Cinderella's Gate in the natal chart. Cinderella gate for the poor girl. “Cinderella’s Gate”: what is it and where does it lead?

To become the heroine of a fairy tale, meet your prince and enter into a long, happy union with him - what real lady doesn’t dream of this! Personal happiness is quite possible, even if there is no magic fairy nearby who can turn a pumpkin into a carriage, and an everyday outfit into an airy ball gown. To catch your luck, you need to ask when the Cinderella Gate opens - a planetary aspect during which fateful changes for the better occur.

The magical periods of Cinderella's Gate for just a few days open the way to large-scale luck, providing an opportunity to find your luck without much effort. This time is different for everyone, and you need to know it in advance. After all, the chance of missing the Blue Bird is too great. Knowing the day and hour of luck, you can turn the situation in your favor and take carte blanche, which is:

  • a new influential acquaintance;
  • winning the lottery;
  • a job offer that will change your destiny.

What does Cinderella Gate mean in professional astrology?

Cinderella's Gate (Star Bridge, Star Gift) is a development of the American astrological School of the Magi. It has become firmly established in the methodology of individual forecasting of happy periods in personal life.

The key astrological object that opens the gates of luck is Chiron, an asteroid discovered in 1977. He loves to joke about fate, blur boundaries, and reject norms. In addition to Chiron, the following are involved in the Cinderella Gate planetary configuration:

  • Venus is the planet of love and relationships;
  • Jupiter is the planet of Great Happiness;
  • Neptune is a mystical, mysterious planet.

When Chiron makes an angle to Venus, Jupiter or Neptune, a person can count on good luck and favor of fate. If three planets make a magical aspect (angle 0, 120 or 150 degrees) to Chiron, fantastic opportunities open up for him that should not be missed.

Calculate Cinderella Gate

It will not be difficult for a professional astrologer to analyze the individual aspects of Cinderella. This requires time, hour and place of birth. By drawing up a personal chart, the specialist will determine whether the individual is one of the lucky ones who have this aspect from birth.

If in the natal chart there is a trine of Chiron to Neptune, Venus or Jupiter, the person is already marked by fate, born in a shirt. If a certain period in a person’s life is being calculated, the astrologer looks at when the transit planets form a “Cinderella” combination (angle of 0, 120 or 150 degrees) with the natal planets. Having noticed the aspect, he will be able to warn the client in time about his readiness to catch the “goldfish”.

The conditions that open the Cinderella Gate are quite strict and occur only a few times in a lifetime. The desire for a better life, the search for one’s soul mate are goals that allow people to move forward and scale career heights. But behind routine affairs and ambitions, it is so easy to miss your chance. The astrologer will indicate the exact time when all doors and locks open. This will help you wisely use lucky opportunities: make useful contacts, conduct difficult negotiations, and do many other things that can easily change your life for the better.

Who used Cinderella's Gate?

Pushkin and Goncharova One of the most famous couples in Russian history found happiness at an ideal moment from an astrological point of view - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Natalya Goncharova were both under the auspices of Chiron at the time they met. Remember: each of us has such a key. To use it, you just need to contact an astrologer and find out when your Golden Gate will open...

According to historians, Napoleon Bonaparte loved two women in his life: his first wife, Josephine Maria Rose of Beauharnais, and the Polish countess Maria Walewska, who gave the French emperor a son. The second marriage coincided with the opening of the Cinderella Gate in Napoleon’s fate. Moreover, the birth of the heir also coincided with the magical time of his horoscope.

Maria Callas and Aristotle Onassis met at the moment when the Cinderella Gate opened in each of their lives. Their romance lasted throughout their lives (in parallel with the millionaire’s marriage to Jacqueline Kennedy), until the last days of Onassis. This is a very interesting relationship from an astrological point of view. After all, Onassis also connected with Jacqueline Kennedy at the moment the Golden Gates of fate opened.

We are all partial to such a concept in our lives as a Moment of Luck! Everyone strives to keep pace with her... and we always want to know when we will be lucky and we will ride the horse of our happiness.

Luck exists in the life of any person! Usually people feel this wave of rise. But such periods can be calculated in advance (when it is important to gain recognition and approval from society in love and business). Turn to professional calculations, and we will show you when to catch the firebird of luck by the tail in any direction of your life.

In astrology, there is the concept of “Cinderella Gate”, or “Gate of Fortune”. This is a special period when a person will have a successful marriage! And not only: at this time people will be more lenient towards you and your shortcomings, mistakes, blunders, because in their eyes you appear, thanks to planetary energies, as especially attractive, unique, with a pronounced individuality, you become simply irresistible. And this will be useful to you for solving any problems!

Calculation of Cinderella Gate for a month

Representatives of the eastern school of astrology link the Gate of Luck, or “Golden Moments,” with the planet Chiron. This is due to the scientific assumption of the existence of a third planet between Mars and Jupiter called Phaethon, which at one time fell apart and formed the asteroid belt. Chiron turned out to be the largest of them. The planet Chiron was discovered in 1977 as a particle of Phaethon.

