How to protect yourself from flu and colds. Emigration and emigrants How to protect yourself from the flu

Fruits and berries in November-December are overseas guests for long-term storage and are unlikely to become a source of vitamins and antioxidants. Therefore, lean on seasonal products - that is, those that do not need to be treated with preservatives for storage. Carrots, radishes, sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, citrus fruits, winter berries (cranberries, lingonberries) - they will have more vitamins than bright tomatoes and peppers. Do not forget that cereals and legumes, nuts, vegetable oil are also a source of useful B vitamins, vitamins A and E - that is, recognized antioxidants that are very important for immunity. Add spices generously to hot drinks (cloves, which have antiseptic properties, are especially useful). Do not forget about honey - especially in combination with lemon: in the latter, as in other citrus fruits, there are a lot of vitamins. There is a lot of vitamin C, which helps protect against influenza and SARS, in rosehip broth, lingonberry and sea buckthorn fruit drinks. And onions and garlic contain phytoncides, which easily neutralize microbes.

2. Drink ginger tea

There are a lot of antioxidants in this magical root, which "spur" our lymphocytes - virus-hunting cells. The antiseptic properties of ginger have also been known for a long time: it contains substances that improve immunity and slow down the reproduction of rhinoviruses.

3. Move more

Physical activity (especially when it is a joy) is one of the indispensable factors in the formation of strong immunity. Exercising for 45 minutes a day is known to halve your risk of catching a cold. For the benefit of the body, you can also dance, swim, or even just walk in the winter park.

4. Sleep as much as you want

Lack of sleep undermines the immune system more than vitamin deficiency or severe stress. If we sleep less than 7 hours a day, the level of leukocytes - defense cells - in the blood drops sharply, and the risk of catching the virus increases 3 times.

5. Have sex

Scientists have proved that the cynical phrase about "sex for health" has a right to exist. The fact is that regular sex is very important for the normal functioning of our immune system. If you do it twice a week, the level of immunoglobulin A will increase in the blood, which protects the mucous membranes from pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases.

Important: if you are already sick with the flu, it is better to refrain from close contacts, the risk of infecting a partner with the flu or a viral respiratory disease is very high.

7. Turn on the light!

When the daylight hours are short, and monochrome prevails in nature, we fall into a painful and even depressive mood. We do not have enough light and bright colors, and instead of hormones of happiness, melatonin, the “sleep hormone”, begins to be produced in the body. At the same time, this leads to a decrease in immunity. That is why some avoid the flu very simply: they pick up household members and go to warmer climes, where there is a lot of light, warmth, and a riot of colors splashes. If there is no opportunity to leave, you will have to cheer yourself up artificially. Be sure to add bright details to the interior (curtains, pillows, rugs). Use the short winter day for walking. Do not be stingy and turn on the light in the evenings. All this will help reduce the production of melatonin.

5. Wash your hands often

SARS and influenza viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets, but then they can literally settle on any suitable surface. Therefore, in the midst of an epidemic, any doorknob, railing, table, handset become a real breeding ground for a variety of viruses, especially in public places. From the surface, the virus enters the hands of a healthy person, and then it is enough for him to touch his face, for example, scratch his nose, and you can safely run for a sick leave to the doctor. Therefore, during epidemics, hands should be washed frequently and with soap. And do it not only after visiting the toilet, before eating or after a walk. But just like that, several times a day - especially if you work in a crowded office.

8. Think positive

Our immune system works best when we are calm, joyful and optimistic. Even scientific research proves that a happy person gets sick less often, and if he does get sick, he recovers faster.

9. Drink more water

Dry mucous membranes are extremely susceptible to infections. Therefore, moisturizing them, including from the inside, will help to avoid colds and flu even during an epidemic: viruses do not like it when it is humid around. Drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid daily, irrigate the nasal mucosa with isotonic water, or humidify the air in your home and office using vaporizers.

10. Breathe in the scents

The effectiveness of inhalations of essential oils with antiseptic and antiviral properties has been proven empirically. For inhalations that will help get rid of viruses in the space around you, it is best to use peppermint and pine essential oils. Put a few drops of oil diluted with water into the aroma lamp, heat it up - the house will smell like a Christmas tree or fresh mojito, and there will be no trace of viruses.

