8 th lunar day for haircuts. Haircut lunar calendar. Haircut on a specific lunar day

For a long time, it has been customary to cut hair only on certain days in order to improve your energy, as well as hair density and growth. Our ancestors believed that if you cut your hair on a bad day, it can negatively affect the entire fate of a person.

The position of the moon is the guideline for this procedure. For a haircut, he was not chosen by chance, because the lunar phases in a special way affect a person. The moon also affects the condition of the hair. There are good days for a haircut and bad days. For the procedure, you need to choose only favorable days and it does not matter whether you have a haircut in the afternoon or in the evening.

The lunar month consists of 4 phases:

  • new moon;
  • full moon;
  • waxing Crescent;
  • waning moon.

These phases affect the condition of the body and hair. The influence of the moon on humans is a scientifically proven fact. Auspicious days for creating a hairstyle are days on which, thanks to the stylist's manipulations with hair, they begin to grow faster and their volume increases.

Astrologers say that not only the Moon influences the state of hair. They assure that hair is a kind of threads that connect a person with the Universe. Cosmic energy is transmitted to a person through them, which affects his health and fate.

If a haircut is done on favorable days, it will improve the human biofield and this will have a positive effect on fate.

Favorable period for a haircut:

  • Full moon.
  • These are the most suitable lunar days for hair cutting. If the hairstyle is done on a full moon, then the strands will then begin to increase in length and the density of the hair will increase. These are favorable days not only for cutting hair, but also for coloring. These are the best days for carrying out absolutely any procedures for hair.

  • The waxing moon period.
  • If you do your hair at this time, the growth of the strand will accelerate, but the shine may disappear. The strands can also lose moisture. If the hair is already too dry, it will be detrimental to them.

  • 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 21–23, 26–28 lunar days.
  • The period when The moon is located in the constellation Capricorn, Libra, Leo, Virgo or Taurus.

Unfavorable days for hair

Unfavorable days for haircuts are the time when manipulating the strands will negatively affect their structure. They will become brittle, grow slowly and fall out may begin.

Astrologers say that haircut these days negatively affects the human biofield. It depletes energy, can cause illness and misfortune. Therefore, these days should be avoided.

Bad time to manipulate strands:

  • Waning moon.
  • If you cut your hair during this phase, hair growth will slow down. At the same time, this time is favorable for depilation.

  • New moon.
  • By doing a haircut at this time, a person shortens his life. This procedure draws vitality out of him. Therefore, after visiting the salon, health problems appear. In no case should you cut your hair for the new moon in children. If the boys do their hair at this time, then they will very quickly have a bald head, and the girls' haircut on the new moon will lead to the fact that their hair will be thin and will begin to fall out a lot.

  • 9, 15, 29 lunar days.
  • They are not just unfavorable, but even dangerous for cutting. If you do your hair at this time, the strands will become thin, the volume of the hair will disappear and hair loss will begin. The haircut these days will affect the fate of a person. He will be haunted by misfortune and health problems.

  • Lunar and solar eclipses.
  • If you cut your hair these days, the hair structure, fate and human health will suffer.

  • Moon in the constellation Cancer or Pisces.
  • Haircut these days impairs hair structure and health.

Never cut the hair yourself. The procedure carried out with your own hands will disrupt the biofield and after it, misfortunes will arise.

It is better to have your hair cut by professionals and only during favorable periods.

Haircut on a specific lunar day

Now let's take a closer look at which days you can get a haircut and which not:

1st day. This day is unfavorable. A haircut performed at this time will shorten the life expectancy, because the flow of energy from the Universe to a person will be cut off.

3rd day. Unfavorable time for a haircut. A hairstyle done on the 3rd lunar day will lead to material problems. Manipulations with hair on the third day will lead to the appearance of troubles and ailments.

4th day. Bad time for a haircut. The procedure will cause phobias and depression. Haircuts at this time will also cause health problems. First of all, the throat and respiratory organs will suffer.

5th day. At this time of the fifth day, you can do your hair. A haircut made on the 5th lunar day will improve the material condition of a person.

6th day. The sixth day is an unfavorable period. Hair cutting on the 6th lunar day will lead to the appearance of diseases of the respiratory system. A hairstyle on the 6th lunar day will generally worsen health.

