The magic of numbers. Dream Interpretation: flying above the ground in a dream. Why do you dream about flying? Dream of flying in happiness

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about flying in a dream?

The dream in which you are flying symbolizes humiliation and unpleasant news about those who are absent.

For a young woman to fly in a dream is a sign that she will not resist reproaches and her lover will leave her.

If something flies away from you in a dream, then in reality you will win some kind of competition.

In a dream, flying in the boundless expanse of heaven promises an unhappy marriage. If you dream that you are flying low above the ground, this promises you an illness or difficult situation that you will overcome.

Flying over ruins means unfortunately, sad circumstances. If at the same time you see greenery and trees here and there, this means that your troubles are a temporary phenomenon; overcoming them, you will come to prosperity.

If, while flying, you see the sun, this means that your worries will be in vain, life will improve, despite the constant threat of evil.

Flying high in the sky, meeting the Moon and other celestial bodies along the way, promises hunger, wars and all sorts of troubles for the human race.

A dream in which he soars over green crowns and sees white wings behind his back is favorable for a young man: the dream promises good luck in business and happy love. If he sees this dream often, then this means an improvement in his financial condition and the fulfillment of his innermost desires. But if he flies over withered trees, fate will prepare tests for him on the way to getting what he wants. He will overcome them, but it will not bring the expected results.

If a young girl dreams that she flies from one city to another, landing from time to time on church roofs, this dream suggests that she has a lot to do in order to protect her love from hypocritical people. This dream poses a threat to the health of her or her loved ones.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about flying?

“Fly by” - miss, miss the main thing, not participate or successfully avoid a danger or difficulty. “fly”, “fly by”, “flew by” - the swiftness, transience of an event, a period of life; “fly down the drain” - go broke; “fly with happiness.” "fly from work." “flew high” - about rapid career growth.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which you dream of Flying

Flying symbolizes movement and freedom. The image of sublimation compensation, the desire to solve life's problems by escaping them into the creative imagination, a feeling of powerlessness and some insecurity (especially if a person often sees this image). The rare occurrence of flying is associated with a person’s desire to overcome obstacles and get out of a difficult situation. This image can symbolize the desire to escape from problems, to become stronger and more influential, sometimes so powerful as to have power over even physical laws such as gravity. The circumstances in which this action is performed are much more important than the fact of the flight itself.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about flying?

Fly - Good, success in business, joy, wealth, harvest, you will look for workers, get well (for the sick), repent, road // illness, death (for the sick); fly down - failure awaits; up - joy, luck; low – road; fly high - a happy change // delusion; far away - love // ​​long wait.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Fly - By air - road, achievements; (depending on height); very high - false ambitions; far away - love experiences, as well as a long wait; in heaven - happiness (for the healthy), death (for the sick).

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Flying from your dream

Flying - By yourself through the air - vital and spiritual forces, achievements in personal, professional, creative or spiritual activities. Very often one dreams of flying as a result of some kind of spiritual practice, which indicates progress. Too high - ambitions, unreasonable claims, conceit; collapse of plans. In heaven - spiritual revelation, self-knowledge; serious illness or death. Flying on a broom or riding an animal is a fascination with demonic spiritual teachings, the imperceptible development of one’s own passion, pride, the beginning of spiritual temptation and loss of soul. On the chair - loss of place, position, or vice versa - career success. On the bed - an original, unexpected turn in life.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Flying, what does it mean?

Flying in a dream is a symbolic separation from the physical body, astral travel. Characterizes the dreamer's elation of spirit, the ability to rise above his problems. Flying in a dream (outdoors) is evidence of a surge of vital energy and sexuality. Trying to fly under the ceiling is an awakening of spiritual powers. Soaring high, among the clouds - a separation from real life, a tendency to fantasies.

Fly on your own low above the ground - For now, ignore the advice of those close to you and do as your heart tells you. Fly on your own up to the sky - Your dreams are unlikely to come true in the near future. Direct your interest to a specific business. Fly on an airplane - you are on the right track. A little more effort and victory will crown your desire. Fly in a hot air balloon - Do not miss the person who is showing you signs of attention. Take off by ground transport - Any task you take on now will work out. Be more active Take off and fall - You will have to accept defeat and accumulate strength for a new takeoff

Modern dream book


Fly - Fulfillment of hopes, good luck in business

Azar's Dream Book

Why did you dream according to spiritual sources?

Fly - Success in business, love, trade

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Fly - Over a long distance - love experiences; to fall is a nuisance; flying on wings is happiness; in heaven - happiness for the healthy, death for the sick.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Fly - On a magic carpet, vacuum cleaner, bird to travel long distances. Using something: wings, a propeller to purchase equipment (car, boat, TV, refrigerator). Without the help of anything, to the successful use of your abilities.

Semenova's lunar dream book

What is night vision about?

Fly low - Towards the road.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about flying?

Flying low through the air - Road.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did you dream about flying?

We often fly in a dream - this is a significant event, and sometimes we fly spontaneously, so to speak, and in other cases we see a CONSCIOUS dream and consciously choose to fly. But, as a rule, flying is always accompanied by a boundless sense of freedom. During spontaneous flights, you have to make certain efforts - like flapping your arms with wings - to stay in the air. However, many people dream that they are picked up by an unknown force while floating. Usually such dreams occur when we really want to TRAVEL or on the eve of danger that requires ESCAPE.

In the process of lucid dreaming, we slowly rise into the air, hovering above the ground. We choose to fly because we feel we can do it. This is one type of astral OUT OF BODY experience. Thanks to these flights, the sleeper rises above the circumstances, choosing profitable and safe promising directions. What caused the desire to fly - danger or euphoria? What did this flight lead to? Unusual means of travel.

