Dream Interpretation bull kills a man. Why do you dream about a bull: interpretation according to various dream books. In a dream, kill, slaughter a bull

Even in ancient times, people thought about the signs sent by external forces. Vision is still popular. With its help, you can predict what will happen to the dreamer in the future. And the presence of a bull in a vision can speak of the dreamer’s stubbornness and good business acumen, but who he dreamed about and what he did also plays a big role. An analysis of the meaning of the day on which the vision occurred and the opinions of the authors of the dream books will help you understand why bulls dream.

The meaning of dreams with bulls

Astrologically, an animal with horns is associated with the zodiac sign Taurus, so a dream involving it can be associated with material values, perseverance, slowness and tenderness. It’s not for nothing that the expression “veal tenderness” was invented. Hindus also consider the bull to be a sacred animal, so seeing it is important.

And you also need to take into account who dreamed about it. After all, he can talk to women, for example, about an affair with a respectable and serious man. And representatives of the stronger sex may have opportunities that could improve their financial situation. It is also worth paying attention to how the bull looked and behaved in a dream.

For example, a young animal with horns can indicate prospects in the financial and business spheres. If he attacked the dreamer, then he may have big troubles due to ill-wishers. An even worse meaning in a dream is a bull that was aggressive for no reason, but at the same time did not try to chase the dreamer. In this case, a person can become his own enemy, and his irresponsibility will bring him a lot of problems.

Women dreamed of a middle-aged bull who was not aggressive, indicating that a calm and respectable man will soon appear in their lives. At the same time, he will intend to start a serious relationship in which there should be mutual understanding and a minimum of conflicts, because he does not tolerate this. If you take him out, everyone around him will suffer.

For a more detailed interpretation, you should also take into account all the details of the dream. In general, a bull in a dream speaks of excellent financial opportunities for men and a meeting with a gallant representative of the stronger sex for women. But a more precise event in the future will be indicated by a specific episode in the vision and the nature of the day on which it happened.

Influence of the day of the week on interpretation

​Each day is ruled by a specific planet, star or satellite. Therefore, events bear the characteristics of the ruler of the day. Five days are ruled by planets that are located closer to the main star. The Sun and Moon took over the rule of the other two. And this is what bulls seen in a dream on a certain day mean:

