What a sign for 1972. Horoscope zodiac signs by year, eastern animal calendar. Basic character traits

1972 who? - Year of the Black Water Rat. As you know, people born in the year of the Rat have a unique set of character traits characteristic of this zodiac animal. As a rule, they are charming, freely adapt to any circumstances, have cunning and perseverance, are practical and proactive. But the eastern horoscope is not limited to describing the qualities of just one animal. In accordance with the 60-year cycle of the calendar, each sign of the eastern horoscope is assigned one of the five elements, as well as a color corresponding to this element. Thus, people born in 1972 are unique representatives of the Black Water Rat sign. How do the water element and the color black characterize a person?

The cold element of water is designed to extinguish the aggression and hostility inherent in Rats, so people born in 1972 are, as a rule, calm, balanced and peaceful. However, these qualities do not negate their natural sensitivity and emotional sensitivity. People under the sign of the Black Water Rat have a pronounced intuition. Their actions are dictated by sensations and feelings. Such people are easy to win over and make friends and allies at work. Catching the subtlest changes in mood, Water Rats understand their interlocutors perfectly. It will not be difficult for them to resolve a conflict situation or calm an agitated friend.

Black Rats are talented and versatile individuals. The year 1972 promises them a difficult, but interesting and eventful life. One of the exceptional qualities of this sign is the ability to deftly cope with any life difficulties and adversities. Like all Rats, the Black Water Rat easily adapts to any conditions. She is smart and insightful, inquisitive and hardworking. This set of positive qualities makes representatives of this sign indispensable workers in almost any professional field.

Also, lucky people born in 1972 have great opportunities to realize themselves in creative activities. Their subtle instincts, emotionality and observation, directed in the right direction, will help Water Rats discover their talents as a writer, artist or actor. However, a representative of the Water Rats will achieve success in this field only if he overcomes his natural indecisiveness and concentrates as much as possible on achieving his goal.

It is obvious that Black Water Rats have every chance to successfully realize themselves in work and creativity, but in their personal lives they often encounter difficulties. Frequent doubts and internal uncertainty inherent in people born in 1972 prevent the creation of strong, long-term relationships. People of this sign are amorous and fickle, and the fear of loneliness pushes them into relationships with not very reliable people.

During difficult periods of life, water rats may succumb to weakness and apathy, but this is fraught with reclusiveness and withdrawal from reality. People under the sign of the rat cannot discover their purpose without interacting with people around them, because only through communication can they reveal their personality and show their main qualities - compassion, altruism, sincerity and reliability.

Year of birth of the man of the year Rat according to the eastern calendar: 01/28/1960; 02/15/1972; 02/02/1984; 02/19/1996; 02/07/2008;.

The Rat man is usually very attractive: witty and charming, he is often truly handsome. However, this external splendor does not give him self-confidence. In appearance, the Rat man is always full of ideas and demonstrates equanimity and self-esteem, but if you risk disagreeing with him or criticizing him, everything will instantly change. Placed in a hopeless situation, the Rat man is dangerous and capable of defiant acts. However, if you do not bring out his worst qualities, he will make a wonderful partner, friend or lover. It is quite easy to achieve the favor of a Rat man, because... he is susceptible to flattery.

Rat men are not known for their generosity, if not stinginess, but if they need to spend money for the sake of public recognition, they can defiantly throw money away - the approval of others is so important to them. In general, Rat men prefer not to take risks, despite their impulsive and restless nature. They can be conservative and stubborn, but in their case this also means persistence in achieving their goals. It is difficult to lead such a man astray from his chosen path.

Rat men are endowed with an amazing talent to hide their inherent fear, anxiety and uncertainty from others, so they always behave with dignity in society. But they just hate it when people try to humiliate them or tell them what they should do. Enraged, they act decisively.
If you are lucky enough to win the heart of a Rat man, then, as a rule, he has serious intentions. In love, he is romantic and even sentimental, caring and sweet, he has everything to become a faithful lover and a wonderful husband. In marriage, men of this type tend to remain faithful to their spouse.

Elemental signs of the Rat man.

The Rat man of the Wood element differs from other Rats in having a calmer, more confident and balanced character. His vigilance is not so easily lulled by flattering speeches, but his ego is no less inflated than that of the rest of his brothers. He can endure criticism only in order to remain among people who impress him.

