Ionized water for drinking at home. Water ionizer - harm or benefit? What are the benefits of ionized water?

About 30 years ago, the first water ionizers appeared on the world market, with the help of which, as manufacturers now claim, ordinary tap water at home can be turned into “life-giving” water, healing the entire body and having a wide range of applications.

What is ionized water and how is it obtained?

Ionized water is water that has undergone a process of saturation with charged particles using an electric current and, as a result, has changed its original pH value.

The simplest ionizer has a container for liquid, divided into two parts, and conductors (anode and cathode), which are connected to a source of electricity, each to its own pole. Water enters the container, and under the influence of an electric current, positively charged particles are attracted to the cathode, and negatively charged particles are attracted to the anode. This process is called electrolysis.

As a result, in one part of the container there is a liquid with a predominance of negatively charged ions, and in the other - positively charged ones. Manufacturers of ionizers call this process the separation of “living” water and “dead” water, respectively.

Which water is called alkaline and which is acidic?

One of the chemical and physical characteristics of water, like all solutions, is the acidity of the medium. To determine it, it is necessary to know the content of positive ions, which in chemistry is expressed in the form of a negative logarithm of the activity of hydrogen ions - pH. Its value depends on the ratio of the concentration of hydrogen ions (positive, giving an acidic environment) and hydroxyl ions (negative, giving an alkaline environment). The higher the pH value, the more alkaline the environment. A neutral environment is expressed by a pH value of 7. This is a state where the content of both types of ions is the same, as is observed, for example, in distilled water.

Ionizers use electrolysis to change the pH of drinking water. After the process, in one part of the container there appears a liquid with a pH value of 9, that is, with an alkaline or slightly alkaline reaction, in the other - below 6, with an acidic reaction. These two types have completely different properties.

Alkaline water is called “living” and is used for drinking. It is assigned the ability to have a beneficial effect on human health, remove toxins, and prevent “acidification” of the internal environment.

Acidic is “dead”, but despite this, it can also be useful. It has a disinfecting effect and can be useful for treating small wounds or washing vegetables and fruits instead of the usual flow one. Acidified water is also recommended by ionizer manufacturers for use in cosmetology.

To characterize a liquid, an indicator such as oxidation-reduction potential is often used. It applies to any chemical substance and reflects its ability to attach electrons, in other words, chemical activity in general. The water that is usually used for drinking is never completely “pure”, free from impurities, but is a solution of salts. The ORP of a solution depends on its components. This value can be positive or negative.

It was found that ordinary water (from the tap, store bottled) has an ORP lower than that in the human body. Ionizers, in turn, endow water with an oxidation-reduction potential closer to that of the body.

During the metabolic process in any organism, many vital chemical reactions occur, the implementation of which requires an environment with a certain pH value. Blood has a pH of 7.35–7.4. The pH of gastric juice is from 1.9 to 2.9, cerebrospinal fluid – 7.33–7.8. It is in this narrow pH range, as well as at a certain temperature, that the enzymes necessary for metabolism work. The constancy of the body's environment is maintained by the complex work of several buffer systems.

The effect of ionized alkaline water on the human body

A person consumes an average of 1.3–1.7 liters of water per day, and its quality affects health. Manufacturers of ionizers believe that one of the most important characteristics is the pH value, and recommend using “live”, that is, ionized alkaline water.

Benefits for the body

The positive properties of alkaline and slightly alkaline water include:

  • better absorption by the body;
  • the ability to stimulate tissue regeneration;
  • resistance to “acidification” of the body, which occurs as a result of poor nutrition (excess meat products, sugars);
  • treatment of heartburn, gastritis;
  • balancing the acid-base balance;
  • lowering blood cholesterol;
  • fight against prostate adenoma;
  • liberation from radicals.

Possible health hazards

Disputes regarding the beneficial effects of alkalization of the environment are still ongoing. Many argue that drinking alkaline water is not only pointless, but can also be harmful. There may be a risk of digestive upset due to a decrease in the activity of enzymes that require an exclusively acidic environment to function. Deposits of salts entering the body during alkalization can lead to the development of urolithiasis.

Opinion of doctors and scientists

Firstly, basic medicine refutes the possibility of dangerous acidification of the body due to the spread of the so-called “Western” diet. The pH values ​​of the body's internal environment are remarkably stable. In the process of evolution, a special mechanism for its maintenance arose and became established, a kind of protection from the influence of the external environment.

