Savva is a full name for a boy. Savva: the meaning of the name in character and destiny. Meaning for boy, guy, man

Names of ancient origin are popular these days. Just fifty years ago, Soviet people could not even think of naming a child Mark, Timur or Arthur. With the advent of new times, beautiful old names were gradually replaced by foreign ones. But fashion quickly passes, and in 2016-2018 people again began to be interested in old names. These include Savva, a name that has begun to gain momentum in high society families in recent years.

Origin of the name

The name Savva is very often confused with Savely, but these are completely different names. Savely is a male Hebrew name that appeared with the advent of Christianity from Byzantium. It is believed that it was formed from the Hebrew name Saul and translated means “requested” (from the Almighty). The similarity with the name Savva is that the shortened version of Savely is Sava. But the letter “v” fundamentally plays a big role, radically changing these names. Savely's name day is celebrated on June 30. According to sources, the name Savely ceased to be used after 1988.

Before naming your child the name Savva, you should familiarize yourself with its origin and meaning. After all, some believe that whatever you name a child, he will receive such qualities of his name.

There are many versions of the origin of the name. There is a version that Savva is an ancient Hebrew name, which in translation means “old man” or “sage”, and from Aramaic means “wine” or “captivity”. In any version, the name sounds very gentle and soft. Some languages ​​have analogues for this name. For example, in Georgian it is Saba, and in Greek it is Sabbas (Sabbation). In Russian there are several forms of a male name:

  • Savushka, Savchik, Savochka;
  • Savko, Savka;
  • Savik;
  • Savery;
  • Saverian;
  • Savvaty.

Female forms, such as Savvatia, Varsava or Savella, are not excluded. The name is translated into English as Savva. Translation into other languages:

  • in Belarusian - Sava;
  • in Spanish - Sabas;
  • in Hebrew - סַבָא‎;
  • in Hungarian - Sába;
  • in Polish - Saba;
  • in Czech - Sáva;
  • in Serbian - Sava;
  • in Portuguese - Sabas.

All there is to know about the name is that it is ancient and quite rare. Any baby who receives it will become special. The meaning of the name Savva, character and fate depend on the country in which its owner lives. By the way, Savva is a full male name that has no other form. Even at baptism, the child is given a church name - Savva.

Characteristics of Savva

Parents are often interested in what the name Savva means for a boy. A child with such a rare and incredibly beautiful name grows up obedient. He's different cheerfulness, optimism, curiosity, kindness and often talent.

Most likely, he is not the life of the party, but a lover of solitude and tranquility. Therefore, it may seem that the baby is not interested in his peers and is growing up as a downtrodden child. But this is a mistaken opinion, since the boy does not avoid communication, but simply limits it.

Children are endowed with special intelligence, prudence and excessive modesty, so parents must help them adapt to society and in life. Due to extreme curiosity, Savva can get into trouble, but this happens extremely rarely. In this case, scolding is pointless and inhumane, so you need to pay attention to conversations and explanations.

But among the bearers of this name there are also open people who are popular and become leaders in any company. Thanks to books and a special mindset, they achieve their goals and find prestigious jobs.

People with this name rarely get sick, because their health is very good. They prefer to take care of themselves and play sports. As for the weekend, they will prefer to relax in nature.

But there are also bad sides - arrogance and ambition. Because of his leadership streak and the fact that society likes him, Savva often becomes arrogant. But at the same time, he is absolutely non-conflict, so he keeps his arrogance to himself, believing that others are unworthy of his opinion.

Choice of profession

Savva is growing up as a fairly educated person, so he has no doubts about his choice of profession and is doomed to success.

He often holds high positions in enterprises. Knows how to organize and distribute responsibilities, where necessary - shout and put in place. Endowed with a sense of humor and thanks to it he can get out of any uncomfortable situation, and also knows how to admit his mistakes. It is not important for him to apologize when he is really wrong.

True, not all people with this name can work as commanders in chief. Because of their modesty and desire to sit in the corner, they make good performers. They are very disciplined and know how to obey. Professions such as architect, designer, doctor, journalist, engineer, writer, director and many others may be suitable for them. Most often these are non-team professions.

