When to take clenbuterol pre-workout or post-workout. Clenbuterol tablets - how to take for drying and fat burning. Scheme of taking clenbuterol on the course of drying

You can get a beautiful and slender figure not only through diets and performing physical complexes.

You can achieve the desired effect with the help of a medication such as Clenbuterol. This drug has significant advantages over other similar drugs.

"Clenbuterol" is a medicine designed to treat bronchial asthma and lung diseases.

This drug affects the nervous system, because of this, substances such as norepinephrine and adrenaline begin to be released in the human body. Thanks to this, a fat burning effect can be observed.

The use of the drug increases the metabolism in the body by about 20-30%.

Therefore, it was first used in Hollywood to shape the athletic build of stars, then it spread all over the world.

"Clenbuterol" does not apply to anabolic steroids, but is an adrenomimetic.

Another one the peculiarity of "Clenbuterol" is that thanks to it muscles are not destroyed, and this is very important when drying and losing weight.

Also, the drug helps to facilitate the respiratory process and is characterized by fewer negative effects on the cardiovascular system.

Its purchase is possible in pharmacy chains, but only by prescription.

What effect does Clenbuterol have on the body when losing weight

"Clenbuterol" has a complex effect on the body. With the help of it, an increase in body temperature occurs, stimulating the breakdown of fats.

At the same time, the effect of this drug on the hormonal background is observed, contributing to the increased release of certain hormones that accelerate the process of losing excess weight, while the initial results are noticeable after a minimum time.

Since the drug helps to increase metabolism by up to 30%, the process of losing excess weight becomes less difficult for the person himself. After some time, you can observe a decrease in appetite.

The drug also affects the centers responsible for body fat, therefore, even after the drug is discontinued, the body will not leave an unwanted fat reserve.

Athletes often take Clenbuterol, as it does not have devastating effects on muscles. Recently, ordinary people have also joined them, losing weight with this drug is easy, and it does not have an undesirable effect on the body.

"Clenbuterol": instructions for use for weight loss (tablets)

"Clenbuterol" is a very serious medicine, which is why it is necessary to study the instructions for use for weight loss . Tablets and syrup are the main forms of release of this remedy.

Syrup is not suitable for weight loss due to the content of a huge amount of sugar in it, which can lead to problems with the liver and pancreas. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the tablet form.

The selection of the dosage of the drug should occur individually, all information on this subject is in the instructions for use.

Important to remember! The determination of the daily dose depends on the gender of the person who is losing weight. For the best effect, men need more medication than women.

In order for weight loss to occur productively, it is necessary to take the drug first at 20 mg, and then increase this dose by the same amount daily, and thus until the sixth day comes.

The last dose consumed per day (120 mg) will help increase metabolism, activate hormonal production so that fat is burned more intensively.

When taking Clenbuterol, the instructions for use for weight loss (pills on sale with it) must be followed by you, otherwise there will be no effect.

When taking Clenbuterol, you should adhere to these rules:

  • On the sixth day of the course of taking the remedy, the daily dosage is 120 mg, which should be kept until day 12, after which the procedure is reversed with a reduction in dosage by 40 mcg;
  • "Clenbuterol": instructions for use for weight loss (tablets) recommend taking the medication 2 hours after eating, or 30 minutes before it;
  • Plentiful drinking is required after taking the medication;
  • If the indicator exceeds 50 mcg, it is advisable to take this dose in two approaches - strictly at the same time period;
  • For weight loss and therapeutic effect, the remedy does not tolerate combination with alcohol.
  • In a situation of occurrence of side effects, it is recommended to stop taking the medicine and introduce its replacement.

When using Clenbuterol for weight loss, the instructions for use warn that the tablets should not be used together with a number of drugs.

Otherwise, you may expect side effects, complications, which include problems not only with the lack of weight loss results, but also with your body.

Among the additional prohibited means when taking Clenbuterol:

Note! The duration of the use of "Clenbuterol" is 2 weeks, after which a break of 14 days is necessary. This is due to the ability of the drug to provoke an addictive effect.

What results to expect after the course of "Clenbuterol"

Clenbuterol works great as a fat burner, but this is provided that the necessary nutrition and training have been observed. Without this, the drug will not help excess fat disappear.

For 2 weeks of using the medication, you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight, but this figure is conditional. The loss of kilograms largely depends on the individual characteristics of each person.

"Clenbuterol": contraindications and side effects

"Clenbuterol": instructions for the use of diet pills contain a number of side effects and contraindications, because of which the drug is not always possible. All of them are presented in the table below.

Contraindications of the drug "Clenbuterol": instructions for use (tablets) warns

Side effects of Clenbuterol

ThyrotoxicosisTremor and convulsions (in 20% of cases)
Increased heart rateSweating (in 10% of cases)
Idiopathic, hypertrophic, subaortic stenosisInsomnia and anxiety (in 7% of cases)
Myocardial infarction in the acute phaseTachycardia, increased blood pressure (in 6% of cases)
Ischemic disease in severe formDiarrhea (in 5% of cases)
HypersensitivityNausea (in 3% of cases)
The period of gestation (provokes uterine tone)Dry mouth
allergic rashes

With an overdose of "Clenbuterol" (instructions for use also notes this) - diet pills, there will be an increase in side effects.

Opinions of experts about "Clenbuterol"

Experts agree that Clenbuterol really helps only if you have an active life position, a balanced diet and physical activity.

But without consulting a doctor, the use of this medication is not recommended, after all, this is a medicine, and improper use can result in serious consequences or even death.

It is also undesirable to do a sharp withdrawal of the drug, because a "rebound syndrome" may occur.

