Taurus goat forecast for the year. Horoscope for Taurus men

The Taurus horoscope for 2017 promises the fulfillment of grandiose plans and absolute confidence that the future will unfold according to your scenario. Nevertheless, if you, dear Taurus, think that you know everything about yourself, then in 2017 this may become your biggest mistake and, alas, if you follow this path, it will not be the only one.

For Taurus, 2017 of the Fire Rooster may turn out to be both a period of great achievements, the beginning of a new fruitful period, and a time of great disappointments, depending on your preferences and the baggage (material and intangible benefits) that was with you at the beginning of this year. The thing is that in the coming 2017 of the Red Rooster for your zodiac sign there is no specific pattern according to which the events around you will develop throughout the entire current time stage. Everything is very unsteady and uncertain. This year, the wheel of history can spin in any conceivable direction and ultimately take you, dear Taurus, to a place completely different from what you are currently counting on... But it’s hard to say whether it’s bad or not! It all depends on how you look at it; a lot now depends on you and your perception. And yet, it seems to us, such an uncertain period is exactly what you need at the moment. After all, to be honest, there has long been a certain stagnation in the life of representatives of the Taurus sign. Your relationships or marital status (or lack thereof), finances, social status or career have long been established and have been at a certain level for several years. It’s not that there are no changes in your life, changes occur in many areas and there are quite a lot of them, it can definitely be said that the life of Taurus does not stand still! But at the same time, these are rather consistent evolutionary transformations that keep you in good shape, but do not bring any fundamental changes. And you, my dear Taurus, are more than happy with this situation! But the universe, on the contrary, has completely different plans for you... It is very similar to the fact that someone in the sky believes that changes cannot be put off for too long. Although not everything is so literal here, you should not understand that in 2017 you will face dismissal, divorce, and so on. Anything can happen, of course, but these are only special cases; we are trying to convey the key point that 2017, the year of the red Rooster for the Taurus sign, can become a period of changing guidelines, life priorities, goals and values.

Your sign, despite the general trend and of course in comparison with other signs of the Zodiac, is known for its emotionality and at the same time a tendency towards contemplation, peace, and a philosophical attitude towards the adversities that have befallen you. According to some astrologers, representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus are conventionally divided into a more active creative and a more passive faction. And based on these postulates, we affirm that 2017 will be experienced by each Taurus in its own way. Changes will come at the right time for anyone, but not for Taurus, who prefers a wait-and-see attitude; any changes in 2017 for the Red Fire Rooster will be perceived by him as something divorced from reality, something that you did not expect at all... However, only thanks to changes is it possible for some then development, understanding this, active Taurus will meet 2017 in full force, building promising projects and laying the foundation for future success. There is no clear negative or positive in either the first or second case. But still, we can assume that if they choose a passive strategy in 2017, Taurus will most likely maintain or even strengthen their position. At the same time, active actions are more complex and dangerous; they can jeopardize the resources of Taurus in 2017, however, they will ultimately help bring you, dear Taurus, to a new stage of development.

So, let's take a closer look at 2017. Let us repeat once again that it is difficult to say how productive and positive 2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, will be in relation to Taurus, the zodiac sign that belongs to the element of Earth. One of the reasons is that, as it is not difficult to guess, now in 2017 the element of Fire will “rule”, which, in general, does not have any clearly expressed relationship with the element of Earth. However, it is still possible to mention certain nuances. First of all, it is worth noting that the Fire Rooster will contribute to Taurus’ aspirations related to his personal life. In other words, in terms of work direction and finances, you will have to act independently, fully experiencing the potential negativity of Pluto, the planet responsible for the expulsion of Taurus. However, the Moon, your exaltant, in 2017 will be, so to speak, at the peak of its capabilities, so you should not expect any special problems. These will most likely be misunderstandings that will require Taurus to just save face. That is, you are unlikely to face any significant changes in your work area, however, there will be an opportunity to improve your financial situation. And yet, the emphasis must be placed, as already mentioned, on the sensory-emotional sphere. At a minimum, this is hinted at by the Rooster, the patron saint of 2017, with whom it is actually better not to argue about such things; this, you know, is fraught with consequences. At the same time, the entire year of 2017, in relation to the zodiac sign of Taurus, seems possible to divide (very conditionally, it must be said) into two stages, each of which will require a special strategy of behavior, having its own characteristic features and key nuances, which we will now try to emphasize.

