Dijon mustard. Dijon mustard: recipe. Whole grain version of Dijon mustard

Mustard is a seasoning made from ground and whole seeds. It is often used in cooking in various European countries; Russia has also kept up with the tradition of eating mustard. True, there is one difference - in Russia they use spicy mustard, while in Europe they use sweeter mustard.

What is Dijon mustard?

The most famous mustard is Dijon. Its history dates back to 1747 in the city of Dijon. differs from the usual exquisite taste and pleasant aroma. At first, Dijon mustard was made from black seeds. Currently, when preparing it, white seeds are also added.

In order for Dijon mustard to turn out like in the best restaurants in Dijon, the husks must be removed from the seeds. Thanks to this, the mustard will acquire a pleasant yellow color. Then add the juice of unripe grapes, various spices and herbs, as well as salt. Herbs used include thyme, tarragon and lavender. Thanks to them, Dijon mustard acquires a unique taste. If other herbal additives are added to mustard, it can no longer be classified as Dijon.

In world trade, more than half of the annual turnover of Dijon mustard comes from France. Some of the largest manufacturers are Amora and Maille. Dijon mustard is used to prepare various sauces and seasonings. This mustard is also used to season fried meat or fish. Exists two types of Dijon mustard- gentle and strong.

As a rule, Dijon mustard is sold in clay jars, which are thoroughly washed and dried. In our country it can not be found as often as in France. But if you suddenly find a supermarket where they sell Dijon mustard, remember, its price for a jar weighing 205 g with basil costs about 230 rubles, and ordinary spicy Dijon mustard, weighing 250 g, will cost you about 150 rubles.

In fact, The recipe for making Dijon mustard is not that complicated., and any housewife can cook it.

How to make Dijon mustard?


  1. Dry white wine - 1 tbsp.
  2. Mustard powder - 60 g
  3. Garlic - 1 clove
  4. Salt - 1 tsp.
  5. Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
  6. Natural honey - 1 tbsp.
  7. Onions - 1 pc.
  8. Tabasco sauce - to taste


  • Cut the onion and garlic into small pieces.
  • Add wine, honey, chopped onion and garlic to the pan. Stir.
  • Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 7 minutes over low heat.
  • Remove the mixture from the stove and strain.
  • Add mustard powder to the mixture and beat everything with a whisk or mixer.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the mixture, add Tabasco sauce (a few drops), salt and mix everything.
  • Place the mixture over low heat and cook the mustard until it thickens. The mustard should have a consistency similar to sour cream.
  • Cool and pour the mustard into a glass jar, close the lid and refrigerate for 2 days.
  • After 2 days, Dijon mustard can be eaten as a seasoning for meat dishes, boiled tongue, lard or poultry.


  1. Dry white wine - 400 ml
  2. Onions - 1 pc.
  3. Garlic - 3 cloves
  4. Honey - 3 tbsp.
  5. Mustard powder - 130 g
  6. Rapeseed oil - 1 tbsp.
  7. Salt - 2 tsp.
  8. Basil - 1 tbsp.


  • Chop the onion, basil and garlic.
  • Pour the wine into a non-stick pan and add the chopped ingredients. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Cool the prepared mixture, strain through a strainer, and discard whatever remains.
  • Stirring constantly, carefully add mustard powder to the prepared mixture. Stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  • Add rapeseed oil, honey and salt to the mustard mixture. Place over low heat and simmer until the mustard thickens and becomes smooth. In this case, the mixture must be constantly stirred.
  • Transfer the resulting Dijon mustard into a clean glass jar, wait until it cools, and put it in the refrigerator.
  • Mustard is ready to eat.


  1. White and black mustard seeds - 150 g
  2. Herbs of Provence spice mixture - 1 tsp.
  3. Liquid honey - 1 tsp.
  4. Cinnamon - 1 pinch
  5. Cloves - 2 pcs.
  6. Salt - 1 tsp.
  7. Allspice - to taste
  8. Wine vinegar - 1 tsp.
  9. Olive oil - 1 tsp.


  • Place a mixture of Provençal herbs, cloves, a few allspice peas in a saucepan and add a little water. When the mixture boils, add salt and boil for 2 minutes.
  • In a bowl using a mortar, crush the white and black mustard seeds.
  • Pour the crushed mustard seeds into a separate jar and pour the seasoning water mixture through a sieve. Add honey and a pinch of cinnamon to the mixture. Remember, the liquid should slightly cover the mustard seeds, but there should not be too much.
  • Pour vinegar and olive oil into the mixture. Stir.
  • The mustard must be cooled at room temperature and stored in the refrigerator.

