Alisa Kazmina biography personal life. Alisa Kazmina left Andrei Arshavin because of his infidelity. Is it possible to forgive betrayal

Their relationship began at a time when the football player was living in a civil marriage with Yulia Baranovskaya. Two children and his wife’s pregnancy did not stop Andrei from having an affair with Kuzmina. Read on to find out how it happened.

general information

The biography of Alisa Kuzmina is full of various interesting facts. The girl was born on June 7, 1982 in St. Petersburg. Her parents were fairly wealthy people, so they tried to do everything so that their daughter did not need anything.

Alice studied well, so she entered the Higher School of Journalism without any problems. The girl chose a correspondence course in order to simultaneously pursue a modeling career.

In 2005, Alisa Kuzmina graduated from the institute, realizing that journalism was not her element. But the modeling business captivated the girl.

First marriage

For the first time, Alisa married businessman Alexei Kuzmin. This was a fabulous love story. The man looked after her beautifully, gave expensive gifts, and fulfilled the girl’s every whim.

The couple lived in a happy marriage for 10 years. According to Alice, she did not need anything, drove a Bentley, vacationed at the best resorts in the world, and dressed in boutiques.

Alisa gave birth to two children for Alexei. But the feelings faded, and the couple decided to file for divorce. The procedure took place without scandals or squabbles, and the former lovers parted as friends.

Meeting Arshavin

Alisa Kuzmina hid her personal life for a long time. According to their friends, they dated for more than 4 years.

The young people first met in London, where Alisa worked part-time as a model, and Andrei played for the Arsenal team. A spark immediately broke out between them, which led to a serious relationship.

Arshavin did not dare to leave Baranovskaya (his common-law wife) for a long time, because they had two children and Yulia was expecting a third baby. But feelings for Alice still won. The separation was loud and scandalous. Baranovskaya fought for a long time for alimony and part of the property and eventually won all the lawsuits.

As soon as the hype about the divorce subsided, news appeared in the press that Alisa Kuzmina and Andrei Arshavin decided to legalize their relationship.

Wedding with a football player

The lovers' wedding took place on September 1, 2016. The ceremony took place in one of the registry offices of St. Petersburg. On this day, the newlyweds looked special.

Alisa Kuzmina chose to wear a beautiful, tight dress. His hair was decorated with a chic tiara and Andrey wore a black classic suit.

Only the couple's closest relatives and friends were present at the celebration. It was they who noted that Alice’s figure had changed, her rounded tummy became visible.

Speculations about pregnancy turned out to be true, after 5 months Yesenia Arshavina was born.

Arshavin's jealousy and betrayal

Less than a year had passed when information began to appear in the press that Alisa and Andrei had decided to divorce. The reason is quite banal - cheating on your spouse. This information was confirmed by close friends of the couple.

According to them, Andrei has been dating the famous model Ekaterina for a long time. He gives her expensive gifts and takes her to luxury restaurants and hotels.

These rumors actually turned out to be true. The story was told by Catherine’s husband himself.

Alisa Kuzmina did not make hasty decisions. According to her, a serious conversation took place between her and Andrei. The footballer admitted to cheating, but explained to his wife that he still loves her and does not want to destroy the family.

Alice found the strength to forgive her husband, proving that she had real feelings for him.

Are Arshavin and Kuzmina together now?

But, apparently, the situation with betrayal did not teach Andrey anything. From time to time, ugly stories of infidelity to his wife pop up around him.

The video outraged and angered Kuzmina. It got to the point that she began to threaten Semyonova. Alisa introduced herself as an FSB officer and promised to cut off the girl’s fingers and plant drugs.

After such threats, Olga, without hesitation, wrote a statement to the prosecutor’s office, now Alice faces a trial and proceedings with the model.

Currently, Andrei and Kuzmina are still together. They live in Andrei's three-story mansion, which is located in St. Petersburg. Alice herself designed the home. The fireplace room and children's room were decorated according to her sketches.

We hope that the spouses will no longer have misunderstandings in their relationship and they will live happily for the sake of themselves and their children.

