Aries woman, Pisces man: compatibility in love and friendship

Perhaps representatives of the Aries zodiac sign will be able to change world technologies, redirect the movement of the Earth, and leave the galaxy. The main thing is that there is a faithful life partner nearby who will encourage and fully appreciate their efforts. Pisces is a sensual and emotional zodiac sign. Perhaps he will be the ideal accompaniment to all Aries’ endeavors.


Pisces is a rather secretive sign. Its representatives may be fickle in their embodiment. They are surrounded by various secrets. Sometimes they hover in some mystical world. But still they can be sensual, gentle, affectionate and caring.

Aries, in turn, is 100% different from Pisces. Representatives of the fire sign have a strong and persistent character. They have a highly developed sense of responsibility. But at the same time, Aries are as trusting as children. Pisces often take advantage of this.

Pisces completely lacks initiative. Almost always others have to do everything for them. They adhere to a passive policy and will not interfere anywhere again. And if the question concerns the solution of complex issues, then you should not rely on Pisces. They won’t even bother to offer solutions, since they may have to answer for them later. But Aries always try to resolve important issues. They rely only on their own strengths; when resolving any issues, they will be fully responsible for their actions.

Another quality of Pisces is their dramatic nature. They can make a whole vaudeville out of any everyday story.

Even the smallest failure will be turned upside down and Aries will be to blame for this turmoil. But these pranks of Pisces will not be able to break the strong-willed character and disposition of Aries. The sign of the fire element will not allow a shadow to be cast on its dominant position and will try to take the situation under its sensitive control.

Such a trait as pride in both zodiac signs can rise much higher than logic. Neither one nor the other will back down. It is in such situations that a string is stretched between Aries and Pisces and can break at any moment. When sorting out relationships, the conversation can turn into reminiscences of past mistakes and ridiculous quibbles, while it is already forgotten how the argument began. The feeling of selfishness covers both of them like a wave, clouds their minds, and it is simply impossible to guess how the conflict will end.

Pisces by nature have a high sense of intuition. Based on their internal sensations, they can prevent possible troubles. They perfectly see with what intentions they are addressed; one might say, they read thoughts, which is why Pisces are often equated to psychics. The emotional background of Pisces is slightly unstable. They freely adopt the mood of another person and the main thing for those around them is that the mood is good.

There are a lot of creatively gifted people among this zodiac sign. Pisces can express themselves in various fields of art. Their movement is influenced by great motivation and emerging inspiration. Unfortunately, these qualities of Pisces are easily suppressed by the reality of everyday life, after which they give up. On the psychological level, Pisces are most susceptible to a state of depression, from which it is quite difficult for them to get out of it. In addition, this zodiac sign can easily become dependent on certain circumstances or objects.

Pisces have a number of qualities that make the world around them more beautiful. They are compassionate, romantic, sometimes loyal, loving, and not jealous. Along with this, there are also several negative features. For example, Pisces cannot say no in time; they lack discipline. They do not have sufficient confidence in their capabilities, and are even capricious in some ways.

The sign of Aries, in turn, is the complete antipode of Pisces. Aries, having a strong-willed character, always strives to become a leader or head in any situation. The main quality of this zodiac sign is courage. It is the trait of masculinity that allows Aries to cope with any difficulties. They are often used as an example to other representatives of the zodiac.

Unfortunately, Aries completely lacks patience. Aries are independent, courageous, straightforward, and any person will envy their dynamism. But at the same time, they are inattentive and may miss some important information. Sometimes they are quite demanding. Aries love to dominate and control all issues over solving problems, disputes, and conflicts.

Pros and cons of the union

The compatibility of Aries and Pisces cannot be considered ideal, but this does not mean that they cannot get along. Each zodiac sign has opposite qualities from each other. But the leader in the relationship will undoubtedly be Aries. Pisces will not fight in this regard; they will give up their place as a leader without even trying to object. In turn, Pisces brings romance into relationships and supports their soulmate on an emotional level.

A couple of an Aries man and a Pisces woman will be admired by those around them. Even after going a long way together, a man will remain the head of the family, without losing a bit of his leadership greatness. And his soulmate will always and constantly admire his spouse.

