Sagittarius rabbit. Sagittarius cat horoscope

Anna Lyubimova

Sagittarius born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit, Hare) will have an interesting and eventful life. Kipling also noted that a cat tends to go where it pleases and walk on its own. At the same time, she firmly knows the location of his home, remains faithful to him and even protects him from the invasion of uninvited guests.

The Sagittarius cat also loves change: he travels, changes his place of work or profession, but always returns to where he is expected, does not betray his friends and loved ones

In the turbulent flow of various events, he certainly has a reliable piece of land on which he can rely in order to gain strength and move on.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius-Cat (Rabbit, Hare) man

In such men, the pragmatism of the Cat and the passion of Sagittarius are surprisingly combined. Both qualities complement each other so well that a Sagittarius guy in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) often amazes those around him with his instinct for the most promising ideas and the right approach to their implementation. These young people are endowed with good memory and associative thinking, which reinforces their ingenuity and resourcefulness. They often realize themselves in design work, marketing, and finance.

In such men, the pragmatism of the Cat and the passion of Sagittarius are surprisingly combined

Sagittarius-Cat (Hare) strives for material wealth and is distinguished by hard work. He chooses his occupation himself, without listening to anyone’s advice, although they can be very useful. He has a thoughtful, serious character and a great sense of humor. He is self-critical of his own person, but deep down he knows his own worth well. He is a reliable friend, ready to help in difficult times and knows how to rejoice in other people's achievements. His sociability opens any doors and hearts for him. Many would like to join his circle of friends, but he is selective in choosing friends.

Men marked with these star signs are passionate about solving current problems, but never lose sight of the future.

Sagittarius's plans are full of bold plans, and the balanced, pragmatic Cat does not allow him to break away from reality.

In personal life, a representative of these signs behaves just as responsibly as in business. An esthete and connoisseur of female beauty, having decided to get married, he will give preference to the original clever woman rather than the capricious beauty. Soul kinship and the ability to empathize are very important to him. His chosen one must have a whole list of talents, the most important of which is the ability to “not cut off the oxygen” to other family members and the freedom-loving spouse, in particular.

Sagittarius-Cat (Rabbit), despite the ability to have fun from the heart, in any circumstances retains external restraint and equanimity. He considers it beneath his dignity to stoop to unintelligent showdowns. As a result - problems are “driven” into the subconscious, the nervous system is overloaded, and a difficult situation does not find relief. Both the Sagittarius-Cat man himself and those who are next to him suffer.

Some Cats born under the sign of the romantic Sagittarius are capable of boring everyone with their careless talkativeness and predictions that rarely come true.

Sagittarius-Cat, despite the ability to have fun from the heart, maintains external restraint

Sometimes his delicacy and sensitivity are mistaken for weakness. But this is a completely wrong impression. On the contrary, this is proof of his kindness and spiritual generosity. And some timidity quickly passes as soon as Sagittarius-Cat (Rabbit) meets a real like-minded person.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius-Cat (Rabbit, Hare) woman

This is a harmonious, calm and at the same time flirtatious person. She knows how to please and loves to catch the admiring glances of men. Older ladies take a long time maintain sophisticated elegance and the mysterious plasticity of the wild cat.

In her youth, the Sagittarius girl, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), loves the glitter and tinsel of social life. He has fun with his fans and appreciates entertainment and student parties. But she is very smart and soon enough begins to separate the “wheat from the chaff.”

The Sagittarius-Cat girl thinks about the future. Her priorities include a successful career and a strong family hearth, in which love and prosperity will reign.

I must say, her character allows us to count on this. Lady Cat-Sagittarius knows how to choose a goal and wait for the best time to achieve it. But since she is active and hardworking, such a woman does not waste time. She reads a lot, attends various courses, and does not forget about her physical fitness.

In marriage, the Sagittarius Cat woman - caring and protective party. She gives her heart to someone who suits her from all points of view. With purely feminine intuition, she captures the shades of the mood of the household and maintains a friendly atmosphere in the family. Such a mother is well versed in the psychology of children. She establishes strong contact with them, which benefits everyone.

She is an excellent housewife who knows how to take care of her family and receive friends. Her house always shines with cleanliness, and indoor flowers cause slight envy of her friends and neighbors.