The first stage will begin with the advent of 2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, and will end in the last glimmers of spring, approximately in the third decade of May. Here Taurus will have to focus all their attention on knowledge of human nature, no matter how pretentious and ambiguous it may sound. In general, Taurus are quite unique and versatile, but they have never been distinguished by their insight into the subtleties of the human soul (this is true, even if you have always thought differently, there is definitely a person next to you who understands this issue better than you). However, at this stage it is communication skills that will come to the fore, sociability and diplomacy. Yes, you will have to learn something, but there is nothing terrible about that, at a minimum, these are new opportunities, and at maximum, this is the future. Focus on what you already know, look into the unknown and simply try to project your future path. Don't be shy to ask for advice. Where knowledge is lacking, it is necessary to fill in the problems, but not with guesses, but with facts; this is where you will need new contacts, new connections! This is approximately the perspective the Red Rooster paints for you for the first months of 2017. Of course, you can completely ignore such revelations and follow your own path. They say the heart is right, but why take risks when all you need to do is become stronger? Well, it will be difficult for representatives of other signs to understand you; after all, you have your own path! And yet, during this period of 2017, be especially attentive to those who are near you. This applies not only to family, but also to work colleagues, hobby mates, and so on. In general, this will be a fairly calm time, a time of creation and understanding; the most active actions will come in the next period.

With the arrival of summer and until the very end of 2017, everything can change in the most dramatic way, but not immediately, but gradually. The dynamics of change will accelerate day by day, so you won't miss out on what's most important. The Red Rooster, as already mentioned, recommends focusing on sensual moments, but you should also not forget about purely practical (everyday) nuances, because, as one old proverb rightly says, you will not be satisfied with love alone. Taurus must remember the goals you had at the beginning of 2017, but also understand that you are in uncharted territory and that a new stage in life requires a different approach. Now the key ones should be new tasks that will emerge on their own, becoming a natural result of your actions in previous periods. In the summer of 2017, when everyone traditionally goes on vacation, you will have to work with redoubled zeal, this will allow representatives of your sign to move on to more promising and large-scale projects. Lonely Taurus can count on the situation to change dramatically. If in the first half of the year you have not met a person whom you could rightfully call (even if only hypothetically for now) your “soul mate,” then this will definitely happen in the summer, perhaps a little later - at the beginning of autumn. Passivity will lead to the loss of any opportunities; the Red Rooster recommends acting aggressively (in moderation, of course, without fanaticism). At the same time, increasing passion (a natural result of the influence of the Moon in the summer-autumn period of 2017) may, to a certain extent, prevent you from soberly assessing the situation. But here it is already difficult to give any more specific advice, either you will be stronger than your instincts, or you will miss a real opportunity to change something for the better.

Finally, we would like to congratulate all Taurus on the upcoming 2017, wish you happiness, love, and the opportunity to remain yourself. For many representatives of your zodiac sign, 2017 may be a decisive and turning point in your life. In general, 2017 of the Fire (Red) Rooster for the zodiac sign Taurus will be, at least, unusual. As a maximum, you will embrace new experiences, become stronger and in the future learn to cope with the most difficult life situations without problems. Many Taurus will find a family at this stage, and in fact this is a good time to enter into a family union. It will be interesting, you can be sure. And how productive and successful it will be is up to you personally.

Taurus birth dates: 21.04 - 20.05

Ruling planet of Taurus: Venus.

Element of Taurus: Earth.

Taurus symbols: winged bull and cow, Taurus.

Happy days for Taurus: Monday Friday.

Unlucky Taurus day: Tuesday.

Metal Taurus: copper.

Taurus Gemstone: emerald.

Taurus plant: spinach.

