Is there a heaven hell in the universe. What is hell

As for hell, C. S. Lewis once wrote: "There is no doctrine that I would like to exclude from Christian dogma more than the doctrine of hell, if it were in my power". And I largely agree with him. Nobody, including Christians, should like the idea of ​​hell. Those of us who believe in hell are not sadists who enjoy the idea of ​​endless suffering. In fact, the thought that people I know will spend eternity in hell because they don't know Christ breaks my heart. As a young Christian, when I began to study hell and its consequences, I almost lost my faith. It was very disturbing.

Hell is a hard reality but this is what the Bible teaches, and we cannot fully understand God and His world until we come to terms with it. These seven truths should shape our discussions about hell.

1. Hell is hell because God is God.

People are quick to talk about "seeing God" as if seeing God face to face is a warm and pleasant experience. But the Bible makes it clear that God's holiness and perfection is so complete that if anyone saw Him, they would die (Isaiah 33:20). Even the slightest sin in His presence results in instant destruction. When Isaiah, the prophet of God, was at His throne, he fell on his face, fearful and certain that he would die (Isaiah 6:5).

The doctrine of hell is not liked by many. There is a reason for this. God tells us about hell, demonstrating the full scale of his holiness. Hell is hell because the holiness of God is the holiness of God. Hell exists for us to stand with our mouths open before the righteousness and holiness of God. Hell should make us tremble before its majesty and splendor.

Ironically, when you get rid of hell, you get rid of those resources that demonstrate the justice of God. When a person experiences abuse or abuse as a child, they need to know that there is a God of such a level of holiness that He does not tolerate any evil.

2. Jesus spoke more about hell than anyone else in Scripture.

Some people try to evade the idea of ​​hell by saying: “It was the God of the Old Testament, he was then young and capricious. But when he matured in the New Testament through Jesus – the meek and gentle Jesus – He was full of love and compassion.”

The problem is that when you start reading the Gospels, you find that Jesus talks more about hell than anyone else. The fact is that if you count the verses, it turns out that Jesus spoke about hell more than about heaven. One of the most famous critics in history, Bertrand Russell wrote in his book Why I'm Not a Christian that the doctrine of hell was "one deep defect in the character of Jesus". If we want to avoid the idea of ​​hell, we cannot ignore the problem by simply focusing on "meek and gentle Jesus".

3. Hell shows us the scope of God's love in that He saves us.

Why did Jesus talk about hell more than anyone else in the Bible? Because He wanted us to see what suffering He was going to endure on the cross for us. On the cross, the execution of Jesus was hardly describable: this bloody and disfigured man was hung on a cross, which, perhaps, was used for this purpose more than once - he was in the blood, in the feces and urine of other people who hung on him before . Experiencing incredible pain on the cross, He slowly died.

The worst part was the Father's separation that Jesus felt, a separation that in itself was like hell.

"My God, My God, he shouted. - Why did you leave me?"(Matthew 27:46). In all of this, Jesus took the hell of our sin onto His body.

People usually think that hell is some huge flaw in God's love for us. The Bible shows us the other side. Hell magnifies God's love before us by showing us how far God has gone and how much He has done to save us.

4. People are eternal.

C. S. Lewis once remarked that hell is a necessary corollary to the Christian belief that man was created to live forever. He defined it like this:

“Besides, Christianity says that every person will live forever, and this is either true or false. So, if I am destined to live some seventy years, then there are many things I do not need to worry about, but they are worth worrying about, and very seriously if I have to live forever. Perhaps my bad temper is getting worse, or my inherent envy is getting bigger, but it happens so gradually that the changes for the worse, accumulated over seventy years, are almost imperceptible. However, in a million years, my shortcomings could develop into something terrible. If Christianity is not mistaken, "hell" is an absolutely correct term, conveying the state into which envy and bad temper will lead me over millions of years.

In another book, Lewis wrote:

“Hell…begins with a grouchy mood. We try to isolate ourselves from it and even criticize it. We still have the opportunity to repent of this sin of discontent and be freed from it. But one day we realize that we can no longer resist such behavior. Your Self will disappear, and you will not be able to criticize your discontent, or even enjoy it. Only grumbling discontent will remain, which, like a faceless mechanism, will work non-stop.

5. In a sense, God doesn't send anyone to hell; we send ourselves there.

Hell is the culmination of when we tell God to get out. We keep asking Him to leave us alone. , and at the end God says "good". This is why the Bible characterizes this as darkness: God is light; His absence is darkness. On earth, we experience light and experience things like love, friendship, and the beauty of creation. These are all remnants of the light of God's presence. But when you tell God that you don't want Him to be your Lord and you don't want Him to be the center of your life, in the end your desire is granted.

We have two options: life with God or life without God. If you say: “I do not accept God's authority. I'd rather live for myself"- this is hell. In The Great Divorce and The Problem of Pain, Lewis puts it this way:

“In the long run, the answer to all those who oppose the doctrine of hell is the question, “What do you want God to do?” . . . Leave them alone? Alas, I fear this is what He does. . . As a result, there are only two types of people - those who say to God "Thy will be done", and those to whom God says "Thy will be done".

6. On the other hand, God sends people to hell and all His ways are true and righteous.

We may be tempted to be angry with God and correct Him. But how can we find fault with God Himself? As the Apostle Paul said in Romans chapter 9, who are we - just lumps of clay - to argue with the divine potter?

We cannot be more merciful than God. Isaiah reminds us that all who are currently "enmity against God" will come to Him at the last day and be put to shame (Isaiah 45:24) because they will then realize how excellent God's ways are. Every time God is compared to man in the Bible, He is the most merciful.

When we look back at our lives, we are not struck by the severity of his justice, but by the greatness of his mercy.

7. It is not enough for God to take us out of hell; He must take the hell out of ourselves.

Some people see the problem with using hell to force conformity to Christianity. It's as if God said: "Serve me or you'll be in trouble". This may seem like manipulation. It may surprise you, but God will agree with you.


If people believe in God simply because they were afraid or because God performed some great miracle (Luke 16:31), they may submit, but this will not change their hearts' attitude toward God. If you accept Jesus just to avoid hell, then you will hate the idea of ​​living in heaven, since only those who love and trust God will enjoy life in heaven. If you do not love the Father, then life in the Father's house will be like slavery. It's like being forced to marry someone you don't want to marry. You can only go to heaven if you learn to love and trust God.

It is only when you experience the love of God that your heart begins to change and love and trust in God begins to spring up in it. It is not enough for God to take us out of hell; He must take the hell out of ourselves.

Comments - 9

    Everything that I had heard, read or heard about hell before did not bring satisfaction to my heart. This year, as I began to read and talk more about the gospel of grace, I decided to revisit and explore the subject of hell. I wrote to many pastors asking them to send me sermons on the subject of hell, listened to videos of people who have been in hell, reread Bible verses, talked to believers and non-believers, read philosophers, and found that people are full of fears of doubt and misunderstanding of everything related to the word "hell". As a result, this article was born. I invite you to explore together and meditate on one of the most exciting and mysterious topics in the Bible and Christianity in general. Let's start with a definition: the word "hell" (Greek κολασε - flour) comes from the verb κολαζο and has two meanings. The first meaning is “to cut the branches of the tree”, the second is “to punish”. This word is often used in Scripture in the sense of punishment. And not in the sense that God punishes a person, but a person punishes himself when he does not accept His grace. Look at the following Bible verse: “Perfect love casts out fear, because in fear there is torment (κολασε). He who fears is imperfect in love” (1 John 4:18). Here the word "torment" is the same word that describes hell. See what kind of torment a person who is in fear experiences? What the hell is he going through? This torment is connected with the absence of love. If you read the Bible, you know how the word of God teaches that a person is reconciled to God through Christ. God is never at enmity with man, but man himself becomes an enemy of God. Even if man becomes an enemy of God, God does not become an enemy of man. Man imagines God to be angry and hostile. Let's get back to the definition of hell. What if I tell you that heaven and hell are the actions of the grace of God on people? There are four words in the Bible that have been translated incorrectly, in our synodal translation, these four words are denoted by one word “hell”. In the Bible, the Hebrew word "sheol" is used to denote the word "hell", and the three Greek words "hell", "tartarus" and "gehenna". But these words do not mean "hell" in the sense in which they are present in the understanding of most people.
    - The word "Hell" is used 65 times in the Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament, and means a grave (place of the dead) or a pit.
    - The word "Hades" is used 11 times in the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, and has the same meaning as the Hebrew word "sheol." Thus, it also means grave or pit.
    - "Tartarus" is used only once in the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament in the next verse.
    “For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but, having bound them with the bonds of hellish darkness, handed over to observe for judgment for punishment;” /2 Peter 2:4/ Note that this verse says that God rejected angels and not mankind.
    Gehenna is used 12 times in the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, and each time, it is mistranslated.
    “….and if your eye offends you, tear it out and throw it away from you: it is better for you to enter into life with one eye than to be cast into hellfire with two eyes.” /From Matthew 18:9/
    When Jesus uses the term Gehenna, He is referring to the name of a valley located in Jerusalem. At the time of Jesus, this valley was used as a city dump. Something was constantly on fire there, because people burned garbage there.
    It becomes obvious to me that the Holy Scripture does not have one universal word that describes "hell". In addition, Jesus uses the word hyena, symbolically, as well as His expression "gouge out your eye" which is not to be taken literally. Hell is not just a geographical place, but rather two radically opposite directions of the presence of God Himself. For some, this is a party with smiling faces. For others, a room full of cannibals ready to eat you! The bottom line is this - it depends on the eyes of faith.

