If there is a bay leaf in the soup. Bay leaf conspiracies to attract wealth and prosperity. Bay leaf money conspiracy

Did you know that ordinary seasoning in your kitchen can be a powerful magical ingredient that can protect and bring good luck? Bay leaf conspiracies can bring you monetary prosperity, luck, and happiness. So let's take a closer look at this seemingly familiar plant.

In the modern world, this plant is seen only as another spice, but it has its own secrets.

Bay leaves have been used for various rituals since the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans. It was believed that he could attract well-being and good luck to a person's life. As you remember, the ancient victorious warriors wore a wreath of laurel leaves on their heads.

The magical properties of laurel

Bay leaf, magical properties for money - this is the first association with this ingredient. And not everyone knows that the bay leaf is used in magic much more widely.

  1. Protection against negative energy in the house. If you want to avoid quarrels between family members or clean the room after unpleasant guests, put laurel leaves in the corners of the rooms. It neutralizes all negativity and will maintain a pleasant energy at home.
  2. Strong talisman. Just put the laurel in any pocket of your clothes or in your purse and it will serve as a reliable amulet against accidents and other mishaps. Carry a bay leaf in your wallet to attract money.
  3. Restful sleep. The fashionable trend of our time is to create fragrant bags that are hung over the bed, hidden under a pillow or mattress. When making a pouch for pleasing dreams, be sure to add bay leaves and lavender to it.
  4. Aromatherapy. When you inhale the scent of laurel, your strength is restored and your bad mood disappears.
  5. Protected from the evil eye. A sprig of laurel above the bed in the bedroom will protect you. This is a very popular way to protect the smallest children from the evil eye.
  6. Anti-negative. To instantly eliminate negative energy, set fire to a few bay leaves and fumigate all the rooms of your apartment with smoke.

Conspiracies and ceremonies with bay leaves

Option 1: To fulfill desires

For a successful conspiracy, you will need completely all the rules of the ritual. Prepare a golden or silver felt-tip pen, any fireproof dish, a green wax candle and a large bay leaf in advance.

On the bay leaf, write your cherished desire with felt-tip pens of the indicated colors. Light a candle and close your eyes, imagine how you will feel when it is fulfilled.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Kiss the laurel with the inscription three times, ask for blessings from the Universe, and only then can you set fire to the leaf from the flame of a candle. While the leaf is burning, dip it into a fireproof dish while reading the plot

Oh gods and heavens, you perform miracles!

Universe you have power

The power of miracles and the power of heaven.

My wish came true

At your direction.

May it be so.

Option 2: Wealth Conspiracy

Wealth rituals with this plant are the most popular, but there are other ways to use it.

The magical properties of the bay leaf to attract money are manifested on the growing moon, therefore, conspiracies and ceremonies on the bay leaf for money should be carried out only at this time.

You will need:

  • Felt-tip pen;
  • Metal jar with a lid;
  • Paper sheet;
  • Three bay leaves;
  • Seven coins.

Write on a piece of paper the amount of the desired amount and put it in a jar. After that, while reading the conspiracy for money with a bay leaf, slowly put one coin at a time in the container:

The more the coins shine

The more they ring, the more I have.

Coins will come, from where I do not expect at all,

They will disperse both adversity and misfortune. May it be so.

Then cover the coins with laurel and close the container with a lid. Every day it is necessary to add a few more coins to the jar, speaking them in the way indicated above.

After 3 months, take out a piece of paper with a sum of money, wrap it again in several bay leaves and bury it in the yard.

There is an easier way to raise finance with laurel. Drop a drop of orange essential oil on each leaf and place one leaf at a time in all the places where you keep your savings.

More than 20 of white magic can be found here.

Option 3: For family happiness

You should create a kind of composition consisting of bay leaves tied with a red thread by cuttings. This should be placed inside the house above the main entrance door. When making a composition, sentence:

Laurel, you grow under the scorching sun,

bring good luck to my house and let it be real!

Another rite can only be performed for the new year. On New Year's Eve, near the front door, place four bay leaves under the rug crosswise. Change them to newer ones every new moon throughout the year.