  • Management Tuesday The planet Mars became active. She is responsible for various kinds of actions and enterprise. And given the favorable meaning of sleep, we can talk about activity that will certainly bring financial reward to the dreamer. And the presence of a bull in a man’s vision suggests that he will be able to achieve career growth thanks to his activity and the right approach to business. The horned animal informs women that a very assertive representative of the stronger sex will appear on her horizon, who will be able to achieve the lady’s favor. In general, dreams on Tuesday come true with a higher than average probability.
  • Ruler environment is the planet of thoughts, communication and information - Mercury. This means that the visions that were dreamed on this day of the week will bring something into the dreamer’s life through communication or information technology. And a bull seen by a man in a dream suggests that he will be able to achieve success thanks to his oratory skills and ability to persuade. That being said, now is a great time to improve your professional skills. If a woman had a vision with a horned animal, then a gallant, polite and romantic man will appear in her life, with whom she will develop a good relationship. Visions for this day come true with a high degree of probability.
  • Jupiter rules Thursday and symbolizes authority in society and good luck. Being the largest planet, Jupiter gives generosity to the events of the day, and visions for this day usually speak of a favorable combination of circumstances. And the presence of a bull in a man’s dream speaks of excellent opportunities for gaining public authority and moving up the career ladder. He can achieve this through perseverance and stubbornness. If a woman dreams of a horned animal, then she may meet a generous and respectable man. In general, not always; more often, their manifestations should be expected within several years.
  • Management Fridays material and soft Venus took over, which is responsible for the manifestation of feelings, money and the desire for a luxurious life. And if a man saw a calf in a dream, then he will soon make a good profit. Considering that Venus rules the sign of Taurus, on this day a vision involving a bull is especially favorable. Any trouble that was present earlier will be quickly resolved. If a woman has such a dream, then she may meet a person with the corresponding zodiac sign, that is, Taurus. Or at least he will be calm, financially secure and sensual. In general, favorable visions of the day come true, where the dreamer felt good.
  • Saturday is a difficult day for most people. Some people need to go to work, while others cannot get away from a good rest. The complex and karmic planet Saturn began to lead the day. And if a bull appeared in a man’s dream, then it’s time for him to set a long-term goal and achieve it. He will have every chance for a successful outcome, he just has to show patience and hard work. If he stumbles, then trouble awaits him. And a bull seen by a girl in a dream indicates that she may meet a guy who will limit her too much, but at the same time warm feelings will arise between them. In general, visions for Saturday come true over several years and carry great meaning.
  • The sun, which gives warmth to everyone on earth, rules Sunday. For most, this day of the week is considered a day off, so you can carry out planned tasks and actively relax. The dreams of these days will undoubtedly come true in the next week, and more often on the same day. And the bull appearing in the man’s vision reports that an event will unexpectedly come into his life that can change his views about the field of finance. Perhaps this will be a business training that he did not intend to attend, but at the last moment decided to leave out of boredom. For women, a dream involving bulls symbolizes a whirlwind romance with a serious man, which will not last very long.
  • Monday is emotionally complex, and its management is taken over by the Moon, which is characterized by instability and inadequate perception of reality. Unpleasant situations may occur on this day, but visions on such a day are not realistic. They only reflect the emotional background of the dreamer and his subconscious fears and desires. And if in a man’s dream the bull was aggressive, then he is afraid to take unnecessary actions, believing that he could get himself into trouble. A calm horned animal in a vision indicates that the dreamer is not satisfied with the current state of affairs and stability. He wants something new, but understands that he can lose everything.

Decoding bulls in dream books

After analyzing the influence of the days of the week, you should turn to the interpretation from different dream books. The opinions of the authors will tell you a lot and help you know the future:

Different dream options

An example of the correct interpretation of sleep

To find out more precisely what the future may hold, you should look at one example from the information presented. For example, a woman dreamed of a beautiful and healthy bull on Tuesday, which she grabbed by the horns. Visions for Wednesday indicate that something will happen in life through information or communication. If a bull was beautiful and healthy and at the same time a representative of the fairer sex dreamed of it, then according to the Persian dream book she will have career success in her life. And grabbing him by the horns is a good sign: in reality, she will keep life situations under control.

In this case, it turns out that in reality a woman can achieve heights in her career thanks to her perseverance and ability to present information. At the same time, she will be aware of all events, due to which she will not miss important details and will definitely achieve success.

Based on this, one can understand that one should only add up the meaning of a particular case, the opinion of the author of one of the dream books and the nature of the day on which the vision occurred. Due to this, useful information is obtained, thanks to which you can learn about the future.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 25th day of the month. The dreams I had last night are full of lies and deception.

Today is the 28th lunar day. Dreams that you had last night do not come true, although you may dream a lot.

Today is Monday. Monday is considered a difficult day because it is ruled by the planet – the Moon. Monday's dreams, no matter what you see, reflect your emotional and psychological state and can be associated with everyday life and everyday worries, with family, relatives, especially with your mother and other women, with small children.

If Monday's dream is long and intense, if there was water in it, then you will have to redo a lot of everyday homework. It’s better when the dream is sparing, “short”. It means that there will be little fuss, you will be able to be collected and restrained, and you will be able to maintain a good mood.

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BULL – Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a well-fed bull in a dream promises you excellent prospects - you will become a leader in your company and will enjoy the constant attention of women.

If several fat bulls graze on a green pasture, then you will soon achieve unprecedented success and such an enviable position in society that you never dared to dream of before.

However, everything is fine, unless the bulls are leaning towards the grass - otherwise you will face financial troubles and misunderstandings with friends.

