In the old days, Russian people considered option 9. (1) in the old days, Russian people believed that a residential building had its own patron, the guardian of the house - the brownie. Independent homework

, Review of law enforcement practice for the second quarter of 2015 p.rtf, Pages from 2015_klin_farmacia_bazovui.pdf, Balance sheet 2015.pdf, Bible. METHODIST, 2015, No. 6.pdf, Andreeva building ecology 2015.docx, 0 62 DIPL 2015!.docx.

22.From sentence 28, write down synonyms. Answer: ___________________________

  1. Among sentences 2-7, find one that is connected to the previous one using a personal pronoun and word forms. Write the number of this offer. Answer: ___________________________

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20-23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the order in which you wrote them down in the text of the review in the place of gaps in answer form No. 1 to the right of number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters .

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

  1. “The author begins a conversation with the reader using a technique such as (A) ________ (sentence 1). In an effort to reveal complex concepts, B. Bim-Bad resorts to using such syntactic means as ( B) ________ (for example, in sentences 4, 6, 8), as well as such a technique as (IN) ________ (in sentence 16).
Describing the thinking process, the author uses such a trope as (G) _________ (« painful dispute", " hard requirements" in sentence 23)".

List of terms:

  1. litotes 4) quotation 7) parcellation

  2. phraseological unit 5) opposition 8) a number of homogeneous members

  3. epithet 6) exclamation sentence 9) question-and-answer form of presentation





Part 2

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Justify your answer, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Voronezh region

Option 9

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a word, phrase, number orsequence of words, numbers . Write the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the answer form No. 1 to the right of the assignment number, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other extras characters . Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3

(1) In the old days, Russian people believed that a residential building had its own patron, the guardian of the house - the brownie, who lived behind the stove. (2) If the brownie got angry, the owners would get into trouble: things would disappear, the stove would smoke, and quarrels would arise. (3) (...) when moving to a new house, the first thing the owner did was to invite the brownie there.

1. IN what from given below proposals right transferred HOME information, contained V text?

  1. In the old days, the well-being of the owners of the house depended on the behavior of the brownie who lived behind the stove.

  2. In the old days, Russian people believed that a residential building had its own patron - the brownie, who could cause trouble.

  3. When moving to a new house, the owner, trying to avoid family troubles, invited the brownie to be the first to enter the hut.

  4. The brownie, according to legend, was considered the guardian of the house, so when moving to a new house, the owner was the first to invite the brownie.

  5. To avoid any troubles for the owners of the house, you must not anger the brownie. Answer: ___________________________
2. Which of the following words or combinations of words should be missing in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write it downword (combination of words ). vice versa




(1) In the old days, Russian people believed that a residential building had its own patron, the guardian of the house - the brownie, who lived behind the stove. (2) If the brownie got angry, the owners would get into trouble: things would disappear, the stove would smoke, and quarrels would arise. (3) (...) when moving to a new house, the first thing the owner did was to invite the brownie there.

1. Which of the sentences below correctly conveys HOME information contained in the text?

1) In the old days, the well-being of the owners of the house depended on the behavior of the brownie who lived behind the stove.

2) In the old days, Russian people believed that a residential building had its own patron - the brownie, who could cause trouble.

3) When moving to a new house, the owner, trying to avoid family troubles, invited the brownie to be the first to enter the hut.

4) The brownie, according to legend, was considered the guardian of the house, so when moving to a new house, the owner was the first to invite the brownie.

5) To avoid any troubles for the owners of the house, you must not anger the brownie.

2. Which of the following words or combinations of words should be missing in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write it down word (combination of words).

vice versa



Read the dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word HOME. Determine in what meaning this word is used in sentence 3. Write the number corresponding to this meaning in the dictionary entry.

HOUSE, -A; m.

1) Residential (or institutional) building. Kamenny village. Walk to the house. I've left home. Flag on the house. The whole village came running (everyone living in the house).

2) Your own home, as well as family, people living together, their household. Get home. Leave the house. Native village. Accept someone into the village. We know each other at home (our families visit each other). Busy around the house. The mother has the whole village in her arms.

3) (pl. no). A place where people with common interests live. conditions of existence. Pan-European village. Rodina - our common village.

4) what or which. An institution, establishment that serves something. public needs. D. rest. D. creativity. D. scientists. D. stage veterans. Trading house (name of certain trading companies). D. models. D. furniture. D. shoes. D. trade (names of large stores).

5) Dynasty, clan. Reigning d. D. Romanovs.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write it down word.



5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. correct the error and write it down word Right.

Jumping out of bed at the same time as the alarm clock rang, Anton quickly put on a tracksuit and sneakers and within a minute was running down the stairs, cheerfully whistling some kind of march.

This outstanding physicist considered himself a complete IGNORANCE in literature.

The young teacher excitedly caught the appreciative glances of the children and continued to speak soulfully about everything that had accumulated in his soul.

Good and TRUST relationships were established between students and teachers already in the first days.

Planting a HEDGE is one of the best solutions to the problem of garden fencing that landscape design offers.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the error in the formation of the word form and write down word Right.


couple of socks

LIE on the floor

over a hundred kilometers

BAKE a pie

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) Young people love and are interested in music. 1) error in the use of direct speech
B) We will soon graduate from school and will try to go to college. Which is located in Voronezh. 2) violation of supply boundaries
Q) Despite the busy work schedule, I gave concerts in rest homes, in various cultural centers, halls and open areas. 3) errors in the use of collective numerals
D) Oscar Wilde regretted that: “In our age people read too much, it prevents them from being wise” 4) stylistically unjustified agreement of the predicate with the subject.
D) More than seventy school graduates received third-class driver diplomas. 5) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
6) an error related to the incorrect use of prepositions
7)) error when using homogeneous terms



8. Identify the word that is missing unstressed checked vowel root Write it down word, inserting the missing letter.



9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these down words, inserting the missing letter., pr...funny

arrange, arrange, arrange, hide...hiding


pr...burn, pr...turn

10. Write it out word, in which the letter E is written in place of the gap



motion sickness



11. Write it out word, in which the letter U is written in place of the gap


12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write it down word.

Father ordered, (not) stopping at the hotel, to go to the pier.

The house stood in the middle of the steppe, not fenced in by anything.

I had to explain once again the rule that was (in)understood for the students.

But fear (did not) squeeze my soul.

The land on his estate was not yet (not) plowed.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(Due to the fact that this train was also late, I handed over the tickets to the ticket office.

A bird flies high, and I also want to fly.

My neighbor spoke in a drawl and also very loudly.

(For) for several minutes they were silent.

(And) SO I wanted to know this story to the end that I sat down closer so that I could better hear the narrator.

14. Specify numbers, in the place of which are written two letters N.

A fox wandered indifferently (1) along the edge of the field, but when it saw a mouse (2) hole, it raised its head warily (3), stopped, froze, and then confidently (4) jumped forward.

15. Place punctuation marks. Specify numbers sentences that require ONE comma

1) Young giant pines are directed into the blue sky and this makes the expanses of the golden field seem even wider.

2) The sounds of the violin were heard occasionally in the darkness of the night and gradually dissolved in the sound of the surf.

3) On long autumn evenings we read aloud or just sat by the fireplace.

4) The knights either conquered new cities, then lost all their acquisitions, or again prepared for campaigns.

5) Rudolf Nureyev masterfully mastered the techniques of both classical and modern dance.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate the numbers (or numbers) in place of which commas (or commas) should appear in the sentence.

Periphrasis is a figure of speech that consists of replacing a word with a descriptive combination (1) containing (2) an element of characteristics of the described object or person (3) and helping (4) to avoid unjustified repetitions in the text.


Assignment: in one of the words below there is an error in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write this word down.