The Rat man of the Fire element is active, impatient, harsh and nervous. He is more charming and assertive than other Rats, but do not let this mislead you: the same insecurity characteristic of Rats lives in his soul. He is very afraid of being rejected and being left alone.

The Rat man of the Earth element is amiable, courteous and differs from other Rats in his passion. Along with this, he has fantastic endurance and willpower, which help him achieve his most ambitious plans. This is probably why he is often smug and prone to criticize everyone around him.

The Rat man of the Metal element does not hide his ambitions and makes full use of his external attractiveness and charm to realize them. These Rats are characterized by stubbornness, conservatism and jealous tendencies.

The Rat man of the Water element differs from his fellows in his balance and gentleness. He does not have such determination and drive and tends to be content with what he has. At the same time, he knows how to enjoy life - he appreciates fine wine and food, beautiful clothes and good company.



Year of the MOUSE (rat) 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008

Symbolic aspect.

In the East, rats are perceived completely differently than in the West, where only negative tendencies are associated with their image. In India, the rat is depicted as a mount of the elephant-headed god Ganesha, the god of learning, in Japan - as a companion of the god of happiness. Here, as in China, the absence of rats in the house and yard was considered an alarming sign (this is similar to the expression that rats abandon a sinking ship). When a rat chews, it “counts money,” and in China a miser is called a “money rat.” In Southern China, she is credited with the role of a cultural hero who brought rice to the people. On the other hand, in China, rats were partially viewed as something demonic, for example, as male versions of female fox spirits.

Intellectual aspect.

Depending on the element, there are “different” Rats: Earth Rat (Wu Tzu, born 1948) - it is characterized by practicality and intelligence; Iron Rat (Gen Tzu, 1960) - will and charm; Water Rat (renzi, 1972) - calculation and artistry; Wooden Rat (Jia Tzu, 1984) - enthusiasm and hard work. “Mature Water” is water that is strong and full, seething, flowing powerfully and vigorously, which is why astrologers attribute liveliness of behavior, freshness and good spirits (like water) to the Rat (Mouse) man - vanity, agility in work, skill in his inconspicuous, but through hard work “sharpen stones” like water. Water, at the same time, is dark and can hide any secrets.

Basic character traits.

A person born in the Year of the Rat - according to the Japanese horoscope calendar (of the Mouse - according to the Vietnamese version) - in the eyes of others looks cute, sociable and cheerful. However, this impression is deceptive.

Behind the charming appearance and relaxed character lies a fussy, restless nature. The Rat tries in every possible way to suppress this deficiency with a great effort of will. She carefully hides her worries from people and skillfully keeps personal secrets from prying eyes.

Years of the Rat: 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 etc. correlate with the “rat character” - the years will be fussy and restless, consisting of continuous scavenging and swarming, of attempts to do everything accurately, clearly and neatly. The next “rat” year, the year 2008, for the Earth Rat (wu-tzu) it will be a year of “persistent fussing,” bickering and work, since the field mouse is very hardworking and practical! It will start on February 19th. On the eve of the Year of the Rat, it is favorable to buy some kind of hamster (rodent) - or put it in the corner of the room, at least purely symbolically as a “treat” for mice, put on Mickey Mouse masks, watch a cartoon with his participation or with the participation of Leopold the Cat and his two notorious enemies - little mice who will once again beg “Forgive us, Leopold!” and promise to “live together.”

Personal qualities of a person born in the year of the Rat

Water Rat (born 1912-1972)

There is no rat more wise and energetic, more insightful and far-sighted. She thinks broadly and has the gift of persuading her interlocutor. Her abilities can develop in the most unusual industries. As a rule, this is a popular person; she literally basks in people’s attention and cannot imagine life without it. For fear of losing this popularity, she may decide to do unpredictable things, make dubious friends and take the path of vice. However, she can also emerge as simply an energetic, cheerful, gifted leader, writer, musician, etc.

Tree Rat (born 1924-1984)

He is friendly to people, never arrogant, but in response to his friendliness he willingly takes advantage of the weaknesses of his friends. He quickly and nimbly takes advantage of the opportunity that presents itself, as they say, “he pulls his weight on the fly.” You cannot deny the intelligence of this person, but this gives rise to a certain cynicism and indiscriminateness in solving problems. However, he treats his own shortcomings with humor, which helps this person in life - he is a successful actor, writer, and artist.

