How to make sure a person doesn’t. Conspiracies to ward off an unwanted person. Conspiracies to make a man leave a woman

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, snoring often becomes the cause of family fights and disagreements. While one of them is uttering murmurs in his sleep, the other is covering his ears and trying to sleep. At these moments, the snorer’s partner is ready to try all the ways to get rid of annoying noises - even a conspiracy against snoring .

Start simple before bed

People facing the problem of restless sleep are primarily concerned with the question: what can be done at home to prevent a person from snoring. Treatment is usually resorted to in cases where snoring seriously threatens health. Often it is enough to change external conditions and reconsider your own habits for both partners to have a restful sleep.

Rest in the right position

It is difficult to imagine a situation where a person approaches the choice of a pillow with a measuring tape or ruler. Meanwhile, for normal sleep, in which the neck is not compressed and the throat is not blocked, the head should rise 10 cm above the level of the heart.

Sleeping on your back is good for the spine, but the narrowing of the airways causes vibrating sounds. In the side sleeping position, a person either stops snoring completely, or when the decibels decrease, light snoring remains.

Small tricks will make a snorer sleep in the correct position.

For example, a tennis ball or a ball of rag placed in a pocket sewn on the back of your pajamas will prevent you from turning in your favorite position in your sleep.

For men who prefer to sleep with their torso naked, the role of a ball will be played by bolsters or pillows that prevent the body from turning onto its back while sleeping.

A few nights like this and resting on your side will become a habit.

The free passage of air through the membranes of the nasopharynx is negatively affected by dry air in the room. Congestion of the nasal passages during sleep causes snoring, and it often becomes “seasonal”. It's connected:

  • over time, allergies to pollen;
  • with the heating season in city apartments.

You can achieve the required microclimate by frequent wet cleaning, or you can make the process easier. The easiest way is to place containers of water near heating appliances before going to bed. But it is more effective to purchase climate control equipment - humidifiers that operate in silent night mode on the principle of cold evaporation.

The second condition for healthy sleep is fresh, dust-free air in the room. In addition to the mandatory nightly ventilation, ionizers and air fresheners will help you quickly get rid of unpleasant odors before bed.

Quitting smoking and alcohol will not only have a positive effect on a person’s general well-being, but will also stop the cause of snoring.

  • Cigarette smoke and nicotine irritate the larynx, causing inflammation and swelling of the airways. At the same time, the muscle tone of the pharynx decreases, and the narrowing or closing of the glottis during sleep increases snoring.
  • Alcohol relaxes the muscles of the nasopharynx and causes the palatal tissues to sag. A glass of alcohol before bed guarantees a three-hour “noise attack.”

Conclusion: Quitting smoking and giving up alcohol are the best things a person can do to stop snoring. If it is difficult to cope with the problem, then you need to take at least the last cigarette puff 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Additional snoring factors

Excess weight brings the owner of extra pounds not only aesthetic distress, but also causes snoring.

Fatty deposits in the respiratory tract lead to impaired air exchange during sleep and, as a result, to snoring. Moreover, obesity often provokes attacks of obstructive apnea - a dangerous phenomenon of short-term respiratory arrest during sleep. Convincing yourself that extra pounds are harmful to health and beauty is the first step in treating pathology.

Another reason for snoring is taking certain medications: sedatives, sleeping pills, antidepressants and tranquilizers. The instructions usually indicate side effects, and if snoring is one of them, then it is possible to change the drug after consulting a doctor.

It is known that there are 10 times more men who snore than women who snore. Men snore partly due to abdominal breathing, bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle. It is no secret that wives and girlfriends of their partners who suffer from snoring share tips on forums on how to stop their loved one from snoring. The proposals sometimes seem quite eccentric.