1. accountants scarves laid dry airports 2. raising the drilling sleight of a beautiful arrangement 3. religion wholesale accepted called the tear 4. bent called up the transported expert 5. airports nails will lend understood plum 6. bent to the top took before the light took 7. bows briefly repeated click long-standing 8. Expert vein faucets calling sorrel 9. beard Lila called drilling insight 10. sent waited on time busy locked 11. recreated accepted occupied Adolescence parter 12. bows significant divided pinches to the bottom 13. tore up the rain was encouraged by the populated catalog 14. undertook the divided scarves to bear fruit white 15. faithful to aggravate the lived quarter will be called 16. lied the significance of the beautiful one accepted the illness 17. the orphans were chased encouraged in time transfused 18. to cork the parter the driver arrived leisure 19. handrails the agreement was taken And the one who made the profit understood 20. clairvoyant flowed Adolescence understood the blinds 21. draw leisure the chain of days that cannot be lived

Related information.

Option No. 4204933

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) In the old days, the well-being of the owners of the house depended on the behavior of the brownie who lived behind the stove.

2) In the old days, Russian people believed that a residential building had its own patron - the brownie, who could cause trouble.

3) When moving to a new house, the owner, trying to avoid family troubles, invited the brownie to be the first to enter the hut.

4) To avoid any troubles for the owners of the house, you must not anger the brownie.

5) In order to avoid family troubles in the new house after moving, the brownie was the first to be invited to the new house.


Which of the following words or combinations of words should be missing in the third (3) sentence of the text?

Vice versa




Read the dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word HOME. Determine in what meaning this word is used in sentence 3. Write the number corresponding to this meaning in the dictionary entry.

HOUSE, -A; m.

1) Residential (or institutional) building. Kamenny village. Walk to the house. I've left home. Flag on the house. The whole village came running.(everyone living in the house).

2) Your own home, as well as family, people living together, their household. Get home. Leave the house. Native village. Accept someone into the village. We know each other at home(our families visit each other). Busy around the house. The mother has the whole village in her arms.

3) (pl. no). A place where people live, united by common interests and living conditions. Pan-European village. Rodina - our common village.

4) what or which. An institution, establishment that serves some kind of public needs. D. rest. D. creativity. D. scientists. D. stage veterans. Torgovy d.(names of certain trading companies). D. models. D. furniture. D. shoes. D. trade(names of large stores).

5) Dynasty, clan. Reigning D. D. Romanov.

(3)(...)When moving to a new house, the first thing the owner did was to invite the brownie there.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write this word down.



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Jumping out of bed at the same time as the alarm clock rang, Anton quickly put on a tracksuit and sneakers and within a minute was running down the stairs, cheerfully whistling some kind of march.

This outstanding physicist considered himself a complete IGNORANCE in literature.

The young teacher excitedly caught the appreciative glances of the children and continued to speak soulfully about everything that had accumulated in his soul.

Good and TRUST relationships were established between students and teachers already in the first days.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

couple of socks

LIE on your back


acted more HONESTLY

summer holidays

14.05. The task has been changed.


Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

B) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

C) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) error in constructing a complex sentence

D) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

1) Anyone who has studied the process of language development knows about various historical changes at the level of phonetics and grammar.

2) The interior in I. Repin’s painting “They Didn’t Expect” is permeated with the unsteady light of the sun, which barely peeks through the storm clouds.

3) When writing an essay, you need to pay attention to the fact that the positions of the author and the narrator may not coincide.

4) From the beginning of 1919, the People’s Art School, organized by Marc Chagall, operated in Vitebsk.

5) Those who love Lermontov’s poetry will be interested to learn about the poet’s museum that has opened in Serednikov.

6) I read this work by Vasil Bykov in the summer, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

7) After dinner we drank tea and looked through the newspapers just brought from the post office.

8) In the film “War and Peace” S. Bondarchuk played Pierre Bezukhov beautifully.

9) At the last lecture it was said that achieving a high level of speech culture is due to many factors.



Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

n..measurement, pos..yesterday;


present, fe..eton;


from..again, abroad..


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

grind (flour)


take your leave


kneaded (dough)


Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in place of the gap.





Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

This settlement is (not) indicated on any map.

But they were looking for this truth completely (not) where their ideological opponents were.

Sofya Nikolaevna (not) aged very much during this time.

It was (not) easy for the reader at that time to understand the conflicting assessments.

Bought (not) expensive, but cheap furniture.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(It) rained throughout July, (THUS) the path leading to the gazebo turned into a small stream.

(AND) SO, let’s summarize everything that has been said: the forest is our healer, our wealth and, (FINALLY) the best outfit of the earth.

And then FAR(FAR) in the forest suddenly SOMETHING rang.

WHATEVER critics claim, Fet’s poems are unusually melodic, (BY) THIS sound of the verse you can always recognize the poet’s creations.

He crossed the (ON) SHORT bridge over the rapidly, (ON) THEATRICALLY rushing water and went out to the station.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

The main action of the picture takes place in the background: in a bright room, a tearful (1) lady with a child in her arms looks pleadingly at the invited (2) doctor in a golden (3) pince-nez.


Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) You can only hear the howling of the wind in the gear and the quiet roar of the sea.

2) All these sounds were strangely beautiful, sad and seemed like the beginning of a wonderful fairy tale.

3) Fyodor constantly saw lights from the right to the left.

4) There was no feeling of excitement or fear in Anna’s movements.

5) In the living room you could hear the measured sound of an ancient clock and someone’s inexpressive whisper.


Bazarov (1) stood up to meet (2) Pavel Petrovich (3) who entered the room (4) sat down on the edge of the table and crossed his arms on his chest.


Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

After reading Blok’s poems, not everyone (1) maybe (2) will be picked up by a wave of light, but (3) perhaps (4) after several days the lines of one or another poem will suddenly resound in the soul.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The certificate (1) to obtain (2) which (3) I had to undergo a two-year training (4) subsequently came in handy when applying for a new job.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

So much has been written about Maxim Gorky (1) that (2) if he had not been an inexhaustible person (3) it would have been impossible to add a single line to what (4) has already been written about him.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? List the answer numbers in ascending order.

1) The narrator, being in hard labor, at first hated and feared other convicts.

2) A boy in the forest was frightened by a wolf that suddenly appeared from behind the bushes, and a serf saved the hero.

3) At the time of his meeting with Marey, the hero on whose behalf the story is told was nine years old.

4) The narrator recalled that incident twenty years later.

5) As a child, the narrator was not afraid of serfs and easily communicated with them.

(according to F.M. Dostoevsky*)



Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 29−32 contain elements of reasoning.

2) Sentence 4 provides a description.

3) Sentence 8 indicates the condition of what is said in sentence 9.

4) Sentences 2−3 present a narrative.

5) Sentences 24-26 contain reasoning.

(1) I was then only nine years old. (2) Once in the forest, in the midst of deep silence, I clearly and distinctly thought I heard a cry: “The wolf is running!” (3) I screamed and, beside myself with fright, ran out into the clearing, straight into the man plowing the ground.

(4) It was Marey - our serf, about fifty years old, stocky, quite tall, with strong gray streaks in his dark brown beard. (5) I knew him a little, but before that it had almost never happened to me to talk to him. (6) As a child, I had little contact with serfs: these strangers, with rude faces and gnarled hands, seemed to me dangerous, robber people. (7) Marey stopped the filly when he heard my frightened voice, and when I ran up and grabbed his plow with one hand and his sleeve with the other, he saw my fear.

− (8) The wolf is running! – I shouted, gasping for breath.

(9) He raised his head and involuntarily looked around, for a moment almost believing me.

