Decoding of urine analysis ua result. Analysis for microalbumin in urine. Anomaly provoking factors and risk group

When a person has health problems or questions about his condition, he first of all looks for answers on the Internet, and only then goes for advice and help from a doctor, although it is more correct to do the opposite. After all, the doctor will not only study the symptoms, but also send them to laboratory tests. One of the tests that is carried out to determine the correct diagnosis is the study of urine for microalbuminuria. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.

What is this study and why is it carried out

Urine analysis for Mau is the determination of the amount of albumin in it. Why do they do it? The thing is that albumin is one of the proteins that is part of the blood. And "microalbuminuria" is its loss or low concentration. When the kidneys are functioning well and there are no abnormalities, albumin is stable and the amount in urine is very low. When the results of the study show that there has been a loss of albumin in the blood and it is contained in an increased dose in urine, this is a sign of renal dysfunction, possibly the beginning of the first stage of atherosclerosis or endothelial dysfunction.

Even a slight excess of the normal concentration of albumin to urine indicates the beginning of changes in the vessels, which requires a deeper diagnosis and immediate treatment.

Why microalbuminaria (MAU) occurs

Excessive protein content in urine can occur for several reasons. There are factors that affect a one-time discharge, therefore, when a diagnosis is made, urine on the MAU is donated several times within three months. An excess is the amount of albumin from 30 to 300 mg per day. Such a release can occur as a result of:

  • eating foods high in protein;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • strong sports loads;
  • increase in body temperature.

Also, the indicators depend on the sex characteristics of the patient, his race and region of residence.

It is believed that MAU is most often manifested in people with obesity problems, insulin resistance, who smoke a lot, and have problems with left ventricular hypertrophy or dysfunction. This diagnosis is diagnosed mostly in men and elderly people.

To obtain a reliable result, the Mau test cannot be taken during any infectious disease, including ARVI, at elevated body temperature, fever, after physical exertion, in a tired state, after eating.

If the results showed an increase in protein in the urine, then this may indicate such diseases or changes in the body:

  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypothermia;
  • sarcoidosis.

Most often, microalbuminaria occurs as a result of diabetes mellitus.

Also, an increase in albumin in the urine may indicate the development of cardiovascular diseases, which provoke type I and II diabetes.

Symptoms of microalbuminuria

This pathology has its own stages of development. At the initial stage, the patient does not feel changes in the body and symptoms of the disease, but his urinary composition is already changing, analyzes already show an increase in the amount of proteins, which at the initial stage is kept within 30 mg per day. With further progression, a person develops a pre-nephrotic stage. The amount of albumin in urine increases to 300 mg, an increase in blood pressure is observed, and renal filtration increases.

The next stage is nephrotic. Besides high pressure it is also accompanied by puffiness. In addition to a high protein concentration, the urinary composition also contains erythrocytes, an increase in the level of creatinine and urea is observed.

The last stage is renal failure. Her symptoms:

  • frequent increase in blood pressure;
  • persistent swelling;
  • a large number of red blood cells in the urine;
  • low filtration rate;
  • a large amount of protein, creatinine and urea in urine;
  • lack of glucose in the urine.
  • there is no excretion of insulin by the kidneys.

All these signs may indicate the development of cardiac pathology. At this time, pain in the chest may appear, which radiates to the left side of the body. All this is accompanied by an increase in cholesterol.

Microalbuminuria Urine Collection (UIA)

In order for the laboratory data to be reliable, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules for collecting urine for the UIA analysis. And so, firstly, you need to prepare. The day before the tests, vegetables and fruits that change the color of urine are completely excluded from food - these are carrots, strawberries, mulberries, currants and others. Secondly, before collecting urine, it is necessary to wash the external genitals well with antibacterial soap. Thirdly, the material for analyzes is collected in the morning, immediately after waking up. In no case should this analysis be taken to the female half during menstruation.