Option 4: Expulsion of Poverty

To attract cash flow to your home and improve your financial situation, you need to perform a certain ritual. For this, a jar is taken, into which coins with different comments are alternately lowered. For example, the first one will win the lottery, the next one will be presented, the third one will receive a prize, the fourth one will find on the road, etc. The bay leaf is lowered last. After that, you need to close the jar, shake it gently and say:

Poverty, leave my doorstep

Benefit come and let it be a lot.

My money, they reliably cherish bay leaves, increase wealth.

As the jar is filled with a ringing coin, so my wallet will be filled with new bills.

May it be so.

The bank of coins is hiding in an inconspicuous and secluded place. Whenever money comes to you in the way that you talked about when you put coins in a jar, you need to add another coin there and say “thank you” for helping you with the money box.

Option 4: to attract good luck

Fortune is a capricious lady and does not favor everyone. For good luck to accompany you? and you were her favorite, perform a simple ceremony.

Wait until the moon is profitable, light a white candle and write a wish for yourself good luck on paper with a pencil or pen. Any wish related to the successful outcome of the case. It should be written in the center of the piece of paper.

With melted wax from a candle, circle this wish, forming a circle. Place the largest laurel on the circle that has no kinks or damage and say:

As the bay leaf always accompanies the winner, so may luck always be with me.

May my cherished dreams come true, and luck will smile on me alone.

I seal my desire with candle wax and hide it from everyone, so as not to frighten off success.

Let what I wish come true at the time I need. May it be so.

Once again, repeat the words that you wrote out loud on the paper sheet and blow out the burning candle. In a dark place, fold the paper sheet so that the bay leaf is inside, as if making an envelope. Carry it with you and repeat your wish to yourself as often as possible until it comes true.

Option 5: For Better Health

Staying far from family and friends, from loved ones, you look forward to hearing from home. Now she comes with a phone call, a Skype conversation, an e-mail ...

Not so long ago they were waiting for ordinary letters. Their arrival was foreshadowed by the bay leaf caught in the soup. After him, they believed, a letter of postage would come.

In general, with many signs and beliefs are associated with bay leaves... So, a piece of paper under the pillow is the key to a good dream. A bay leaf crackling in the hearth portends good luck; and trouble if it burns silently. Having broken a branch of laurel together, the lovers will only strengthen their feelings.

Bay leaves in shoes before the wedding will ensure a happy life for newlyweds. And the whole wedding will go smoothly - without a hitch, without a hitch!

When preparing for an important meeting, take a laurel leaf (or at least a green handkerchief) with you. The same should be done for athletes before the competition: laurel will bring victory!

For creative people, the bay leaf promises a triumph: Melpomene's laurel wreath is crowned with the curls of his beloved poet!

Laurel in the house. Signs.

According to an ancient legend, the gods turned the nymph Daphne into a laurel, fleeing the persecution of Apollo, who was in love with her. Daphne was also the first priestess of the Delphic oracle. In memory of this, all subsequent soothsayers - pythias, uttered oracles, having previously chewed a bay leaf ...

Rumor has it that laurel is never struck by lightning, so it is advisable to hold a branch over your head during a thunderstorm. A laurel branch in the house, according to signs, protects its inhabitants from diseases.

The door lintel, the jamb is the guardian and the sacred boundary of the house; a sheet hidden there will protect from damage and the evil eye, from an uninvited guest.

But you can turn to the laurel with requests, you can talk to him. Make a wish, write it down on a leaf of a plant, and then burn it - success, wealth - all your innermost dreams will come true!

If your desire does not fit on one leaf, you should not give it up! Write down everything you have planned on paper, roll it up together with three leaves of laurel, hide it away from the human eye - so that no one finds them, even by accident! After completing the enigma, feel free to take out the bundle and burn it.

Everything! The accomplished will abide with you forever. After all, laurel is a symbol of good luck and triumph. And that means - happiness. The tree of happiness!

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The article will tell you in detail about what magical properties the bay leaf has and how to protect your home, as well as yourself with the help of rituals with this plant.

