Sailboat Queen Anne's Revenge dimensions. Queen Anne's Revenge: Blackbeard's legendary flagship. Reconstruction of Blackbeard's pirate ship

Fifteen people on a Dead Man's Chest

Queen Anne's Revenge- the only real-life sailboat from the film series "Pirates caribbean» , the flagship of a pirate Edward Teach(Edward Teach or Edward Thatch) nicknamed Blackbeard(Blackbeard).

The sailing ship was built in 1710 in Great Britain, when the Spanish fleet bought it in 1713, the ship bore the proud name of "Concorde" (La Concorde) and was a three-masted vessel, supposedly thirty-six by eight meters in size, with a displacement of three hundred tons, armed with twenty-six guns. No precise information about appearance and the structure of the sailboat, no illustrations of it were found. The only image of a sailboat is in the monograph by J. Budrio. After the Spaniards, the French bought the ship. And for several years, Concorde was involved in the transport of slaves in the Caribbean. In 1717, the sailing ship was captured by pirates led by Blackbeard.

Edward Drummont(Edward Drummond), that was actually the name of Ticha, was an Englishman, presumably born in the 80s of the seventeenth century. During the war between England and France, the so-called "Queen Anne's War", he was a privateer and robbed French and Spanish ships in caribbean sea with Benjamin Hornigold. He got his nickname not by chance, since he really was the owner of a luxurious black beard, into which he wove black ribbons. He did everything to match the image of the most terrible pirate of the Caribbean. This song was written about him "Fifteen Men for a Dead Man's Chest"- that was the name of a small island in the Caribbean, where he landed 15 people from his team for an organized riot, leaving them only rum and sabers, in the hope that they, having drunk, would go crazy and cut each other.

The Concorde team surrendered Blackbeard virtually without a fight. Two small sloops captured an almost three-ton ship. So great was the fame of Blackbeard among the sailors of the Caribbean. Remarkably, the pirates did not kill the crew of the sailboat, but simply landed everyone on the nearest island, leaving them one of their sloops.

Renamed "Concord" to "Queen Anne's Revenge" and made it his flagship. The ship was partially rebuilt and her armament increased to forty guns. The number of pirate crew of the ship was up to 150 people.

For two years Blackbeard robbed about forty ships, and now led a whole flotilla of pirate ships (another well-known ship of Edward Teach - "Adventure" ("Adventure").

The most famous of all the tricks of Tich was the blockade of the entrance to the harbor of Charleston (South Carolina) in May 1718. And in June of the same year "Queen Anne's Revenge" ran aground and then sank in Topsel Bay off the coast of North Carolina (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe current Beaufort Bay).
According to one source Blackbeard suffered a shipwreck, trying to hide from his pursuers, according to another version (which is more likely), the ship was sunk on purpose, since the pirate no longer needed this sailboat, widely known among sailors. He himself was killed on November 22, 1718 by the English lieutenant Robert Maynard, who was specially hired for this by Virginia Governor Alexander Spotswood.

Since then about adventures Blackbeard and its famous sailing ship are legendary, its prototype is in the works of Daniel Defoe and Robert Stevenson. But the pirate and the ship were most famous thanks to the film

It so happened that after more than two centuries, exactly on the day of Tich's death, on November 22, 1996, divers of the Intersol group in Beaufort Bay (North Carolina) found an anchor leg sticking out of the silt.

Anchor of the sailboat “Queen Anne's Revenge”

After the examination, it became known that the anchor belonged to the legendary sailing ship "Queen Anne's Revenge". The search continued, and the collection of the North Carolina Maritime Museum was replenished with many exhibits from the famous sailing ship. These are several cannons, weapons, a ship's bell (dated 1709), a large number of cannonballs, and navigational instruments. In the spring of 2012, work began on lifting the ship's hull.