Numerology of Taurus: number 6.

The most inspiring color of Taurus: pink.

Opposite sign of Taurus: Scorpion

For those born under the sign of Taurus, the coming 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster promises to be a rather eventful and active period. Luck will be on their side, the stars will endow Taurus with energy, determination, and in combination with such qualities of representatives of the sign as perseverance and the ability to go towards their goals, they will give good results. At the beginning of the year, luck itself will fall into the hands of Taurus, sometimes it will not even depend on whether the person makes an effort or not. The second half of the year will require representatives of the sign to be more focused; they will need to show decisiveness in making decisions, act cheerfully and energetically in order to achieve success. The stars advise Taurus to pull himself together and work on what he needs, and not be scattered with what he wants. During this period, it is important to show responsibility and not relax, indulging in idleness and carelessness.

Meanwhile, the Year of the Rooster prepares for representatives of this zodiac constellation not only situations where it will be necessary to show commitment and strict order. There will also be pleasant surprises, which can be regarded as gifts of fate. It is likely that Taurus will meet with their old friends, whom they no longer hoped to see. 2017 will make it possible to correct past mistakes and solve problems that Taurus have long given up on.

In the middle of the year, representatives of the sign are advised to show special delicacy and diplomacy, even if at this moment they are very busy with work. Taurus should say goodbye to their bad habits and character traits, be more attentive to others, and listen to advice. It will be difficult for stubborn people to think that their opinion is not the only correct one, but the stars advise during this period to take into account the opinions of others.

The generous Rooster will set one condition - discipline; if the representatives of the sign are “blown away” by the success that has fallen on their head, there is a real risk that Lady Fortune will turn away very soon. Self-control and discipline must prevail to avoid getting into trouble and making mistakes.

Work for Taurus in 2017

In terms of career, 2017 promises representatives of the sign quite serious prospects and achievements. Feats in the professional field will not only be possible, they will literally suggest themselves. However, this does not mean that Taurus will not need to do anything and rely on the stars, which will attract resounding and quick success into his life. You always need to understand that the basis of any, even the most favorable and happy combination of circumstances, lies in complete dedication and self-control. Taurus will have to make efforts to implement plans and achieve a favorable outcome.

Hard work and vigorous activity will allow Taurus to earn recognition from their colleagues. Success will accompany those representatives of the sign who work hard to draw up plans, implement them, and complete what they started. The stars do not advise taking risks and rushing, making rash steps; if Taurus succumbs to temptation, taking on an ill-conceived project, or risk investing money in a dubious event, career affairs will be doomed to failure.

The main condition for a successful career will be the motto: “Do not act against the rules!” Discipline, combined with a healthy display of conservatism, will ensure Taurus advancement up the career ladder and a kind attitude from superiors.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

The stars do not promise mountains of gold for Taurus in 2017; the sphere of finance for representatives of the sign will remain in a stable average state. You don’t have to worry about significant material problems or financial failures, but you also don’t have to count on hitting a good jackpot. If Taurus does not attempt the impossible, then they have every chance to replenish their budget, even if not by a very substantial, but very pleasant amount.

Advice from acquaintances, friends, family and friends will be of no small importance for Taurus for success in financial matters. Representatives of the sign should listen to the advice of professionals, financial investors, and consider proposals for cooperation in the material sphere. When accepting proposals, Taurus must carefully think over and weigh everything slowly, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

2017 will be a favorable time for Taurus to pay off all debt obligations; during this period, they can close loans and repay loans. Those representatives of the sign who do not yet have the opportunity to fully repay all their debts will have to carefully consider their responsibilities as a borrower.

The second half of the year will be successful for Taurus’ money affairs. It is at this time that representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to replenish the budget; the period is favorable for receiving income, both basic and additional. The stars advise Taurus to be more careful during this period so as not to miss the chance to make good money. If representatives of the sign use this opportunity to the fullest, then it will not be difficult for them to make a good profit, thanks to their ability and ability to earn money to ensure their personal well-being and comfort.