    Friends, what if hell is not at all what you heard about? What if there is no place where God does not exist? What if the love of God is not only for saints, but also for sinners? What if a created and visible hell simply does not exist? Do I believe in the existence of hell? Yes, I believe, but I also believe that hell exists only from the point of view of man, but not from the point of view of God. This understanding is inextricably linked with the teaching of the Bible about the enmity and reconciliation of man with God. If God is not at enmity with man, if God is no longer angry with us, then where can the understanding of God as angry and hostile come from? There is only one answer: only in the mind of the person himself. That is why hell exists only from the point of view of man and not God. I believe that hell really exists, but at the same time it exists as the other side of God. God Himself is heaven for some and hell for others. (we'll talk more about this in part 3) We can't assume that God allows hell to exist outside of Himself, or without His influence or control. The Bible says:
    “All things came into being through Him, and without Him nothing came into being that came into being.” / John 1:3 /
    “.... for by Him everything was created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible: whether thrones, or dominions, whether principalities, whether authorities, - everything was created by Him and for Him;” /Colossians 1:16/
    We cannot assume that God did not "have a hand" in the creation of hell. If you believe in a hell that is tormented and burning with eternal fire, which is prepared for punishment, you must also believe that God is its author. Friends, hell does not exist outside of God, let's look at two more verses from the Bible confirming this:
    “he will drink the wine of the wrath of God, the whole wine prepared in the cup of his wrath, and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone before the holy angels and before the Lamb;” /Open 14:10/
    “If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I go down to hell, and there you are.” /Psalms 139:8/
    In both of these passages, Hell is described as a reality that is directly in the presence of God, there can be no doubt about it. And in conclusion, we will look at one more verse from the Holy Scriptures: “….and the glory of the Lord fell on Mount Sinai; and a cloud covered her for six days, and on the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from the midst of the cloud. For the Israelites, the sight of the glory of the Lord looked like a consuming fire on top of a mountain. Then Moses stepped into the midst of the cloud and went up the mountain; and Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights. (Ex. 24:16-18, NIV). Note that the Israelites perceived the glory of God as a terrible fire. But Moses saw it as a great cloud of glory - he walked right into the presence of God! This is the picture of what is heaven and hell for the believer. Byzantine Catholic theologian Rick Ballard puts it this way: “The understanding of God as an experience of Hell by those who reject Him makes the idea of ​​hell an absolute act of mercy and love. I have even heard it described by some in our Eastern tradition as a place for those who cannot be healed, much like our psychiatric hospitals. Such an existence is not one to which God condemns them forever, but is the result of their own self-deception and their constant rejection of Him. By no means does He reject them, but rather we find them eternally rejecting Him.”

    Friends, can you imagine that hell is not really a place of torment from the flames of fire, or the heat of a furnace, but a place of torment from the impact of God's love? And the suffering that people experience in hell is the suffering and torment associated with the denial of His love? In fact, many of the early Church Fathers (Isaac the Syrian, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian) and the Eastern Church Fathers, like Gregory Palamas, taught precisely this view of hell. At the same time, this is not only about individual theologians, this is the teaching of the entire Eastern Orthodox Church. Look at her statement, which explains their point of view on this issue: “A common place in the teaching of the holy fathers of the Church is the position that heaven and hell exist only from the point of view of man, but not from the point of view of God. Of course, both heaven and hell exist in reality, exist as two different ways of being, but God did not create this difference. From patristic tradition it is clear that heaven and hell cannot be considered as two different places, but God Himself is a paradise for saints and a hell for sinners. Here is what Isaac the Sirin writes about this: “...hell is the scourge of divine love. I say that those who are tormented in Gehenna are smitten with the scourge of love. And how bitter and cruel is the torment of love!” As you read the Church Fathers, you will find that sorrow from sin against the love of God is “more terrible than any possible punishment.” It's torture to deny someone's love and go against it. In hell, people will not be deprived of divine love. God will love all people - both the righteous and sinners, but not everyone will feel this love to the same extent and in the same way. “So, whomever he wants, he has mercy; but whomever he wants, he hardens” (Rom. 9:18). This difference between those whom He has mercy on and those whom He hardens is not due to the choice of God, but to the nature of man himself. “Just as the sun softens wax, and hardens clay, not by itself, but by virtue of the difference in the substance of wax and clay, so God, Pharaoh’s clay heart, as they say, hardens.” (Theophylact of Bulgaria) In other words, a person depriving himself of the love of God, hardening his heart. Basil the Great, interpreting the verse: "The voice of the Lord strikes the flame of fire." /Psalms 28:7/, speaks of the miracle of Shadrach, Meshach, and Adenago in the fiery furnace. Then the flame divided into two parts, and although this flame scorched those who were outside the furnace, at the same time it watered the youths as if they were in the shade of a tree. Below, he notes that the fire prepared by God for the devil and his angels is "stopped by the voice of the Lord." Fire has two powers: the power to scorch and the power to illuminate; it both burns and enlightens. Gregory the Theologian believed that both heaven and hell are the same God, because everyone perceives Him in accordance with their state of mind. In one of his doxologies, he exclaims: “O trinity, which will someday be known by all, some in radiance, others in torment ....” The same God is for people both radiance and torment. Friends, I want to tell you once again that hell is connected with God, and it is inappropriate to think that “that sinners in Gehenna are deprived of the love of God”. (Isaac the Sirin) Friends, when we talk about the wrath of God, it's not always what the Bible says. The Greek word for "wrath" in the New Testament was unfortunately not rendered in its full meaning, so people think that God is angry with them. In fact, this word can mean any strong emotion. It can describe a strong passion, often bordering on anger, impulse, excitement, and the word orgasm came from it. Friends, what if the wrath of God is not the wrath of vengeance or retribution, but of fierce love? In fact, the parables say, “For in doing this you heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.” (Proverbs 25:22) The wrath of God is not an expression of hatred, contempt and rage, but a passionate expression of His love and grace, which he reaches people. “A river of fire went out and passed before Him; thousands upon thousands served Him, and so many darknesses stood before Him; the judges sat down and the books were opened." /Daniel 7:10/ Friends, what is this “river of fire” that flows from Him? This is the river of His love! Indeed, "the flames of heaven will be hotter for some than the flames of hell." (Dallas Willard) Truly, grace and love is heaven for many, hell for some. Faith difference. The difference is in the heart. You cannot refuse grace. You cannot stop His presence, His grace, or blessing over your life. You can only love or dislike Him. He never leaves you, you can never leave Him. God never changes. He is love.

    Which fire is stronger? The flame of Christ's love or the flames of hell? Friends The Bible says, “From the power of hell I will redeem them; from death I will deliver them. Death! where is your pity? hell! where is your victory? I will have no repentance for that." (Hosea 13:14) There is no doubt that the flame of His love is stronger than the fire of hell. But if what Christ Jesus did at Calvary doesn't burn your heart, then even the flames of hell can't crush it.

    I don’t know who the author of this article is, and I don’t want to know anything about him. But I can only say one thing about him: he is ignorant and doesn’t know the Scriptures. I won’t prove what hell is now, because even a student of the Bible school should know that hell is a grave .But I want to ask those who think like this ignoramus; where in the Scripture it is written that sin will be localized, that death will be localized. WHERE? .On the localization of sin, death, and the sinner is nowhere written. and not publish articles of all the ignoramuses in a row. Sorry for this tone.

  1. I personally in my life literally endured the words "there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." January 2, 1990. None of the medicines that were in my medicine cabinet at home could help me. And this went on for several hours. I gnashed my teeth in pain. So I sincerely believe in the existence of hell and fiery hell.

Is there life after death? There is!

Is there anything more valuable to a person than life? Does death mean the cessation of our existence in general, or is it the beginning of a different, new life? Are there people who have returned from the other world, and do they know what happens there, beyond the threshold of death? What can be compared to that state?

Society's interest in such questions begins to increase rapidly, because thanks to the resuscitation technique available in our time, otherwise called the resuscitation technique, which helps to restore the respiratory function and cardiac activity of the body, an increasing number of people are able to talk about the states of death they experienced. Some of them shared with us these striking immediacy, impressions taken from the "other world" . And when such impressions were pleasant and joyful, people often ceased to experience fear of death.

Many are surprised at the recent reports of extremely positive experiences described by people who have come back to life. The question arises why no one talks about the existence of unpleasant, that is, negative after-death experiences?

As a cardiologist with extensive clinical experience in resuscitation of patients with coronary insufficiency, I have found that if the patient is questioned immediately after resuscitation, there are not a few unpleasant impressions received in the afterlife.

To hell and back

An increasing number of my patients who have endured tell me that there is heaven and hell there. I myself have always believed that death is nothing more than physical extinction, and my own life has been a confirmation of this. But now I was forced to radically change my views, and thus reconsider my whole life, and found little consolation in it. I saw that it was indeed unsafe - to die!

The upheaval in my beliefs was the result of the incident, and that's how it all started for me. I once asked one of my patients to undergo what we call a "stress test" to determine the condition of the patient's chest. During this procedure, we give the patient a certain load and at the same time register heart beats. By means of the simulator, it is possible to stimulate the patient's movements so that he gradually moves from walking to running. If the symmetry on the electrocardiogram is broken during such exercises, then this means that the chest pains in the patient most likely arise due to a cardiac disorder, which is the initial stage of angina pectoris.

This patient, a pale 48-year-old man, worked as a village postman. Medium build, dark haired and good looking. Unfortunately, in the started procedure, the ECG not only "got lost", but also showed a complete cardiac arrest. He fell to the floor in my office and slowly began to die.

It was not even atrial fibrillation, namely cardiac arrest. The ventricles contracted, and the heart stopped dead.

Putting my ear to his chest, I couldn't hear anything. The pulse was not felt to the left of the Adam's apple. He sighed once or twice and froze completely, Muscles clenched in limp convulsions. The body began to take on a bluish color.

This happened around noon, but although there were 6 other doctors working in the clinic besides me, they all went to another hospital for an evening round. Only the nurses remained, but they did not lose their heads and their behavior deserves praise.

While I was doing chest compressions by pressing on the patient's chest, one of the nurses began mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Another nurse brought a breathing mask to facilitate this procedure. A third wheeled a spare wheelchair with pacemaker equipment (ECS). But, to everyone's chagrin, the heart showed no signs of life. There was a complete blockage of the heart muscle. The pacemaker was supposed to eliminate this blockade and increase the number of heartbeats from 35 to 80-100 per minute.

I inserted the stimulator wires into a large vein below the collarbone - the one that goes directly to the heart. One end of the wire was inserted into the venous system and left free inside the heart muscle. Its other end was connected to a small energy battery - a device that regulates the activity of the heart and does not allow it to stop.

