Taurus Dog Horoscope for October

In October 2017, Taurus will have enough strength and energy for any goal. Jupiter is in your 6th house of work, which indicates success in the field of career and work. There is a possibility of breakthroughs and achievements in business.

If you wish, you will have enough strength and energy to work two shifts. The only thing you should pay attention to is health. Don't ignore the little things, otherwise they will grow into a big lump of diseases.

After October 11, a peak begins in the sphere of personal relationships. If you are single, your chances of meeting someone special during this time greatly increase. This is the time when you will attend more parties and gatherings. You can meet many new and useful people.

After the 23rd, the Sun enters the 7th house, which means that all your thoughts will be filled with love and personal relationships. After this date and until the end of the year, dawn will begin in your love sphere.

In October, most of the planets are in the northern region. This means that professional issues and problems will dominate family ones. However, during this time it is important to be peaceful and build bridges rather than burn them.

In the spiritual sphere, many principles and views of Taurus men and women may change. Especially after the 17th. During this time, you will look at many things in life differently. Someone may change their views on the religious sphere.

Taurus career horoscope for October 2017

Neptune influences the professional sphere in October. This means that in this area you need to show more independence. Work according to your own schedule and plan, whenever possible.

Significant changes can be expected at work. If you work for yourself, you need to be careful and attentive. The horoscope predicts difficulties associated with your work.

If you are employed, changes in your life can be very pleasant. There are chances of trips that will give you a big advantage. The best direction for business travel is the east.

If you are a student, engineering students will have the best luck. People associated with this area can achieve outstanding results.

Financial horoscope. In October, Taurus will be able not only to earn money, but also to receive support from their family. Someone in your family can give you advice that will help you increase your wealth.

In October, it is better to refrain from working with government agencies. This is also not the most favorable month for investment.

Love horoscope for October for Taurus

Serious conflicts are possible in the sphere of personal relationships. Therefore, it is important to show love to loved ones and solve problems that arise. Any sudden movements, especially attempts to separate, should be avoided, otherwise you may regret it in the near future.

If you are single, the horoscope predicts an interesting meeting.

Health horoscope for October 2017 for Taurus

Throughout the month your health promises to be excellent. This is a favorable month for diets and physical activity on the body.

Taurus will experience rather strange moods in October 2017. On the one hand, you will continue to move towards your main dream, but in the process of movement you will ask yourself more than once or twice a very difficult question - why do I need all this? Indecision is not included in the list of your character traits, but this time because of it, because of your sudden indecision, you will stumble out of the blue, worry about a mere trifle, look for complex subtext in what is extremely simple and understandable. In general, dear Taurus, throughout October you will be complicating your own life, which will do little to contribute to your success.

You won’t have any special victories in anything related to your love life. If you have just recently started a new novel, there will definitely not be a romantic continuation in October 2017. Rare meetings in a cafe, meaningless correspondence - this, in fact, is all that will happen between you and your chosen one. And a little later, around the third decade of October, this person will openly hint to you that what is happening does not suit me, I want a normal relationship, and not this long-running “soap opera”! It depends only on you how you will behave at such a delicate moment. Remember your indecisive moods? So here it is. There is a risk that, due to their fault, you will hesitate too long to answer, which is why your love affection will be marked with an ellipsis...

If your marriage has been going on for several years, you will not have any special worries. Your partner, of course, will be slightly surprised when he notices dramatic changes in your fighting mood (more precisely, he will notice your lack of fighting spirit). If there is a morally strong, strong-willed person next to you, all that remains is to be happy for you! Thanks to your wise soulmate, more than once during this October you will find the answer to one or another important question (in general, you will have a “guru” whose advice you will follow not only when it comes to home and everyday life).

Now a few words about how sudden indecision will affect the life of single Taurus. The confusion that the opposite sex will periodically read in your gaze will seem to many to be nothing more than that very highlight that everyone so sincerely admires. There is a very high probability that somewhere in the second decade of October a person will appear next to you who, sincerely admiring your zest, will take upon himself everything: organizing your love affection, caring for you, and efforts aimed at ridding you of indecision . This will be a beautiful novel, which has only one significant drawback (as soon as, thanks to your soulmate, you regain healthy self-esteem, the zest that attracted her so much will disappear irrevocably). What will begin then? That's right, a continuous struggle for leadership within your love affair!

This will come later, but for now, during October 2017, you will ask yourself the same question more than once or twice - am I satisfied with everything in my current position? This question will arise for you even if you have already taken many big steps towards your career future or you are just one step away from the coveted promotion. It’s good that these thoughts will not become your guide to action! You won’t quit your current job, but you definitely won’t have major career successes either. While you are trying to determine what the main meaning of your life is, you will literally be marking time (more precisely, doing exclusively those things that do not provide for the growth of your career).

Attention, the Taurus horoscope for the month of October 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

Horoscope 2017 Rooster: 2017
Horoscope 2017 Rooster: 2017
Horoscope 2017 Rooster.

What long-awaited events will October 2017 bring to representatives of the Taurus sign? How will their relationships with the opposite sex develop this month? An accurate love horoscope for Taurus for October will tell them the shortest path to happiness.