Where to buy "Clenbuterol" (tablets), price

You can buy "Clenbuterol" in tablets in any pharmacy chains. Prices vary depending on the city where the pharmacies are located: from 330 to 1960 rubles.

In the capital, the highest prices: from 450 to 1960 rubles. In other cities: from 300 to 500 rubles.

Buying Clenbuterol is also possible through online pharmacies, but in this case it is better to purchase it on specialized resources so as not to get a fake. The seller must have all the necessary documents and quality certificates.

Note! The country of manufacture of this medication cannot be the United States, so it is necessary to be wary of drugs with the inscription: "Made in the USA."

"Clenbuterol" is not only a remedy for asthma, but also useful for those who want to lose weight. But it only works if the person who is losing weight is additionally engaged in physical activity and eats right.

Like any medicine "Clenbuterol" has negative effects and limitations, so it should be treated with caution.. Otherwise, instead of a toned body, you can earn serious complications.

This video will acquaint you with the drug "Clenbuterol", instructions for the use of this tool for weight loss, tell a review about these pills.

From this video you will learn how to drink the Clenbuterol course for a beautiful figure.

19.06.2019 07:38

Clenbuterol is a sports nutrition supplement that is actively used in bodybuilding for "drying" the body. It was originally developed as a remedy for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Recently, it has become increasingly popular due to its strongly pronounced action aimed at losing weight and burning excess fat with practically no side effects.


According to its action, it belongs to adrenomimetics, i.e. to drugs that trigger the body's natural fat burning processes. The mechanism of action of clenbuterol for weight loss is to use the athlete's own body reserves. Excess fat deposits go away due to the activation of lipolysis - enhanced processing of subcutaneous fat for energy.

The main component of the drug is clenbuterol hydrochloride. It does not belong in its action to anabolic steroids, that is, it is not prohibited. In addition to fat burning, the drug affects the body as follows:

  • It speeds up the metabolism, which also has a positive effect on the process of weight loss.
  • It suppresses catabolism, that is, it prevents the body from burning muscles during intense training. And although the effect of clenbuterol as an anti-catabolic is insignificant, it should not be taken into account at all.
  • The drug is useful for endurance, strength indicators, improves mood, which makes it possible to train with greater impact.
  • Tightens the stomach, allows you to highlight the relief as much as possible.
  • Reduces appetite, helps to keep a diet.

Clenbuterol has practically no negative effect on the body and it is possible to purchase it without a prescription.


The main active ingredient is clenbuterol hydrochloride. The concentration in tablets can vary from 20 to 60 mcg depending on the manufacturers. Most often, tablets are available in a dosage of 40 mg. In addition to the active substance, the composition includes gelatin and maltodextrin, which perform auxiliary functions. Also available in syrup form. However, since sugar is included in the composition of the syrup, this form of release is not recommended for a bodybuilder, and the effect of its use is lower.


There are quite a few manufacturers of clenbuterol for weight loss. At the same time, the composition and action of the drug are almost identical. The choice of brand is largely influenced by the personal preferences of the athlete. The most famous manufacturers are:

Application in bodybuilding

So, let's take a closer look at what helps clenbuterol when used as a sports nutrition supplement. Its main advantage is to help with the "drying" of the athlete. It is used as a fat burner before competitions. However, it is worth noting that in bodybuilding it is considered doping and traces of its use can be detected in the body within two to three weeks.

This is not a hormonal drug, which means it is suitable for weight loss for both men and girls. The main condition for achieving a great effect is the combination with proper nutrition and intensive training.

Despite the fact that some athletes use clenbuterol solo, it is recommended to combine it with drugs that can enhance its properties, or prevent the body from getting used to the active substance. There are many recipes for such a combined technique, and we will consider them below.


The effect of the drug will be much more noticeable if it is combined with a training system. This is the fat burner that works on its own and the effect of its combination with sports will be stunning. How to train for "drying" each athlete decides for himself based on the characteristics of the body. However, general training requirements include adding cardio to strength training, as well as increasing the number of repetitions by reducing the working weight.


Dieting while losing weight is a fundamental point in the process of losing weight. The body must receive enough calories to not burn muscle, but not enough to accumulate and maintain body fat. Clenbuterol helps in this moment, as it activates the burning of fat in the athlete's body and prevents the burning of muscle tissue.
The combination of proper nutrition during drying with taking the drug and exhausting power loads allows you to achieve a relief body in the shortest possible time.

Instructions for use (drying course)

The course for taking clenbuterol for weight loss is a maximum of two weeks. After this period, the body gets used to the action of the drug and it is necessary to take a break between courses of at least two weeks. During this period, it is necessary to take Ketotifen for the fastest weaning from the active substance. Without Ketotifen, the break should be longer, up to two or three months, so the body will restore sensitivity to the components of the drug only for such a long time.

The regimen for taking clenbuterol for men involves a stepwise increase in dosage. So on the first day, half a tablet (20 micrograms of a substance) is taken, on the second 40 micrograms, on the third 60 micrograms, and so on up to a dosage of 100-120 micrograms. In the last two days, the dosage is also reduced stepwise.