7th day. The 7th lunar day is not suitable for hair cutting. The procedure done on the 7th day will lead to destabilization of relations with relatives and colleagues. Also, a haircut on the seventh day will cause a deterioration in affairs and the state of the immune system.

8th day. A great time to style your hair. A haircut on the 8th lunar day will prolong a person's life and strengthen his health. Hairstyling for the eighth day will also increase your self-esteem and help build respect from others.

9th and 10th lunar day... Unfavorable time for a haircut. Hair manipulations carried out on the 9th lunar day and on the 10th day will provoke the onset of ailments. The hairstyle on the ninth day and on the tenth day shortens life.

11th lunar day. At this time, you can manipulate the hair. A haircut on the 11th lunar day will improve the hair structure. Manipulating the strands on the eleventh day can develop the gift of clairvoyance and intuition and improve the functioning of the brain.

12th day. Bad timing for hair manipulation. A haircut on the 12th lunar day can cause accidents. A trip to the salon on the twelfth day can cause a sudden tragic interruption of life.

13th day. The thirteenth day is the best time for women who want to increase their charm. A haircut done on the 13th lunar day will increase the charm and attractiveness.

14th day. Auspicious day for a haircut. Hair treatments performed today will improve a person's well-being, help him sign lucrative contracts and gain respect in society.

15th day. Unfavorable time. A perfect haircut today can worsen your psycho-emotional state. Phobias and depression will appear.

16th day. Unfavorable day. A haircut done today will lead to fatal mistakes and bad addictions.

17th day. Bad day for a haircut. A trip to the salon on the 17th lunar day can end in accidents, health problems and psycho-emotional disorders. Hairstyle on the seventeenth day can lead to the destruction of relationships with loved ones and colleagues.

18th day. Unfavorable period. Hair manipulation on this day can cause the loss of your property, the occurrence of ailments and lead to problems for others. Pets can be particularly affected.

19th day. This is an auspicious time. Haircut on the 19th lunar day will bring longevity. The nineteenth day hairstyle will improve the hair structure.

20th day. Bad timing. Hair cutting on the 20th lunar day will end with health problems and psycho-emotional disorders. Manipulation of hair on the 20th lunar day can also lead to the fact that a person has thoughts of parting with life. The time of the twenties does not need to be chosen for a haircut.

21st day. Favorable period. Hair manipulation will lead to well-being and increased charm.

Day 22. Controversial period. On the one hand, you can improve your financial condition, on the other hand, problems with excess weight may appear.

23rd day. This time is great for a haircut. After visiting the salon, a person will feel happy. His self-esteem and attractiveness will increase.

24th day. Bad day for a haircut. Hair manipulation performed today will lead to ailments.

Day 25. Unfavorable time. A haircut will cause visual impairment and eye diseases.

26th day. This period is good for a haircut. Hairstyles done today will bring happiness and improve the microclimate in the family.

Day 27. Auspicious day. A haircut on the 27th lunar day will bring happiness. Relationship with a loved one will improve.

28th day. Good period. A haircut on the 28th lunar day will increase the charm of a person, which will not go unnoticed by others. On this day, there will be no flaw in the hair.

29th lunar day. Unfavorable day. Hair manipulation on day 29 will lead to a decrease in a person's energy and impairment of brain function.

30th day. Bad period. A haircut will cause unhappiness and intensify the activities of enemies.

Making a haircut on favorable lunar days, a person has the opportunity to improve their financial condition, health and improve the structure of their hair.


Eastern astrology draws attention toany action of a person with his body is like a change in the quality of life. Even the most basic haircut can radically change one's destiny. Tibetans divide lunar days into favorable and unfavorable for haircuts (shaving), hair dye and treatment, nail cutting, dental treatment, and days of operations.

The days of cutting (cutting) hair have, as a beneficial effect on the future fate of a person - they have a positive effect on longevity, luck, financial stability and visual attractiveness, and negatively, since a haircut on these days can damage a person's vitality and bring trouble.

Hair- the source of our cosmic Power, which means that everything that happens to them changes the course of the invisible river, which washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any effect on the hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but our whole life. And therefore, in order not to go bald ahead of time and not to lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, you need to observe certain safety measures when cutting a haircut, to know when with whose help and why you are doing this.