The French have a saying that a salad without mustard means a beauty is crazy. Indeed, mustard is often added to traditional vinaigrette sauce, which adds a special piquancy to salads. However, before baking, fish and meat are just as often coated with mustard as they are served with various cold dishes.

Dijon mustard from France is known throughout the world. There is a legend that in 1383, King Charles VI of France called on the Duke of Burgundy to assist the Count of Flanders, who was under siege. Duke Philip the Bold gathered a huge army, and the money for the campaign was received from mustard traders. Having won the victory, the Duke returned home, inscribing on the banner that he had been delayed and was returning to Dijon. However, due to the swaying of the banner in the wind, the inscription was read that the mustard army was returning to Dijon. In gratitude for the financial assistance, the Duke allowed mustard producers to depict the coat of arms of Burgundy on their product.

Dijon mustard gained particular popularity and value in 1752, when Jean Nejon began using wine vinegar in its preparation.

Currently, there are many varieties of Dijon mustard: classic with grains, and also with tarragon, with blackcurrant liqueur, with green pepper, etc. It can taste strong (forte) or tender (douce).

To find a recipe for Dijon mustard, I had to sift through many French cooking sites and blogs. There are countless dishes with mustard, but the recipe for mustard itself is extremely rare. However, I did find a few recipes. The one I want to offer was designated as a classic, although I cannot guarantee this, I took the author’s word for it.

Mustard is the real queen of spices. Without its subtle aroma and rich taste, it is impossible to imagine many dishes made from meat, vegetables and fish. The mustard known as “Russian mustard” was usually the most popular among us. However, recently you can increasingly see so-called French or Dijon mustard on tables. Dijon mustard differs from ordinary mustard not only in appearance, but also in taste, as well as in its scope of application.

The content of the article:

Differences in preparing Dijon and regular mustard

Russian mustard: cooking features

Russian mustard is also known as Sarepta mustard. It received this name due to the fact that the largest production of this product is located in the Sarepta region near Volgograd. It is also called Russian for the reason that it was especially liked by residents of Russia and other Eastern European countries, and was often used in the preparation of local cuisine.

Like other types of mustard, Russian mustard is made from dry seeds. In this case, light-colored ground seeds, the so-called mustard powder, are used.

The traditional recipe requires a minimal amount of spices. In this case, the leading role is given to mustard. In most cases, it is supplemented only with a small amount of water, sugar, salt and a little vinegar.

High-quality mustard has a uniform consistency without the presence of lumps. Color can vary from yellow to brown. A strong vinegar smell is considered a sign of a manufacturing technology violation.

The secrets of Dijon mustard

Dijon mustard came to us from France. It was here in the east of the country in the city of Dijon that it was first prepared. This happened back in the 19th century. Since then, Dijon mustard, or as it is also called, French mustard, is often used by chefs in the preparation of salads and main dishes.

The main difference between Dijon mustard is that it is made from special black mustard seeds. Before production, the grains are cleared of dark husks, so the finished product has a pleasant golden hue. To highlight the soft but rich taste of Dijon mustard, grape vinegar, spices and herbs are added to it.

It is mistakenly believed that Dijon mustard must contain whole grains. In fact, it comes in two types: whole grain and ground. It’s just that Dijon mustard beans have become more widespread in our country.

What is the difference between regular mustard and Dijon mustard?

Regular and Dijon mustard are two sauces that are both similar and at the same time completely different. Their main differences are in the following points:

  • Taste. Russian mustard is famous for having the sharpest and richest taste. Dijon mustard, on the contrary, is mild and sweet, so even those who do not like spicy food will like it.
  • Appearance. Russian mustard comes only in the form of a homogeneous sauce, while Dijon mustard is most often found in grains.
  • Recipe. Dijon mustard provides for a large number of preparation methods using various ingredients, while Russian mustard is characterized by the use of one recipe.
  • Scope of application. Russian mustard is best suited as a sauce for meat or fish. It complements the taste of jellied meat very well. Dijon mustard is most often added to salads, marinades, complex sauces, and used for baking.