You also need to take care of urine jars. The ideal option is a special plastic container that is sold at the pharmacy. But if it is not there, you can take any plastic or glass container with a lid, wash it well, dry it and treat it with alcohol before use. About one hundred milliliters of material is enough to carry out an analysis on MAU. After collection, the material must be sent to the laboratory within one or two hours.

One of the main and irreplaceable functions of the kidneys is their unique ability to remove toxic metabolic products from the body in the form of urinary sediment. The glomerular and tubular apparatus of the organ is in constant work, "driving" the blood through itself and cleansing it of all harmful and unnecessary impurities. In this case, all useful components (proteins, glucose and others) undergo a return flow into the bloodstream.

Urine is the end product of human life, it contains the following components: uric acid, ammonia, urea, salts, creatinine and others.

If, for one reason or another, the filtration capacity of kidney tissues suffers, namely, the permeability of the glomerular membranes increases, then substances useful for the body begin to be excreted in the urine.

One of the first "alarming" bells indicating the onset of pathology is an increase in the concentration of microalbumin in the urine. Normally, this protein is synthesized in liver cells. The share of albumin in blood plasma accounts for approximately 50-60% of all protein components. Their main task is to maintain the constancy of osmotic and oncotic pressure in the circulatory bed, which is provided by binding them to a water molecule.

Urine analysis for microalbuminuria (MAU) pursues the goal of early (preclinical) diagnosis, when the patient still has no symptoms associated with impaired renal function. This allows the most effective fight against diseases and timely correction of pathological processes.

Laboratory indicators

The detection of albumin in urine is not always an indicator of an onset pathological process. Microalbumin is the smallest protein fraction, so even in a healthy person a small amount of it can penetrate through intact glomeruli. While the larger albumin molecules can never be found in normal urine readings. In children, even a minimal increase in protein in the urinary sediment testifies to the onset of pathology.

Before proceeding to decipher the data obtained, it is necessary to clarify which numbers do not go beyond the physiological values:

  • the norm of albumin, which a specialist can detect when examining urinary sediment, should not exceed 30 mg per day (if the values \u200b\u200bexceed these values, then we are talking about microalbuminuria, while a daily excretion of more than 300 mg of protein indicates proteinuria);
  • the norm of microalbumin determined in a one-time (single) portion of urine does not exceed 20 mg / l
  • the albumin / creatinine ratio is estimated in a random portion of urine, normal values \u200b\u200bshould not exceed the following figures: for women - up to 2.5, and for men - up to 3.5. In the case of an increase in these indicators, one can judge the onset of nephropathy.

Causes of the appearance of albumin in urine

Natural factors

Microalbumin in urine can exceed its concentration for completely natural reasons and be completely reversible:

  • The consumption of a large amount of liquid the day before, as a result of which there is an increase in the water load on the kidneys, the filtration mechanism is enhanced. The same is observed if a person eats too much watermelon.
  • Excessive exercise stress or increased exercise lead to increased blood circulation, and therefore to an increase in the work of the kidneys, which do not always cope with this.
  • Nicotine and its excessive consumption has an adverse effect on the cellular structures of the whole organism, and on kidney tissue in particular.
  • The following factors can temporarily increase the permeability of the glomerular membranes: hypothermia or prolonged exposure to hot conditions, swimming in ice water, severe nervous strain or other mental disorders.
  • In a girl, during menstruation, albumin can be detected in the urine, therefore, it is not recommended to conduct a study during this period.
  • After intercourse in a woman, a substance can be found in the analyzes - albumosis, the source of which is the partner's sperm. Less commonly, it appears with massive cell breakdown in the body (for example, with gangrene or lung cancer).

Overloading of the kidneys with "volume" - the cause of temporary microalbuminuria

In all the situations described above, the urine test for UIA will be considered false-positive, because after excluding the root causes, laboratory parameters are completely normalized.

