Theotokos-Christmas maiden deserts. Theotokos-Christmas Maiden Hermitage Baryatinsky Monastery


With the beginning of spring, all our thoughts, worries, hopes are focused on one event: the continuation of the major external repairs of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (XVIII century). It is difficult to look for money while living in a village, far from the highways, from rich people. There is only one way out - to beg God to take care of the temple.

Renovation started on August 31, 2016 renovation. For more than a month, they freed the walls from the shell of the old plaster, which in places clinging to the masonry tightly, in places flying off with small crumbs. Then the builders coated the walls with plaster with reinforcing fibers, which allowed the walls to breathe. In winter, excess moisture froze, and the sisters walked past these gray walls and asked: "Lord, spare your creation. Spare us and the temple so that the brigade will return and continue to work. Spare Russia -" Give me a peaceful and prosperous life, Lord! " for everyone who sent donations to the account of the monastery and the Sberbank card, we were glad that the Russians are the most generous people on the planet Earth.

Our renovation is in absolute dependence on outside help, because the monastery lives only on charity. The monastery does not have any production facilities, we do not resell someone else's goods, we only pray and work. A vegetable garden and a small subsidiary farm (two cows, two goats, chickens, bees) provide food for the monastery meal, but there are many other expenses - maintaining the church, paying gas and electricity bills, purchasing medicines, clothes and shoes.

We are very concerned about the financial security of the continuation of the work. Help complete the renovation so that the ancient temple shines with its pristine beauty again. Al we are not Christians?

After the fire on May 4, 2007, the monastery received help from benefactors precisely through the Russian Birch Foundation, for which we are grateful to the staff. We hope that even now our appeal will not remain without positive consequences. You help the monastery - in the monastery they pray for you.

On the monastery website "Kinovia" you can get acquainted with other ways of rendering assistance to our monastery, the history of the monastery, news of everyday life. Any help would be appreciated.

Nun Seraphima (Gritsenko), an economist of the Monastery of the Mother of God Christmas Maiden Hermitage.

Dear employees of the Russian Birch Charitable Foundation, Thank you for your donations in the amount of 22,000 rubles and 100,000 rubles, transferred to the account of the monastery.

This is a very timely help. At the end of August, the exterior repairs of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (18th century) began. We talked about the previous extremely unsuccessful renovation in 2010, which was enough for one winter. Due to the use of the wrong materials, the condition of the brickwork has deteriorated greatly, and new renovations have required huge costs. We literally have to save the ancient temple from destruction. Experts have made an estimate for an amount that is not available from the construction organization, you have to take loans. Therefore, we will be grateful for any amounts sent for the monastery to the Russian Birch Foundation or directly to the account of the Monastery of the Bogorodichno-Christmas Maiden Hermitage.

For all who donate to us, we pray earnestly, reading the Unsleeping Psalter.

With the blessing of Abbess Theophila, Nun Seraphima, the monastery's steward, answered.

Dear Oksana Mikhailovna and Marina! Thank you very much for taking care of us. The money in the amount of 102,000 rubles was transferred to the account of the monastery, used to pay for gas and electricity. Now these are the most urgent needs of the monastery. If you do not make an advance payment on time and do not pay the final bills, complaints immediately follow, there is such experience. We wish you, all your wards, all benefactors of God's help! Abbess Theophila, abbess of the Monastery of the Theotokos-Christmas maiden hermitage.

Today the Russian Birch Charitable Foundation has pleased us with a message about a donation of 102,000 rubles for the monastery and the transfer of this amount to the monastery's account. For us, this means that for the next month the problem of paying for gas and partially for electricity has been practically resolved. We sincerely thank Mikhail, Georgiy and Irina for their timely help! Your names are included in the monastery synodikon on health for prayer commemoration during the reading of the Unsleeping Psalter. We thank the head of the fund Oksana Garnaeva and employee Marina Filatova for publishing materials on the needs of a rural hermitage, which does not have a rich parish and, accordingly, income.