Alisa Kazmina is a journalist and model, whose biography became known to the public in connection with the name of a Russian football player. Alice took pride of place as the first official wife of the former captain of the Russian national team, despite the fact that at the time of the marriage both of them had children from previous relationships growing up.

Alisa was born on June 7, 1982 in St. Petersburg, where she spent her childhood and youth. There is no information in the media about the girl’s parents.

After school, Alisa received her education at the Higher School of Journalism at St. Petersburg State University, where she studied as a correspondence student. Alisa does not share with the public what the girl did before her first marriage, but classmates say that even as a student, Kazmina was bright, purposeful and ambitious.

Personal life

Alice’s first husband was Alexey Kazmin, a businessman and entrepreneur who led such companies as Sevtransstroy, Vyborg Cellulose, SIBUR-Portenergo and Stroytransgaz-M.

In this family, the Kazmins had two children, a daughter and a son, who after the divorce remained to live with their mother. By the way, Alice’s ex-husband also created a new alliance with Alla Usova, cousin.

After some time, Alisa Kazmina in the UK met Russian national team footballer Andrei Arshavin, who at that time was playing at Arsenal in London. According to the press, the girl was in London under a contract with a modeling agency. The couple could not decide on their status for a long time, but already in 2013, the lovers appeared together at the premiere of the film “Stalingrad”, which took place in Moscow. Reporters noticed that a diamond ring sparkled on the beauty's ring finger.

Andrei Arshavin's new passion began to be discussed on social networks. Skeptical users noted in the comments that Alisa Kazmina used plastic surgery.

The young people dated for four years and were planning to get married in 2015, but due to the difficulties of Andrei’s breakup with his previous wife, who gave birth to the football player three children, the wedding was postponed.

Only on September 1, 2016, did the young people officially register their relationship. The celebration took place at the St. Petersburg Wedding Palace on the Promenade des Anglais, and Alice took the surname of her second husband. The children of the football player’s wife remained with their mother.

It became clear to all the guests and journalists present at the wedding from the bride’s tight-fitting dress that the young woman was pregnant again. This was already her third birth, but Alice approached this issue responsibly and consulted with doctors at least twice a week. As a result, on February 11, 2017, Kazmina and Arshavin’s daughter, Yesenya, was safely born. The girl became Alice’s third child and Andrey’s fourth.

For their life together, the Arshavin couple chose Andrei’s three-story mansion in their native St. Petersburg. Alice herself was partly involved in the design of the home. The wife personally drew a sketch of the fireplace in the living room, and entrusted the production to the famous sculptor Vladimir Roic. Alisa Arshavina and her husband also designed a new nursery for the baby.

In October 2017, Alisa Kazmina announced on social networks that she was with Andrei Arshavin. The cause of problems in a young family is... According to the girl, she was tired of Arshavin’s affairs on the side.

“I haven’t forgiven the betrayal, I’ve fallen out of love, I don’t want to be together,” Kazmina said.

But a month later, Alice puzzled the public with a new statement that she was with her husband. Kazmina suggested that she simply did not pay enough attention to her husband at the moment when Andrei decided to cheat. Alice realized that she still loved her husband, and Andrei reciprocated.

In January 2019, Alisa Kazmina admitted that she had been with Arshavin for a long time. The journalist did not name the reasons for the separation, but did not deny that it lay in the footballer’s love of love.


At the beginning of 2018, a major scandal occurred involving Alisa Kazmina. On January 6, the wife of Andrei Arshavin, who has played for the Almaty football club “Kairat” since 2016, was going to fly to the southern capital of Kazakhstan from Sheremetyevo airport on an Aeroflot plane.

Along with Alice, her three children were in business class; the nanny was accommodated in economy class. There was a hitch during preparations for the flight. According to the flight attendant, Alisa Kazmina did not fasten her seat belt when the command had already sounded, but tried to transfer the nanny to someone other than her business class ticket. Alice offered the flight attendant a bribe of 15 thousand rubles.

The crew of the flight decided to send Alisa Kazmina. According to Aeroflot employees, the girl called herself an FSB major and threatened consequences. Upon arrival in Almaty, the flight attendant received a threatening SMS on her phone, allegedly from the Investigative Committee. In turn, authorized intelligence officers assured reporters that Alisa Kazmina had never been an employee of the authorities.

