If the boss does not want to raise wages. How to determine the amount. You have difficult personal circumstances

All leaders, without exception, do not like to talk about this topic. The standard responses to your request are usually "We're having a difficult time right now" and "I'll think about it tomorrow."

You have been working in the company for a long time, you are valued, loved and respected ... but only in words, which, alas, do not add weight to your wallet. Or, on the contrary, you work recently, but have already demonstrated brilliant results and do not want management to get into the habit of slapping you on the back and saying, “Great, keep it up” instead of rewarding you for your achievements. There can be many reasons, but the situation is the same: you are faced with the need to ask for a salary increase, but natural modesty / inability to conduct such conversations / fear of rejection (underline as necessary) prevent you from achieving your goal. What to do?

Try using a universal cheat sheet.

What to ask for?

The most important thing that the applicant should have (besides personal charm and professional skills) is strong arguments, for which he should suddenly be paid more than up to now.

There are two main reasons for requests for a raise that do not cause disputes among experts in the personnel market - “increase in the volume of work” and “expansion of job responsibilities”. These are the most winning options when you can get what you want.

controversial arguments

  • 1 Salary below market level
    In principle, you can appeal to the fact that the market will give you more. But be ready to immediately go to this market and go, in case this remark is not to the taste of your leader. In addition, you need to take into account that, when you got a job at a company, you agreed to this salary and knew what you were getting into.
    Conclusion: the argument is not suitable for all cases, but, for example, for those when you got a job in a company a long time ago, since then the salaries of specialists of your qualification in the market have increased, but not in your company.
  • 2 Upgrading your skills
    Of course, the very fact that you knew how to use two office applications, and now work freely in four, or instead of translating texts with a dictionary, you have learned to produce a high-quality literary translation without a dictionary, is very commendable. But, by and large, the management does not care at all in what ways you perform the work assigned to you. The main thing is that it be done on time.
    Conclusion: if you use new skills and knowledge to perform all the same job responsibilities, then keep in mind that advanced training is more likely to decorate your resume, and not a monologue about salary increases addressed to management.
  • 3 Long work experience in the company
    Loyalty is a wonderful quality, but... you have been sitting in the company for years, in the same position, which is not a key one, and you only asked for a raise just now? Apparently, you are not particularly quoted in the labor market, why would the company pay you more? Be happy with what you have.
    Conclusion: Definitely, long-term experience in the same company will give you extra points in the eyes of HR specialists if you do decide to change jobs.
  • 4 Offer from competitors
    Another company is ready to make an offer to you, but you want to stay in your own? This approach may work, however, firstly, your boss may regard it as blackmail, and secondly, the boss will know that you are already looking left.

Conclusion: who will be fired from the company at the first hint of a crisis?

Invalid Arguments

It would be extremely unwise to frame a conversation about a pay rise based on one of the following reasons:

  • 1 "Ivanov works in the same position as me, but receives 10,000 more."
    - So he does three times more than you. Based on this, your salary can also be cut!
  • 2 "I took out a car loan, but there is nothing to repay."
    - And I don’t have enough for a bungalow in Goa! Maybe you can borrow me?
  • 3 "Inflation in the country..."
    But with this - to the Ministry of Finance. If every year to increase the wages of all employees of the company, then you can start up business around the world!

How to ask?

Asking for a pay rise is a negotiation. And like any negotiation, it requires setting a business goal, preliminary preparation and technical skills. So, what should be done before the decisive conversation?

Scout the situation

You need to find out what is the practice of increasing salaries in the company. Perhaps it is indexed once a year for all employees, then your individual manifest may not be understood. Or the company has accepted awards not for achievements, but for long service, and you have not worked so much yet. Etc. You also need to understand who is responsible for the pay increases - your immediate supervisor or your boss's boss? In the latter case, you will most likely have to pass the request up through your line manager and rely on the boss's negotiating skills.

Choose the right time to talk

The main thing is not to start a conversation about an increase on Monday when you come to work and on Friday five minutes before the end of the working day. But seriously, you should choose the right moment when the company is doing well with a profit, some project has been implemented, in which you have your merit, a positive result has been obtained, in which you are also involved. An extremely bad time to ask for a raise would be, for example, the time when the company is being audited, some major event is coming up, and costs are being optimized.