Good results in the financial sphere will be achieved by Taurus, who are no strangers to creativity, active work, and manifestation of creativity. Those representatives of this zodiac constellation who have not yet been able to discover their creative potential will be given such an opportunity in the spring. A good reward for work awaits Taurus of creative professions; representatives of the sign of Aries and Libra will help them realize their ideas. Fruitful cooperation with Aquarius, Virgo and Capricorn will help you achieve good results in the financial sector.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

In the love sphere, 2017 can hardly be called an ideal period. There is a possibility that Taurus’ relationships with their significant other will become uncontrollable, and they will have to look for a way out in order to get through this difficult stage without losses. But the emotional background will not be too harsh; by pulling themselves together, representatives of the sign will be able to resolve all difficult situations and improve relationships. All disagreements that, one way or another, will arise in the year of the Rooster can be resolved. Control over the situation and your own actions will help to minimize all worries and emotional outbursts.

Excessive impressionability, characteristic of most representatives of the sign, will not allow them to smooth out corners; they will react strongly to the behavior of their other half. Moreover, the partner may not even know what he is doing wrong. Taurus need to learn to talk; a confidential conversation with a loved one will help minimize the likelihood of conflicts, which often arise out of nowhere.

In the first half of 2017, married Taurus will experience a new surge of emotions towards their partner; it will be a bright and eventful period. Single representatives of the star sign are preparing a new romance, which will be so crazy that it will most likely end in a wedding.

In the second half of the year, changes are expected in the romantic life of representatives of the sign. For many Taurus at this time, the wind of change will bring new impressions and emotions, and they themselves will not be against such a turn of events, they will want new emotions and bright manifestations of passion. In order for Taurus not to slip out from under their noses, other halves need to try to take the relationship to a qualitatively new level.

For gifted and stubborn Taurus, nothing will be impossible in 2017; luck will help them reveal all the facets of their talent, but recognition will need to be earned, and not wait until happiness falls on their heads.

In 2017, the Red Fire Rooster. Horoscope and astrological forecast for the sign Taurus for 2017.

2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, will be generally favorable for those born under the sign of Taurus.

The year will consist of two parts, interconnected. The calmness and composure inherent in Taurus should help you make the right decisions in the first half of 2017, when you will have to make repeated choices, face quarrels in the family, disagreements with friends and work colleagues.

Taurus will need to show maximum tact and caution in order to avoid serious failures and conflicts. It is best to remain neutral and not get involved in disputes, although representatives of the sign love to argue. You just have to control yourself and everything will stabilize.

The second half of the year will be a direct consequence of actions in the spring and summer. A vivid illustration of the proverb “what goes around comes around.” New interesting projects are formed at work, mutual understanding reigns in the family. However, there is a high probability of activation of hidden ill-wishers and envious people. But Taurus shouldn’t mess around with them.

2017 will be a stormy and very productive year for Taurus. Everything is in your hands, including future financial income. In 2017, you need to lay a solid foundation for the next few years - whether it's about finances or personal relationships.

Financial horoscope for the sign Taurus for 2017:

The Year of the Fire Rooster is 12 months of severe trials. Everyone must work hard to provide food for themselves. The Chinese believe that in the Year of the Rooster the threat of military conflicts increases. Main advice: discipline and accuracy in financial matters.

The Rooster is selfish and calculating, and if we take into account the element of 2017 (fire), then these qualities can be multiplied. The relationship between the partners will be heated to the limit, one is trying to secretly organize “independence” from the other. On this basis, a lot of intrigue is possible, including a rather low-level one. Taurus's natural caution and observation will serve him well in 2017 - he will instinctively avoid dangerous situations. However, you should double your vigilance in any case.

The Rooster has one weak point - his tendency to pose. He loves to play to the public, and the wise Taurus can always take advantage of the Rooster's narcissism. In addition, the patron of the year loves to spend a lot of money. Many will be under this influence of the sign of the Rooster, while Taurus will remain true to himself as a thrifty person. He just needs to “listen” to his intuition. And the year will pass without loss.