  • Stop the air supply while you sleep by blocking your nose with your fingertips. Breathing through your mouth will briefly delay the next round of snoring. The main thing is to have time to fall asleep during this period.
  • If there is a cat in the house, then sprinkling a little valerian next to your husband’s body will provoke a cat jump and furious purring and stomping on his torso. The goal has been achieved - the husband woke up, stopped snoring - and you have nothing to do with it, you are sleeping.
  • Get a bird feather in advance and, at the next sounds in a dream, quietly move it over different parts of the male body. The husband scratches himself, turns over, and the snoring subsides for now. But here you have a choice - either sleep, or scratch your husband all night.

The advice is, of course, humorous. Otherwise, instead of sleeping in the arms of your beloved man, you can get rest in different bedrooms. And this is with a favorable outcome.

Home treatment

If the initial measures did not lead to the expected results, then the next steps aimed at stopping a person from snoring will be actions to increase the tone of the nasopharyngeal muscles and increase the lumen of the airways.

Actual gymnastics before bed

As it was sung in the cartoon “38 Parrots”: “There is a charger for the tail and a charger for the trunk.” So, for snoring, there are also exercises for the teeth and tongue before bed. Gymnastics is aimed at strengthening the maxillofacial frame and oral muscles.

The proposed exercises are easy to perform and effective in the end result. Performed before bed:

  1. The sounds - and (s) pronounced with effort and drawl tighten the mental muscles and tighten the palatal tissues. Gymnastics consists of several approaches throughout the day, 25-30 times each.
  2. The tongue moves forward strongly and stretches down to the chin. At the same time, the sound -i is pronounced. Hold in position for 3-5 seconds, feeling the tension in the root of the tongue. Frequency of exercises: 2-3 sets of 30 times.
  3. Support your chin with your hand and use counter pressure to move your jaw back and forth 30 times. 2 approaches per day are enough.
  4. Do not press the tongue on the roof of your mouth with your mouth closed.
  5. Immediately before going to bed, hold a wooden stick in your teeth and hold it for 3-4 minutes. Use with caution in case of dental defects.

The given exercises successfully remove a double chin.

For prevention and lasting effect, exercises are not limited to one or two days of repetitions. You will have to do gymnastics for at least a month.


Rinsing with a salty or herbal solution before going to bed will help eliminate congestion and swelling of the nasal mucosa during respiratory diseases. Treatment with special pads and sleep aids is effective.

Nasal patches, by expanding the nasal passages and the action of essential oils on an adhesive base, treat snoring and make breathing easier. For anatomical maxillofacial defects, the use of mouthguards, onlays, and nipples is indicated.

Surgical intervention

If all methods have been tried, but it is not possible to get rid of snoring, then surgical treatment is performed for medical reasons. There are several directions:

  • Hardware method - the patient puts on a mask before going to bed that does not allow the nasal passages to close.
  • Laser correction of the thickness of the palatal tissues.
  • Laser trimming of the uvula – uvulopalatoplasty.
  • Removal of tonsils and adenoids.

Surgical treatment is effective if the cause of snoring is accurately identified.

Traditional treatment methods

Traditional and evidence-based therapy has a negative attitude towards traditional treatments, considering, for example, snoring a purely medical problem. However, in villages they still resort to the services of healers who know the secrets of conspiracies, the secrets of medicinal herbs and magic spells. Unfortunately, such mistresses are rare. But centuries of experience in using natural products to treat snoring can be gleaned from various sources.

Natural remedies before bed

The mechanism of action of certain foods and diets is based on their ability to normalize the amount of mucus, relieve swelling and nasal congestion. There are effective traditional methods for treating snoring to choose from.

  1. For a month before going to bed, drink cabbage juice with honey (1 tablespoon of honey per half glass of juice).
  2. Pour a tablespoon of herbal mixture, consisting of equal parts of elderberries, burdock, horsetail and cinquefoil, into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and consume in small portions throughout the day. The last dose is taken before bedtime.
  3. An hour before the main meal and before bed, eat one baked carrot.
  4. Once a week, arrange fasting days, taking only water.
  5. Gargle with a tablespoon of olive oil before going to bed.
  6. For 2-3 weeks, instill a drop of sea buckthorn oil into each nostril 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  7. Mint tea with lemon and honey has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. Take 1 glass before bedtime. Prepared in the following proportions: 2 teaspoons of vegetable raw materials: juice of a quarter of a lemon: 1 teaspoon of honey. The mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water.