Pathological factors

Most often, the level of protein in the urine is increased due to a number of diseases that are infectious or non-infectious in nature, the cause of which lies not only in kidney disease:

  • Acute and chronic form of glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis (the appearance of protein components in the urinary sediment is of varying severity).
  • Nephrosis or nephrotic syndrome (especially in the lipoid form).
  • Hypertension and varying degrees of heart failure.
  • Atherosclerotic processes affecting the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys and the vessels of the organ.
  • Diabetes mellitus, which causes diabetic nephropathy.
  • Chronic alcoholism or long-term nicotine addiction.
  • Poisoning with nephrotoxic drugs or heavy metal salts.
  • Gestosis during pregnancy, which threatens the life of the fetus and mother.

Gestosis is an extremely dangerous disease in a pregnant woman, an early sign of which is an increase in albumin in the urinary sediment

Process stages

As mentioned above, the repeated appearance of albumin in the urine in a concentration exceeding normal values \u200b\u200bis a direct symptom of the onset of nephropathy (the normal functioning of the kidneys is disrupted). In its development, the state goes through several stages:

  • Stage of asymptomatic manifestations - the patient has no complaints of a "renal" nature, however, there are already initial changes in the urinary sediment.
  • Stage of initial manifestations - there are still no complaints, but microalbumin appears in the urine.
  • Stage of prenephrotic changes - the patient begins to notice the instability of the blood pressure numbers, the filtration rate decreases in the kidneys, the urinary sediment contains albumin at a concentration of 30 to 300 mg / day.
  • Stage of nephrotic changes - the patient has pronounced edema, instability of blood pressure and a tendency to increase it, the filtration capacity of the kidneys decreases, proteinuria, microhematuria.
  • Stage of uremia - the patient develops edema, and the pressure numbers increase significantly, which do not respond well to therapy, glomerular filtration sharply decreases, hematuria and massive proteinuria occur.

Who is screened for albuminuria for prophylactic purposes?

  • diabetes mellitus (types 1 and 2);
  • hypertension (especially in patients with long-term "experience" of hypertension);
  • patients undergoing several courses of chemotherapy for the treatment of the oncological process.

In pregnant women with an increased risk of developing preeclampsia, urinalysis for MAU is included in the diagnostic standards.

How to properly collect urine for research?

It should be understood that a single detection of increased levels of albumin in the urine is not a reason for making a particular diagnosis. Especially if you had to collect a random portion of urine.

Nephropathy can be judged by repeated determination of microalbumin in analyzes in patients who have undergone preliminary training before the study.

At the beginning of each urine collection, a thorough toilet of the genitals must be performed. Women are advised to use cotton swabs to prevent the substrate from entering the vaginal lumen.

Urine is collected throughout the day in the same sterile container, from which the specialist then takes the volume necessary for the study.

Ways to correct microalbuminuria

The problem of microalbuminuria is dealt with by doctors of different specialties (therapists, nephrologists, gynecologists and others), therefore, the approach to the management of each category of patients has its own characteristics.

For the timely detection of UIA, great importance is attached to all preventive examinations and dispensary observation of patients

The basic principles of drug therapy include the following activities:

  • Restoring serum glucose levels with insulin or hypoglycemic agents.
  • Stabilization of blood pressure numbers (ACE inhibitors, diuretics and others).
  • Correction of the lipid profile with statins.
  • In advanced situations, they resort to hemodialysis or prepare the patient for organ transplantation.


Early diagnosis of microalbuminuria is difficult, due to the complete absence of clinical manifestations that would "force" the patient to seek help from a doctor.

Urine for MAU, or microalbuminuria, is a diagnostic procedure that makes it possible to determine the level of albumin protein in the human biological fluid. The presence of this element in the urine may indicate a serious illness of the body. According to experts, thanks to the analysis of urine at UIA, it is possible to diagnose the first signs of kidney and vascular damage, which can sometimes cost the patient's life.