If you see selected, thoroughbred bulls, then you will have a happy marriage to a wealthy bride or to the one with whom you have long been completely in love.

If you are still alone, but saw in a dream that bulls are drinking water from a clean pond or stream, then your loneliness will soon come to an end - a sweet and devoted woman will appear next to you.

If a woman has such a dream, then soon she will finally accept the proposal of her devoted lover.

And only a dead bull in a dream promises near sorrows.

BULL – Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a harnessed bull in a dream is a sign of ingratitude towards your loved ones. A bull in a dream represents an embittered and powerful enemy, and sometimes an overbearing leader. Therefore, seeing it in a dream is always a warning of danger if you experienced anxiety in a dream. You should be more careful in your affairs and actions and try not to displease your management.

If, on the contrary, you are admired by the beauty of the bull, then you will become a leader in your circle and many will seek your favor.

A white bull in a dream is a sign of good luck and wealth.

Seeing grazing bulls in a dream is a harbinger of a strong position in society and universal respect, unless the bulls are exhausted. A grazing bull in your dream can predict that you will soon receive an inheritance.

Seeing bulls at a watering hole is a sign of love pleasures and devotion of a lover.

A breeding bull in a dream means a quick and successful marriage with a rich, powerful, stubborn and strong person.

Killing a bull in a dream is a very good omen, foretelling that you will be able to avoid danger and your life will not change for the worse. Sometimes such a dream predicts suffering.

Seeing a bull dead is a change in circumstances, which, on the one hand, will help you achieve success, and on the other, will cause you many unpleasant minutes and grief.

If in a dream a bull attacks you, then you will have good luck in love and happiness, which will be painful, but will give you a lot of pleasure, but they will be overshadowed by slanderous rumors about you.

If in a dream a white bull raised you on its horns, but you were not afraid, then glory awaits you, which you yourself will be surprised by.

Killing a bull in a dream means that you will have to be patient for a long time until the unfavorable period passes.

Seeing fighting bulls or bullfights in a dream means that the love and recognition of fans awaits you, who can make you happy if only you want it.

If you enjoyed watching the progress of the bullfight, then soon you will take part in a protracted dispute between your competitors.

BULL – Slavic Dream Interpretation

Guest; harnessed ox - an ungrateful act on the part of the sleeping person; a bull being led to slaughter is a criminal charge.

BULL – Dream Book of Zhou-Gong

Climbing the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck; blood on the horns of a bull - predicts the achievement of the three highest positions in the state administration; killing a bull - portends wealth and nobility; killing a bull and eating its meat is a commercial profit.

BULL – Indian Dream Interpretation

The bull embodies the image of an important dignitary. Anyone who receives benefit or harm from a bull in a dream expects the same thing in reality from an influential person.

BULL – Persian Dream Book

Calm, strength.

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according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a well-fed bull means that you will become a leader in your circle and women will seek your company. Seeing fat bulls on a green pasture promises you success and a high position in society, which you never dared to dream of before. If the bulls lean towards the grass, this means that your fortune will decrease somewhat, and your friends will turn away from you. If you see selected purebred bulls, this portends a happy marriage to a wealthy bride or a union with your former, faithful lover. Seeing a dead bull is a sign of sadness. If bulls drink water from a clean pond or stream, a sweet and devoted woman may appear next to you. If a woman has such a dream, she will accept the proposal of her devoted lover.

Why do you dream about a bull?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

illness, sadness, if red or black; pursues a bull, a calf - to an inheritance; white bull or white buffalo - big income; raised on horns - unusual glory; a bull (at all) without color - a benefit based on the size of the animal.

