Is it difficult to keep track? Actions that devastate the body. What spoils a post and what not to do

In 2018, Ramadan begins on May 16 and will last until June 14. Unlike Christians, Muslims do not eat food at all for a month. Drinking is also prohibited. Among all Muslim holidays, Bayram is one of the most important.

Post history

Fasting in the month of Ramadan was prescribed in the month of Sha'ban, in the second year of Hijri. The very phenomenon of fasting took place before Islam; it was prescribed by the Almighty and previous peoples, as well as among the Ahl al-kitab (Jews and Christians) who lived during the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

Allah said in the Quran (meaning): “O you who believe! Allah has prescribed fasting for you too, just as He ordered those peoples who lived before you to observe it. By observing it, you will become God-fearing" (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 183).

A distinctive feature in the observance of obligatory fasting between Muslims and former communities is that Muslims are required to observe it specifically in the month of Ramadan.

Meals during Eid in Ramadan take place according to the calendar

The evening Iftar meal can be held after the end of the evening Maghrib prayer. At this time, you can drink water and eat dates. Later it will be possible to eat other food permitted by Islam (halal). And breakfast Suhur should be completed 30 minutes before the morning prayer of Fajr. In this case, the faithful will receive a more generous reward from Allah.

It is better to prepare food in the evening, so as not to fuss in the early morning. In order to avoid hunger and thirst during the long daylight hours, it is recommended to eat nutritious but bland foods - cereals or boiled meat, dairy products and fruits. It is not advisable to eat alone during these meals. It is better to spend time with family and loved ones.

Conditions necessary for the validity of a post

- Islam. The fast of a non-Muslim is invalid.

- Sanity. Thus, the fast of an insane person and a child under the age of Tamyiz (approximately 6 years) is invalid. The fast of a child who has reached the age of Tamyiz is obtained. And when a child reaches the age of seven, he must be taught to fast and punished for failure to fast from the age of 10, as well as for failure to perform the obligatory five-fold prayer.

– There are no reasons preventing one from fasting. Similar reasons are: menstrual or postpartum discharge, loss of consciousness or insanity during the entire daylight period.

Who should not fast?

From an Islamic point of view, minor children, the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers may not fast. But from a medical point of view, it is impossible to keep track of complex forms of diseases - diabetes, stomach ulcers, chronic heart failure, ischemia, vascular disease, thrombosis. Pregnant women can reschedule for a later date. And those who do not have the opportunity to fast or this is impossible for health reasons can feed one person in need every day, that is, give sadaqah fidiyya.

What not to do during Lent

Do not pronounce intentions;

Consume food intentionally;

Drink intentionally;

Smoking and inhaling smoking smoke intentionally;

Engage in intimacy, indulge in handjobs;

Allow yourself idle entertainment;

Use of medications that require rectal or vaginal application;

Induce spontaneous vomiting;

Swallow any separated mucus that gets into the throat.

Most of our readers in these hot days are fulfilling one of the main pillars of Islam - keeping their spirits up. Of course, they are all interested in issues of proper nutrition, fortunately there is plenty to choose from. What do nutritionists recommend to eat or completely exclude from your diet?

In the first days of Ramadan, the duration of abstinence from eating will be about 20 hours, and therefore it is necessary to eat foods that contain a significant amount of fiber. These types of products include cereals and legumes, for example, barley, millet, oats, millet, lentils, brown rice, as well as wholemeal flour and all dishes that are prepared from them.

In addition, foods that are rich in fiber include crushed wheat grains, vegetables, green peas, zucchini, corn, spinach, beet leaves, which contain many iron elements, fruits and berries, almonds, dried apricots, figs and plums.

The morning menu of a person who keeps his spirits up must certainly consist of berries and fruits, vegetables, as well as dishes prepared from meat and fish, bread and some dairy products.

During fasting, nutritionists advise not to complicate the menu with culinary delights and give preference to various light dishes, especially salads from berries and fruits, as well as vegetables. You can season them with vegetable oil and yogurt. Such salads do not irritate the gastric mucosa and improve the digestion process. Soups and broths made from vegetables, fish, lean beef and chicken are healthy. Potato dishes and mashed peas are well digested by the stomach. You should refrain from fried meat and fish, replacing them with stewed chicken or steamed cutlets. Such dishes are well digestible and rich in vitamins.

Experts recommend eating porridge made from buckwheat, rice, and millet in the morning. It should be noted that well-cooked cereals have protective properties for the gastric mucosa. Eating peaches, bananas, apples and pears, which are rich in various beneficial microelements, is encouraged.

During iftar, you should not try to quickly fill your stomach with liquid and food. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) began iftar by eating dates, and then read the prayer. The sugar contained in dates gave a person a feeling of fullness. In addition, dates are known as fruits that give a person strength and restore energy expended during the day.

If you break your fast with dishes made from meat and vegetables and at the same time eat a lot of bread, then it will take a long time for the stomach to absorb them and convert some of these ingredients into sugar.

And for dinner, nutritionists advise preparing dietary low-calorie dishes from vegetables, fish and dairy products and not getting too carried away with meat dishes.