Influencing factors

  • eating foods high in protein levels;
  • race;
  • place of residence;
  • the presence of other pathological processes in the body.
  • Due to these circumstances, it is not always possible to obtain a 100% analysis result after the first examination of the biological fluid. Based on this, doctors recommend doing a series of studies over 3 months. The total number of procedures can be up to 6 times.

    In order for the urine analysis for MAU to be as reliable as possible, before taking it, you need to exclude all possible factors that can distort the laboratory test.

    According to statistics, 10-15% of all patients who have passed this medical test get a positive result.

    At risk are people:

    • overweight;
    • those suffering from insulin resistance;
    • having bad habits;
    • with dysfunction of the left ventricle of the heart;
    • elderly people.

    Unlike women, men are more prone to this pathology.


    Indications for analysis

    There are a number of symptoms or diseases on the basis of which a doctor may recommend passing urine to UIA. If there is a given need for such a study, then one should not abandon the proposed diagnosis.

    Indications for analysis may be:

    • initial diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus;
    • type 1 diabetes mellitus, which has lasted for more than 5 years;
    • the presence of diabetes in a child;
    • heart failure accompanied by edema;
    • lupus erythematosus;
    • kidney pathology;
    • amyloidosis.

    In addition to kidney dysfunction, an increased content of this protein in the urine may indicate other pathological processes in the body. Therefore, if the MAU indicator exceeds the norm for the entire group of tests performed, then additional types of examination of other systems and organs may be required, for example, in case of hypertension or heavy metal poisoning.

    Biological material collection technique

    Before taking an analysis for microalbuminuria, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that can change the natural color of urine. These include: strawberries, blueberries, carrots, currants, etc. You should also refuse to take any types of medications.

    If a woman of childbearing age needs a study, then you can get the most accurate results if you take an analysis outside of menstrual bleeding.

    To prevent other pathogenic microorganisms from entering the urine, genital hygiene should be performed before urine collection. The fluid container must be sterile. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase it at the pharmacy, and not to wash (sterilize) an ordinary jar.

    For the study, urine is recommended, which is collected no earlier than 4 hours after the last act of urination. Therefore, the best option would be to take the morning urine for analysis, which is collected immediately after waking up.

    For diagnosis, the entire portion of urine is not required, 50-100 ml will be enough, but this nuance should be clarified with your doctor.

    When the container is filled with biological fluid, it is tightly closed, signed and sent to the laboratory. The optimal delivery time for urine for research is 1-2 hours.


    If fecal matter gets into the biological fluid, then this analysis will be considered invalid.

    After receiving the results of the laboratory test, you should go to your doctor for decryption. After studying all clinical picture the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, if necessary.

    one of the many complications of diabetes that I have listed in the article. How dangerous is diabetic nephropathy? You will find out the answers to this and other questions by reading the article to the end. Good day to all!

    As I have said many times, the most dangerous thing is not the fact of diabetes itself, but its complications, because they lead to disability and early death. I have also said in my previous articles, and I will not tire of repeating that the severity and speed of development of complications completely depend on the patient himself or on the caring relative, if it is a child. Well-compensated diabetes mellitus is when the fasting blood sugar level does not exceed 6.0 mmol / l, and after 2 hours it does not exceed 7.8 mmol / l, and the difference in glucose level fluctuations during the day should not exceed 5 mmol / l ... In this case, the development of complications is postponed for a long time, and you enjoy life and have no problems.

    But it is not always possible to compensate for the disease, and complications are not long in coming. One of the target organs in diabetes mellitus is the kidneys. After all, the body gets rid of excess glucose by excreting it through the kidneys in the urine. By the way, even in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, doctors made a diagnosis by tasting the urine of a sick person, with diabetes it had a sweet taste.