The scheme for women is drawn up according to a similar principle and is in the instructions for the use of the drug, however, the average dosage for the drying course will be less - 80-100 mcg per day.
The most common questions that arise when taking clenbuterol:

  • How many days to drink the drug for maximum effect? As already mentioned above, after two weeks the body begins to get used to it and the effectiveness of clenbuterol decreases. However, there are methods of taking the drug in conjunction with Ketotifen. With this scheme, effective weight loss is possible within four weeks. Then you also need to take a break.
  • How many tablets to drink for drying? You need to understand that the dosages of Clenbuterol are individual. Depend on the gender, weight and physical condition of the athlete. The dosage for weight loss in men is on average 100-120 mcg (or 2.5 - 3 tablets). For women, 80-100 mcg (2-2.5, respectively). With severe side effects, clenbuterol intake should be limited or stopped altogether and consult a doctor for advice on the indication for the use of the drug.
  • What is a 2 by 2 pattern? This is a pulse rate in which two days of intake are followed by two days of rest. However, the effectiveness of such a program in terms of burning fat is lower than that of the standard scheme.

With what to combine?

In addition to the solo, there are several fundamentally different combined schemes for the use of the drug.

1. Clenbuterol + Ketotifen. The essence of the method is that Ketotifen does not allow the receptors responsible for fat burning to lose sensitivity. The general scheme looks like this:

  • Day 1: 20 mcg;
  • Day 2: 40 mcg;
  • Day 3: 60 mcg;
  • Day 4: 80 mcg;
  • Day 5: 100 mcg;
  • Day 6-27: 120 mcg + 2 mg Ketotifen at night;
  • Day 28: 80 mcg + 2 mg Ketotifen at night;
  • Day 29: 60mcg + 1-2mg Ketotifen at night;
  • Day 30: 40mcg + 1mg Ketotifen at night.

2. Clenbuterol + Yohimbine. Yohimbine is able to significantly increase the effect of the course. It blocks the action of receptors that cause the athlete's body to accumulate fat in the body under certain conditions. Thus, we get a double effect - on the one hand, new fat deposits are not formed, on the other hand, existing ones are intensively processed.

The regimen for taking Yohimbine is simple - 2.5-5 mg three times a day with meals. Clenbuterol is taken in the same way as in the solo regimen. Continue the course for two weeks, then take a break.

3. Clenbuterol + Winstrol (Stanozolol). Winstrol belongs to the group of steroid anabolics. The joint course is aimed at both losing weight and gaining muscle mass. The regimen involves taking 4-5 tablets (40-50 mg) of Winstrol per day for 45 days. Clenbuterol is taken starting from the 8th day of the course. From days 8 to 11, the dosage is 20 mcg, on days 12-23 - 40 mcg, from 24 to 36 days, 80 mcg.

4. Clenbuterol + Turinabol. Turinabol is also a steroid, but unlike Winistrol, it is more suitable for beginners and amateurs. It allows you to quickly gain dry muscle mass, increase strength and endurance, and the combination with clenbuterol gives the muscles a relief shape and does not allow you to gain fat. The total duration of the course is 10 weeks.

Turinabol is taken starting from the first day, two tablets, gradually increasing the dosage to 4 (40 mg) tablets by the third week. This is followed by a decrease to 2 (20 mg) tablets in the fifth week and the termination of the drug by its end. Clenbuterol is taken in courses of two weeks with a two-week break, similar to taking solo. Thus, in 10 weeks, three cycles of taking the drug pass.

5. Clenbuterol + Testosterone Propionate. Another option for combining with an anabolic steroid. Propionate is also suitable for beginners to use. Available in the form of injections. Reception scheme:

  • 1 - 28 days: Clenbuterol - according to the standard regimen.
  • 1 - 40 days: Testosterone propionate 100 mg / time in 2 days.
  • Day 14 - 28: Ketotifen - according to the standard regimen.
  • Day 43-68: Clenbuterol - according to the standard regimen.
  • Day 49 - 68: Ketotifen - according to the standard regimen.

Post-course therapy includes the use of Clomid for three weeks with a gradual decrease in dosage from 150 mg to 25 mg per day.
It is worth noting that the course will be effective only if you follow a diet and intense exercise. By themselves, steroid drugs do not give the desired effect.

6. Clenbuterol + Oxandrolone. Oxandrolone is a mild steroid and can be used by both men and women. At the same time, it must be understood that, although the effect of its use may be less than that of more rigid analogues, the harmful effect on the athlete's health is much less. The combination with Clenbuterol allows you not to gain extra pounds during training and increases the effectiveness of the course. The dosage of oxandrolone is increased from 20 mg per day to 40 mg in the third week, then reduced back to 20 mg in the fifth, last week of administration.

7. Clenbuterol + L-carnitine. The addition of l-carnitine significantly speeds up the metabolic processes. As a result, the effect of the drug is greatly enhanced, because the processes of burning fat will now proceed much faster. In addition, the complex makes it possible to train much more efficiently due to the increased amount of energy. L-carnitine is also practically harmless to the body. This combination will allow you to achieve greater results in a short time.

8. Clenbuterol and Thyroxine. Thyroxine, also known as T4, is one of the main hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Together with yohimbine, it is one of the most powerful complexes for relief.
For convenience, we introduce the concept of a unit of reception of a complex. It includes:

  • Clenbuterol - 40 mcg;
  • Thyroxine - 25 mcg;
  • Yohimbine - 5 mg.

The number of course components is a multiple of their release forms. It is possible to take the complex without yohimbine, but the result will be lower. The dosages of the remaining two drugs will remain the same.

  • day 1-3: 1 unit
  • day 4-6: 1.5 units
  • day 7-9: 1 unit in the morning, 1 unit. after lunch.
  • day 10-12: 1.5 units
  • day 13-15: 1 unit
  • day 16-19: 0.5 units.
  • day 20-21: 0.25 units
  • Total 23.5 units.

The break between courses should be at least three weeks. Think carefully before applying such a radical course, since the use of the T4 hormone can disrupt the natural secretion in the body and lead to the fact that you will have to use hormonal drugs for the rest of your life.