In a dream, a person can fly by himself, on a bicycle, a car, a boat, or other non-flying means of transportation. Such flights are usually the result of circumstances in which a conventional vehicle becomes unusable or simply dangerous. For example, you prefer to fly on a bicycle rather than drive a car and get into an accident. At the same time, the dream says that you see all the illogicality and inconsistency of the emerging danger. But this could also be a dream involving the archetypal image of a HERO.

Flying on an airplane - Fulfillment of desires, success.

Flying saucer, sphere (UFO) – A period of strong anxiety, anxiety, internal contradictions (the influence of negative energies). In this form, the demonic consciousness localized in a person’s dreams from the noosphere of the earth more often manifests itself.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about flying?

  • Flying in a dream - this symbolism is associated with the feeling of free movement.
  • To dream of flying high means the absence of restrictions, the ability to overcome any obstacles.
  • If you dream that you are taking off or flying high above the earth, in reality good news awaits you.
  • If you dream of flying, the higher you are, the more achievements the dream promises you.
  • For a business person to see himself flying means rapid promotion or great success in business. Be careful, envious enemies can plot and weave intrigues behind your back.
  • Financial well-being awaits a person who dreamed of flying on an airplane with friends.
  • If the dreamer is flying alone on a plane, he should be wary of envious comrades.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Fly

Psychologists interpret dreams of flying as a person’s internal desire for movement and freedom. Often such dreams can appear to people trying to ignore their life problems. Try to accept life as it is, and not run away from it into the sky.

  • Flying high in a hot air balloon - your most cherished desires will soon be fulfilled.
  • If in a dream a person flies from one object to another, as if fluttering, it speaks of the sleeper’s low self-esteem. You need to stop being afraid to take responsibility for your actions and trust your decisions more.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about flying?

  • Anyone who flies in a dream without rising high above the ground will soon meet a person with whom it is possible to create a happy family.
  • If, while flying, you see ruins of buildings in front of you, you may lose the trust of a loved one.
  • When one of the spouses dreamed of falling from a flying height, in reality he may be greatly disappointed in his partner.
  • If you fly alone, beware of betrayal and betrayal of your loved one.
  • A man who, while in flight, sees birds flying over his head in a dream, in reality should pay attention to his beloved. The dream warns that by going into the world of dreams, you may miss your happiness.

Great modern dream book

Flying - why does the dreamer dream?

  • Why dream that you are flying in space and surveying the planet - the dream foreshadows some kind of natural disasters or catastrophes on a global scale: wars, collapses of states, epidemics.
  • It’s as if you are flying and looking at the sun - your worries are in vain; even if you do nothing, your life will get better - probably because others will take action.
  • You seem to be flying, you experience extraordinary lightness, you are like a bird - the dream means that you are a courageous person, your spirit is free; all roads are open to you, and you are free to choose the best; a beautiful future awaits you; If you ever meet the friends of your youth, you will have something to tell them and something to brag about.
  • It’s as if you are flying above the very tops of the trees - some troubles await you, but they will soon end and will not have consequences.
  • It’s as if you are flying low above the ground - you cannot get out of an awkward situation without moral losses; you will be accused of falling low, but you will not be able to argue convincingly; another interpretation of the dream: you will soon get sick.
  • You are flying over a dead forest or a fire - you will overcome all trials and achieve success; Next to you, the average person will look like a loser.
  • If you dream of flying over ruins - alas, a misfortune will happen to you.
  • You see your wings in flight, they are white - you are flying on the wings of luck; success will accompany you everywhere; you will know happy love.
  • You see your wings in flight, they are black - reality will bitterly disappoint you; you will say goodbye to someone forever.
  • If you dream that your flight ended in a fall, and you woke up at the moment of the fall - this is not a good sign; You are about to experience a great misfortune, take heart.
  • Why does a young woman dream of flying high in the skies - an unhappy marriage awaits this woman; the husband will be boring and grumpy, besides, he will find fault with little things and will even begin to restore his own order in the kitchen; With such a husband, no wealth will seem like a blessing.
  • A woman dreams that she is flying from one city to another; she sees that the stars are reflected in the golden domes of the temples - this woman will have to defend her world from the encroachments of hypocritical people; the fight may cost her health, but in the end she will win.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why Fly in a dream?

  • Dreaming of flying in a dream means gaining independence.
  • Flying low above the ground is a pipe dream.
  • Dreaming of flying easily and freely - achievements; overcoming obstacles.
  • Flying under the influence of some force is a premonition of danger; desire to travel.
  • Flying in a car in a dream means anxiety; worry about new things.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Flying in a dream means fruitless dreams.

For those born in May, June, July and August

To see in a dream how you fly above the earth, soaring high in the sky, is a sign of growth for the young; for the elderly - for the last flight.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Flying with someone and feeling the delight of flying is a sign of stormy but fleeting love.

In most cases, you should not pay attention to a dream that you had on the 11th. The thing is that from the dreams of this number only separate and extremely clear storylines will come true. If within three days the dream has not come true, then there is no point in waiting, it will no longer come true. Particular attention should be paid to dreams in which relatives and other people close to you are present.

Fly as interpreted by experts

Seeing the flight of a crane wedge in a dream foretells gloomy prospects in commercial affairs. If flying cranes land on a meadow, this portends unexpected events in real life. Watching an eagle fly high in the sky foreshadows in reality a fierce struggle to defend and implement your plan, which will one way or another lead to success.

The flight of a lone dove means that you will soon receive a message that your friend is in an unpleasant situation; a flock of pigeons means good luck in business.

Larks flying and singing loudly over the field mean high goals, in pursuit of which you will suppress your selfish tendencies and develop the kindest spiritual qualities. A bird's flight interrupted by a shot leads to disappointment and tears.

Bats seen in a dream foretell the death of a loved one. Flying above you in abundance, they foretell a separation from your loved one.