Every housewife has repeatedly come across a bay leaf, because it is often used in cooking to complement or improve the taste of dishes. However, few people know about the other properties of this plant! It turns out that bay leaf is a powerful healing and magical remedy. That is why it is used both in folk medicine and in special esoteric rituals.

INTERESTING: The history of the recognition of the bay leaf is quite interesting and has its roots in the distant past. It is believed that Apollo (the same indescribable handsome man and the god of Olympus) was inflamed with a fiery feeling for the nymph Daphne, who did not reciprocate. Daphne wanted so much to hide from the distraught Apollo that she turned into a laurel bush and since then the loving Apollo began to wear a laurel wreath on his head.

The bush leaves have received their popularity and demand since the days of Ancient Greece. First of all, people liked their refreshing properties, and only then did they notice the magical ones. For example, a bunch of laurel left or hung at home made the room energetically "clean" and attracted all negative energy.

Until now, some believe that if you put a couple of laurel leaves under a pillow or mattress. You can attract prophetic dreams. Another amazing belief says that laurel branches can protect a house from lightning. That is why people often placed bunches of branches under roofs or on beams.

According to the old custom, it is customary to decorate the heads of the winners of any competition with wreaths woven from laurel leaves and branches. In this case, they represent advantage, success and triumph. It was also believed that such a wreath can bestow not only luck, but also well-being, as well as "take away" any health problems.

There are a lot of secrets of using bay leaves as a magical remedy, and everyone believes that he can bring him many positive changes in life. Bay leaves are used for love rituals, in order to attract a "soul mate", monetary rituals (it is believed that the plant is directly related to the financial well-being of a person and literally "attracts" money to itself), as well as in order to get rid of any damage and fulfill their cherished desires.

Bay leaf is a reliable amulet and "protector" of the house

Signs: bay leaf caught in a bowl in soup

Few people know that the use of bay leaves in cooking began not so long ago. The fact is that the taste of the leaf was not at first revealed and only its aromatic properties were appreciated. Laurel was added to water to give it a pleasant, delicate and persistent scent. This water was used for hand washing.

Only after a while did the bay leaf begin to be added to food, but at first it was desserts and only a few decades later this ingredient found its place in the preparation of first courses, meat and marinades. Under the influence of high temperatures, the leaf reveals all its positive qualities and gives the dish a pleasant spicy shade.

Today it is simply impossible to imagine soup, borscht or cabbage soup without bay leaves. But even here it was not without magic and people perceive a bay leaf unexpectedly in a plate as a sign indicating certain events in life. For example, the most important sign says: "the bay leaf fell for the money." This means that soon you will be lucky to receive a significant amount of money (advance payment, salary, winnings, repaid debt).

IMPORTANT: Another interpretation of this sign is "a love meeting or a romantic date", especially if the leaf is caught by a young girl and if it is double (there are two leaves on one branch). For a happily married man, a bay leaf can be a harbinger of important news.

Is it possible to consider the bay leaf in the soup a sign and a sign?

How to use bay leaves in magic to attract money?

Bay leaves are often a symbol of wealth and prosperity. That is why laurel branches are often hung around a home or workplace (office, store, workshop) in order to attract customers and cash flows to the business. It is not uncommon for a bay leaf to be present in a person's personal belongings, for example, in a wallet. So you can attract success to yourself, which will accompany not only business, but also work.

It's a good sign to take bay leaf with you and put in your pocket(as close to the body as possible) to be successful in a job interview or meeting, to get noticed and recognized for your ability, hired or promoted. So that the leaf does not stain and sometimes torment with too stifling aroma, you can wrap it not just in a handkerchief, but in a red or green rag (red attracts luck, green - money).

INTERESTING: Many athletes, even before the announcement of the results in the competition, carry with them a bay leaf, which, in their opinion, brings victory and prosperity in the competition, as well as recognition and self-sufficient life.

There is one rite of passage that allows you to achieve the wealth you desire through the use of bay leaves. This ritual should be performed at home or in the workplace. Choose a large, whole bay leaf, free from holes, cracks, or damage. On the reverse side (not glossy), write with a pen or pencil your wish (“get rich”, “get a bonus” or, for example, “repay the debt”). This sheet should be burned and the smoke spread throughout the room.