Due to the fact that the weather is hot like summer, it is recommended to drink 2-3 liters of water after iftar. Nutritionists call for excluding carbonated drinks from the menu, including Fanta and Pepsi, and replacing them with natural juices, mineral water and herbal tea. In the process of preparing dishes, it is recommended to carefully select spices and dose the use of onions, garlic, cilantro, cumin and mustard, as they stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid in the body, which helps improve appetite, but this can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. We must remember that if you eat salty and heavily spiced food during Suhoor, you will feel thirsty all day afterwards.

The Holy month of Ramadan is approaching, and with it the holiday - the time of obligatory fasting, prescribed by Allah to every believer in the Koran. The Word of God clearly testifies to this:

“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you" (2:183).

We asked the doctor and scientist, candidate of medical sciences, assistant at the department of faculty therapy of the Belarusian State Medical University, NAILYA SAKHAUTDINOVA, one of the employees of the Research Center for the Study of the Koran “Nur,” to reveal the benefits of uraza from the point of view of medicine.

Nailya Rifovna, as you know, there are no clear criteria in Islam, it simply says that you cannot fast to the detriment of your health, that a sick person can skip fasting and make up for it later, or, if the illness is incurable, feed the poor for each day of fasting. How exactly to determine this boundary when you should no longer fast?

The question is not easy. In order to answer it, it is necessary to explain what uraza is, because it is not only abstinence from food. Other components of fasting are no less important. The Muslim Eid consists of three parts: physical fasting - when the body fasts from material food; spiritual fasting - abstinence from temptations such as smoking and sexual abstinence; and fasting of the mind - when a person’s mind fasts from the vain information of the material world - from gossip, newspapers, TV, etc., and works with the Koran - a Book, every line of which is full of deep meaning and enduring wisdom! And if you look at this from a medical point of view, then these three parts of the post correspond to three types of biorhythms: physical, emotional and intellectual. It must be said that of the entire variety of biorhythmic processes occurring in the human body, it is these three individual multi-day biorhythms that are of greatest importance to it, determining its physical capabilities, emotional (mental) state, and intellectual (reasonable) abilities. Physical biorhythm determines the state of the body - the ups and downs of physical activity, its performance, endurance, self-confidence, and the body's resistance to disease.

The emotional (spiritual) biorhythm controls mental health, creativity and perception of the outside world, determines a person’s emotional state, the quality of perception of the outside world, reaction speed, and mood. I’d like to point out right away that physical and emotional biorhythms have the greatest impact on the well-being and condition of the human body, so the mood also improves health. The healing effect of short-term fasting is based on the stress mechanism. Stress causes a transition from daytime to nighttime eating. This, in turn, activates the immune system. There is a hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad (sw) said: “Eid is a shield for a person” (Bukhari), and strong immunity protects a person from diseases! And it helps to cope with existing ones. Today, doctors also recommend cascade / short-term and cyclical / therapeutic fasting, since long-term abstinence from food, on the contrary, suppresses the immune system.

And the last type of biorhythms is intellectual (reasonable) - a wave rise and fall of mental activity. It regulates the functions of logical and analytical thinking, memory, intelligence, receptivity to knowledge and academic performance.
By the end of the season, these three biorhythms begin to work harmoniously and reach the climax of their action. Then the dormant capabilities of a person in the sphere of his intellectual, spiritual and physical powers are revealed. Moreover, for some in all three areas, but more often in one of them - in the one to which the person gravitates more in everyday life. For example, an athlete can set a new record, and a person prone to intellectual activity can solve a complex problem that he cannot solve in normal times.

If a Muslim, for some objective reason, cannot abstain from food and drink, then he should focus on other components of fasting, this will cleanse his mind and soul and normalize his biorhythms. Here it is difficult to give any specific recommendation when you can fast and when you can’t. Everyone determines for themselves intuitively, turning to Allah.

Apparently, the connection between uraza and biorhythms explains the fact that after it we become stronger and more cheerful, and the body seems to rejuvenate, becoming easier to rise to the occasion?

Yes. Japanese scientists have found that the most powerful biorhythm driver is food intake. They tracked this using the example of jet lag that occurs during long intercontinental flights, when many people cannot get used to the new time for a long time and suffer from insomnia. So, it turned out that when Japanese pilots began to eat according to the Japanese clock, while abroad, all biorhythm disorders disappeared. In fact, the Japanese revealed the medical basis of uraza: uraza is a change in human biorhythms. After all, when it is morning in Japan, then, say, in America it is evening. Therefore, when eating according to the Japanese clock on the other side of the Earth, they feed there at night. And uraza is eating at night. And uraza helps you quickly adapt to the change in biorhythms!