Flu and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) are the most common infectious diseases with an airborne transmission mechanism among all age groups of the world's population. Influenza epidemics occur annually during the cold season. Often flu and respiratory diseases begin with similar symptoms - fever, weakness, runny nose, cough. However, the flu is much more likely than other acute respiratory viral infections, it is more severe and causes complications - bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, etc.

Influenza is especially dangerous for the elderly, whose immunity weakens with age, and the presence of chronic diseases increases the risk of serious complications and exacerbations of existing diseases. Every year, every third - fifth child and the fifth - tenth adult suffers the flu.

For young children, any influenza virus is new, so they get sick especially hard, and it may take a long time for them to be completely cured. Human susceptibility to influenza viruses is absolute. The highest incidence rates in epidemic upsurges occur in children and young adults. Particularly high-risk groups include: infants (newborns) and children under two years of age, pregnant women, people with chronic respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma, chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity), kidney pathology, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, immunosuppression caused, among other things, by drugs or HIV, and persons over 65 years of age.

The danger of influenza lies not only in the difficult treatment of the disease, but also in the formidable complications caused both by the influenza virus itself (viral pneumonia, edema, lungs, meningoencephalitis) and associated with the addition of bacterial infections (otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia).

How to protect yourself from the flu

The most effective tool in the prevention of influenza is vaccination, which is carried out annually for the population two to three months before the start of the seasonal rise in the incidence within the framework of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations at the expense of the federal budget, and can also be carried out at the expense of employers and personal funds of citizens.

The national calendar of preventive vaccinations defines the contingents subject to mandatory vaccination against influenza: children from 6 months old, students of grades 1-11; students in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education; adults working in certain professions and positions (employees of medical and educational organizations, transport, public utilities); pregnant women; adults over 60; persons subject to conscription for military service; individuals with chronic diseases, including lung disease, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders and obesity.

Vaccination reduces the risk of disease and complications by several times, as well as the socio-economic significance of infection in society as a whole. Influenza vaccines are safe and highly effective. The entire range of influenza vaccines has been registered in Russia and approved for use. Before the vaccination, each vaccinated person is examined by a medical worker.

When is the best time to get vaccinated?

The rise in the incidence of influenza annually begins in November, and the peak of the epidemic falls on the period from December to March. It is better to vaccinate in advance, given that it takes two to three weeks for the formation of immunity after vaccination. The best time is from September to October.

How is the vaccination done?

You can get vaccinated in the clinic at the place of residence, in the city centers of vaccination, in mobile vaccination points. Children older than three years, adolescents and adults without age restrictions are vaccinated once, children from six months to three years - twice with an interval of four weeks.

Advantages of vaccination.

It's safe. The only effective means of preventing influenza worldwide is timely vaccination. Since influenza viruses are constantly changing, it is necessary to be vaccinated annually in order to successfully resist mutated viruses.

It's available. Vaccination is free.

It is safe. Influenza vaccines do not contain live virus particles and therefore cannot cause illness.

Remember that self-medication for the flu is unacceptable. Your health is in your hands!

You need to think ahead how to protect yourself from the flu, because its prevention is an important task that we face every autumn. Annual epidemics of seasonal influenza claim someone's life, including children's, or cause severe health complications - pneumonia, otitis media, meningitis, and many others. etc. There are several protection options.

First, vaccinate your family members every year. Vaccination should be done in the fall, so that before the start of the epidemic, immunity to the disease has already been formed. Modern vaccinations have few contraindications, so if you do not have a chicken protein allergy in your family and if no one is currently experiencing an acute chronic illness, feel free to get vaccinated. So you will significantly increase your chances of protecting yourself from the flu.

Secondly, follow the general rules - try to avoid public places, wash your hands often during the day, wear a gauze bandage when in contact with sick people, do a mandatory daily nose toilet, gargle. How to protect yourself from the flu if you have to communicate with a large number of people, go to work or study? Before leaving the house, create a protective barrier on the nasal mucosa for yourself and your children by smearing it with oxolin ointment or vaseline. If there are colleagues or friends in your team who neglect bed rest during illness, politely ask them to go home or wear a gauze bandage when communicating with them - first of all, you need to protect yourself from the flu yourself and protect your children, even if a colleague is offended for such a gesture. Fresh air is also very useful for strengthening the body. Even in the cold season, try to walk daily with your child and ventilate the room in which he is.