Another way invites you to write your wish for well-being on a piece of white paper and roll it up, tying three beautiful and undamaged lava leaves to the “roll”. This amulet should be kept in a secluded place at your work or home. Only after the desire is fulfilled, the amulet should be burned and its ashes scattered over the fertile land (garden, vegetable garden).

Bay leaf - amulet and amulet

Why do they put a bay leaf in the wallet, and with what words of the conspiracy?

Putting a bay leaf in a wallet to attract money and well-being should also be done "correctly" so as not to incur any negative energy and not to have the opposite effect. Of course, you can do without any rituals and just mentally wish yourself success, but reading the conspiracy and attracting wealth will be much more effective. Such conspiracies are best read on the growing moon, sitting alone and in silence with a lit candle.

IMPORTANT: You should believe in the ritual itself and in every word spoken, so that your ritual is sure to be effective.

A conspiracy on a bay leaf to have wealth

Bay leaf magic for debt repayment: ritual, conspiracy

In some cases, magical rituals with the participation of a bay leaf can be performed not only in order to attract prosperity to oneself, but also in order, for example, to "get back": lost money, lost money, as well as money taken in duty.

There is one old rite. For him you will need have with you:

  • A small canvas pouch (or a regular handkerchief).
  • Three bay leaves (clean, intact, undamaged and preferably fresh).
  • Seven dimes (5 kopeck coins)

Bay leaves should be tied together with a red thread and read the plot, then wrap the bay leaves and dimes in a handkerchief. It should be buried in fertile soil (the edge of a vegetable garden or garden, as an option - a large flower pot in an apartment) and wait for the return of the debt. After returning, the bag is not thrown away, it should be taken out into the street and buried not far from the house in which you live (“so that all debts taken from you are returned to you).

IMPORTANT: Such a ritual should be performed strictly at sunrise and in no case at sunset. The best time is morning until noon.

Debt return conspiracy

The magic of bay leaves for love: how to do rituals

Bay leaves are very often used in the so-called "gypsy" magic. With the help of a laurel twig, many witches and sorcerers make a "challenge" - a special ritual of a love nature, characterized by a gentle influence on a person and not like "black" magic.

Such a ritual should make a person addicted to a certain object, but only if he really has sympathy. What is going through the person to whom you make this "call":

  • He thinks about you
  • He has dreams with you
  • Man misses you
  • He wants to see and hear you
  • He feels a love craving
  • Makes important decisions in relation to you
  • Dreams of your future

To perform this "love" ritual, you a number of items will be required:

  • 3 dried bay leaves
  • 1 red woolen thread
  • A reservoir in the vicinity (river, lake, reservoir - it doesn't matter).

IMPORTANT: You need to tie all three laurel leaves with one red thread for the twigs and, while reading the plot, lower them into water so that the bound leaves float. It is important to know that such a ceremony should be done at night and only on the growing moon in order to get the desired result.

Conspiracy with bay leaf for love

Bay leaf magic: discourage your rival

It's no secret that men are personalities with changeable tastes. In some married couples, the issue of divorce may arise only because a man has sympathy and feelings for another woman, but not for his wife. In such cases, a ritual designed to “challenge the rival” can come to the rescue.

You can also perform such a ritual using the magic of a lava leaf. To do this, you should use one large dry bay leaf. You will need to perform the ritual at night, the ideal time is midnight on the new moon. On the back of the laurel (not the glossy side), write the name of your rival, crush the dry leaf and throw the remains out the window with the words of the conspiracy.

Conspiracy on a bay leaf from rivals

Bay leaf conspiracy: get married

If a woman cannot get married for a long time, she can also perform a special ritual with the help of a bay leaf for an early marriage. To do this, she will need three bay leaves (preferably fresh), a thin red ribbon (can be replaced with a thread) and a ring (personal, any, you can not be precious).

IMPORTANT: Using a red ribbon, the leaves and the ring must be tied together and placed under the bed. Leaves are tied while reading the plot. The ring should not be new; it should be worn for at least three days.

