushes between the discarded physical shell and the astral plane, unable to find a way out.

Voices from the Underworld

There is another terrible secret in the phenomenon of suicide, relating to the other world. Many suicidal people saved by doctors claimed that the decision to commit suicide was prompted by certain “voices” from another world, in which they often recognized the voices of their deceased relatives. This kind of phenomenon serves as an indirect, and in other cases, a direct cause of suicide much more often than some may imagine. The voices of another world, processing the consciousness or subconscious of future suicides, of course, have nothing to do with deceased relatives and the light forces of the astral plane. They belong to a certain class of creatures, which the great medieval physician Paracelsus called elementals. Among them there are positive, and there are also harmful creatures. The latter hunt for people's vital energy, preferring not to extract energy themselves, but to steal it. At the moment of a person’s death, a huge amount of psychic energy is released into space, which can become coveted food for extramaterial vampires. It is with the goal of getting it that elementals often attach themselves to the aura of people who are in a stressed or depressed state and begin their mental processing, provoking the victim to commit suicide.

Psychics often identify such channels of communication with astral vampires in a person’s aura, calling these channels “bindings,” “connections.” Sometimes potential suicides are processed more subtly, on a subconscious level. In such cases, suicide is incited not by voices, but by obsessive thoughts with the same program of self-destruction. And, as a rule, people take these thoughts inspired from outside as their own desire.

The debate about whether a person can independently manage his life has ancient origins. Of course, a person’s free will can decide: “To be or not to be.” But in another world, no one will free someone who has decided to commit suicide from the natural consequences of a terrible decision.

The proud and passionate ancient Roman aristocrats considered the act of suicide a sign of strong will, but they were not always right. Suicide can be different both for its reasons and for the consequences that it brings to the human soul. The suicide of a warrior who did not want to surrender alive to the enemy, so as not to hand over his comrades under torture, is one thing, but the suicide of a person trying to escape from solving life’s problems is completely different.

True aristocracy of spirit lies not in the desire to avoid mental suffering, but in the ability to courageously accept and endure it. In addition, ancient wisdom says: every person experiences in life exactly as much suffering as he can bear - no more. There are no circumstances that human will and reason cannot overcome. And if he is destined to die, then it is better to do it as a warrior, a fighter on the battlefield, and not as a weak-willed victim of circumstances.

Thoughts of suicide! Many people have had this thought at least once - unrequited love, constant problems, lack of money, loans, lack of desire to live, these are often the main reasons for the occurrence of so-called stupid thoughts about suicide and the futility of life
All problems are always solvable. There are NO hopeless situations and they don’t send us anything that we cannot overcome. And to give in with your paws up is Cowardice (cowardice is one of the most serious vices)
If you are having these types of suicidal thoughts, then you need to deal with it. The fact that now this seems like a way out for you is your worst MISTAKE.
Think about what you will achieve with this You will solve your problems NO, your love will reproach yourself for killing yourself through it NO your love will forget about you, Your loans will evaporate on their own NO they will be repaid by your relatives And where can they get money Also climb in a loop? If a dear person has died and you want to get to him in order to be reunited with him, NO, you will never get to where his soul is. You have different paths.
You didn’t ask yourself what will happen AFTER, after you “resolve your issue with moving”
What will happen to your family and friends, what will happen to those unresolved issues that you left Running away with your tail between your legs. Who will decide them?
What will happen to your parents, Mother, what will happen to your children, if any, or most importantly, what will happen to YOU.
You won't fly down a long corridor towards the light. You are dooming yourself to even worse eternal torment and suffering. You will never find peace for yourself, not in heaven, not on earth, not underground. You are condemning yourself to eternal ordeal and torture.
If the souls of people who died naturally experience relief and even joy in that world, then your soul of suicide, once in that world, will experience confusion and suffering
You will not be buried according to the customs of your religion. You will be buried like a dog behind a cemetery fence. You will be forever tied to the earth.
And your relatives and descendants, even indirect relatives, will forever pay for your sin. By committing the sin of suicide, you doom your family to destruction by the time you die.
You can often find families in which suicides occur periodically in the family, especially if the first one was a hanged man. In general, it does not matter. Even one such case in the family can destroy the rest of the generation.

Suicides commit suicide in order to “end everything,” but it turns out that everything is just beginning for them, suicide is very severely punished. And it is not true that the Lord, in His mercy, will forgive your lost son. You will not be forgiven, “for you are cursed before God.” everyone who is hanged and takes his own life"
"But he who endures to the end will be saved"
I often hear that a suicidal person has a “special place in Hell”
Yes, there is such a thing: What a suicidal person experiences in the last seconds is something you wouldn’t wish even on your enemy. Due to strong emotions that arose at the last moment, increased adrenaline and a large release of energy and the struggle for life in the last seconds, the soul becomes attached to the place in which all this happened. The soul left the body, and the person himself, at the last moment, wished to survive - thus creating a vicious circle. The circle from the moment the suicide begins to its completion.
This is the "special place in Hell"- The soul of a suicide will relive its murder again and again every day. She is doomed to spend a very long time in this “their own Hell.”
Sadness, pain, fear, resentment, horror and despair remain for a long time in the place where suicide was committed. Almost all people feel these places. Having come to such a place, people often have the same feelings - inexplicable sadness, apprehension - fear, pain in the heart, fear to the point of goosebumps and despair. These emotions arise spontaneously and are not controlled due to the most important instinct - the instinct of self-preservation.
The most common methods of suicide - rope, razor and bath, head shot, jumping into water with a stone around the neck, medicine, jumping under a vehicle, jumping from a height, etc.
You know!!! You won't look beautiful like in the movies Your muscles will relax after death And you will hang or lie in your excrement If you choose water Your body will swell and turn blue Will take on a blue-green-yellow color That's how "beautiful" death is And not what is shown on the screen
Well, do suicidal people still have the desire to commit the greatest and longest stupidity of their lives? I sincerely hope that NO!

If you have stupid, from your point of view, thoughts while walking, then mentally cross yourself and say: “I’m going about my business! Stupid thoughts, I won’t give you free rein! Let it be so. Amen!» Read the Lord's Prayer three times
When you cross the first intersection from your house, throw a coin of any denomination over your left shoulder, saying: “Paid in full!” Leave without looking back.
This coming Sunday, visit the church and light candles there for your health and that of your enemies.

If unexpectedly, on its own, some criminal idea or other stupid thought comes to mind, then you need to say as quickly as possible, making the sign of the cross:“Lord, forgive and have mercy on me (your name), a sinner! Let it be so. Amen!"

Seek help from psychologists, but only those about whom you have heard good reviews. Talk to someone about your problem.
There is a way out of any situation Any situation can be solved For the Lord does not send us tests that we cannot pass And our pride is our weakness

Voluntary taking of one's own life, even if it represents an escape from suffering, has always been perceived as a GREAT sin, which the Church on earth can no longer forgive, for every sin is forgiven only with repentance.
Let me remind you that the first person to find himself in paradise with the Lord was a thief who repented on the cross just before his death: “And Jesus said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

A suicide is a criminal before God and his Soul, no matter how he justifies his act. With his own hands, succumbing to his own weaknesses, he cast his soul into hell. By his action he went against God and his own Soul. Only God determines when a person is born and dies.

Do not deprive yourself of the greatest gift God has given you.