Prepare arguments and responses to objections

Arguments have been discussed above. Answering objections is a tool in the arsenal of a sales specialist who always knows how to respond to a potential client’s statements from the category “your product is too expensive” or “why should I buy a new phone model right now, my old one still works”. Think about possible options for the development of the dialogue and the objections of the boss. What will you answer if he says that the company has no money right now, or suggests that the conversation be postponed until later?

Prepare your escape routes

A joyful “yes” is not an answer you are more likely to hear from a manager. Rather, it will be variations on the theme "yes, but ...", "maybe" or "not at the moment." Be prepared to be rejected and don't take it as a personal defeat. Perhaps your boss was not prepared for the requirements you put forward, and when he thinks about them, he will give a more desirable answer. Do not put pressure on the leader, demanding an immediate decision. Give him time. Your task is to get a specific answer, yes or no, and its rationale. If the manager is not ready to answer right away, you should delicately tell him that you will come for an answer later and set a date for a second meeting. In this matter, firmness must be shown! Otherwise, you may never get specifics.

Think of a plan for next steps

It is needed in case, after all the days taken for reflection, the final answer will sound like “no”. A negative result is also a result. After receiving it and listening to the arguments of the boss, you can understand how best to proceed in the future - try to return to the conversation next time and achieve your goal or look for happiness elsewhere.

Two typical situations

And now let's look at two typical situations when an employee wants to ask for a raise, and ask our expert to comment on them.

  • Case 1. An employee performs routine work. He knows his business and does it well, but, due to the peculiarities of his position, his work activity does not imply the achievement of significant results. How to motivate the request for an increase in this case?

Teachers and doctors, having checked the account on their salary cards, were surprised to find that they had received a salary increase. What is the reason for this - with the "May decrees" or with an increase in workload?

Increasing the salaries of state employees. Some employees talked about salaries three and even five times higher than usual. Labor Minister Maksim Topilin explained this by the implementation of the "May Decrees".

Surprise is probably a soft word for what state employees have recently experienced. As RBC found out, for example, at Moscow State University, teachers' salaries increased two and a half to three times. And according to other sources, five times. Moreover, the leadership did not explain anything, and it looked like a miracle or a gift for the elections. One of the Moscow State University teachers, who asked not to be named, confirmed to Business FM that the salary has increased, but not only it:

“Indeed, the salary has become higher, but, to be honest, I didn’t ask the accounting department what it was connected with. But the salary that comes, I was even surprised. But, in principle, my load has grown, that is, it’s so hard for me to say that maybe it was also connected with the load.

Later, Minister of Labor Maxim Topilin explained: these are “May decrees”. Over the past six years, there have been many reports that they are not being fully implemented. And Putin has urged officials more than once. As a result, for the most part, the decrees were implemented, and the salaries of doctors, teachers, and scientists were raised. Not everyone was in time for 2018, as usual, transfers from the budget were late. But they made it just in time for March.

This removes the main question that the surprised state employees must have asked themselves when they checked the salary card account: once or will it always be like this? However, not everyone was promoted.

Svetlana literature teacher from Moscow“I didn’t notice any special salary increases and raises in our school, at least in our school, and there wasn’t. On March 8, we all received the award, we were equally congratulated. Well, everything is the same, the same salary. I didn't notice anything special, really.

Vladimir Putin, when he gave the "May decrees", did not explain what to implement them for. Of course, subsidies came from the center, but the main burden fell on the shoulders of local budgets. And then everyone tried as best they could. The head physician of the 64th Moscow city hospital, Olga Sharapova, explains that compulsory medical insurance rates have increased in Moscow since this year. Accordingly, more money came to hospitals, and doctors' salaries were raised.

Olga Sharapova chief physician of the 64th Moscow city hospital“Increase the cost of the service. This is a significant increase in high technologies, in high-tech types of medical care and specialized medical care, the tariffs for compulsory medical software and compulsory medical insurance have also been increased. This gives every chief physician an opportunity to increase wages.”

Along with the growth of salaries, state employees also learned all the delights of bureaucracy. The promotion introduced many to the buzzword KPI, on which income now depends. And in order to prove the effectiveness, you have to constantly write reports on the work done. Dmitry Belyakov, a paramedic near Moscow and chairman of the independent trade union of ambulance workers, says that his Zheleznodorozhny salary was raised back in the fall. In Moscow, ambulances were also raised, but not quite.