On May 4, 2007, a great test befell our monastery: the nursing building with many shrines and all the property that had been collected over fourteen years, including a library with at least eight thousand books, burned to the ground. Four years have passed since that terrible day, but it is still far from the complete restoration of the monastery. We live in the village of Baryatin (4-5 km from the regional center, there are no large enterprises, rich owners), our parish is small, there is no one to wait for help from. It has become a problem not only to build, but also to pay for electricity and gas. The economic crisis has exacerbated our plight. We ask you, for the sake of Christian mercy, to donate as much as you can for the restoration work and the statutory needs of the monastery.

Good day! We send photos on the theme of the repair of the temple. We'll have to re-plaster, and this is already very expensive. We will never collect the required amount without the help of kind people. The background of the repair is as follows. Just six years ago, the temple stood in the woods, the old plaster was beaten to the bricks, the best materials were used for plastering and painting. The work was supervised by A.A. Bayroshevsky, technical director of OJSC Opal. Having received an advance payment in the amount of 200,000 rubles, Alexey Anatolyevich, in a receipt dated May 9, 2009, informs that "he is aware of responsibility for failure to fulfill his obligations and agrees with the amount of 660,000 rubles for all work." Soon he brought an international brigade, recruited visitors from the south of the former Soviet Union on the roadside. The monastery provided accommodation, three meals a day. Over the summer, the walls were plastered, painted, the roof lathing was replaced, and new copper was put in. In the fall we paid off Bayroshevsky. But the beauty did not last long. An entry dated February 25, 2012 in the journal of the meetings of the Board of Trustees of the monastery testifies: "During the winter, it turned out that the exterior decoration of the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos was made with very low quality: the paint bubbles, falls off along with putty and plaster." The Council ordered to call on OJSC "Opal" to correct the defects of the repair. It was not possible to summon. Opal has mysteriously disappeared. There are plenty of firms with this name on the Internet, but there is no Ryazan one. We talked with Bayroshevsky by phone. He categorically refused to fix the marriage, found a thousand excuses. That was the end of it. It's not our rules to start a litigation. At current prices, new repairs will cost around six million rubles. The poor rural monastery never had that kind of money, and it never will, and without your help. Therefore, below I put a link to information on how to participate in fundraising for future repairs.\u003dContent&id\u003d13.

The repair is very much needed, it is a shame for such a state of the church. Looks safe from afar, but disgrace up close. We barely collect for life, and repairs will not pull at all if kind people do not help. At the same time, beggars from all over the region, refugees from Ukraine, come to the monastery almost every day, letters of petition are constantly in the mail. We serve little by little, asking - give it, it is not even discussed. That's how we live. Sorry. Mon. Seraphim, the monastery's economist.

Dear Oksana Mikhailovna! On December 9, our account received an amount of 150,000 rubles, donated by the Russian Birch Foundation from an unknown benefactor for our monastery. Thanks to this money, in December we were able to pay bills for electricity, gas supply, communications, contributions to the Diocese, send the nun Magdalena (Filonova) for examination at the FSBI "NTsSSKh" named after A.N. Bakulev "RAMS, buy medicines. The Mother of God Christmas Maiden Hermitage is located in a village far from big cities and noisy highways. At divine services in an old beautiful church built in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (18th century), on weekdays you can see only sisters, and on Sundays and holidays, few pilgrims from the surrounding villages come. The income from services and services (mainly a prayer commemoration of health or repose during the Liturgy and during the reading of the Unsleeping Psalter) is negligible. pilgrims and rising prices. The monastery is in dire need of funds to live and cannot exist without the help of kind people. We sincerely thank you for your help and hope that the Russian Birch Foundation will help a small rural region more than once.

Dear in the Lord Oksana Mikhailovna! We sincerely thank you for taking care of our monastery of the Bogorodichno-Christmas Maiden Hermitage in the village of Baryatino (Kaluga Diocese), for being among the wards of the Russian Birch Charitable Foundation headed by you.