− (10) What are you, what kind of wolf, I imagined: see! (11) Why should there be a wolf here? - he muttered, encouraging me. (12) But I was shaking all over and clung even tighter to his zipun and must have been very pale. (13) He looked with a worried smile, apparently afraid and worried about me.

− (14) Look, you’re scared, ah-ah! – he shook his head. – (15) That’s enough, dear. (16) Look, boy, ah!

(17) He extended his hand and suddenly stroked my cheek.

− (18) That’s enough, well, Christ is with you, come to your senses.

(19) But I did not cross myself: the corners of my lips trembled, and it seems that this especially struck him. (20) And then Marey extended his thick, black-nailed, soil-stained finger and quietly touched my jumping lips.

- (21) Look, - he smiled at me with some kind of maternal and long smile, - Lord, what is this, look, ah, ah!

(22) I finally realized that there was no wolf and that I had imagined the cry about the wolf.

“(23) Well, I’ll go,” I said, looking at him questioningly and timidly.

- (24) Well, go ahead, and I’ll take a look after you. (25) I won’t give you to the wolf! - he added, still smiling at me motherly. - (26) Well, Christ is with you, - and he crossed me with his hand and crossed himself.

(27) While I was walking, Marey still stood with his little filly and looked after me, nodding his head every time I looked back. (28) And even when I was far away and could no longer see his face, I felt that he was still smiling just as affectionately.

(29) I remembered all this at once now, twenty years later, here, in hard labor in Siberia... (30) This gentle motherly smile of the serf man, his unexpected sympathy, shaking his head. (31) Of course, everyone would have encouraged the child, but in that solitary meeting something completely different happened. (32) And only God, perhaps, saw from above how deep and enlightened human feeling the heart of a rude, brutally ignorant man was filled with and what subtle tenderness was hidden in him.

(33) And when here, at the penal servitude, I got off the bunk and looked around, I suddenly felt that I could look at these unfortunate convicts with a completely different look and that suddenly all fear and all hatred disappeared

in my heart. (34) I walked, peering into the faces I met. (35) This shaved and defamed man, with brands on his face, intoxicated, shouting his zealous, hoarse song, maybe the same Marey. (36) After all, I cannot look into his heart.

(according to F.M. Dostoevsky*)

*Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821–1881) – Russian writer,


Source of text: MIOO: Diagnostic work No. 4 in the Russian language 10/23/2013 version RU10103.


Write down synonyms from sentence 2.

(1) I was then only nine years old. (2) Once in the forest, in the midst of deep silence, I clearly and distinctly thought I heard a cry: “The wolf is running!” (3) I screamed and, beside myself with fright, ran out into the clearing, straight into the man plowing the ground.

(4) It was Marey - our serf, about fifty years old, stocky, quite tall, with strong gray streaks in his dark brown beard. (5) I knew him a little, but before that it had almost never happened to me to talk to him. (6) As a child, I had little contact with serfs: these strangers, with rude faces and gnarled hands, seemed to me dangerous, robber people. (7) Marey stopped the filly when he heard my frightened voice, and when I ran up and grabbed his plow with one hand and his sleeve with the other, he saw my fear.

− (8) The wolf is running! – I shouted, gasping for breath.

(9) He raised his head and involuntarily looked around, for a moment almost believing me.

− (10) What are you, what kind of wolf, I imagined: see! (11) Why should there be a wolf here? - he muttered, encouraging me. (12) But I was shaking all over and clung even tighter to his zipun and must have been very pale. (13) He looked with a worried smile, apparently afraid and worried about me.

− (14) Look, you’re scared, ah-ah! – he shook his head. – (15) That’s enough, dear. (16) Look, boy, ah!

(17) He extended his hand and suddenly stroked my cheek.

− (18) That’s enough, well, Christ is with you, come to your senses.

(19) But I did not cross myself: the corners of my lips trembled, and it seems that this especially struck him. (20) And then Marey extended his thick, black-nailed, soil-stained finger and quietly touched my jumping lips.

- (21) Look, - he smiled at me with some kind of maternal and long smile, - Lord, what is this, look, ah, ah!

(22) I finally realized that there was no wolf and that I had imagined the cry about the wolf.

“(23) Well, I’ll go,” I said, looking at him questioningly and timidly.

- (24) Well, go ahead, and I’ll take a look after you. (25) I won’t give you to the wolf! - he added, still smiling at me motherly. - (26) Well, Christ is with you, - and he crossed me with his hand and crossed himself.

(27) While I was walking, Marey still stood with his little filly and looked after me, nodding his head every time I looked back. (28) And even when I was far away and could no longer see his face, I felt that he was still smiling just as affectionately.

(29) I remembered all this at once now, twenty years later, here, in hard labor in Siberia... (30) This gentle motherly smile of the serf man, his unexpected sympathy, shaking his head. (31) Of course, everyone would have encouraged the child, but in that solitary meeting something completely different happened. (32) And only God, perhaps, saw from above how deep and enlightened human feeling the heart of a rude, brutally ignorant man was filled with and what subtle tenderness was hidden in him.

(33) And when here, at the penal servitude, I got off the bunk and looked around, I suddenly felt that I could look at these unfortunate convicts with a completely different look and that suddenly all fear and all hatred disappeared

in my heart. (34) I walked, peering into the faces I met. (35) This shaved and defamed man, with brands on his face, intoxicated, shouting his zealous, hoarse song, maybe the same Marey. (36) After all, I cannot look into his heart.

(according to F.M. Dostoevsky*)

*Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821–1881) – Russian writer,


Source of text: MIOO: Diagnostic work No. 4 in the Russian language 10/23/2013 version RU10103.

(2) Once in the forest, in the midst of deep silence, I clearly and distinctly thought I heard a cry: “The wolf is running!”


Among sentences 14−20, find one(s) that is connected with the previous one using an adversative conjunction. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

(1) I was then only nine years old. (2) Once in the forest, in the midst of deep silence, I clearly and distinctly thought I heard a cry: “The wolf is running!” (3) I screamed and, beside myself with fright, ran out into the clearing, straight into the man plowing the ground.

(4) It was Marey - our serf, about fifty years old, stocky, quite tall, with strong gray streaks in his dark brown beard. (5) I knew him a little, but before that it had almost never happened to me to talk to him. (6) As a child, I had little contact with serfs: these strangers, with rude faces and gnarled hands, seemed to me dangerous, robber people. (7) Marey stopped the filly when he heard my frightened voice, and when I ran up and grabbed his plow with one hand and his sleeve with the other, he saw my fear.

− (8) The wolf is running! – I shouted, gasping for breath.

(9) He raised his head and involuntarily looked around, for a moment almost believing me.

− (10) What are you, what kind of wolf, I imagined: see! (11) Why should there be a wolf here? - he muttered, encouraging me. (12) But I was shaking all over and clung even tighter to his zipun and must have been very pale. (13) He looked with a worried smile, apparently afraid and worried about me.

− (14) Look, you’re scared, ah-ah! – he shook his head. – (15) That’s enough, dear. (16) Look, boy, ah!

(17) He extended his hand and suddenly stroked my cheek.

− (18) That’s enough, well, Christ is with you, come to your senses.

(19) But I did not cross myself: the corners of my lips trembled, and it seems that this especially struck him. (20) And then Marey extended his thick, black-nailed, soil-stained finger and quietly touched my jumping lips.

- (21) Look, - he smiled at me with some kind of maternal and long smile, - Lord, what is this, look, ah, ah!

(22) I finally realized that there was no wolf and that I had imagined the cry about the wolf.

“(23) Well, I’ll go,” I said, looking at him questioningly and timidly.

- (24) Well, go ahead, and I’ll take a look after you. (25) I won’t give you to the wolf! - he added, still smiling at me motherly. - (26) Well, Christ is with you, - and he crossed me with his hand and crossed himself.