The second most powerful driver of biorhythms is illumination. The same insomnia with jet lag occurs as a result of overwork of the body due to the change in the time of day and night (i.e. extension of the day). This leads to a conflict between two forms of sleep - deep and so-called REM sleep. In this case, there is a disruption in the functioning of the human “internal clock” mechanism, which depends on the onset of day and night. However, if the first type of sleep, in which the deep cells of the brain are involved, very quickly get used to an unexpected and significant change in standard time, then the nerve centers of the REM sleep phase take up to a week to get used to the new schedule of the temporary arrival of daylight hours, when biorhythms mirror their phase: from “plus” to “minus”. But it is not the new phase itself that is dangerous, but the moment of transition. At this time, all three types of biorhythms converge at one point on the “zero line”. Such a triple crisis is stressful for the body and is especially difficult to experience. And it’s not the flight itself that’s hard, but the whole next week: the person walks like a zombie. During the fast, we also change the phase of biorhythms from “solar” to “lunar” due to eating at night, thereby compensating for the moment of their transition from “plus” to “minus”. And while scientists are looking for a medicine that will “help” the nerve cells of the fast phase of sleep quickly adapt to new conditions, we have a more natural remedy for this: Muslim fasting - as a shield against stress resulting from a sharp change in biorhythms. At least a day in advance, simply change your meal intake from daytime to nighttime, and then after long flights you will not be tormented by insomnia and malaise.

And training the body’s biorhythms during the fast causes an immune explosion, which rejuvenates us. In general, according to the canons of Islam, we keep our spirits up in order to come to life, that is, to give dynamism to our sluggish biorhythms that fade away throughout the year, to “shake up” them.

What diseases can be a contraindication to fasting and require consultation with a doctor before Ramadan?

From a medical point of view, there are diseases for which it is undesirable to fast. First of all, this is insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Then, I would not advise abstaining from food and water for patients with coronary heart disease and third stage hypertension, especially in the heat. Because in such patients, due to insufficient fluid intake, dehydration, blood thickening and, as a result, complications can occur - myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accident. Of course, there are many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract when uraza is contraindicated: these are peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum in the active stage, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, acute hepatitis.

Fasting is also undesirable during periods of any acute infectious diseases, especially intestinal infections, when the risk of dehydration is high. In general, if you have any chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor. And then, being sure that fasting will not harm your health, you can keep your spirits up.

How to properly organize your daily routine during fasting to make it easier to endure fasting, because in the summer there are long and hot days?

Regarding the daily routine, it is probably difficult to give any universal recommendations, because we are all different, some work during the day, some work the night shift, and some are at home all day. In the heat, of course, it is undesirable to stay under the scorching rays of the sun. You must walk with your head covered (this also applies to men). To avoid overheating, clothing should be loose and only made from natural materials. You can take cool showers more often.

How much fluid should you drink and when is the best time to do it? Immediately after iftar or later? And after all, drinking at night is harmful, how can you manage to drink enough water to avoid dehydration? How much should you drink in the morning during Suhoor? How to “retain” fluid in the body so that it lasts throughout the day?

A person needs at least 1 liter of liquid per day. In hot weather, of course, this figure is higher - up to 2.5 liters, since a lot of water is excreted through sweat. I would not recommend drinking all the liquid at one time after iftar; it is better to distribute it evenly. During Suhoor, it is not advisable to drink coffee and strong tea. On the contrary, they increase thirst. In order to avoid severe thirst, it is better to avoid various delicacies; they usually contain too much salt, and also various harmful additives.
It is better to drink 1-2 glasses of clean water 15-30 minutes before meals, and after meals - herbal or weak green tea.

What symptoms should alert you and force you to break your fast and see a doctor, and which symptoms can be tolerated by simply lying down and resting?

Abstaining from food is often accompanied by weakness, fatigue, and slight drowsiness. This state can be considered normal for a fasting person. There may be slight dizziness, then it is better to lie down and rest. If dizziness intensifies, spots appear before the eyes, or severe weakness, then it is better to interrupt the bout, drink sweet tea, lie down, these are symptoms of low blood pressure.

If there is a growing headache (usually localized in the forehead), nausea, excruciating thirst, severe dryness in the mouth and throat, muscle pain, cramps, body temperature rises, changes in behavior appear - sudden agitation or, conversely, drowsiness. At the same time, the skin easily gathers into folds that slowly straighten out, and sunken eyeballs are signs of severe dehydration that require emergency care. Of course, in this case it is necessary to interrupt the revelry and urgently call a doctor.

If a person constantly takes any medications, can they be taken at night?

It all depends on what medications he takes and how many times a day. If, for example, the medicine is intended to be taken once a day, you can take it during Suhoor or Iftar, but always at the same time. If the drug is prescribed 4-5 times a day, then it is impossible to postpone the dose overnight, since for successful treatment it is necessary that the concentration of the drug in the blood be the same throughout the day. And if it is vital for a person to constantly take these medications, then in this case it is not recommended for him to keep his spirits up.

A question that concerns many women: during fasting, weight gain often occurs due to a change in diet. How to deal with this?

During the fast you can either gain or lose weight. Weight gain is often associated with excess food intake after six in the evening. This is how our body works: everything we eat for breakfast is used up during the day, and what we eat for dinner is stored as fat. First of all, you need to tune in to the fact that uraza is a cleansing, and during this period, usually all the excess that has accumulated over the year in the human body burns out. Uraza also helps restore impaired functions, so women should not be afraid of weight gain, gradually everything will return to normal.