Fire Rat (born 1936-1996)

Her motto is “ardor, heat and indomitability”, she is a passionate enthusiast who is easy to involve in any event, and she will gladly take on the role of leader (which, however, she does not always cope with). And yet, even if she can’t cope, she has a hard time giving up leadership, because she hates obeying anyone’s orders. This is just one of those people who will draw you castles in the air and the most rosy prospects, and when everyone is ready to rush into battle, he will calmly abandon everything he has started and do something else.

Earth Rat (born 1948, 2008)

Earth Rat - stands firmly on the ground and holds on to its piece of land. She is pragmatic, balanced, does not create illusions and does not try to climb above everyone else. She slowly, tirelessly tries to increase her well-being year after year and does not take risks like the rest of the Rat Elements. And be sure that this vole will achieve its goal, if not by washing, but by rolling.

Iron Rat (born 1900-1960)

She has a sharp character, don’t put your finger in her mouth - she’ll chop it off. Her tenacious gaze quickly searches for everything that “lies badly” and she pockets this without a twinge of conscience. She has the ability to count quickly and instantly analyze a situation, which is why people of this sign make excellent financiers and stock market players. However, just as metal rusts and oxidizes in the atmosphere, so does a person with this sign worry about imaginary problems, imaginary fears that can only come true because this person thinks too much about them.

Rat Man.

He loves gatherings of friends and willingly sharpens his lasses and washes the bones of mutual acquaintances. He does not believe in selfless friendship and does not trust anyone. He doesn’t let anyone in on his affairs and keeps all his problems to himself. He tries to make a profit out of everything in the world or simply use it for free. He is, without a doubt, a charming person, and he has no qualms about using this charm for his own purposes. At the same time, a man of this sign has a developed imagination and can be a creative person, although most often he limits himself to criticism. The Rat loves to cheer up his nerves with gambling, loves luxury, eating well and splurging, but this is only in order to create a reputation in the eyes of others, since in fact the Rat is a rare hoarder and is desperately afraid of being left in old age without a livelihood .

Horoscopes for 2017

Animals are popular not only in Eastern countries, but throughout the world. According to the calendar, each year corresponds to one of the twelve animals of Chinese mythology, one of the five colors and one of the five elements. Each horoscope sign has a certain character, temperament, preferences and other individual qualities. Of course, everyone who is partial to horoscopes and predictions strives to find out the symbol of the year of their birth in accordance with the theory of the ancient Chinese. So, 1972 is the year of what animal according to the eastern calendar?

1972 according to the horoscope

Taking into account the fact that the chronology of eastern peoples is slightly different from the traditional one, people born from February 15, 1972 to February 2, 1973 can be classified as this sign.

Rats are not unattractive, they are stress-resistant and calm. But at the same time they are quite aggressive. People born this year outwardly seem calm, reasonable and even melancholic, but serious passions can blaze in their souls. Rats adapt to any conditions, but are constantly in search of benefits for themselves. They make good politicians, businessmen, and managers. It is impossible not to mention the outstanding organizational skills of this sign. People born in the year of the Rat often find themselves in the spotlight due to their natural sociability and outstanding oratorical talent.

All of the above refers to the general characteristics inherent in all people born in the year of the Rat. In order to more accurately determine your individual character, you also need to know the following fact: 1972 is the year of the rat.

What kind of eastern “mistress” is she like in 1972? Sweet, courteous, extremely pleasant to talk to, the most romantic representative of this sign among all the elements. But there are exceptions: behind the “facade” of complacency, a rather tough personality is often hidden. The Black Rat always knows exactly what he wants from life. She cannot be called a careerist, although in the business sphere she usually succeeds no worse than her more pragmatic “compatriots” by sign. The Water Rat is more attracted to creativity and love.

Men's horoscope

Men of this sign can and do know how to make money. They also spend it wisely. Male rats cannot be blamed for excessive frugality and stinginess, but they also will not squander their “blood money” left and right. Reasonable savings in everything - this is how we can briefly characterize the life credo of the representatives of the stronger sex belonging to this sign.