    There is a certain limit to the increase in blood glucose (renal threshold) , reaching which sugar begins to be determined in the urine. This threshold is individual for each person, but on average, this figure is considered 9 mmol / l. When it goes over this level, the kidneys are not able to absorb glucose back, because there is a lot of it and it appears in the secondary urine of a person. By the way, I will say that the kidneys first form primary urine, the amount of which is several times greater than that that a person excretes per day. Through a complex system of tubules, part of this primary urine, which contains glucose (normal), is absorbed back (along with glucose), and the part that you see every day in the toilet remains.

    When there is too much glucose, then the kidneys absorb as much as needed, and the excess is excreted. At the same time, excess glucose pulls water with it, so patients with diabetes mellitus excrete a lot of urine compared to a healthy person. But increased urination is characteristic of uncompensated diabetes. Those who keep their sugar levels normal excrete as much urine as a healthy person, unless, of course, there is some concomitant pathology.

    As I already mentioned, the renal threshold is different for everyone, but in general it is 9 mmol / L. If the kidney threshold decreases, i.e., blood sugar appears already at lower values, then this means that there are serious problems with the kidneys. Typically, a decrease in the renal glucose threshold is characteristic of renal failure.

    Excess glucose in the urine has a toxic effect on the renal tubules, leading to sclerosis. In addition, intraglomerular hypertension occurs, as well as arterial hypertension, which is often found in type 2 diabetes, also has a negative effect. Together, these factors lead to imminent kidney failure, which requires a kidney transplant.

    Stages of development of diabetic nephropathy (DN)

    In our country, the following classification of diabetic nephropathy is adopted:

    • Diabetic nephropathy, stage of microalbuminuria.
    • Diabetic nephropathy, stage of proteinuria with preserved filtration function of the kidneys.
    • Diabetic nephropathy, stage of chronic renal failure.

    But all over the world, a slightly different classification has been adopted, which includes the preclinical stage, that is, the earliest kidney disorders. Here is the classification with an explanation of each stage:

    • Renal hyperfunction (hyperfiltration, hyperperfusion, renal hypertrophy, normoalbuminuria up to 30 mg / day).
    • Incipient DN (microalbuminuria 30-300 mg / day, normal or moderately increased glomerular filtration rate).
    • Severe DN (proteinuria, that is, sugar is visible in the usual general urine analysis, arterial hypertension, decreased glomerular filtration rate, sclerosis of 50-75% of the glomeruli).
    • Uremia or renal failure (decreased glomerular filtration rate less than 10 ml / min, total glomerulosclerosis).

    Few know that in fact initial stage the development of the complication is still reversible, even at the stage of microalbuminuria, time can be reversed, but if the stage of proteinuria is found, then the process is irreversible. The only thing that can be done is to stop at this stage so that the complication does not progress.

    What should be done to reverse changes and stop progression? That's right, you need to normalize your blood sugar first of all, and one more thing, which I will talk about in the paragraph on the treatment of DN.

    Diagnostics of the diabetic nephropathy

    At the initial stage, this complication does not have clinical manifestations, and therefore is not noticed by the patient himself. When there is massive loss of protein (proteinuria), protein-free edema and increased blood pressure may occur. I think it became clear why you need to regularly monitor your kidney function.

    As a screening, all patients are assigned a urine test for microalbuminuria (MAU). Do not confuse this analysis with a general urinalysis, this method is not able to detect "small" proteins that primarily slip through the basement membrane of the glomeruli. When protein appears in the general analysis of urine, it means that there is a loss of "large" proteins (albumin) and the basement membrane is already similar to a sieve with large holes.

    So, the UIA test can be done at home and in the laboratory. To measure at home, you need to purchase special test strips "Mikral-test", similar to test strips for determining the level of sugar and ketone bodies in urine. By changing the color of the test strip, you will learn about the amount of microalbumin in the urine.

    If you find microalbuminuria, then it is recommended to retake the analysis in the laboratory to identify specific numbers. Usually, they give daily urine to UIA, but some recommendations write that it is enough to pass the morning urine portion. Microalbuminuria is the detection of protein in the range of 30-300 mg / day if 24-hour urine was collected, and detection of protein in the morning portion of urine in the range of 20-200 mg / l indicates MAU. But a single detection of microalbumin in urine does not mean that DN begins.