  • You can't trust your hair to just anyone.
  • It should be remembered that the person who cuts you changes your biofield.
  • Therefore, when you come to a hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful master, then your life after a haircut will change for the better.
  • The older the hairdresser, the stronger his influence on your life.
  • If you are an independent person, you are used to solving your problems yourself and notlove when something prevents you from implementing them, choose a master, either the same age as you, or younger than you.
  • When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very an old and famous master, even a hairstyle made by him will cost you dearly. But after visiting a hairdresser, your life will change dramatically.

And if you still correctly calculate the moment of visiting, then your life will not only change, but will radically improve.

The lunar day does not coincide with the earthly day, and occurs on a certain time (hours, minutes) of the earth day.

The calendar also indicates the time of the entry of the Moon into one or another Zodiac constellation.

July 2019

day of month day of week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Moon day
1 mon decreasing in Gemini
28 from 02.44
2 tue NEW MOON at 22.17 in Cancer from 04.25 29/1 from 03.25
3 wed growing in Cancer 2 from 04.21
4 th growing in Lev from 06.20 3 from 05.31
5 fri growing in Leo 4 from 06.53
6 sat growing in Virgo from 07.26
5 from 08.20
7 sun growing in Virgo 6 from 09.48
8 mon growing in Libra from 09.08 7 from 11.15
9 tue growing in Libra 8 s 12.39
10 wed growing in Scorpio from 12.30 9 from 14.01
11 th growing in Scorpio 10 from 15.22
12 fri growing in Sagittarius from 18.06 11 from 16.42
13 sat growing in Sagittarius
12 from 17.57
14 sun growing in Sagittarius 13 from 19.06
15 mon growing in Capricorn from 02.06 14 from 20.06
16 tue growing in
15 s 20.55
17 wed FULL MOON at 00.13 in Aquarius from 12.20 16 s 21.32
18 th decreasing in Aquarius 17 from 22.01
19 fri decreasing in Aquarius 18 s 22.24
20 sat decreasing in Pisces from 00.20 19 from 22.42
21 sun decreasing in Pisces 20 from 22.57
22 mon decreasing in Aries from 13.30 21 from 23.11
23 tue decreasing in Aries 22 from 23.25
24 wed decreasing in Aries 23 from 23.39
25 th decreasing in Taurus from 00.43 24 from 23.56
26 fri decreasing in Corpuscle 24
27 sat decreasing in Gemini from 09.30 25 from 00.15
28 sun decreasing in Gemini 26 from 00.41
29 mon decreasing in Cancer from 14.32 27 from 01.15
30 tue decreasing in Cancer 28 from 02.03
31 wed decreasing in Lev from 16.19 29 s03.06


Before going to the hairdresser take a look at Moon calendar


1st lunar day cutting your hair will shorten your life.

2nd lunar day - haircut will attract quarrels and litigation to you.

3rd lunar day - hair cutting will lead to harm to the body and can attract waste to you.

4th lunar day - haircut will bringdiscomfort, will attract longing and fear of losing loved ones. Will cause throat and oral diseases.

5th lunar day - hair cutting will increase property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day - it is undesirable to cut your hair - you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will worsen, you will look like a sick person and in fact will start to hurt.

7th lunar day - hair cuttingwill attract quarrels and litigation to you, you can conflict withchief. There is a threat of conflict with a loved one. Burning day according to the Tibetan calendar, the day when cutting your hair will seriously worsen your health.

8th lunar day - a haircut will attract longevity, good health to you and make your life worthy in the eyes of others (although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day - hair cutting attracts diseases.

The 10th lunar day is a burning day according to Tibetan traditions, it is recommended to refrain from haircuts, as this will attract illness to you.

12th lunar day - you cannot cut your hair - misfortunes, injuries are attracted and the likelihood of a threat to life increases.

13th lunar day - it is advisable to have a haircut, since a haircut will bring happiness and benefit, a beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day - a haircut will attract improved performance, financial position, increased property and the welfare of the bosses. For the sake of their own well-being, at least through the hair.

15th lunar day - it is safer to refrain from haircuts, as mental disorders as a result of haircuts, increased pressure, headaches and the appearance of a feeling of fear are possible. If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from the hairdresser.