Personal life and marriage

In Savva’s personal life, everything is quite stable. He is a faithful family man who is incapable of cheating. He does not like secrets, so his partner can be sure of the sincerity of his feelings. If a relationship becomes a burden to him, he immediately breaks it off. But most often Savva is monogamous.

Since people with this name are a little secretive and shy, they do not show any initiative in bed, because they are afraid of being rejected or are simply afraid of harming their chosen one.

The people named by this name are impeccable fathers. They adore their children and raise them to be real and honest people. The character of fathers is often noticed in their children as they adore their parents and adopt certain traits from them.

For owners of the name, support from their loved one is very important. In any endeavor, a sound assessment of their significant other is important to them, and then they are able to move mountains.

Ideal for a long married life for Savva, a girl named Alla, Diana, Evgenia, Marina, Anastasia or Snezhana would be suitable. But girls with, Eva or Yulia are better not to be considered for later life. Compatibility with them is almost zero.

Formation of surname and patronymic

Savva doesn't have much of a story. The surname was formed from a male Hebrew name. In Orthodoxy, this name was derived from the holy martyr, who was Swedish by origin and lived in the 4th century. At that time, it was believed that if a surname was formed from the baptismal name of a saint, then the spirits of these saints would protect the entire family from adversity. The antiquity of the origin of the surname is evidenced by the absence of the usual suffix, which is typical for the formation of surnames at the very beginning of their appearance.

From this name only two forms of patronymic are formed: for a boy, Savvich, and for a girl, Savvichna. The patronymic, like the surname, does not contain modern auxiliary suffixes, which means that it, like the name itself, is ancient.

Days named after Savva are celebrated almost all year round. In January - 14, 25 and 27; February 1 and 21; March 5 and 15; in April - 2, 7, 10, 12, 15, 24; May 7 and 19; June 26 and 30; 21 July; August 2 and 23; in September - 9, 10, 20; in October - 1, 14, 23; November 13 and 14; in December - 5, 10 and 16. There are many more versions of name days and different dates, but in order for people not to get confused, the Orthodox decided to celebrate only June 30.

Astrological features

The zodiac sign of this name is Capricorn. Thanks to the influence of this sign, a person’s character contains persistence and an excessive desire to push ahead. A child named by this name walks all his life under the auspices of the planet Saturn. The color of the name is ash-gray, so in the character of its owners there is a certain secrecy inherent in the color gray.

The stone that serves as a talisman is granite, the plant is hornbeam or eldeuwess. The totem animal is the squirrel.

Savva’s name was given to such outstanding personalities as Dangulov (writer), Mamontov (entrepreneur), Kulish (film director, cameraman), Morozov (philanthropist), Brodsky (poet, sculptor and artist), Dimitrov (music teacher and clarinetist), Mavrin (governor Vyatka Governorate), Yakovlev (entrepreneur) and many others. The name was especially common among saints: Savva the Sanctified, Saint Savva, Savva of Storozhevsky.

It is a pity that such beautiful names with ancient roots have begun to be forgotten. The characteristics of the name are very impressive, so we can safely call the successor a kind of Savva.

Attention, TODAY only!

For a child, it is worth considering how this name will affect his destiny. A simple way to choose a name is to trust the church Christmastide. It is believed that a person named after a saint will be under his protection all his life.

The names Savva and Saveliy were borne by the saints St. Savva of Storozhevsky, Savva of Serbia, Savva Stratilat, Saint Saveliy and others. The names Savva and Saveliy, different in sound and origin, are often identified. So, the diminutive name Savely can be Sava and Savva. However, these are different names. What is the meaning of the name Savva?

Origin, meaning in Orthodoxy

The etymology of the full name Savva is ambiguous. Its roots in one of the variants are ancient Aramaic and mean old, wise. Another variant of its occurrence is the Hebrew name, defined as obedience, complete (captivity).

Name Savely also has two variants of origin. In the Hebrew version it means “begged from God, long-awaited,” and in Latin it means “uncomplicated, unpretentious.”