Lady Cat-Sagittarius knows how to choose a goal and wait for the best time to achieve it

Despite the sincere cheerfulness and friendliness, Sagittarius-Cat (Hare) woman is meticulously attentive to fulfill their duties and expects the same from others. But this minus is offset by her ability to take responsibility both at work and at home, and she takes on some of the everyday tasks that family members could do on her own shoulders.

If she has a weak type of nervous system, her loved ones should take care that she does not experience significant emotional stress.

She needs understanding and support so that one day she doesn’t want to give up everything and live alone

Love compatibility of Sagittarius in the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

In their personal lives, representatives of these signs, first of all, are looking for a soul mate. The Sagittarius Cat man builds relationships in which his partner can always count on an adequate response regarding her desires and needs. He wants give your beloved all the best, which has. Harmony and maximum compatibility in love awaits him in union with the ardent Aries, balanced Taurus.

Sagittarius-Cats are not always lucky in a marriage with Gemini, but with mutual affection everything can turn out well; “grinding in” with Scorpio and Pisces is difficult.

Women born under the sign of Sagittarius in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) try to approach the choice of a life partner very carefully. For them, marriage and family are very serious. She is a kind and caring partner, looking for support and reciprocal attention from her loved one. The most successful union for her– with a representative of the Leo sign, almost as good with Aries. It is more difficult to build a partnership with Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, but if both spouses have sincere feelings for each other plus the desire to have a happy family, they will succeed.

Average compatibility Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Cat (Rabbit), Dog, Horse, Goat, BullDragon, Snake, PigMonkey, Rooster, Rat, Tiger
According to the Western calendar Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, AquariusGemini, Libra, Aries, Taurus, LeoVirgo, Cancer

Full characteristics of a Sagittarius child born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

Affectionate and cheerful baby lives in harmony with the world and the people around him. Communicating with him is a pleasure not only for his family, but also for everyone he knows.

A Sagittarius boy in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), as well as a girl of these signs, do not like conflict situations and quarrelsome people, preferring friendship with balanced and friendly peers.

An affectionate and cheerful baby lives in harmony with the world and the people around him.

Such children are distinguished by great curiosity, so they are ready to listen carefully to their interlocutors or read fascinating books longer than other children. They have a wide range of interests beyond their years. They study well, easily master new subjects, so it can be difficult for them to decide on a future profession.

Sagittarius Rabbit Babies energetic and active kids. Outdoor games, sports, and travel are very useful for them. From an early age they are characterized by diplomacy and delicacy. Parents can only support their desire for knowledge and help them overcome the difficulties they encounter.

25 October 2017, 13:18

Rabbit (cat) - Sagittarius is one of the luckiest combinations that brings success to a person in life. A calm, friendly disposition allows you to quickly achieve success in any business you start. One can envy a little the activity and enthusiasm of these individuals; they perfectly combine personal life and work.

Sagittarius Man - Rabbit

The Sagittarius-Rabbit man is cheerful, ambitious and persistent. He is ready to reveal his full potential if he engages in social activities.

A man is able to make decisions quickly. In relationships with women, he is romantic and very passionate. It is important for him to create a comfortable atmosphere of complete mutual understanding and joy.

Sagittarius Woman - Rabbit

The Sagittarius Rabbit woman is playful, energetic and sociable. She leads a vibrant lifestyle and enjoys traveling and constantly learning new things. Such a person will become an excellent teacher, politician, journalist.

On the personal front, a woman born in the year of the Rabbit always has many fans. For a long time she cannot decide on a life partner, she is looking for an understanding partner who will give her complete freedom of expression.

Sagittarius-Cat is a combination that rewards a person with a cheerful disposition and patience. There are always a lot of people around her who like to bask in the positive rays.

Exceptional Cat-Rabbit, balanced, the best of all.

Eastern horoscope: year of the rabbit
Zodiac horoscope: Sagittarius sign

This combination creates a very balanced and easy-going person. Unlike other Rabbits, he is very fond of adventure and all kinds of exotic things. Sagittarius Rabbits are not as diplomatic and tactful as other Rabbits, but they are excellent, loyal friends and lovers.

In Chinese astrology, the Cat (Rabbit) is considered a symbol of peace and harmony. The combination of a man and a Sagittarius Cat woman produces people who, as a rule, are harmonious and easy to understand, with a real sense of spirit and natural curiosity. These people comprehend everything, crave peace and quiet.