The Rat man loves new acquaintances, but always tries to benefit from them (not necessarily material). At the same time, it cannot be said that he uses people for his own purposes: to those in whom this pragmatic man is interested, he also tries to be useful.

In relationships with women it is also focused on the practical side of the issue. It cannot be said that the appearance of a lady has no meaning at all for a man of this sign, but if there is nothing more behind the external gloss, a utilitarian young man will quickly lose interest in the object of his desire.

The Rat man enters into marriage “soberly”, having weighed all the pros and cons. However, having entered into a marriage with a woman, he will try in every possible way to maintain peace and harmony in the family. A beloved woman, the warmth of a home and many children - this is the ideal family world of a man of this sign. Among all the representatives of the eastern horoscope, male Rats have the strongest marriages.

Horoscope for ladies

Representatives of the Water Rat sign- loving wives, caring mothers and magnificent housewives. For them, a large, friendly family and home comfort are of paramount importance, which they strive to create with all their might. They try not to allow outsiders, especially women, into their ideal world. This is why Rat women have few friends, however, they do not suffer from this at all. They are not interested in communication for the sake of communication.

If a lady of this sign makes a new acquaintance, it is only for her own benefit (just like the Rat man). Nevertheless, this woman cannot be called “cut off from the world.” She communicates a lot and with pleasure on “neutral” territory, maintains good relations with people who are pleasant to her and, in general, is known as a nice and friendly person.

In communication with men Flirting, risk and excitement are alien to her. From a young age, she considers representatives of the stronger sex exclusively as candidates for legal spouses. The desire to create a strong family guides all her actions in relation to young people. Having become a wife, she initially tries to command her husband, but quickly abandons this idea, focusing on arranging a cozy nest and having children. In general, the Rat woman has very positive characteristics for family life. They make loyal, intelligent and practical wives and wonderful mothers.

Compatibility with other signs

We can assume that we have dealt with the topic: “What a year is 1972.” “What animal would be the ideal partner for the Water Rat?” - the question is no less relevant, because it is obvious that practical representatives of this sign make excessive demands for their future “other halves”. For convenience, the compatibility options for Chinese horoscope signs are placed in descending order (from best to worst compatibility).

Ideal combination of characters:

A good couple who can create a strong family:

  • Monkey.
  • Dog.
  • Pig.

There are disagreements - the union may be a burden to both:

  • Rat.
  • Tiger.
  • Snake.

The union is extremely undesirable:

  • Rooster.
  • Horse.
  • Sheep (Goat).

Black Water Rat- the sign is quite complex and contradictory. Behind external charm, openness and sociability, a demanding personality can be hidden. And although the water element directs her energy and activity in a more “romantic” direction, we should not forget that this sign is based on aggressiveness and a generous share of selfishness. To communicate comfortably with others, the Rat should be guided not only by its own interests, but also by the interests of other people.

Representatives of this sign urgently need a partner of the opposite sex who would smooth out the “sharp” corners. With perfect compatibility, the Rat will give its soulmate something that no other sign is capable of.

Attention, TODAY only!

It is with the Rat that the 12-year cycle begins. This restless creature is a symbol of aggression and charm at the same time. Charming appearance, determination, carelessness, sociability, remarkable intelligence - all this is inherent in people born in the year of the Rat. What years belong to this sign? Since the Rat comes to us every 12 years, its representatives were born in 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008. The next time the arrival of this sweet, restless beauty should be expected in 2020.

Characteristics of a typical representative of the Rat sign

Impatience, excessive fussiness, inconstancy, nervousness - these are the main shortcomings of people born this year. They seem cheerful and carefree, balanced, but inside there is always some kind of vague anxiety. People who know the Rat well are aware that she is choleric by nature, which means she has the most violent temperament of all the signs. At the same time, she is intelligent, loves to communicate with interesting people, is kind, and generous. The Rat is well aware of how charming it is, therefore, without a twinge of conscience, it uses its influence on other people, exploiting them to one degree or another. She uses other people's labor, money, and intelligence.