Sailboat model at the North Carolina Museum

121. Triangle (3)

Everyone knows about the Bermuda Triangle. Every now and then someone goes missing. Mulder believes that the reason for this phenomenon lies in the narrowing of time bands. Thus, the disappeared objects do not move in space, but in time. The Lone Gunmen seem to have this idea too. They follow this region through Google map (if such a resource already existed in 1998). And now, in real time, they see that the satellite recorded the Queen Anne ocean liner in the Triangle, which went missing in 1939. They send the coordinates to Mulder, who arbitrarily leaves work, flies to Florida, hires a boat there and rushes to the place where the Queen Anne appears. The Lone Gunmen track the boat via satellite. But then a storm broke out... and Mulder went offline.
Further, the action develops in two parallel realities. Mulder was pulled from the wrecked boat by the crew of the Queen Anne. He is happy: not because he was rescued from the depths of the sea, but because he saw guests from the past. However, as it turned out, he was a guest from the future. Everywhere - September 1939, and all the radio stations are talking about the recently erupted war, which does not yet promise to become a world war: the Russians, in collusion with Hitler, are tearing Poland apart, and the rest of the countries are silently watching this. But hatred of the Nazis among ordinary people has already formed. “And why do they hate us Germans so much? - the Nazis are perplexed, landing on board the Queen Anne (Russian tourists are now increasingly asking this question) - we are not at war with Great Britain?
But the Germans are here on business: they are looking for Professor Thor Hammer, who can invent the atomic bomb. And the fascists are somehow strange: the chief navigator-fuhrer is the spitting image of the Smoker, his deputy looks like Skinner, and the Smoker's lackey looks like an FBI agent, his son. But Mulder meets Scully among the passengers. She is on a secret mission to protect the professor.
While Mulder tries to persuade the crew to go to America so that the story continues to move on and the Germans do not get an egghead who would make a bomb for them, the real Scully, in 1998, is trying to find the coordinates of the crash of Mulder's boat and the Queen Anne that suddenly appeared. After many worries, she gets them - Skinner helps her.
Scully arrives with the Lone Gunmen, and indeed, she sees an ocean liner. The fires are burning, but the voices of people are not heard. They board the Queen Anne. This is a ghost ship: everything is new, but no one is alive. All life is in a parallel reality. There, in 1939, the crew escaped from the closed hold and attacked a detachment of the Nazis. The passengers gave the sailors warm and effective support. While everyone was fighting in the restaurant, Mulder and a passenger who looked like Scully were running around the decks, with the SS men chasing after them. One almost caught up, but a German who looked like Skinner, turned out to be a spy, shot him. In the end, Mulder decides to get off the Queen Anne and jumps overboard. Before the jump, he kisses the passenger and gets hit in the face by her.
Time reconnects. Fox, unconscious, is hauled aboard the Lone Gunmen. Mulder comes to his senses already in 1998 and begins to talk about his adventures. And confesses his love for Scully. Fox is destined to pass for crazy: he was considered a psycho in 1939, and in modern times too. Scully didn't even respond to the declaration of love and left. But Mulder's slapped cheek still aches pleasantly.

Queen Anne's Revenge is the recognizable name of the ship of the great pirate. On this ship, the famous filibuster reached the apogee of his pirate career. The capture of this ship, formerly called the Concorde, took place in 1717, until that moment it was a merchant, 14-gun French ship, with a displacement of just over 200 tons. It is not known for certain why Teach gave the ship such a rather strange name, according to one version - it was a tribute to the memories of the past, because earlier, during the reign of Queen Anne, Edward was in military service.

After the capture, Tich showed a rare and unusual good nature for him in the future: he gave the captain his sloop and all the slaves he (Tich) had at that time, with whom the unfortunate captain successfully reached the waters of Martinique.

Renaming the ship to " Queen Anne's Revenge' was only a small fraction of the ship's upcoming changes. Blackbeard cut additional holes for the cannons and increased their number to a total of 40 pieces! Even a small group of pirates on a schooner inspired fear in merchant ships, what can we say about a bloodthirsty robber, whose ship was second only in firepower.

The blockade of Charleston in May 1718 is Captain Teach's most famous success on the Queen Anne's Revenge. The end of the famous ship was not a great naval battle, but a banal grounding of the ship in June 1718 off the coast of North Carolina.

In April 2012, a statement was made from archaeologists in which it was about the discovery of a vessel, which is planned to be raised from the seabed in the future.