Inhalation therapy provides positive results in the treatment of snoring. Inhaling essential vapors before bed has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. The following oils are used as plant extracts:

  • eucalyptus, fir and thuja trees:
  • sprigs of mint, thyme and rosemary;
  • carnations;
  • lavender.

With similar success, essential oils are used in aroma lamps.

Therapy with traditional medicine is a long process. But after the first month of self-treatment, a person’s breathing during sleep will noticeably become easier, snoring will decrease or disappear completely.

Healer rituals

Conspiracies, magical rituals, prayers for salvation from snoring miraculously improve the rest of both partners.

The spell against snoring is read on a bowl of water: Like a fish swimming in water, it does not make noise and does not bite. Swims silently day after day and dark night. So you, servant of God (name), keep quiet, sleep and don’t snore anymore. I close my lips, I hide my promises, I throw the key deep into the fishes. What's said is done. Amen (three times).

For greater effect, the plot is written down on a piece of paper and placed next to the snoring person. Magic will gain power if you look at a live fish or visualize an object while reading. Read monotonously and leisurely several times.

A spell involving holy water, which is given to a snorer to drink until the snoring completely disappears, is considered powerful: Water, water, pure and life-giving! Not for service, but for friendship - extinguish the ardor, diminish the snoring of my dear servant of God (name). Wash the black evil eye off him, so that all the evil spirits will drain away, and the snoring will go away with it. Amen.

They cast a conspiracy not only on their partner, but also on themselves. This is especially true in situations where snoring during sleep puts a person in an awkward position.

A prayer for snoring is said after drinking liquid - water or milk: Most Holy God! I appeal to you - protect your servant from misfortune. She bothers me and my family. Grant your servant a restful sleep without snoring. Amen.

There are prayers for salvation from snoring addressed to specific Saints:

  • Martyr Tryphon of Apamea;
  • Rev. disciple Athanasius of Brest;
  • Patron Saint John of Rila.

The prayers are difficult to read, as they are written in Old Church Slavonic. This is not important - you can speak in your own words. Prayer does not tolerate fuss, so it is important to retire before going to bed and approach with faith and hope for healing.

Traditional methods and magic will relieve snoring in cases not associated with serious illnesses. In this situation, stopping snoring is inextricably linked with the treatment of the underlying disease.

Almost everyone who has encountered problems with alcohol addiction and binge drinking knows that it is almost impossible to convince a person to stop drinking.

Here we need a different approach - adequate human help.

People who depend on alcohol for their lives put their health at great risk. Excessive alcohol consumption causes diseases such as liver cirrhosis and much more. Many crimes are committed in the state. The problem of alcoholism makes the life of those around us unbearable. How to stop a person from drinking?

Unfortunately, in Russia this problem comes first. Many people who drink do not consider alcohol addiction to be a disease and continue to kill themselves.

Most likely, the family will immediately notice that someone in the family is starting to abuse alcohol, but they will not immediately begin to fight this problem. This moment will be a turning point in the life of the whole family.

Often relatives try not to notice the condition of a loved one who hides his feelings and constantly drinks. This is a huge mistake. If someone in your family is addicted to a glass, you shouldn’t run and hide the alcohol, start scolding them, or try to cure them with the help of folk remedies and unknown medicines.

Alcohol addiction, which arose from psychological attachment, must be treated with a psychological approach. This means that you need to understand the patient’s problems and try to help him with this. Be sure to explain how much your family needs him. As a rule, it is the feeling of misunderstanding and loneliness that causes alcohol abuse and, as a consequence, addiction.