Many women envy such couples, because most ladies have taken on the role of a dominant and have long forgotten about sensitivity and romance in relationships. The Pisces woman is behind her companion as if behind a stone wall. She is in constant positive excitement, and all because there is a person nearby who accepts her love in full and is ready to cover her with his back from all bad weather. The Aries man, in the subcortex of his consciousness, remembers that the weak must be protected. That is why, next to Pisces, Aries feel that they are coping with their task.

Changes in the appearance of Pisces and Aries become very noticeable. Separately, you can find something repulsive in each of them, but when they are together, you can see the process of transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly. The main factor of such a union is the unity of the spiritual world. If Aries begins to show rude manners due to personality degradation, such disadvantages as anger, cruelty and despotism will begin to flourish in him. Pisces women will feel very bad in such a situation; they will not be able to protect themselves, because they simply do not know how. She will wait for him to correct himself and will even forgive him after everything, believing that a person can reform. Aries, in turn, rather condescendingly considers all Pisces’ qualities and shortcomings, which is why many destinies are broken.

In a union where the zodiac sign of the man is Pisces and the woman is Aries, natural matriarchy reigns. A man is practically deprived of the opportunity to show his “I” and jump over the leadership of the Aries woman. He is romantic, easy-going and wants to receive the same manifestations of feelings in return, but, alas. Aries women do not resort to affection and sensuality; on the contrary, they show their strong character and strong-willed disposition. In this case, the man can only resign himself and go with the flow of female dominance or break off the relationship once and for all.

Often the Pisces man gives up his demands, trying to please his significant other. In this case, the Aries woman will need to make compromise decisions. The union between these elements can exist if Aries's instinct of motherhood outweighs the desire to be a leader in the family. Unfortunately, in practice such pairs are very rare. Disputes and conflicts in the union of Pisces and Aries often occur due to opposing understandings of the world. Pisces swims calmly with the flow, but Aries lives in constant struggle. Finding something in common with these zodiac signs is not easy.

On an emotional level, the union will also not be permanent. Pisces are more sensual by nature, often disappear in spiritual reflections and complement the situations that happen with dramatic notes. For Aries, such behavior is unacceptable.

That is why many representatives of the sign of Pisces try to find an understanding of tenderness and sensuality outside of the union, although at the very beginning of the revival of relationships they dreamed of something completely different. Yes, at the very beginning of the relationship, Pisces indulges and glorifies Aries on all sides, and after a while of such control they turn everything upside down, making themselves the victim. Pisces need to constantly receive signs of attention, listen to words of tenderness and love addressed to them, otherwise they will change mercy to anger, become cold and lose all interest in their partner Aries.

How compatible?

In friendship

When a Pisces woman and an Aries man are combined, friendly relations are very rare. Aries considers mainly male representatives in his environment. He believes that a woman will not be able to understand his interests and actions, and there is simply nothing to talk about with a representative of the fair sex. The Pisces woman prefers to have in her list of friends individuals very similar to her, with whom she can talk about beauty.

Pisces don’t mind going on a picnic or relaxing in nature. Aries men also love this type of pastime, but for them, going out into nature is represented in the form of barbecuing and various outdoor games. The Pisces woman prefers tranquility, a walk in the mountains, or sitting dreaming by a waterfall. It is this difference of interests that causes antipathy towards each other.

It’s another matter if the elements of fire and water have been friends since youth. Perhaps this is the only exception for Pisces and Aries. A man accepts his Pisces friend for her gentleness and peace of mind, and in return she receives protection and, if necessary, help. When considering the friendly union between an Aries woman and a Pisces guy, we can say that the fair sex is very lucky. By nature, Aries does not tolerate deception, lies, or insincerity, and the Aries woman will never accept such an attitude. This is why a Pisces man can become a true friend.