The patient began to recover. But as soon as I interrupted the manual massage of the chest for some reason, the patient again lost consciousness and his respiratory activity stopped - death came again.

Every time his vital functions were restored, this man screamed piercingly: "I'm in hell!" He was terribly frightened and begged me for help. I was very afraid that he would die, but I was even more frightened by the mention of hell, which he shouted about, and where I myself was not. At that moment, I heard from him a very strange request: "Don't stop!" The fact is that the patients I had to resuscitate before, the first thing they usually said to me as soon as they regained consciousness: “Stop tormenting my chest, you are hurting me!” And this is quite understandable - I have enough strength, so that with a closed heart massage, I sometimes break my ribs. And yet this patient told me: “Keep going!”

It was only at the moment when I looked at his face that real anxiety seized me. The expression on his face was much worse than at the time of death. His face was distorted by a terrible grimace, personifying horror, the pupils were dilated, and he himself was trembling and sweating - in a word, all this defies description.

Accustomed to patients who are under such emotional stress, I did not pay any attention to his words and I remember saying to him: "I'm busy, don't bother me with your hell until I put the stimulant in its place."

But the man was serious, and it finally dawned on me that his concern was genuine. He was in a state of panic terror the likes of which I had never seen before. As a result, I began to act at a feverish pace. Meanwhile, during this time, the patient lost consciousness 3 or 4 times and again.

Finally, after several such episodes, he asked me: “How can I get out of hell?” And I, remembering that once I had to teach in Sunday school, told him that the only One who can intercede for him is Jesus Christ. Then he said, “I don't know how to do it right. Pray for me."

Pray for him! How many nerves! I replied that I was a doctor, not a preacher.

But he repeated, "Pray for me!" I realized that I had no choice - it was a dying request. And so, while we were working - right on the floor - he repeated my words after me. It was a very simple prayer, because until now I had no experience in this regard. Something like the following came out:

My Lord Jesus Christ!

I ask you to save me from hell.

Forgive my sins.

I will follow You all my life.

If I die, I want to be in Heaven

If I stay alive, I will forever be faithful to You.

In the end, the patient's condition stabilized, and he was taken to the ward. When I got home, I blew the dust off the Bible and began to read, wanting to find an accurate description of hell there.

In my medical practice, death has always been a common thing, and I considered it a simple termination of life, which does not entail any subsequent danger or remorse. But now I was convinced that there was something else behind it all. The Bible spoke of death as the final destiny of everyone. All my views required revision, and I needed to expand my knowledge. In other words, I was looking for an answer to a question that would confirm the truth of Scripture. I discovered that the Bible is not just a history book. Every word went to the very heart and turned out to be true. I decided that I needed to start studying it better and more carefully.

A couple of days later, I approached my patient, wanting to question him. Sitting down by the headboard, I asked him to remember what he actually saw in that hell. Was there fire? What kind of devil is he, and did he have a pitchfork? What does all this resemble, and what can hell be compared to?

The patient was amazed: “What are you talking about, what hell? I don't remember anything like that." I had to explain to him in detail, recalling every detail he described two days ago: the way he lay on the floor, and the stimulator, and resuscitation. But despite all my efforts, the patient could not remember anything bad about his feelings. Apparently, the experiences that he had to go through were so terrible, so disgusting and painful that his brain was unable to cope with them, so that they were subsequently forced into the subconscious.

Meanwhile, this man suddenly became a believer. Now he is a zealous Christian, although before that he went to church only by chance. Being extremely secretive and shy, he nevertheless became a direct witness of Jesus Christ. He also did not forget our prayer and how he “passed out” once or twice. He still does not remember what he experienced in hell, but he says that he saw, as it were, from above, from the ceiling, those who were below, watching how they worked on his body.

He also remembered meeting his late mother and late stepmother during one of these dying episodes. The meeting point was a narrow gorge full of beautiful flowers. He also saw other deceased relatives. He was very happy in that valley with bright greenery and flowers, and he adds that all of it was illuminated by a very strong beam of light. He “saw” his dead mother for the first time, since she died at the age of twenty-one, when he was only 15 months old, and his father soon remarried, and he was never shown even photographs of his mother. However, despite this, he managed to choose her portrait from many others when his aunt, having learned about what had happened, brought several family photographs for verification. There was no mistake - the same brown hair, the same eyes and lips - the face in the portrait was a copy of what he saw. And there she was still 21 years old. That the woman he had seen was his mother, there was no doubt. He was amazed - this event was no less amazing for his father.

Thus, all this can serve as an explanation for the paradox that only “good experiences” are described in the literature. The fact is that if the patient is not interviewed immediately after resuscitation, then bad impressions are erased from memory, and only good ones remain.

Further observations will have to confirm this discovery made by doctors in intensive care units, and doctors themselves should have the courage to pay attention to the study of spiritual phenomena, which they can do by interviewing patients immediately after their resuscitation. Since only 1/5 of the patients who have come back to life talk about their experiences, many such interviews can be fruitless. If the search is ultimately successful, then their results can be compared with a pearl, which was considered a trinket found in a pile of garbage. Just such “pearls” saved me from the darkness of ignorance and skepticism and led me to the conviction that there, beyond the threshold of death, there is life, and this life is not always a continuous joy.

The story of this patient could be supplemented. The unimportant condition of the heart led to his stop during the procedure. Some time later, after he recovered, the chest pains still remained; but they were the result of a chest massage and had nothing to do with his illness.

With the help of coronary catheterization (a procedure for examining the heart vessels), it was possible to detect pathological changes in the coronary arteries, which were the cause of his illness. Since the coronary arteries are too small to remove the obstructions formed in them, the blood vessels must be taken from the leg and transplanted so as to circle the affected area of ​​the artery, which in this case is excised. Our surgical team was called in to perform one of these operations.

My duties as a cardiologist include catheterization, diagnosis and treatment, but not surgery. But for that special occasion, I was included in the group of surgeons, consisting of several doctors and operating room technicians. The general content of the conversation at the operating table and earlier, during catheterization, was approximately the following.

“Isn't it interesting,” one of the doctors turned to those standing, “this patient said that while he was being resuscitated, he had been to hell! But I don't care much. If hell really exists, then I have nothing to fear. I am an honest person and always take care of my family. Other doctors walked away from their wives, but I never did. In addition, I look after my children and take care of their education. So I see no reason to be upset. If there is Heaven, then there is a place prepared for me.”

I was convinced that he was wrong, but then I could not yet substantiate my thoughts with reference to Scripture. Later I found many such places. I was convinced that good behavior alone could not hope to go to Heaven.

The conversation at the table was continued by another doctor: “I personally do not believe that after death there can be any more life. Most likely, the patient simply imagined this hell to himself, while in fact there was nothing like it. ” When I asked him what grounds he had for making such claims, he said that "before entering medical school, I studied at the Seminary for 3 years and left because I could not believe in an afterlife."

What do you think happens to a person after death? I asked.

After death, a person becomes fertilizer for flowers, he replied. It was not a joke on his part, and he still holds this belief. It's embarrassing to admit, but until recently, I also held this view. One of the doctors, who felt like pricking me, tried to amuse others with his question: “Rowlings, someone told me that you were baptized in the Jordan. Is it true?"

I tried to avoid answering by changing the subject. Instead of saying something like, "Yes, that was one of the happiest days of my life," I avoided the question so you could say; that I was embarrassed. To this day, I regret it, and often the place from the Gospel comes to my mind where Jesus says that if we are ashamed of Him before the people of this age, then He will also be ashamed of us before His Father in Heaven (see Matt. 10 :33). I hope that now my commitment to Christ is more clear to those around me.

Typical out-of-body sensation

The following description is general but may take on some variations.

Usually the dying person weakens or loses consciousness at the moment of death, and yet, he is able to hear for a while how the doctor states his death. Then he discovers that he is out of his body, but still in the same room, watching as a witness to what is happening. He sees himself being resuscitated and is often forced to bypass other people who might interfere with his observations. Or he is able to look down at the scene in a hovering position while under the ceiling. Often he stops, as if floating, behind the doctor or attendants, looking down at the backs of their heads as they are engaged in resuscitation. He notices who is in the room and knows what they are saying.

He hardly believes in his own death, in the fact that his body, which previously served him, now lies lifeless. He feels great! The body is left, like some unnecessary thing. Gradually getting used to a new, unusual state, he begins to notice that he now has a new body, which seems real and endowed with better perception abilities. He is able to see, feel, think and speak as before. But now new advantages have been acquired. He understands that his body has many possibilities: moving, reading other people's thoughts; His abilities are almost limitless. Then he can hear an unusual noise, after which he sees himself speeding down a long black corridor. His speed can be both fast and slow, but he does not hit walls and is not afraid of falling.

Upon leaving the corridor, he sees a brightly lit, exquisitely beautiful area where he meets and talks with friends and relatives who have died earlier. After that, he can be interrogated by a creature of light or a creature of darkness. This area may be unspeakably wonderful, often a hilly meadow or a beautiful city; or the often unspeakably repulsive underground prison or gigantic cavern. A person's entire life can be played back as a snapshot of all major events, as if awaiting judgment. When he walks with his friends or relatives (often his parents are in good condition), there is usually a barrier that he is not able to cross. At this point, he usually returns and suddenly finds himself back in his body, and may feel a jolt of the applied electric current or pain in his chest due to pressure on it.

Such experiences, as a rule, have a strong impact on the life and behavior of the person after the revival. If the feeling is pleasant, then the person is not afraid to die again. He can look forward to a renewal of this feeling, especially from the moment when he knew that death itself is painless and does not inspire fear. But if he tries to tell about these feelings to his friends, then this can be perceived either with mockery or with jokes. Finding words to describe these supernatural events is rather difficult; but if he is ridiculed, he will afterwards keep the incident a secret and will no longer mention it. If what happened is unpleasant, if he experienced condemnation or a curse, then most likely he will prefer to keep these memories a secret.