You cannot distance yourself from a drinking person and turn a blind eye to the problem. To combat the disease, human understanding, love and the help of doctors are needed.

Ways to combat alcohol addiction

  1. In order to try to save a loved one from addiction, you need to try to distract him, that is, come up with an interesting hobby that will help him not have time to drink. This could be doing something creative, solving a problem, reading books, playing chess. At first, your new hobby will most likely not be a good substitute for alcohol. But after some time, a person will get used to new ways to spend his free time while having fun.
  2. Playing sports. With the help of physical activity, endorphins are produced, which gives a person a good mood. For example, you can have a good time skiing. This will allow you to feel joy and relieve stress without any drug or alcohol intoxication. It is not necessary to set sports records; it is enough to perform simple physical exercises every day that will bring you pleasure.
  3. Try to arouse interest in yourself. This option applies to women. You need to look attractive not only externally, but also in your soul. The sparkle in a woman’s eyes awakens the interest of those around her, not to mention her drinking husband.
  4. Make the patient happy more often. You need to smile, joke, tell jokes. Try to watch comedies together, listen to good music, thus tuning into a positive wave.

Treatment of alcoholism using folk remedies

When no way to combat a loved one’s alcohol addiction helps, you can turn to old folk remedies.

  1. Take dry birch firewood, sprinkle it with sugar and light it generously. Next, the fire should be extinguished, after which the drinker needs to inhale the smoke generated from the fire and drink a glass of vodka. Such treatment is carried out only with the consent of the patient.
  2. Take 10 g of elecampane root, 15 g of butterbur root, 8 bitter almonds. Grind all components. Infuse the resulting mixture in 0.5 liters of vodka for a week. It should be stored in a dark place at room temperature, shaking daily. The finished drink is served before breakfast and dinner in an amount of 100 g for 5 days. This infusion causes nausea and aversion to alcohol.
  3. Take three parts each of Chernobyl root, thyme and aspen bark. Place 3 tablespoons of this mixture in an enamel pan and add three glasses of water. In the morning, boil the entire mixture for half an hour and filter. The mixture is divided into three parts and given to the patient 3 times a day before meals.
  4. An infusion is prepared from wormwood, thyme, centaury, in a ratio of 4:1:1. All this is diluted with 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for a week. This mixture is given 1 tbsp. l. for 3 months, adding to the patient's tea or alcoholic drink.

A conspiracy that blocks the way to an unwanted guest

For this purpose there are special puzzles. If you read such a nonsense, then the person whom you do not want to see in your house or in the store will change his mind at the last moment and will not bother you. The spell words are pronounced at the threshold of the front door. The plot goes like this:

For the first time, for an hour

I speak, I reprimand, I speak to my threshold.

How do people not walk through shit?

How they bypass him

So (name) would have walked around my threshold,

She never came, forever and ever.

The key to my words

Castle for my affairs.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy to help ward off an unwanted person from your home

Draw twelve crosses on the front door with a knife and read the following plot twelve times in a row:

Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross,

They nailed Him to the Cross,

No one was allowed near Him.

Don't let me, Lord,

And You are at my doorstep of the servants of God (names).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Spell: How to ward off an unwanted person from your home

In this case, we can advise you to do the following. When the guests leave, wipe the floor after them and pour the water onto the street, saying:

Like this water

She will not return to my house herself,

So is the servant of God (name)

My hand will not touch the staple.


Prepare a head of garlic, silver thread, nine new darning needles, a large gypsy needle, a clove and a hammer. Insert the thread into a gypsy needle and tie a large knot at the end of the thread, pass the thread through the head of garlic from the bottom of the head to the sharp protruding end, so that the head of garlic is suspended on this silver thread. Make a loop at the free end of the thread. Insert one of the nine prepared needles into the head of garlic with the eye at the bottom of the head, so that the needle looks down when the head of garlic is suspended on the thread. Next, insert four more needles in the same way, one by one, so that their points point to four sides and not much down. Next, insert the four remaining needles in the same way, one at a time, so that their points point in the same four directions as the previous four needles, but not much upward. You should end up with a kind of “hedgehog”. As you stick each needle in, read the hex :

“Whoever enters my house with evil, brings touches, lessons, damage to my house, my needles, steel arrows and sharp ones, all those touches, lessons and damage will take upon themselves, they will split them in half - they will break them, and in return to the adversary who has entered the head, yes the heart will be sent away. Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!".