In love, of course, he is a rogue, he can weave intrigues and cunning out of nowhere, but in friendly relations he behaves completely differently. He will not deceive, he will be honest, he will open up in the full sense of the word. And thanks to such qualities as sensuality and compassion, the Pisces man will become an excellent vest for the Aries woman, and will always listen to his friend of the fire element. It is demanding for a Pisces man to communicate with an Aries woman. Frequent attacks of the melancholic state of Pisces can lead to depression, and a cheerful and strong-willed girlfriend can positively influence Pisces and bring him out of a dead-end state.

In a love relationship

Pisces in relationships with a long-term perspective are gentle and soft, they literally fly in the sky with happiness. There is not even a hint of self-interest in their feelings. Pisces often make sacrifices, putting the desires of their beloved above their own. If a partner is dishonest, this can be very dangerous and will lead to undesirable consequences. In terms of subtlety of perception, Pisces are considered the most vulnerable sign of the zodiac, but in relationships they are faithful until the last breath. In the future, Pisces will become great parents.

Aries is considered the most direct sign. A representative of the fire element, in general, does not really like to play in relationships. Sometimes he can show aggression and power, but he does this for a reason, but in order to establish himself in the field of the future family. Aries has one quality that Pisces cannot come to terms with. Aries can be jealous, and quite strongly. The main thing is that they are not silent about this.

If they don't like something in the relationship, they will say it directly. And this is great, it’s better to put all the dots right away than for the Aries representative to sit in silence, look out the window and ignore his beloved.

A couple represented by an Aries man and a Pisces woman is often considered a rather complex union, since a lot of contradictions arise between them, and there are no stumbling points in almost everything. But, on the other hand, there are a lot of advantages. The representative of the stronger sex is very proud that he is the main one in a love couple. The Pisces woman recognizes his leadership and does not seek to change this fact. When choosing a lady of the heart, Aries first study their future life partner with their heads, and then their soul and heart come into play. First, Aries studies the intellectual aspects of their chosen one, which she talks about and interests her. And only after that they consider feminine qualities, which are very attractive to Aries.

Representatives of fire signs always and in everything have a very high opinion of themselves and their actions. The Aries man expects approval from his companion in all endeavors and exploits. The Pisces woman will undoubtedly admire her lover. This is crucial in understanding whether a couple has a future or not. It is Pisces’ admiration for his chosen one that can strengthen their relationship, even if there are contradictions in other nuances.

If we consider the opposite option, namely the union of an Aries girl and a Pisces guy, then some doubts arise about the strength of the couple. At the very beginning, when the Pisces guy noticed his chosen one, he will not show initiative, and all because he is not confident in himself. He immediately finds differences between himself and the Aries girl and immediately begins to wonder whether it is worth starting a relationship. And while Pisces is tormented, thinking “to be or not to be,” the Aries woman will take the initiative into her own hands. She will immediately show sympathy, show that she simply needs this man, because he exudes sincerity, tenderness and sensitivity. The Aries woman believes that the union with Pisces will proceed in love, in reliability, which is the main mistake.

The Pisces man is actually quite sensual, he shows romanticism and sings praises to his lady. Unfortunately, he may lose interest and experience deep disappointment in relation to the woman, and he will not directly say so right away. And by the way, this is not the woman’s fault. Pisces are dreamers by nature; they idealize their soulmate, attributing to them so many qualities that no other person can combine. And then, realizing that the lady of his heart does not possess these qualities, the Pisces man becomes disappointed and brings the relationship to zero. Of course, there are exceptions to everything, and in such unions sometimes understanding is reached, but often the couples break up.

In family life

A marriage between an Aries man and a Pisces woman is more complicated than just a love relationship. Even before signing the registry office, each of them understood that, in principle, there was nothing in common between them - no common interests, no common preferences, and even the life goals of each did not combine. And most importantly, Aries must understand that making all serious, and indeed any decisions, falls on his strong shoulders, that he is the head of the family. At the very beginning of married life, changes will not immediately follow. The behavior of the spouses will not change, which will already be the first note of disruption to the idyll.

The wife would gradually begin to irritate her husband, showing instability of character and conflicting opinions, and the husband assumed that after the wedding she would become more serious. Due to the fact that the Aries man is the head of the family, he must behave more restrained, which is why he will not even hint to his wife about his claims. But as for the attitude, it will change greatly for the worse. The main thing is that in such a situation, Aries’s leadership qualities do not go beyond the limit. The Pisces woman will not be able to fight him, but will only assent, thereby re-educating her husband into a domestic despot, and she will also have to live with him.