Terrible experiences can occur just as often as pleasant ones. Those who have experienced unpleasant sensations, as well as those who have experienced pleasant sensations, may not be bothered by the knowledge that they are dead when they watch those who fuss over their dead body. They also enter a dark corridor after they leave the room, but instead of entering an area of ​​light, they find themselves in a dark, foggy environment where they encounter strange people who may be lurking in the shadows or along a flaming lake of fire. Horrors defy description, so remembering them is extremely difficult. Unlike pleasant sensations, it is difficult to know the exact details here.

It is important to interview the patient immediately after resuscitation, while he is still under the impression of the experienced events, that is, before he can forget or hide his experiences. These extraordinary, painful encounters have the most profound effect on their relationship to life and death. I have not yet met a single person who, having experienced this, would remain an agnostic or an atheist.

Personal Observations

I would like to talk about what caused my desire to study the "post-mortem experience". I started following the publications of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (finally published in her book On Death and Dying) and Dr. Raymond Moody in Life After Life. Apart from the description of suicide attempts, the materials they published testify only to extremely joyful sensations. I can't believe this! The sensations they describe are too joyful, too exalted to be true, in my opinion. At the time of my youth I was taught that beyond the grave there is a "place of seal" and a "place of bliss", hell and heaven. In addition, that conversation with a man during his resuscitation, who assured me that he was in hell, and faith in the immutability of Scripture, convinced me that some people must go to hell.

However, almost everyone in their descriptions spoke of paradise. It was then that I finally realized that some of the “good” sensations might have been false, perhaps orchestrated by Satan, disguised as an “angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). Or maybe a meeting place in a pleasant environment, which is the "land of separation" or the area of ​​​​deciding before the trial, since in most cases a barrier is reported that prevents progress to the other side. The patient returns to his body before he can get past the barrier. However, cases are also reported when deceased patients were allowed to cross the “barrier” beyond which Heaven or Hell opened. These cases will be described below.

As a result of such observations, the conviction has matured in me that all the facts published by Dr. Raymond Moody and Dr. Kubler-Ross and subsequently by Drs. Karlis Osis and Erlendew Haraldson in their excellent collection At the Hour of Death, are accurately stated by the authors, but not always in sufficient detail. reported by patients. I have found that most of the unpleasant sensations soon recede deep into the patient's subconscious, or subconscious mind. These bad sensations seem so painful and disturbing that they are expelled from conscious memory, and either only pleasant sensations remain, or nothing remains at all. There have been cases where patients "died" several times from cardiac arrest, as soon as resuscitation was stopped, and when breathing and heart activity resumed, consciousness returned to them. In such cases, the patient repeatedly had an out-of-body experience. However, he usually remembered only pleasant details.

Then I finally realized that both Dr. Kubler-Ross and Dr. Moody and other psychiatrists and psychologists were asking patients who had been resuscitated by other doctors, and the resuscitation had taken place days or even weeks before the interview. To the best of my knowledge, neither Kubler-Ross nor Moody had ever resuscitated a patient or even been able to interview him at the scene. After repeatedly questioning my resuscitated patients, I was amazed by the discovery that many people have unpleasant sensations. If patients could be interviewed immediately after resuscitation, then I'm sure researchers would hear about bad feelings as often as good ones. However, most doctors, who do not want to appear religious, are afraid to ask patients about their "post-mortem experience."

This idea of ​​immediate interrogation was put forward many years ago by the famous psychologist, Dr. W.G. Myers, who stated:

“It is possible that we could learn a lot by questioning the dying at the moment of their exit from certain comatose states, since their memory stores certain dreams or visions that appeared in this state. If any sensations are really experienced at this moment, then they must be recorded immediately, since they will probably be quickly erased from the supraliminal (conscious) memory of the patient, even if he does not die immediately after that ”(F.W.H Myers,“ Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodili Death" (New York: Avon Books, 1977).

In embarking on the study of this phenomenon, I came into contact with other doctors who were also given similar information about pleasant and unpleasant sensations, so that sufficiently similar cases could be compared. At the same time, I began to be preoccupied with the problem of similar reports previously made by various authors.

Unusual events in our time

The memories of many of my patients are striking in their careful reproduction of the realities that accompanied their resuscitation: an accurate listing of the procedures used, a summary of the conversation between those who were present in the room, a description of the style and color of the clothes on each. Such events suggest a spiritual existence outside the body during a prolonged unconscious state. Such comatose states sometimes continue for several days.

One such patient was a nurse. Once in the hospital I was asked to examine her to consult her heart because of complaints of periodic chest pains. There was only her neighbor in the ward, who informed me that the patient was either in the X-ray department or was still in the bathroom. I knocked on the bathroom door and, not hearing an answer, turned the handle, opening the door very slowly so as not to embarrass whoever might be there.

When the door opened, I saw a nurse hanging from a clothes hook on the other side of the bathroom door. It wasn't too tall, so it turned easily with the open door. The woman hung on a hook, hooked on a soft collar, which is used to stretch the cervical vertebrae. She apparently tied this collar around her neck and then attached the end of it to a hook and began to gradually bend her knees until she became unconscious. Not suffocation or shock - just a gradual loss of consciousness. The deeper the fainting became, the more she sank. At the moment of death, her face, tongue and eyes protruded forward. The face took on a dark, bluish tint. The rest of her body was deathly pale. Her breath stopped, she stretched out.

I quickly unhooked her and laid her full length on the floor. Her pupils were dilated, there was no pulse at the neck, and no heartbeats were felt. I started the chest compressions while her neighbor ran downstairs to call for help from the attendants. Oxygen and breathing mask were replaced with mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. There was a straight line on the ECG, a "dead spot". Electric shock won't help. The intravenous dose of sodium bicarbonate and epinephrine was immediately doubled while other medications were delivered to the intravenous vial. A drip was placed to maintain blood pressure and relieve shock.

After she was sent on a stretcher to the intensive care unit, where she spent 4 days in a coma. Pupil dilation indicated brain damage due to inadequate circulation during cardiac arrest. But suddenly, after a few hours, her blood pressure began to normalize. Together with the restoration of blood circulation, urination began. However, she was able to speak only after a few days. In the end, all body functions were restored, and a few months later the patient returned to work.

To this day, she believes that something like a car accident was the cause of the pathological lengthening of her neck. Although she was admitted to the hospital in a depressed state, she has now recovered without any residual depression or suicidal tendencies, probably alleviated by a long-term interruption of the blood supply to the brain.

About the second day after coming out of the coma, I asked her if she remembered at least something of everything. She replied: “Oh yes, I remember how you taught me. You took off your brown plaid jacket, then loosened your tie, I remember it was white and had brown stripes on it, The sister who came to help you seemed so alarmed! I tried to tell her that I'm fine. You asked her to bring an ambulatory bag, as well as an IV catheter. Then two men came in with a stretcher. I remember all this."

She remembered me - and she was in a deep coma, just at that time, and remained in this state for the next four days! While I was taking off my brown jacket, it was just me and her in the room. And she was clinically dead.

Some of the survivors of reversible death perfectly remembered the conversation that took place during resuscitation. Maybe because hearing is one of those senses that the body loses after death in the last turn? I don't know. But next time I will be more careful.

One 73-year-old gentleman entered the hospital ward complaining of a pressing pain in the middle of his chest. While walking to my office, he held his chest. But halfway down, he fell down and, falling, hit his head against the wall. He foamed, he sighed once or twice, and his breathing stopped. The heart stopped beating.

We lifted his shirt and listened to his chest to make sure. Artificial respiration and cardiac massage were started. An ECG was done, which showed atrial fibrillation of the ventricles of the heart. Every time we applied electric shocks through the plates, the body bounced in response. Subsequently, he regained consciousness from time to time, fighting off us and trying to get back on his feet. Then suddenly bent over, he fell again, again and again hitting his head on the floor. This was repeated about 6 times.

Oddly enough, on the 6th time, after a series of intravenous infusions that supported the work of the heart, the shock procedures worked and the pulse began to be felt, blood pressure was restored, consciousness returned, and the patient is alive to this day. He is already 81 years old. He remarried after this incident and subsequently contrived to obtain a divorce, thus losing his profitable fruit trade, which was his main means of subsistence.

Of the 6 near-death experiences he experienced that day in my office, he remembers only one. He remembers telling another doctor who worked with me, “Let's try one more time. If the electric shock doesn't help, let's stop!" I would have gladly retracted my words, since he heard me, although he was then completely unconscious. Later he told me: “What did you mean by saying: “We will stop”? Did that apply to me when you were still working?”


Very often people have asked me if those good and bad feelings could not be hallucinations that could be caused by the severity of the patient's illness or drugs prescribed during this illness? Is it not more probable that hidden wishes come true in their visions? Maybe they are due to cultural or religious upbringing? Are their sensations really universal, or is it just their vision? Do people with different religious beliefs, for example, have the same or different feelings?

To solve this problem, Dr. Karlis Osis and his colleagues conducted two studies in America and India. More than 1,000 people who dealt with the dying most often - doctors and other medical staff - filled out questionnaires. The following results were recorded:

1. Did those patients who took painkillers or narcotic medications known to cause hallucinations have less plausible post-mortem experiences than those who did not use drugs at all? In addition, hallucinations caused by drugs are clearly related to the present, but not.

2. Hallucinations caused by diseases such as uremia, chemical poisoning, or brain damage are less in contact with unexpected encounters from the future life or its components than hallucinations associated with other diseases.

3. Patients who received sensations in a future life did not see Heaven or Hell in the form in which they previously imagined them. What they saw was usually unexpected for them.

4. These visions are not wishful thinking and do not appear to establish which patients have "postmortem experiences". Such visions or sensations are as common in patients who have a chance of recovering soon as in those who are dying.

5. The sequence of sensations does not depend on differences in culture or religion. In both America and India, dying patients claimed to have seen a dark corridor, a blinding light, and relatives who had died earlier.

6. It was noted, however, that; religious backgrounds had a certain effect on the identification of a certain Being who could meet. No Christian has seen a Hindu deity, and no Hindu has seen Christ. This Being does not seem to reveal itself, but is instead defined by the observer.

Dr. Charles Garfield, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of California Medical Center, concluded from his observations that they were in all respects quite different from the drug-induced hallucinations or the splitting of feelings that the patient may experience during periods of aggravation of the disease. My own observations confirm this.