After the incident, Aeroflot filed a claim against Alisa Kazmina in court for compensation for losses incurred by the airline due to the flight delay. As of March 2018, Alice is a fully air carrier pending trial. Thus, Kazmina admitted her guilt.

Before the talk about the incident on board the airliner had died down, provocative information from a Kazakh model hit the Internet. The girl claims that after a video posted online by unknown people in which Andrei Arshavin hugs Olga, Alisa Kazmina called the model with threats of physical harm. Semenova reported that Alisa threatened to cut off her fingers and then plant drugs on her. The girl regarded this conversation as a direct threat to her own safety.

In response to the accusations, Kazmina said that the Kazakh model is trying to make a name for herself through the scandal. Alisa did not call, write or threaten Semyonova.

Alisa Kazmina now

Alisa Kazmina maintains a microblog in “ Instagram", where she posts photos from her personal archive, but now the girl has closed access to the account due to a number of scandals and events in her personal life.

After the divorce, Alice did not talk about the future, but stated that she wanted to forget about her ex-husband and start a new life.

Alisa Kazmina (by her husband - Arshavina). Born on June 7, 1982 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian journalist. The ex-wife of football player Andrei Arshavin.

In 2005, she graduated in absentia from the Higher School of Journalism at St. Petersburg State University.

She worked by profession, but also tried herself as a model in London. It was there that she met her fate - Andrei Arshavin.

Alisa Kazmina's height: 179 centimeters.

Personal life of Alisa Kazmina:

She was married twice.

The first husband is Alexey Kazmin, a businessman, who headed the companies Sevtransstroy, Vyborg Cellulose, SIBUR-Portenergo, Stroytransgaz-M.

The couple had two children - a son and a daughter, Alina.

We lived together for 10 years. However, family life did not work out - Alice fell in love with a famous football player. After his divorce from Alisa, Kazmin married Alla Usova, his cousin.

Alice prefers not to talk about her personal life.

“I prefer not to talk about our relationship, it’s personal. I don’t understand Yulia Gennadievna (Baranovskaya - website), who wants to show everything off. If the time comes, then this story, which she tells left and right, will appear in a completely different guise - as it was and is in reality. I have a 10-year marriage behind me and two children. I don’t like publicity and attention,” she pointed out.

October 12, 2017. She described the reasons for the breakup as follows: “I didn’t forgive the betrayal, I fell out of love, I don’t want to be together.” However, already in early November: “I love. And he, it seems to me... Yes, it’s very difficult to live in two cities... I don’t consider betrayal a mistake, promiscuity, permissiveness. They are like children, they need attention. Maybe in At that moment I didn’t deliver it.”

But it was not possible to restore family life. In January 2019, Alice told the media that she and Andrei had divorced a long time ago.

Scandal at Sheremetyevo airport:

On January 6, 2018, Alisa Kazmina with her children and the nanny accompanying them was removed from flight SU1946 Moscow - Almaty for destructive behavior and insubordination to crew requirements. How, Alisa Kazmina (Arshavina) ignored the crew’s demands to comply with the airline’s rules. She tried to move her nanny to business class, even though she had an economy ticket. The woman also refused to follow the instructions of the flight attendants when preparing for takeoff. “The passenger repeatedly called herself an FSB major, trying to put pressure on the crew,” the Aeroflot press service indicated.

For our part: “We bought expensive ones - 100 thousand each! - tickets to business class, but we didn’t think that we would encounter such a boorish attitude towards ourselves there. We entered the cabin, sat down in our seats, and when the pilot said that there would be a 15-minute delay, my child (10-month-old Yesenya Arshavina, daughter of Andrei Arshavin) became capricious. I smelled the smell from the diaper and decided to change it. But the senior flight attendant ran up and started saying that the smell was supposedly very strong. Although none of the passengers complained. And the fact that a small child shit himself was ultimately the reason for us disembarking from the plane.”

Andrei Arshavin married Alisa Kazmina on September 1, 2016. Before this, the couple dated for several years. Kazmina has two children from a previous marriage, and in February 2017, the Arshavin couple had a daughter, who was named Yesenia.