Marriage conspiracy

The magic of bay leaves: for weight loss

As already mentioned, the magic of the bay leaf can be performed to fulfill the cherished desire. Often people dream that they can simply lose excess weight and, getting rid of it, will find a new happy life. These are quite real things, because losing weight can be quite difficult.

So that you lose weight and not gain excess weight after achieving what you want, you should read the conspiracy either in the morning when the sun rises or on the growing moon. Read the plot by tying a laurel leaf with red thread. The conspiracy should be read with a lit candle, carefully and confidently pronouncing each word.

Conspiracy to fulfill the desired

Bay leaf for good luck in everything: a conspiracy

The best helper of a person in rituals for the fulfillment of desires is a bay leaf. You can perform such rituals in different ways, the most famous and simple way is to rub a dry leaf between your palms, making wishes and then deeply inhale its spicy and delicate aroma. A feature of such a ritual is the uttering of desire out loud (it is important that there is no one else next to you).

If your desire is connected with attracting wealth, luck and love to your house, you should make "beads" and hang them in the room in which you live. To do this, a large number of fresh leaves of laurel should be strung on a red thread, and when you pierce each sheet, it is advisable to guess what you want: a magnificent table, beautiful outfits, the attention of men, a car. Gold and so on.

If a couple in love gets married, there is also a special ritual for them that attracts good luck in their personal life and fulfills dreams of a happy life. In addition, it will allow the young family to feel wealth and financial independence. To make your small and big desires come true regularly, there is also another ritual for which you should grease three laurel leaves with essential orange oil and store them at home in a secluded place.

Conspiracy to desire with bay leaf

Conspiracy on a bay leaf for desire on the new moon

New Moon is a "strong" lunar phase, which will allow you to carry out the ritual with precision and so that your wish will come true. New Moon - 28 days of the lunar phase. Reading conspiracies with a bay leaf (any: for money, for luck or love) should be done alone and in the light of flax (you can light a candle).

Conspiracy to fulfill all desires

Fortune telling on bay leaves: for the betrothed

The simplest bay leaf divination is called “Three Leaves”. To do this, you should write the names of three young people on the back of the leaves (both fresh and dried - it does not matter) and lay them out on the windowsill. Just like names, you can write the main features of a person (blond, brunette or red).

Make a guess so that the narrowed one comes to you in a dream and that you see him for sure. In the morning, pay attention to the sheets (you can circle them with a pencil at night), as well as to see if they have changed their position. If you have not remembered the dream, you can interpret the fortune-telling by how the position of the laurel has changed - if it has moved, then this is your “betrothed”.

Fortune telling on bay leaves

How to identify damage on a bay leaf: the magic of bay leaves from the evil eye and damage

If something goes wrong in the house every now and then: scandals and quarrels do not pass, walls and ceilings collapse, all family members are unlucky, diseases are present, constant debts are a sign of damage or the evil eye. If you do not know for sure whether there is some kind of evil magic on you or not, you can also determine it with the help of a bay leaf.

To do this is quite simple, for this you just need to set fire to a dry leaf and look at how it behaves. If the leaf does not burn, this is a sign that someone is very jealous of you and impregnates you, as well as your house with negative energy. If the bay leaf smokes a lot, lets out a lot of black smoke - this is a sign of damage that was sent on purpose and should be urgently got rid of.

Fumigation of the house with bay leaves will help to efficiently and effectively "clean" it from any negative energy in a matter of days. This is done easily - a dry branch is set on fire and its combustion smoke spreads throughout the house and every corner. You can simply put a few sheets on a hot frying pan and, while the laurel scent spreads through the house, read a protective prayer.

Rites with bay leaves

Bay leaf as a talisman for the house from evil people

A bay leaf, a broom of bay leaves, or a wreath may well be a talisman for your home. Such a talisman will drive away any envy, damage and evil eye, attract positive to you and only joyful changes. The easiest way is to hang a bunch of laurel branches or leaves over your front door. This is done so that the “bad person” cannot enter your house and feel bad about it.

Another way is to place saucers with bay leaves in each in the corners of the house. The leaf will give all its magical properties to the water, and that, in turn, will evaporate and spread throughout the house. This will help restore harmony in your home and attract only the good to it.