16th lunar day - it is better to refrain from haircuts - misfortunes, mistakes will arise. Negative habits and vices will fully manifest themselves, the craving for alcohol will increase, and the ability to control passions will decrease. Cutting your hair can attract cheating, which can make your health worse.

17th lunar day - as a result of a haircut, there will be obstacles in business, diseases will arise. The possibility of injury in the future is high. The psyche will suffer. According to eastern beliefs, a haircut on this day will attract harmful spirits to you.

18th lunar day - hair cutting will lead to loss of property, theft, your pets may get sick (they feel danger threatening you and worry about you). Also, according to Tibetan traditions, this is a burning day and hair cutting will bring you a serious deterioration in your health.

19th moon th day - shouldcontact a hairdresser - hair cutting prolongs life.

20th lunar day - cut hairundesirable, there will be "aversion" to life.

21st lunar day - it is advisable to cut your hair - you will attract beauty and well-being.

22nd lunar day - a haircut will attract to you the opportunity to acquire property, but you can get better, gain excess weight.

23rd lunar day - haircut will bring beautiful complexion, will improve yourfinancial condition.

The 24th lunar day is a very bad day for cutting hair - diseases can appear. If you want to be healthy - refrain from haircuts.

25th lunar day - haircut will increase eye pressure and lead to visual impairment. As a result of haircuts, eye diseases will worsen,inflammation, the appearance of barley.

26th lunar day - by cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

28th lunar day - as a result of hair cutting, the charm of the external appearance will increase, you willto please people.

29th lunar day - as a result of hair cutting, a person's energy is lost, as people say "you can cut your mind."

30th lunar day - hair cutting can attract to a person the threat of meeting misfortune, an enemy, and can even attract death. There is also the possibility of involving a car accident.

August 2019

day of month day of week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Moon day
1 th New moon at 06.13 in Leo 30/1 from 04.25
2 fri growing in Virgo from 16.22 2 from 05.52
3 sat growing in Virgo 3 from 07.23
4 sun growing in Libra from 16.31 4 from 08.54
5 mon growing in Libra 5 from 10.22
6 tue growing in Scorpio from 18.33
6 from 11.47
7 wed growing Scorpio 7 from 13.10
8 th growing in Sagittarius from 23.36 8 from 14.31
9 fri growing in Sagittarius 9 sec 15.48
10 sat growing in Sagittarius 10 from 16.59
11 sun growing in Capricorn from 07.51 11 from 18.01
12 mon growing in Capricorn 12 from 18.53
13 tue growing in Aquarius since 18.36
13 from 19.33
14 wed growing in Aquarius 14 from 20.04
15 th FULL MOON at 15.30 in Aquarius 15 s 20.29
16 fri decreasing in
Pisces from 06.51
16 sec 20.48
17 sat decreasing in Pisces 17 from 21.04
18 sun decreasing in Aries from 19.34 18 from 21.18
19 mon decreasing in Aries 19 sec 21.32
20 tue decreasing in Aries 20 from 21.46
21 wed decreasing in Taurus from 07.38 21 from 22.01
22 th decreasing in Corpuscle 22 from 22.18
23 fri decreasing in Gemini from 17.35 23 from 22.40
24 sat decreasing in Gemini 24 s 23.10
25 sun decreasing in Gemini 25 from 23.50
26 mon decreasing in Cancer from 00.06 25
27 tue decreasing in Cancer 26 from 01.18
28 vr decreasing in about Leo from 02.55 27 from 01.34
29 th decreasing in Leo 28 from 01.52
30 fri New Moon from 13.38 in Virgo from 02.58 29/1 from 02.15
31 sat growing in Virgo 2 from 02.15

The eighth lunar day opens the second week of the lunar month. Today you can take stock of the past tense, think about whether everything was done correctly, and what needs to be corrected. The day is suitable for self-development and gaining new knowledge.

People today will be overcome by conflicting moods - from quiet sadness to joy. You need to control your emotions and not waste energy. You may have to destroy something old in order to create something new.

The 8th lunar day is best spent alone. It is necessary to abandon the company of even close people. Any event that occurs on this day must be taken for granted and a lesson learned from it for the future.

The more new information a person receives today, the easier he will endure this day. Any new knowledge will benefit.