After this, any couple should separate. She infuriates her husband, and he constantly humiliates his wife, but they still live in marriage, believing that they are ideal for each other. The combination of such a union in bed carries its own certain sacraments. Aries men are liberated, temperamental, and capable of turning their intimate life upside down. Pisces women have one unique feature that allows her to become an equal partner to her husband; she qualitatively adopts the behavior of her spouse. Aries is only glad that he was able to find such an active woman in the vast world.

The family relationship between an Aries woman and a Pisces man cannot be called ideal. They should be classified as the average class.

Married spouses do not show close relationships, sometimes they quarrel, but they don’t even want to hear about divorce. In such a union, both zodiac signs evaluate different situations differently. They do not require each other to change their behavior.

The Aries woman is a rather emotional person by nature. If she has any complaints, she will not remain silent. A girl wants to see a fast-moving, open person in her chosen one, but, unfortunately, men under the sign of Pisces very rarely climb the career ladder. And if they have any emotional experiences, then Pisces will share them only with those whom they completely trust. They will not be frank with their wife, afraid of hearing ridicule addressed to them.

Despite the fact that the Aries woman is a strong-willed person with a strong character, when disputes arise with her husband, she puts in much more effort than her husband, thereby losing her inner balance. If there is a breakdown in family relationships, then the Pisces man will come to his senses much faster and will be able to plunge into new romantic relationships. The intimate compatibility of the elements of fire and water allows each of them to experience unprecedented pleasure.

Thanks to his imagination, the Pisces man brings variety to bed every time. The Aries woman is ready to embark on a dance of passion with her lover. Lovers are ready to spend all their time together, getting maximum pleasure from it.

In progress

Aries and Pisces as business partners are far from the best combination. Most likely, their business will not work out - it will either stand at one point or simply collapse. Aries, as a distinctive zodiac sign filled with confidence and determination, will do most of the work on itself, while Pisces will float by without even offering help. Well, maybe they can listen to their partner a few times and pretend that they support him. Aries never give up. They may have breakdowns, but this happens extremely rarely. Basically, they go ahead and do not give up in the most difficult situations.

Representatives of Aries and Pisces are two opposite elements of Fire and Water. They have different characters and outlooks on life. Aries are self-confident and energetic; they are an initiative and purposeful leader. Pisces are fickle natures, going with the flow and rarely resisting the prevailing circumstances. And yet the likelihood of a successful marriage is quite high; together they can have a pleasant and interesting time.

Compatibility of Aries and Pisces in love relationships

In a love relationship, the compatibility of two zodiac signs is high if both meet each other halfway. Aries are often emotional, while Pisces are outwardly reserved, and a fire representative may accuse a friend of a complete lack of feelings. In love, Aries are very passionate and require full commitment from their partner. Pisces are endowed with a rich imagination and can create a fairy tale in a relationship.

A charming and physically attractive Pisces man attracts an active and determined woman. Aries woman. She is used to winning, and a common interest in spiritual values ​​or art can captivate a lady, and a feeling arises between the signs of the zodiac. The love compatibility of an Aries girl and a Pisces guy is not the most ideal, but if they are ready to accept each other's differences, they can easily create a happy relationship. The leader in such a pair will most likely be Aries, but Pisces will not mind. A man will support his chosen one in difficult moments and will be able to take care of her. Both in a relationship will be able to take the best qualities from each other. The woman will become softer and calmer, and the man will gain self-confidence. However, irritation in the chosen one can cause Pisces to be passive, which can lead to disappointment. The best way out for the couple would be to discuss all the difficulties that have arisen. You shouldn't make hasty decisions.

Better compatibility in a couple is achieved if Aries is a man and Pisces is a girl. A woman is the embodiment of femininity, Aries is the embodiment of masculinity. There is a very strong physical attraction between them. The Pisces woman is a very compassionate and sensual nature, attracting a man with her vulnerability and defenselessness. For Aries, the need to take care of her and provide her with everything she needs is of great importance. For the sake of his beloved, he is ready to perform many feats. If common interests appear between them, the alliance becomes even stronger.