(27) While I was walking, Marey still stood with his little filly and looked after me, nodding his head every time I looked back. (28) And even when I was far away and could no longer see his face, I felt that he was still smiling just as affectionately.

(29) I remembered all this at once now, twenty years later, here, in hard labor in Siberia... (30) This gentle motherly smile of the serf man, his unexpected sympathy, shaking his head. (31) Of course, everyone would have encouraged the child, but in that solitary meeting something completely different happened. (32) And only God, perhaps, saw from above how deep and enlightened human feeling the heart of a rude, brutally ignorant man was filled with and what subtle tenderness was hidden in him.

(33) And when here, at the penal servitude, I got off the bunk and looked around, I suddenly felt that I could look at these unfortunate convicts with a completely different look and that suddenly all fear and all hatred disappeared

in my heart. (34) I walked, peering into the faces I met. (35) This shaved and defamed man, with brands on his face, intoxicated, shouting his zealous, hoarse song, maybe the same Marey. (36) After all, I cannot look into his heart.

(according to F.M. Dostoevsky*)

*Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821–1881) – Russian writer,


Source of text: MIOO: Diagnostic work No. 4 in the Russian language 10/23/2013 version RU10103.

(1) I was then only nine years old.


Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

When creating the image of Marey, F. M. Dostoevsky, in order to convey the simplicity of his character, his lack of education, uses in dialogues such a means as (A)_____ (for example, “you see” in sentence 10, “frightened” in sentence 14, “those” in sentence 24). The compassion and sincerity of the emotions of this serf peasant are conveyed by numerous (B)_____ (“ay-ay” in sentence 14, “well” in sentence 18). At the same time, a trope such as (B)_____ (for example, “a motherly and long smile”, “a deep and enlightened feeling”) creates depth and scale of the created image. Such a syntactic means of expression as (G)_____ (sentences 6, 20, 30) makes the narrative dynamic, vibrant and lively.

List of terms:

1) parcellation

2) vernacular(s)

3) gradation

4) series of homogeneous members

5) epithet(s)

6) interjection(s)

7) rhetorical question(s)

9) lexical repetition(s)

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


(1) I was then only nine years old. (2) Once in the forest, in the midst of deep silence, I clearly and distinctly thought I heard a cry: “The wolf is running!” (3) I screamed and, beside myself with fright, ran out into the clearing, straight into the man plowing the ground.

(4) It was Marey - our serf, about fifty years old, stocky, quite tall, with strong gray streaks in his dark brown beard. (5) I knew him a little, but before that it had almost never happened to me to talk to him. (6) As a child, I had little contact with serfs: these strangers, with rude faces and gnarled hands, seemed to me dangerous, robber people. (7) Marey stopped the filly when he heard my frightened voice, and when I ran up and grabbed his plow with one hand and his sleeve with the other, he saw my fear.

− (8) The wolf is running! – I shouted, gasping for breath.

(9) He raised his head and involuntarily looked around, for a moment almost believing me.

− (10) What are you, what kind of wolf, I imagined: see! (11) Why should there be a wolf here? - he muttered, encouraging me. (12) But I was shaking all over and clung even tighter to his zipun and must have been very pale. (13) He looked with a worried smile, apparently afraid and worried about me.

− (14) Look, you’re scared, ah-ah! – he shook his head. – (15) That’s enough, dear. (16) Look, boy, ah!

(17) He extended his hand and suddenly stroked my cheek.

− (18) That’s enough, well, Christ is with you, come to your senses.

(19) But I did not cross myself: the corners of my lips trembled, and it seems that this especially struck him. (20) And then Marey extended his thick, black-nailed, soil-stained finger and quietly touched my jumping lips.

- (21) Look, - he smiled at me with some kind of maternal and long smile, - Lord, what is this, look, ah, ah!

(22) I finally realized that there was no wolf and that I had imagined the cry about the wolf.

“(23) Well, I’ll go,” I said, looking at him questioningly and timidly.

- (24) Well, go ahead, and I’ll take a look after you. (25) I won’t give you to the wolf! - he added, still smiling at me motherly. - (26) Well, Christ is with you, - and he crossed me with his hand and crossed himself.

(27) While I was walking, Marey still stood with his little filly and looked after me, nodding his head every time I looked back. (28) And even when I was far away and could no longer see his face, I felt that he was still smiling just as affectionately.

(29) I remembered all this at once now, twenty years later, here, in hard labor in Siberia... (30) This gentle motherly smile of the serf man, his unexpected sympathy, shaking his head. (31) Of course, everyone would have encouraged the child, but in that solitary meeting something completely different happened. (32) And only God, perhaps, saw from above how deep and enlightened human feeling the heart of a rude, brutally ignorant man was filled with and what subtle tenderness was hidden in him.

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) I was then only nine years old. (2) Once in the forest, in the midst of deep silence, I clearly and distinctly thought I heard a cry: “The wolf is running!” (3) I screamed and, beside myself with fright, ran out into the clearing, straight into the man plowing the ground.

(4) It was Marey - our serf, about fifty years old, stocky, quite tall, with strong gray streaks in his dark brown beard. (5) I knew him a little, but before that it had almost never happened to me to talk to him. (6) As a child, I had little contact with serfs: these strangers, with rude faces and gnarled hands, seemed to me dangerous, robber people. (7) Marey stopped the filly when he heard my frightened voice, and when I ran up and grabbed his plow with one hand and his sleeve with the other, he saw my fear.

− (8) The wolf is running! – I shouted, gasping for breath.

(9) He raised his head and involuntarily looked around, for a moment almost believing me.

− (10) What are you, what kind of wolf, I imagined: see! (11) Why should there be a wolf here? - he muttered, encouraging me. (12) But I was shaking all over and clung even tighter to his zipun and must have been very pale. (13) He looked with a worried smile, apparently afraid and worried about me.

− (14) Look, you’re scared, ah-ah! – he shook his head. – (15) That’s enough, dear. (16) Look, boy, ah!

(17) He extended his hand and suddenly stroked my cheek.

− (18) That’s enough, well, Christ is with you, come to your senses.

(19) But I did not cross myself: the corners of my lips trembled, and it seems that this especially struck him. (20) And then Marey extended his thick, black-nailed, soil-stained finger and quietly touched my jumping lips.

- (21) Look, - he smiled at me with some kind of maternal and long smile, - Lord, what is this, look, ah, ah!

(22) I finally realized that there was no wolf and that I had imagined the cry about the wolf.

“(23) Well, I’ll go,” I said, looking at him questioningly and timidly.

- (24) Well, go ahead, and I’ll take a look after you. (25) I won’t give you to the wolf! - he added, still smiling at me motherly. - (26) Well, Christ is with you, - and he crossed me with his hand and crossed himself.

(27) While I was walking, Marey still stood with his little filly and looked after me, nodding his head every time I looked back. (28) And even when I was far away and could no longer see his face, I felt that he was still smiling just as affectionately.

(29) I remembered all this at once now, twenty years later, here, in hard labor in Siberia... (30) This gentle motherly smile of the serf man, his unexpected sympathy, shaking his head. (31) Of course, everyone would have encouraged the child, but in that solitary meeting something completely different happened. (32) And only God, perhaps, saw from above how deep and enlightened human feeling the heart of a rude, brutally ignorant man was filled with and what subtle tenderness was hidden in him.

(33) And when here, at the penal servitude, I got off the bunk and looked around, I suddenly felt that I could look at these unfortunate convicts with a completely different look and that suddenly all fear and all hatred disappeared

in my heart. (34) I walked, peering into the faces I met. (35) This shaved and defamed man, with brands on his face, intoxicated, shouting his zealous, hoarse song, maybe the same Marey. (36) After all, I cannot look into his heart.