Dmitry Belyakov paramedic, chairman of the independent trade union of ambulance workers“Well, our salary has gone up a bit. Fine. More or less. It was worse. I used to get somewhere around 33, now - somewhere around 40. And in Moscow they recalculated the salary - there was an increase in salaries, but at the same time they reduced extra payments for work for one person, reduced extra pay for night shifts. In general, they raised for one, lowered for another.

Many state employees say this: the salary has remained the same, but bonuses have appeared. In the meantime, they lasted six years, length of service was added or qualifications improved. So the “May Decrees” were fulfilled not only due to the simple “gave money”, but also the good old “shrinkage and shaking”. As for these amazing March days, not everyone has managed to get their salaries yet. Paramedic Dmitry Belyakov is waiting for her on March 14. Before a miracle or lack thereof, there is very little left.

The salary of an employee determines his purchasing power. The standard of living of a person and his satisfaction with the current place of work depends on its size. When hiring a future employee, not least of all, the size of the whole and its individual components (surcharges for "harmfulness", various bonuses, compensations, etc.) are of interest. Inflation in the country does not stand still, and the employer is obliged to index the amount of the employee's wages in a timely manner. Only now the unscrupulous management of some organizations presents their staff with salary indexation under the guise of increasing it. Legally unsavvy employees may well not notice the catch and remain deceived. In this article, we will consider an extremely important issue: how indexation differs from wage increases.

Differences between indexation and salary increase

Let's start with definitions. they call an increase in the amount of an employee's salary due to an increase in prices for goods and services (Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). As you know, prices rise along with an increase in inflation, and the main purpose of wage indexation is to prevent a decrease in the purchasing power of an employee. In budgetary organizations, the planned indexation of wages is regulated by laws and various regulations. As for organizations whose financing does not come from the state budget, salary indexation in them is regulated by the provisions of the collective agreement or various local acts.

In addition to indexation of wages, the employer can raise it, which is aimed not at maintaining the purchasing power of the employee, but at improving it. The employer organization carries out an increase in salary at its discretion, based on how individual employees cope with their duties, and to stimulate labor productivity in general.

The employer organization carries out an increase in salary at its discretion, based on how individual employees cope with their duties, and to stimulate labor productivity in general.

When an employee of an organization detects an increase in his salary, he has the right to clarify with his employer what it is connected with - with salary indexation or with its real increase. Different types of orders are issued by the management of the organization for the indexation of salary and for its increase.

To better understand the difference between indexation and salary increase, consider the following example. Suppose an employee's salary was 20 thousand rubles, and he could buy 1,000 loaves of bread worth 20 rubles each with it. After the planned indexation, the amount of wages increased to 22 thousand rubles, but the cost of one loaf of bread as a result of inflation also became higher and amounted to 22 rubles. Accordingly, an employee can also afford to purchase only 1,000 loaves of bread for his salary. That is, its purchasing power remained at the same level.

If the notorious 2,000 rubles were added to a worker's salary without waiting for a price increase, then he would hypothetically be able to purchase not 1,000, but 1,100 loaves of bread with his 22,000 rubles, which means a real increase in his purchasing power.

Summing up the above, we will formulate the main difference between indexation and wage increases. Wage indexation, unlike an increase, does NOT increase the welfare and purchasing power of an employee, but keeps them at the same level relative to inflation in the country.

From May 1, 2018, the minimum wage increased to 11,163 rubles and equaled the subsistence level. Now the wages of employees cannot be less than this amount. But what is it really?

An increase in the "budget"

According to statistics, about 1.6 million public sector employees received wages below the subsistence level.

Government Decree No. 440-r dated March 16, 2018 allocated 20 billion rubles to provide subsidies to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to compensate for the additional costs of increasing the wages of public sector employees due to the increase in the minimum wage from May 1.

In addition, by Decree No. 780-r dated April 27, 2018, appropriations in the amount of 16.3 billion rubles are allocated from the Government’s reserve fund to provide subsidies to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for partial compensation of additional costs for the payment of district wage coefficients and percentage allowances established at the federal level and to increase the wages of state employees in connection with the increase in the minimum wage.

“Never before in the Russian Federation has there been such an increase in wages of certain categories in the public sector,” said the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin.

Promotion in "commerce"

Commercial firms must independently find funds to bring the salaries of their employees to the federal minimum wage. Note that employers from some regions will not have to fuss over the new federal minimum wage. They need to focus on the regional minimum wage, which is higher than the federal one.