However, Aries's jealousy can become a problem in a relationship. He requires special treatment and is not ready to share Pisces’ attention with other men. And an attractive lady cannot refuse the stronger sex to “cry into her vest” due to her softness and timidity. Therefore, a successful relationship will largely depend on the woman, how flexible she is and how she can defend her interests without entering into open confrontation with her chosen one.

Sexual compatibility

There are many similarities between Aries and Pisces. Pisces is prone to erotic fantasies and affairs. Aries loves a good sex game. A very stormy and passionate romance can begin between them. Pisces happily give themselves to their partner and both realize their strangest fantasies in sex. The key to long-term coexistence of zodiac signs is intense and frequent sex.

For ideal, long-term compatibility in bed with Aries man to Pisces woman you need to be strong enough to maintain the fire of your chosen one’s desires. Aries loves to overcome difficulties, especially in love affairs. If Pisces is too pliable, the man will lose interest. Be mysterious, and sometimes completely inaccessible, otherwise the lover will rush away, leaving Pisces to indulge in his fantasies alone.

Amazing sex with Aries woman the Pisces man will have it at the initial stage. Moreover, the woman will dominate in bed. But the Pisces man is naturally shy and reserved. And Aries needs to constantly be fed with new sexual sensations. Over time, the woman's passion will subside, and the couple will separate.

Marriage Compatibility

Couple compatibility Pisces wife – Aries husband Marriage is very difficult. At first, the spouse will feel fulfilled, providing for everyday life. Pisces will always listen and will not interrupt her husband. From the outside, such a marriage will seem ideal. After all, it is so important for Aries to look successful in the face of friends. Over time, he will pay attention to his wife’s excessive anxiety and ability to create problems where there are none. Aries will consider such behavior unreasonable and will not provide Pisces with the necessary moral support, as a result of which the woman will put an end to the relationship and isolate herself from the man. Most often, it is the woman who is the cause of the breakup of the family, because she idealizes her chosen one and expects full return from him in the relationship.

Aries Woman– strong-willed and purposeful. A Pisces man has little chance of showing his will in an alliance with such a woman. The spouse's passivity and inability to take active action will lead to constant criticism from the wife. It is unlikely that a man will share his experiences with Aries; rather, he will close himself off forever. But there is a possibility that the Aries woman, being a romantic at heart, will see her ideal in a man. And if she takes the reins of managing the house and gives Pisces freedom of creativity, then compatibility in marriage between a man and an Aries woman can be ideal and last for many years.

Compatibility in friendship

Tender and sensual Pisces prefer to be friends with calm and good-natured people, they are able to listen and console. Aries is constantly active and represents an inexhaustible source of energy. They overcome physical weakness and fatigue and move forward with their last strength. It is not surprising that such qualities attract Pisces.

Very often, Pisces turns to the fire sign for help and acts as Aries advises. However, close compatibility in friendship does not arise between them, because they are too different. Aries girl will not trust the Pisces man because of his secrecy. He, in turn, will consider Aries too talkative. The presence of different interests and hobbies will also hinder their rapprochement.

There will not be good compatibility in friendship between zodiac signs where the man is Aries and the woman is Pisces. They are unlikely to be interested in each other; each prefers to spend their free time in their own way. Aries loves active recreation, and Pisces loves a calm and quiet atmosphere. If a girl meets an Aries in the company of mutual friends, then most likely they will not notice each other.

Compatibility at work

In business relationships, both zodiac signs have a hard time finding mutual understanding. Aries are self-confident and purposeful. Pisces often act intuitively and are full of fantasies. If critical situations arise, Pisces will try to shift responsibilities onto the shoulders of Aries.

If an Aries man acts as a boss, he will not notice Pisces woman. She will be considered a lack of initiative and unpromising employee. He likes strong-willed and assertive people. And in a relationship where a Pisces man is the boss, Aries woman will not be able to demonstrate her leadership qualities, because the leader will restrain her assertiveness.