Admission results

It is considered a good result for 2 weeks of taking weight loss by 4-8 kilograms. The effectiveness of taking the drug varies greatly depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the training regimen, and the initial form. However, if your weight loss results are lower, then do not despair, because the drug acts differently on different people.

Once again, it should be noted that the drug is not a "magic pill" that can solve problems with excess weight without any effort. For weight loss, clenbuterol must be combined with a proper diet. It is not so important with which one, the main thing is that it be effective. In addition, exhausting physical activity will allow the drug to reveal itself as much as possible in its action and make it possible to show maximum results. According to the reviews of people who took clenbuterol, it is possible to lose up to 10 extra pounds after completing one course of the drug.


Clenbuterol has the following analogues:

  • Azmaril;
  • Asthmopent;
  • Berodual;
  • threw;
  • Duolin;
  • Serobit;
  • Flutisal.

It is worth noting that if you are looking for something to replace clenbuterol, then you need to consider that similar drugs can be significantly inferior in their action, despite a similar effect.

Side effects

Clenbuterol has a number of side effects that can occur even when the dosage is observed and are aggravated by an overdose of the drug. Most often, they are noticeable in the first week of the course, while the body adapts to the action of the remedy. In the future, the drug does not in most cases cause any harm to the health of the athlete.

The most common negative side effects are:

  • tremor tremor in the limbs, palpitations;
  • high sweating;
  • sleep problems;
  • anxiety, panic;
  • a slight increase in pressure;
  • stool disorders - diarrhea;
  • nausea.

Does not have a harmful effect on the liver. With long-term use of clenbuterol, it can affect the heart, especially if taken together with alcohol. The effects of this technique include tachycardia and some other heart ailments.
Since Clenbuterol increases the secretion of thyroid hormones, this can lead to premature thyroid wear and malfunctions.
Due to the effect on the nervous system, it is not necessary to take the drug in the afternoon, as this may cause problems with sleep.

Alcohol compatibility

Taking the drug together with alcohol is better to exclude. Clenbuterol, like alcohol, loads the cardiovascular system. Their combined influence can negatively affect the work of the heart, cause an increased heartbeat, or nausea. In addition, alcohol destroys muscle fibers, which reduces the beneficial effect of the drug to zero.

Banned in Russia or not?

Clenbuterol is not banned in Russia, it can be purchased absolutely legally at a pharmacy or in sports nutrition stores.

Why is it sold by prescription?

One of the most common questions about a drug is whether you need a prescription to buy it. Needed at the moment. The reason lies in the large number of side effects associated with its use.

In our online store you can buy clenbuterol without a prescription.

The composition of 1 ml of syrup includes the following components:

  • clenbuterol hydrochloride – 1 µg;
  • sorbitol - 280 mg;
  • - 200 mg;
  • propylene glycol - 100 mg;
  • citric acid monohydrate - 7 mg;
  • sodium citrate dihydrate - 5.8 mg;
  • ethanol solution with a concentration of 96% - 5 mg;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.45 mg;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.05 mg;
  • butyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.05 mg;
  • sodium benzoate - 1.2 mg;
  • raspberry essence in liquid form - 0.45 mg;
  • purified water up to 1 ml.

Release form

  • In a pharmacy, Clenbuterol from the Balkan company is sold in the form of a transparent and slightly viscous syrup, which has a light yellow color with a characteristic raspberry smell. This form of the drug is packaged in dark glass (or dark polyethylene terephthalate) vials of 100 ml. The carton box contains 1 vial with a pharmaceutical preparation, a measuring cup and a spoon as a set.
  • You can also find Vermoge products in the form tablets with the trade name Clenbuterol Ver. But this form of pharmaceutical agent has not gained wide popularity due to the unreasonably high price.

pharmachologic effect

Clenbuterol is an active drug based on the same name. selective beta2-agonist - a biologically active component that stimulates the corresponding receptors of the human body, located mainly in the bronchial tree of the respiratory system.

Mechanism of action does not differ in particular biochemical complexity, it can be represented as several successive reactions. In response to the local ingress of the constituent components of the pharmaceutical preparation into the bronchial lumen, a cycle is activated secondary messengers : Adenylate cyclase - cAMP - Protinkinase A. Further, the effects of Clenbuterol extend to myosin, localized in smooth muscle fibers, which, interacting with actin, leads to relaxation of the bronchi. Thus, the pathological narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory tube is stopped during attacks of bronchial asthma or in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

Clenbuterol also affects secretory function respiratory system. As is known, the inflammatory response or other pathological mechanisms are closely related to the release of the corresponding biological mediators or other active substances that contribute to the development of bronchospasm. The therapeutic effects of the drug slow down their release, which is manifested in the elimination of congestion, reduction of edema and normalization mucociliary clearance .

It should be noted that Clenbuterol is also used in sports medicine , in particular, the pharmaceutical preparation has found wide application in bodybuilders. The active ingredients of the drug have anabolic effects like natural or artificial , however, they manifest them with less force. Therefore, cough syrup can be used as a fat burner when drying in order to increase the muscular relief of the body. The visual effects of using a pharmaceutical drug are comparable to an incredibly long low-calorie diet.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is used enterally , after which it is completely absorbed from the digestive tube. Clenbuterol begins to act 10-15 minutes after oral administration, and the maximum therapeutic properties appear after 2-3 hours. The active components of the pharmaceutical preparation are metabolized in the liver. 78 percent of metabolic products are excreted in the urine. The rest of the metabolites are eliminated with bile into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


  • increased individual sensitivity to the constituent components of the medicinal product;
  • and tachyarrhythmia;
  • severe forms of coronary heart disease;
  • acquired or hereditary intolerance biologically active substances Clenbuterol;
  • idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic aortic stenosis;
  • acute period .