Third, boost your immune system. How to protect yourself from the flu when you neglect a healthy lifestyle? If you don’t eat right, don’t get enough sleep, and don’t exercise, then you will become just a tasty prey for the flu of your own free will!

How to protect yourself from the flu folk remedies

Our grandparents did not have such a wide choice of medicines as we do, but they knew exactly how to protect themselves from the flu:

  • The best friend of all who want to protect themselves from the flu is garlic. In many Russian homes, there is still a tradition to keep a few cloves of peeled garlic on the table. Even in this form, the essential oils of garlic spread around and create a high defense of the body against viruses. To hide the unpleasant taste of garlic for a child, add chopped garlic to butter and make a sandwich. Another delicious “spread” for bread will be cottage cheese with salt, herbs and, again, ground garlic. And satisfying, and tasty and incredibly useful.

  • For adults, inside and for rinsing, vodka tinctures are recommended - on wild garlic, horseradish or radish.

  • The nasal mucosa can not only be washed with soap, but also lubricated with onion, garlic or Kalanchoe juice.

  • Do inhalations - with eucalyptus or fir essential oil. You can even breathe over a pot of boiled potatoes.

  • How to protect yourself from the flu if there are often many people in the room? At a time when they are absent, "fumigate" it with various herbs - wormwood, juniper, wild rosemary or thyme. This will help "disperse viruses". To do this, you need to put dry grass in a frying pan, set fire to it and walk around the house, spreading smoke. Such a procedure can be carried out, for example, in a kindergarten group, when the children are on a walk.

Influenza prevention is a set of measures for vaccination, hygiene, immunity strengthening and a healthy lifestyle in general. These measures do not require any heavy and voluminous actions, but they must be carried out constantly. And, of course, in any case, being able to protect yourself from the flu is a goal that is worth any money spent on it.

The best way to protect against flu and colds is to gradually strengthen the human immune system and increase the protective properties of his body. Just for this, a variety of methods are used: vaccination, certain diets, rules of personal and public hygiene, the use of antiviral tablets, etc. How to protect yourself from the flu and colds will be discussed later in the article.

There are many ways to protect yourself from the flu and colds.

First, consider the main differences between the flu virus and the common cold. Influenza involves the presence of an infection in the body, which causes fever, damage to the respiratory tract, joint pain and other unpleasant symptoms. As a rule, the causative agents of the disease are viruses of types A and B.

The main symptoms of the flu are in many ways similar to those of a cold, but they are more pronounced: general weakness of the body, coughing, dizziness, sudden changes in the oropharynx and nasopharynx, and cardiovascular disorders.

The common cold is classified as an acute respiratory disease, it is caused by bacteria and microbes that are transmitted by airborne droplets. Symptoms of such an ailment most often appear gradually: first there is hoarseness, nasal congestion, then coughing, sneezing, weakness, chills and fever.

Any of these diseases must be treated, although it is much better to prevent the disease than to cope with its consequences. That is why here you will find answers to the question of how to avoid flu and colds.

Personal hygiene: basic rules

First of all, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures aimed at improving the quality of personal hygiene. This includes the following rules:

  1. Isolation from crowded places.
  2. The use of disinfectants, especially during the season of the most active influenza.
  3. Wash your hands regularly using soap or antibacterial products after being outdoors.
  4. Do not touch your eyes, mouth and nose with unwashed hands.
  5. Lead a lifestyle that will help protect the body from harmful and dangerous microbes (healthy and full sleep, proper nutrition, fresh air, no addictions).

To prevent flu and colds, it is important to wash your hands with soap or antibacterial agents.

Public hygiene: observance of the basic rules

In order to have an idea of ​​​​how to protect yourself from the flu and colds, we recall the basic measures of public hygiene:

  1. Do not contact at all or minimize the time spent with infected people and do not approach them closer than 1 meter.
  2. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing and coughing.
  3. Do not visit crowded places during the spread of the virus.
  4. Ventilate the room more often, in which there is a sufficiently large number of people, which is especially important for company offices, classrooms in educational institutions.
  5. Wear masks when interacting with people who have the flu virus.