Bay leaf protects the house from evil

Fumigation of the house with bay leaves: burning bay leaves at home

Fumigate the room with bay leaves should be correct. So that the ritual is successful and effective. For fumigation, it is necessary to use not individual leaves, but a dried branch or bunch. So you can achieve long burning, the smoke from which spreads throughout the room. It is important to know that bay litas should not be very dry, so moisten it a little before setting it on fire. It is necessary to carry a lighted beam or branch so that the smoke touches each corner.

Why lay dry bay leaves in the corners of your home?

Laying dry and bay leaves around the house is also a ritual that attracts positive energy and well-being into the house, drives away evil and any damage. The corner of a residential building is a place where negativity is concentrated and therefore only a faithful magical remedy, such as a bay leaf, will help to dispel it. Just place one leaf at a time where it will not be visible to the eye.

Video: "The magical properties of bay leaves"

Surely every housewife has bay leaves in the kitchen. They improve the taste of dishes, add a special piquancy to any product. But this spice is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Laurel is the most powerful magical remedy! It is used to cleanse rooms, get rid of damage or the evil eye, with its help, love relationships are made stronger. In addition, among its properties there are healing ones! It is laurel that is purposefulness and purity.

Bay leaf: the legend

The story of the appearance of laurel is tragic, but beautiful. The inimitable handsome Apollo was inflamed with mad love for the beautiful Daphne. Daphne remained indifferent to the feelings of the god Olympus. The handsome youth could not think of anything better than pursuing the object of passion. Ovid wrote that Apollo was practically insane, wanting to get the nymph. The sun god was chasing the gentle Daphne, and she had no choice but When Apollo almost overtook the nymph, her fingers had already turned into branches, and her legs became the roots of a tree. Daphne became a laurel. The saddened god from that time began to wear a wreath of evergreen branches of a laurel tree on his head.

The magical properties of laurel: from time immemorial

Even in ancient Greece, people guessed about the magical properties of laurel leaves. They were used to decorate houses, thus refreshing and cleaning the premises. Laurel, placed in a mattress, attracted prophetic dreams. In addition, the laurel branches were believed to be able to protect against lightning strikes! The heads of the winners were decorated with laurel wreaths - they were a symbol of triumph and success. The inhabitants of Ancient Rome also did not disregard this plant. the magical properties of which have never been in doubt, used in various religious rituals. And they also carried out rituals: they cured diseases, fulfilled cherished desires, attracted wealth and money to homes.

Laurel Career Amulet

It doesn't take much effort to create an amulet to help you find a job. It takes one bay leaf. Its magical properties will be enhanced by three cardamom seeds. You must also take a sprig of rosemary - fresh or dried. All elements of the future amulet must be placed in the middle of the green shawl. Instead of a scarf, just a piece of fabric will do. The corners of the scarf must be assembled together, wrapped with tape. You should get a knot. According to those who have this amulet, thanks to cardamom, the gift of eloquence is revealed in a person, and rosemary increases the level of intellectual readiness. The magical properties of bay leaves for a career are also difficult to overestimate - this plant brings prosperity.

Another ritual to help find a job has garnered many confirmations of its power. It must be carried out exclusively on the new moon. You will need a piece of paper on which you need to write the desired position and salary. Then the leaf is torn into small pieces, mixed with crushed laurel leaves (for this ceremony, the lavrushka must be dry). This mixture must be put in a beautiful ashtray and set on fire. It is recommended to wrap the cooled ash in a bill, the more its value, the better! To carry such a talisman is in your purse or wallet.

But if you came for an interview with a laurel amulet, and you were still refused - do not despair! Just from the place that would not bring anything good, bay leaf saved you. The magical properties, reviews of which are surprising, appear as quickly as possible. Those who have already tried themselves in the role of a magician claim that the laurel works flawlessly! To do this, it is imperative to imagine that the desire has already come true, and not to sit and wait for a miracle!