Sagittarius-Cat people are friendly and open, although some of them can be a little shy. The graciousness and peaceful aura of these men and women helps them get along with a lot of people. These are excellent thinkers who know how to express their ideas well and perfectly perceive the emotions of other people. This sensitivity allows them to predict people's moods and intercept their reactions. This talent often brings them great success in their work life and friendships.

This combination of people are not particularly ambitious, but have a tendency to make money. They are careful with their money and do not part with it easily. They do not like clutter in the house; they adore a home environment filled with cleanliness and spaciousness. They always want to feel comfortable in their furniture. They prefer to relax at home and often have an impressive collection of music and films. Home for them is a place where they can create ideal conditions for relaxation.

Relationships in which these people feel like a kindred spirit are very important to them. They do not like to easily enter into long-term serious relationships. They want partners who can be fun and relaxing. In personal relationships, they are attentive, grateful and will always try to approach with consideration. These people are not very romantic or passionate, but they are sensual. They strongly believe in loyalty and loyalty and can suffer greatly from any betrayal.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that due to their need for a quiet life, it may make them agree to unnecessary things. Their weakness is their hasty decision-making. They should learn to think longer about their final decisions.

He loves comfort, and is accompanied not only by financial and professional success. The Sagittarius rabbit man appreciates a good, cozy home with all its inhabitants. He is quite plush, fluffy and sociable. The Sagittarius rabbit woman is able to listen and hear, without forgetting to “purr.” These people manage to be not only diplomatic, which is clear from the previous one, but also active in business.

The Sagittarius cat quickly grasps information and does not hesitate when making decisions, which, as a rule, are correct. He is a good storyteller, entertainer and writer. He is strong not only in partnership, but also in communicating with children.

The Sagittarius cat is simply created for family life, although he is not very strong sexually, and not physically, but rather emotionally.

Sagittarius man - Rabbit will be with you forever if the stars want it. In the horoscope, all zodiac signs are divided into compatible and incompatible. However, it cannot be said that any person is bad. It's just not right for you. He has his own position in life and character traits.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius – Rabbit man

The Sagittarius-Rabbit man has a particularly strong character. If they have set a goal for themselves, they will never give up on it, no matter how difficult it may be on the way to achieving it. Their enormous willpower helps in this.

The representative of this zodiac sign is a proud person. He wants to appear independent and self-reliant. Therefore, he rarely takes anyone’s advice. Pride does not allow you to show weakness. Often the Rabbit-Sagittarius man remains completely alone because of this. But that doesn't bother him too much. They prefer to be alone than surrounded by people who do not understand. Such guys never bend to other people's ideas and do not take actions that are unpleasant to them. Sometimes this life position prevents them from achieving success. But for the most part, they achieve everything they want.

The Sagittarius - Rabbit man is a brave and decisive person. They are always confident that they can cope with any dilemma. Natural talents help them do this.

Representatives of this zodiac sign often believe in mysticism. They can make a cult of worship out of some thing or even a person. Often this hobby leads to mental problems that only a specialist can solve.

Tremendous willpower, self-confidence and perseverance help representatives of this sign make an excellent career. These guys usually don't make plans for their professional growth. Everything goes as circumstances dictate. The main thing that is important to them is financial independence and stability.

The Sagittarius-Rabbit man knows how to earn money, but lacks the quality that allows him to spend it rationally. No matter how much this guy gets at work, he manages to spend it all. Such men never have reserves of money. They rarely become real rich. The Sagittarius - Rabbit man always lives in abundance, but at the same time they are not a wealthy person.

Compatibility in love between Sagittarius and Rabbit men

It is very difficult to build a love relationship with a Sagittarius-Rabbit man. Usually everything is very vague and vague. This guy behaves differently with a girl every time. The reason for such an attitude towards a representative of the opposite sex is its complex nature. This guy has his own ideal principles and finds it difficult to accept other people's points of view. It is difficult for him to find a girl who would completely share his point of view. He would rather be left alone than to bend under her or endure her ways of life. Therefore, this guy's behavior is vague. It is not clear from him whether he has serious plans for his beloved or just light flirting. He himself cannot fully understand this.