Flying on an airplane in a dream foreshadows happy changes; on a helicopter - you will get into a disaster; on an airship - you will help those in need; on a hot air balloon - you will feel regret about a missed opportunity; on a hang glider - you will have a fun time. A dream in which you set off on a flight without a rudder and without sails, that is, solely on your own power, flapping your arms like wings - this in reality will bring you the fulfillment of your hopes, success in business and love.

If you are flying in one direction, this foreshadows a long journey in reality. If your flight in a dream is suddenly interrupted and you wake up with a feeling of regret and disappointment, it means that your irritability will cause a quarrel with your husband.

A dream in which the power of imagination carries you on the wings of dreams to unknown lands - in reality, love experiences await you, that is, smiles and tears, plenty of everything. If you dream that your flight in supernatural heights is accompanied by some fantastic ethereal creatures, all the grief that has accumulated in your soul will recede before these wondrous visions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Tree

Reflects a person's sense of self.

The trunk represents a person's place in society.

Foliage – relationships with other people.

Roots reflect stability and seriousness of purpose.

The bark is a symbol of your vulnerability or protection.

A forest, a few trees represent a group of people, a family.

A tree with a green, lush crown means prosperity and friendly support.

Dry trees without leaves mean difficulties and loneliness.

Fruit trees - profit, prosperity.

Flowering trees - love, feelings.

Dry branches - dead feelings and relationships.

Damaged bark - someone will take advantage of your trust.

Firewood, logs - dead or long-forgotten people will somehow remind you of themselves.

But to do this we need to understand what the individual parts of the tree are telling us.

Let us highlight individual characteristics of the tree. Let's see what they tell the dreamer.

Tree size. A tree that is too small indicates your insecurity and dependence on the powers that be. A tree of normal size will emphasize that you feel free and independent. The huge tree encourages you to reduce your ambitions (as in the example above).

Trunk. The trunk speaks of the dreamer’s strength: physical and moral. The thick trunk of the tree you see foretells that you will gain social weight. If the trunk is thin and swaying, then a difficult life situation awaits you, which will not be easy for you to cope with. The trunk may be forked. If this is so, then the dream concerns the problem of relationships with a person close to you. Scars and hollows on the trunk remind you of diseases and operations previously suffered. But, as a rule, they belong to the past. However, a broken barrel should alert you. This is a harbinger of future troubles and life upheavals. What if you dream of a tree stump? This sign is not scary (if the tree did not break before your eyes). Most likely, this dream emphasizes that, as usual, you will show conservatism in affairs and relationships and will not accept the changes promised by the dream.

Branches. Remember where the branches of the tree you dreamed of were directed? If they stretched upward, it means your immediate plans will be realized. Branches hanging down indicate that you may not have enough energy to solve the problems that arise. Pay attention to broken or cut branches. This is a sign that you feel inferior in some area. Sometimes such cut branches, like hollows, appear in dreams after surgery. The only bad sign for the future is a branch that is broken off before your eyes.

Crown. A very favorable dream is in which you see a tree with a lush, green crown. This portends you many contacts and friendly communication. But if the crown is small and the foliage is sparse, then you are having difficulty finding partners and friends. And the problems indicated by the dream will have to be solved alone. And the most unfavorable case: seeing a tree with fallen leaves. This is a sign that you will experience a period of depression, loss of strength, loss of vital energy, and loss of faith in the future. Or maybe you saw flowers on the tree in your dream? Then, perhaps, a sentimental relationship with someone awaits you, the blossoming of new feelings. You should pay close attention to such a message as fruit on a tree. On the one hand, they portend success and effectiveness in business and feelings. On the other hand, in our dreams fruits often fall, are wormy, and unripe. This means that the results of your activities can be used by someone else.

Roots. It is better for the dreamer if the roots of the tree are in the ground. If you dig them up, looking for something, you may discover some secret or strengthen your spiritual strength. But seeing roots on the surface of the earth is a sign that you are looking for support. In such a dream, you may be shown something or someone you can lean on.

The tree of life is the symbolic axis of the world. The meaning of this Tree is that it unites such different elements as air, earth and water, i.e. those elements that are necessary for the existence of all life on earth. The tree of life is often depicted as a cross entwined with leaves. But human life is inseparable from the Tree of Knowledge. This Tree “tempts” a person with both the fruits of good and evil. The story of the Fall of Adam and Eve is connected with this Tree.

The Tree of Light, which is associated with the legend of the rebirth of souls. The connection with this tree is reflected in the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with candles and light bulbs.

These lights are symbols of wandering souls.

And gifts - toys on the Christmas tree - are sacrifices to the gods. Thus, a tree seen in a dream is sometimes correlated with these original trees. In such cases, it matters what the tree looks like, how its branches grow, and where the roots point.

A very interesting symbol is a tree turned upside down. This means that the basic, earthly foundations are connected with the higher, spiritual.

An inverted tree can also portend the death of a person. And there is no contradiction here, for the death of the body is the breakthrough of the Soul to heaven.

You may often dream that you are climbing a tree. This is as lucky a sign as climbing a mountain.

If climbing a mountain is more a symbol of material growth, then climbing a tree is a transition to a new spiritual level.

Tree Corresponds to the original trees.

In such cases, it matters what the tree looks like, how its branches grow, and where the roots point.

A very interesting symbol is a tree turned upside down.

This means that the basic, earthly foundations are connected with the higher, spiritual.

However, sometimes an inverted tree can also portend the death of a person.

And there is no contradiction here, for the death of the body is the breakthrough of the soul to heaven.

Climbing a tree - This is as good a sign as climbing a mountain.

But, if climbing a mountain is more a symbol of material growth, then climbing a tree is a transition to a new spiritual level.

In ancient rituals, an action such as climbing a pole was used.

Not so long ago, at Russian folk festivals, a clever guy, climbing to the top of a pole, received a pair of boots as a reward.