Seeing a bull in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

The symbol has a double meaning. Usually the bull personifies the masculine principle, the solar regenerative force dedicated to all the heavenly gods, as well as fertility, male productive force, and royal origin. In other cases, it symbolizes the earth and feminine natural strength. When the bull becomes lunar, it is ridden by the moon goddesses - Astarte and Europa, and it means the taming of the masculine and bestial principles. The bull rider or bulls pulling the cart are attributes of the solar warrior, associated with the sky, the storm and solar deities. The roar of a bull symbolizes thunder, rain and fertility. As the embodiment of productive male power, the bull is associated with the fertile forces of the sun, rain, storm, thunder and lightning, therefore, with both dry and wet elements. Heavenly deities very often appear in the form of a bull, and goddesses are depicted with him as a spouse. The sacrifice of the bull and taurobolion take place in the worship of Attis and Mithras, as well as in ancient New Year celebrations. Bull symbolism is common in Sumerian and Semitic cults. The man-bull is usually a guard, protecting either the middle, or the treasure, or some doors. It protects against evil and is usually apotropaic. The bull's head is the most important part because... it contains his life principle meaning sacrifice and death. The slaughter of a bull on New Year's Day symbolizes the death of Winter and the birth of creative life force. In Buddhism, the Ox represents personality, the ego, and is an attribute of the god of the dead, Yama, who is sometimes depicted with the head of a bull or buffalo. Among the Celts, bull gods symbolize strength and power. For Druids, the bull is the sun, and the cow is the earth. Among the Chinese, the ox is considered one of the animals of the Twelve Earthly Branches. In Christianity, the bull personifies brutal force and is the emblem of St. Eustathius, martyred in a copper bull, and St. Tesla. Among the Egyptians, the bull Apis was an avatar of Osiris and “the second life and servant of Ptah.” He was also worshiped in the form of Mneus or Merver. It was dedicated to the solar god Ra, who, in the form of a heavenly bull, daily impregnated the sky goddess Nut. The earth god Neb was also the bull of the heavenly goddesses. The bull's thigh was considered the phallic leg of Set, symbolizing fertility, strength and the North Pole. Among the Greeks, the bull was considered an attribute of Zeus, as a heavenly god, as well as Dionysus, who was depicted with horns and sometimes with the head of a bull when he personified the male principle. Dedicated to Poseidon, whose cupbearers in Ephesus were “bulls”. As a wet force, the bull was an attribute of Aphrodite. For the Jews, Yahweh is the “bull of Israel,” therefore, he represented the power of Yahweh. For Hindus, it is a symbol of strength, speed, fertility, and the reproductive power of nature. Shiva travels on the bull Nandina, the guardian of the West. The bull is also an attribute of Agni - the “Powerful Bull” and the form of Indra in his fertile aspect. The bull also symbolizes the vital, all-embracing breath of Aiditi. The strength imparted by the soma is often equated to the strength of a bull. Rudra connects with the cow goddess. For the Iranians, the bull personifies the soul of the world, and its productive forces are associated with the Moon and rain-bearing clouds. The bull was the first animal created and the first animal killed by Ahriman. From the bull's soul came the disputes of all created things subsequently. In Minoan culture this is the Great God. The bull was sacrificed to the god of the earth and earthquakes: “He who shakes the Earth will rejoice at the bull,” Homer. In some cultures, it was believed that the bull causes earthquakes by lifting the ground with its horns, and then everyone hears its roar. In Crete he appears to represent the reproductive forces of nature. In Mithraism, the bull is considered a solar god, and the sacrifice of the bull was a central ceremony in Mithraism. It also represents victory over the bestial nature of man and life that has passed through death. The bull and lion are a symbol of death. In Ancient Rome, the bull was considered an attribute of Jupiter, the god of Heaven, sacred to Mars, an attribute of Venus and Europa, both lunar deities. Europa, as a symbol of dawn, was carried across Heaven by a solar bull. Among the Scandinavians, the bull is an attribute of Thor and is dedicated to Freya. Among the Sumerians and Semites, the celestial bull plowed a deep furrow across the sky. Ramman, Ashur and Ad ad rode bulls and were called “bulls of heaven.” Marduk, or Merodach, is identified with Gudibir, the "bull of light." The sun, Enlil, or Enki, is the “fierce bull of heaven and earth.” The moon god Sin also takes the form of a bull. The Hittite sun god Teshub takes the form of a bull and is an aspect of Ea, the god of magic, and is often depicted in Sumerian art as the guardian of the entrance. The Syrian and Phoenician Baal, or Bel, the solar god of soil fertility and herds, was symbolized by a bull. The Akkadian "guiding bull" begins the zodiac year. Winged bulls represent guardian spirits. Zodiac meaning of the bull - Taurus is a symbol of the sun and the creative power of spring.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