Professional horoscope for the sign Taurus for 2017:

Taurus loves order and always follows the rules. His horoscope for 2017 promises unexpected and successful changes, even career growth. All thanks to the hard work of the representatives of the sign. An executive, scrupulous Taurus can regularly fill his family budget in times of crisis. Astrologers recommend showing unconventional initiative in business and approaching problem solving creatively.

Taurus has an interesting character trait: the ability to make “necessary” acquaintances. Subconsciously, representatives of the sign strive to make friends with the “powers of this world.” Taurus loves and respects money and always strives to have a lot of it. And influential acquaintances will help him climb to the top of the career ladder. However, success should not be attributed only to connections; Taurus themselves are excellent workers. The main thing for a leader is to set the task correctly, and Taurus will complete it in the best possible way.

You should be careful at all kinds of corporate parties. Taurus is capable of spending the evening in such a way that in the morning he will be ashamed to remember, and unfriendly colleagues can take advantage of incriminating evidence.

Health horoscope for the sign Taurus for 2017:

In terms of health, Taurus is not in serious danger. These people themselves have excellent health, the margin of safety is extremely large. However, Taurus are prone to addictions. In 2017, astrologers recommend being careful with alcohol and under no circumstances consuming strong drinks in public.

In the spring, Taurus is usually attacked by the blues; he dreams of changes and great feelings. At this very time it is very easy to get seasonal colds. Taurus men are very moody when they are sick. Women are trying, on the contrary, to return to work faster. In general, all year long, representatives of the sign will be haunted by “decadent” moods, and nervous conditions will often affect their well-being. You can't mope! Otherwise, you may get sick throughout the entire winter, spring and even autumn seasons.

Astrologers and psychologists recommend playing sports as a panacea for stress and nerves. The Taurus woman loves to work out her body; we can recommend strength training, Pilates, and pole exercises to her. The Taurus man is usually well built, he only needs to keep in shape by running, going to the gym, and doing minimal daily exercise.

Love horoscope for the Taurus sign for 2017:

In love affairs, not everything is smooth, nerves are at their limit. Taurus needs to show maximum diplomacy and patience towards their significant other. It is worth dedicating time to your family; it is relatives who will support Taurus in difficult times.

Lonely Taurus have a great chance of organizing their lives. Women will receive a lot of interesting offers; there are even options for traveling together. Men will be generous despite general financial stress. You should avoid scammers! They will definitely try to deceive a lucky, presentable lady.

Taurus men behave too frivolously. But women fall in love with them instantly, they know how to charm the opposite sex. Even “deeply” married Taurus will glance around. Think a hundred times before you decide to commit adultery. In 2017, single men are having a lot of fun and sympathizing with their family mates.

Astrologers say that if Taurus meets his love in 2017, the marriage will be bright and passionate. Whether this relationship lasts for a long time depends only on the spouses.

Astrological forecast for Taurus men for 2017:

Taurus is an excellent worker. In 2017, qualities such as conscientiousness and hard work will be in demand. Therefore, it is unlikely that he will be left without work; on the contrary, Taurus can successfully change his field of activity. Recommendation: do not argue with the new boss and be too strict with your subordinates. You can and should look for new opportunities, projects, partners.

Married Taurus should be more flexible in their relationships with their spouse and children. Sometimes men of this sign are too principled, which leads to disagreements and quarrels. Taurus is a wonderful father, but is too strict with his daughters and demanding of his sons. 2017 is quite a tense year in all respects; on the contrary, it is better to be more attentive to each other. In difficult times, relatives will always lend a shoulder to Taurus.

Astrological forecast for Taurus women for 2017:

Women of this sign are truly strong individuals. They are usually successful in their careers and personal lives. The horoscope for 2017 for the Taurus woman promises a busy period in life. Constant social events, new acquaintances, unusual business proposals, travel. Ladies of this sign will be pleased with 2017. Especially unmarried people - they will often receive marriage proposals.