Often the consequence of this little sporting success was success in life.

In most dreams where trees are seen, they are trees without any signs of species.

But they, these faceless trees, turned out to be the most informative signs of sleep.

Too small a tree Indicates your uncertainty, dependence on the powers that be.

A tree of normal size will emphasize that you feel free and independent.

The huge tree encourages you to scale back your ambitions.

Or maybe you saw flowers on the tree in your dream? Then, perhaps, a sentimental relationship with someone awaits you, the blossoming of new feelings.

You should pay close attention to such a message as fruit on a tree. On the one hand, they portend success and effectiveness in business and feelings. On the other hand, in our dreams fruits often fall, are wormy, and unripe. This suggests that someone else can benefit from the results of your activities.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Flight – good emotions, freedom, independence. To see yourself flying in a dream means that in reality you are striving for freedom and independence. In the near future you will have such an opportunity. If in a dream you fall during a flight, then in reality you will have to overcome obstacles and solve problems. A dream in which you are flying in outer space means that in reality you are too carried away by your fantasies and do not notice the events happening around you.

I dreamed of flying

according to Miller's dream book

In a dream, flying in the boundless expanse of heaven promises an unhappy marriage. If you dream that you are flying low above the ground, this promises you illness or a difficult situation. Hovering over the surface of the water and seeing that the water is cloudy foreshadows the machinations of ill-wishers: you need to be careful in managing your personal affairs. Flying over ruins means unfortunately, sad circumstances. If at the same time you see greenery and trees here and there, this means that your troubles will not last long. If, while flying, you see the sun, this means that your worries will be in vain, life will improve, despite the constant threat of evil. Flying high in the sky, meeting the Moon and other celestial bodies on the way, promises troubles for the whole earth. While in flight, noticing black wings behind your back is a sign of bitter disappointment. A favorable dream is in which you soar over green crowns and see white wings behind you: the dream promises good luck in business and happy love. But if you fly over withered trees, fate will prepare trials for you on the path to success. Falling during a flight promises great misfortune, unless you wake up at the moment of your fall. If a woman dreams that she flies from one city to another, landing from time to time on church roofs, this dream foretells that she has a lot to do in order to protect her love from hypocritical people. This dream sometimes poses a threat to her health or her loved ones. If she dreams that she was shot while flying, this means that in reality her ill-wishers will create obstacles for her, preventing her from advancing to success and prosperity.

Ball in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

To see in a dream a fireball flying towards the Earth - such a dream indicates that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite that will bring destruction to our planet. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies misfortune. If you dreamed about the globe, then this dream means that our planet is in real danger. Moreover, this danger does not come from outside, but lies within the people themselves. The whole point is that the population of the planet has completely forgotten that we live on a fragile star and life itself has been given to us from above. It seems to each specific country, even each person, that he is stronger than others, and therefore the most important desire is the desire to prove to the whole world his own superiority with the help of weapons and violence. Seeing a huge dark ball approaching the Earth in a dream is a sign that the Earth is threatened by an environmental disaster and it will happen due to the emissions that poison the air from various factories. The time will come when a gray cloud will descend on Earth and people will experience a greater need for air. If in a dream you saw a luminous ball on the surface of the Earth, then such a dream prophesies a visit to the Earth by living beings from another planet, who will come into contact with earthlings and tell them a lot of new and interesting things. Such a dream warns the dreamer that in the future he will encounter something hitherto unknown to him, which will cause him great fear. Running away from a fireball in a dream is an omen of a terrible war. Perhaps this will be the third world war, in which many countries of the world will be involved. Such a dream tells the dreamer that he will personally suffer great losses in the war, and maybe even will take an active part in this terrible life-and-death battle.

Why do you dream about a ball?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


Why do you dream about a bird?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

game - to see it cooked - good luck; there are small benefits;

Why do you dream about a bird?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

guest or news (depending on the type and behavior of the bird); proposal for a woman; killing or injuring a bird is a big failure; bird's tail - consequences; bright plumage - good luck in love; flying - to wealth; predatory for hunting - honors; changes in life; a lot of birds - litigation; flies - the higher, the better the sleep; catch - acquisition, marriage; swamp - danger; night - loss of loved ones or money; pecking at seeds - small joys; your plans will come true a little later (it’s not for nothing that they say: a bird pecks at the grain); patience will be rewarded.

Why do you dream about wings?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

see - well-being.

I dreamed about wings

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you have wings suggests that you will experience mortal fear for the safety of a person who has left you on a long journey. Seeing the wings of birds or chickens means that you will ultimately overcome all troubles and adversities and rise to honor and wealth.