What should be done in order not to get sick yourself and not to infect others?

Naturally, no one is immune from illness, and you cannot constantly avoid contact with people, whether at work or in everyday life. However, during the flu and cold season, you should use the following recommendations:

  • Limit contact with people whenever possible.
  • Moisturize your hands to protect yourself from germs.
  • Keep the humidity in the room at 50-60%, which will slow down the action of viruses.
  • Wash your hands often and treat any wounds, scratches on your hands with disinfectants.
  • Get enough sleep and rest, which helps to restore the immune system.
  • Eat more vitamins and foods that contain minerals and essential trace elements.
  • Wipe down the things you use daily. Such things include a telephone, keyboard, desk and other items. Such actions will help stop the spread of viruses.
  • Even members of the same family must comply with certain hygiene measures (allocate separate dishes for the patient, wear a mask, do not get close, etc.).

It is necessary to use medical masks so as not to infect others and not to get sick yourself

Thus, you will be able to remain absolutely healthy, the body's resistance will improve, and those bacteria and viruses that have already entered the body will soon be destroyed.

Is it worth it to get vaccinated?

Regarding vaccination, there are different opinions of people, including doctors, but the fact that vaccinations help to strengthen a person’s immunity and reduce the likelihood of flu and colds cannot be denied.

The purpose of vaccination is not to destroy the flu as an infection, but to improve the body's defenses and alleviate the course of the disease. saving a person from complications, exacerbations and severe consequences.

It is noteworthy that new types of vaccines are being developed every year, as viruses appear that can cope with the old types of antiviral drugs. Carrying out such vaccinations helps to significantly reduce the incidence in all age groups.

Important! It must be remembered that there must be some preparation for vaccination, and there are also some contraindications when vaccination is strongly discouraged.

How to protect yourself from the flu through diet?

How to protect yourself from flu and colds by eating certain foods and dishes? This can be done by following the basic principles of the diet for the prevention of the aforementioned diseases:

  1. As many vitamins as possible. These organic substances can be obtained by including fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. A large number of vitamins can be found in oranges, lemon, cabbage, carrots and other natural products. They can be used in almost any form.
  2. antimicrobial products. These include garlic and onions, because these plants do an excellent job with influenza and SARS viruses.
  3. As little as possible spicy, floury and fatty. Such food enhances the inflammatory processes occurring in the upper respiratory tract, puts an additional burden on the stomach, while all the forces of the body should be directed to the fight against microbes.
  4. Drink more liquid. It is advisable to drink purified water, which moisturizes the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and removes toxins from the body, but it is also allowed to drink various drinks based on milk, honey, and all kinds of medicinal herbs.

Citrus fruits are the best food for flu and cold prevention


Cold and flu protection can be organized with the help of special antiviral drugs, which can be purchased at pharmacies:

  • Arbidol. An inhibitor agent that is used to prevent and treat type A and B viruses.
  • Theraflu. It is a comprehensive remedy for protection against colds and flu, quickly eliminates nasal congestion and can reduce body temperature.
  • Umckalor. The basis of the drug contains plant components that protect the cells and tissues of the body from damage as a result of the action of microbes, the remedy prevents acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Coldrex. It has a quick effect in the fight against respiratory diseases, softens cough, normalizes breathing.
  • Viferon. Effective in the treatment of viral infections, prevents the reproduction of microbes inside the body.
  • Grippferon. It is an antiviral immunomodulator, which is considered an indispensable tool in the autumn-winter period, when the epidemic of influenza and colds is activated.

Grippferon is an important antiviral immunomodulator

Is it possible to be 100% protected from colds and flu?

Even the exact observance of all the above measures and rules does not guarantee that you will not get the flu or a cold. However, these activities help to significantly protect the body and strengthen the immune system for the entire coming season. Even if you get sick, the disease is much easier, there are no pronounced symptoms and complications, which is already extremely important for any person.

Now you know how to protect yourself from colds and flu, it remains only to apply the knowledge gained in practice, and then you will definitely be able to protect yourself from an unpleasant illness and significantly strengthen your own immunity.