In order to make fasting easier and without harm to health, it is recommended to eat light food, without excesses. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a must, as fiber helps get rid of accumulated toxins. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) recommended breaking the fast with one, three or five dates, washed down with water. By light food we mean those that are easily absorbed by the body, i.e. predominantly plant-based.
This also includes all kinds of cereals - they carry the required amount of calories. It’s not for nothing that porridge has been prepared for breakfast since time immemorial. It gives you a charge for the whole day. A sufficient amount of protein can be provided through fermented milk products, cheese, and nuts. But it’s better not to overindulge in deli meats. Meat requires energy expenditure for absorption and additional amounts of water, and also contributes to the accumulation of toxins, so after eating meat you always want to drink more. For this reason, it is during fasting that you should eat less meat. Previously, meat was eaten only on holidays, but in our time it has become present in the daily diet.

And, of course, it is necessary to observe the basic principles of a healthy diet: this is the rejection of refined products, in which there is nothing useful left - bread and confectionery products made from premium flour, white rice, white sugar, refined vegetable oil, etc. The hadith says: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) did not see white bread since the Almighty sent it to people until the Almighty took it to Himself.” Since the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself did not eat white bread, it means that all of us are not recommended to eat it - to maintain our own health. It is better to eat grain bread, as well as sprouted grains of any cereals (talkan), which are also useful in combination with fermented milk products.

If possible, give preference to natural products rather than those sold in supermarkets. Avoid consuming fatty, fried foods, margarine, food additives, caffeine (strong tea and coffee).

As you know, pregnant and lactating women are allowed not to fast if they fear for their health. But some still decide and keep the fast. Do you think that if a woman feels good, can she fast?

I think that if the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) allowed women not to fast during pregnancy and breastfeeding, then there is a good reason for this. As a doctor, I would recommend taking the issue of urine seriously, especially during the hot summer months, when there is a high risk of dehydration not only for the mother, but also for the fetus. After all, you can focus on other components of fasting - cleansing the soul and mind.

Participation in charity is encouraged. After all, even in our time, how many people around us are starving! But every Muslim woman is free to make her own decision. And everything is the will of Allah.

At the end of the fast, do you need to somehow gradually change your diet and daily routine, or can you immediately return to your usual schedule?

From my own experience, I will say that it is difficult to immediately return to the usual schedule, but within a few days, as a rule, everything returns to normal. It should be noted here that nutrition is the most important biological factor on which the development of all functions of the human body largely depends. No wonder they say: a person is what he eats. And the main thing is to observe moderation in food, not only during the fast season. The prohibition of excess in food is contained in the verse of the Koran:

“ and drink, but do not excess” (7:31).

If such a diet becomes the norm for a person, then he will maintain his health and the stress will be easier to bear.

I asked

correspondent for Muslim Magazine.

Rules of fasting: how to keep Uraz during the month of Ramadan

If, out of forgetfulness, you eat something inappropriate, you will need to make up for it.

“If people knew all the advantages of the month of Ramadan, they would wish it to last a whole year,” quotes the Prophet’s hadith, the head of the dagwat direction of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Republic of Tajikistan. Niyaz hazrat Sabirov. He spoke about some of the nuances of fasting in the month of Ramadan.

- Who and from what age should keep the fast?

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam, that is, one of the duties assigned to every Muslim by Allah Almighty. The noble Quran says: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may fear God.” Every sane adult Muslim is obliged to fast. It is not necessary for a child, an insane person, or a person who has lost consciousness to fast, since these persons are not able to comply with the instructions. The Prophet said: “The pen is lifted from three people (deeds are not recorded): from a child who has not reached the age of majority, from someone who has lost his mind until he comes to his senses, from a sleeping person until he wakes up.”

- According to Muslim estimates, at what age can girls and boys be considered adults?

- For whom is fasting optional?

For the sick and travelers, fasting is not fard, but if they fast, their fast is considered valid. Also, failure to fast is not fard for the elderly, women in the state of haida (menstruation) and nifas (postpartum state), pregnant women, nursing mothers, if they are afraid of harming the child. In the future, they will need to compensate for these days at a time convenient for them.

- What about those who for some reason did not fast?

As atonement for the inability to keep the fast due to health reasons and if it is impossible to make up for it on another day, a fidiya has been established - for each missed day a minimum of 200 rubles. In case of inability to pay this amount, its obligation subsides.

- Is it true that during fasting it is allowed to rinse your mouth with water?

Yes it's true. During ablution, you need to rinse your mouth. However, you need to be careful about water getting inside. Otherwise, the fast of that day will be invalid and will need to be completed at another time. People often ask whether it is possible to use toothpaste. Abstinence will be more favorable. There is a possibility that the paste will remain in the mouth and get ingested. The Prophet used a miswak (a small stick for cleaning teeth made from the root of the tree Salvadora persica, Arak and some other trees).