(according to F.M. Dostoevsky*)

*Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821–1881) – Russian writer,


Source of text: MIOO: Diagnostic work No. 4 in the Russian language 10/23/2013 version RU10103.

Solutions to long-answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

Complete testing, check answers, see solutions.

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3. (1) In the old days, Russian people believed that a residential building had its own patron, the guardian of the house - the brownie

(1) In the old days, Russian people believed that a residential building had its own patron, the guardian of the house - the brownie, who lived behind the stove. (2) If the brownie got angry, the owners would get into trouble: things would disappear, the stove would smoke, and quarrels would arise. (3) (...) when moving to a new house, the first thing the owner did was to invite the brownie there.

1. Which of the sentences below correctly conveys HOME information contained in the text?

1) In the old days, the well-being of the owners of the house depended on the behavior of the brownie who lived behind the stove.

2) In the old days, Russian people believed that a residential building had its own patron - the brownie, who could cause trouble.

3) When moving to a new house, the owner, trying to avoid family troubles, invited the brownie to be the first to enter the hut.

4) The brownie, according to legend, was considered the guardian of the house, so when moving to a new house, the owner was the first to invite the brownie.

5) To avoid any troubles for the owners of the house, you must not anger the brownie.

2. Which of the following words or combinations of words should be missing in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write it down word (combination of words). vice versa



and also therefore

Answer: ___________________________

Read the dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word HOME. Determine in what meaning this word is used in sentence 3. Write the number corresponding to this meaning in the dictionary entry.

HOUSE, -A; m.

1) Residential (or institutional) building. Kamenny village. Walk to the house. I've left home. Flag on the house. The whole village came running (everyone living in the house).

2) Your own home, as well as family, people living together, their household. Get home. Leave the house. Native village. Accept someone into the village. We know each other at home (our families visit each other). Busy around the house. The mother has the whole village in her arms.

3) (pl. no). A place where people with common interests live. conditions of existence. Pan-European village. Rodina - our common village.

4) what or which. An institution, establishment that serves something. public needs. D. rest. D. creativity. D. scientists. D. stage veterans. Trading house (name of certain trading companies). D.

models. D. furniture. D. shoes. D. trade (names of large stores).

5) Dynasty, clan. Reigning d. D. Romanovs.

Answer: ___________________________

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write it down word. Plowing the scrap A knowledgeable argument will hand over

Answer: ___________________________

5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. correct the error and write it down word Right.

Jumping out of bed at the same time as the alarm clock rang, Anton quickly put on a tracksuit and sneakers and within a minute was running down the stairs, cheerfully whistling some kind of march.

This outstanding physicist considered himself a complete IGNORANCE in literature.

The young teacher excitedly caught the appreciative glances of the children and continued to speak soulfully about everything that had accumulated in his soul.

Good and TRUST relationships were established between students and teachers already in the first days. Planting a HEDGE is one of the best solutions to the problem of garden fencing that landscape design offers.

Answer: ___________________________

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the error in the formation of the word form and write down word Right.

five ORANGES a pair of SOCKS LYING on the floor over a HUNDRED kilometers

BAKE a pie

Answer: ___________________________

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) Young people love and are interested in music. 1) error in the use of direct speech
B) We will soon graduate from school and will try to go to college. Which is located in Voronezh. 2) violation of supply boundaries
Q) Despite the busy work schedule, I gave concerts in rest homes, in various cultural centers, halls and open areas. 3) errors in the use of collective numerals
D) Oscar Wilde regretted that: “In our age people read too much, it prevents them from being wise” 4) stylistically unjustified agreement of the predicate with the subject.
D) More than seventy school graduates received third-class driver diplomas. 5) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
6) an error related to the incorrect use of prepositions
7)) error when using homogeneous terms



8. Identify the word that is missing unstressed checked vowel root Write it down word, inserting the missing letter. in...bration

heavy...heavy extension

Answer: ___________________________

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these down words, inserting the missing letter., pr...funny, ra...set, hide...lurk ra...smell, pr...burn, pr... turn

Answer: ___________________________

10. Write it out word, in which the letter E is written in place of the gap dress..tse

doctor... rock... diligent...


Answer: ___________________________

11. Write it out word, in which the letter U is written in place of the gap


let's see...t

Answer: ___________________________

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write it down word.

Father ordered, (not) stopping at the hotel, to go to the pier.

The house stood in the middle of the steppe, not fenced in by anything.

I had to explain once again the rule that was (in)understood for the students.

But fear (did not) squeeze my soul.

The land on his estate was not yet (not) plowed. Answer: ___________________________

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(Due to the fact that this train was also late, I handed over the tickets to the ticket office.

A bird flies high, and I also want to fly.

My neighbor spoke in a drawl and also very loudly.

(For) for several minutes they were silent.

(And) SO I wanted to know this story to the end that I sat down closer so that I could better hear the narrator. Answer: ___________________________

14. Specify numbers, in the place of which are written two letters N.

A fox wandered indifferently (1) along the edge of the field, but when it saw a mouse (2) hole, it raised its head warily (3), stopped, froze, and then confidently (4) jumped forward.Answer: ___________________________

15. Place punctuation marks. Specify numbers sentences that require ONE comma

1) Young giant pines are directed into the blue sky and this makes the expanses of the golden field seem even wider.

2) The sounds of the violin were heard occasionally in the darkness of the night and gradually dissolved in the sound of the surf.

3) On long autumn evenings we read aloud or just sat by the fireplace.

4) The knights either conquered new cities, then lost all their acquisitions, or again prepared for campaigns.

5) Rudolf Nureyev masterfully mastered the techniques of both classical and modern dance. Answer: ___________________________

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate the numbers (or numbers) in place of which commas (or commas) should appear in the sentence.

Periphrasis is a figure of speech that consists of replacing a word with a descriptive combination (1) containing (2) an element of characteristics of the described object or person (3) and helping (4) to avoid unjustified repetitions in the text.

Answer: ___________________________

17. Punctuate: indicate numbers

A compliment (1) as you know (2) is a flattering, kind remark or brief praise, and the ability to give compliments is a real art that requires tact, wit and (3) of course (4) an attentive, warm attitude towards the interlocutor. Answer: ___________________________

18. Punctuate: indicate numbers (or number), in the place of which in the sentence there should be commas (or comma).

Lena is the main shipping artery of Eastern Siberia (1), the significance (2) of which (3) for the intensively developing economy (4) is enormous.

Answer: ___________________________

19. Punctuate: indicate numbers, in place of which there should be commas in the sentence.

A couple of hours later (1) when it became quite hot (2) and the crowd in the port froze (3) the boys got out of the city limits (4) and climbed the hill (5) from which the harbor is visible.Answer: ___________________________

Option No. 2788194

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) In the old days, the well-being of the owners of the house depended on the behavior of the brownie who lived behind the stove.

2) In the old days, Russian people believed that a residential building had its own patron - the brownie, who could cause trouble.

3) When moving to a new house, the owner, trying to avoid family troubles, invited the brownie to be the first to enter the hut.

4) To avoid any troubles for the owners of the house, you must not anger the brownie.

5) In order to avoid family troubles in the new house after moving, the brownie was the first to be invited to the new house.


Which of the following words or combinations of words should be missing in the third (3) sentence of the text?

Vice versa




Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word WATER. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

1. units only A transparent, colorless liquid, which in its pure form is a chemical compound of oxygen and hydrogen. Rainwater. Sea water. Well water. Hard, soft water. Drinking water. Raw, boiled water. Give me a glass of water. There is no water in this area.