You will become rich and lucky. A black bull with large horns warns of the violent nature of your enemies.

I dreamed about a mule

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are sitting astride a mule, this means that you will become involved in matters that will cause you great concern. But if you calmly reach your destination, very significant results of a lot of work await you. If a young woman sees a white mule in a dream, then this foreshadows her that she will marry a rich foreigner or a rich but uncultured person. If she dreams of a running mule, she will not end up with gentlemen, but she will not receive a single marriage proposal. If in a dream a mule hits you with its hoof, this is a sign of disappointment in love and marriage. Seeing a dead mule portends a broken engagement and a worsening position in society.

I dreamed about an ox

according to Miller's dream book

Oxen in a dream promise you true and loyal friends, as well as the enjoyment of some delightful party. After such a dream, you can count on long-term good health, and in difficult times, very reliable support.

Seeing horned animals in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

A horned animal represents an authoritarian man or, if the presence of horns on an animal is absurd, a shift in authority or speaks of your rejection of this authority due to its unfoundedness. Try to determine your feelings about the horned animal - does it resemble someone from real life? The presence of horns in an animal that in reality does not have them, such as a horned dog, indicates tension in sexual relations. Does it seem to you that someone nearby is guided by ambiguous motives in their relationship with you? A horned animal also represents danger from another person trying to suppress you with his strength and authority. At the same time, you may feel a kind of sexual excitement, but the very fact of the presence of this imposed influence is important here.

The meaning of a dream about a bison

according to Freud's dream book

The bison symbolizes the character of your partner: kind, but with a rare hypertrophied sense of self-esteem, which often negatively affects you, because it gradually develops into delusions of grandeur. If you dreamed of a dead bison, in real life this promises you liberation from a long-boring partner. You will doubt whether it is worth breaking off a boring relationship, because a feeling of pity will interfere. If in a dream you ran away from a bison, it means that in reality you do not tolerate violence against your will. Any encroachment on your freedom by anyone always ends in a terrible scandal and showdown. How do you imagine relationships with the opposite sex if you do not allow their representatives to interfere in your life? If in a dream you stroked a bison, this suggests that in reality you set out to subjugate a person who has a very proud and willful character. Your idea will be unsuccessful, since subjugating the will of such a person is an initially fruitless and absolutely useless task.

Seeing a minotaur in a dream

according to the dream book of Mythical animals

There are various assumptions regarding its symbolism: the wild passions of nature, the solar bull, the principle of humidity, the miasma destroyed by the solar hero Theseus. The labyrinth symbolizes the winding and dangerous path of life, and the thread symbolizes the divine instinct in man. Emblem of Crete.

Seeing a buffalo in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Among the American Indians, buffalo and bison mean supernatural power, strength, durability and whirlwind. In Buddhism, the god of the dead, Yama, is sometimes depicted with the head of a buffalo or appears in his form. In Taoism, Lao Tzu rode a buffalo. Before his disappearance, he was seen riding a green buffalo. Sometimes the buffalo takes the place of the bull in the “Paintings of Ten Grazing Bulls”, where he, as an unregenerate nature in the process of taming, gradually turns from absolutely black to dazzling white, and in the tenth picture he completely disappears.