At the slightest shift, pathologies develop - alkalosis (shift to an alkaline environment) or acidosis (to an acidic environment), which are accompanied by severe symptoms and require serious treatment. But in order for such a shift to occur, compelling reasons are required, for example, kidney pathology, impaired pulmonary ventilation, or prolonged fasting. It is worth noting that in medicine there is no concept of “average pH of the body.” Each organ system has specific functions, and the corresponding chemical reactions require a certain pH value. For this reason, their pH values ​​are different.

Secondly, for everything that enters the stomach (the same alkaline water), the pH shifts to the acidic side as a result of mixing with gastric juice. This is a prerequisite for the functioning of digestive enzymes. For further digestion and absorption of nutrients, a slightly alkaline environment is indeed favorable, but it is naturally created in the small intestine - at the next stage of food processing.

Thirdly, the very concept of “ionized” water and, in fact, “ionization” is presented by the manufacturers of the corresponding devices somewhat incorrectly and with the suppression of some aspects that are obvious to chemists. Any water is ionized unless it is obtained in a laboratory by distillation. This means that it contains ions – positively and negatively charged.

Ionization is also a simple dissolution of a pinch of soda in a glass of liquid, which will also immediately change its pH. The entire mechanism of action of ionizers comes down to the simplest process, which everyone is familiar with from a school course in inorganic chemistry - electrolysis. Therefore, there are many instructions on the Internet for making these devices at home.


To date, there is no empirical evidence to support the exceptional benefits attributed to ionizers. Drinking water with an alkaline pH can really help, for example, with heartburn, but purchasing an expensive device to obtain such liquid is not always advisable.

A regular soda solution reduces the acidity of gastric juice and alleviates unpleasant symptoms, not to mention the huge selection and availability of antacid drugs.

Modern science does not recognize the significant importance of ionizers for human health; this can be easily verified by talking with qualified specialists in the field of medicine or chemistry. Prices for some ionizers today reach several thousand dollars.

Manufacturers claim that their use produces “super-ionized water” with double healing properties, which is most likely just a marketing ploy.

Water saturated with ions (ionized water) has become a real salvation for people living in cities. Our modern eating habits have become so dangerous to health that people simply need to invent ways to make their food and water as edible as possible. But artificial does not mean bad. Scientists have developed a large number of water purifiers and ionizers that actually make it drinkable. As statistics show, against the backdrop of people’s general neglect of clean water issues, a fairly large percentage of the population still tries to buy at least a filter for their tap at home. But even the best quality filter is not capable of making water truly healthy. This work can only be done by a water ionizer, a device that changes its structure and chemical properties. What is the essence of this technology, and why is it so important for us to drink ionized water?

Maintaining acid-base balance

Let's turn to the simplest chemistry. Conventionally, all food can be divided into acidifying and alkalizing. In other words, when you eat something, your body produces either an acid or an alkaline. All cooked, fatty foods: bread, milk, meat, confectionery - increases the amount of acid in the body. Whereas all raw plant food: fresh fruits, vegetables, as well as any natural plant food - ensures alkaline reactions in our body. Now let us note another small but very important point: the natural human environment is predominantly alkaline. This means that if your daily diet does not include enough fresh, raw plant foods, your body is likely to become chronically acidic. Chronic acidification of the body is commonly called acidosis. Nowadays, acidosis is the cause of many dozens of chronic diseases, and people suffer mainly from a lack of understanding of how to eat properly.

The problem of clean water in cities

Do we have a chance to avoid body acidification and related diseases? Luckily yes! Ideally, for good health, we need to move to an ecologically clean region, for example, the coastal mountain regions of Abkhazia, but life is such that many of us have to live and work in big cities, breathe dirty air, eat processed foods, and drink dead water instead of the purest spring water. (canned) water.

In fact, many of us, especially young people and children, have only sugary carbonated drinks and beer in their liquid diet. Result: the body is constantly in a state of latent thirst. So there is bottled water! - the reader will object. Yes, many people think that the problem of clean drinking water can be solved simply by buying a bottle of drinking water. But such water is only partially purified; during purification, chemicals are used that kill all beneficial microorganisms in the water. After industrial purification, water loses its natural pH (the acid-base balance is disturbed) and becomes literally lifeless. Such water is usually called dead. You can also live on it, but it lacks both the microorganisms that live in spring water and the correct charge. Of course, the structure of such water is completely disrupted.