2. only units. Water surface. Traveling by water. Drive by water.

|| Water surface level. High water. Low water. The water overflowed its banks.

|| Current (region, special). Swim against the water.

|| The path along which a racing vessel goes (sports). Drive into enemy water.

3. only plural. (waters, etc.). Space covered by water: rivers, lakes and swamps (books, geographies). Inland waters. Forests and waters of national importance.

4. only plural. Jets, waves of the sea, rivers (poet.). “You’re running away, water.” Pushkin. “The shadow of the olive trees fell on the waters.” Pushkin. “As waters flow quickly into the sea, so days and years flow into eternity.” Derzhavin.

5. (water, etc.). A mineral, carbonated or fruit drink (usually with a definition). Seltzer. Lemon water. Izhevsk water. Various mineral waters. Drink water (treat with mineral water).


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write this word down.





One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

I had met ARTISTIC and very talented guys before, but the performance of these little virtuosos literally stunned me.

The day promised to be windy and RAINY.

Despite the bright, ARTISTIC inclinations, none of them became a person of art.

A pure RAIN smell, the intoxicating aroma of a blooming linden tree, poured out of the garden.

The state of his affairs could not be called anything other than DISTRESSIVE.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


GO to Moscow

a few GRAMS


two pairs of BOOTS


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) As P.I. Tchaikovsky argued that “inspiration is born only from work and during work.”1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) Participation in the international competition for young performers gave not only a chance to show oneself to the world, but also to receive real invitations from famous producers.2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) Who, if not the family, raised the young man to be an egoist...3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) Sincerely thanking my father for his invaluable help, I still, contrary to his advice, decided to leave my hometown.4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) I remember the performance of the front-line concert brigade, consisting of artists from the Murmansk Drama Theater.5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Identify the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


lock up

sp..oral (solution)


Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr..rotation, pr..huge;

and..take, not..bending;

once..say, super..interesting;

n..right, lift;



Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.


key..howl (moment)



extra pay...


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.


abandoned... abandoned



Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

This is (not) happiness, but grief.

Rooks walked in the still (not) whitened rye.

(Short) long expeditions were carried out to collect statistical information about the population.

(Not) only adults, but also children started dancing.

Some Himalayan peaks, inferior in height to the famous Chomolungma, have not yet been climbed by amateur climbers.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

The experiment was carried out successfully, FOR THE first time, SO everyone was very pleased.

(IN) AT THE BEGINNING OF September the nights become cold and frosty, (FOR) THEN the days are warm and windless.

The barge was still moving downstream, but SO slowly that it seemed motionless.

Pelageya was an (VERY) EXTREMELY open and kind person; (FOR) THAT is why they loved her in the village.

SOMEWHERE in the SOUTH (EAST) there was a battle going on.


Indicate all the numbers replaced by one letter N.

Old(1) lamps, textile(2) wallets, silver(3) knives and forks, old, dull Venetian glass - everything was thrown(4)by the surf of time onto this square, like waves throw seaweed and shells onto the shore and other sea debris.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) In the 15th century, both heavy cannons were used to siege fortresses and light guns in field battles.

2) The word expresses thoughts and can serve to connect and separate people.

3) Michelangelo depicted people with a powerful body and a strong will, brave and indomitable, calm and decisive.

4) In the crafty, mischievous and unusually lyrical voice of the Russian balalaika, one can hear the buffoonish prowess of the first musicians in Rus'.

5) Due to a combination of circumstances, after the revolution, Kuprin found himself in exile and for almost twenty years he passionately sought to return to Russia.


I saw all around me one boundless azure sea (1) all covered with small ripples of golden scales, and above my head the same boundless, same azure sky - and across it (2) triumphantly (3) and as if laughing (4) the gentle sun rolled.


Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Agronomists often use some qualities of living organisms for their own purposes. So (1) for example (2) in agriculture, some types of organisms serve to protect the crop from the harmful effects of others (3) that is, (4) they are a kind of biological guard.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The works of Kuindzhi, Polenov, Savrasov, Levitan (1) each (2) of which (3) aroused great interest among the audience (4) represented different directions within the unified framework of Russian realistic art


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

This long row seemed especially difficult to Levin (1) but (2) when the row was reached to the end (3) and Titus began to follow the tracks with slow steps (4) Levin followed his swath in the same way.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) At first the narrator felt sorry for giving things to charity.

2) According to the narrator, even in the age of iron horses there is still kindness in man.

3) No one throws away the Christmas tree before the New Year.

4) Seeing a snow woman from the window of his apartment, the narrator wanted to do a good deed for others.

5) The snow woman was crushed by a car.

(according to V. G. Popov*)

* Valery Georgievich Popov


Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentence 50 contains a description.

2) Sentence 34 lists the character’s sequential actions.

3) Sentences 35–38 present reasoning.

4) Sentences 46–48 present the narrative.

5) Proposition 49 contains the conclusion from sentence 48.

(1) There was no way to feel this winter, to enjoy it. (2) And suddenly he looked out the window and was delighted: in our yard, which had long since turned into a parking lot, there was a snow woman! (3) It’s standing, taking up the space of someone’s car, but it’s standing! (4) With a cheeky carrot nose, cheerful coal eyes and even painted lips and cheeks. (5) Beauty! (6) And she appeared just like a gift for the New Year, shortly before the end of the old one. (7) And this is a gift not only to me, but to everyone. (8) A symbol, albeit fragile, of good nature, tolerance, joy!

(9) Well, now you need to do something good yourself: not just get rid of it with words. (10) Otherwise, everyone is too busy to talk, but no one can do anything good themselves. (11) “I’ll take the clothes to some center that helps those in need!” – I decided. (12) There are so many things. (13) Anyway, I won’t have time to put everything on... (14) It’s time to do something not only for yourself, but also for people.

(15) He began to put his clothes in his bag. (16) It was a pity, of course, at first: every thing I once bought was a joy. (17) But once I’ve decided, go ahead. (18) Before continuing to get ready, I looked out the window once again to look at my inspiration for good deeds, and I froze.

(19) Then he even shook his head... (20) Where is the woman? (21) In her place (or rather,

on its own) there is a silver SUV, which, I remembered, has always stood here. (22) What kind of snowmen? (23) It seemed to me, old...

(24) No snow women! (25) The iron horse has long replaced the snow woman!

(26) My hands dropped. (27) Sat. (28) Then he still got up. (29) I’ll still pack my things. (30) Someone has their own tasks. (31) And I have my own.

(32) Once I decided to do a good deed, I will do it.

(33) When the bag was full, I decided to rest and take a walk.

(34) I went down the stairs, pressed the button, opened the iron door, went out into the yard, looked around it... (35) Yes. (36) No! (37) I dreamed, apparently, while asleep. (38) Who will give place to her these days, especially so fragile?

(39) I went to the trash compartment, naively hoping that they would take her there - and carefully, without breaking off her head... (40) “And this in an age when time is money? (41) I was daydreaming. (42) Quiet! – I thought on the way. (43) Of course, there was no snow woman near the tanks. (44) But there were Christmas trees there. (45) And I was even more upset: the New Year has not come, but they have already been thrown away... (46) They celebrate in the office - and the trees are taken out like garbage. (47) It's a shame.

(48) Has the holiday ended before it even began?

(49) After standing by the tanks and mentally lamenting, I went out to the embankment. (50) The ice on the Moika was convex, pockmarked white, as if it were not black water that had frozen, but white milk. (51) From this radiance, hot, caustic tears flowed sinuously down the cheeks, freezing and shrivelling the cheeks. (52) Or maybe out of resentment for that lack of kindness that nothing can make up for...