The narcotic effect, delirium tremens, carbon dioxide anesthesia and mental reactions are more likely to be associated with the life of this world, but not with the events of the world of the future.

Descent into hell

Finally, we turn to those messages that are generally little known to the public. There are people who, after returning from a state of clinical death, said that they were in hell. Some of the cases are described by people who apparently penetrated the barrier or rocky mountains separating the places of distribution from those places where judgment could be held. Those who did not meet the barrier may leave the place of death only to pass through various sorts of distribution places - one such place was gloomy and dark, like a haunted house at a carnival. In most cases, this place appears to be a dungeon or an underground road.

Thomas Welch, in his pamphlet A Wonderful Miracle in Oregon, described the most extraordinary sensation that came over him when he saw the amazingly large "lake of fire, a sight more terrible than man could ever imagine, this last side of judgment."

While working as an assistant engineer at the Bridle Whale Lumber Company, 30 miles east of Portland, Oregon, Welch was assigned to oversee, from a scaffold across a dam 55 feet above the water, a land survey to determine the boundaries of the future. sawmills. Then he presents this story:

“I went out to the stage to straighten the logs that lay across and did not rise along the conveyor. Suddenly I stumbled on the platform and fell down between the beams into a pool about 50 feet deep. An engineer sitting in the cab of a locomotive loading logs into a pond saw me fall. I hit my head on the first rung at a depth of 30 feet and then another until I fell into the water and out of sight.

At that time, 70 people worked at the factory itself and around it. The factory was stopped, and all available people, according to their testimony, were sent to search for my body. The search took from 45 minutes to an hour, until I was finally found by M. J. H. Gunderson, who confirmed this statement in writing.

I was dead, as far as this world is concerned. But I was alive in another world. There was no time. I learned more in that hour of life out of the body than in the same time in my body. All I could remember was falling off the bridge. The engineer who was in the locomotive saw me fall into the water.

Further, I realized that I was standing at the shore of a huge fiery ocean. This turned out to be exactly what the Bible says in Revelation 21:8: "...a lake burning with fire and brimstone." This spectacle is more terrible than a person can imagine, this is the side of the final judgment.

I remember it more clearly than any other event that ever happened to me in my entire life, every detail of every event that I observed that happened during this hour when I was not in this world. I stood at some distance from the burning, seething and roaring mass of blue flames. Everywhere, as far as I could see, there was this lake. There was no one in it. I wasn't in it either. I saw people I knew had died when I was 13 years old. One of them was a boy I went to school with who died of mouth cancer that started with a tooth infection when he was just a child. He was two years older than me. We recognized each other, although we did not speak. The rest of the people also looked as if they were bewildered and were in deep thought, as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Their expressions were somewhere between bewilderment and embarrassment.

The place where it all happened was so amazing that words are simply powerless. There is no way to describe it, except to say that we were then the "eyes" of the witnesses of the last judgment. From there you can neither run away nor get out. Don't even count on it. It is a prison that no one can get out of except with the help of Divine intervention. I clearly said to myself, "If I had known about this before, I would have done whatever was required of me to avoid being in such a place," But I did not think about it. As these thoughts flashed through my mind, I saw another Human passing in front of us. I recognized Him immediately. He had an authoritative, kind, sympathetic face; calm and fearless, Lord of all that He saw.

It was Jesus Himself. A great hope ignited in me, and I realized that this is a great and amazing Person who is following me into this prison of death, for a soul embarrassed by the verdict of the court, to solve my problem. I didn't do anything to get His attention, but I just said to myself again, "If He would only look my way and see me, He could lead me away from this place, because He must know how to be." He passed by, and it seemed to me that He did not pay attention to me, but before He was out of sight, He turned His head and looked directly at me. Only this, and all. His gaze was enough.

In a matter of seconds, I was back in my body. It was as if I had entered through the door of a house. I heard the voices of the Brocks (the people I lived with) as they prayed - a few minutes before I opened my eyes and could say anything. I could hear and understand what was happening. Then suddenly life entered my body and I opened my eyes and spoke to them. It is easy to speak and describe what you have seen. I know there is a lake of fire because I have seen it. I know that Jesus Christ is eternally alive. I saw him. The Bible states in Revelation (1:9-11): “I John… was in the spirit on Sunday, I heard behind me a loud voice, like a trumpet, which said: I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last; what you see, write in a book…”

Among many other events, John saw judgment, and he describes it in Revelation 20 as he himself saw it. In verse 10 he says, "and the devil that deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire..." And again in 21:8 John speaks of "...a lake burning with fire and brimstone." This is the lake that I saw, and I am sure that when this period is completed, at the judgment, every corrupted creature in this world will be thrown into this lake and will be forever destroyed.

I thank God that there are people who can pray. It was Mrs. Brock who I heard was praying for me. She said, “Oh God, don't take Tom away; he did not save his soul."

Soon I opened my eyes and asked them, "What happened?" I didn't lose in time; I was taken somewhere, and now I was back in place. Shortly thereafter, an ambulance arrived and I was taken to the Merciful Samaritan Hospital in Portland. I was taken there just around 6 pm, to the surgical department, where they sewed my scalp, many stitches were applied. I was left in the intensive care unit. In fact, there were few doctors who could help. I just had to wait and watch. During these 4 days and nights, I had a feeling of constant communication with the Holy Spirit. I relived the events of my former life and what I saw: a lake of fire, Jesus coming to me there, my uncle and the boy with whom I went to school, and my return to life. The presence of the Spirit of God was constantly felt by me, and many times I loudly cried out to the Lord. Then I began to ask God to completely dispose of my life and that His will be mine ... Some time after that, about 9 o'clock, God revealed His voice to me. The voice of the Spirit was quite clear. He told me, “I want you to tell the world what you saw and how you came back to life” (Thomas Welch, Oregon’s Amazing Miracle (Dallas; Christ for the Nations, Inc., 1976, p. 80).

Another example concerns a patient who was dying of a heart attack. She attended church every Sunday and considered herself an ordinary Christian. Here is what she said:

I remember how shortness of breath began, and then an unexpected blackout. Then I realized that I was out of my body. Further, I remember that I ended up in a gloomy room, where in one of the windows I saw a huge giant with a terrible face, he was watching me. Small imps or dwarfs were scurrying around the window-sill, which, obviously, were at one with the giant. That giant beckoned me to follow him. I didn't want to go, but I came. There was darkness and gloom all around, I could hear people groaning all around me. I felt moving beings at my feet. As soon as we passed the tunnel or cave, the creatures became even more disgusting. I remember crying. Then, for some reason, the giant turned to me and sent me back. I realized that I was spared. I do not know why. After that, I remember seeing myself again in a hospital bed. The doctor asked me if I had used drugs. My story probably sounded like feverish delirium. I told him that I had no such habit and that the story was genuine. It changed my whole life.

Descriptions of being led away or sent back from the spiritual world obviously differ considerably in cases of unpleasant sensations, while in the case of good ones, these images give the impression of the same type of narratives. Another message:

I had sharp pains in my abdomen due to inflammation of the pancreas. I was given medications that increased my blood pressure, which kept dropping, causing me to gradually lose consciousness. I remember being resuscitated. I left through a long tunnel and wondered why I didn't touch it with my feet. I had the impression that I was swimming and moving away very quickly. I think it was a dungeon. It could be a cave, but very terrible. Eerie sounds were heard in it. There was a smell of putrefaction, about the same as that of a cancer patient. Everything happened in slow motion. I can't remember everything I saw there, but some of the villains were only half human. They mimicked each other and spoke in a language I couldn't understand. You ask me if I have met someone I know, or if I have seen a radiance of light, but there was none of that. There was a benevolent Man in shining white robes who appeared when I called, "Jesus, save me!" He looked at me, and I felt the instruction: "Live differently!". I don't remember how I left that place and how I came back. Maybe there was something else, I don't remember. Maybe I'm afraid to remember!

In the latest issue of the Charles-Deakins, a travelogue to various worlds, George Ritchai, M.D., described his death from lobar pneumonia in 1943 at Camp Barclay, Texas, at the age of 20. In his amazing book Return from Tomorrow, he describes how he inexplicably came back to life after 9 minutes, but during this time he experienced a whole life full of events, both sad and joyful. He describes a journey with a luminous Being, full of radiance and power, and identified by him with Christ, who led him through a series of "worlds." In this story, the damned world was located on a vast plain that stretched on the surface of the earth, where vicious spirits were in constant struggle with each other. Having grappled in a personal duel, they beat each other with their fists. Everywhere - sexual perversions and hopeless cries, and disgusting thoughts emanating from someone, became common property. They couldn't see Dr. Ritchai and the figure of Christ with him. The outward appearance of these creatures evoked nothing but compassion for the misfortune to which these people doomed themselves.

Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, in his booklet My Testimony, described in detail the experiences that absolutely changed his life. They forced him to take the priesthood in order to tell others about it. He reports the following:

On Saturday, April 21, 1933, at half past seven in the evening, in McKinney, Texas, which is 32 miles from Dallas, my heart stopped beating, and the spiritual man who lives in my body separated from it ... I went down, lower and lower, until the light of the earth faded... The deeper I went, the darker it became, until it was absolute blackness. I couldn't see my own hand, even if it was only an inch from my eyes. The deeper I went down, the more stuffy and hot it became. At last there was a path to the underworld below me, and I could make out the lights flickering on the walls of the cave of the doomed. They were the reflections of the fires of hell.

A gigantic sphere of fire with white crests was advancing towards me, pulling me along like a magnet drawing metal towards itself. I didn't want to go! I didn't walk, but just as metal jumps to a magnet, my spirit was drawn to that place. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I was overwhelmed with heat. Many years have passed since then, but this vision still stands before my eyes, just as I saw it then. Everything is as fresh in my memory as if it happened last night.