Character and destiny


Savva looks older than her peers. Shyness and timidity are combined in him with ability to work and determination. Calm and obedient, the boy grows up as a healthy, strong child, without causing trouble to his parents.

The meaning of the name “sage” predetermines his success in school. Slow but persistent, he deserves the approval of his teachers. As a child, he is embarrassed by his rare name, but with age he begins to be proud. An integral nature, Savva does not change over the years.

Savva is a calm, cheerful, balanced person, not prone to intrigue. Capable of making strong-willed decisions, but being afraid of making mistakes, he is prone to doubts. Skillfully hides raging passions and pride under external indifference. Savva does not like noisy companies, preferring loneliness, but at the same time he is open to the world, coexisting with it in harmony.

Savva has few real friends, since he is overly demanding in choosing them. Due to his uncompromisingness and straightforwardness, he does not reach heights in career growth. He has a sense of superiority and condescension towards the world around him, sometimes getting burned and losing his self-confidence, but this does not happen often.

He dreams of fame, but rarely takes steps that would help him achieve fame, since he prefers to follow the established order in everything. He understands people well and can captivate them with his ideas., but requires them to be independent and disciplined.

Savva can quickly resolve disagreements that arise with others thanks to her excellent sense of humor. Having no inclination for fleeting affairs, he builds a serious relationship with his chosen one. The desire for material well-being, an easy-going character, and respect for his “other half” allow him to create a strong family.


As a child, it seems to Savely that his special name attracts attention to him, while he does not want it at all. Savely is wary of strangers, not trusting them. This makes him withdraw and look like such a jerk.

Kindness and responsiveness are manifested in his love for animals. Experiences difficulties in school, but studies well. Possessing good health from birth, he loves to harden himself. Such character traits as modesty and reluctance to stand out from the crowd inherent in childhood, Savely carries over into adulthood. Savely's friends become people who are similar to him in character.

Savely, somewhat reserved and unsociable, is rarely a leader, he is more likely a “follower”. Possessing magnetism, he knows how to attract any person to himself. Feeling unsure of his abilities, Savely often impresses those around him as a determined and somewhat callous person. However, this impression is wrong.

He needs support and recognition from society. Due to his modesty, since childhood he does not like to stand out from the crowd. Savely's brain is well developed. The ability to listen to your interlocutor and discuss his problems attracts others to him. Before opening his soul, he evaluates a person for a long time, rarely trusting anyone completely and hiding his experiences inside.

Savely's determination and incredible hard work allow him to achieve any goal, while he relies only on his own strength, since he does not trust people too much. Work for Savely is an important part of his life. In the work team he never enters into conflicts and is respected for his responsibility, commitment and punctuality.

In difficult times, he will always come to the rescue without further ado or fuss. Savely is in no hurry to join, but having decided to take this step, he becomes a good family man. Savely proves himself to be a thrifty and homely husband and an excellent father, whom you can always rely on. He pays a lot of attention to children and loves to do various crafts with them.

Name day

Savva's name day dates: January 14, January 25, January 27, February 1, February 21, March 5, March 15, April 2, April 7, April 10, April 12, April 15, April 24, April 28, May 7, May 19, May 25 , June 26, July 21, August 2, August 9, August 23, August 25, September 9, September 10, September 12, September 20, October 1, October 11, October 14, October 23, November 13, November 14, 25 November, December 5, December 16, December 18.

Famous people

Despite their modesty, people named Savva can become outstanding in the field that interests them. The most famous people bearing the name Savva are: Savva Morozov and Savva Mamontov– Russian entrepreneurs and philanthropists, Savva Raguzinsky-Vladislavich– Russian diplomat, Savva Derunov– Russian poet, public figure, Savva Tetyushev- Russian merchant, Savva Yamshchikov– Russian restorer, publicist.

The indecisiveness characteristic of people bearing the name Savely does not prevent them from gaining fame in those types of activities to which they are inclined.