Evgeny Komarovsky:

People, attention!!!
Remember the most important thing: the tactics of your actions are completely independent of the name of the virus. This flu is seasonal, swine, elephant, pandemic, it's not flu at all - it doesn't matter. The only important thing is that it is a virus, that it is transmitted by airborne droplets and that it affects the respiratory system.


If you (your child) are exposed to the virus and you do not have protective antibodies in your blood, you will get sick. Antibodies will appear in one of two cases: either you get sick or you get vaccinated. By getting vaccinated, you protect yourself not from viruses in general, but only from the flu virus.

1. If you have the financial opportunity to get vaccinated(to vaccinate a child) and were able to get a vaccine - get vaccinated, but on the condition that for vaccination you will not have to sit in a snotty crowd in the clinic. Available vaccines protect against all influenza virus variants that are relevant this year

2. There are no medicines and "folk remedies" with proven preventive efficacy. Those. no onions, no garlic, no vodka, and no pills you swallow or put into a child can protect against any respiratory virus in general, nor against the flu virus in particular.

Everything that you kill yourself for in pharmacies, all these supposedly antiviral drugs, supposedly interferon-forming stimulants, immunity stimulants and terribly useful vitamins - all these are medicines with unproven effectiveness, medicines that satisfy the main mental need of a Ukrainian - "required robit" - and a Russian - "need to do something".

The main benefit of all these drugs is psychotherapy. You believe, it helps you - I'm happy for you, just don't storm the pharmacies - it's not worth it.

3. The source of the virus is man and only man. The fewer people, the less chance of getting sick. Walk a stop on foot, do not go to the supermarket once again - wisely!

4. Mask. A useful thing, but not a panacea. It is advisable to see it on the sick, if there are healthy people nearby: it will not delay the virus, but it will stop the droplets of saliva, which are especially rich in the virus. Healthy does not need.
5. The patient's hands are a source of the virus no less significant than the mouth and nose. The patient touches his face, the virus gets on his hands, the patient grabs everything around, you touch it all with your hand - hello SARS.

Don't touch your face. Wash your hands, often, a lot, always carry wet disinfectant sanitary napkins with you, wash, rub, do not be lazy!

Learn for yourself and teach your children, if you don’t have a handkerchief, to cough and sneeze not into your palm, but into your elbow.

Chiefs! By an official order, introduce a ban on handshakes in your subordinate teams.

Use credit cards. Paper money is the source of the spread of viruses.

6. Air!!! Viral particles remain active for hours in dry, warm and still air, but are destroyed almost instantly in cool, humid and moving air.
You can play as much as you like. It is almost impossible to pick up a virus while walking. In this aspect, if you have already gone out for a walk, then there is no need for ostentatious walking in a mask through the streets. Better get some fresh air.

The optimal parameters of the air in the room are a temperature of about 20 ° C, humidity 50-70%. Be sure to frequent and intensive cross-ventilation of the premises. Any heating system dries the air.

Wash the floor. Turn on humidifiers. Urgently demand humidification of the air and ventilation of rooms in children's groups.

It is better to dress warmly, but do not turn on additional heaters.

7. The condition of the mucous membranes!!! Mucus is constantly formed in the upper respiratory tract. Mucus ensures the functioning of the so-called. local immunity - protection of mucous membranes. If the mucus and mucous membranes dry out, the work of local immunity is disrupted, viruses, respectively, easily overcome the protective barrier of weakened local immunity, and a person becomes ill upon contact with the virus with a much greater degree of probability. The main enemy of local immunity is dry air, as well as drugs that can dry out the mucous membranes. Since you do not know what these drugs are (and these are some anti-allergic and almost all the so-called "combined cold remedies"), it is better not to experiment in principle.

Moisturize your mucous membranes! Elementary: 1 teaspoon of ordinary table salt per 1 liter of boiled water. Pour into any spray bottle (for example, from under vasoconstrictor drops) and regularly spray into the nose (the drier, the more people around - the more often, at least every 10 minutes). For the same purpose, you can buy a saline solution at a pharmacy or ready-made saline solutions for injection into the nasal passages - salin, aqua maris, humer, marimer, nosol, etc. The main thing - do not regret! Drip, puff, especially when you go from home (from a dry room) to where there are a lot of people, especially if you are sitting in the corridor of the clinic. Rinse your mouth regularly with the above saline solution
That's all for prevention.