The development of relationships in the Aries-Pisces couple is impossible to predict. This is a difficult union of completely different personalities, full of challenges for both partners. But if sincere feelings arise between them, then the collected and persistent Aries is able to overcome all obstacles and maintain the relationship. A strong-willed fire sign can provide effective assistance to Pisces, creating the image of a “strong wall.” The contrast of morals will bring partners together despite all differences.

Who suits Aries
Fine neutral Badly
a lionFishCapricorn
Who suits Pisces
Fine neutral Badly
a lionVirgoSagittarius

An Aries woman can have multiple husbands, and he is also at high risk (although he stays married longer).

He likes to live alone, but if he marries a second time, he is in a hurry so that his woman does not have time to cool down. By the wedding day he may remain a virgin. By the way, an Aries woman can also maintain her virginity.

A Pisces man may be lucky and marry for great love. In his opinion, sex can be improved endlessly, and she argues that sometimes sex can get worse over time.

After remarriage, the two of them have a happy sex life. If one of them cheats, then both of them will most likely demand a divorce, especially Aries, who cannot stand humiliation.

Pisces Woman and Aries Man, Compatibility

They both want to live together and find each other quite attractive. Although he can tell that she is the least sexy sign of the zodiac, especially if she often cries in front of him. She immediately notices his smile and good figure. But he believes that in order to win her heart, he must be kind and faithful.

He is attracted to her by her sweet smile, sexy look and plump figure. He hopes that she will create a cozy nest for them and will be a caring housewife. He will decide that he has found his ideal when he meets a gentle Pisces woman.

She will believe that a strong Aries will become her long-awaited support and protection. To create a long-term union, he needs a cozy home, but at the same time, the woman must be able to earn money herself.
He is pleased if she is sweet, and he is fascinated by the fact that she knows how to combine sexuality and romance. She needs a kind man who has a sense of humor and wants to free her from financial problems.

She is inclined to marry repeatedly, but he is more capable of creating a long-term union. She's the kind of woman who can't stand to be alone, and he's not against marriage. But she enters into her second marriage more hastily than Aries. But he can marry out of strong love.

They can both marry while being virgins. He likes sex more in marriage, especially in the second. They both want to start an affair on the side if they find out about their partner’s betrayal, although she can remain silent and hope that it will all end soon.

Nelly Frolova

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

In the relationship between Aries and Pisces, some kind of understatement always arises; they are never simple and predictable. Even knowing such a couple for a very long time, it is impossible to understand when the patience and desire to be together for these signs will come to an end.

Aries and Pisces themselves, whose compatibility leaves much to be desired, can end their relationship already on the second or third date or, on the contrary, continue it throughout the rest of their lives. Such a love affair is, for inexplicable reasons, very attractive for both men and women, but invisible forces are trying to break it day after day.

The solution to the mystery of the low compatibility of the zodiac signs Aries and Pisces lies in the contradictory characters that determine the course of their future.

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


Union feminine in the face Fish And male in the face Aries the horoscope defines him as sexually attached. As a result, the girl and guy in such a couple feel great in each other’s bed. On the first date, the modesty and defenselessness of a woman awakens a conquering knight inside a man, seeking to protect her, and after that, the sexual energy of the Aries sign takes over, and often they have sex. Further compatibility of the couple is built on mutual dependence; together it is difficult for them, but separately it is not easier.

In marriage, when Pisces wife, A Aries husband Quarrels arise over everyday trifles. The Pisces girl does not always show her thriftiness; housework is a burden for her, and she very often tries to evade them, which greatly worries her tidy husband. In such cases the ability to accept each other as they are and patience are the foundations of a successful marriage.

A fire-water family often makes children happy, because the father amazes them with his intelligence and strength, and the mother gives in, doesn’t scream and buys all sorts of trinkets. Here the wife should wait, because it is worth fulfilling children’s whims in moderation, otherwise the children will grow up spoiled and sit on their parents’ necks.

Horoscopes of these zodiac signs speak of the strong character of Aries, who often dictates to a woman what to do, where to go and who to love. This attitude closes Pisces inside themselves, work absorbs them, and rare meetings with friends become their only outlet.