How to prepare Russian mustard?

Russian mustard can be easily prepared at home. The following components are required for this:

  • water - 125 ml;
  • mustard powder - 100 g;
  • vinegar - 125 ml;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower is best) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar and salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Water is poured into a bowl, sugar and salt are added there. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil. Then pour the powder in there, stirring it all the time. Add the remaining components to the same mixture and mix thoroughly. The finished mustard should be homogeneous. It is best to store it in a glass container on the refrigerator shelf.

Dijon mustard recipe

To prepare this type of mustard you need to take:

  • mustard seeds - 70 g;
  • honey - 10 ml;
  • white wine (dry) - 200 ml;
  • spices to taste: salt, cloves, garlic, allspice, basil, oregano.

Dijon mustard is not easy to prepare according to the classic recipe, since black mustard seeds are quite difficult to obtain. However, they can be replaced with more familiar white mustard seeds. To prepare them you need to grind them into powder.

Spices are poured into a pan, poured with wine, put on fire and cooked for 10 minutes. Then filter. Mustard powder is gradually poured into the finished marinade. After carefully mixing the mixture, add honey and butter and mix again.

Despite the fact that Dijon mustard differs from regular mustard, they are equally beneficial for health: they stimulate digestion and have an antibacterial effect. However, an abundance of hot seasoning can be harmful, so any type of mustard should be consumed in moderation.

You've probably all tried store-bought Dijon mustard; it goes great with a variety of appetizers. We offer its recipe, we do not pretend to be authentic, but the mustard we prepared turns out very tasty.

Homemade Dijon mustard is quick to prepare. This sauce is named after the town where it was first offered to the public. French cuisine is known for its delicate and at the same time piquant taste and exquisite presentation of dishes. Mustard, made according to a classic recipe, can add a touch of aristocracy to salads, poultry and carbonate dishes. It can be served either pure in gravy boats or as a component of various dressings.

In addition to its taste properties, Dijon mustard differs from the pasty mustard we are used to in that it contains grains infused with young dry white wine, which complement the pasty substance of the multicomponent mass, creating a textural contrast. The classic version necessarily implies the presence of small dark brown whole grains of the plant in a creamy paste.

Both an experienced cook and a beginner can prepare this sauce at home. The technological process does not involve complex manipulations, and the composition of the sauce does not involve expensive and rare ingredients. The taste of the finished culinary delight can be adjusted: from spicy to sweet.

For burning pungency, almost black seeds are used, which can be taken in different percentages relative to white or yellow grains. You can make mustard with a sweet or spicier taste. To make the mustard not spicy, you need to know a few secrets, which I will tell you about. If you want to prepare a spicy product, instead of yellow seeds, take about one third of the black ones. The spices used are sugar, apple cider vinegar or wine, salt, sugar, honey, which are responsible for the taste of the finished product. Recipes may also include garlic, onions, turmeric, a mixture of peppers, tarragon, vegetable oil, and cinnamon. In addition to grains, you can use mustard powder. There are a lot of recipes for Dijon mustard, but mustard seeds are always used in it.

Taste Info Sauces


  • Mustard seeds – 100 g;
  • Orange juice – 20 ml;
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • Dry white wine – 100 ml + 1 tbsp;
  • Honey – 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.

How to make Dijon mustard at home

To prepare, take high-quality mustard seeds. The larger the grains, the more expressive the finished sauce will be. Place them in a fine strainer and rinse thoroughly under running cold water.

Now you need to transfer the seeds into a saucepan. Pour wine or good apple cider vinegar and freshly squeezed orange juice here. Stir. Cover with a lid and place in a cool place, such as the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, for 48 hours. This time is enough for the grains to absorb liquid and swell.

Residents of France prepare Dijon mustard at home and use good dry wine; it should not be powdered.

After two days, add sugar, honey, oil, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or wine to the seeds. Mix thoroughly, being careful not to crush the grains. Place the finished mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for exactly 2 minutes.

Select a third of the grains from the total mass and grind them in a blender. You can also grind the seeds the old fashioned way - in a mortar. The finished consistency should be pasty and homogeneous.

In some recipes, some of the seeds are replaced directly with dry mustard powder.

The crushed seeds remain mixed with the rest of the whole grains. Now, Dijon mustard can be seasoned with spices to taste.