In fact, the only drug that can destroy the influenza virus is oseltamivir, the commercial name is Tamiflu. Theoretically, there is another drug (zanamivir), but it is used only by inhalation, and there is little chance of seeing it in our country.

Tamiflu actually destroys the virus by blocking the neuraminidase protein

(the same N in the name H1N1).

Tamiflu is not eaten all in a row with any sneeze. It is not cheap, and there are many side effects, and it does not make sense. Tamiflu is used when the disease is severe (doctors know the signs of a severe ARVI), or when a person at risk even becomes easily ill - the elderly, asthmatics, diabetics (doctors also know who belongs to the risk groups). The bottom line: if Tamiflu is indicated, then at least a doctor's supervision is indicated and, as a rule, hospitalization. It is not surprising that, with the maximum possible probability, Tamiflu entering our country will be distributed to hospitals, and not to pharmacies (although everything can be).

The effectiveness of other antiviral agents in ARVI and influenza is highly doubtful (this is the most diplomatic definition available).

Treatment of SARS in general and influenza in particular is not swallowing pills! This is the creation of such conditions that the body can easily cope with the virus.


1. Dress warmly, but the room is cool and humid. Temperature 18-20 °C (better 16 than 22), humidity 50-70% (better 80 than 30). Wash floors, moisten, ventilate.

3. Drink (to drink). Drink (to drink). Drink (drink)!!!
The temperature of the liquid is equal to the temperature of the body. Drink a lot. Compotes, fruit drinks, tea (finely chop an apple into tea), decoctions of raisins, dried apricots. If a child goes through - it will be, but this is not - let him drink anything, as long as he drinks. Ideal for drinking - ready-made solutions for oral rehydration. They are sold in pharmacies and should be there: rehydron, human electrolyte, gastrolith, normohydron, etc. Buy, breed according to the instructions, drink.

4. In the nose often saline solutions.

5. All "distraction procedures"(jars, mustard plasters, smearing the fat of unfortunate animals on the body - goats, badgers, etc.) - classic soviet sadism and, again, psychotherapy (something must be done). Soaring children's legs (topping up boiling water in a basin), doing steam inhalations over a kettle or saucepan, rubbing children with alcohol-containing liquids is insane parental banditry.

6. If you decide to deal with a high temperature - only paracetamol or ibuprofen. Aspirin is strictly prohibited.

The main trouble is that to dress warmly, moisten, ventilate, not to shove food and drink - this is called “do not treat” in our language, and “treat” is to send dad to the pharmacy ...

7. If the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, larynx) is affected, no expectorants are needed - they will only increase the cough. Damage to the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia) has nothing to do with self-medication at all. Medicines that suppress cough (the instructions say “antitussive action”) cannot be categorically !!!

8. Antiallergic drugs have nothing to do with the treatment of SARS.

9. Viral infections are not treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics do not reduce, but increase the risk of complications.

10. All interferons for topical use and oral swallowing- medicines with unproven effectiveness or "drugs" with proven ineffectiveness.

11. Homeopathy is not a herbal treatment, but a treatment with charged water. Safely. Psychotherapy (something must be done).



But this is unrealistic. Therefore, we list the situations when


Lack of improvement on the fourth day of illness;

Increased body temperature on the seventh day of illness;

Worse after improvement;

Severe severity of the condition with moderate symptoms of SARS;

Appearance alone or in combination: pale skin; thirst, shortness of breath, intense pain, purulent discharge;

Increased cough, decrease in its productivity; a deep breath leads to a fit of coughing;

With an increase in body temperature, paracetamol and ibuprofen do not help, practically do not help, or help for a very short time.


Loss of consciousness;


Signs of respiratory failure (difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, feeling short of breath);

Intense pain anywhere;

Even moderate sore throat in the absence of a runny nose (sore throat + dry nose is often a symptom of a sore throat that requires a doctor and an antibiotic);

Even moderate headache combined with vomiting;

Swelling of the neck;

A rash that does not go away when pressed on it;

Body temperature above 39 ° C, which does not begin to decrease 30 minutes after the use of antipyretics;

Any increase in body temperature associated with chills and pallor of the skin.

It's better than standing in line at the pharmacy, and exchanging hard-earned for unnecessary ...