Seeing an eagle in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Solar symbol of all the Sun gods, midday sun, spirituality, ascension, inspiration, liberation from bonds, victory, pride, contemplation, apotheosis, royal origin, power, strength, height, element of air. It was believed that the eagle was able to fly to the Sun and, without blinking, look at it and connect with it. In this regard, the eagle personified the spiritual principle in man, which is able to soar to Heaven. Double-headed eagles are attributes of the twin gods and can mean omniscience and double power. The rivalry between the eagle and the bull, or the eagle and the lion, in which the eagle always wins, represents the triumph of the spirit and intellect over the carnal nature. A conflict between an eagle and a serpent, or an eagle with a snake in its claws, reflects the victory of the spirit. In this fight, the eagle personifies the forces of good, and the snakes represent chthonic and evil forces. In addition, the eagle signifies the unmanifested light, while the serpent signifies the unmanifested darkness. Together they form a cosmic whole, a whole, a combination of spirit and matter. The eagle crowning the column is the emblem of all the sun gods in their sol invictus form, the conquerors of darkness. In alchemy, an eagle soaring upward means the liberated spiritual part of the first matter, prima materia. The double eagle depicts the androgynous mercury. The crowned eagle and lion are wind and earth, mercury and sulfur, volatile and frozen principles. Among the American Indians, the headdress with eagle feathers represents the Thunder Bird, the world spirit. The eagle is a revelation and mediator between Heaven and Earth and, in addition, a symbol of the day. In some cases, a white eagle symbolizes a man, and a brown eagle symbolizes a woman. Among the Australian aborigines, the eagle or falcon is equated with deities. For the Aztecs, the eagle is the power of heaven, the shining Heavens, the rising Sun, devouring the serpent of darkness. In Buddhism, the eagle is the bird on which Buddha flies. Attribute of Amoghasiddhi. The Celts associated the eagle with healing waters. In China, the eagle means the Sun, yang, power, warrior, courage, perseverance, keen vision, fearlessness. The eagle and raven are associated with the gods of war. In Christianity, the eagle is spirit, ascension, inspiration, spiritual effort, the Last Judgment when it throws the damned away from the nest, renewal of youth Psalms, 103:5. Looking, without blinking, at the Sun, he personifies Christ, who fixed his eyes on the Glory of God, bringing his chicks to the Sun, he is Christ, lifting souls to the Lord, falling like a stone behind fish in the sea, Christ, saving souls from the ocean of sins. It was believed that the eagle renews its plumage by flying up to the Sun and then throwing itself into the sea, therefore it personifies resurrection and new life after baptism, a soul renewed by grace. He also signifies the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, and therefore his image is depicted on the lectern. An eagle holding a snake in its talons represents victory over sin. One of the four beasts of the Apocalypse. In tetramorph it represents Saint John the Evangelist. For the Egyptians, the eagle is a solar symbol, the son of Horus. To the Greeks it means the Sun, spiritual strength, royalty, victory and good luck. An attribute of Zeus and as the bearer of his lightning, he is sometimes depicted with lightning in his claws. Originally it was the emblem of Pan, who lost it to Zeus. Funeral emblem of Ganymede. Ganymede watering the eagle symbolizes overcoming death. According to Homer, an eagle with a snake in its claws is a symbol of victory. For Jews it symbolizes renewal, the east. In Hinduism, the eagle is the solar bird of Garuda, on which Vishnu flies; emblem of Indra. Among the Aryans it is a petrel bird. In Mithraism, the eagle and falcon are attributes of the solar Mithras. In Roman tradition, the eagle is the solar bird of the storm, bearing the lightning of Jupiter. Represents the emperor, dignity, victory, favor, speed of reaction. Holds the lightning of Jupiter in his claws. The symbol and protagonist of deification after death. In Scandinavian mythology, the eagle is the emblem of Odin Wodan. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, a symbol of the midday sun, an attribute of Ninurta or Ningvisu, the blessed Sun god of Canaan and Babylon; emblem of the Assyrian god Ashur, god of storm, lightning and fertility. The double-headed eagle symbolizes Nirgal, the scorching heat of the midday sun and Summer. In essence, the Hittites have a similar meaning, meaning solar power and omniscience; holds in its claws either a moon hare or a snake. Marduk is often depicted as an eagle.

The meaning of a dream about an eagle

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of an eagle soaring high in the sky, this indicates that you are currently preoccupied with the current situation. You cannot decide who to give preference to - your current partner or your ex. Do not forget that in this situation you begin to idealize your old partner and imagine a possible future with him in rosy tones. You are looking for some shortcomings in your current partner, and that is why he seems not good enough to you.

I dreamed of an eagle

according to Miller's dream book

To see an eagle soaring above you in a dream portends you a desperate struggle to realize your lofty goals; however, the struggle will end in your victory and achievement of what you want. If in a dream you watch an eagle circling high in the sky, the dream promises you the acquisition of all the benefits that are possible. Seeing a nest with eagle chicks is a harbinger of your strong business friendship with influential people and good luck in business. In a dream, killing an eagle is a sign of your extraordinary determination to overcome all the obstacles that hinder you on your way to the top. Eating eagle meat indicates the enormous strength of your character, which will help you withstand any test and not retreat from the threat of death. Seeing an eagle killed by someone is a harbinger of a fatal event that will take away everything you have conquered. Sitting on the back of an eagle means an interesting journey to distant, little-explored lands, where you will learn and gain a lot.

Seeing an eagle in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The eagle is an important symbol of the American Indians. It also occupies an important place in the literature of the ancient Greeks and Jews. This image has not changed its symbolic meaning to this day. The eagle is a symbol of wisdom and insight in the worldview of the Navajo and Crow Crow Indians. Therefore, the eagle is often associated with a sacred emblem, signifying that the Great Spirit has chosen a person for a special purpose. In the literature of the Greeks and Jews, the eagle symbolizes power. Endowed with extraordinary size and strength, eagles could steal small livestock, personifying greatness, power and fear. Seeing an eagle in a dream means establishing yourself as a wise person, endowed with intuition both regarding this world and the spiritual realities of the other world.

Why do you dream about an eagle?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

see - success in business; carries away - a dangerous disease, misfortune; dead - (rich) - to fall; (to the poor) - profit.

I dreamed about the sky

according to Miller's dream book

A dream about the sky promises exceptional honors and an exciting journey in the most refined society if the sky in your dream is clear and pure. Otherwise, this dream means broken hopes and women's grievances. If you dream that you are flying through the sky, surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals and are amazed at what is happening either in a dream, or when you wake up from a dream, then this means that all the grief, all that excruciating pain that touches even coarse undeveloped souls will flow out in a drop. jealousy, which your unhappy love will contain, and infidelity will be debunked. Seeing a purple sky in a dream is a sign of riots and social unrest. A starry sky means that you are embarking on a real struggle for the right to incarnate in this life, but this struggle will be successful for you. If you see an illuminated sky with celestial bodies, the dream promises a huge work of spirit ahead of you, a return to nature, which will give you wisdom and comfort. If you see yourself ascended to heaven, then this dream foreshadows your unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that have opened up to you and achieve success in your work. If in a dream you climb a ladder to heaven, the dream promises you a quick rise in society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction, since you will not pay for it with any effort.