In one of his recent posts on Instagram, the Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Hazrat Samigullin wrote that eating food and sexual intercourse due to forgetfulness do not break the fast. How can this be explained?

It is human nature to forget, anything can happen. Yes, due to forgetfulness a person can eat something inappropriate. For example, a child shares his food with a parent, and the parent eats a small piece. This will not break his fast. If a person does this consciously, then in addition to making up for this day, as atonement he must fast for another 60 days in a row or feed 60 needy people.



How to choose the right Christmas tree

It's time to decide - artificial or real. Let's look at the pros and cons of the two options.

Christmas markets have already opened. The needles for them are supplied from tree nurseries of Tatarstan and neighboring regions - Mari El and the Kirov region. The minimum price for trees is about 500 rubles. What to choose? This question plagues everyone who comes to the market. The tree is fluffy and beautiful, but pine has such a scent! You want to enjoy not only the view, but also the smell.

“There can be no pests in our Christmas trees”

The worst thing that can happen when buying natural spruce or pine is that it becomes infested with pests or mold. It’s unpleasant when a tree that has just been cut down in the forest suddenly begins to come to life in the form of larvae or bark beetles crawling out from under the bark, deciding to survive another winter in the trunk. The appearance of mold on wood can cause allergies, especially in children.

It is impossible to determine the quality of the green beauty that is being offered to you. You will have to take the seller’s word that he brought all his goods, purchasing them from an organization that has the right to grow spruce and pine trees for sale. In the republic, this role is assigned to forestry - the plantation area is 345 hectares.

This year, the Ministry of Forestry of Tatarstan will auction approximately 17 thousand spruce trees and 43 tons of coniferous paws. This is quite enough to meet the demand for New Year's beauties in the republic.

We can say with confidence that there are no pests in the coniferous trees grown on the plantations of the republic. Because all plantings, especially during the period of active activity of insects that attack trees, are constantly monitored, and they are also treated with special protective equipment, the Ministry of Forestry of Tatarstan assured.

In addition, the department does not recommend that Tatarstan residents engage in self-cutting of trees during the remaining pre-New Year days. Forestry enterprises of the republic have already organized patrols of their lands - severe punishment awaits any violators.

Ordinary citizens can be fined 3-4 thousand rubles, officials - 20-40 thousand rubles, legal entities - 200-300 thousand rubles. In addition to the administrative penalty, the felled tree will also be confiscated.

Pros: spruce branches are located more often than pine, which means you can decorate in a more interesting way.

Spruce is the cheapest in the coniferous range.

Cons: crumbles quickly, smells for the first couple of days.

Price - from 500 rubles.


Pros: drought-resistant, given that the apartments have central heating. This is important because you won’t have to constantly spray.

Less crumbling means less hassle with cleaning.

Pine smells more fragrant than spruce.

Cons: sparse branches, does not look as impressive as a Christmas tree.

Price - from 700 rubles.


Pros: fir needles are soft and not prickly at all, if there are small children in the house, this is important.

The fir does not fall off.

Fir exudes an incredible aroma - it smells superior to all its coniferous relatives.

There is one minus, but a very significant one - the cost.

Price - from 2,000 rubles.

If you want the coniferous tree to last longer and smell more fragrant, you need to “plant” it in a bucket of wet sand and periodically water it with hot (!) water.

When buying a Christmas tree in a tub, first “acclimatize” it for a couple of days on the balcony, in the garage or in the entrance, where the temperature is higher than outside, but lower than in the room. Do not fertilize the tree during the New Year holidays - it may begin to grow and may not survive the subsequent “freezing” until spring.

Artificial trees release toxins

Of course, instead of a living forest beauty, you can buy an artificial one. Its advantage is its shelf life. A plastic product serves its owner not for several weeks and then loses its luster, but for several years. The only trouble is that, like everything artificially created, such a spruce is fraught with danger to humans.

Polyvinyl chloride, from which almost all modern artificial Christmas trees are made, emits gases that irritate mucous membranes. But that's not the worst thing. Much more dangerous are lead, tin or barium, which are added to products for fire resistance. These metals release phthalates, an essential component found in perfumes and nail polish. Of course, no one specifically adds barium or lead to plastic. There is a lot of it in the environment. These heavy metals are present in Christmas trees as raw materials. Although, according to chemists, PVC products cause harm to humans no more than what every city resident receives when breathing exhaust fumes on the street.

The buyer should be wary of:

- “chemical” smell;

The needles fall off when you move your hand against the grain;

You also need to pay attention to the stability of the model, especially if it is higher than one and a half meters. The most reliable is a metal cross-shaped stand.

The most expensive are considered to be cast spruce trees made from PVC film - each branch has a unique shape, which determines the realism of the tree. A novelty in recent years is Christmas trees with fiber optics. The tips of the needles glow; such a tree doesn’t even need garlands. The most popular and inexpensive option is a design made of steel tubes with branches made of polyethylene or fluffy fishing line wound on wire.

Pros: durability and environmental benefits.

Minus: no pine smell.