If a wife accepts her husband’s ideas and views, then their family life will develop smoothly. The birth of a child will first bring the Sagittarius-Rabbit man out of his usual stable state. He may even become nervous and panic. But then the father becomes completely immersed in the development of his offspring. He educates him, pampers him and even idealizes him. Often he is biased in looking at everything related to his child. He forgives him for any pranks. And this can lead to problems later. Children of such fathers grow up to be spoiled egoists.

According to their zodiac sign, girls who were born in the year of the Pig, Pig and Rabbit are compatible with this guy. They have almost no chance to build relationships with representatives of the fair half of humanity, who according to the horoscope belong to the year of the Rooster, Snake and Bull.

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This Rabbit is peaceful and harmonious. He is distinguished by his breadth of soul, which is a rare characteristic for a Rabbit. He, of course, like any other Rabbit, loves comfort, but he knows how to appreciate not only the comforts of his home, but also all the inhabitants of his home - to appreciate and respect! This is a very important feature of people of this combination of signs. Sagittarius expands the boundaries of perception of the life of the Rabbit, who is closed in on himself and his desires. Thus, the Sagittarius Rabbit is able to combine the personal and the public, and this is also a big “plus” for a more complete realization of one’s inner potential.

The Sagittarius Rabbit is balanced and diplomatic. You should not think that such a Rabbit is only capable of “purring” and maintaining a conversation. He always has the information he needs and knows how to apply it in action, and everything is done on time and always successfully!

Character of the Sagittarius Rabbit

Sagittarius endows the Rabbit with activity in business, speed in making decisions, and, more often than not, the right ones. Such a person knows how to speak beautifully - he is a good storyteller, knows how to entertain guests and easily becomes the life of the party, loves children and knows how to communicate with them. He is an intellectual and a very interesting person!

In love, the Sagittarius Rabbit brings out the best. He is very talented in partnership and very adequate, which is also rare. But, as everywhere else, there is one “but” in the character of the Sagittarius Rabbit: he is not always emotionally stable. His emotions are open and mobile, he is quick-tempered. If you add to this a certain feeling of inner vulnerability, when you want to lean on someone, you get a shaky foundation that always disappears from under your feet at the most inconvenient moment. Simply put, a person “falls” into his own emotional background. He needs a reliable, sensible and emotionally mature partner who can be a support in the context of the above. People born in the year of the Rabbit under the sign of Sagittarius take family life seriously and strive to start a family.

Sagittarius Rabbit Man

Active and purposeful individuals who never stop in the face of life’s difficulties, infect everyone with optimism and self-confidence. Children cause parents a lot of trouble; they don’t believe in “you shouldn’t do this,” but want to see everything for themselves. They are friends with everyone and no one at once - they have many acquaintances with whom they can get together at the cinema or a pizzeria, but they don’t really trust anyone. In a personal conversation, they will discuss everything at once, but will not share a single personal thought. They often become professional athletes or representatives of creative professions. They value fun in their work and will not move papers from place to place in the office, even for a lot of money. They like to sleep in the morning, they are not afraid of being late, because they know that they will be forgiven for everything for a smile and a kind word.

They surround themselves with a large number of fans, female attention is a basic necessity for them, but they often remain bachelors. However, the absence of a ring on the ring finger does not bother them, since the goal of their life is to try everything, and not to build a family nest. They usually have extreme hobbies - diving, mountaineering, etc.

Sagittarius Rabbit Woman

Nature has generously measured out vital energy and strength for them, but they are in no hurry to waste it on trifles. They can succeed in everything, but more often than not they limit themselves to some frivolous business and, instead of conquering mountain peaks, they set up a shack for themselves in the lowlands near a mountain ridge and breed sheep until old age. However, Saurus Rabbits know how to enjoy life - whether they are successful businessmen or just school teachers - they will be happy in any environment. They instantly infect everyone around them with calmness and confidence - at school they easily resolve conflicts that arise, break up fights without using force, and can always find the right words to console a crying child.

Their friends dote on them - they do not strive to become the life of the party, but they always reserve the last, most often correct, word. They marry solely for love and strive to maintain this feeling until old age. People of this sign do not know how to lie and flatter, they communicate with everyone on equal terms and inspire respect for those who are higher than them on the social ladder. They do not strive for wealth, but they never experience problems with finances, thanks to their innate sense of proportion.