Dijon mustard grains prepared according to this recipe must be stored in a sterile glass container in the refrigerator, but not more than 3 months.

Served as a sauce for meat dishes and various appetizers, goes well with cold fish and vegetable appetizers. Dijon mustard can also be used in marinades for hot meat and fish dishes.

Mustard is the real queen of spices. Without its subtle aroma and rich taste, it is impossible to imagine many dishes made from meat, vegetables and fish. The mustard known as “Russian mustard” was usually the most popular among us. However, recently you can increasingly see so-called French or Dijon mustard on tables. Dijon mustard differs from ordinary mustard not only in appearance, but also in taste, as well as in its scope of application.

The content of the article:

Differences in preparing Dijon and regular mustard

Russian mustard: cooking features

Russian mustard is also known as Sarepta mustard. It received this name due to the fact that the largest production of this product is located in the Sarepta region near Volgograd. It is also called Russian for the reason that it was especially liked by residents of Russia and other Eastern European countries, and was often used in the preparation of local cuisine.

Like other types of mustard, Russian mustard is made from dry seeds. In this case, light-colored ground seeds, the so-called mustard powder, are used.

The traditional recipe requires a minimal amount of spices. In this case, the leading role is given to mustard. In most cases, it is supplemented only with a small amount of water, sugar, salt and a little vinegar.

High-quality mustard has a uniform consistency without the presence of lumps. Color can vary from yellow to brown. A strong vinegar smell is considered a sign of a manufacturing technology violation.

The secrets of Dijon mustard

Dijon mustard came to us from France. It was here in the east of the country in the city of Dijon that it was first prepared. This happened back in the 19th century. Since then, Dijon mustard, or as it is also called, French mustard, is often used by chefs in the preparation of salads and main dishes.

The main difference between Dijon mustard is that it is made from special black mustard seeds. Before production, the grains are cleared of dark husks, so the finished product has a pleasant golden hue. To highlight the soft but rich taste of Dijon mustard, grape vinegar, spices and herbs are added to it.

It is mistakenly believed that Dijon mustard must contain whole grains. In fact, it comes in two types: whole grain and ground. It’s just that Dijon mustard beans have become more widespread in our country.

What is the difference between regular mustard and Dijon mustard?

Regular and Dijon mustard are two sauces that are both similar and at the same time completely different. Their main differences are in the following points:

  • Taste. Russian mustard is famous for having the sharpest and richest taste. Dijon mustard, on the contrary, is mild and sweet, so even those who do not like spicy food will like it.
  • Appearance. Russian mustard comes only in the form of a homogeneous sauce, while Dijon mustard is most often found in grains.
  • Recipe. Dijon mustard provides for a large number of preparation methods using various ingredients, while Russian mustard is characterized by the use of one recipe.
  • Scope of application. Russian mustard is best suited as a sauce for meat or fish. It complements the taste of jellied meat very well. Dijon mustard is most often added to salads, marinades, complex sauces, and used for baking.

How to prepare Russian mustard?

Russian mustard can be easily prepared at home. The following components are required for this:

  • water - 125 ml;
  • mustard powder - 100 g;
  • vinegar - 125 ml;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower is best) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar and salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Water is poured into a bowl, sugar and salt are added there. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil. Then pour the powder in there, stirring it all the time. Add the remaining components to the same mixture and mix thoroughly. The finished mustard should be homogeneous. It is best to store it in a glass container on the refrigerator shelf.

Dijon mustard recipe

To prepare this type of mustard you need to take:

  • mustard seeds - 70 g;
  • honey - 10 ml;
  • white wine (dry) - 200 ml;
  • spices to taste: salt, cloves, garlic, allspice, basil, oregano.

Dijon mustard is not easy to prepare according to the classic recipe, since black mustard seeds are quite difficult to obtain. However, they can be replaced with more familiar white mustard seeds. To prepare them you need to grind them into powder.

Spices are poured into a pan, poured with wine, put on fire and cooked for 10 minutes. Then filter. Mustard powder is gradually poured into the finished marinade. After carefully mixing the mixture, add honey and butter and mix again.

Despite the fact that Dijon mustard differs from regular mustard, they are equally beneficial for health: they stimulate digestion and have an antibacterial effect. However, an abundance of hot seasoning can be harmful, so any type of mustard should be consumed in moderation.