Love adventures will not bypass family Taurus. A woman can find herself in a rather ambiguous situation, from which it is difficult to get out with honor. Therefore, you need to carefully consider your actions, otherwise there is a risk of serious conflicts with your spouse. In the year of the Red Rooster, family values, loyalty, and devotion to each other should be in the foreground. This is a bad time for affairs for a Taurus woman.

Everyone had to go through a lot of difficulties while they were leaving. But don’t worry, because the horoscope for 2017 promises Taurus a solution to all the problems that have accumulated during this time, already at the beginning of the year. Now is the time to understand what you want from life - perhaps you are not in the right place at all. will help Taurus discover their talents and achieve their goals in almost all areas.


Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus man

In the spring and early summer, Taurus will have influential patrons. Do not be afraid to use their favor (within reason, of course) - these people will help you achieve many goals.

Family and relationships

Ratner Center "Secrets of Power"

The 2017 love horoscope for Taurus is very interesting. After all, from the first weeks you will find yourself in the center of attention of the opposite sex. First of all, girls are attracted to your sentimentality and childishness, but do not allow them to constantly treat you like a child - otherwise, after a while, you will feel that your oxygen is being “cut off.”

Family Taurus people are also in for temptation: perhaps an old acquaintance or a pretty colleague will start flirting with you. However, the horoscope in 2017 categorically does not advise Taurus to have affairs on the side: most likely, your spouse will never be able to forgive you. To revive faded feelings, it is better to go on an exotic trip together or acquire a common hobby.



The main qualities that will help Taurus get a long-awaited promotion in 2017 are hard work and commitment to strict adherence to the rules. You are a real find for any boss. Don't be surprised when the real fight begins for you. However, when choosing from a variety of offers, Taurus must decide what is the priority: immediate profit or gradual career growth.

The 2017 horoscope for the Fire Rooster advises Taurus to pay as much attention as possible to expanding business connections. Try to get close to “useful” people and take a closer look at your competitors - among them there are already several guys who are ready to defect to you.



The financial horoscope for 2017 for Taurus advises, first of all, to completely pay off all debts. Until you do this, you will repel positive energy from yourself, and money will not come to you. But those Taurus who succeed will be able to receive a rather attractive offer already in August-September. You will be able to improve your financial situation and buy what you have long dreamed of.


Nature of Siberia

2017 will be a real year of sports for Taurus. You are too relaxed - which means it’s time to catch up! Don’t chase fashion trends and don’t try to turn yourself into a cool “jock” from the cover of glossy magazines. It is important to choose an activity that will bring you pleasure: it could be cycling, swimming or yoga.

Stress poses a particular danger - both at work and at home. Try to take the first step yourself towards learning how to resolve all issues through conversations, rather than endless shouting and mutual accusations.

Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus woman

Prepare for the fact that life will begin to change dramatically from the first weeks. Perhaps some events will upset you, but don’t worry: they are all like steps that will sooner or later lead you to where you need to go.

Family and relationships


The love horoscope for 2017 for the Taurus woman recommends evaluating yourself from the outside: your temper and excessive emotionality lead to numerous quarrels. Learn to discuss all important issues with your other half: perhaps your partner simply does not understand what exactly and why you are not happy with.

Expect that throughout the year your relatives will pester you with their advice - frankly, not very good. Learn to take this with humor and not spoil relationships with dear people because of the desire to prove something. Just do as your heart tells you.

Single Taurus girls should pay great attention to changing their image: a new hairstyle and stylish wardrobe will give you self-confidence, and at the end of the year will help you attract the attention of an interesting gentleman.


Female advisor

The horoscope for 2017 for those born under the sign of Taurus promises many new opportunities in terms of work and business. Your innate ability to get to the bottom of the truth will help you achieve success. You will be the first to see a serious flaw in a solution. The main thing is not to miss this moment and explain your position to your superiors. Such foresight and ability to analyze will certainly be rewarded.

Get ready for a lot of work. The horoscope for Taurus women for 2017 advises you to be extremely attentive to even small assignments, since one of them will most likely attract special attention from management. This period will be especially successful for those who work in the fields of medicine and education.