For example, in Moscow, the minimum wage is 18,742 rubles, in the Moscow region - 13,750, in St. Petersburg - 17,000, in the Leningrad region - 11,400 rubles. In addition, the regional minimum wage is higher than the national minimum wage in such regions as the Tula region, the Magadan region, and the Kamchatka Territory.

Recall that in the northern regions, the “minimum salary” should be increased by the index of the district coefficient.

Those employers who paid employees less than the minimum wage before May 1 need to review payments and amend employment contracts.

As shown by the preliminary results, which is held on our website, 30% of employers have had an increase. By the way, the majority (45%) already paid their employees more than 11,163 rubles.

Not getting promoted in "commerce"

Meanwhile, 25% of the employers we surveyed went the other way. They raised the salary without raising it.

As you know, according to Art. 133 of the Labor Code, those employees who have fully worked out the norm of working hours should pay at least the minimum wage. If the employee works part-time, then the salary is paid to him proportionally.

For example, until May 1, 2018, employee Ivanov was paid a salary in the amount of the minimum wage in the amount of 9489 rubles.

From May 1, with an 8-hour working day on a standard five-day week, his salary cannot be lower than 11,163 rubles. However, the employer, at the same time as increasing the salary to the new minimum wage, transfers the employee to a part-time job, formally observing the norms of the Labor Code.

9489/11163*8=6.8 hours or 0.85 rates.

Thus, if you reduce the employee's working day by 1 hour, making it 7 hours, then you can pay Ivanov not 11163, but 9767.63 (11163/8 * 7).

Note that the reasons for such a change in working hours at the initiative of the employer are limited by the norms of Art. 74 TK.

However, the employee himself can take the initiative. If employees suddenly decide to switch to part-time work from May 2018, having declared this in writing, the employer has the right to satisfy their request.

What threatens employers

For paying wages below the minimum wage, those who have worked out the monthly norm are subject to a fine.

Penalties for this case are prescribed in Part 6 of Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and are:

  • for legal entities - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • for officials - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles.
It should be noted that recently the regulatory authorities have been paying a lot of attention to the work on the legalization of wages. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Labor, interdepartmental commissions have been created in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation to coordinate activities and monitor the situation to reduce informal employment, legalize "gray" wages and increase the collection of insurance premiums

In addition, for example, labor inspectors have data on employers who charge contributions from wages calculated below the minimum wage.

The FIU of citizens to report information about employers who offer to receive part of the salary “in an envelope”.

Tax officials, according to a number of signs, are firms with gray salaries. For example, their attention will be focused if they notice that an employee at a new job has a lower salary than at the previous one (according to 2-NDFL certificates), that is, he changed jobs on less favorable terms.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The mercantile issue of wage increases is always considered inconvenient and "delicious" in our society. However, a person who knows his worth well will be able to find ways to resolve this issue, and will have a direct conversation with his superiors. Today we will look at the advice of experienced people on how to worthily ask for a salary increase.

When to ask for a pay rise? Choosing the right moment

As you know, the management of any company is not too hasty with raising the wages of its employees until it is interested in their more vigorous activity, while increasing their efficiency. Wage increases are often leverage on employees, a means of stimulating their involvement in business rewards for good work with the prospect of a "better" job. Thus, a person who decides to ask the management of the company for a salary increase must “collect into an iron fist” all his emotions, and very thoroughly think over the argument .

How do you prepare for a pay raise? Decide on the arguments

  1. Before you start talking about a pay rise, you should accurately identify all your positive qualities, as well as your significant role in the work the whole team. Remember and first list for yourself all your merits, production achievements and victories. If you had any special rewards - diplomas, thanks, it is worth remembering them and then mentioning them in a conversation.
  2. In order to ask for a pay rise, you must know the amount you are claiming , it must be considered in advance. It often happens that the salary of an employee is raised by an amount not exceeding 10% of his previous salary. But there is a little trick here - to ask for an amount a little more than the salary, so that the boss, haggling a little and lowering your bar, still stops at those 10% that you expected at the beginning.
  3. In advance you must drop a pleading tone , any "pressure on pity" in the expectation that the boss's heart will tremble. Tune in for a serious conversation, because this, in fact, is a business negotiation necessary in normal work. Like any business negotiations, this process requires an accurate formulation of a business plan - it must be drawn up when you are going to go to the authorities.
  4. Before an important conversation, you need to determine for themselves the range of questions that can be asked to you, and also think over the exact and most reasoned answers on them. Insecure people can rehearse this conversation with any other understanding person, or even go to a psychologist for a consultation .