(53) It was cold to stand, so I ran back to the yard. (54) He ran up to his iron door and was stunned. (55) My snow woman is standing there! (56) How? (57) And so. (58) The other half has a door that is usually closed with a hook. (59) I didn’t notice this snowy beauty when I went out. (60) The main thing is that they placed it carefully - it means that the soul is still alive in people! (61) And, therefore, there is still hope for the best. (62) That kindness will not dry out in a person. (63) Even in the age of iron horses...

(according to V. G. Popov*)

* Valery Georgievich Popov(born in 1939)) is a modern Russian writer and screenwriter.

Source of text: MIOO: Training work No. 7 in the Russian language 05/13/2014 version RU00201.


Write out the antonyms from sentence 50.

(1) There was no way to feel this winter, to enjoy it. (2) And suddenly he looked out the window and was delighted: in our yard, which had long since turned into a parking lot, there was a snow woman! (3) It’s standing, taking up the space of someone’s car, but it’s standing! (4) With a cheeky carrot nose, cheerful coal eyes and even painted lips and cheeks. (5) Beauty! (6) And she appeared just like a gift for the New Year, shortly before the end of the old one. (7) And this is a gift not only to me, but to everyone. (8) A symbol, albeit fragile, of good nature, tolerance, joy!

(9) Well, now you need to do something good yourself: not just get rid of it with words. (10) Otherwise, everyone is too busy to talk, but no one can do anything good themselves. (11) “I’ll take the clothes to some center that helps those in need!” – I decided. (12) There are so many things. (13) Anyway, I won’t have time to put everything on... (14) It’s time to do something not only for yourself, but also for people.

(15) He began to put his clothes in his bag. (16) It was a pity, of course, at first: every thing I once bought was a joy. (17) But once I’ve decided, go ahead. (18) Before continuing to get ready, I looked out the window once again to look at my inspiration for good deeds, and I froze.

(19) Then he even shook his head... (20) Where is the woman? (21) In her place (or rather,

on its own) there is a silver SUV, which, I remembered, has always stood here. (22) What kind of snowmen? (23) It seemed to me, old...

(24) No snow women! (25) The iron horse has long replaced the snow woman!

(26) My hands dropped. (27) Sat. (28) Then he still got up. (29) I’ll still pack my things. (30) Someone has their own tasks. (31) And I have my own.

(32) Once I decided to do a good deed, I will do it.

(33) When the bag was full, I decided to rest and take a walk.

(34) I went down the stairs, pressed the button, opened the iron door, went out into the yard, looked around it... (35) Yes. (36) No! (37) I dreamed, apparently, while asleep. (38) Who will give place to her these days, especially so fragile?

(39) I went to the trash compartment, naively hoping that they would take her there - and carefully, without breaking off her head... (40) “And this in an age when time is money? (41) I was daydreaming. (42) Quiet! – I thought on the way. (43) Of course, there was no snow woman near the tanks. (44) But there were Christmas trees there. (45) And I was even more upset: the New Year has not come, but they have already been thrown away... (46) They celebrate in the office - and the trees are taken out like garbage. (47) It's a shame.

(48) Has the holiday ended before it even began?

(49) After standing by the tanks and mentally lamenting, I went out to the embankment. (50) The ice on the Moika was convex, pockmarked white, as if it were not black water that had frozen, but white milk. (51) From this radiance, hot, caustic tears flowed sinuously down the cheeks, freezing and shrivelling the cheeks. (52) Or maybe out of resentment for that lack of kindness that nothing can make up for...

(53) It was cold to stand, so I ran back to the yard. (54) He ran up to his iron door and was stunned. (55) My snow woman is standing there! (56) How? (57) And so. (58) The other half has a door that is usually closed with a hook. (59) I didn’t notice this snowy beauty when I went out. (60) The main thing is that they placed it carefully - it means that the soul is still alive in people! (61) And, therefore, there is still hope for the best. (62) That kindness will not dry out in a person. (63) Even in the age of iron horses...

(according to V. G. Popov*)

* Valery Georgievich Popov(born in 1939)) is a modern Russian writer and screenwriter.

Source of text: MIOO: Training work No. 7 in the Russian language 05/13/2014 version RU00201.

(5) Beauty!


Among sentences 39–48, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using an adversative conjunction and a demonstrative adverb. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

(1) There was no way to feel this winter, to enjoy it. (2) And suddenly he looked out the window and was delighted: in our yard, which had long since turned into a parking lot, there was a snow woman! (3) It’s standing, taking up the space of someone’s car, but it’s standing! (4) With a cheeky carrot nose, cheerful coal eyes and even painted lips and cheeks. (5) Beauty! (6) And she appeared just like a gift for the New Year, shortly before the end of the old one. (7) And this is a gift not only to me, but to everyone. (8) A symbol, albeit fragile, of good nature, tolerance, joy!

(9) Well, now you need to do something good yourself: not just get rid of it with words. (10) Otherwise, everyone is too busy to talk, but no one can do anything good themselves. (11) “I’ll take the clothes to some center that helps those in need!” – I decided. (12) There are so many things. (13) Anyway, I won’t have time to put everything on... (14) It’s time to do something not only for yourself, but also for people.

(15) He began to put his clothes in his bag. (16) It was a pity, of course, at first: every thing I once bought was a joy. (17) But once I’ve decided, go ahead. (18) Before continuing to get ready, I looked out the window once again to look at my inspiration for good deeds, and I froze.

(19) Then he even shook his head... (20) Where is the woman? (21) In her place (or rather,

on its own) there is a silver SUV, which, I remembered, has always stood here. (22) What kind of snowmen? (23) It seemed to me, old...

(24) No snow women! (25) The iron horse has long replaced the snow woman!

(26) My hands dropped. (27) Sat. (28) Then he still got up. (29) I’ll still pack my things. (30) Someone has their own tasks. (31) And I have my own.

(32) Once I decided to do a good deed, I will do it.

(33) When the bag was full, I decided to rest and take a walk.

(34) I went down the stairs, pressed the button, opened the iron door, went out into the yard, looked around it... (35) Yes. (36) No! (37) I dreamed, apparently, while asleep. (38) Who will give place to her these days, especially so fragile?

(39) I went to the trash compartment, naively hoping that they would take her there - and carefully, without breaking off her head... (40) “And this in an age when time is money? (41) I was daydreaming. (42) Quiet! – I thought on the way. (43) Of course, there was no snow woman near the tanks. (44) But there were Christmas trees there. (45) And I was even more upset: the New Year has not come, but they have already been thrown away... (46) They celebrate in the office - and the trees are taken out like garbage. (47) It's a shame.

(48) Has the holiday ended before it even began?

(49) After standing by the tanks and mentally lamenting, I went out to the embankment. (50) The ice on the Moika was convex, pockmarked white, as if it were not black water that had frozen, but white milk. (51) From this radiance, hot, caustic tears flowed sinuously down the cheeks, freezing and shrivelling the cheeks. (52) Or maybe out of resentment for that lack of kindness that nothing can make up for...

(53) It was cold to stand, so I ran back to the yard. (54) He ran up to his iron door and was stunned. (55) My snow woman is standing there! (56) How? (57) And so. (58) The other half has a door that is usually closed with a hook. (59) I didn’t notice this snowy beauty when I went out. (60) The main thing is that they placed it carefully - it means that the soul is still alive in people! (61) And, therefore, there is still hope for the best. (62) That kindness will not dry out in a person. (63) Even in the age of iron horses...

(according to V. G. Popov*)

* Valery Georgievich Popov(born in 1939)) is a modern Russian writer and screenwriter.

Source of text: MIOO: Training work No. 7 in the Russian language 05/13/2014 version RU00201.