I dreamed about a buffalo

according to Miller's dream book

If a woman sees in a dream that she is killing buffaloes, it means that she will take on some very important business and, by showing willpower and giving up material wealth, she will win the approval of men and get what she has long wanted. In addition, a buffalo seen in a dream foreshadows the appearance of powerful but stupid enemies. They will openly oppose you, but your tact and diplomatic behavior will help you defeat them.

For as long as a person has existed, he has been accompanied by the object of hunting, a source of danger, a symbol of wealth and aggression. In dream books, the bull, as a sacred creature, is interpreted richly, with details. Everything that you observed in a dream is not new: predictors have long figured out why this powerful animal is dreamed of.

Interpretation about power and humiliation

In the East, the bull has been associated with strength and influence since ancient times. What does he communicate in a dream, why does he dream? Let's figure it out and find patterns.

A healthy, powerful animal, friendly, personifies the essence of the dreamer or his patron. Sick, ugly or mad symbolizes the danger hanging over the sleeper.


According to the Islamic dream book, if an influential husband dreams of a large beautiful animal, he will be surrounded with honor and respect. People will bow to his wealth. A lot of bulls is more than respect, it is power. Seeing them in a dream means readiness to take control of a country or city. The dream prophesies a real opportunity to take a leadership position.

A shame

When a poor person sees a bull in a dream, he looks closely to see if there is danger from it. His very appearance in a dream means that in the future you will not have to count on the help of relatives, for example, in building a house or developing land.

If you dreamed of a bull mooing at a sleeping person, there would be discord with older relatives, and the dreamer would be banished to distant lands. If a man noticed that he was without horns, it means that in reality he will meet with a despised beggar.


Why do you dream that a big bull attacked and knocked you down? You and your people are close to death, war, uprising or drought are ahead. The more severe the consequences in a dream, the more terrible the events in reality. If trampled, there will be trouble.

The Muslim dream book warns that inflicting wounds or cutting an animal yourself is a sign of deceit directed against the dreamer. You will be harmed by a person of much higher rank than you.

Why do you dream of chasing or hiding?

It’s always nice to take a break from pictures of the apocalypse or everyday trifles and read Freud’s dream book. On its pages, the bull appears as a bearer of masculinity, strength and sexual energy.

Chasing a male is a manifestation of species competition. Fighting a bull means the intention to deal with rivals, to take possession of a woman. However, the best thing a man can remember is that in a dream he associated himself with a purebred animal. This is a testament to his incredible sexual charisma.

Running and hiding is an action that betrays fear of homosexual harassment. Why do we dream about bullfighting scenes where the dreamer teases and tames the male? In life, he is promiscuous; you can call it tolerance.

Attacked a girl - that means he warned

The interpreters suggest that the girl figure out what anxieties are plaguing her - relationships with guys or work troubles. Most likely, both are present in life, but she will easily choose the prediction that hits the mark.

Why do you dream that a bull in a dream attacks, strikes, seems dangerous, or looks surprisingly peaceful?

  • A big yak running - a meeting with an unpleasant person.
  • Big, but skinny - you have to talk with the boss.
  • A black bull is chasing - a party with friends.
  • The horned one is preparing to attack - a feeling of danger.
  • Beating with horns - a family scandal.
  • Butts another person - soon other people's troubles will become yours.
  • Butting a hornless one - painful intimate relationships.

Miller: bull in pasture

Why dream of pastoral scenes with fat herds on a green meadow? They reflect a desire for well-being, but will their hopes come true? Miller's dream book reveals the prospects for the near future.

Some situations in a dream foreshadow good changes, others make you wary, but they all carry useful information for decision-making.

Success with the public

Having seen a well-fed bull, you can safely participate in an election campaign or competition for a leadership position. You will become the head of an organization, an opinion leader, and for a man this also portends success with the ladies.

A girl may dream of a purebred bull on the eve of receiving a marriage proposal. It would be a profitable marriage, and if he was white, it would also be a very happy one. A guy gets a chance to marry a very pretty lady for convenience.