Also, when prescribing a pharmaceutical preparation, non-absolute contraindications should be taken into account, in the presence of which it is recommended to conduct a course of conservative sanitation in therapeutic departments under the supervision of medical personnel and mandatory clinical trials:

  • chronic ischemic heart disease;
  • pronounced ;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • having or being prone to ;
  • heart defects:
  • other dangerous diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Side effects of Clenbuterol

Side effects of a pharmaceutical drug affect many organs and systems, since after absorption, the active ingredients are carried by the main bloodstream. May be observed:

  • From the side of the cardiovascular system - tachycardia and other types of palpitations up to subjective sensations, increased , extrasystole, pain in the heart muscle.
  • From the side of the nervous system - and dizziness, anxiety, insomnia and other types of sleep disturbance, fingers when performing a deliberate motor act (for example, when conducting a finger-nose test).
  • Gastrointestinal tract - dry mouth, diffuse abdominal pain , nausea and subsequent vomiting.
  • Local and generalized allergic reactions - , skin rash, acute localized , pathological short-term narrowing of the bronchial lumen.
  • From other systems of organs and tissues - muscle spasms and convulsions, intense blood flow to the face (well-marked rosy cheeks), increased sweating, hypokalemia and, as a result, muscle pain, characterized by patients as “body aches”.

Of particular note is the development muscle cramps when using Clenbuterol by bodybuilders, since the dosages of the pharmaceutical drug in sports are significantly higher than therapeutic ones. This side effect is due to the depletion of endogenous reserves taurine , deficiency of sodium and potassium electrolytes, general insufficiency of water-salt metabolism. To ease muscle cramps, the following dietary changes are recommended:

  • eating plenty of fruits (especially bananas, as they contain a lot of potassium);
  • plentiful drink;
  • additional inclusion in the amount of 3-5 grams per day;
  • potassium supplement tablets daily at bedtime on an empty stomach (at least 200-400 mg).

Syrup Clenbuterol, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for Clenbuterol for therapeutic purposes

The syrup is intended to be used enterally inside. Optimal dosage for the adult category of patients is 15 ml 2-3 times a day at the beginning of conservative therapy with a pharmaceutical preparation. Further, after the elimination of the main symptoms of bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a maintenance dosage of 10 ml is applied 2 times a day.

Duration conservative rehabilitation is 8-10 weeks, however, the drug should be taken according to a special scheme in view of the anabolic properties of the active ingredients. The course consists of 2 weeks of continuous use and 2 weeks of “rest”, when the syrup is not used, alternately, until the attending physician deems it necessary to stop further use of the syrup.

Clenbuterol can also be used in pediatric practice. Dosage for children depends on age and body weight and is the following figures:

  • children under 8 months weighing 4-8 kg - 2.5 ml 2 times a day;
  • from 8 months to 2 years (weighing about 8-12 kg) - 5 ml 2 times a day;
  • age category from 2 to 4 years (12-16 kg) - 7.5 ml 2 times a day;
  • children from 4 to 6 years old and weighing within 16-22 kg - 10 ml 2 times a day;
  • from 6 to 12 years (22-35 kg) - 15 ml 2 times a day;
  • children over 12 years old and weighing more than 35 kg - 15 ml 2-3 times a day.

Instructions for use in bodybuilding

Drying the body - a slang expression that has recently been used not only in professional sports or bodybuilding, but is also found everywhere in gyms or among young people. sportswiki explains this neologism as getting rid of subcutaneous fatty tissue in order to give the body a “turned” muscular relief. The ultimate goal of drying is a dry, toned look, and not just getting rid of extra pounds.

In order to achieve the desired results, in addition to physical exercises, the following can be used: sports nutrition or pharmaceuticals , accelerating metabolism and including much more fats in metabolic processes than normal. So, for example, sportsmen and other thematic sites talk about Clenbuterol as an optimal drug with a small list of possible side effects and a clearly visible positive effect on the athlete's body.

The course of Clenbuterol for drying

The dosage of the pharmaceutical preparation is indicated in mcg, which corresponds to the dry residue of the active components of the syrup, which must be calculated independently or with the help of qualified specialists. It is strictly forbidden to equate the weight and volume parts of the medicinal product.

Scheme how to drink Clenbuterol for drying:

  • 1 day - 20 mcg;
  • Day 2 - 40 mcg;
  • Day 3 - 60 mcg;
  • Day 4 - 80 mcg;
  • Day 5 - 100 mcg;
  • 6-12 days - 120 mcg;
  • Day 13 - 80 mcg;
  • Day 14 - 40 mcg.

Next, you need to do at least two week break before the next course of taking a pharmaceutical preparation. The optimal time for taking the syrup for drying in morning hours , since the absorption capacity of organisms is higher. In addition, in this way, the possible development of insomnia can be avoided.

How to improve the effectiveness of the course

Clenbuterol is a strong anabolic pharmaceutical drug, however, it takes some time for the development of effects noticeable to the naked eye. Depending on individual susceptibility, several drying courses may be required. Because experienced bodybuilders It is recommended to take it simultaneously with some other drugs and sports nutrition elements. First of all, muscle relief will be noticeable much earlier in this case, and on the other hand, there are pharmaceutical preparations that can minimize the risk of side effects.