The solution to the problem is taking structured water

How to solve this dangerous problem while living in modern urban conditions? There are activator devices (), which, by passing water through themselves, purify and, through electrolysis, return it to the correct alkaline composition. This is the same “living water” about which much has been written in fairy tales and folk legends.

By drinking such water, you can normalize the acid-base balance of the body and avoid a huge number of diseases. Which ones? When the correct pH balance is disturbed, the bones are the first to suffer. To neutralize the huge amount of acids coming from food, calcium and other minerals found in the bones are removed. The normal internal acid-base balance (pH) is 7.0-7.5, which depends on the specific area or system of the body. The same indicators are present only in well or spring water, as well as in ordinary water, which has been treated with an ionizer and brought to a pH value as close as possible to natural.

Many of those who have thought about the benefits of ionized water have wondered: how does a water ionizer work?? It is already clear that the device reduces acidity and increases alkalinity, but how exactly and due to what does this process occur?

In fact, the water purifier and ionizer is quite simple.

So, how does a water ionizer work?.

The process of ionization is the transformation of neutral atoms and molecules into charged particles (ions). The water purifier-ionizer produces electrolysis of water, as a result of which oxidation occurs in the neutral H 2 O molecule at the anode (with the release of oxygen O 2) and reduction at the cathode (with the release of hydrogen H 2). It is due to this that the level of hydrogen enrichment (pH level) increases, and the water changes the level of ORP (oxidation-reduction potential).

Water purifier and ionizer(for example) will allow you to make living (catholyte) and dead water (anolyte) at home, which means it will help you become healthier and prevent serious illnesses in the future. Living ionized water with the correct pH also neutralizes the harm from poor nutrition. Only drinking properly charged water can restore strength, energy for everyday life and good health. Living ionized water with the correct pH charge is a significant contribution to the health of the whole family.

The online store website wishes you good health and only the best water in your home!

Without water, no living organism can function. Our health depends on the quality of the liquid we drink. To purify water, people use different methods: some defend it, others use filters, and the most advanced ones buy special devices. But don't rush to spend money! Today we will look at how to make a water ionizer with your own hands.

A hydroionizer is a device for electrolysis of water. This device is used to obtain alkaline and acidic liquid.

There is an opinion that water filled with ions helps in the fight against diseases and can even slow down the aging of the body.

How does water become positively and negatively charged? First of all, it is cleaned from all kinds of contaminants thanks to the installed filter. Further, negative electrodes attract alkaline minerals, and positive electrodes attract acidic substances.

As a result, we get two types of water:

Alkaline, with a negative charge. Its beneficial properties:

  • Strong antioxidant.
  • It has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Accelerates tissue healing.

Acidic, with a positive charge. Its useful qualities:

  • Has a disinfectant effect.
  • Smoothes the skin.
  • Improves hair condition.
  • Has a bactericidal and disinfectant effect.
  • Wound healing, antifungal agent.
  • Has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.
  • Used in oral care.

Types of devices

  1. Operated by electricity.

  2. Powered by semi-precious minerals (tourmaline, coral) and precious metals (silver).

During operation of the ionizing device, the water is disinfected and enriched.

Ionizers based on electrolysis

Water ionizers based on electrolysis have gained great popularity. The device filter contains silver particles, which ensures disinfection of liquids, as well as purification from heavy metal salts. The device produces alkaline and acidic water, each of which contains substances beneficial to the body.

If you use a device containing silver to ionize water, you should take into account the degree of its concentration in the water:

  1. You can consume liquid with a silver concentration of no more than 30-40 mcg per liter.
  2. For washing dishes, children's toys, and food, it is useful to use water containing 300-500 micrograms of silver per liter.
  3. If the level of silver in water is 10,000 micrograms per liter it is considered a concentrate. This liquid is used for medicinal purposes only for external use.

With your own hands

If you want healthy alkaline and acidic water to appear in your home, you can make a water ionizer with your own hands . It won't take much time or effort.

The ionizer manufacturing scheme is simple. For this you will need:

  1. Two electrodes. If there are none, then stainless steel plates or graphite rods will do.
  2. A piece of fire hose that conducts current, but does not allow water to pass through, which will prevent “live” water from mixing with “dead” water.
  3. Glass jar with lid.
  4. A piece of wire with a plug.