The guardian angel of this day is Fadolam. This is the prince of the stonework. He is the patron saint of lawyers. On earth and in heaven, he intercedes for those whom he likes. An angel endows a person with insight, a sense of humor and hidden talents. In every business he starts, he generates benefits, helps build a career and gives power to politicians. Fadolam protects against gossip and deception. He helps to master the art of public speaking and learn foreign languages.

General characteristics of 8 lunar days:

  • Energy of the day: passive.
  • Day symbol: treasure chest, phoenix, bonfire, moth, peacock - screamer of failure.
  • Element of the day: earth and fire.
  • Stone of the day: , .
  • Day color: black and red tones.

Description 8 lunar days is a difficult day. Today, physical and psycho-emotional overstrain should not be allowed. You can engage in self-development, but so that it is not tiring. On this day, you need to ask for forgiveness for your wrong actions and forgive your offenders. Thanks to this, a person will improve his karma.

Esoteric schools claim that the magic of this day predisposes to alchemical experiences. You can arrange meditations to connect with other worlds.

The 8th lunar day is suitable for communication with God. It is recommended to go to church. You can talk to the priest. In the church, you need to look at the burning candles longer. This will help get rid of the accumulated negative energy. You don't have to go to church to fellowship with God. You can pray at home and pray will be heard. During this ordinance, you can light a lamp or candle. If you look at the flame, the aura will be cleansed of all the bad things that it managed to absorb. In the flame today you can burn all your grievances and sorrows. You need to say them out loud on a burning fire. He will burn everything. If today the flame of a candle, an icon lamp and any other fire goes out, or the light suddenly turns off, this will mean that something is going wrong in life. We urgently need to change something.

On the 8th lunar day, the cleansing of karma and aura is a must. If it is not carried out, then an emotional outburst of all the accumulated negativity can occur.

Esotericists and astrologers advise today to wake up before dawn. It is useful to meet the rising sun. Then it will share its energy with the person.

The eighth day of the lunar calendar is suitable for a change of home. No wonder it is called the day of the clean sheet. Moving will be easy, and the new place of residence will bring only positive emotions. Here life can start from the very clean sheet.


8 lunar day is suitable for dating. If one of the partners caused another mental pain, hurt, and so on, then today he can be forgiven. This will improve the karma of the beloved and bring their relationship to a new level of development.

Today people are more frank with each other than ever. All the secrets that one partner hid from the other will be revealed.

On this lunar day, you can formalize relationships only for those couples who are constantly engaged in self-improvement, love to travel and change something in their lives. If the future spouses do not fit these descriptions, then it is best for them not to sign today. If on this day they play a wedding, then scandals will often arise in their family.


On this day, you can only do light current household chores. Housewives can do sewing.


The eighth lunar day should be used by gardeners and truck farmers for irrigation and feeding of plants. Other work with plants is not allowed.


The influence of the moon on the body today is so strong that a person may experience discomfort. The energy of this night luminary needs to be transformed, which requires a large expenditure of internal reserves. This can affect the psycho-emotional state of a person. Depression, neurosis and other mental disorders often occur. If a person experiences stress today, it will lead to major health problems.

Injuries can happen on this magical day. Do not overexert yourself and work hard. We need more rest today. On this day, you need to be more careful about your health. If a disease occurs, it will pass with complications and will drag on for a long time.

Fasting days can be assigned for this day. If you can't refuse food, for example, for health reasons, then meat and any meat products should be excluded from the menu.

Today, the nervous system and stomach are vulnerable spots. If on this day your ears, stomach ache or you have chills, then these are not the consequences of diseases, but the consequences of bad thoughts and actions.

The day is suitable for self-medication and preparation of herbal medicines, but hydrotherapy is unacceptable.

Work, money, business

On this day, it is best to do only simple things. Decisions on important issues must be postponed. Financial affairs will go badly. If plans have been assigned for this day, they will be implemented very slowly and not entirely successfully.

These days, special attention should be paid to businessmen to establish business ties. You can find partners who will invest in the development of the enterprise.

The energy of these days must be used to start a business trip.

A haircut

On this lunar day, the haircut is favorable. Such manipulations with the strands will help direct energy in the right direction. Hair cutting should not be accompanied by coloring. Curly hair can be straightened today. Then the strands will become better to pass positive energy.