The name Savely is associated with such famous people as Savely Grinberg- Russian poet, Saveliy Kramarov- famous Soviet film actor, Savely Tartakover- an outstanding chess player of the early 20th century and the strongest chess theorist, Saveliy Dudakov excelled in history Savely Zlatopolsky- Russian revolutionary, populist.

The name Savva is a name of Hebrew origin, which has a wide geographical distribution. Translated from Hebrew the name Savva (סַבָא) means “old man” or “sage”. Its derivatives also have the same meaning in other languages ​​of the world. So the Georgian Saba (საბა) has a similar sound and a completely identical meaning. The Greek name Sabbas () has the same meaning.

It is worth noting that the name Savva is a shortened form of other names in meaning and etymology. So many people use the abbreviation Sava from the name Saveliy. And for example, the Greek Sabbas is also a short form of the name Sabbation (Σάββαττον). Naturally, in this case, the short forms have the meaning of the full name.

The meaning of the name Savva for a child

Little Savva is distinguished by a simple disposition and some isolation. He is a quiet and shy child who is not particularly attracted to other children and loves to play by himself. Savva can be called insecure, although this would not be entirely correct. Rather, Savva is simply self-sufficient and does not need other people to pass the time. He is not at all bothered by this situation. Usually Savva is also more intellectually developed, which again imposes some restrictions on the choice of friends.

Savva usually studies well. Of course, teachers like his serious attitude to subjects. The boy is endowed with perseverance and hard work, which of course bears fruit. Savva reads a lot and enjoys it. His reading range goes far beyond the school curriculum. This also applies to his range of interests. He is a creatively gifted child, so his interests often revolve around self-expression. He can do music, theater, dancing, etc. Savva also loves sports and can achieve quite great success in it.

The boy's health is good, and his endurance can only be envied. His tone cannot be called high, but his performance is simply amazing. Savva can go about her business for a very long time without feeling tired at all. Savva rarely gets sick and usually tolerates illnesses easily.

Short name Savva

Savka, Savik, Ava, Avka.

Diminutive pet names

Savchik, Savushka, Savochka, Savonka, Avochka, Avushka, Avik.

Children's middle names

Savvich and Savvichna.

Name Savva in English

In English the name Savva is written as Savva.

Name Savva for international passport- SAVVA.

Translation of the name Savva into other languages

in Belarusian - Sava
in Hungarian - Sába
in Greek - Σάββας
in Hebrew - סַבָא‎
in Spanish - Sabas
in Polish - Saba
in Portuguese - Sabas
in Serbian - Sava
in Czech - Sáva

Church name Savva(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Savva.

Characteristics of the name Savva

As an adult, Savva does not change much in character. His self-absorption is still dominant in his character. Sava has few friends and is very careful about who he lets into his inner circle. Sava is a well-mannered and gallant man. He knows how to conduct small, relaxed conversation in any company, which some unjustifiably perceive as his disposition towards them. However, his demands on his friends are quite high.

Savva will work successfully in any profession he chooses. His perseverance and hard work will do their job. However, he will achieve the greatest success if he follows his calling. His creative streak will always be his hallmark and will most likely influence his choice of profession. He can be an excellent designer, journalist, director, etc. He can also show his creativity in other professions.

Savva builds family relationships seriously and for a long time. He is, in principle, a solid man, but family is of particular value to him. Sava is a thrifty, caring and loving man. He will provide comfort and well-being to his family, and his tender attitude towards his wife can be called exemplary. It is also worth noting Savva’s warm relationship with the children. He becomes both a true friend and senior comrade.

The secret of the name Savva

Savva’s secret can be called his arrogance. He often looks down on the people around him, but doesn't show it at all. Savva believes that they are unworthy of knowing his opinion. At the same time, Savva does not hesitate to take advantage of other people’s stupidity, which of course does not make him look good.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Squirrel.

Name color- Ash gray.

Tree- Hornbeam.

Plant- Edelweiss.

Stone- Granite.

Short form of the name Savva. Savvushka, Savka, Savko, Ava.
Synonyms for the name Savva. Sava, Sabas, Saba, Shaba, Savvas.
Origin of the name Savva. The name Savva is Russian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Georgian.