The guy's despotism and excessive honesty reduce the compatibility of the union to zero. One day, the riddle and secret of his wife that attracted him makes him nervous, and the lies and failure to keep promises, characteristic of Pisces, become unforgivable.

A compromise can only be achieved when the wife begins to diligently manage her life, shows her activity and interest in family affairs, and the husband stops putting pressure on her.

Union woman - Aries, and man - Pisces

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


Couple relationship girl - Aries And guy - Pisces difficult to tie. Often, a man who shows sympathy may not be noticed by a woman at first, and then she simply becomes too lazy to look after her. Otherwise, ladies are very proactive seductresses, capable of doing anything just to get the object of desire, which is not what you should expect from modest and passive Pisces by nature. This is how things are in marriage, which is often initiated by the wife herself.

If an Aries woman and a Pisces man decide to start a family, then they need to learn to live with each other, finding common interests and activities. Children, common business and hobbies give the signs a chance to increase their compatibility in life.

In such a marriage, the wife feels freedom and the opportunity to express herself, because the husband will not interfere with her career and will partially take over the housework. Wherein The zodiac sign Pisces, according to the horoscope, is not jealous; he will not be embarrassed by large groups of friends or employees surrounding his spouse.

Idyll in the union will last as long as the personal space of the husband and wife remains inviolable, and the partners show mutual patience and interest.

The birth of children can save a marriage from disagreements and quarrels; they simply will have no time to conflict. Pisces’s father will become a gentle and flexible teacher for the child, sometimes even covering up his pranks in front of his mother, but she, on the contrary, brings rigor and uncompromisingness, which completely balances the family unit in terms of children’s upbringing.

Marriage compatibility between Aries and Pisces can be lost at any second. The fire sign in the person of the wife manifests itself in excessive demands, a desire to change her husband, in particular his passivity in work and everyday life. Men are able to endure this for quite a long time, but the time will come when they will break. To cover up their inadequacy, Aries often make impossible promises, and Pisces women will not tolerate lies. As a result, not a trace of love remains, and the marriage falls apart.

Sexual compatibility

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


Temperaments of the signs radically opposite, which makes sex life more interesting. At the same time, physical attraction takes precedence over emotional attraction in a relationship. Each new couple’s sex is superior to the previous one, which helps maintain feelings for each other. The Water sign passively allows the Fire sign to do all sorts of tricks in bed; the latter is given complete freedom to realize all his sexual fantasies.

But a long absence of intimacy threatens the couple with a breakup. Without experiencing new sexual sensations, the union turns into trivial and uninteresting. In this case, the high compatibility of these zodiac signs in sex does not save the future of the couple, therefore frequent and bright nights of love are the building blocks for the long-term coexistence of Aries and Pisces.

In friendship

Signs have very little chance of finding each other in friendship. Pisces lists as a companion a dreamy and sensual person who loves to relax calmly and quietly. Aries's free time is overly active for them; they do not find common topics or hobbies for conversation.

Although if the friendship began a long time ago, perhaps in childhood, or fate brought Pisces and Aries together by chance, the former can rely on help, and the latter on emotional support in difficult times.

In professional activities

The diversity of the zodiac signs Aries and Pisces is marked by the horoscope; they do not have common hobbies and activities, and it is difficult to start a conversation. What pleases the first one necessarily irritates the second one.

The Water sign is passive, which makes running his own business a difficult process for him. But for the fiery one, on the contrary, his business develops quickly “without straining.”

In trade unions, Pisces unquestioningly follow all the instructions of Aries, but can often secretly delegate responsibilities to other employees. At the same time, Aries feels like he is in charge, which unconsciously forces him to continue working with Pisces.

Representatives of the elements of Water and Fire - Pisces and Aries - are individuals with opposite preferences in spending free time, different characters and outlooks on life.

This pair of very different signs is one of the best examples of the “Best Friend and Best Enemy” type of compatibility, in which the signs, despite their differences, learn to “be friends” and are ready to tolerate each other’s shortcomings, compensating for this with mutual support.