    An increase in protein in the urine can also be in other conditions not associated with diabetes mellitus, for example:

    • with high protein intake
    • after heavy physical exertion
    • amid high temperature
    • against the background of a urinary infection
    • during pregnancy

    To whom and when is the analysis shown at UIA

    The study of urine for microalbuminuria is carried out when the protein is not yet detected in the general analysis of urine, that is, when there is no obvious proteinuria. The analysis is assigned in the following cases:

    • All patients with type 1 diabetes over 18 years old, starting from the 5th year after the onset of the disease. Held once a year.
    • Children with type 1 diabetes, regardless of the duration of the disease. Held once a year.
    • All patients with type 2 diabetes, regardless of the duration of the disease. It is carried out once every 6 months.

    When detecting microalbuminuria, you first need to make sure that the analysis was not influenced by the factors discussed above. When microalbuminuria is detected in patients with a diabetes mellitus duration of more than 5-10 years, the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy, as a rule, is not in doubt, unless, of course, there are other kidney diseases.

    What's next

    If microproteinuria is not detected, then you do nothing, except that you still monitor the level of glucose in the blood. If microalbuminuria is confirmed, then along with recommendations for compensation, you need to start a certain treatment, which I will talk about a little later.

    If you already have proteinuria, that is, protein appears in the general urine analysis, then the analysis is recommended to be repeated 2 more times. If proteinuria persists, further study of renal function is necessary. For this, blood creatinine, glomerular filtration rate, and blood pressure are examined. The test that determines the filtration function of the kidneys is called Reberg's test.

    How is the Reberg test passed?

    Daily urine is collected (at 6:00, night urine is drained into the toilet, throughout the day and night until 6:00 the next morning, urine is collected in a separate container; the amount of collected urine is calculated, it is mixed and about 100 ml is poured into a separate jar, which is to the laboratory). In the laboratory, you donate blood from a vein and report the amount of urine per day.

    A decrease in the glomerular filtration rate indicates the progression of DN and the rapid development of renal failure. An increase in glomerular filtration rate indicates an initial change in the kidneys that may be reversible. After the entire examination, according to the indications, treatment is carried out.

    But I must say that the Rehberg test is now little used, and in its place came other more accurate formulas for calculating, for example, the MDRD formula. For children, the Schwartz formula is used. Below is a picture that shows the most modern formulas for calculating GFR.

    The MDRD formula is considered to be more accurate than the Cockcroft-Gault formula. Normal GFR values \u200b\u200bare considered to be 80-120 ml / min on average. GFR readings below 60 ml / min indicate renal failure when creatinine and blood urea levels begin to increase. There are services on the Internet where you can calculate the GFR by simply substituting your values, for example, on this service.

    Is it possible to detect the "interest" of the kidneys even earlier?

    Yes, you can. At the very beginning, I said that there are clear signs of the very first changes in the kidneys, which can be confirmed in the laboratory and which doctors often forget about. Hyperfiltration may indicate that a pathological process is starting in the kidney. Hyperfiltration, that is, the rate of glomerular filtration, also called creatinine clearance, is always present at the initial stage of diabetic nephropathy.

    An increase in GFR of more than 120 ml / min may indicate the manifestation of this complication, but not always. It should be borne in mind that the filtration rate can increase from physical activity, excessive fluid intake, etc. Therefore, it is better to retake the tests again after a while.

    Diabetic Nephropathy Treatment

    So we got to the most important thing in this article. What to do when there is nephropathy. First of all, normalize your glucose levels, because if you don't, the treatment will be wasted. The second thing to do is to keep blood pressure under control, and if it is normal, periodically monitor it. The target pressure should be no more than 130/80 mm Hg. Art.