Death of Phaeton

Phaeton is the planet of harmony and love. After it disintegrated, at the energy level, people lost the intuitive principle that allowed them to do the right things; the connection with time and balance, the “golden mean of the section,” was broken. Chiron continues to carry the energy of love and harmony, following Phaeton.

Since Chiron is designated by astrologers in the form of a key, this brings additional meaning to the description of the planet: moments of good luck can be interpreted as the “key of luck” thanks to the symbolic image of the plan
Cinderella Gate

As astrologers have noted, they can “open” for a short period of time, for example, every month, but there are also more significant periods that happen only a few times in life. And when several long periods coincide with each other, the potential for Luck is especially great! Rare case!

So, with the help of professional calculations, we will help you find out the time when you can meet your Prince and get married successfully.

As an example, consider Princess Diana's Cinderella Gate for the years 1975-1984.

The graph shows that "Cinderella's Gate" begins somewhere in mid-1981. And their opening occurs when 3 or more Magic Angles are triggered at the same time.

Recently, at Luda’s training (the one where she had to guess the events of 2005), I drew attention to its progressive aspect: the connection of the Ave of Venus with N. Chiron in the 9th house. This is the “Cinderella aspect” when the gates of perspective open before a person. That year, the corresponding events of the 9th house took place at Luda’s house.

Every person has moments in life when he is incredibly happy, happy like Cinderella from a fairy tale. This is a magical time when people fall in love, get married, conceive and have children. At this time, a person’s charisma increases, he is at the peak of his popularity, which contributes to prosperity and career growth.

I would like to know your opinion about this technique. Does it work for you personally, your loved ones and clients? I suggest you look at your map and check))). If possible with examples)).
So, what are we looking for? Aspects of Chiron (transit, directional) with natal Neptune, Jupiter, Venus and vice versa aspects of Neptune, Jupiter, Venus with natal Chiron. For Venus, we also look at progressive aspects with Chiron.

Several years ago, the American Astrological Society published a special predictive technique for the general public - the Cinderella Gate. Many women have heard about this wonderful technique, and many questions also arise. Many people ask why the gate opening period was calculated correctly, but the prince did not appear? Or why did my friend really manage to get married successfully during this period, while I am still in search of happiness? Or is there anything special that needs to be done during this period or will events happen on their own?
In this article I will try to answer the most frequently asked questions from my clients.
The essence of the technique is to identify special periods of luck that do not happen so often in a person’s life, and Fortune opens its gates to a person. First of all, this applies to women who want to marry a real prince, as in the fairy tale about Cinderella, and jump over several social steps. Such combinations, however, are extremely rare, and in order to accomplish this event, the presence in the horoscope must be indicated in addition to the gates, other indications.
We all remember how in a fairy tale, Cinderella turned from a simple girl into a princess. During the opening of Cinderella’s gates, there is a sharp rise up the social ladder, living conditions improve, moves to a country you have long dreamed of, lucrative offers come from unexpected sources, meetings with influential people take place who will run like a red thread through your entire life.
This forecasting technique involves:
Small happiness - Venus
Great happiness - Jupiter
Highest happiness - Neptune
The key to the door of happiness - Chiron
In order for your gates to open, there must be three simultaneous presence of aspects between the planets that are the guardians of happiness.
Magical aspects between Chiron and Jupiter, Venus or Neptune will, according to this technique, be trigon, conjunction or quincunx, parallel or counterparallel. These combinations of three aspects are quite rare in the sky, and only a competent Astrologer can answer the question of whether there is a Cinderella Gate in your chart and when it will open for you.
Why Chiron? Chiron appeared as a result of the collapse of Phaethon, which was in orbit between Mars and Jupiter and in ancient astrology was responsible for the correct choice of a person. According to legend, with the loss of Phaeton, humanity lost the opportunity for harmony, luck and intuition of the right choice. To some extent, this function of a happy choice of fate was taken over by Chiron - discovered by astronomers only in 1977, but known to astrologers of hoary antiquity long before the birth of Christ.
As a matter of fact, for Great Luck three indications are needed - all three aspects of Chiron to all three planets. Periods of low luck occur due to the rapid movement of the planet Venus and its aspects to Chiron, which provide short-term luck.


Sometimes we wonder why some women, like a magnet, attract rich and influential men to themselves, who also marry them, while others constantly attract men who, on their own, are not even able to pay for a good dinner and a bouquet of flowers for their beloved’s birthday, too. lacking imagination?

The point here is the secret of the Birth Horoscope. After all, we know that nothing can happen in life that is not written in the natal chart.
After extensive astrological research, it turned out that the most successful women, who were once *Cinderellas*, have Chiron aspects to one of the listed planets in their natal charts.
At a certain point in life, this connection is activated by transits and the so-called Miraculously rapid transformation of an ordinary girl into a princess occurs.

In particularly successful combinations, such a transformation can occur through marriage with the royal family - like Princess Diana, who had the Cinderella aspect in her natal chart and got married on the day when two more were added to this aspect! Three Cinderella transits lasted a whole month in Lady Di's chart, and during this time she managed to marry Prince Charles, became the most famous woman on the front page of all newspapers in the world, and her face became the most recognizable brand in the United Kingdom.