Stability and resilience will accompany most Taurus in mid-autumn. Because of this, you won’t have to wait for bright events in communication with the opposite sex and dizzying romances in October. On the one hand, such a development of affairs will not cause much concern for Taurus, but at the same time it will not help matters of the heart at all. For those representatives of this constellation who decided to search for their other half, October will not be the most favorable period. The astrological forecast does not recommend that free Taurus make fateful decisions and plan long-awaited events during this period

The personal life of family Taurus in October will follow a strictly planned course, which will allow people born under this zodiac sign to feel quite confident, and some will even begin to make new plans. In a relationship with a chosen one, this stability, of course, will not become a reason for the manifestation of strong feelings and passion, but this will not prevent Taurus in October from treating their loved one and other close people with care and well-deserved attention. The desire of Taurus to maintain this favorable and harmonious atmosphere in the family for as long as possible will protect their couples from many misunderstandings and conflict situations.

Love horoscope for Taurus women for October 2017

The attention of the opposite sex almost never leaves lonely Taurus girls. In October 2017, single girls born under this constellation may not want to change the interest and manifestation of pleasant emotions from their time-tested fans for a new relationship and the uncertainty associated with it. In mid-autumn, neither the advice of girlfriends nor the opinion of relatives, with their characteristic stubbornness, will be able to overcome this desire. Taurus girls will follow their definite plans in October.

On the love front of most married Taurus women, a truce will reign this autumn month. You won’t have to expect unexpected emotions and actions from representatives of this sign in October. The current relationship with their spouse will completely suit Taurus women, which can help them open up better to their loved one. Most likely, in such families in mid-autumn there will be harmony and enjoyment of pleasant moments. The love horoscope advises Taurus women to try to use this time for the benefit of the whole family: visit exhibitions or museums, find time for active recreation.

Love horoscope for Taurus men for October 2017

The search for a soul mate in October will seem quite difficult for many young people born under the sign of Taurus. During this period, they may not have the time and desire to look for and pursue pretty girls. Not even all Taurus men in this autumn month decide to respond to signs of attention from the fair sex themselves. An accurate star prediction for October 2017 does not advise single Taurus to voluntarily deprive themselves of the opportunity to develop relationships.

Love and harmony will reign in the families of a large number of married Taurus. Men born under this zodiac sign will not have much desire to improve what already brings pleasure. By any means possible, Taurus family men will try to maintain the constancy and well-being they have created with great effort in October. The love horoscope warns Taurus that even when relationships are going smoothly, not paying attention to maintaining them is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

In October 2017, Taurus will tackle any task with energy and enthusiasm, which will increase your authority in the eyes of others. And this is a very useful thing both at work and in love!
According to the Taurus horoscope for October 2017, attention will be drawn to official duties, to everyday work and worries. You will try to settle down in your home and workplace, and only surrounded by exquisite personal belongings and interior items that suit your delicate taste will you be able to feel good, relax and dream.
You will do your homework without stress and with pleasure. Perhaps at this time someone will help you with the housework and free you from routine chores. There may be a desire to make something with your own hands, and the quality of your work will be at its best.
The first half of October 2017 will require maximum creative output and great concentration from Taurus. There will be a lot of work, and less and less free time. But do not despair, because you are guaranteed to strengthen your financial situation.
In the second half of October 2017, Taurus will feel inspired and an inexplicable sense of inner harmony. The time has come for emotional liberation and creative realization. Even if your work does not involve flights of imagination and creativity, take up a hobby or find an activity that will captivate you completely, like an interesting toy in childhood. You need to escape from everyday life and feel the wonderful state of carelessness and complete involvement in the process of creation. After all, life is not only everyday life and responsibilities!
In the second half of October 2017, Taurus will begin to appear in public places more often. It is possible to buy a pet, the care and care of which will not be too burdensome, and communication will bring a lot of joy and have a positive impact on your well-being. Your habits at this time may change for the better, which will also have a positive impact on your health.
In October 2017, Taurus may have a reason to worry about studying at the institute. The cause of problems may not be a lack of knowledge, but a sharp change in life priorities.

Favorable days in October 2017: 2, 11, 16, 25, 26, 30.
Unfavorable days in October 2017: 4, 8, 12, 19, 27.