Hang this “hedgehog” on a nail above the front door from the inside.

If you want to bring a specific person to you, then you need to use a challenge. It works in several cases, but the closer your communication, the sooner the effect will occur. Sometimes you are too shy to call. Use a “magic phone” for such purposes. In order for your secretly loved one, boyfriend or legal husband to come to you sooner, it is worth learning a few simple conspiracies. They work even in difficult situations. If your husband went out with his friends and forgot about you, let him know about you. Any woman can carry out a conspiracy for her beloved to come. They are safe and simple. Try your hand, feel how your lover is rushing to your door. Bringing a man home is not so difficult if you call him correctly. This is a simple spell that can be done even without special training.

The road is under your feet

How does the challenge work? This is simple if we consider our communication with people from the perspective of the Subtle World. The energy doesn’t go anywhere, it doesn’t disappear. If you often communicate with a person, then you exchange energy communication channels. That is why, with a very close person, it is possible to predict a call, a sudden arrival, and feel sadness, pain or joy. If a person does not communicate with you, then there are no such connections. In this case, the calls do not work, or you need to be a very strong magician to perform such an action. A person just walks without looking at the road until he collides with you. But such a result requires years of hard training and magic.

Calling your husband is easy, especially if you have a long, very warm relationship. He will hear your call from many kilometers away and will hurry home. This can be convenient if the husband, for example, went on a party with friends and completely forgot about the time. Call - he will come. If this is your guy, the result also comes quickly. A very convenient way for reconciliation after a quarrel. He himself will be the first to make contact. Sometimes, he will even come to your home late in the evening to talk.

Call your loved one home with magic

The challenge will only work when you know each other. Calling a stranger is not a task for a novice magician. The most ideal conditions for calling:

  • you know each other well;
  • communicate regularly, and not the last time 5 years ago;
  • the person has at least friendly feelings towards you.

Calls are made at any time of the day, at home or on the street. Some of them require a little ritual. Most often - church candles, photos or personal items. If this is your husband, then calling him is easy, because he will return home. Our home attracts no worse than any magic - this is the place where we leave our energy. But don't overuse calls. Do them no more than 1-2 times a week. In an emergency, more can be done, but your health may deteriorate, headaches, migraines or colds may appear. This is a simple conspiracy, but it requires a lot of your personal energy.

The most popular calls for a boyfriend or husband

Not complicated, fast and works. It is these spells that help best in difficult situations. Try them all. Some will work better for you, others worse. Choose the trouble-free one. Then your husband or boyfriend will fly to you on the wings of love.

Call by photo

Very simple and fast. All you need is a photo of the person you are calling. If this is your husband, then you can use a wedding photo of you together. In other cases, a single photo of your lover is better.

You need to take the photo in your left hand and place your right palm on your heart. This way you activate communication channels with the person in the photo. Say three times:

“I’m waiting for you, I’m waiting, I’m showing off my new clothes. I am sending God’s servant (name) My guardian angel for you. Let him lead you to me. My word is strong. Amen."

Now the effect should come quickly. At the very least, a call. The ideal scenario is that your husband comes home in the next 30 minutes - 1 hour. If this does not happen, then try a stronger challenge.

Concentrate hard enough on the object

Church candle challenge

You need a wax candle purchased from the Church. Need to buy:

  • in Sunday;
  • for small coins;
  • give money with your left hand.