Chasing Quarrels Away: Using Bay Leaves

And what magical properties of bay leaves will help get rid of melancholy and scandals, strife and tears? It is worth noting that for centuries, magicians have used the leaves of this plant as the best way to purify the energy of a living room. After all, they, as it turned out, remove all the negativity accumulated in the house in a matter of days. There are several options for cleaning and protecting the home, which have collected the most rave reviews:

  1. Dry leaves must be laid out on saucers and placed in all corners of the apartment. After a week, the laurel must be replaced with a new one. All negative energy will go away with the discarded leaves.
  2. In a new skillet, heat a few laurel sprigs. While the leaves are heating up, you can meditate, thank the Universe for everything you have, or pray. After that, a frying pan with steaming laurel leaves must be carried through all rooms, meticulously fumigating every corner. After the ritual, in no case should you touch the leaves - after all, they have absorbed all the negativity. Throw them away immediately.

Fulfilling desires and attracting happiness

Bay leaves are a great helper in fulfilling cherished dreams. The easiest way is to rub a couple of leaves between your palms, breathe in their subtle aroma and say your conceived out loud. Laurel and love attracts - for this you need to string bay leaves (in the amount of five pieces) on a scarlet thread and fix them in the house.

Newlyweds are advised by esotericists to put a bay leaf in their shoes on the eve of the wedding ceremony - this will make family life long and very happy!

Those who need financial income will also benefit from the magical properties of bay leaves. Three leaves, smeared with ether, must be put in a safe, wallet or casket where the money is.

Laurel, as confirmed by those who have resorted to its help, is an effective means of attracting good luck. To do this, a few leaves need to be crushed and simply added to the bath.

Fragrant charm: magical properties of bay leaves that protect against troubles

It will save the laurel from failure and the evil eye - just carry a few leaves in your bag or pocket. In addition, this plant can protect young children from the evil eye. To do this, you need to fix several laurel branches in the crib and periodically change them to fresh ones. Among the magical properties of laurel is the victory over fear and insecurity. And even a small leaf can reveal the gift of divination in a person!

Secrets of enhancing the magical effect and rules for using laurel

The main thing to remember when using a bay leaf is that the magical properties are enhanced if the bay is fresh. If it is not possible to get fresh leaves, you can cheat - drop laurel essential oil on dry ones. And, of course, during any ritual, you need to sincerely believe that what you want will come true!

Bay leaves, the magical properties of which you already know, were not originally used as a seasoning. With its help, water was flavored. And we washed our hands with laurel tincture. Only in the first century AD, bay leaves began to be added to food. At first, they were added only to desserts. And only a few decades later, the leaves of this plant began to be used to add a special taste to meat dishes. The tradition of putting a laurel wreath on the heads of the winners has also come down to our days. In addition, the word "laureate" comes from the name of the plant. It literally means "crowned with laurels"!

The magical properties of bay leaves and instructions for conducting magical rites and rituals.

Almost every housewife in the house has a bay leaf. This spice is often used in the preparation of various dishes. In addition, the leaves are used by traditional healers, decoctions have expectorant properties. But few people know about the magical properties of this spice.

There are a lot of signs around the laurel. It is often used to protect their homes from evil forces.


  • If you store the leaves under the roof, they will help protect your home from lightning.
  • If you put the leaves under the cushion, then you will have prophetic dreams.
  • A lot of magic rituals associated with love and money are carried out using spices.
  • Using leaves you can remove spoilage.
  • Often this spice is put into shoes for future spouses before the wedding day. This will help to make the wedding calm and without surprises.
  • If, together with your beloved, pluck a fresh twig and break it in half, this will strengthen the union.
  • It is worth planting a plant in your yard. It will help improve health and become a talisman.
  • If the bush began to wither and dry out, then this bodes well for trouble and illness.

It is worth noting that many legends are associated with this plant. On one of the bottom, Apollo fell in love with a girl and pursued her. BUT the nymph did not reciprocate. She asked the gods to turn her into a bush. But even then Apollo did not calm down all the time he wore a wreath of leaves on his head.

There are many magical manipulations with this spice that will help you enrich yourself. In general, you can just carry a spice in your wallet. It will attract money and good luck.