Horoscope for October 2017 Taurus - Love, family
According to the Taurus horoscope for October 2017, attractiveness will increase, falling in love is possible, however, you will be able to control feelings and attractions and can even suppress them for practical reasons. In love, you will be characterized by scrupulousness; for some reason you will be forced to hide your chosen one from others. You will be attracted to people with an extraordinary worldview and mentality.
In October 2017, many Taurus will choose love over work and will immerse themselves in their personal lives. The conjunction of your ruling Venus with the powerful warrior Mars will allow you to love and feel loved. Previous love affairs can move to a new level, a marriage proposal is possible.
Those Taurus who are concerned about improving their home life can carry out preparatory measures in October 2017. In November or December, many will take a decisive step, for example, purchasing a new home for themselves or for their children.
If you are single and want to meet your love, then the best time for dating is the second half of the month. Until October 15, you can also go on dates, but only on the condition that you will not be too critical and meticulously assessing the potential candidate for your feelings. At the end of October 2017, Taurus may begin a bright romance, and it is very likely that over time it will develop into a deep, serious relationship.
For married or loving Taurus, October 2017 is a great time of change. And it’s not scary if they happen through conflict. The main thing is to learn in time, admit your weaknesses and shortcomings, ask for forgiveness for what you were wrong about, and move on. After all, life is movement, and life in relationships also requires change. At the end of the month, conflicts are possible. Do not let yourself be drawn into a showdown with your parents or your spouse’s close relatives. Marital relationships will be based on love and practical care, but you may be overly dependent on your partner.
In October 2017, Taurus’s relationships with relatives are developing unevenly, and disagreements may arise periodically related to problems of the past. However, the general mood is rather positive; one might even say that, step by step, old problems will be successfully overcome.

Taurus Horoscope for October 2017 - Health
In October 2017, according to the horoscope, Taurus is healthy, charming and energetic, which will be noticed by everyone with whom fate brings you together. However, the stars strongly recommend being more careful when traveling and driving. In this regard, attention should be paid to the second and third ten days of the month. “Black” days - October 10, 11, 14, 19, 27, 28.
In October 2017, Taurus can cleanse their body, but not with radical, but with gentle methods. It is advisable to organize yourself at least a few fasting days. For example, on a day off, “sit” on kefir or freshly squeezed juice of your favorite fruit or vegetable diluted with water. If you feel very hungry in the evening, prepare yourself oatmeal or buckwheat with honey, but without butter or salt. The very next day you will notice a surge of energy and vigor, as well as freshness of perception and extraordinary sensitivity of your taste buds. In addition, you will lose several kilograms. Enjoy food in new ways and don't overeat.
In October 2017, Taurus will carefully monitor their health and appearance, so a planned visit to a clinic, beauty salon, or fashion boutique is possible.

Horoscope for October 2017 Taurus - Money, finances
In October 2017, Taurus is doing well with money, however, this month will not bring you significant success. Everything will go in a predictable, smooth manner - what you earn is what you will get.
For Taurus, October expenses are mainly associated with romantic or family life.

Horoscope for October 2017 Taurus - Work, business
According to the Taurus horoscope for October 2017, it is a good time for people involved in the beauty industry, related to art, commerce, fashion and working directly with people. Even in an office environment that requires certain rules, you will, as always, be elegant, sophisticated, welcoming and friendly and will easily fit into any team. Good working conditions, a beautiful and comfortable workplace, and a harmonious environment will improve your well-being and increase your productivity. Friendly, but not familiar, relationships with work colleagues and superiors will contribute to the well-coordinated work of the team and, as a result, a good salary. Friends can work with you at this time, but intrigue on their part is not excluded.
In October 2017, the movement of Jupiter inclines Taurus to change.
Taurus entrepreneurs and bosses can start looking for new partners, and they will not keep you waiting. Towards the end of the month, people with good opportunities will appear on the horizon, and with their help, a significant revival will begin in your affairs. In October 2017, Taurus will most likely be pleased with the results of negotiations, business meetings, and deals concluded. Indeed, the period is conducive to mutual understanding and beneficial cooperation. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries develop with varying degrees of success. Some things work out, but disagreements are likely on some issues. Despite this, things are moving forward - and that's the main thing!
October 2017 is good for Taurus for negotiations, business meetings and new contacts, and they can happen in the most unexpected place - at a party, presentation or other entertainment event.
For Taurus employees, October 2017 may provide opportunities to demonstrate their talents and skills in all their glory. It is important not to try to do what others should be doing, but to concentrate solely on your work responsibilities. And if old legal problems remind you of themselves, then you don’t need to worry - these are faint echoes of the storm that raged over your head not so long ago.
The key to your success in October 2017 is intuition, common sense and creative work. The stars favor particularly active activity in the second half of the month. Your fresh ideas and proposals will surprise your bosses and increase your value in their eyes. Therefore, even if you feel insecure and constrained, it is during this period that you need to overcome them, boldly showing your talents and bringing your ideas to life.
Based on materials from Pavel Globa and Tatyana Borsch

The month is better suited for quiet rest, reflection and planning than for decisive action. Do not rush to make decisions regarding work and business: first you need to try to get as much information as possible, analyze it, and consult with experienced people. In personal relationships, on the contrary, you should rely on your intuition: it will tell you how to behave with those you care about. Many family problems will remain in the past thanks to your patience, delicacy, and tact. You respect other people's feelings, try not to hurt anyone, and your loved ones follow your example.

Horoscope for October 2018 Taurus man

A successful month: the stars will be on your side, and you will be able to take advantage of this. Already from the first day, it is worth thinking about plans for the future, talking with people who can help bring them to life. You can easily infect like-minded people with your ideas, and a common cause will help strengthen relationships and forget about previous disagreements and disputes. In just a few hours/days, you will be able to move from thinking to action. A favorable combination of circumstances will help quickly bring your plans to life. Significant cash flows are possible.