A candle is lit where sunlight is not visible. Say three times when the wax starts to melt:

“The wax of a candle melts - it melts, it smudges from the fire. So you, servant of God (name), cannot find a place without me, you long to appear to me. You come, and I will greet you. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Look at the flame for a long time, imagining the face of the one you want to call.

Plot for 9 matches

To make sure your loved one comes to your home sooner, make a spell using matches. You need to buy 9 boxes, take 1 match from each. Fold them on the table in a circle, and in the center put any thing that the person touched.

“I took nine splinters from nine aspen trees,
I burn with fire, I’ll burn, I’ll release smoke.
The smoke is cheerful and curly, help,
(name of your loved one) call him home as soon as possible.
I call him, my beloved, to my feet, to my lips,
To an obstinate body and a zealous heart.
Like nine splinters burn and glow,
So that the feelings of (the name of the beloved) would glow and not fade away for a moment.
So that they would welcome him to me and never let him go.
Let it be so".

Now light each match in turn and bring it to your personal item. It works very quickly, the maximum waiting time is 9 hours.

Reprimand for 3 nights

Done 3 nights in a row. This ritual is good for those who are in a quarrel. In order for the husband to return home, or the guy to come to make peace, you need to perform this small ritual. For three nights the text is read:

“In the sub-eastern side there is a black hut, there is a longing in it, how to lift that longing and send it to the slave (name). Just as in that black hut you can’t see anything, so that the slave (name) without me (name) won’t see the white light until he comes and appears before my clear eyes. A hut in the forest, melancholy not in the hut, melancholy in the slave (name). As it was said by me, so it was ordered by fate.”

You can paint the rope yourself, and it must certainly be natural

While you speak, tie knots in the thick black rope. The thickness of a little finger, no less. With each knot, imagine yourself pulling the person in. First his attention, then his thoughts, then the desire to go. After the third night he will set off and will soon come to your home. The rope must then be burned so that it never comes undone.

Ritual for change from a wallet

You need all the change in your wallet. As much as there is there, put it on the table. Sprinkle salt on the money and speak to it 12 times:

“I will go out of the door without blessing, from the gate without crossing myself, I will go into an open field, behind the open field there is a green grove. In this green grove there is a large tree - an aspen, and it has a green top. On its green top sits the largest and eldest devil. Damn father, help me, do me a great service. Call 99 of your imps and send them to the red young man/girl (name). Let them take his/her heart, take out his/her soul, dry out their chest with longing. They will bring their soul and heart to me, (name).”

Now go to the church and give the money to the poor. When you give someone a coin, quietly say “Paid.” The effect will not be long in coming. The person you called will quickly respond and come to you.

Black Challenge Bassoon

This is a very strong call, but it belongs to black magic. It mentions the names of demons. They must be learned by heart, but repeating them just like that is prohibited. It is very dangerous. Learn only silently, without speaking out loud. It is done at night after 12 o'clock. You will need 6 black candles. Place them on a table covered with a black cloth. It is best to lay out a pentagram and place candles at the ends of its rays.

When you are ready, imagine the one you are calling. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a husband or a boyfriend, just a lover. The call will work.

“Bassoon, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind (name) with fire, sky, earth, rainbow, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Feppe, Feppe, Feppe, Elera and in the name of all devils.
Bassoon, take possession, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind of (name) until he appears to fulfill all my desires and orders.
Go like lightning, ash, storm, Santas, Quisor, Carracos, Arne. Turn him around so that he can neither sleep, nor stand still, cannot do anything, nor eat, nor cross a river, nor sit on a horse, nor speak with a man, nor a woman, nor a girl until he will not come to fulfill all my desires and orders.”

Bassoon is the demon of the wind

Challenge at the crossroads of 4 roads

In order to succeed, you need to go to the intersection of 4 roads. Stand in the middle and read on 4 sides:

“I’ll go out without blessing, I’ll go without crossing myself, I’ll come to the crossroads of 4 roads, I’ll start calling my dear one. Oh, you little devils, help me, turn my dear servant of God (name) for me. Let his little legs carry him to me, let his soul reach out to my soul. Pull him towards me, drive him away. Let him not eat or drink until God’s servant (name) comes to me. Let it be so!"