Characteristics of people born on the 8 lunar day

8 lunar birthday bestows a person with extraordinary thinking and a sharp mind. These people are punctual and disciplined.

People born on the 8th lunar day are usually engaged in mental rather than physical labor. They have hidden potentials and talents.

People born on this day often become artists, musicians, sculptors, painters and so on.

Dreams on the 8th lunar day

Dreams on the 8th lunar day are true. They usually reflect what is happening in a person's life.

If all is well, then the dream will be kind and good. If nightmarish images appear in dreams, then something needs to be changed in life.

To interpret dreams, you need to use a dream book. Perhaps it has a much deeper meaning than it seems at first glance.

Sleep on these days is often prophetic. He can tell a person what awaits him in the future if he continues to live his old life. The dream may not come true if something is changed.

If on this day in a dream the action takes place in some open space, for example, in the ocean, in a field or in a forest, this means that a person is mentally ready for change. If the dream shows confined spaces, then nothing needs to be changed. A person is not yet morally ready for change.

8 lunar days are difficult and dangerous, so it is best to spend them alone.

8 lunar day - hair cutting, hairstyle, coloring and what to do with hair in general

On this day, it is not advisable to cut your hair, otherwise you can get into trouble. You don't need to paint either - it can undermine your authority. Naturally loose hair is best suited to the energy of the eighth lunar day - this will help to find harmony with nature.

Eighth lunar day - characteristic

The 8th lunar day passes under the symbol of a fierce, burning fire. Also, this symbol is complemented by the sign of the phoenix bird, which is able to rise from the ashes. Transformations and cyclicality are two key concepts that are important on the eighth day of the lunar cycle.

The rage of fire and its power create dangers on this day. First of all, it is the direct threat of burns and fires that fire carries. Therefore, on the eighth day of the growing moon, it is not recommended to kindle fires and work with the fiery element. Even electrical appliances are better not to touch, unless absolutely necessary.

Also, a burning, recalcitrant element strongly affects a person's consciousness, his feelings and emotions. On this day, sudden changes in mood and throwing from one extreme to another are possible. There is no need to be afraid of this state. Just try to keep the middle ground and be aware of what is happening to you.

For the same reason, it is worth spending the eighth lunar day alone or in a narrow circle of close friends. Otherwise, you run the risk of falling for a provocation or becoming a participant in a heated argument or quarrel. All this is highly undesirable.

The energy of the day changes your consciousness and perception of the world. Therefore, you need to open up to her and not resist the changes, keeping calm. Fighting or gambling can awaken feelings such as anger, anger, and nervousness in you. This will give the fire more power and it will burn you.

Spontaneously, the energy of fire is closest to the earth. Therefore, it is not worth working in the garden on the eighth day of the lunar cycle. Moreover, by planting something, you run the risk of planting the seeds of anger, despair and envy in your soul.

Cyclicity, as one of the descriptions of this day, requires clarification. It manifests itself in the fact that by analyzing cyclical processes on this day, for example, constant failures in love, you get a chance to finally change the polarity of these cycles.

To intensify this process, repent. It is not necessary to repent in the temple. You can simply confess to something that is tormenting your loved one. Or express repentance by prayer. The main thing is to do it sincerely.

The eighth lunar day is closely associated with public speaking. If you want to show yourself, try to do it with people you know well, close people. At the same time, carefully monitor their reaction - it will reveal a lot to you.

Avoid boasting and arrogance - they can change people's attitude towards you in a drastic way or arouse envy in them. Try not to get tired of speaking in front of strangers or people who are unfriendly to you.

Remember that when you are in sight, you draw attention to yourself. And it can be both good and bad. Among your viewers, there may be people who will envy your showiness and try to harm you: impose the evil eye or induce a curse. Avoid this.

In the matter of the phenomena that surround you and the affairs that you perform - the eighth lunar day marks the beginning of active movement. The spiral begins to unfold more and more and actions, at the level of being, receive an ever wider reversal.

Modifications affect your sphere of affairs as well as you. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that some activity or event will occur without your participation and knowledge.