Reconstruction of Blackbeard's pirate ship

1. Stern lantern. 2. Blackbeard's flag. 3. Mizzen ray. 4. Rhea. 5. Mizzen mast. 6. Main mast. 7. Utah deck. 8. Quarterdeck. 9. Minion (4 pounds). 10. Additional gun port. 11. Swivel gun (1 pound). 12. 8-pound gun. 13. Saker (6 pounds). 14. Deck beams. 15. Waist. 16. Main gun port. 17. Cut tank. 18. Foremast. 19. Sprint topsail. 20. Bowsprit. 21. Place of the bow figure (lost in a storm even before the capture of the ship by pirates). 22. Kat-beam. 23. Nose. 24. Anchor (one of three). 25. Rope bay. 26. Capstan. 27. Crew Kubrick. 28. Luke cockpit. 29. Ballast (stones and spare gun barrels). 30. Water supplies. 31. Hold (archaeologists have found traces of golden sand here). 32. Ammo locker. 33. Kruyt-camera. 34. Pump. 35. Ladder. 36. Capstan. 37. Storage of rum and arsenal. 38. Warehouse of dried provisions. 39. Captain's cabin. 40. Blackbeard's cabin. 41. Aft windows. 42. Stern gallery.

Added: 01/17/2012

Queen Anne's Revenge. Model from the North Carolina Maritime Museum

Revenge of Queen Anne (Queen Anne's Revenge)

Thanks to the tumultuous activity of the film industry, this ship in Lately became widely known even in circles far from the historians of maritime piracy. However, unlike other ships of the pirate epic, Queen Anne's Revenge is a really existing ship, the flagship of the well-known pirate Edward Teach (Edward Teach or Edward Thatch), nicknamed Blackbeard (Blackbeard)

In fairness, it must be said that Blackbeard, as an artistic character, became widely known long before Pirates of the Caribbean. D. Dafoe and Stevenson (the prototype of Flint) also wrote about him. This is not to mention the countless myths and legends.

Everyone knows "... fifteen people for a dead man's chest ...".
More correctly, "... on the Dead Man's Chest ..." - an island in the Caribbean Sea with a size of 200 square meters. meters, where, according to legend, Tich landed 15 people from his team, who rebelled against the cruelty and folly of the captain. Having supplied them only with sabers and rum - one bottle per brother - Blackbeard expected that the rebels would go crazy from thirst, hunger, heat and kill each other.
The legend says that everyone survived.
By the way, the English "Yo-ho-ho" is not our "Oh-ho-ho", but rather - "One-two-took"

Edward Teach, Old engraving

Edward Teach (real name Edward Drummond (Edward Drummond)) was born in England c.1680. the Caribbean Sea.

Queen Anne's Revenge was previously a three-masted French ship Concorde (La Concorde), whose crew was actively engaged in the slave trade.

In November 1717, a detachment of pirates under the command of Blackbeard on 2 small sloops captured Concorde, a heavily armed 300-ton ship.

A little later, when Hornigold, in the hope of an amnesty, retired, Blackbeard led the pirates who joined him, making Concorde his flagship and renaming it Queen Anne's Revenge. According to eyewitnesses, it was a ship with excellent seaworthiness, having initially 26 guns, it was re-armed by Tich and carried up to 40 guns and 150 crew members.

By the way, during the expropriation of Concorde, the French suffered only "financial and moral losses" - they, along with slaves, were landed on the nearest shore and, moreover, one of the pirate sloops was allocated to them as compensation.

Refurbished gun. Exhibit at the North Carolina Maritime Museum

1717 and almost all of 1718 was very successful for Blackbeard - his flotilla grew to 4 ships (another well-known ship by Edward Teach - "Adventure" - "Adventure") the team consisted of more than 300 pirates. They robbed over 40 ships, launched coastal raids and naval blockades (the famous blockade of Charlestown in South Carolina). However, by this time the governors of the Bohamas and especially Virginia are taking a number of measures to combat coastal piracy.

In June 1718 Queen Anne's Revenge ran aground and then sank in Topsel Bay - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe current Beaufort Inlet. According to one version, Blackbeard tried to hide from his pursuers in secluded places in North Carolina and could not cope with the difficult navigation situation in this area. According to another, Teach deliberately ran the ship aground, because. after this incident, leaving the team, with a small group of pirates and all the booty he hid on a small sloop. And he no longer needed Queen Anne's Revenge herself, as she was too noticeable and too famous in these waters.

In the summer and autumn of 1718, Blackbeard undertook a number of pirate attacks, but on November 22, English lieutenant Robert Maynard, hired by the governor of Virginia Spotswood, overtook Tich's ship. IN hand-to-hand combat the leader of the pirates was killed.