Not many women are born with the Cinderella aspect, but sometimes in synastry it turns out that with a certain combination of partner cards, it is this man who will make you Cinderella, it is his natal chart in combination with yours that will create the aspects of Big and Small Happiness.

This is the whole secret of why we flourish and grow rich with one life partner, but with another we cannot make ends meet. Also, the astrological chart of the Wedding day largely determines the fate of a particular union.

If there are Saturnian collisions and malefic stellums of planets in it, then the probability of the breakup of such a marriage is very high. The rules of Astrology work the same for royalty and for you and me. We can use the aspects of Cinderella for our benefit and by organizing our wedding on one of these days we can live in marriage calmly and happily even with all the machinations of fate.
Women, in whose natal chart there are no aspects of Cinderella, during transit openings of Cinderella’s gates can count on the flow of Fortune, they will find themselves in the right place at the right time, they will receive a marriage proposal, even if not from a prince, but from a decent, kind person.

It is especially important not to miss this period in your life - as soon as Chiron makes an aspect to your lucky natal planets, the gates of Fortune open for exactly as many days as the aspect lasts. After the aspect disintegrates, the gate closes.


Undoubtedly. The very knowledge of the upcoming period, when the heavenly gates open to pour golden rain on us, already gives us a feeling of the impending miracle. Many people feel it intuitively. During this time, you can plan travel, trips to places coded in the natal chart as MEETING PLACES WITH YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND, planning important meetings, negotiations and anything that can bring you closer to the fulfillment of your desires.

The opening of the Gates of Lesser Happiness will take place in the near future on 10/23/2017, 11/16/2017, 12/10/2017.

Your horoscope will tell you what these dates mean for you personally.
You can ask questions to the author of the article and order a Cinderella Gate calculation for 2018 at:

The magical periods of Cinderella's Gate for just a few days open the way to large-scale luck, providing an opportunity to find your luck without much effort. This time is different for everyone, and you need to know it in advance. After all, the chance of missing the Blue Bird is too great. Knowing the day and hour of luck, you can turn the situation in your favor and take carte blanche, which is:

  • a new influential acquaintance;
  • winning the lottery;
  • a job offer that will change your destiny.

What does Cinderella Gate mean in professional astrology?

Cinderella's Gate (Star Bridge, Star Gift) - the development of the American astrological School of the Magi. It has become firmly established in the methodology of individual forecasting of happy periods in personal life.

The key astrological object that opens the gates of luck is Chiron, an asteroid discovered in 1977. He loves to joke about fate, blur boundaries, and reject norms. In addition to Chiron, the following are involved in the Cinderella Gate planetary configuration:

When Chiron makes an angle to Venus, Jupiter or Neptune, a person can count on good luck and favor of fate. If three planets make a magical aspect (angle 0, 120 or 150 degrees) to Chiron, fantastic opportunities open up for him that should not be missed.

Calculate Cinderella Gate

It will not be difficult for a professional astrologer to analyze the individual aspects of Cinderella. This requires time, hour and place of birth. By drawing up a personal chart, the specialist will determine whether the individual is one of the lucky ones who have this aspect from birth.

If in the natal chart there is a trine of Chiron to Neptune, Venus or Jupiter, the person is already marked by fate, born in a shirt. If a certain period in a person’s life is being calculated, the astrologer looks at when the transit planets form a “Cinderella” combination (angle of 0, 120 or 150 degrees) with the natal planets. Having noticed the aspect, he will be able to warn the client in time about his readiness to catch the “goldfish”.

The conditions that open the Cinderella Gate are quite strict and occur only a few times in a lifetime. The desire for a better life, the search for one’s soul mate are goals that allow people to move forward and scale career heights. But behind routine affairs and ambitions, it is so easy to miss your chance. The astrologer will indicate the exact time when all doors and locks open. This will help you wisely use lucky opportunities: make useful contacts, conduct difficult negotiations, and do many other things that can easily change your life for the better.

Who used Cinderella's Gate?

Pushkin and Goncharova One of the most famous couples in Russian history found happiness at an ideal moment from an astrological point of view - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Natalya Goncharova were both under the auspices of Chiron at the time they met. Remember: each of us has such a key. To use it, you just need to contact an astrologer and find out when exactly your Golden Gate will open...

According to historians, Napoleon Bonaparte loved two women in his life: his first wife, Josephine Maria Rose of Beauharnais, and the Polish countess Maria Walewska, who gave the French emperor a son. The second marriage coincided with the opening of the Cinderella Gate in Napoleon’s fate. Moreover, the birth of the heir also coincided with the magical time of his horoscope.

Maria Callas and Aristotle Onassis met at the moment when the Cinderella Gate opened in each of their lives. Their romance lasted throughout their lives (in parallel with the millionaire’s marriage to Jacqueline Kennedy), until the last days of Onassis. This is a very interesting relationship from an astrological point of view. After all, Onassis also connected with Jacqueline Kennedy at the moment the Golden Gates of fate opened.