It is worth thinking about investing in real estate - this is practically a win-win option, even in a crisis. Remember that the Fire Rooster does not like wastefulness - and therefore it is worth abandoning the next “well, very cool” boots in favor of more serious, large purchases. It is better to close all loans at the beginning of the year so that you do not have to urgently resolve them later.



The main problem that Taurus women will have to solve in 2017 is the habit of “putting off until the last minute” a visit to the doctor. Don't want to stand in lines? Find a good private clinic and a doctor you can truly trust. This is really important, because a seemingly insignificant ailment can hide much more serious illnesses. By the way, the best day to visit a doctor in 2017 is Friday.

Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus-Roosters


Don't worry that the Rooster will see you as a rival. On the contrary, he is extremely supportive of everyone under his care. You will feel a huge surge of energy and will be able to do what you have been planning for a long time.

The horoscope for 2017 for Taurus-Roosters advises to cast aside doubts and try yourself in something new. Perhaps over time, this hobby will begin to bring you much more income than your regular job.

Everything will be so good in the relationship that you will inevitably start looking for a catch. But the main thing is to learn to listen to your other half and be more attentive to her desires.

The Year of the Rooster will be an extremely fruitful period for all Taurus. Already at the beginning of the year you will have to act with lightning speed and make important decisions. During such activity, you need to put aside all emotions and do what you need, and not what you want. Responsibility should come first, and carelessness, relaxation and laziness will have to be drowned out.

At the same time, if you believe horoscope for 2017 for Taurus, you will have the opportunity to feel the caresses of fate, and not just follow a rigid order. In the middle of the year there may be unexpected surprises. For example, meeting an old friend whom you never expected to see. This year will allow many Taurus to correct their mistakes - even if previously it seemed to you an impossible undertaking.

In the summer months of 2017, people born under this sign need to be delicate and diplomatic, although this may be difficult, because many looming obligations can unsettle them. Give up the stubbornness inherent in this sign and inflame your soul with attention to listening to others. You should not get into heated arguments, even if your interlocutor is wrong - remain silent!

Family is especially important for Taurus during this period. will help strengthen family ties and mend damaged relationships with distant relatives. It is this year that you will understand that relatives are the closest people who can act as a reliable support and come to the rescue at any moment.

The second half of 2017 will be even more productive. Taurus will not only activate all their powers, but will also find many new and interesting activities for themselves. It is possible that you may be fascinated by a completely unknown area.

An unexpected transformation is likely for Taurus - you may want to change your hairstyle, try new makeup, play sports or change your clothing style. If you previously had dreams of committing some extravagant act, then 2017 will be the ideal moment to fulfill these desires.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that all representatives of Taurus will behave extremely creatively and have a creative approach to every task. This is the time you will remember for your successful events, pleasant decisions and daring actions. Just try not to forget about the team spirit - before each important step, we advise you to talk to your friends and family.


Such an area in the life of Taurus as a career promises to become diverse and full of serious achievements in 2017. All sorts of exploits in your professional field will await you. And it’s not easy to wait, they will literally “jump” into your hands. But you shouldn't hope that everything will go smoothly. It is important to understand that every successful achievement or lucky coincidence has months of hard work behind it.

Therefore, there is no need to expect that recognition from colleagues and success in business will come on its own - take all your will into your fist and confidently move towards your intended goals. Hard work will definitely be compensated by something pleasant in the first half of 2017. It will be especially lucky for those Taurus who are used to seeing things through to the end and clearly planning their tasks.

If you are not one of those people and like to put things on the back burner, then the second half of the year will be the period for you when you can try to eradicate this trait in yourself. You will be surprised how easily you can pull yourself together. The main thing is not to miss the moment and then success in your career and, perhaps, even a promotion will not take long to arrive.

Business relations may deteriorate slightly, because there is no escape from bureaucratic delays and paper inconsistencies. Moreover, this misunderstanding with colleagues may arise at the most unexpected moment for you. But only perseverance and unrealistic self-control will help Taurus pass this difficult path. You will need to redo the same documents several times - no problem, pull yourself together and do everything as needed. This will only benefit you.