If all the necessary materials are ready, you can start making a water ionizer with your own hands. First, sew up the hose on one side. We put it in a jar. Fill both containers 2/3 full with water. We attach electrodes to the wire. For a jar with a volume of 0.5 liters, it will be enough to take an electrode 10 centimeters long.

A homemade water ionizer with parallel electrodes should be positioned so that the minus is located in the middle of the bag, and the plus is on the outside of the bag.

It is important not to confuse plus with minus; to do this, it is best to mark them with the following signs: “+” and “-”. Next, connect the device to the power supply and wait 10 minutes. As a result, we get whitish and cloudy “living” and “dead”, transparent water with a greenish tint.

How to make an ionizer from silver

By eating liquid enriched with silver ions, you will get rid of harmful microorganisms. You can make such an ionizer according to the instructions above. To do this, you need to connect any silver object (it can be a silver coin or a spoon) to the plus, and to the power source - minus.

To obtain food-grade silver water, the device must be turned on no more than 3 minutes. For more concentrated silver water, which is suitable only for external use, the device needs to operate for up to 7 minutes. After turning off the device, you need to mix the water well and put it in a dark place for 4 hours. After which it will be ready for use.

To prevent silver from precipitating, water should not be stored in a bright place.

The choice is yours: make a water ionizer yourself or buy it in a store. The main thing is that you will have your own personal device with which you can prepare healthy “living” and “dead” water.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


A person's health directly depends on the food he eats. In the modern world, we are increasingly eating unnatural canned foods and drinking harmful carbonated drinks. This deviates the level of acid-base balance in the body towards the side of increased acidity that is harmful to us and gives rise to all kinds of chronic diseases. Water will help correct the situation. Devices such as the Akvalife ionizer and others saturate it with silver molecules, reducing acidity and turning water into a real living drink.

What is a water ionizer

Any water from city pipelines, regular bottled or healthy mineral water, undergoes various chemical treatments before getting into our glasses. It is cleaned to kill all harmful microorganisms, along with which the substances needed by humans die. Water literally becomes dead, that is, lifeless, and does not cope with its role, does not nourish the body properly.

They began to “revive” liquid a very long time ago. Initially, a silver pendant on a chain was used for this, which was dipped into a container and infused. Activated carbon filters were invented several decades ago. Modern devices have become much more complex and powerful in restoring the alkaline balance of the human body. The ionizer effectively returns the liquid to its beneficial properties and at the same time restores the normal balance, increasing the level of alkali and reducing acidity.

All liquid consumed in food must be passed through the device. During this process, atoms and molecules will turn into ions, charged particles, the level of hydrogen enrichment will increase and the oxidation-reduction potential, or ORP for short, will change. When consumed regularly, ionized water brings the acid-base balance back to normal and has a positive effect on human health.

Tourmaline glass

One of the compact portable devices for cleaning and improving the quality of liquid is a glass with tourmaline balls. It is a flask in which the liquid should be allowed to brew for 10-40 minutes, depending on the desired result, to obtain a useful liquid:

  • model name: Energy Nano Flask;
  • price: 1490 rub.;
  • characteristics: brings the ORP level to -150 mV, pH to 8-9, designed to process 800 liters, saturates with calcium, potassium, magnesium, removes toxins;
  • plus: the filter requires replacement no more than once a year;
  • cons: not found.

Another device based on tourmaline effectively purifies water and returns all its beneficial properties to it. Using such a glass stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes blood pressure, and improves sleep:

  • Model name: Haogang;
  • price: 4600 rub.;
  • characteristics: volume – 330 ml, cleansing time – 20-30 minutes;
  • pros: 0.5 liters of purified glass of water when mixed with 10 liters from the tap changes its structure in the right direction;
  • cons: high cost.


The most expensive and high-quality device of this type is considered to be an ionizer from the Lithuanian company Burbuliukas - Akvalife. It also has the largest ionization bowl volume:

  • model name: Akvalife;
  • price: 21,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: produces alkaline water with a pH level of 9.2, makes acidic and alkaline, processes 2.7 liters at a time;
  • pros: easy to use, processes a large volume of water, there is a trial period;
  • cons: cost, expensive replacement parts.