After I reached the bottom of the pit, I felt a certain spiritual Being next to me. I didn't look at him because I couldn't take my eyes off the flames of hell, but when I stopped the Being put his hand on mine between my elbow and shoulder to guide me there. And at the same moment a voice was heard from a distant height, above this darkness, above the earth, above the heavens. It was the voice of God, although I did not see Him, and I do not know what He said, because He did not speak in English. He spoke in some other language, and as He spoke, His voice went all over this damned place, shaking it like that; like the wind shakes the leaves. This caused the person holding me to loosen his grip. I did not move, but some Force pulled me back, and I returned away from the fire and heat, under the shadow of darkness. I began to rise until I reached the upper edge of the pit and saw the earthly light. I returned to the same room, as real as ever. I entered her through the door, although my spirit did not need doors; I slid right into my body, just like a man dives into his pants in the morning, the same way he came out - through his mouth. I spoke to my grandmother. She said, "Son, I thought you were dead, I thought you were dead."

…I would like to find words to describe that place. People spend this life so carelessly, as if they should not face hell, but the Word of God and my personal experience tell me otherwise. I experienced an unconscious state, it also gives a feeling of darkness, but I want to say that there is no darkness like the Outer Darkness.

The number of instances of familiarity with hell is rapidly increasing, but they will not be given here. The only thing I would like to mention here, however, is the case of the devoted member of the Church. He was surprised that, after his death, he felt himself falling into a tunnel that ends at a flame, revealing a gigantic, fire-breathing world of horror. He saw some of his "Auld Lang" friends, their faces showing nothing but emptiness and apathy. They were burdened with useless burdens. They were constantly walking, but never going anywhere in particular, and never stopped for fear of the "taskers," who, he said, were indescribable. Absolute darkness lay outside this zone of aimless activity. He escaped the fate of staying there forever when God called him to step on some invisible miraculous road. Since then, he feels called to warn others of the dangers of complacency and the need to take a stand in his faith.

Moritz Rawlings (from Beyond Death's Door)

Translation by M.B. Danilushkin, publishing house "Resurrection"

Questions about how to get to heaven, for what sins they go to hell, whether it is possible to ask God for heavenly mercy and whether we will meet our relatives there, disturb almost every person. Since ancient times, people have tried to take with them to the next world the necessary household items, clothes, jewelry, and even their wives.

Every people of any religion has its own thoughts on this matter. Most likely, the next generations will get to the bottom of the truth. It is impossible to look into the future, which means that there are as many assumptions about the afterlife as there are people on our planet.

What the Bible Says

She glorifies heaven and paradise in them. All this is in some incomprehensible dimension and does not lend itself to scientific research. It is difficult to understand what is inaccessible to man. Everyone who returned to this earth after clinical death, in his own way, talks about his pictures that flashed in his unconscious.

For some, God opens the veil of the unknown world, but for a moment. People call heavenly paradise something camouflaged and eternal. A picture is being created of the city, which in the Bible is called the "new Jerusalem". Most likely, it is meant that it will arise when our Earth no longer exists. According to this teaching, people will hear a heavenly voice calling their people, and God will be with them. There will be no tears, no anger, no sickness, everything will be different. There will be no place for lies, deceit and abomination. According to the Bible, people will rise from the dead and face the Judgment Seat of Christ.

But it is interesting that the same Bible does not promise a meeting with relatives who have died earlier who has fallen into the next world.

Fear of the Lord

Everyone who visits the temple of God goes there for various reasons. Some go with faith in their souls and glorify God, others out of fear for their deeds and with the hope of help for their own personal benefit. It turns out that there is deception, but people hope to atone for this sin and ask the higher powers for forgiveness.

Want to know everything

According to one legend, a samurai asked a Zen master if there was a heaven or hell. To which he replied with a slight chuckle: “What can you understand about this, a simple stupid soldier! You're taking my time with stupid questions."

The warrior froze at such an answer, he had not yet allowed anyone to talk to him like that. Fury made him grab his sword, but he immediately heard the master's answer: "This is the gate to hell."

The samurai was taken aback because his rage brought him to hell, and along with those he attacked. When he hid the sword and bowed to the sage, the master said, "And this is the gate to heaven."

Where does death lead?

What awaits a person after death? Second Life? Different directions in philosophical teachings give different answers. Kabbalists believe that after death a person's body "falls away" and he gets the opportunity for spiritual development for later life.

Does a person immediately go to heaven or hell after death, or is God's Judgment waiting for him first? Or maybe our life on earth is hell? After all, it is not for nothing that the sayings are heard: “Hellish work”, “Hellish life”.

When there are wars in life, people say that the dead are lucky, they don't feel it. Thus, they console themselves with the thought that their loved ones are in paradise, where they are not threatened with trouble.

What does a person live for?

According to the Bible and Christian teachings, God created people for joy, and not for hellish torment. But joy cannot be imposed, everyone chooses what he needs. God gives joy to those who can reject it and live according to other canons.

I would like to quote: “In Paradise there are those who said to God: Thy will be done. In hell are those to whom God said - let your will be done!

Some do not respond to the calls of God and ignore their capabilities, and the Almighty only gives them such a right.

A heavenly place is to be in joyful union with God. One must be happy in the goodness, the beauty of the environment, the wisdom given and the greatness of God. This is a happy community, where there is no selfishness, envy. A sincere desire for good, there is no need to suppress desires and interests, only prudence and mercy are required.

What is Hell? What are its functions? According to the theology instilled in us, he expects everyone who violates the canons .. which are invented by someone.


Each of us has thought about it at least once.
We caught an interesting hodgepodge of opinions compiled by insider site Above Top Secret in its floating news. As they write, there are opinions from the Russian blogodrome.

So we read:

1. Have you ever thought that Hell is our current existence on Earth?

Indeed, then wars, famine, diseases (especially severe and incurable ones), terrible experiences due to the deaths of loved ones, especially their children, problems and other not the most pleasant features of our earthly existence are explainable. Perhaps we end up here (on Earth) as a punishment for some wrong, unseemly actions THERE - in our real world, where most likely we live in the form of some kind of energetic, ephemeral entity, not burdened with such an unnecessary and uncomfortable burden, as a physical body that brings so many inconveniences to its owner: pain, aging, illness, deformity, and so on.

It is possible that what is commonly called the “soul” is actually the real we, and after the death of the mortal body, we return from earthly hell to normal life, where we are not limited to the boundaries of one small planet in the outskirts of the Universe, but can freely move among planets, galaxies and live wherever we want? Then it is understandable that one lives on Earth easily and simply, while others have so many difficult trials (it means that in a real, not earthly life, they have sinned greatly, and now they must bear this punishment as atonement for their guilt). How realistic is such a theory? Are there any other arguments for or against?

2. We have no other life. If we made Hell here, then so be it. We would arrange Paradise here - honor and praise to us.

No prototypes - everything happens once in one instance, so to speak.

We don't have any shells. This body is myself, and my awareness of this (“I”) is the result of the activity of this body. And we are mortal in a single plane, there is no other plane but the physical.

So, answering the question, I will say: I do not agree with such a hypothesis. Moreover, such a hypothesis does not exist. By definition, a hypothesis is an assumption based on a set of observations or facts that looks plausible.

There are no prerequisites for the emergence of such a hypothesis. The Pharisees once beautifully described their fantasies, so well that it was retold several times. But this is not a hypothesis.

Generally speaking, this and other similar fantasies (the Earth as a testing ground, a place of exile, a scientific laboratory) are just an attempt to escape from reality, to relieve ourselves of collective responsibility (and therefore personal) for what we have done.

3.Our life is what everyone imagines or perceives it to be. For some, it really is hell. But I don’t feel sorry for such people at all - do you want to see and feel it? Do you want to be afraid of losing? Well, so you get not even a well-deserved, but a begging Hell.

For someone, probably, life is Paradise, I fully admit.

And for me, life is life. It cannot always be perfectly good, but it would also be boring, as if it were a permanent summer. But pain and everything else are given so that the soul can grow, so that joy and happiness can be felt more sharply.

Man is born to be happy, to be happy. if he does not want this and does not want to learn this, then this is his choice and his problems.

4. I have long been an adherent of the idea that hell is our stupid life on this Earth. What, isn't it? A meaningless road from birth to death, with long-known paths that a baby goes through to become an old man.

If become.

Many die much before they become conscious. What if you look around? Is it not Hell that a husband beats his wife to death, that a mother throws a newborn child into the trash, that children kill their parents, isn’t it hell all this idiotic life, when every day you can be killed by people like you from the flesh and blood?

The real Hell.

Cruel, unscrupulous, monotonous and empty. Being born to die, how stupid! You can, of course, diversify your life, decorate it to your liking, change the sequence of certain, but already long-known events, or remove some, but nothing will change. At the end there will be only a plate with the date of birth and death. And why is it needed? Nothing but atonement for past sins, it seems to me. Life is Hell, even if in some places life is joyful and bright, it is only in some places. Much more it is filled with tears and pain from the losses that accompany a person everywhere during his journey to the grave.

4. Hell is not a Level and not a place where someone is placed for something. Hell is a labyrinth of false conclusions of a person who, with their help, created his own inner Virtual Universe, completely different from the True Universe.

Paradise as a reward for earthly suffering and good deeds, the desired emotional state in the form of eternal bliss or heavenly pleasure, “fooling around” is unattainable. This is because a person from the Old Testament times remembers that this is called Paradise, but has completely forgotten what it really is. That is, he does not know what it is and where to look for it.

In fact, Paradise is understood by a person as idleness and a pleasant pastime in the Subtle World (after death), deserved by him on Earth through faith, suffering and good deeds. Not without reason, according to the Christian rite, a deceased person, as a sign that his work is over, joins his hands on his chest. Seeing off on their last journey, they say: "I got tired, went to rest." Well, not far from the truth. Considering that seventy-five - eighty percent of the dead fall into the category of restless souls, then Non-Being - in the form of the soul's stay in a corpuscle - is eternal rest!

From the point of view of the Subtle World, the state of eternal bliss, harmony or true love is achievable in only one way - through self-improvement and ascent along the evolutionary vertical. Eternal bliss - through eternal work, how do you like it?
Hell as such, with devils and frying pans, as it appears in the understanding of man, does not exist! Everyone can arrange it for himself, being at any Level of the Universe, except for the Earth! Hell is a voluntary self-isolation in the form of a labyrinth of subjective conclusions that are far from the Truth. A person gets into such a labyrinth, having created his own inner Virtual Universe, completely different from the True and far from it, like the sky from the Earth. He must also get out of it voluntarily, admitting his wrong and delusions, connecting, docking his Virtual Universe with the Truth.