Price - from 1,500 to 35 thousand rubles.

How to keep your spirits up during pancreatitis. Fasting fasting, rules of fasting fasting fasting fasting fasting for illnesses, fasting fasting for pancreatitis. Uraza 2014, beginning and end of Uraza.

A very serious topic about pancreatitis. Is it worth keeping, is it possible? Consequences of the attack.

Uraz and pancreatitis, diabetes and other diseases would seem to be incompatible, and it is said that if you cannot keep the fast, then feed at least the poor in 1 day of fast.

But in fact, it all depends on the condition of your body, the pancreas and other organs.

If the state wants to leave the best, then it’s not worth it, but if you think that fasting is simply necessary for you, then it will only benefit you.

But I want to warn you, if you are trying to stay on track during pancreatitis, diabetes and other serious diseases, then try to eat lightly without overeating.

During an emergency with pancreatitis and diabetes, you need to eat more raw, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, and nuts. Because raw fruits and nuts have living cells and that is why all raw vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, etc. can self-digest without disturbing the pancreas.

This kind of therapy will be beneficial for pancreatitis and diabetes. The main thing is to eat raw, unheated fruits, greens, nuts and DON’T OVEREAT! even them.

It is very difficult to restrain yourself from overeating during meals. I want to eat everything, but my stomach won’t accept it. So it’s better to eat first of all what is healthy and will not disturb the pancreas. This is, as I already said, sweet juices and fruits at the beginning of meals, instead of teas with milk and raw vegetables, fruits and nuts.

If you can’t bear it and really want boiled food, then try to eat it in a ratio of 30:70. Where 30% is boiled food, and 70% is raw fresh vegetable salads, fruits, nuts, dried fruits.

Avoid meat completely, especially during the fast. It is the meat that releases the products of rotting. Read more about this here in the chapter on meat for pancreatitis.

But in general, if you have a stable remission (the subsidence of the disease), then with the help of Uraza, you can even treat pancreatitis and diabetes, provided that you eat in a ratio of 30:70 and do not overeat. Eat best raw, fresh fruits and SLOWLY, within the allowed time for meals.

How to keep your spirits up?

Uraza is a fast in the name of Allah! This is the most important thing in Uraz. If you are ready for this, then do it, if not, then at least try (from 1-3 days). The most important thing that people are afraid of when starting to fast is that they are afraid of not being able to withstand so many days of fasting.

No. In fact, a lot of people are fasting and no one has ever died from hunger during a fast. You need to understand yourself, most likely this is not fear, but an unwillingness to deny yourself, your needs - tasty food, timely drinking, etc.

Actually, look at it differently. In reality, you are not denying yourself food, etc. you are simply postponing the time for taking it until the evening and morning.

Those. you will eat and drink what you wanted only a little later - in the evening and in the morning. It will only take a little effort not to look at it, to take your eyes off what you want and be distracted, to switch your attention to something else. And reassure yourself that you will also eat or drink this, but only later, in the evening.

But there are a lot of advantages from fasting, and the very first among them is the natural cleansing of the body, i.e. For postponing your meal until the evening, you gain health.

And in the morning, before the start of the day, you will definitely have some food. So there is no particular smell of hunger here. It smells more like the ability to abstain from certain delights that harm us more than benefit us. But then you begin to understand such things only when you keep your wits about you.

Everything that seems so scary during the uraza is not so scary in reality. You just have to decide and try. At least for the sake of your own health! And when you also include the intention that you will keep the fast for the sake of the Almighty, then He helps and rewards you for keeping the fast in His name!

Now some more basic rules for observing the fasting season.

Uraz post.

Eid is the holiest month for Muslims. At this time, the gates of heaven open and the gates of hell close. During this month, the devils are tied so that they do not harm Muslims or lead them astray from the path of truth.

This month increases the chances of being forgiven and the opportunity to tip the scales of your actions towards good. To do this, you need to repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness from the Almighty. Try to do as many good deeds as possible: read the Koran, namaz, give saadaka, feed the poor, help and please loved ones and others.

Refrain from the forbidden and undesirable and do not forget that the reward for good deeds, as well as the punishment for committing evil deeds, increases millions of times this month.

According to the hadith of the Prophet, the Almighty rewards His servant tenfold and even 700 times or more for good deeds. “Fasting is observed for My sake,” says the Almighty, “and I reward it.”

That is, the reward for fasting increases countless times, and only Allah knows the count of this.

During Ramadan, show respect to fasting Muslims. During the day on the streets you can often see people with a cigarette in their mouth, gnawing on sunflower seeds, drinking and chewing something. Such a neglectful attitude towards fasting is a great sin, not to mention a manifestation of bad manners and lack of culture.

A good example is the following example from the book Nuzhat ul Majalis, which shows that respect for those who are fasting is also piety.

A certain majusi (fire worshiper) lived in the Muslim quarter. One day during the month of Ramadan, he saw his son eating on the street. Majusi called his son home and punished him for disrespecting Muslims who were fasting.