The Solid Character of the Metal Rat

The year 1960 gave us the toughest, most unprincipled people. Which Rats are most feared? Of course, Metal, because in her look, character, manner of behavior, even her gait lies real metal, hardness, inflexibility before the will of others. This is a very picky, uncompromising boss, before whom all his subordinates tremble. The Metal Rat likes to insist on its own, to achieve its goal by any means. One should not expect concessions or indulgences from her, weakness is alien to her, and therefore she despises this quality in other people. Only in rare cases is the compliant and flexible Metal Rat found; this is a wonderful person who, with his perseverance and intelligence, brings the things he starts to the end. Such qualities make the character more harmonious.

Water Rat Intuition

The year 1972 gave humanity incredibly intuitive people. Which Rat should you be wary of? Of course, Vodyanoi, because she has excellent natural intuition, instantly recognizes lies, anticipates events, and can predict how this or that situation will be resolved. The Rat itself is a sign of Water, so the water representative has doubled qualities that help to stay afloat in any situation. In such years, soft, sensitive, pliable people are born. The Water Rat constantly has to fight the desire to go with the flow and be dependent on other people. She pays too much attention to other people's opinions, listens to outside advice, although this is not necessary. The Water Rat is very passive and likes to rest on its laurels. You should fight this habit, try to defend your opinion in everything, and then life will sparkle with new, bright colors.

The Restlessness of the Wood Rat

This sign combines intuition (Water) with creativity (Wood), their combination gives an extraordinary, complex, but very interesting character. The year 1984 gave humanity proud, independent and incredibly artistic people. Which Rat should you be wary of in the financial sector? Of course, Wooden, because she is not able to concentrate on something specific, and also loves to spend money. It is incredibly difficult for her to choose just one activity, so she is dispersed into several at once. The Wood Rat strives to do everything at once, to embrace the immensity, and this destroys it. She starts one business, abandons it and runs to another; with this approach, you can be left without a livelihood. Therefore, you should stop internal impulses and concentrate on only one, most important goal.

Passionate Fire Rat

This sign is incredibly emotional, and fire enhances their passion. The year 1996 gave humanity good critics, innovators, and purposeful people. Which Rat should you be afraid of in the sphere of relationships? The fire sign is very changeable, so it does not know attachment to a specific person. He is characterized by enthusiastic impulses, but at the same time, his representative loves to laugh at other people. The changeability of the Fire Rat often plays a cruel joke on her, bringing unexpected situations into life. Representatives of this sign need to restrain their sharp tongue, as well as their desire for innovation. The Fire Rat is excellent at adapting to circumstances. She loves change and benefits from it.

The practicality of the Earth Rat

2008 gave us real hard workers, practical, disciplined people. Which Rat is every lazy person afraid of? Of course, Zemlyanoy, because she herself does not sit idle and will not let others. Representatives of this sign are incredibly prudent and practical. Any boss will be glad to have such an employee, because few can compare with the Earth Rat in terms of efficiency. She always brings the job she starts to completion, without being distracted by extraneous goals. The Earth Rat also experiences periods of stagnation, when there are no ideas and there is no desire to do anything. In such situations, she simply needs to overcome her inertia and move forward.

Rat man

Representatives of this sign are open, emotional, and practically not susceptible to outside influence. True ladies' men and sensitive lovers were born in the year of the Rat. Which years suit them best for marriage and love relationships? Buffalo, Rat, Monkey, Boar - these are almost ideal partners for this restless sign. A man in his youth searches for his ideal, so he has many novels. Marriage is mostly based on love. He loves homeliness and comfort very much, so he is ready to step over his own ideals just to live well.

Rat woman

Incredibly energetic, sexy, calculating and powerful people are born under this sign. In any society, women born in the year of the Rat know how to make the right impression. Which years suit them best according to their horoscope? Rat, Boar, Monkey - these are the ideal partners of these pragmatic individuals. The Rat always wants to be perfect in everything, and this is exactly how it seems to others. She values ​​material well-being and is prone to hoarding. This is the ideal bride, wife and mother. A woman often seems romantic and impressionable, although in fact she is guided by rational thinking. She does not tolerate control, so she does everything in her power to be free.

Like all zodiac signs, Rats have their advantages and disadvantages. These are intelligent, interesting people to communicate with. They love comfort and coziness, so they do everything for their material well-being. A little cunning, agile, nervous, changeable in their outlook on life. You will never get bored with the Rat, so this is an excellent friend and interlocutor.