— About the fact that I uploaded the video myself and asked for a monetary reward. Again, I’ll turn to Arshavina herself. Alisa, aren’t you embarrassed by the fact that the video was already online, and that you sent it to me yourself? A screenshot is of course attached. Just in case, dear, if your memory serves you correctly, the incident with the airline was on January 8th. You wrote to me on December 28 that you are an FSB employee. How do I could asking for money for a video that was already online?..

The Arshavin couple is going to live in their native St. Petersburg, in Andrei’s luxurious three-story mansion. Alice herself was partly involved in the design of the home; for example, she personally drew a sketch of the fireplace in the living room, and entrusted the production to the famous sculptor Vladimir Roiku. Alisa Arshavina and her husband also designed a new nursery for the future baby.

As the portal notes, the woman walked around the cabin while the plane was taxiing and did not obey the crew’s demands. According to another version, she tried to change the diaper of her 10-month-old daughter, for which she was removed from the flight.

As Rossiya 24 clarified, Arshavina needed to change her baby’s diaper while the plane was taxiing. The mother did not respond to the flight attendants’ requests to postpone these procedures, return to her seat and fasten her seat belt and continued to attend to her child.

Let us remind you that the other day Alisa Arshavin, along with her ten-month-old daughter, was removed from the Moscow-Alma-Ata flight for allegedly destructive behavior. “We entered the cabin, sat down, and when the pilot said there would be a 15-minute delay, my child became capricious. I smelled the smell from the diaper and decided to change it. But the senior flight attendant ran up and started saying that the smell was supposedly very strong, although none of the passengers complained. And the fact that a small child shit himself was ultimately the reason for us disembarking from the plane,” Andrei Arshavin’s wife complained to Dni.Ru.

Attentive media representatives discovered striking changes that occurred with the official page of the wife of football player Andrei Arshavin, Alisa. If earlier her profile was open to everyone, was signed as “a loving wife of the best man and a wonderful father, mother of three children” (followed by the names of the children and their dates of birth) and filled with family photographs, now the account has become private, there are no subscriptions and contains only one image (which is unknown).

We would like to remind you that Alisa Kazmina previously noted that she could have refused to file a lawsuit if she had received an apology from Aeroflot. The company stated that they do not intend to do this, nor do they intend to fire Kurakina.

Is Alisa Arshavin really an FSB major? Fresh material.

As a result, the commander removed the lady from the flight. Alice was informed that the plane was returning to the parking lot. She threw thunder and lightning, threatening her relationship with the great football player and involvement in the FSB - it’s not very clear, however, which of these two options is cooler in her opinion...

The story of the scandalous disembarkation of the wife of former Russian national football team player Andrei Arshavin from an airplane caused a lot of noise in the Russian information field. The incident occurred on January 6: on this day, Alisa Kazmina-Arshavina and her children were removed from the Aeroflot flight Moscow - Almaty for “destructive behavior,” including violating safety rules and threatening flight attendants. Both sides of the conflict recently announced their intentions to continue the showdown in court.

Fans of the star couple immediately rushed to Alice’s Instagram hope see there a refutation of the unpleasant news. Antifans went there, but on the contrary, to see the words that there would be a divorce.

- I would answer her like this: “Be so kind as to send me a link where, according to you, I quote “I am a hunter for rich men, which she herself stated very openly.”

Alas, the family reunion did not happen - the airline removed the mother from the flight. With kids. Alice reported this unmerciful act on her Instagram (spelling preserved):

“Here are two people who fell in love with each other, both leaving their families, where there are children on both sides. On September 1st we celebrated our marriage anniversary. Over the years, so much nasty stuff has been poured out on him and me. But I think we held out with dignity. Who have we been compared to? He is a walker, I am a prostitute, drug addicts, alcoholics. I want to say thank you that fate changed my life in this direction. I love, loved.

Alisa Arshavina Wikipedia. Everything that is known at the moment.

Alice's first husband was Alexey Kazmin, a businessman and entrepreneur who led such companies as Sevtransstroy, Vyborg Cellulose, SIBUR-Portenergo and Stroytransgaz-M.