Remember one rule: you shouldn’t blame someone for your troubles, especially your colleagues. Even if the whole world turns against you, you must understand that this is just a temporary phenomenon that will soon end.


The stars predict a not very rosy financial situation for Taurus for the entire 2017. No, you won’t be in poverty, but you also don’t need to hope for generous gifts from fate in the form of “money” rain. Meanwhile, if you are content with little and do not claim serious loot, you will still be able to keep your personal budget in a stable position.

Don’t forget to ask your family or work colleagues for help, because their advice will be extremely important for Taurus. If there are finance gurus among your friends, try to establish a close connection with them so that, when the opportunity arises, you can ask them to clarify this or that situation.

In 2017, Taurus should try to say goodbye to all their debts: credits, long-term loans, loans. But if you don’t have the opportunity to completely pay off your debt obligations, at least try not to miss mandatory payments.

The second half of 2017 will be more successful financially. At this time, Taurus will be lucky enough to significantly replenish their budget, both with additional types of income and through their main job (bonuses, salary increase). All you have to do is not miss out on a profitable offer and have time to receive financial benefits. And this will not be at all difficult to do, because Taurus are famous for their excellent ability to earn money in order to provide a comfortable living for themselves and their loved ones.

2017 will be quite successful for creative Taurus. They will literally gush with various ideas that will bring excellent income in the future. If you do not have such talents, then in the spring you can try to reveal at least one of them.

Love horoscope for Taurus 2017

As for relationships, the Year of the Rooster, according to astrologers, will not be very lucky in this regard. Probably, a quarrel with a loved one is coming and your peaceful life, temporarily, will come to an end. In such a situation, you should show maximum endurance and patience. There is no need to drag out this test of feelings for several months - a couple of weeks is enough. Afterwards, it is advisable to compromise, even if it is not always easy. The good news is that all disagreements that arise in 2017 will be resolved before the end of this period.

Taurus is characterized by excessive impressionability, and in 2017 it will become even more intense. You will take every step of your significant other to heart, while your significant other will have no idea why she upset you so much. The stars recommend not to close yourself off in such situations, but to express all your complaints to your loved ones. This will avoid a huge scandal.

Already in the second half, the love sphere promises to be calmer and more loyal. Most likely, harmony and peace will finally reign in the Taurus family. For this to happen, you should try to restrain your emotions and not react so sharply to the statements of loved ones. Be willing to change yourself so that you can ultimately enjoy a normal relationship with your significant other.

Throughout the year, despite your estrangement, your relatives will not leave you in difficult times. They will play a vital role in your relationship and give practical advice that you don’t need to deny. Moral support is very important for Taurus and it is very good that there are people willing to offer this support.

Married couples with children should pay more attention to their heirs. This will allow you to create a strong and harmonious family, thereby making you a happy person.


People born under the sign of Taurus should understand that during the autumn and spring periods they should think about their health. In order not to succumb to massive ARVI infection, it is necessary to take preventive measures: take a course of vitamins, harden yourself and do exercises. Your immune system should become like flint, then no illnesses will be able to overcome you.

Taurus who are prone to various ENT diseases should set aside the beginning of the year to visit doctors. They will be able to identify a developing disease at an early stage and prescribe the correct treatment. If you are a supporter of alternative medicine, then you can carry out all kinds of inhalations based on natural ingredients: thyme, linden or chamomile. The Year of the Rooster will be an ideal period for going to the bathhouse, especially for those Taurus who often visit this place anyway.

In 2017, you need to carefully monitor organs such as the pancreas, intestines and endocrine system. For representatives of this sign, it is during this period that hidden diseases may appear, which are very difficult to notice at an early stage. Therefore, astrologers recommend visiting specialists in this field on time.

In order for your health to remain strong, you will have to stop eating unhealthy foods and dishes: carbonated water, fast food, fatty foods. Even if this year is full of holiday feasts, resist the temptation to eat fatty chicken and your body will thank you for it.

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