Devastation and loss

A pessimistic plot is to see a herd nibbling the grass without raising their heads. Focusing on food means tough times lie ahead. The death of livestock prophesies catastrophic events, and seeing one dead bull is a sign of personal grief.

If you saw a calf drinking from a dirty pond, then Miller’s dream book suggests two scenarios: either you will be slandered, or you will undermine your health.

Two heads without horns and other oddities

If we make adjustments to the basic interpretations, we will find out that for a guy, deformities pose a threat to his potency, and for a girl, her fear of intimacy intensifies and becomes more detailed. Why do you dream about unusual details and fabulous transformations of a character?

Deviation from the normal appearance of a bull in a dream is fraught with complications in fate. For example, two heads indicate that a person is at a crossroads - he does not know where to apply his heroic strength. But sometimes the forecasts are encouraging.

  • Two heads - lack of a clear goal.
  • Without horns - victory for the guy, safety for the lady.
  • One-horned - dubious glory.
  • Raised the red horns - the reputation will suffer.
  • Outstanding gold - receive a rich gift.
  • Little blue - face difficulties serenely.

Seeing a barnyard in a dream

If a bull walks peacefully in the yard near the house, this means that the dreamer’s interests are limited by material needs. He sees such a plot before the situation improves - you can be confident in strengthening funding, prosperity and peace in the family. The Enigma dream book interprets any actions indicating power over the bull as a situation that is under control.

Good care

Stroking him is a sign that you need to take a responsible approach to your daily responsibilities. If you fed and watered livestock, dream books advise you to treat the matter in the same way - it requires constant participation. Caring for a small calf - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, means inheritance. If you notice a pack of wolves guarding the herd, you will not be able to prevent evil.

Trying to milk a male in a dream is an allegory that should suggest the futility of efforts: it will not be possible to squeeze out at least some profit from the project.


If you happen to catch a violent one and tie it up, you tend to set the bar too high and control your aggressiveness.

Riding in a cart drawn by a buffalo predicts hard work and a strong financial position. Dream books give a similar interpretation: if the dreamer swam on it across the river, he will achieve what he wants with great effort. The meaning of the plot in which the dreamer saddles a bull lies in the prediction of all blessings - harvest, order, peace.

See a lot of meat

The meaning of a killed bull in a dream is extremely favorable. Dream books interpret killing yourself as a direct path to wealth and fame. To kill as a result of a struggle means that in reality you will overthrow the enemy, but if you succeeded in a dream, then the wounded animal represents enemies who are preparing to attack.

Slaughter for meat - you will take possession of someone else’s property. Taking you to a slaughterhouse or handing over to a meat processing plant predicts a trial in which you will defend your benefits. Seeing a carcass is a sign of disappointment, according to the dream book, and cutting it up is a sign of bad luck. If the carcass was frozen, then all the troubles are transferred to the distant future.

Vanga about the sign of great hard work

The Bulgarian seer sees the bull as the embodiment of hard peasant labor. Vanga’s dream book also contains signs in which a city, hard-working woman can see her destiny. How well do prophecies fit into the lifestyle of modern man? Nothing comes to us without effort, so judge for yourself:

  • Bull - hard physical labor.
  • Seeing yourself as a bull means independence.
  • Sitting on horseback means completing a task and receiving a reward.
  • Reset - treachery of associates, loss of job.
  • Riding a white bull means getting an important post.
  • For a girl, white means motherhood.

I dreamed about a bullfight

It’s hard to imagine more cocky animals. When bulls fight among themselves, you can sleep peacefully - while the bearers of evil figure out who is stronger, they have no time for you. If you yourself had to fight an angry beast, for example, become a participant in a bullfight in a dream, then dream books evaluate how events developed.

Why dream of looking into the red eyes of a bull that is angry and ready for a fight? This is a powerful test, but if in a dream you did not run away, then in life you will withstand the blows of fate. However, calculated running with luring and clever dodges indicates that you are not afraid of even very high-ranking opponents.

Dream Interpretation Enigma - what does the bull mean?