    These two postulates of prevention and treatment of DN are recommended at any stage of the disease. Further, depending on the stage, new points will be added to the recommendation. So, in case of persistent microproteinuria, long-term use of ACE inhibitors (enalapril, perindopril and other "prils") is recommended. ACE inhibitors are antihypertensive drugs, but in small doses they do not have a pressure-lowering effect, but they retain a pronounced angioprotective effect. Drugs from this group have a positive effect on the inner wall of blood vessels, including the vessels of the kidneys, and therefore, thanks to them, the reverse development of pathological processes in the vessel wall occurs.

    Another drug that is recommended for diabetic nephropathy is sulodexide (Wessel Du F). It also has a positive effect on the microvasculature of the kidneys. At this stage, these drugs are sufficient and there are no dietary restrictions.

    At the stage of chronic renal failure, the calcium-phosphorus metabolism is corrected, because there is a loss of calcium with the development of osteoporosis, as well as the correction of anemia with iron preparations. In the terminal stage, such patients undergo hemodialysis or kidney transplantation.

    That's all for me. Take care of yourself and your kidneys and stay informed.

    Microalbuminuria - what is it? In the later stages, the pathology is quite serious, affecting numerous organs and systems. Identifying a malfunction in the body involves determining the level of albumin protein in the urine. The substance acts as one of the blood components, and its content in waste products may indicate the development of complex diseases.

    What is microalbuminuria?

    Analysis for microalbuminuria makes it possible to identify diseases of the urinary tract in the early stages. Saturation of bodily fluids with an abundance of protein is observed in cases where there is damage to the renal glomeruli. The release of albumin is the most important signal that may indicate the presence of

    Among other things, clinical (decoding is carried out by a specialist) makes it possible to determine malfunctions in the work of the organs of the cardiovascular sphere. Most often, elderly people resort to research for these purposes.

    According to the concept of the norm, albumin protein should saturate the urine in small quantities. This is due to the special structure of the renal tissues, which filter out the substance and do not allow its molecules to pass through.

    Normative indicators

    The content of albumin in the urine of an adult should not exceed 30 mg per day. Along with this, protein is practically not found in the waste products of healthy children. Exceeding the norm indicates the development of nephropathy. If the production of albumin reaches 300 mg per day or more, this indicates pathological kidney damage.

    Microalbuminuria in diabetes mellitus, in addition to increasing the percentage, leads to the saturation of body fluid with sugars. To confirm the disappointing diagnosis, doctors re-diagnose 6-11 weeks after the first examination.

    What does an increase in urine albumin show?

    If the percentage of a substance in deviates from the norm, this may indicate the development of the following diseases:

    • diabetes;
    • malfunctions of the organs of the cardiovascular system;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • individual intolerance to fructose;
    • sarcoidosis.

    If we talk about the most common cause of microalbuminuria, diabetes is worth noting. An increased saturation of urine with albumin protein is manifested several years after the development of the disease. Therefore, a test for the concentration of a substance in a bodily fluid allows you to accurately determine the excess of glucose.

    Clinical manifestations

    The increase in albumin in the urine takes place in several stages:

    1. Asymptomatic - no complaints are received from the patient, however, characteristic changes are observed in the body.
    2. Initial - pathological disorders in the body have not yet been identified. At the same time, a decrease in the efficiency of glomerular filtration in the renal tissue develops.
    3. Pre-nephrotic - daily urine is saturated with an abundance of protein. The patient suffers from increased pressure due to increased activation of the kidneys.
    4. Nephrotic - a person observes the appearance of puffiness on the body. In the urine, in addition to a significant amount of albumin, the appearance of erythrocytes is observed. The level of production of urea and creatinine by the body increases.
    5. Stage of uremia (renal failure) - accompanied by frequent and sharp jumps blood pressure. The swollen areas on the body become stable. The level of erythrocytes in urea increases significantly. The rate of production of toxic substances by the renal tissue drops significantly. Daily urine is saturated with glucose. At the same time, the excretion of insulin from the body slows down.