Some time after the death of Majusi, one good alim saw him in a dream in Paradise on the throne. Alim asked him: “You weren’t a Muslim, how did you end up in Paradise?” He replied: “When I was on my deathbed, the Almighty instilled in me the formula of Monotheism. Having said it and believed, I went to the Creator as a Muslim.”

Remember, fasting (uraza) is abstinence not only from food and drink, but also from sins of the tongue (foul language) and other organs of the body. Don’t speak badly about anyone, don’t do anything bad (out of lust), but on the contrary, try to do more good this month.

How to control yourself during fasting times

To be able to restrain yourself during a prayer, you need to take your eyes, ears, and thoughts away from the forbidden. To do this, if you see something seductive, look away and think about something else that soothes your soul. If you are a beginner, then think about the fact that you can do this too, but later in the evening.

During the fast, the eyes must be protected from looking at what is prohibited, from looking at everything that can disrupt the fast.

The tongue must be protected from lies, arguments, remembering another person with an unkind word, from useless and unnecessary conversations.

Hearing must be protected from lies, slander, disputes, and remembering another person with an unkind word, i.e., it is necessary to move away from places where meaningless conversations are taking place.

Feet must be protected from going to prohibited places in order to do prohibited, unwanted, unnecessary things.

Hands must be protected from doing illegal, unwanted, unnecessary things.

The stomach must be protected from illicit food and food obtained through illicit means (haram), and especially from alcohol.

All these and other organs of the body must be used to better serve the Almighty: performing prayers, reading and listening to the Koran, prayers, acquiring Islamic knowledge, helping people, etc.

A fasting person should not swear, fight, or offend other people or living beings. According to the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), if someone scolds a fasting person or fights with him, the fasting person must say that he is observing fasting and to be left alone, and move away from the offender.

Levels of education

There are three levels of fasting and they depend on the degree of zeal of the fasting person in worship.

The first, lowest level is considered fasting, in which the fasting person abstains only from what breaks the fast (eating and drinking, sexual relations, etc.). This is a common fast that all Muslims observe.

The second level is fasting, when the fasting person abstains from everything that violates the fast and protects his body from everything forbidden and bad, such as the tongue - from blasphemy, lies, slander, eyes - from looking at what is unlawful, ears - from listening to what is unlawful, etc. etc. Violation of fasting by these acts is a violation of this level of fasting. This level of fasting is maintained by the Salikhins - those who strive in worship.

The third level of fasting is when the fasting person not only complies with the requirements of the first and second levels, but also concentrates his thoughts only on Allah, not allowing himself to be distracted for a moment from the Creator, from serving Him. This level of fasting is maintained by the prophets, awliyas, and tariqat sheikhs.

Every Muslim should try to increase the level of piety of his post, striving for this, cultivating the will.

Conditions for fasting Eid for Muslims

1. Niyat (intention). It is necessary to have a mental intention to observe a fast (uraza) in the name of the Almighty, it is advisable (sunnat) to simultaneously pronounce the niyat with the tongue. Here is its approximate form: “I intend to observe tomorrow the obligatory (fard) fast of the month of Ramadan of this year for the sake of Allah Almighty,” i.e., the intention mentions that fasting is obligatory (fard) and specifies the day, month, year.

According to the madhhab of Imam Shafi'i, the intention must be pronounced every night; it can be pronounced at any time after sunset, the day before and before dawn. According to the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa, the intention can be pronounced before lunch, if nothing has been done since the beginning of dawn that breaks the fast (uraza). Therefore, those who forgot to say it during the period from sunset to dawn can also say it in the first half of the day, only instead of the word “tomorrow” it is necessary to say “today” and be sure to add: “following Imam Abu Hanifa.” And according to the madhhab of Imam Malik, the intention can be pronounced for the entire month at its beginning. But you must try not to forget to pronounce the intention during the period established by the madhhab of Imam Shafi’i.

2. Abstaining from actions that interrupt the fast (eureka) during the period from the beginning of dawn to sunset.

3. Knowing the start and end time of fasting. Fasting (uraza) begins at the beginning of dawn and ends at sunset (i.e., with the onset of morning prayer and before the time of evening prayer).

In order for the observance of fasting (uraza) to become not only the fulfillment of a farz (duty of a Muslim), but also a fulfillment in order to receive a great reward for it from the Almighty, it is necessary, in addition to the obligatory conditions of fasting (farz), to observe the sunnas of fasting, i.e., desirable actions during fasting (uraza).

1. According to the hadiths of the Prophet, it is desirable to eat in a timely manner in the evening, to break the fast without delay, immediately after the time of evening prayer. It is advisable to break the fast with a date, clean water, milk or something sweet.

2. It is advisable to start eating in the name of Allah with the words: “Bismillahi rrahmani rrahim” and with a prayer to accept fasting.

3. It is advisable to eat before the start of fasting, before dawn, and it is advisable to stop eating 15-20 minutes before the morning prayer. The hadith says that after the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) stopped the morning meal, approximately 50 verses of the Quran could be read before the morning prayer began.