The name Savva has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Savva is translated from the ancient Aramaic “sava”, “saba” means “old man, elder, sage”. According to the second version, the name Savva is a short form of the name Sabbatios (Savvatios, later Savvatiy), meaning “Saturday”.

The name Savva is a diminutive address for a man with the name Savely. There is a spelling of the name Savva with one letter “v” - Sava. Also, Sava (Sava) is a shortened form of not only male (Savely, Savvaty, Saveriy, Savinian), but also female names (Barsava, Savella, Savina, Savvatia). Name days will be indicated for the full name Savva.

The Georgian name Saba is derived from Savva.

There are different name day dates for the names Saveliy and Savva. Savva's Catholic name days are April 12, April 24, May 25, December 5. The remaining dates indicated are the Orthodox name days of Savva.

A gentle and sincere man named Savva does not know what pettiness, squabbles and intrigues are. Savva’s character is somewhat eccentric and quick-tempered, but outwardly this man looks calm, balanced and somewhat “colorless.” Savva is very self-confident and proud, he has a developed sense of self-esteem. He seeks admiration from the people around him, dreams of having awards and all kinds of honors, wants to be the center of attention. Makes decisions carefully, afraid of making mistakes. Savva is a responsible and fair person who loves solitude very much. Savva successfully hides his restless inner world, raging with passions, under the mask of balance.

As a rule, Savva has a good education and has many chances to build a successful career thanks to a developed sense of duty and responsibility. Savva will make an excellent doctor, translator, architect, and actor. He can become a successful businessman. When communicating with colleagues, Savva should be a little more attentive and caring. However, the careers of these people rarely follow a well-trodden path; Savvas behave too uncompromisingly and principled in their interactions with colleagues and superiors.

Savva does not have fleeting affairs; in marriage she shows herself to be an integral and devoted person. Savva loves his children very much; his sons, as a rule, have the same character. In his spare time, Savva loves to read, especially books that give him time to think about. The inner world of this person is full of colors and events, so you definitely won’t be bored with him.

Savva loves to be alone. At parties and festivities, this person does not stand out from the crowd so much that he looks a little colorless. However, he is an open person who does not always know how to restrain his feelings. Savva can unexpectedly be rude to a person or laugh at him, but he does not think about the consequences. However, Savva is a non-conflict person; he does not show persistence in an argument, but immediately agrees to a compromise. Those around you should not forget about Savva’s unpredictable character. Friends should behave with restraint and calm. Savva values ​​such character qualities in people as a sense of humor, sobriety of thinking, independence and specificity.

Savva's name day

Savva celebrates his name day on January 14, January 25, January 27, February 1, February 21, March 5, March 15, April 2, April 7, April 10, April 12, April 15, April 24, April 28, May 7, May 19 , May 25, June 26, July 21, August 2, August 9, August 23, August 25, September 9, September 10, September 12, September 20, October 1, October 11, October 14, October 23, November 13, 14 November, November 25, December 5, December 16, December 18.