At the present moment, Mankind has built such a dead end for itself. There is one subtlety here: a person must get out of Hell on his own, but he will never get out of the earthly dead end without outside help - he must be led out by another person who knows what it is and how to get out of this dead end! And here there is already a place for pride to roam: “Who are you, I know everything without you!” , and so on ad infinitum...

5. Planet Earth is like a fruit. And humanity on it is scab and rot, penetrating into its flesh with its mines, eating its bowels, disfiguring its delicate skin with its fuming cities. Remove a person from the face of the Earth and it will bloom and smell sweet. The world will be better off without us. And this Hell will turn into Paradise.

6. There is a version that criminals are sent to prison-Earth to serve their sentence and correct themselves. If you prove that you have changed, they will release you. Children's crying at birth is cited as proof that the soul understands that it is here for a long time now ... It will be bad and scary. At birth, we all understand that we are terrified. And we live here, suffer and suffer.

7. Purgatory, according to the Pharisees' doctrine, is a place where the souls of dead sinners are cleansed from sins that were not expiated during life. The dogma of purgatory was introduced to the goyim in 1439, and confirmed in 1562.

According to the Church's teaching on purgatory, a baptized goy who has committed a sin and received forgiveness, or who has committed a "pardonable" sin and remains unabsolved, as a rule, is subject to a "temporary" punishment here or in a future life. A goy who dies a good Christian, but weighed down by the burden of such sins, ends up in purgatory, that is, where souls endure suffering for sins, which later gives them the opportunity to go to heaven.

According to the Western Church, this truth is confirmed by Scripture (2 Maccabees 12:43-46). Since it is possible to offer a propitiatory sacrifice for the dead, this should mean that their souls do not reside in either hell or paradise, since those who have achieved salvation do not need the prayers of the living, and such prayers will not help those condemned to eternal damnation. Thus, it is believed that the souls of the dead goyim reside in a place where prayers can still help them "be resolved from sin."

Belief in purgatory, a tradition invented by the Old Testament Jews. This doctrine has always been accepted by the Catholic Church, which considered Judaism the original source of Christianity and most religions.

And the most terrible horror story that was invented for the goyim is Hell.

8. Since childhood, he believed that life is a trap. But rather - Hell, except for which there is nothing, and the only way out of which is death, which is preceded by minutes of absolute horror and despair, unless, of course, it comes hand in hand with an idiotic blind chance.

People prefer to go with the flow and not think about what is happening to us, I am implementing my biological program, and this is where it all ends for them. On those who are trying to realize all the horror in whose hands we are toys, they consider fools or mentally unhealthy people. I am sure that there is nothing after death. I'll even be happy if I'm right about that. Absolute non-existence is much better than this worm, which for some reason is called our planet. Existence itself is disgusting, and if there is still a God who planted this shameful terrarium, then I do not want to have anything to do with him and wish him all the worst. Time to get out of this hellhole.

9. Often people have the feeling that the Earth, our world, is hell. Hell on Earth is impossible, but it is possible that life here, in this world, is a kind of transitional point between hell and heaven. However, some researchers think otherwise. They argue that life on Earth is a new way for the manifestation of the soul. Sort of like a second chance. Those who could not protect themselves from sins in past lives, who did things different from those that Jesus bequeathed to us, they all live on Earth. It's just that their lives are different. Someone lives richer, and someone vice versa. Wealth and poverty, this is a test of a person for "lice". He will be able to endure, he will be blessed, he will not be able to and will join the eternal stream of chaos, there will be no forgiveness for him and eternal torment in hell awaits him.

As for the soul, the soul cannot sin. This matter is not capable of doing evil, because it is not capable of doing good. This is a neutral matter that flows into the bodies of future people. Man, during his life, struggles with himself. Conscience is the soul. She only tells you what to do and what not to do.

The neutrality of matter justifies the efforts that man is capable of exerting. He must prove that he is capable of living in more acceptable conditions and worthy of a higher standard of living. Each person must fight for his "I". However, he must not do this to the detriment of others. The fight is in the head. This is manifested in life: either you help the needy, or you spit in his face, proud of what others have earned. Such an approach drives a person straight down, to where people drown in their own feces, to where the air is hotter than fire, to where the cries of people like him are heard.

Modern science cannot refute or confirm the existence of Hell and Paradise. As well as cannot determine whether there is life outside the Earth. But just because we don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This means that religion with its dogmas is called not only for the sake of uniting the people under any idea, but for the development of a person spiritually. Only when a person understands that life on Earth is not hard labor, but an opportunity to improve, to enrich himself not materially, but spiritually, then perfect calm will come and comprehension of the secrets of the universe will become not the work of a few, but the property of billions.

10. A little man is born and immediately cries. Who among us has not cried, has not been upset, has not been offended, has not suffered or does not suffer? We are limited in freedom of choice, that is, the entire choice is necessarily dictated by someone, we can only choose from what was given. We cannot, with all our will, jump over the roof. Here, on our planet, we receive punishment and work it out. Punishment is all kinds of zones. Any state is a large zone, within which there are other zones. Everything is divided into zones, where we receive punishments in the form of all sorts of hardships.

Someone toils in slavery, someone is in prison, other people rob millions of people, then they are killed, and someone dies of poverty, someone is waiting for the punishment of the ruble.

Next: The entire food chain is based on eating each other. Every living thing on Earth eats each other. I don't think this is God's plan. A person closes the food chain and eats everyone, but at the end of life, being in a knocked-up box - a coffin, the worms eat our flesh.

There has never been a year of truces on the globe - there have always been wars. If you look into history, then the whole life of mankind is a bloody mess that continues to this day. This is history, you can’t return everything back and you can’t replay it, but the wars continue, I don’t think God needs it, as everyone says in God’s hands, but Hell is Hell - a penal colony.

We are not only roasted and burned in Hell's furnaces, but simply killed in various ways, making it so that they would kill themselves, with their own hands. Of course, this is not a simple system, but very intricate and thought out to the smallest detail. It is quite real that Jesus visited our Hell, trying to save our souls - they became immortal. Apparently saved, now we are able to leave Hell even after physical death and acquire eternal life in the spirit. Of course, we are trying to atone for the guilt for being born and alive, but, of course, not everyone succeeds. Muslim God brings Muslims out of Hell, Christian Christians. Other messengers, perhaps Angels, lead other nations out of Hell. Perhaps God is one, but the messengers on His behalf may be different, but it can be much more serious, tragic and more complicated.

11. Let's remember the famous phrase: "According to your faith, be it to you." Each individual person receives no more, no less than what he believes in. If you tell yourself that everything sucks, then life will seem like hell. If you rejoice at what you have and strive for something every day (like a seed that first breaks through the earth to germinate, and then all the time reaches for the sun), then life will pass harmoniously and harmoniously. As for love: only because selfless love still lives in our world, the earth did not explode to hell. All other arguments supposedly showing us what kind of hell on earth are eliminated with the help of psychologists. You can easily get rid of fear, lack of self-confidence, anger, greed, etc. if you want it. Immediately after that, you will begin to perceive the world as GOOD.

12. People themselves created Hell on earth for themselves: a dead ecology, a destroyed earth, an eternal race for profit, who has more coins, poverty, inequality, disease and other suffering that people themselves created, scientists who all conduct experiments on us, wishing supposedly to create a good medicine, things needed in everyday life, or to extend our life on earth. Everyone has hell inside when life does not live up to expectations. And on earth we just live, this planet, on the contrary, was specially created for us, and we ourselves made Hell out of it.

13. You already have nowhere to go. You were born and you have to survive... to live to death!!!

A very interesting vision of the stratification of reality and control over souls in the matrix

What awaits us after death? Is there an afterlife or not? Do hell and heaven really exist, and where are they? Is there a reincarnation of souls? And in general, where does the soul go after the death of the body, and where do ghosts come from? Different religions give different answers to these questions. And yet, there is no certain clarity, because all this is still unprovable from the materialistic position of science.

Who needs a reminder? What happens to the soul of the deceased if relatives are violently worried about his departure? Is there any point in visiting cemeteries? Maybe our established traditions harm the souls of the departed? We do not think about it, and moreover, we will often zealously defend traditions only because our ancestors did it and so do our neighbors, colleagues, friends, because it is accepted in society, and because we were inspired to do so. So and not otherwise. We firmly know that we are doing everything right, because it cannot be otherwise. We can’t check, but since we’ve always done it that way, it means it’s right. But has it always been like this, and everywhere? Or did they start doing this after something that none of us knows or remembers?

Through lucid dreaming, it was possible to find out the answers to these questions. The Tibetan Goddess Baldan Lhamo, who came in a dream, told about the secrets of life after death.

“Baldan Lhamo is one of the main defenders of faith and teaching in the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. She is the only Goddess among the 10 main angry deities - the protectors of Buddhism - is the lord of demons and the eradicator of poisons. This is the information that can be found in reference books on mythology and religions.

In itself, that this is the Goddess, the protector of faith and the lord of demons at the same time, that is, the world of darkness can frighten and confuse many. But to understand this, you need to know the story of Baldan Lhamo, know the power that she has over the demons of darkness, and much more. But first things first.

... An icy wind spun like a tornado over the endless expanses of the steppe. Everything became white, neither from the snow nor from the fog. I was taken somewhere far away. And now the snowy ridges of the mountains appeared on the horizon. “Tibet,” an inner voice prompted. Somewhere ahead rose the snow-white crystal of Kailash. And then a frosty whirlwind shot up and hovered over Kailash, coiled into sparkling spiral rings. Another moment, and these rings turned into an iridescent glow, flashing with unimaginable colors. The radiance rose to the endless starry heights from the very top of Kailash, and gradually began to resemble the steps of a certain divine ladder.

…A figure woven of light appeared on the steps. She's getting closer and closer. “This is the Goddess Baldan Lhamo,” the inner voice prompted again. The radiant eyes of the goddess shone on a white face framed by long black hair entwined with fabulous flowers. A blue crystal burned in her forehead, and around her figure, wrapped in a robe shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, a pink space swayed, reminiscent of lotus petals from Buddhist icons.