So, for example, drying can be presented as a course of Clenbuterol + Yohimbine + Ketotifen. The first component is used based on its anabolic effects, that is, directly satisfying the desire to use up subcutaneous fat and achieve the desired figure and muscle relief. Why is used described below. Yohimbine , in turn, is a plant alkaloid with a pronounced stimulating effect. For therapeutic purposes, it is used as aphrodisiac to restore erectile dysfunction. Yohimbine is used by bodybuilders to increase the effect of anabolic steroids and prevent sexual problems.

How to take Clenbuterol and Ketotifen

Ketotifen is a pharmaceutical drug that is often used in bodybuilding. Its active ingredients have almost unique therapeutic properties - they allow restore the sensitivity of andrenoreceptors to anabolic drugs and Clenbuterol in particular. This ability of the drug has been repeatedly proven in clinical studies. With the help of Ketotifen, it is possible by 10-20 percent increase efficiency conservative course and greatly accelerate the process of drying or losing weight. Another positive property of the drug is the ability to compensate for such adverse effects as mental arousal, disturbances in the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, and some others.

  • 1 day - 20 mg Clenbuterol;
  • Day 2 - 40 mcg of Clenbuterol;
  • Day 3 - 60 mcg of Clenbuterol;
  • Day 4 - 80 mcg of Clenbuterol;
  • Day 5 - 100 mcg of Clenbuterol and 1 mg of Ketotifen;
  • 6-27 days - 120 mcg of Clenbuterol and 2 mg of Ketotifen;
  • Day 28 - 80 mcg of Clenbuterol and 2 mg of Ketotifen;
  • Day 29 - 50 mcg of Clenbuterol and 1-2 mg of Ketotifen, depending on the subjective feeling;
  • Day 30 - 33-35 mcg of Clenbuterol and 1 mg of Ketotifen.

It is preferable to use Clenbuterol in the morning and Ketotifen at night before bed. The break before the next course of pharmaceuticals should be at least two weeks.

How to take Clenbuterol + Yohimbine + Thyroxine

The high efficiency of this complex is due to the inclusion in it - This thyroid hormone which is normally produced in a healthy body. For drying, it is used for two reasons - first of all, thyroxine is active physiological fat burner capable of independently accelerating metabolism and starting the corresponding metabolic processes. Secondly, its effects extend to adrenergic receptors through which Clenbuterol and Yohimbine act, that is, thyroxin indirectly strengthens the influence other fat burners on metabolism. Thus, optimal biochemical conditions are created for quickly getting rid of excess kilograms.

1 operating unit of the complex is:

  • Clenbuterol 40 mg (syrup should be calculated on the dry residue);
  • Thyroxine - 25 mcg;
  • Yohimbine - 5 mg.
  • 1-3 days - 1 unit;
  • 4-6 days - 1.5 units;
  • 7-9 days - 1 unit in the morning and 1 unit in the afternoon;
  • 10-12 days - 1.5 units;
  • 13-15 days - 1 unit;
  • 16-19 days - 0.5 units;
  • 20-21 days - 0.25 units.

Next, you should take a break of at least 3-4 weeks, after which you can repeat the course according to the same scheme. It is recommended to take pharmaceuticals 30 minutes before breakfast with a small amount of ordinary drinking water.

With the development side effects , such as a feverish condition, you should consult a doctor or trainer. It is also necessary to carry out prophylactic administration of 1-2 mg Ketotifen after noon. To avoid possible heart problems and reduce the frequency of myocardial contractions, it is necessary to use beta-blockers - 50 mg 2 times a day.

Is Clenbuterol banned or not in sports?

In addition to external effects associated with a decrease in body fat, the pharmaceutical drug increases the body's performance and, to some extent, increases strength. Therefore, since 1992, the Anti-Doping Committee has banned the use of this drug by professional athletes. However, among bodybuilders at the amateur level, Clenbuterol remains popular to this day, since its effects are clearly visible after completing the appropriate course.


It is imperative to consult how to take Clenbuterol for drying, for weight loss or for therapeutic purposes in the presence of an active pathological process with the appropriate qualified specialists or pharmacists, as the drug can cause an overdose condition characterized by the following symptoms:

  • cardiopalmus ;
  • disturbances in the rhythm of cardiac activity;
  • hypokalemia;
  • arterial hypertension (up to hypertensive crises);
  • cardialgia;
  • trembling of the upper and lower extremities.

There is no pharmaceutical antidote for Clenbuterol, therefore, in case of drug overdose, symptomatic And detoxification therapy. First of all, if the above symptoms are observed, the upper gastrointestinal tract should be cleansed of active chemical components by all possible means (gastric lavage, oral sorbents, and so on). Next, you should restore the disturbed metabolic properties of the body, for which, as a rule, water-salt solutions are used. Well, in case of an overdose, you must definitely consult your doctor.


The drug has a very wide list of clinical interactions, which must be taken into account when Clenbuterol is used for drying or for therapeutic purposes:

  • in combination with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO) and disrupts the conduction of impulses in the heart muscle;
  • antagonism (opposite direction) with beta-blockers ;
  • increases the possibility of developing arrhythmic conditions when taking cardiac glycosides ;
  • hypoglycemic agents significantly lose in therapeutic efficacy, respectively, an increase in dosages is required at the time of the course of Clenbuterol;
  • in combination with sympathomimetics the intrinsic toxicity of the active components of the pharmaceutical preparation increases.

Terms of sale

You can buy Clenbuterol syrup only with a prescription certified by your doctor.

Storage conditions

Store the pharmaceutical preparation in a place protected from light, with a moderate humidity regime and at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Also, medicinal tablets should be out of the reach of young children.