Famous people named Savva

  • Savva the Sanctified ((439 - 532) Christian saint, Abba, creator of the Jerusalem Rule, used to this day in Orthodox churches; revered among the venerables)
  • Saint Sava (one of the most revered saints of the Serbian Orthodox Church, a famous religious, cultural and political figure of his time; the first Archbishop of Serbia, considered the patron saint of Serbia)
  • Savva of Storozhevsky, Savva of Zvenigorod (Reverend of the Russian Church, founder and first abbot of the Mother of God of the Nativity (Savvino-Storozhevsky) Monastery in Zvenigorod; Zvenigorod Wonderworker. One of the most famous Russian saints, spiritual ascetic of Russia, “patron of kings” and “defender of Moscow”, healer, seer, “refuge for all sinners.” Considered one of the “first” (in time and position) disciples of St. Sergius of Radonezh.)
  • Metropolitan Sawa ((born 1938) in the world - Michal Grycuniak; Polish Orthodox bishop, Primate of the Polish Orthodox Church, professor of theology, brigadier general)
  • Savva Vishersky ((d.1460) founder of the Savvo-Vishersky monastery, known for his feat of stylite, canonized at the second Makaryevsky Cathedral in 1549 as a saint)
  • Savva Brodsky (1923 - 1982) Soviet artist, book illustrator, architect, sculptor and poet)
  • Savva Morozov ((1770 - 1862) Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist, founder of the Morozov dynasty)
  • Savva Morozov ((1862 - 1905) Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist)
  • Savva Mamontov (Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist)
  • Savva Purlevsky (merchant, author of “Memoirs of a Serf”)
  • Savva Raguzinsky-Vladislavich (Russian diplomat)
  • Savva Derunov (Russian poet, prose writer, ethnographer, folklorist, public figure)
  • Savva Kokovtsev (1st rank captain, participant in the Chesma naval battle)
  • Savva Kulish (Soviet film director, screenwriter, cameraman)
  • Savva Mavrin (Governor General of the Kazan and Vyatka governorates, member of the secret investigative commissions investigating the Pugachev rebellion)
  • Savva Matekin (organizer and one of the leaders of the Avdotino-Budyonnovskaya underground group during the occupation of Donetsk by the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War)
  • Savva Terentyev (Russian blogger who gained fame after being convicted of incorrect statements on a blog)
  • Savva Tetyushev (Russian merchant who founded a salt pier that eventually became the city of Sterlitamak)
  • Savva Chaly (Haydamak Vatazhek)
  • Savva Chevakinsky ((1709 – 1774/1780/1783) Russian architect, representative of the Baroque style, worked in St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo)
  • Savva Yakovlev ((1713 - 1784) real name – Sobakin; Russian entrepreneur, breeder, philanthropist, elevated to hereditary nobility)
  • Savva (Savely) Yamshchikov ((1938 - 2009) Russian restorer, art historian, publicist; discovered the genre of Russian provincial portrait of the 18th - 19th centuries, brought to life the names of forgotten Russian artists and icon painters)
  • Savva Dangulov (Soviet writer)
  • Sava (Sava) Grujic ((1840 - 1913) Serbian military man and statesman)
  • Sava Damyanov (Serbian writer, literary critic and literary scholar)
  • Sava Dimitrov ((1919 - 2008) Bulgarian clarinetist and music teacher)

The ancient and almost forgotten male name Savva is becoming popular again. Its owners have an unusual character and destiny; they always know how to achieve their goals.

Meaning and history of the name

Translated from Aramaic, “sawa” means “old” or “wise.” In the era of early Christianity, the name Savva was often given when taking monastic vows. Then it became very widespread, as evidenced by the many surnames derived from it. True, in noble families the child was rarely called that. The exception is Serbia, where from the 13th century to the present day St. Sava (Sava), the founder of the autocephalous Orthodox Church, is especially revered. In this country, the meaning of the name is defined as “bright”, it is widely used from the Middle Ages to the present time, and also has both masculine and feminine forms.

In our country in the 20th century, the name Savva became very rare. Only quite recently did it, along with other ancient sonorous names, begin to acquire a second life. Sometimes it is also used as a shortened form of Savely or Savvaty, whose origin and meaning are completely different. As for the men who glorified this name, among them we can name:

  • Savva Morozov and Savva Mamontov, successful entrepreneurs and famous philanthropists;
  • Savva Kulish, film director;
  • Savva Dangulov, writer;
  • Savu Grujic, Serbian politician;
  • Savu Damyanov, Serbian writer and literary critic;
  • Savu Dimitrov, Bulgarian musician and others.

How to write correctly

Since the full name Savva contains few sounds, it is not shortened. Savik, Savchik, Ava, Avik, Savushka, Savonka, etc. are used as diminutives. It must be remembered that the patronymic of this name is Savvich or Savvichna. The colloquial “Savvishna” can be a friendly or humorous address, but “Savvovich” and “Savvovna” contradict the norms of the Russian language.