It is not advisable to eat too heavily either in the morning or in the evening; this burdens the body, interfering with worship and is VERY harmful to health.

4. It is also advisable to feed those who are fasting in the evening. According to the hadith, the one who feeds the fasting person in the evening will receive the same reward as the one who fasted. Moreover, the reward for the one who fasted is not diminished by this.

During the month of Ramadan, generosity towards those in need is encouraged, especially towards household members, family members and loved ones.

5. During fasting, it is very desirable to protect all organs (parts of the body) from the forbidden and unwanted, using them to serve Allah, fulfilling His commands.

Violation of fasting is considered:

1. Eating and drinking.

During the period from the beginning of dawn (before the time of morning prayer and before sunset, until the time of evening prayer), it is necessary to refrain from eating, i.e., you cannot eat or drink anything. In addition, nothing should enter the body through natural openings (mouth, nose, ears, genitals, anus). For example, it is forbidden for water to get into the ear hole, it is forbidden to smoke, etc. But if a person eats or drinks something, forgetting that he is fasting, then this is not a violation if, having remembered, he immediately stops eating or drinking.

If a fasting person, remembering the fast, takes water into his mouth during ablution and accidentally swallows it, then the fast is not broken if he does not rinse his mouth excessively. If he rinsed his mouth not for ablution, but for another reason, and accidentally swallowed water, then the fast is broken, even if he did not rinse his mouth excessively.

After eating before dawn, i.e., before the start of the fast, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the mouth from food debris, since if during fasting one swallows small food debris stuck between the teeth and in another part of the mouth, this breaks the fast (fasting). ).

If a fasting person swallows saliva, then the fast (uraza) is not broken, but if he swallows sputum entering the oral cavity, then it is broken. But if phlegm from the throat enters the stomach without entering the oral cavity, then fasting (fasting) is not broken. If the gums bleed and the fasting person swallows blood with saliva, in this case the fast (fast) is also broken. If it is difficult to stop the bleeding, then the fast (uraza) is not broken.

During a fast (uraza), you cannot deliberately induce vomiting, because this breaks the fast (uraza). If a fasting person vomits against his will, then the fast (uraza) is not broken, you just need to rinse your mouth.

3. Sexual relations.

Sexual intimacy during fasting (uraza), that is, during the period from the beginning of dawn to sunset, not only breaks the fast, but also defiles it. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary not only to compensate for the fast, but also to pay off with a fine (the fine is imposed only on men). The fine (kaffarat) provides for additional fasting for two months in a row, without a break, or feeding 60 poor people if the fined person cannot fast for health reasons. It is also undesirable for spouses to engage in intimate caresses that excite each other. For spouses who had intimacy at night, it is advisable to take a swim before the start of fasting. But if they do not make it before dawn, then the fast (uraza) is not broken. Here it is appropriate to recall that in a state of defilement, i.e., without bathing after intimacy, it is undesirable to sleep, eat, drink (without at least performing ablution).

4. Orgasm (ejaculation).

An orgasm that occurs while awake, regardless of whether it occurs during sexual intercourse or under other stimulating circumstances (caresses, kisses, etc.), also violates fasting. But if an orgasm occurs during sleep (wet dream), then this does not spoil the fast (emission). In this case, you should take a bath and continue fasting.

5. Menstruation, postpartum discharge.

The appearance of menstruation even before sunset breaks the fast.
Sunnat of fasting (urazas)

Uraz 2014 beginning and end.

“Allahummә lәkә sumtu uә bikә әәmәntu uә ‘alәaykә tәuәkkәltu uә ‘ala rizkә әftartu uә saumәlғadi min shәһri Ramadan nәuәaytu, faғfirliy mәә qaddamtu uә mә akhhartu". “Allahuym! Senin rizalygyn ushin oraza ustadym. Senin bergen rizygynmen auzimdy ashtym. Sagan iman etip, sagan tuekel jasadym. Ramadan ayynyn ertengi kunine de auyz bekituge niet ettim. Sen menin otken zane keleshek kunalarymdy keshir.”

Then drink cool water with dates or just sweet water.

« Nәuәytu әn asumә saumә shәһri Ramadanә minәl fәjri ilәl maғribi khalisan lilliһi taʿalә. Allahu Akbar! » . “Tanertennen keshke deyin Allahyyn rizalygy ushin Ramadan ayynyn orazasyn ustauga niyet tim. Allah ulyk!”

Well, the calendar of opening and closing times is Oraza Uakyty 2014. For those who don’t have one, or accidentally forgot the paper, and are on the road or somewhere else. You never know what situations can happen. Now you can always go to the blog about pancreatitis and see the time of Oraza in 2014 (Oraza Uakyty 2014).

Read more about Oraza 2014 here.

And more about the treatment for pancreatitis, diabetes and other serious diseases. If you manage pancreatitis and diabetes wisely, do not binge on food, do not overeat and eat only raw, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, then in return for your reasonable abstinence, Allah will reward you with health!

Happy New Year 2014 to everyone! I wish you health of soul and body in 2014!

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Best regards, Alya.