Best before date

special instructions

During the course of a conservative course of treatment with a pharmaceutical preparation, adverse effects such as dizziness, headache, hand trembling during deliberate movements, weakness can be observed, therefore, for some period, you should stop driving a car or other potentially dangerous mechanisms.

Clenbuterol analogs

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Clenbuterol has been banned in professional bodybuilding since 1992. Anti-Doping Committee reveals the active components of a pharmaceutical product over a long period of time, as they accumulate in the body and are released during the loading process. Therefore, professional athletes use only world-famous Clenbuterol analogues. So, for example, in bodybuilding can be used:

  • - selective stimulator of beta2-adrenergic receptors;
  • - anabolic steroid, antagonist , which is 30 times more effective than natural testosterone.


Clenbuterol is actively used in pediatric practice for the relief of severe conditions associated with pathological conditions such as bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. But in view of the anabolic properties of the active ingredients of the pharmaceutical preparation, its use must be strictly regulated by qualified medical personnel and comply with the above prescribed dosages.

Clenbuterol and alcohol

It is not recommended to drink alcohol during the course of a conservative course of treatment with a pharmaceutical preparation or during drying, since alcohol in combination with the active components of the drug increases the load on the cardiovascular system.

Clenbuterol for weight loss

Thematic forums for women regard Clenbuterol as an excellent weight loss syrup, because, according to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia of knowledge, anabolic steroids increase the metabolic rate. Accordingly, acting as a fat burner, the biologically active components of Clenbuterol include in the metabolic processes substances deposited "in reserve", namely fatty tissue. Thus, you can easily adjust the figure to the desired shape. Of course, the use of the drug for non-therapeutic purposes carries adverse effects, so you should definitely consult with a qualified specialist or fitness trainer how to take Clenbuterol for weight loss.

During pregnancy and lactation

The active components of Clenbuterol, in addition to anabolic properties, also have a tocolytic effect, that is, they are able to relax smooth muscle muscles, preventing uterine contractions. This can adversely affect the gestation of the fetus, lead to a delay in the birth process and "overwear" of the child, therefore the use of a pharmaceutical preparation during pregnancy should be avoided and replaced by Clenbuterol with other similar medicinal syrups.

The use of Clenbuterol during breastfeeding is considered adequate if the beneficial therapeutic effect largely outweighs the potential risk to the child.

Clenbuterol (Spiropent) is a beta-receptor agonist used in asthma and in bodybuilding to burn fat. In some cases, it can also be used to increase stamina.

When to Use Clenbuterol
Clenbuterol should be taken only when it is necessary to especially accelerate fat burning in a relatively short period of time. For example, if you need or want to lose only 0.5 kg of fat per week, then there are more effective means for this than clenbuterol. However, in cases where the maximum or near maximum efforts to burn fat have already been made, taking clenbuterol can speed up this process, perhaps by another 0.5 kg per week.

Dosage and frequency of taking clenbuterol
The optimal dose of clenbuterol can range from a minimum of 20 micrograms per day to 40-140 micrograms per day - a dose that is more preferred by many. I think it's best to start at 40 micrograms per day and constantly evaluate the results, adding 20 micrograms as needed. Many users increase the dosage until their hands begin to tremble, but the amount of fat can decrease markedly long before this effect appears.

Clenbuterol should not be taken constantly or for a long time, but it is not necessary to adhere to any exact frequency. The period of admission is usually from 2 to 8 weeks.

Taking clenbuterol, for example, for 2 weeks or more, at doses much higher than 40 mcg per day, leads to desensitization. This can be avoided by taking 1mg of ketotifen daily, preferably until sensation returns.

Due to the fact that clenbuterol is excreted from the body very slowly, the short frequency of intake will lead to the fact that clenbuterol is never completely eliminated from the body.

To improve endurance, clenbuterol should be taken before exercise in a small amount, such as 20-40 micrograms. Higher doses of clenbuterol may decrease stamina.

Mechanism of action of clenbuterol and similar drugs
Clenbuterol stimulates beta-2 receptors, which in turn speeds up metabolism and enhances lipolysis. Drugs such as albuterol and salbuterol, as well as ephedrine, work in a similar way. Clenbuterol differs from these compounds in that it has a long half-life, which makes it more effective for burning fat—because, for example, few people want to take ephedrine just before going to bed—but clenbuterol may cause desensitization more often.

Side Effects of Clenbuterol
Taking clenbuterol usually causes a feeling of nervousness and trembling of the hands. The heart rate and blood pressure may increase. There are a number of worrying facts in the scientific literature that indicate that chronic use of clenbuterol can lead to cardiac hypertrophy.

The most serious consequences are increased blood pressure and/or heart rate; when using clenbuterol, both should be monitored.

Clenbuterol can be very effective in helping to burn fat. It is best to start at a dose of 40 micrograms per day and increase the dose by 20 micrograms per day only as needed, keeping in mind that the maximum dose should not exceed 140 micrograms per day.

Unlike ephedrine, which is excreted from the body in a few hours, clenbuterol reaches its peak activity only at the eighth hour after ingestion and has a fat-burning effect that lasts for many hours.

The "work" of clenbuterol as a whole does not interfere with the normal cycles of the body. This is just one facet of a drug that is becoming increasingly popular among bodybuilders.

Clenebuterol in bodybuilding

Clenbuterol is very widely used in bodybuilding. Here are the main effects of the drug that made it popular among athletes:

  1. Burning fat cells.
  2. Drying of muscle mass.
  3. Increase in body temperature.
  4. Appetite suppression.
  5. Anti-catabolic effect.
  6. anabolic effect.
  7. Slimming.
  8. emotional mobilization.