The meaning of a dream about the sky

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a clear sky in a dream is a good sign; it shows that everything in your personal life is going well, you feel on the crest of a wave, all the failures that befell you in the sexual field will disappear. Enjoy this time, it may be very short. If the sky in your dream was cloudy, the sun was not visible on it, then this means that something is bothering you, but you do not in any way associate this concern with your sex life, although it is completely in vain - if you improve your relationship with your partner, then life will get better. New acquaintances are also not forbidden. Seeing the starry sky is a sign of a romantic meeting that you really hope for. It all depends on you, how much you can relax and enjoy yourself, without forgetting to give it to your loved one.

Why do you dream about the sky?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

light - success; blue - expect good; red - quarrel; starry - fulfillment of desires, a large inheritance; dark without stars - danger; looking at the sky is recognition; heaven and earth unite (Chinese) - you will achieve what you want; clouds rise from 4 sides (Chinese) - big money; rushing - bad luck; in the clouds of fire - great joy; in red, crimson clouds - a serious illness; rays of light, shine in the sky - fortunately, patronage.

Why do you dream of flying?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

by air - road, achievements (depending on height); very high - false ambitions; far away - love experiences, as well as a long wait; in heaven - happiness (for the healthy), death (for the sick); see Airplane.

I dreamed of an airplane

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing an airplane in a dream means a favorable conclusion to some commercial affairs. An airplane accident promises you many new plans that will bring chaos and anxiety into your life.

I dreamed about a hot air balloon

according to Miller's dream book

Lost hopes and misfortunes accompany this dream. Your business life will clearly be in decline. Rising in a hot air balloon means an unsuccessful trip.

I dreamed of a bird of prey

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a bird of prey, a falcon or a hawk, in a dream predicts that you will be deceived. Shooting her means that after a struggle you will overcome all obstacles on the path to happiness. If a young woman scares away birds of prey from her babies in a dream, it means that she will achieve the fulfillment of her wildest desires, but only when she is hardworking. The dream foretells you a real danger from your opponents. If in a dream you manage to scare away the birds before they attack and injure you, your affairs will be successful. Seeing a bird of prey dead promises good luck and victory. Seeing that you are shooting at a bird is a sign that you will choose to bravely fight your enemies and perhaps win.

Dream about space travel

according to Loff's dream book

Flights on reusable spacecraft and space stations are becoming part of modern life, and space travel is almost accessible. And, as a consequence of this, dreams about them become more common. A dream of this kind is often a simple wish fulfillment, a dream to see the world from another point in space. However, it can also be a dream of escaping, traveling, or searching. Obviously, the key to understanding such a dream is the purpose of the journey. Another way to understand the meaning of a dream concerns the method of travel. Were you in a spaceship or something more familiar to you, like your car? A dream about space travel is good material for research. You may dream that you are lost and groping for something in a vast vacuum. In your dream, did you really want to be in outer space or did you just find yourself there? Did you feel safe while there?

To dream of flying arbitrarily

according to Loff's dream book

We often fly in a dream - this is a significant event, and sometimes we fly spontaneously, so to speak, and in other cases we see a lucid dream and consciously choose to fly. But, as a rule, flying is always accompanied by a boundless sense of freedom. During spontaneous flights, you have to make certain efforts - like flapping your arms with wings - to stay in the air. However, many people dream that they are picked up by an unknown force while floating. Typically, such dreams occur when we really want to travel or in anticipation of a danger that requires escape. In the process of lucid dreaming, we slowly rise into the air, hovering above the ground. We choose to fly because we feel we can do it. This is a type of astral out-of-body experience. Thanks to these flights, the sleeper rises above the circumstances, choosing profitable and safe promising directions. What caused the desire to fly - danger or euphoria? What did this flight lead to? Unusual means of travel. In a dream, a person can fly by himself, on a bicycle, a car, a boat, or other non-flying means of transportation. Such flights are usually the result of circumstances in which a conventional vehicle becomes unusable or simply dangerous. For example, you prefer to fly on a bicycle rather than drive a car and get into an accident. At the same time, the dream suggests that you see all the illogicality and inconsistency of the emerging danger. But it could also be a dream involving an archetypal image of a hero.

I dreamed about a crane

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing cranes flying in a northerly direction in a dream means gloomy prospects in commercial affairs. For a woman, this is a sign of disappointment. But to see them flying south portends a joyful meeting with absent friends; He promises lovers that they will remain faithful to each other. Seeing cranes descending to the ground portends unusual events.

As children, almost all people hear from their parents that flying in a dream is a good sign. Night dreams with such a plot indicate that the child is growing and developing. Should adults be happy or worried if they saw such a dream? This is easy to understand by remembering the details of the mysterious dream.

Flying in a dream: up and down

When remembering your dream, you should definitely recall the direction of flight in your memory. It is wonderful if in his night dreams a person soars upward; such a plot promises him well-being in business. Flying in a dream may indicate dreams of power, which the dreamer indulges in if he rises to great heights. It is possible that the “owner” of the dream will have to take a worthy position in society.

A dream in which a person flies down does not bode well. It is likely that night dreams with such a plot serve as a kind of warning that something bad and dangerous is about to happen. Flying at low altitude but not descending is a good dream. It is possible that the dreamer will experience career growth, and success in other areas of life is also possible.


Should flying in a dream be considered a good or bad omen? It is easy to understand this by recalling in memory the emotions that the dreamer experienced in his dreams. It’s bad if it’s uncertainty and fear; such experiences indicate problems in the sexual sphere. Some interpreters believe that anxiety during a flight speaks of the infantilism of the “owner” of the dream, his attempts to shift his problems onto others.