(39) I went to the trash compartment, naively hoping that they would take her there - and carefully, without breaking off her head... (40) “And this in an age when time is money? (41) I was daydreaming. (42) Quiet! – I thought on the way. (43) Of course, there was no snow woman near the tanks. (44) But there were Christmas trees there. (45) And I was even more upset: the New Year has not come, but they have already been thrown away... (46) They celebrate in the office - and the trees are taken out like garbage. (47) It's a shame.

(48) Has the holiday ended before it even began?


Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“Valery Popov’s short story touches on very important issues for modern society. At the same time, the language of the narration is quite simple and often close to conversational, which creates the impression of a sincere, confidential monologue. Syntactic means such as (A)_____ (for example, sentences 61-63) and (B)_____ (sentences 24, 25, 36, 60) help the author reach the hearts of readers. Among the tropes, it should be noted (B)_____ (“a cheeky carrot nose, cheerful coal eyes”) and (D)_____ (sentences 46, 50).”

List of terms:

1) comparison

2) epithets

4) colloquial vocabulary

5) lexical repetition

6) parcellation

7) exclamatory sentences

8) metonymy

9) series of homogeneous members of a sentence

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


(1) There was no way to feel this winter, to enjoy it. (2) And suddenly he looked out the window and was delighted: in our yard, which had long since turned into a parking lot, there was a snow woman! (3) It’s standing, taking up the space of someone’s car, but it’s standing! (4) With a cheeky carrot nose, cheerful coal eyes and even painted lips and cheeks. (5) Beauty! (6) And she appeared just like a gift for the New Year, shortly before the end of the old one. (7) And this is a gift not only to me, but to everyone. (8) A symbol, albeit fragile, of good nature, tolerance, joy!

(9) Well, now you need to do something good yourself: not just get rid of it with words. (10) Otherwise, everyone is too busy to talk, but no one can do anything good themselves. (11) “I’ll take the clothes to some center that helps those in need!” – I decided. (12) There are so many things. (13) Anyway, I won’t have time to put everything on... (14) It’s time to do something not only for yourself, but also for people.

(15) He began to put his clothes in his bag. (16) It was a pity, of course, at first: every thing I once bought was a joy. (17) But once I’ve decided, go ahead. (18) Before continuing to get ready, I looked out the window once again to look at my inspiration for good deeds, and I froze.

(19) Then he even shook his head... (20) Where is the woman? (21) In her place (or rather,

on its own) there is a silver SUV, which, I remembered, has always stood here. (22) What kind of snowmen? (23) It seemed to me, old...

(24) No snow women! (25) The iron horse has long replaced the snow woman!

(26) My hands dropped. (27) Sat. (28) Then he still got up. (29) I’ll still pack my things. (30) Someone has their own tasks. (31) And I have my own.

(32) Once I decided to do a good deed, I will do it.

(33) When the bag was full, I decided to rest and take a walk.

(34) I went down the stairs, pressed the button, opened the iron door, went out into the yard, looked around it... (35) Yes. (36) No! (37) I dreamed, apparently, while asleep. (38) Who will give place to her these days, especially so fragile?

(39) I went to the trash compartment, naively hoping that they would take her there - and carefully, without breaking off her head... (40) “And this in an age when time is money? (41) I was daydreaming. (42) Quiet! – I thought on the way. (43) Of course, there was no snow woman near the tanks. (44) But there were Christmas trees there. (45) And I was even more upset: the New Year has not come, but they have already been thrown away... (46) They celebrate in the office - and the trees are taken out like garbage. (47) It's a shame.

(48) Has the holiday ended before it even began?

(49) After standing by the tanks and mentally lamenting, I went out to the embankment. (50) The ice on the Moika was convex, pockmarked white, as if it were not black water that had frozen, but white milk. (51) From this radiance, hot, caustic tears flowed sinuously down the cheeks, freezing and shrivelling the cheeks. (52) Or maybe out of resentment for that lack of kindness that nothing can make up for...

(53) It was cold to stand, so I ran back to the yard. (54) He ran up to his iron door and was stunned. (55) My snow woman is standing there! (56) How? (57) And so. (58) The other half has a door that is usually closed with a hook. (59) I didn’t notice this snowy beauty when I went out. (60) The main thing is that they placed it carefully - it means that the soul is still alive in people! (61) And, therefore, there is still hope for the best. (62) That kindness will not dry out in a person. (63) Even in the age of iron horses...

(according to V. G. Popov*)

* Valery Georgievich Popov(born in 1939)) is a modern Russian writer and screenwriter.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) There was no way to feel this winter, to enjoy it. (2) And suddenly he looked out the window and was delighted: in our yard, which had long since turned into a parking lot, there was a snow woman! (3) It’s standing, taking up the space of someone’s car, but it’s standing! (4) With a cheeky carrot nose, cheerful coal eyes and even painted lips and cheeks. (5) Beauty! (6) And she appeared just like a gift for the New Year, shortly before the end of the old one. (7) And this is a gift not only to me, but to everyone. (8) A symbol, albeit fragile, of good nature, tolerance, joy!

(9) Well, now you need to do something good yourself: not just get rid of it with words. (10) Otherwise, everyone is too busy to talk, but no one can do anything good themselves. (11) “I’ll take the clothes to some center that helps those in need!” – I decided. (12) There are so many things. (13) Anyway, I won’t have time to put everything on... (14) It’s time to do something not only for yourself, but also for people.

(15) He began to put his clothes in his bag. (16) It was a pity, of course, at first: every thing I once bought was a joy. (17) But once I’ve decided, go ahead. (18) Before continuing to get ready, I looked out the window once again to look at my inspiration for good deeds, and I froze.

(19) Then he even shook his head... (20) Where is the woman? (21) In her place (or rather,

on its own) there is a silver SUV, which, I remembered, has always stood here. (22) What kind of snowmen? (23) It seemed to me, old...

(24) No snow women! (25) The iron horse has long replaced the snow woman!

(26) My hands dropped. (27) Sat. (28) Then he still got up. (29) I’ll still pack my things. (30) Someone has their own tasks. (31) And I have my own.

(32) Once I decided to do a good deed, I will do it.

(33) When the bag was full, I decided to rest and take a walk.

(34) I went down the stairs, pressed the button, opened the iron door, went out into the yard, looked around it... (35) Yes. (36) No! (37) I dreamed, apparently, while asleep. (38) Who will give place to her these days, especially so fragile?

(39) I went to the trash compartment, naively hoping that they would take her there - and carefully, without breaking off her head... (40) “And this in an age when time is money? (41) I was daydreaming. (42) Quiet! – I thought on the way. (43) Of course, there was no snow woman near the tanks. (44) But there were Christmas trees there. (45) And I was even more upset: the New Year has not come, but they have already been thrown away... (46) They celebrate in the office - and the trees are taken out like garbage. (47) It's a shame.

(48) Has the holiday ended before it even began?

(49) After standing by the tanks and mentally lamenting, I went out to the embankment. (50) The ice on the Moika was convex, pockmarked white, as if it were not black water that had frozen, but white milk. (51) From this radiance, hot, caustic tears flowed sinuously down the cheeks, freezing and shrivelling the cheeks. (52) Or maybe out of resentment for that lack of kindness that nothing can make up for...

(53) It was cold to stand, so I ran back to the yard. (54) He ran up to his iron door and was stunned. (55) My snow woman is standing there! (56) How? (57) And so. (58) The other half has a door that is usually closed with a hook. (59) I didn’t notice this snowy beauty when I went out. (60) The main thing is that they placed it carefully - it means that the soul is still alive in people! (61) And, therefore, there is still hope for the best. (62) That kindness will not dry out in a person. (63) Even in the age of iron horses...

(according to V. G. Popov*)

* Valery Georgievich Popov(born in 1939)) is a modern Russian writer and screenwriter.