But now, as if a cloud covered the vision. The whole space turned dark gray and lightning cut through it. The figure of the goddess changed and became dark blue, almost black. In anger, the Goddess raised her hands and lightning rained down from them, Here in one of her hands was a fiery club, and her eyes lit up with fiery flashes. A terrible howl was emitted by a monstrous animal, somewhat resembling a mule or a bull. In the blink of an eye, it was under the Goddess. Thunder rumbled and a fiery abyss opened up. Horror gripped me.

But at the same moment, the soft voice of the Goddess spoke within me. "Do not be afraid - all this is just a vision, illusions generated by the mind, drive away fear, and you will see the sparkle of precious stones and the radiance of the rainbow ...". Oddly enough, the fiery abyss immediately changed, and became something that we would call paradise.

Baldan Lhamo in two forms

“This is a subtle world,” Baldan Lhamo continued to say, “there are different laws here than in the dense one. Rather, they are the same, only the result is faster. What you think, what you fear, you will see. What is your essence - that will surround you. Like will attract like.

Everyone ends up here after they leave their physical body, that is, they die for the dense world, or leave the physical life, that is, when they throw off their physical body like worn clothes.

Some call this place heaven, others hell. It all depends on what they see. And they see what they can see. If someone all his life in a physical body thought only about his own benefits, got them at any cost, to the detriment of other people, did evil, as you say, got angry, gave vent to negative emotions, now getting here, he became very difficult for of this world. The severity of his essence, soul, monad, spirit is such that it distorts this space, and it becomes crooked for him. What do you see in a distorted mirror? Crooked scary faces, right?

Here, too, monstrous images arise from curvature. But here is not only a crooked mirror, but also a crooked sound, and crooked emotions and crooked thoughts, crooked sensations. All crooked, all terrible and monstrous. Curved space is hell. And until the one who twisted it becomes lighter, he will not be able to get out of the hellish pit he created himself. It is heavy and poetically ugly here. And the heavier, the uglier and meaner and vice versa. These are the demons that got here after the invasion with the stones of Tartarus (see other topics on the site). But one has only to understand why he sees hell and stop feeling anger and fear, one has only to repent of what he did during his lifetime, as his weight will be lightened and the curvature will decrease. And the monsters will start to disappear.

If the spirit of the deceased is light, that is, he did not do bad deeds during his lifetime, did only good deeds, as you say, then here he does not bend space and sees the rainbow spheres, as you call it, of the astral world. He sees wonderful deities and blissful gardens, he sees only what he is capable of, what he imagined during his lifetime as the best. Here he can meet the phantoms of relatives, teachers, gods. And he will call it heaven.

But this world is a temporary refuge of the spirit, whether in a heavenly or hellish vision.

Having passed it, everyone who has not seen the truth of their existence, that is, who has not felt enlightenment, as you say, who has not left the wheel of samsara, will again slide into rebirth in the physical world. After all, this world also belongs to samsara. It is similar to the physical, only thinner and more mobile. And so the spirit will be reborn until it is ripe for enlightenment in order to go to higher spheres.

Everything would be simple, but many souls, even before the death of the physical body, cut off the paths of further development for themselves. And many are hindered by their incarnation relatives.

After the Anunaki from the planet Nibiru came to this world of the solar system, another hell and another paradise appeared on Earth.

You were told about the golden egg of the Anunaki, which they drove into the depths of the Earth, and thus created the inner Earth. ( See topic: What world was created in seven days?)

So that same inner Earth, or Eden, has become a new paradise, and according to your current concept, it can be called simply a laboratory. There, the Anunaki experimented with human cells and created from a man of the highest race and an animal - a monkey, a new man - a lower human being - Adam. For some time, the test specimen, as you would say, lived in this Eden an ordinary physical life: he was a body in which there was a spirit of a primitive entity that could be pushed into this body by anunnachi laboratory assistants. I can say that a clay flask in the form of an egg was made for the embryo of Adam. Hence your biblical myth about a man molded from clay or from the earth by God.

When Adam became an adult, Anunnachi scientists extracted a rib from him and from this gene material, as you would say, and other materials of their own Anunnachi origin, they created Eve, by the way, also in a clay egg-shaped flask. A demonic entity from this astral world was placed in Eve. Then, in the course of the experiment, Adam and Eve had to give birth and go to the real world, where the descendants of ancient civilizations lived - Lemurians, Hyperboreans - Aryans, Atlanteans. Before the test subjects were sent out into the world, they were programmed with what you would call a brain and recorded in it a story about heaven and sin. Then they were landed on the surface of the planet, well, as you were told - "expelled from paradise."

The experiment went on and on. The descendants of Adam and Eve mixed with the ancient people and wrote the Bible under the dictation of the Anunaki on behalf of God. Well, then you yourself know how biblical ideas create your life. Next to the Anunnach Paradise or Eden's Lab is the Anunnach Hell. Which is another Anunaki laboratory. This hell is a void inside the Earth, where the demons of darkness, who came with the stones of Tartarus, were locked by the Hyperborean crystals. In this laboratory, the Anunnaki tried to instill these demons in the bodies of dinosaurs caught on the surface, even before the creation of Adam. So the so-called Snakes-tempters appeared. The Anunnaki left part of the voids of "hell" to the demons, where they also released freaks obtained from experiments, mutants and others. Moreover, both physical mutants and subtle ones. After all, experiments were conducted with spirits. These spaces have a high temperature and are similar to lava caves. Here the Anunaki placed the result of such an experiment, called the devil for people. He became the greatest scapegoat, both literally and figuratively. After all, outwardly he is a monster with signs of a goat's appearance.

Part of the "hell" they cooled down and created a "kingdom of shadows" there.

Then Baldan Lhamo spread her hands and an abyss with a partition in the middle opened up below. On one side of the partition, hell was blazing, and on the other, a thick gray haze stirred like smoke. From the hands of the Goddess, a fiery beam suddenly flashed and cut through the smoky darkness. Pale shadows of people somewhere below rushed in all directions and hid among the stones. The beam illuminated the underground river, which turned over stones with noise and roar.

“This is the same river of Lethe,” continued Baldan Lhamo. “An ordinary underground river, only its waters are poisoned with an anunnach potion so that the spirits that touch the water would lose their minds and could not remember that you can simply reincarnate and leave this place. Spirits have been wandering here since the times of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. They forgot that it is possible to reincarnate and stayed here for millennia. Here they are guarded by the demon Thanatos, created in the Anunnachi laboratories.

But the religions that spoke of the realm of shadows were gone, and new residents of this gloomy place were not added. Then the Anunaki, with the help of the same Bible, spoke about hell - "the fiery hyena." Thus, they began to redirect the souls of sinners to the demons of the fiery hell, and the souls of the righteous, of course, according to their, Anunnachi, concepts, to their golden egg or Eden for new experiments. Therefore, all those who "righteously" believed Jehovah - the image-mask of the Anunaki, personifying God, go to an artificial paradise - a laboratory. Here they end their earthly life, having earned their place in “paradise” with money and lack of conscience, the anunnachi righteous, who often were in power and money and fame in different countries during their lifetime.

Again Baldan Lhamo waved her hands. And suddenly, instead of hellish depths, there were supposedly heavens. But they were below, underground. "It's not quite that golden egg," said the Goddess. “This is also the astral world, it is the same as you saw at the beginning, but it was created by the righteous who do not believe in reincarnation. The Anunnaki really need it as a source of energy for their experiments.

Here come those sheep of the flock of the Anunna who did not sin, did not do evil, but only prayed for the good of others, prayed for enemies and fierce sinners, and thus, according to cosmic laws, encouraged evil. This includes those who are firmly convinced of the truth of the one biblical God and his commandments, distorted by the Anunaki. This includes those who do not want to hear other truths, those who defended their faith in battle, who did not recognize the prophets of other religions except their own, and killed for their faith. You see, they are all together - a Christian and a Muslim. They fell in battle with each other, but they are in the same paradise, although they do not see each other.

In fact, this is the scariest place. It was into him that the realm of shadows of the ancient world turned over time. Fiery hell is much less scary with all its monsters. The “sinners” of the fiery hyena can repent of their sins, and then the cosmic law will pull them out of the muzzle and they will fall out into the next incarnation, work out karma. The fiery hell is close to the real, astral, temporal hell that you saw at the beginning.

But this paradise is the abode of madmen who consider their madness to be true. In this paradise they are like shadows. Souls do not develop here, they do not repent of anything, they consider their life here to be eternal, they know that the Earth is the center of the universe, they know only the image of God invented by the Anunaki, they are in complete illusion of bliss and grow their ego, believing that they did not go to heaven in vain, that they are righteous, and other sinners, and let them burn in hell. What's in store for them? They are waiting for complete destruction to the void, or vacuum, as you say. When the great cycle of Brahma ends, this paradise will disappear along with its inhabitants, and the spirits that have spent time in it will finally go to a new incarnation, but only from the stage where they hung in their development. Thousands and millions of manvantaras will be required for them to return to normal development in the bosom of the Absolute, one in everything, and not an anunnach model of God - a punishing and merciful creator who chooses peoples and personalities for himself. The same thing awaits the inhabitants of the golden egg of Eden.

But not only one's own confidence in the infallibility of the truths of the Bible and other books written by the Anunaki can hinder the soul in its development.

When your relative dies, you start feeling sorry for yourself. It was himself, not him. You are afraid and hard to live without him, without a mother, without a father, without a son or daughter. It is so?

And you start to suffer from it. At the same time, you do not know that with your sufferings you bind the soul of the deceased to you or to the place where he lived, and this prevents him from going his own way further, to a new incarnation. You keep him close by your desires, and he willy-nilly becomes a ghost if your emotions are too strong for this. Spirits also become ghosts, who themselves are strongly attached to their remaining relatives or to their things, or who think to take revenge on someone, or to prove something, that is, those who are very strongly attached to a specific past physical incarnation. Their fate is also unenviable. If they do not see clearly, the fate of the "righteous" from an artificial paradise awaits them.