The personification of strength, glory and power - a mighty beast can be much closer to a person in a dream than it happens in ordinary life. Why do you dream about how the dreamer will behave in an imaginary but extreme situation? Some run away, others take on the challenge - and this says a lot about character and prospects.


If the challenge is accepted, but the bull is gored and raised by its horns, dream books believe that you will still achieve fame, not in a straight way, but in a crooked way. If you are pressed to the ground, then smile and wait for your finest hour. They fled for their lives - well, you know how to realistically assess the strength of the enemy and come to terms with the power, taking advantage of it.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Ox - psychological interpretation:

Bull - Dreamed of a well-fed bull - this means that you will become a leader in your environment and women will seek your company. To see fat bulls in a green pasture in a dream - this promises you success and a high position in society, which you did not dare to dream of before. dream.

Seeing that the bulls are leaning towards the grass means that your fortune will decrease somewhat, and your friends will turn away from you. If you see selected thoroughbred bulls, this portends a happy marriage to a wealthy bride or a union with your former, faithful lover. To see a dead person in a dream bull is a sign of sadness.

To see bulls drinking water from a clean pond or stream means that a sweet and devoted woman may appear next to you. If a woman sees such a dream, then she will accept the proposal of her devoted lover. A dream in which you see a white bull is especially happy.

See also: why do you dream about a buffalo, why do you dream about a bear, why do you dream about a tiger.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why does the Ox dream, how to understand the dream:

Bull - If an unmarried woman dreams of a bull, this means that she will receive a marriage proposal, which is better to reject. White bull - success, growth in material well-being, spiritual growth awaits you.

If a man dreams of a large, well-fed bull, this means that he will soon be the center of attention, and women will begin to be interested in him. A bull grazing on a green meadow in a dream means wealth and a high position in society awaits you.

If you dreamed of a bull drinking clean water from a stream, your desire will come true, the conquest of your beloved or beloved. A thin bull with protruding ribs - poverty and loneliness await you.

If you dreamed of a dead bull, misfortune awaits you. A harnessed pair of bulls in a dream - happiness awaits you in family life. If a bull is chasing you, you will face troubles in business as a result of the machinations of envious competitors.

If you dreamed of a bull goring someone, then you mismanaged someone else’s property.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a bull?

Bull - If a woman dreams of a bull, this means passionate anticipation of love pleasures, dissatisfaction and great sexual potential.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about the Ox in a dream:

Bull - Dreamed of a bull - it is a symbol of power, perseverance, fertility. Trying to tame a bull in a dream means that all you are doing is fighting life’s difficulties.

Seeing yourself sitting astride a bull means that the event you are planning will be quite risky. A bull attacking you in a dream means that in reality you will encounter a very strong and irreconcilable enemy.

Seeing yourself as a participant in a bullfight means that you will create a scandal that could have been avoided. The winged bull is a sign of rebirth.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Why does the Ox dream, how to interpret the dream:

Bull - If you dreamed of a bull, then soon you will encounter difficulties in mutual understanding with your beloved person, the cause of which will be jealous and envious rivals.

If a young woman dreams of a bull, then she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which should be rejected, since the marriage will be unhappy.

If you dreamed of a bull attacking someone, expect trouble in your personal life due to your own frivolity.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream and why do you see the Ox in a dream:

Bull - I dreamed of a huge bull fighting a bullfighter - this means that you will gain well-deserved recognition and many of those who recently treated you with lukewarmness will begin to seek your company.

If you dreamed of well-fed bulls on a pasture, then your position will reach a level that you never dared to dream of before.

If you dreamed of a bull digging the ground with its hoof, then you will suffer losses, both material and other, for example, the loss of friends.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about the Ox, what does it mean:

A dream about a Bull at a bullfight, which you see from the stands, in the cinema or on TV, is a dream warning of danger for some friend or colleague of yours; persecution will be organized against him, his enemies will take up arms. This will not affect you directly.