    Physiological manifestations of microalbuminuria

    Microalbuminuria (there is a lot of albumin in the urine) can manifest itself with the following symptoms: chest pain, persistent discomfort in the left side of the body, increased pressure and a general deterioration in well-being.

    One of the consequences of the development of pathology in the later stages are signs of a stroke. In this case, people susceptible to the disease often suffer from periodic loss of consciousness, difficulty speaking, weakness in the limbs. These manifestations can be supplemented by dizziness, frequent headaches.

    How to donate urine?

    To determine the level of albumin proteins in waste products, a urine sample is required. A urologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist or therapist can prescribe a study.

    Clinical? Deciphering the results will show the most reliable picture if the patient does everything right. For studies aimed at determining the salt content in body fluid and failures in the functioning of the kidneys, biomaterials collected the day before the test are used. It is recommended to use a special urine container to obtain reliable test results. The procedure is carried out as follows:

    • about 200 ml of urine is poured into a container;
    • the container is handed over to the laboratory;
    • re-analysis if necessary;
    • the results are calculated by the nephrologist based on the patient's weight.

    How to donate urine if you suspect diabetes? organisms secreted during the day are merged into a volumetric container, after which they are stored in a refrigerator. The morning portion of urine in the amount of 200 ml, collected the next day, is mixed with the previously obtained volume. About 150 ml of the total amount is poured into the urine container. The container is sent to the laboratory indicating the age of the patient, the total volume of liquid received per day.


    Microalbuminuria - what is it and how to eliminate its manifestations? Treatment involves an integrated approach. People who suffer from high blood sugar are prescribed drugs that lower blood pressure and eliminate the accumulation of cholesterol. In case of insufficient amount of glucose in the body, a course of insulin injections is prescribed.

    Regardless of the cause of the pathological manifestation, in order to reduce the percentage of albumin protein in the blood, patients are recommended to resort to the following measures:

    • regularly measure blood glucose levels;
    • monitor pressure;
    • control cholesterol;
    • avoid the development of infectious diseases;
    • eating a low-calorie, low-fat diet
    • quit smoking and drinking alcohol;
    • consume about one and a half liters of water during the day.

    People with microalbuminuria have to go to hospital quite often. Without adequate diagnosis and the use of appropriate therapy methods, there is a high risk of death due to the development of cardiac problems. Therefore, when the first symptoms of pathology are detected - the presence of problems with blood pressure, an increase in blood sugar levels - you must immediately contact the hospital for tests.

    Risk group

    Microalbuminuria - what is it? The risk of developing pathology arises in people who consume an abundance of protein foods. The disease can also occur in response to exhausting daily physical activity.

    In general, it is recommended to resort to studies for microalbuminuria:

    1. Patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus in the initial stage. Such people should have a urine test at least once a year.
    2. Patients with stage 2 diabetes should be tested to determine the level of albumin protein in the urine several times a year.
    3. People with ischemic disease heart, impaired sensitivity to sugar, patients who have inherited the genetic form of dyslipidemia.

    Where can the microalbuminaria test be done?

    You can donate urine for analysis by contacting any city polyclinic on the basis of which a research laboratory functions. Diagnostic rooms of hospitals are also suitable for examination.

    If you wish, you can make an appointment with a private clinic. However, such a decision in most cases looks impractical: detecting an increased norm of protein in the urine is a fairly simple test, and the methods used by state medical institutions are accurate and reliable, so there is no need to overpay.


    Microalbuminuria - what is it? The abnormal concentration of albumin protein in urine, which leads to the risk of developing heart disease, the occurrence of disorders in the functioning of the kidneys. Without proper treatment, all this can develop into damage to the brain tissue.

    Determination of the level of albumin in urine is not only the basis for the correct diagnosis, but also allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy methods used. With the timely detection of an increase in the indicator, as well as taking nephroprotective medications, the development of serious complications can be avoided.