After that, leave 9 coins in the place where they were. Say "Paid". Go away and don't look back at that place.

If the call doesn't work

This magic is not the kind of “maybe it will work out.” The rule that you cannot invite a stranger to your home is an important one. If you still think that it will work out just like that, suddenly, as an exception, try it. Who knows, maybe you have a strong gift. But most often this does not happen. You waste your energy and become disillusioned with these useful spells. A person may not come for various reasons:

  • he is very sick. Such an impact will only do harm if the guy is lying at home with a high fever, and you call him. Better wait or call
  • you are sick. In this case, the energy goes to protect the body from the disease; it will not be enough. These are simple spells in essence, but the energy cost is greater than they seem
  • the person was bewitched. It is being held somewhere by forces greater than your influence. He will feel your call, but he will not be able to come. This is the most difficult and terrible situation.

In other cases, you just need to choose the summoning spell that works best. Experiment, you will succeed!

Analysts from the American psychological magazine Psychology Today conducted a study and came to the conclusion that 60% of the decision about whether to respect you is made by the interlocutor at the moment when he shakes your hand. In general, a proper handshake is a very underrated skill. Not flaccid and not too strong. The hand should not be released immediately, but it should not be held for too long. You can’t shake it, but it’s also stupid to freeze with your interlocutor’s hand clenched.

Now concentrate, because if you have had training in your life on proper negotiation, it is possible that it taught you one very dangerous stupidity: to give your hand slightly palm down, thereby forcing the person whose hand you are shaking under you adapt.

In such a situation, your palm is on top - and your worthless business coaches assured that this was how you showed who would be on top in these negotiations. Well, psychologists have proven that this is not only stupid, but also counterproductive.

After such an act, the interlocutor immediately ceases to respect you and take you seriously. The palm should be perpendicular to the floor, and nothing else.

Dress up

An interesting scientific study was conducted at Princeton University, which found that people are wary of those who are better dressed than them (and the interlocutor makes a conclusion about whether a person is well dressed in the first 100 milliseconds of a meeting). Moreover, people do not at all connect whether a person is well dressed with the cost of his clothes. This also doesn't mean you have to always wear a jacket and white shirt.

Scientists conducted experiments in different social situations and groups. At a party, business meeting, baby shower, dinner, etc., people are wary of who is best dressed in appropriate attire in the room. So, if you are one of those people who are sure that the external pitchfork is unimportant, you are wrong.

Choose your clothes carefully and be sure that a business meeting will go much better if the interlocutor decides in the first 100 milliseconds that you are the best dressed in the room.

Give people the opportunity to talk about themselves

University scientists proved what we already knew: people love to talk about themselves. But this is Harvard, so the scientists go much further. Studies have shown that when a person talks about himself, the same parts of the brain light up that light up when a person has sex or eats a delicious dinner. That is, few things in the world bring people so much pleasure. And now the main thing.

Firstly, when a person talks about himself, even if he started it himself, it strengthens his confidence that the interlocutor is trustworthy.

That is, they begin to trust you regardless of whether you give the impression of a person who would be worth trusting.

Secondly, talking about yourself makes a person much more vulnerable. So just by letting your business partner talk a little about yourself, you make him a little weaker. Ask a few questions that will provoke the other person to have such a conversation, and you are already in a winning position.

Watch your tone

70% of 1 thousand professional negotiators surveyed by the Linkedin portal claim that as soon as the interlocutor raises his voice even a little, he ceases to inspire respect and fear. Conversely, the most feared businessmen are those who never raise their voices, and in stressful situations even begin to speak more quietly than usual.

If you can control yourself to such an extent that you can speak almost in a whisper in a situation in which anyone else would go broke, you will become the person who will inspire trembling horror in those around you.