This name is in the Catholic and Orthodox church calendars. For men of different nationalities, it is written and pronounced as follows:

The spelling SAVVA is used in the international passport

Angel's Day for Savva

This name was often given to representatives of the church and monasticism, many of whom became famous for their deeds. Therefore, in the Orthodox calendar there are 27 days when saints are commemorated with the name Savva, and name days can be brought as close as possible to the day of birth or baptism. Traditionally, the most important of these dates are:

  • December 18 - Savva the Consecrated (winter);
  • May 7 – Savva Stratilat (spring).

Saint Sava, called the Sanctified One, lived in Cappadocia, then in Palestine at the end of the 5th - beginning of the 6th centuries. At the age of 8, temporarily left without the care of his father, he was settled in a monastery and then refused to leave. Savva the Sanctified built a cave church, founded seven monasteries, and created the Jerusalem Charter, according to which Orthodox church services are still held today. Through his prayers a source of water appeared, rain fell during a drought, and the sick were healed.

Savva Stratelates (voivode) lived at the end of the 3rd century. and came from the Goths. He professed Christianity, helped the poor and visited prisoners in prison, and could also heal and cast out demons. When Emperor Aurelian demanded that Savva renounce Christ, the governor refused and gave him the belt, a sign of his distinction. The martyr bravely endured all the torture, remaining unharmed. In prison, Savva had a vision of Christ, who commanded him not to be afraid and to dare, and the next day the saint was drowned in the river.

According to the folk calendar, on winter Savva, reservoirs froze and sleigh rides began. This day was considered successful for matchmaking and unsuitable for hard work; together with the days of Varvara and Nicholas, it formed a triad of pre-Christmas holidays. Savva of the spring was also called “hungry”, since by this time last year’s grain reserves usually ran out.

Baby's character

As a child, Savushka most often has a calm character and gives the impression of a shy and even withdrawn child. The main reason is that his intelligence exceeds the average level for a boy of this age, and communication with peers is of little interest to him. He is deep in himself and, despite his slowness, is very inquisitive and hard-working. At the same time, Savochka is often unsure of himself, and if his parents do not help him cope with this problem, the boy will remain uncommunicative as an adult.

Seriousness and thoroughness will help Savchik cope well with school assignments and earn the approval of teachers. He reads a lot and is interested in subjects beyond the scope of the program. The desire for self-expression contributes to the development of creativity in a boy; he can study music and play in amateur theater. He is successful in sports that require endurance. Thanks to this valuable property of the body, Savik shows good activity and rarely gets sick, and if this happens, he recovers very quickly.

Adult years

If during his school years Savva manages to overcome self-doubt, then he will fate will be happy. Determination, hard work and endurance will help not only to achieve your plans, but also to organize the work of your team. He is not afraid to take responsibility, assesses the capabilities of other people well and counts on their support. By nature, he is a born leader, but his inherent isolation and detachment can lead to misunderstanding on the part of others and conflicts with them. The main secret of Savva’s personality is his tendency to arrogance and critical perception of the level of development of other people. At the same time, his isolation can turn into an impulsive reaction, which, however, quickly subsides. The same thing happens if someone hurts Savva’s pride.

Love and marriage

Savva’s slowness is also noticeable in his personal life. Even in his youth, he tends to show more care and a need to protect than passionate feelings. He takes marriage very seriously. His chosen one will rarely hear words of love, and she does not need to insist on them. The husband's thoughts and actions will be aimed at the well-being of the family and to ensure that the wife does not experience difficulties in anything - although some of her actions may be criticized. However, the appearance of children will literally transform Savva - he will become a very gentle and loving father. To a large extent, the well-being of a marriage will depend on the compatibility of the names of husband and wife.

Profession and career

Success in business and work is very important for Savva. He takes education and qualifications seriously and in the future strives to reach the highest professional and job level as quickly as possible. He intuitively assesses the possible success of a new project and will only participate in profitable endeavors. The best areas of activity for a bearer of this name will be business and industry, and he acts most effectively in a leadership position in a team that he himself will form. Since Savva often has creative inclinations, he can become a famous writer, musician, or artist.