Arshavin lived with two families for a long time, and five years ago he finally left for Kazmina. In 2016, the football player married Alice as she was expecting a child. Kazmina is a journalist by profession, but she did not work with her husbands - she was raising children. At first, his personal life with Arshavin did not work out: the husband began to take walks. Alice created scandals and even leaked her husband’s exploits to the press, threatening divorce a couple of months ago. And then the 36-year-old man gave an interview to a glossy magazine, where he repented of adultery and asked for forgiveness from “the best wife in the world.”

The report notes that passenger Arshavina repeatedly called herself an FSB major, trying to put pressure on the crew. Aeroflot also has testimonies from passengers that confirm the passenger’s destructive behavior.

Last Thursday, Olga Semenova sent a statement to the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A copy of the document is published by MK.

From correspondence between Arshavina and Semenova. Arshavin: “Why did you paw him, and they filmed it. Text him now if you don’t want to sit down and let your boyfriend know. I am an FSB officer."

“The fundamental issue is that Ms. Arshavina did not comply with the requirements established by the airline. The carrier had no choice but to inform the law enforcement agencies,” explained Oleg Panteleev, head of the analytical service of the Aviaport agency.

In the statement, the model asks to protect her rights and prevent the possible commission of a criminal offense, which “Russian citizen Alisa Arshavina threatens to commit.”

After some time, Alisa Kazmina in the UK met Russian national team footballer Andrei Arshavin, who at that time was playing at Arsenal in London. They dated for about 4 years and were going to get married in 2015, but due to the difficulties of Andrei’s breakup with his previous wife Yulia Baranovskaya, who bore him three children, the wedding was postponed.

According to the footballer’s wife, the model wanted to become famous “at someone else’s expense and make money from it” and hunts for rich men. To the question - did you threaten to plant drugs on Semyonova and cut off her fingers? — the footballer’s wife replied: “I didn’t react to her words.”

Olga Semenova herself did not post screenshots of SMS correspondence with Arshavina for a long time. I hoped that she would come to her senses and apologize. After Alice expressed her version of what happened, Olga decided to publish the correspondence in MK.

Alisa Arshavina video news. Latest details.

The romance between Alisa Kazmina and Andrei Arshavin began six years ago. At the time, both of them were in relationships that produced children. But, according to the footballer’s wife, their feelings were so strong that without further hesitation they decided to leave their partners and start living together. The couple got married last September, and their daughter Yesenia was born in February. Alisa also has two children from her first marriage, and Andrei is the father of three heirs from Yulia Baranovskaya.

This story is still vigorously discussed in society. Arshavin is criticized for his attitude towards his former lover, who bore him three children. After all, according to rumors, he does not see them and does not take any part in their lives, and the TV presenter had to sue the father of her heirs for a long time for alimony. Meanwhile, the football player does not forget to take care of the children of his current wife from the first barque, who call him father.


A month ago, Alice opened an Instagram page, which she had previously kept closed. She received a barrage of criticism from haters. However, she continued to share family photos with her children and husband. Many of Kazmina’s subscribers have noted that lately she has been deliberately flaunting her life and, at every opportunity, tries to emphasize how happy she is, how much her husband loves her and what an idyll reigns between them.

Such a sudden change in Alice’s behavior alarmed many Internet users. And, as it turned out, for good reason. The portal published a quote from Arshavin’s wife, in which she says that she could not forget her husband’s adultery and was leaving him. “I haven’t forgiven the betrayal, I’ve fallen out of love, I don’t want to be together,” the site quotes Kazmina. However, she does not answer questions from subscribers that rained down on Alice after this news.

Let us remember that this summer the media wrote about Andrei’s betrayal. A family friend, a certain Sergei, then told StarHit that the athlete cheated on Alice for a year with St. Petersburg model Ekaterina. According to the source, the football player gave his mistress expensive gifts, took her to luxurious places and promised to marry her. Kazmina learned about Arshavin’s relationship with the fashion model from the girl’s boyfriend only a year after the start of this romance. Then, according to media reports, Alice forgave Andrei and decided to continue building a happy family life with him. But, judging by the latest information in the press, she nevertheless changed her point of view and decided to leave her husband along with the children.