  • Take a large piece of spice and write your wish on it in gold or silver ink.
  • Light the wick of the candle and burn the leaf over the flame.
  • When the leaf is burning, say the magic words.

By the power of the Gods and the power of heaven, the Power of the Universe and the power of miracles. My wish came true, As I commanded, so it came true.

Bay leaf magic for debt repayment: ritual, conspiracy

If you gave a loan, but you are in no hurry to repay the debt, try to return the money using rituals.


  • You need to take five pieces of five-kopeck coins and three bay leaves
  • Tie the leaves together using red thread.
  • Fold coins and a "bouquet" of leaves into a small handkerchief or piece of fabric
  • Tie everything with tape and bury in your vegetable garden or flowerpot
  • Wait for the return of the money. After returning the money, dig out the bag and hide it in the forest or near your yard

Pronounce the conspiracy:

This spice is successfully stored in a wallet so that money flows and troubles do not upset. For the spice to work, you must pronounce the conspiracy, the words of which are presented below.

Bay leaf for good luck in everything: a conspiracy

Laurel is a plant winner, which is why strong and ambitious people often use magic leaves.


  • Write your deepest wish on a piece of paper.
  • This must be done during the full moon.
  • After that, light a candle and say a wish
  • Place the wax from the candle in a circle so that the lettering is inside the wax shape.
  • Place a spice leaf in the center of a piece of paper and fold it into an envelope, uttering a conspiracy
  • Carry the envelope with you and say your wish from time to time

The manipulation is carried out on the growing month, or rather on the 28th day of the lunar phase. It is necessary to say magic words and prayer at night, looking at the moon. Moonlight has magical properties. Below is the conspiracy.

Fortune telling on bay leaves for the betrothed

This is a fairly popular and accurate technique. You will dream of your beloved. To do this, it is worth performing a few simple manipulations.


  • It is necessary to carry out the ceremony on the night of Monday to Tuesday
  • Write different names on the three leaves: Ananias, Azarius, Misael
  • Leave them on the window in your bedchamber. When you go to bed, say the magic words.

"From Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill, who dreams of me, let me dream in a dream."

Magic and conspiracy on a bay leaf for love, get married

You can learn more about the ritual in the video.

VIDEO: Spice for love

Bay leaf magic: discourage your rival

A simple manipulation that is carried out during the waxing moon at midnight. You need to write the name of your rival on a piece of paper and crush the spice into an open window. At the same time, a conspiracy is pronounced.

With the help of spices, you can put yourself in order. It is necessary to read the conspiracy. This should be done every morning or on the waxing moon. At the same time, when you say magic words, tie the sheet with red strings. Below is some text worth saying.

There is also a lot of information on the net regarding the magic decoction. It should be taken on an empty stomach. This will reduce appetite and stimulate metabolic processes in the body.

It should be noted that this spice has recently been used in the preparation of soups and main courses. It used to be a seasoning for desserts. But now the soup is hard to imagine without bay leaves. Many even give a magical meaning to the leaf found in borscht. It is believed that finding a leaf in a soup is money. If an unmarried lady pulls out a double sheet, then this is for the wedding.

Bay leaf as a talisman for the house from evil people

There are two ways to protect your home with a spice:

  • Hang a wreath or broom of leaves as soon as you enter. It scares away the evil forces
  • You can also put saucers of water in all corners of the house and put one piece of paper in them.

How to identify damage on a bay leaf: the magic of bay leaves from the evil eye and damage

You can watch the video on how to find out about spoilage with the help of spices.

VIDEO: Determine spoilage using bay leaves

Leaves in the corners of the house, protect from negative energy, drive away ailments, and are able to drive out evil spirits. After all, laurel is a symbol of victory, luck and success in any business. In addition, the spice allows you to get rid of ants and cockroaches.

Such a ritual helps rid the house of negativity and evil spirits.


  • Take a twig or bunch of a plant and spray it with some water from a spray bottle
  • Set fire to the branch and wait for the plentiful smoke
  • Now walk around the room and try to smoke fumigate every corner of the house.

Laurel is a plant that has magical properties. With it, you can attract success and material wealth.

VIDEO: Magic and Laurel