It’s great if flying in a dream is accompanied by joy and fun. If such a dream comes to a patient, he will have a speedy recovery. Also, joyful night dreams promise spiritual development, career advancement, and the conclusion of profitable deals.

Islamic dream book

Should you be worried if in your dreams a person feels like a bird, soaring in the skies? Such a plot promises that in real life the dreamer will be able to demonstrate his talents to others and restore his damaged reputation. If the “owner” of the dream grows wings, which he uses while soaring, events associated with changes await him: a change of job, a trip to another country, a move.

What does it mean to soar high in a dream without wings? claims that such a dream is a good omen. In the near future, the dreamer will see his cherished dream come true.

Freud's Dream Book

What does Sigmund Freud say about whether a dream associated with flying is a good omen? Flying on an airplane in night dreams, if you trust the interpretation of the famous psychologist, promises the “owner” of the dream sexual satisfaction. However, only if the transport role is an excellent airliner.

Flying on a corn farm is a completely different matter; such a dream suggests that in real life a person suffers from problems related to the intimate sphere. The use of a military aircraft in a dream indicates that in reality the dreamer is inclined to exaggerate his own love victories.

A dream inspired by a plane flight that took place in reality is a common occurrence. Most interpreters believe that it should not be taken as a prediction. Rather, it is a reflection of the fears that a person experienced in reality during the flight. If the dreamer in real life never experiences anxiety when boarding an airliner, but in a dream experiences negative emotions during air travel, he should be wary of adventures that could end badly.


Not only airplanes can appear in people’s dreams, but also others. For example, a person can see himself in his night dreams flying on a hang glider or airship, especially if he has a developed imagination. It is possible that the use of such transport in a dream indicates that in reality the dreamer found himself in a crisis situation. He is busy looking for non-standard solutions to the problem, but no actions help him cope with it.

Why dream of flying if the role of the aircraft is a parachute? Such a dream symbolizes the danger threatening its “owner” and suggests that his future is under threat. It is likely that the dreamer intends to conclude an adventurous deal, to embark on a dubious adventure.

Flying in a helicopter is a disturbing dream, if you go by the opinion of the compilers of the esoteric dream book. It is possible that the dreamer is deceiving close people (friends, relatives), which could end badly for him.

Space adventures

Flying in a dream can also be associated with space. What does it mean on a rocket, if you trust the opinion of the dream book compilers? Many people associate outer space with mystery, romance, and adventure. A dream in which a rocket appears, in most cases promises changes for the better. It is quite possible that the “owner” of the dream will soon see the implementation of his most daring plans and make a dizzying career.

It is definitely worth remembering the emotions experienced by a person during space travel. If he enjoyed himself, felt joy, then such night dreams foreshadow a pleasant journey. A different meaning is traditionally attributed to a dream in which there is a flight into space if the “owner” of the dream experiences anxiety during its occurrence. It is possible that in real life a person is trying to hide from problems.

Negative dream - a trip to the moon. Such a plot predicts catastrophes of global significance, foreshadows wars, epidemics, and natural disasters.

Magic transport

What does flying in a dream mean if a person uses a witch’s vehicle - a broom - as transport. If the “mistress” of night dreams in which a broom appears is a representative of the fair sex, this indicates that in reality she is trying to replenish wasted energy. Men have such a vision if in real life they are not happy with their relationship with their chosen one.

A wonderful dream - traveling on a dragon. This fabulous beast symbolizes will, strength, and perseverance. It is likely that the dreamer will have an influential patron in the near future who will provide him with the necessary support. However, if a person tries to fly into the air on a dragon and is defeated, in reality only unfulfilled ambitions await him.

What's Below

Flying over a forest in a dream indicates that the dreamer will soon discover a secret that worries him. He can also get out of a crisis situation by coming up with a creative solution to the problem. Seeing a city under your feet, in most cases you can rejoice, since the dream promises quick recognition. If the city over which the “owner” of the dream flies is destroyed, such a nightmare promises misfortune in reality.

A person may also see himself floating above water in a dream. It will be easy to understand the meaning of the dream if you remember the state of the reservoir. If it was dirty, in reality the dreamer has a lot of unfinished business, a bad relationship with someone from his inner circle. A clean, transparent body of water, on the contrary, indicates that a person is ready for inner insight, which will not keep you waiting. Flying over the sea portends an aggravation of intuition, this will help you avoid many dangers in real life and defeat your enemies.

Anyone who has ever flown in a dream will confirm that the resulting sensations are simply fantastic. The symbolism of flying is almost always light; many superstitions say that flying in a dream means growing. Of course, the interpretation of any dream depends entirely on the details that were dreamed. Any dream book will force a person to fly for various reasons, putting forward its own interpretation.

An interesting fact is that almost all dreams about flying are conscious ones.

In other words, the dreamer understands that he is dreaming and can control his body in this dream. The most common desire embedded in such dreams is the desire to travel.

Why do you dream of flying in a dream?

It is generally accepted that flying in a dream can only be dreamed of up to a certain age. This is largely due to the belief that seeing oneself flying in dreams signifies human growth. Initially, it was generally associated with the development of the brain - free floating means freedom.

In dreams, details are important - what color the wings were, what the sky was like, what time of day it was. Even more significance is attached to the time of year when you dreamed of flying.

Interpretation by seasons

  • Autumn is a premonition of a whirlwind romance, but it is not recommended to rush headlong into the pool, as this can lead to trouble. The love will be passionate, but the relationship will not last long - a brief infatuation;
  • Winter - the dreamer should take care of his well-being, go to the hospital, since winter flights dream of illness;
  • Spring - despite the general lightness of this time, in a dream flying over budding trees and melting snow indicates a subconscious desire to perceive the world as more real. The dream signals that dreams can lead to a crooked path, and having gotten lost, a person will miss all the opportunities provided by fate;
  • Summer - a warm and bright time of year symbolizes spiritual growth, especially for young people.