Clenbuterol has a rare and, perhaps, unique quality: the drug allows you to accelerate the rate of muscle building and at the same time burn adipose tissue. Of course, muscle growth will not be as significant as when taking other drugs, and will not go beyond reason.

Clenbuterol is especially actively used in women's fitness rooms. There was a time in the United States when no women's gym was complete without clenbuterol athletes.

The drug is produced in tablets of 10-20 micrograms, as well as in ampoules for injections of 0.016 milligrams and in the form of a syrup. The most convenient and popular form is tablets. The standard daily intake of tablets is 5-8 for men and four for women. The course of reception of tablets lasts two weeks.

Chemically, clenbuterol is a selective beta-2 antagonist that stimulates beta receptors in human muscle and fat tissues. It should be said that clenbuterol is one of the most controversial drugs of all that bodybuilders use.

For example, there are experts who claim that the drug has no anabolic effect and clenbuterol is only effective for burning fat.

Clenbuterol was initially declared a drug with a two-day half-life, however, this is not entirely correct, since the process of destroying the drug and removing it from the body takes place in two phases - short and long (several days).

Clenbuterol increases the efficiency of the body and is therefore prohibited for use in sports competitions. Despite the ban by the World Anti-Doping Agency, many athletes, especially bodybuilders, continue to use clenbuterol to burn excess fat and build muscle.

The long-term effects of clenbuterol on the body have not yet been studied. Animal studies have given a disappointing result: the drug can lead to muscle apoptosis, including cardiac. C taking the drug you need to be very careful and carefully observe the dosage.

From the first to the sixth day, the athlete can gradually increase the dosage of clenbuterol by 20 micrograms. On the first day of the course, the dose should be 20 micrograms. From the sixth to the twelfth day, you can maintain the dosage of the drug in 120 micrograms per day.

The next step is to gradually reduce the dose. On the thirteenth day, the athlete takes 80 micrograms, on the fourteenth - 40 . This is followed by a two-week break. Clenbuterol is best taken in the morning to reduce side effects. Having reached the dosage in 120 micrograms, you can start taking clenbuterol twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon, breaking the dose into two parts according to 60 micrograms.

To reduce the likelihood of side effects (insomnia, nervous and mental overexcitation, palpitations), clenbuterol should be used with ketotifen, an antiallergic drug.

Here is how the course of co-administration of clenbuterol and ketotifen looks like:

  • From the first to the fourth day, clenbuterol is applied according to the method described somewhat above (with 20 micrograms and before 80 in four days).
  • On the fifth day, take 100 micrograms clenbuterol and 1 microgram ketotifen.
  • From the sixth to the twenty-seventh day of the course, the athlete takes 120 micrograms clenbuterol and 2 micrograms ketotifen.
  • twenty-eighth day 80 micrograms clenbuterol, 2 micrograms ketotifen.
  • Day twenty-ninth 50 micrograms clenbuterol and 2 micrograms ketotifen.
  • Thirtieth day - 35 micrograms clenbuterol and 1 microgram ketotifen.
  • Two week break.

Clenbuterol should be taken in the morning, high doses should be divided into two doses. Ketotifen is taken in the evening.

An even stronger effect is observed when using a combination of clenbuterol and thyroxine, however, in this case, the risk of side effects also increases.

Side effects

Taking clenbuterol can cause the heart's ventricles to expand (hypertrophy), dangerous forms of heart damage, arrhythmias, cell death, and even death. In addition, taking clenbuterol can cause muscle tremors, blood pressure, increased sweating, headache, insomnia, vomiting, and nausea.

The fact is that taking clenbuterol often leads to a loss of potassium by the body and the likely occurrence of seizures. To eliminate this danger, clenbuterol should be used in conjunction with panangin and asparkam.

Athletes who seriously decide to use clenbuterol in training should weigh all the benefits and risks of the drug. Especially dangerous is the long-term use of clenbuterol, which can lead to dangerous consequences.

Bodybuilders using clenbuterol need to be absolutely sure of the purity and quality of the drug they are using. If, despite all the dangerous effects, an athlete decides to use clenbuterol, he should purchase it only from well-established sellers.

Clenbuterol for weight loss (harder regimen)

Clenbuterol causes a general rise in body temperature. Each degree above normal leads to an increase in calorie burn by five percent. It is as a fat burner that clenbuterol is considered the most effective.

Clenbuterol activates the nervous system, leading to the launch of lipolysis (fat burning process). Having the ability to inhibit the activity of lipoprotein lipase, clenbuterol leads to the fact that the deposition of fat cells becomes impossible. Moreover, the drug enhances the production of thyroid hormones, which also leads to increased fat burning effect.

Another universal effect of clenbuterol is its anti-catabolic effect. Clenbuterol most effectively protects muscle tissue from destruction during a process such as sports drying. Because of this effect, the drug has a moderate anabolic effect.

Due to its unusual properties, clenbuterol is mainly used in bodybuilding for fat burning and cutting. Auxiliary drugs - ketotifen and thyroxine.

Clenbuterol is especially popular among athletes preparing for competitions. Fat is burned especially intensively if the drug is combined with the thyroid hormone Cytomel.

For burning fat, the following dosage scheme is optimal: 5-7 tablets per day for men (about 140 micrograms drug) and 80 micrograms for women. The athlete starts taking the drug with one tablet, gradually increasing the dose. There are quite a few regimens for taking clenbuterol designed to burn fat and they are described in the relevant literature.

Clenbuterol does not apply to hormonal drugs, so it does not have the effect characteristic of anabolic steroids. It is a kind of legend among bodybuilders, this drug is surrounded by many rumors that turn out to be lies.