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  • Massage
  • Starve
  • Dissolve the hair
  • Be careful
  • Avoid envious people
  • Monitor people's reactions to you
  • Speak to people you know
  • To spend time in a small circle
  • Maintain inner harmony
  • Calmly perceive mood swings
  • Treats everything with humor
  • Be open to everything new
  • Remember and analyze mistakes
  • Seek new solutions to old problems
  • Try again, implement failed projects in the past
Not recommended
  • Work with fire
  • Work in the garden
  • Be angry
  • Cutting hair
  • To dye hair
  • Brag
  • Be arrogant
  • Get nervous
  • Having sex
  • Resist change
  • Attend noisy events
  • Collect big campaigns
  • Experiencing physical activity
  • Performing in front of an unfriendly audience
  • Actively use electronic technology
Eighth lunar day and health

Prepare a medicine consisting of many ingredients on the eighth lunar day. The more complex the recipe and the number of components, the better the result will be.

On this day, the intestines are a weak organ, so it is advisable to starve or arrange a fasting day. You can follow a diet. All this will have a beneficial effect on bowel function and save you from complications.

A relaxing massage is also helpful.

Eighth lunar day and sex

Sex on the eighth lunar day will not be successful. This is due to the energy specificity of the day, which changes all human emotions and perceptions.

Eighth lunar day and marriage

Marriage on the eighth lunar day should only be concluded by mobile people, whose life is movement, travel and the constant search for new impressions. Because this is the kind of life that awaits the family created on this day.

For everyone else, the marriage will not be successful and will bring a lot of negativity.

Eighth lunar day and business

In matters of business, the cyclical nature of the eighth day of the lunar cycle is especially working today. Rethink everything you do. Perhaps a mistake has been made somewhere.

Return to questions that have not been resolved for a long time. Try to change the angle of view on them and you will find the right way. The main thing is not to hit the same wall - look for new ways.

Also, businessmen should be especially careful today to make any decisions and remain calm and common sense. Since, due to strong mood swings and going to extremes, they can miscalculate their strengths. Which is fraught with business mistakes and loss of money.

Eighth lunar day and conception

A child conceived on the eighth lunar day will constantly go to extremes and look for a middle ground. Moreover, his life will be eventful and eventful.

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The state of a person's health is reflected in the condition of his hair: from stress they begin to fall out, from illness they fade and become brittle.

Hair has always been endowed magical properties - they transmit cosmic information to a person, that's why the dependence of hair on the Moon is so great.

In this article we will try to help you choose the best days for hair cutting according to the lunar calendar and all the signs.

Haircut for the waxing and waning moon

Scientists of ancient civilizations, who deified this mysterious planet, knew that the Moon affects the human body.

Modern scientists explain this by the fact that the human body, which is 80% water, reacts to lunar phaseslike the oceans, ebb and flow.

The Moon also affects hair growth, forcing blood to rush to the hair follicles in its growing phase:

  • haircut done in 1 or 2 quarter moon heightyou will have to renew it soon, because the hair will grow back quickly;
  • cut a hair on the waning moon it is necessary if you decide to correct the imperfections in your hair, for example, they get tangled or do not obey;
  • get a haircut when The moon is waning, you need the hair to stop falling out, the roots to strengthen;
  • if you like the haircut, then lunar damage period - the most suitable time to visit the salon, because hair will not grow back soon;
  • if you decide to experiment with a new haircut, but are not sure of the result, it is better to go to the salon on the growing moon, so that in case of failure, your hair will grow quickly.

Moon in auspicious zodiac sign

When planning a visit to the hairdresser, look at the lunar calendar to find out the location of the moon regarding the signs of the zodiac:

  • if on the scheduled day the moon is at Taurus, Virgo, Leo or Libra, feel free to go get a haircut;
  • haircut done during the period from October to Marchwhen the Moon is in Libra, it has a good effect on vision and memory;
  • Moon in Virgo will help the hairstyle stay beautiful for a long time, keep its shape;
  • Moon passing through taurus sign, will add strength to your hair. They will be lush and shiny;
  • haircut done while the moon was found in air signs, will be airy, and the hair will be obedient.

Postpone your haircut if:

  • Moon in signs Capricorn, Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Cancer;
  • do not want dandruff to appear - do not cut your hair while the moon is in Fish;
  • when the moon in Cancer, hair sticks out after cutting, becomes naughty;
  • finding the moon in the sign of Aries increases the sensitivity of hair to any impact;
  • Capricorn slows down hair growth, so the Moon period in Capricorn - good haircut time for men.