Sensitive Pisces strive for mental balance and prefer to communicate with good-natured, calm and creative people. Stubborn Aries is a follower of an active lifestyle, having an endless supply of energy.

Tenaciously striving for the goal, Aries overcomes all obstacles and tirelessly moves forward. His patience and willpower attract Pisces, creating the image of a “stone wall” that they need so much. The contrast of morals only brings partners closer together, instilling a sense of unity despite all differences.

A strong-willed Aries gives valuable practical advice to Pisces who hesitate in their decisions and provides effective assistance in solving any problems. Appreciating the caring attitude of their partner, Pisces provide him with reliable moral support. Understanding, awe and kindness of Pisces become a panacea for Aries during periods when his fiery spirit goes out.

Pisces are an inexhaustible well of projects and ideas, which they will never be able to implement on their own. And here the purposeful Aries comes to the rescue, capable of turning his partner’s plans into reality. The wisdom and prudence of Pisces, combined with the sincerity and directness of Aries, will contribute to the spiritual growth of both partners and the achievement of results in creativity. But notice that little is said about love in this compatibility.

The main conflicts in a pair of Pisces and Aries

The contemplative attitude of Pisces to the events taking place around them, their reluctance to assume any obligations on themselves, differs from the active life position of Aries, who is ready to fully bear responsibility for their actions. After all, going with the flow is the nature of Pisces. And to fight against circumstances, breaking down barriers is the nature of Aries. It's difficult to find the intersection.

Of course, Pisces don't measure seven times before cutting like earth signs would. But several times they will accurately measure. However, this also seems too much for Aries. He was used to just cutting, cutting and cutting. And this excessive inertia of Pisces upsets the Aries partner, on whose strong shoulders lies the implementation of other people’s tasks.

We must assume that emotionally this couple will never be on the same page. Pisces tend to feel more subtly, engage in soul searching, and from time to time exaggerate the drama of unfortunate situations, while Aries is not familiar with these experiences at all. Pisces will look for a way out of unrequited feelings and will eventually find it outside the couple. But in the beginning they dreamed of something completely different.

Pisces' desire to please Aries at an early stage of the relationship and indulging his whims are subsequently replaced by an expressive performance of the role of the victim. The underdevelopment of Aries's intuition prevents the formation of spiritual unity with Pisces, who demand reverent attention and constant proof of love from their pragmatic partner.

Pisces' response to Aries's insensitivity will be an absolute and cold emotional emptiness, which will instantly extinguish the fire of Aries' passion.

Pisces woman and Aries man

The pliable Pisces woman does not interrupt Aries, helpfully listening to his stories. Paired with such a chosen one, he feels fulfilled, embodying many of her plans and providing for their everyday life. And for this Aries is grateful to his woman. It is important for him to look successful in the eyes of his friends next to the Pisces woman who admires him. He sincerely rejoices when their couple becomes the object of envy and admiration of others.

But the external image is replaced by internal problems. In family life, Aries suddenly gets to know the hidden personal qualities of his companion - excessive anxiety, demandingness and even hysteria. The behavior of Pisces seems unreasonable to the Aries man, and the problems are imaginary. Without receiving consolation and moral support, the Pisces woman is emotionally isolated from Aries, which means that in her heart she has already given up on this relationship.

If you look for the culprit for the breakup of this couple, then it will most likely be the Pisces woman. After all, she instilled the illusion of love in the Aries man, who was ready to selflessly give all of himself to this relationship.

Pisces man and Aries woman

This is an absolutely matriarchal union, in which the Pisces man has very little chance of showing his will, much less overcoming the will of the Aries woman. A man will expect warmth - after all, there is a woman next to him. But Aries of any gender is not distinguished by sensuality and affection. But he is distinguished by strength and strong-willed qualities. The subordinate Pisces man will be forced to either recognize the power of Aries or muster the courage to break off the relationship.

The Pisces man is ready to give up his own opinion to please Aries, who should also learn to compromise. Marriage is possible only if the maternal instinct of the Aries woman overcomes the desire to lead her partner. But in practice this pair is very rare.