Not all types of ionizers are capable of giving you live, that is, alkaline, and dead, that is, acidic liquid, as the Iva device does. In addition, it can be used to prepare two types of silver liquid: drinking and concentrated:

  • model name: Iva-2 Silver;
  • price: 6580 rub.;
  • characteristics: the resource of the silver electrode is designed for 250 thousand liters, equipped with a digital timer, at the end of the work a sound signal sounds, weight 800 grams;
  • pros: contains a silver rod of the highest standard weighing 9 grams;
  • cons: not found.

The slightly simpler model Iva-2 is not equipped with a silver rod, but it also performs two functions: producing living and dead liquid. Its use is convenient and reliable:

  • model name: Iva-2 with digital timer;
  • price: 5720 rub.;
  • characteristics: equipped with a digital timer and a sound signal to notify the end of work, the electrode is equipped with special protection;
  • pluses: automatic shutdown;
  • cons: not found.


The popular Japanese manufacturer Panasonic produces powerful devices for cleaning and ionization. With their help, any city resident can be sure that they are using clean and healthy drinking water:

  • Model name: Panasonic TK8051P-S;
  • price: RUB 54,900;
  • characteristics: carries out 4 degrees of purification, makes the liquid similar in chemical composition to spring water, kills pathogenic bacteria, creates both living and dead water, resource of 1 cartridge - 6 thousand liters, flow rate - 2 l/min;
  • pros: works with hot water;
  • cons: high cost.

An even more expensive and advanced model from the same manufacturer not only cleans, but also changes the molecular composition of the liquid. It is equipped with a display where you can see all the data about the ionization process:

  • Model name: Panasonic TK-HS70-W;
  • price: RUB 129,950;
  • characteristics: in 30 minutes of operation it cleans 60 liters, is equipped with an auto-cleaning system, the resource of 1 cartridge is 6 thousand liters;
  • pluses: there is an adjustment of the degree of ionization, equipped with a display with concentration data;
  • cons: high cost.


The easy-to-use silver ionizer Nevoton will quickly purify your water and retain its new beneficial properties for 4 hours. It 100% destroys all harmful microorganisms:

  • model name: Nevoton IS-112;
  • price: 2850-3650 rub.;
  • characteristics: allows water treatment from 1 to 3 liters, destroys about 650 types of pathogenic fungi and bacteria, designed to process 60 tons;
  • pros: provides both drinking (35 micrograms of silver/liter) and concentrated water (10,000 micrograms of silver/liter);
  • cons: not found.

Another unique device from the Nevoton company is a magnetic stand. It, like an ionizer, changes the properties of any drinks it sits under due to its ability to structure the liquid under the influence of a magnetic plate:

  • model name: magnetic activator;
  • price: 169 rub.;
  • characteristics: platinum diameter – 6 centimeters, changes the structure of the liquid in one to two minutes;
  • advantages: low cost;
  • cons: does not work with liquids in metal containers.


Taiwanese manufacturer Houng Ji Industry offers an ionizer that produces ionized liquid at the touch of a button. It is equipped with a liquid crystal display that changes color according to the selected mode and makes it easy to navigate the processing:

  • Model name: Tech-737;
  • price: 36,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: electrolysis method - continuous, flow rate - 2 liters per minute, 6 processing levels;
  • pros: emits a signal in acid mode, protected from overloads;
  • cons: high cost.

Water ionization carried out using the following device is considered one of the highest quality, and the device itself is one of the most reliable on the market. It is built under the sink and starts working when the tap is turned on:

  • Model name: Tech-730;
  • price: 51,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: filter resource – 6000 l, pH range – 6-9.5, continuous electrolysis;
  • pros: equipped with a self-cleaning function, litmus is provided as a gift to check the pH level;
  • cons: high cost.

How to choose

If you are determined to improve your health, then it’s time to start using an ionizer. There are a lot of them on the market, so there are several criteria that will help you make the right choice:

  • Price. The cost of ionizers varies radically: from a thousand rubles to several tens and even more than a hundred thousand.
  • Variety. A silver water ionizer can be a container with filters in which it is necessary to keep water for a certain time, or it can be connected to a water supply system and continuously pass running water through it. The latter costs many times more, but saves your time. With its help, you will not only drink ionized water, but cook with it and wash food, which is also good for health.
  • Equipment. When purchasing, pay attention to the number of liters that will undergo ionization and the availability of replaceable cartridges. Sometimes a more expensive model, due to its configuration, will be much more profitable than the cheaper one.