Cut the split ends of your hair during the full moon. This will give your hair shine and strength.

Haircut on lunar days

In the lunar calendar, pay attention to which lunar days you want to get a haircut. Tibetans believe that you can change your destiny if you cut your hair in correctly selected lunar days... For them, a haircut is a ritual for which they prepare, carefully choosing lunar days for cutting their hair.

Favorable days for a haircut

Best for haircutsthere will be 5, 8, 13, 14, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28 lunar days. A haircut these days will add health to your hair and help improve your life.

By cutting your hair on a certain lunar day, you program yourself for luck, growth in well-being, attractiveness, health:

  • want to get rich - cut your hair on days 5, 14 and 22;
  • to become more beautiful and like others, make a haircut at 13 and 28 days;
  • dream of winning the favor of your superiors and becoming successful at work - at 14 lunar day urgently to the hairdresser;
  • good health and long life are guaranteed for the clippers on 8 and 19 lunar days;
  • happier and more joyful if you cut your hair on the 27th lunar day.

Unfavorable days for haircuts

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 30 lunar days are considered unfavorable;
  • days of lunar and solar eclipses also refer to unfavorable;
  • 9, 15, 23, 29 are called satanic lunar days. Judging by the name, a haircut on this day will not lead to anything good.

Haircut by day of the week

According to magicians and wizards, the day of the week on which a haircut is made can also change your life:

  • Monday. On this day, along with your hair, you will get rid of everything that interferes;
  • Tuesday. A haircut on Tuesday will add energy, help get rid of despondency;
  • Wednesday. Hair cut in the middle of the week will brighten your life, attract new friends to you;
  • Thursday. Trim the ends of your hair to add luck and popularity;
  • Friday. If you want to change your appearance - get your hair cut on Friday;
  • Saturday. A haircut on this day will free you from the sins that you inherited from your ancestors, improve karma;
  • Sunday. But on Sunday it is better not to get a haircut. Cut luck with your hair. On this day, a haircut is desirable for those who are constantly unlucky in order to radically change the state of affairs.

The choice of the day of the week for a haircut also depends on what day you were born.

Knowing him, you can safely choose a favorable day according to this scheme and the answer to the question "is it possible to have a haircut today?" will be obvious to you:

  • if you were born in monday, then choose Thursday, Friday, Saturday for a haircut;
  • born in tuesday cut their hair on Thursday and Saturday;
  • you were born in wednesday- boldly cut your hair on Friday and avoid the hairdresser on Thursday;
  • your birthday - thursday, get your hair cut on Monday and Tuesday;
  • friday harmonizes Thursday, Saturday;
  • born in saturday Friday is great;
  • born in sundayit is better to get a haircut on Tuesday and Thursday.

Another versatile haircut that has many variations is. She decorated many female faces, read it, you might want to do the same.

Find out what contributes to the rapid growth of hair in our, where we talk about the tools for it.

Find out how often you can bleach your hair and dye it with various dyes here: - all about natural and chemical dyes and their effect on hair and scalp.

How to choose the best days for your haircut?

Choosing the perfect day for your haircut isn't easy, but here's how you can do it:

  • Take a lunar calendar for a year, mark the unfavorable lunar days, auspicious ones that fall on Sunday, and do not go to the hairdresser these days;
  • Pay attention to the days when the growing moon will be in Virgo, Leo and Libra, mark the favorable ones among them, see what day of the week they fall, choose the one that suits you for your birthday.

March 4, 5.6 (growing moon in Taurus) falls on Monday - Wednesday. These are 4, 5.6 lunar days. On the 4th and 6th day we do not cut our hair: they are not favorable.

Remains Tuesday March 5th. A haircut on this day will bring material wealth and add energy.

Believe it or not, it's worth a try.

If at hand there will be no lunar calendar haircuts, just look at the moon:

  • its bend looks in the same direction as the letter R - the moon is growing, trimmed at this time, hair will grow quickly;
  • the moon resembles a letter FROM - went to the damage, which means that hair growth slows down.

The moon will tell you the right time for a haircut. Try to get a haircut, in consultation with the Moon, as did the ancestors, who have always trusted the companion of our planet.