Exactly 278 years later, on November 22, 1996, a rusted anchor was discovered under water in the Beaufort area, and then the remains of an old ship. Subsequent underwater work and laboratory research artifacts raised from the bottom allow us to assert with increasing confidence that the ship found is precisely Queen Anne's Revenge - Queen Anne's Revenge(although a huge number of ships and vessels - several hundred! - crashed in these waters at various times)

Work on this discovery continues to this day. Underwater research, laboratory research, work in archives... And as is usually the case in such cases, a new discovery raises new questions...

What did it look like La Concorde - Queen Anne's Revenge?
The answer to this question has not yet been found. However, it is unlikely that his appearance corresponded to the cinematic one. Researchers such as David Moore, an employee of the North Carolina Maritime Museum, prefer an image more consistent with that presented in the monograph by J. Boudriot (J. Boudriot Monographie LE MERCURE - Navire marchand 1730)

If you would like to be kept up to date with the latest developments related to the study Queen Anne's Revenge we recommend visiting the site

"Queen Anne's Revenge"

The secrets and treasures of pirate ships buried in the depths of the sea still attract adventurers who are ready to devote their lives to finding them.

In 1996, an expedition of explorers discovered the paw of the anchor of the ship of the famous pirate of the early 18th century: "Queen Anne's Revenge", Edward Teach alias Blackbird ("Blackbeard").

The fate of the ship

More than two and a half centuries ago, the flagship pirate ship Queen Anne's Revenge sank off the coast of North Carolina. Blackbeard, the ship's captain, left with his crew in June 1718 when the ship ran aground.

And on November 22, 1996, exactly on the anniversary of Blackbird's death, divers from the Intersol research group discovered an anchor leg sticking out of the sand on seabed near the coast of Beaufort (North Carolina).

They continued searching and found several more cannons. Since then, the expedition has repeatedly returned to this place and found hundreds of other items, including cannons, a bell and weapons. In the fall of 1997, researchers managed to find part of the ship's skeleton.

Much indicates that the expedition found the ship "Queen Anne's Revenge".

"Demon of the Seas"

In the early years of Blackbird's life, all that is known is that he was born in England, probably in the 1690s in Bristol or London.

His real name is Edward Teach, although in some primary sources he is called Edward Thatch.

It is indisputable only that, having become a pirate, he took the pseudonym Blackbird (“Blackbeard”).

He did indeed wear a long black beard with black ribbons woven into it.

When his crew embarked on boarding, Blackbird smoked imperturbably and passed wisps of smoke through his beard: creating a demonic image of the "sea devil", he hoped that the captains of the ships would surrender to him without a fight.

Probably, like many pirates, he started as a privateer. In 1713 he settled by the sea and soon joined the pirate crew of Ben Hornigold.

After Hornigold received an amnesty in 1717 and gave up piracy, Blackbird took command of his flagship, a former French slave ship known as the Concorde.

Blackbird additionally armed it with cannons and renamed it Queen Anne's Revenge.

Together with his crew of 300, he spent the next few years piracy in the Caribbean and off the eastern coast of America, robbing a total of 40 ships.

Blackbird was the most notorious pirate operating along the coast of North Carolina in the early 18th century.

How ferocious he was can be judged by the legends. So, according to one of them, he forced his prisoner to eat his own ears, and according to another, he chopped off a finger of a prisoner who did not want to give up his ring.

After Blackbird lost the Queen Anne's Revenge, his ships continued to raid throughout the summer and fall of 1718. It is known that in September of the same year, he and his team organized a grandiose feast that brought together many pirates.

This was the last straw that broke the patience of the governor of the Virginia colony, Alexander Spotswood, who decided to send two sloops under the command of Lieutenant of the Royal Navy Robert Maynard to finally deal with Blackbird.

On November 21, near Ocracoke Bay, Lieutenant Maynard's ships overtook the pirate fleet, and the battle began the next day. Blackbird was the first to launch a cannon strike that killed several people from the British ship. But Maynard was a worthy adversary.

He outsmarted Blackbird by making him believe that most of the English crew had been killed while the sailors were safely hidden. When Blackbird began to board the ship, he stumbled upon an ambush. Sources say that a terrible fight ensued between Blackbird and Maynard, during which the lieutenant wounded the pirate with a pistol and pierced him with a sword.

But he did not give up until one of the members of the English team rushed at him with a knife and cut his throat. Maynard cut off Blackbird's head and hoisted it on the prow of his ship, setting off on his return victorious journey. A well-deserved death has finally found the ferocious "demon of the seas".