In addition to premonitions, dreams can be warnings.

Why do you dream of flying in a dream?

Flying in a dream means taking control of your life. It is quite possible that some unpleasant situation has already happened or is about to happen, which distorts the usual way of life.

The flight signals that everything will soon get better - the dreamer will be able to return the reins to his own hands.

  • If the flight is easy - soaring, enjoying the views, without fear of falling, then the strength of a person’s personality gradually grows. She is spurred on by something from outside: the support of her family, self-confidence, success at work and on the personal front.
  • During a flight, a person sees everything from a new angle - such a soar may mean that he has changed his outlook on life and began to see things more broadly.

But most often this is interpreted by a pure feeling of freedom - the subconscious seems to encourage the dreamer, telling him that nothing is impossible. The ability to fly - hope, opportunity, freedom of expression of thoughts and opinions.

Why dream of flying on an airplane or helicopter?

Progress has long stepped forward, allowing humanity to actually fly across the sky. What ancient people dreamed of, attributing possibilities only to the gods, is also accessible to the common man. Airplanes and helicopters allow you to rise as high as birds. But the interpretation of dreams about this is not so rosy.

  • Not to influence the flight of the plane in any way, to be just a passenger means not to control your life, you are constantly under the opinion of others. Trusting people too much, not taking responsibility for yourself - the dreamer should realize that his life belongs only to him.
  • On the other hand, the airplane symbolizes dreams and fantasies brought to life. This can be interpreted as immediate opportunities in life, such as changing jobs. Flying on an airplane means being freed from obligations, because these iron birds make long-distance flights.

The helicopter has a more mundane meaning, indicating something orderly and future in the place where the dreamer is.

  • If you fly as a pilot, you will soon be able to restore order in your thoughts and in your workplace.
  • Being a passenger and observing the land will quickly reward you for your hard work and honesty.

Fly in the night on your own, without wings

According to the already mentioned opinion, flying up to a certain age means growing physically, and after that means developing spiritually.

Free flight in a dream leads to complete freedom of action, but if you had to wave your arms to maintain balance, then the dreamer is oppressed in life and limited in his plans.

Flying on your own in a dream is a good sign, because it means complete control over your body and life. It also symbolizes successful development and the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

What does flying on wings symbolize?

If in a dream the dreamer acquired wings, it means that in life he will be helped to rise to the top. The color of the wings is important:

  • black - to be in trouble, disappointment in a loved one. On wings the dreamer flies away from him so as not to see anymore;
  • white - on the contrary, success at work, personal front - a beloved person will appear.

Repeated dreams will lead to an improvement in well-being; the dreamer will have long success in business and in love.

What does it mean to fly above the earth, clouds

In a dream, I saw a flight high above the earth to fulfill a dream, but low, on the contrary, to a violation of all plans.

  • Fly above the clouds to a happy destiny; soon there will be a successful and long-lasting marriage.
  • But flying close to the ground, literally levitating, leads to serious health problems.

Why do you dream of flying and falling?

Flying for a long time and then falling from a great height means striving for a dream that will never come true. Wrong goals in life will lead to failure. Moreover, a fall signals a danger that spurs the dreamer - from troubles to illness.

Various interpretations

Dream books interpret what you dream of flying in a dream differently. This largely depends on the details of the dream.

Modern dream book

According to the interpretation, if a young man travels around the world, and then flies to a high roof and looks down, then he will soon have to defend his point of view. On the other hand, a lot depends on the picture below:

  • a dirty lake or river with muddy water - surrounded by someone who wishes harm to all endeavors;
  • ruins of the city - the dreamer will soon get bored with his business, it is time to set off on a new journey;
  • a well-kept park near the church - there will be minor difficulties that will soon be resolved and good luck will appear.

If the dreamer looks up and sees clouds gathering overhead, then a loved one will soon die.

Opinion of Loff and Tsvetkov

According to Loff, an easy flight symbolizes a great desire to travel. But what is seen on the ground during the flight foreshadows a danger that can only be avoided by escaping to another city or country. Flying on a vacuum cleaner, bird or even a boat shows how much the dreamer strives to avoid misfortune in his life.

According to Tsvetkov, dreams are interpreted as follows:

  • flying in the air - quick success in business;
  • long flight time - love languor, anticipation;
  • hovering in your own room - imaginary ambitions that do not allow you to go beyond comfort.

Soaring high in the sky without experiencing any difficulties and enjoying the time spent is a great happiness.

However, if the dreamer is sick, then such a dream is more likely a premonition of deterioration or even death.

Predictions of Shuvalov and Menegatti

According to Shuvalova, the interpretation of why one dreams of flying in a dream is quite common - the desire for freedom. Flying means the inability to accept life as it really is, to fly away from problems.

The dream book of the Italian interpreter Menegatti suggests that a short flight is just a dream, and a long flight means powerlessness and self-doubt.

Interpretations of Freud and Ellis

Freud's dream book interprets dreams of flying as dreams of sexual freedom. A person may be afraid to go beyond ordinary relationships, but at the same time he dreams of trying. Many researchers agree with this interpretation, since dreams are a zone of free expression of subconscious desires.

The dream book of Ellis, a British researcher, says that such dreams have a common connection with breathing. Inhaling - in a dream a person flies, exhaling - falls.

Zhou's predictions

The Chinese interpreter is sure that flying with wings behind your back symbolizes great happiness, and taking off to cloudless skies symbolizes rapid prosperity and rapid success in life.

In general, the interpretation is quite directional:

  • to fly far - to an adventure in love;
  • on wings - to a happy life;
  • falling - trouble.

The dream book predicts that flying is a bright dream about the near future, meaning the fulfillment of all desires.