May 4 will mark five years since we burned down. With the help of many Russians, local authorities and a large Moscow construction firm, major restoration work is nearing completion. But we, like before the fire, still desperately need the means to live and cannot exist without the help of kind people, so we constantly send a huge number of letters asking for help, otherwise we simply will not survive. Our little monastery is located in a village far from big cities and noisy highways. At divine services in an old beautiful church built in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (18th century), on weekdays you can see only sisters, and on Sundays and holidays few pilgrims from the surrounding villages come. The income from services and services (mainly a prayer commemoration of health or repose during the liturgy and during the reading of the Unsleeping Psalter) is negligible. And the cost of maintaining the monastery grows in line with inflation in the country. Again the temple needs to be repaired, the builders have messed up, the paint is already crumbling. We will be grateful if the monastery remains on the list of wards of the Foundation. With hope and gratitude, the abbot. Theophila with her sisters.

This is reported by the temple-created plaque on the northern wall inside the church: “Dowager General Major Anna Vasilievna Poznyakova whose ashes are hidden under this stone, after receiving her deceased husband for a seventh part, she graduated from this village and illuminated the real temple of this church in the name of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God left in possession of this village to her dear brother, the actual state councilor Matvey Vasilyevich Olsufiev "(the spelling and punctuation of the original are preserved). There is an entry about the year of the consecration of the temple on page 32 of the book of Count de Rochefer Nikolai Ivanovich "Inventory of church monuments of Kaluga province", published in St. Petersburg in 1882:

"... the village of Boryatino, Rozhdestvenskaya, stone, built in 1796 by Mr. Poznyakov." The architecture of the temple is an example of the Empire style.

The main altar is consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, another, later one, is dedicated to the holy doctors, unmercenaries and wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian, who suffered in Rome.

During the years of godless power, the parish showed its devotees of faith and piety. In 1930, Hieromonk Elijah (Giravko) was arrested and exiled to the northern camps, in 1938 Archimandrite Euphrosynus (Fomin) and a member of the Church Twenty Andrei Anokhin were shot, and the headman Elena Kondratyeva was sentenced to 10 years in the camps. With the closure of the temple, all property was seized, a granary was arranged in the building, during the short period of occupation the Germans kept cattle in it. In the 50s, the temple was reopened to the faithful. Andrei Pavlikov, a resident of Tovarka, fulfilled his vow at the front: if I return home alive, I will serve God. He returned with the rank of colonel, with military decorations that opened the doors to him in many offices. A front-line colonel was ordained and served in Baryatin for seventeen years. After about. Andrew's longest term was served by the venerated hieromonk Arkady (Afonin) who came from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, who left Baryatino after his episcopal consecration in 1991. Over the next two years, several abbots were replaced, so the sisters who arrived on April 3, 1993 found the church very neglected. The only consolation was the presence of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Lomovskaya", which the locals called "Lamskaya", because of the Church Slavonic style with the use of titles. Soon there was an opportunity to begin work on returning the church to its former splendor, which was told about by the elderly parishioners, who remembered both the rich decoration, the painting, and the figured red brick fence that fringed the church until it was closed in 1937. During the most difficult period for the Russian economy, the sisters experienced the same sorrows as all poor citizens of their native country. The monastery did not have rich benefactors; it was possible to raise small funds for external renovations only in 1999. The hired team did not perform it as well as they wanted, but it was in vain to demand more for a low price. Since 2001, with the blessing of the Governor of the Kaluga Region Anatoly Dmitrievich Artamonov, the Kaluga plant "Remputmash" has been helping the monastery. The general director of the plant, Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Dubrovin, took the needs of the poor wilderness as his own and ordered a major overhaul of the interior of the church, erect a fence around the monastery, and complete the cell building. With the participation of the plant workers, the top of the dome and the spire of the bell tower were replaced. After the renovation, with the blessing of Vladyka Clement, preparations began for painting the dome, walls, and ceiling of the chapel. Kaluga artists Tamara and Vsevolod Sitnikovs finished painting the temple in April 2007. The main shrine of the monastery and the temple is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Lomovskaya". There are also particles of the relics of Sts. doctors of unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian of Rome, saints of Optina and Kiev-Pechersk elders, svmch. Georgy Meshchovsky, St. Tikhon Zadonsky, Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, a particle of the staff of St. Pafnutiy Borovsky. The temple is open for visits during the hours of services, at other times - at the request of visitors. Near the temple there is

The monastery was founded at the church in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in 1995. The temple itself was built in 1796 with the money of the widowed Major General Anna Vasilyevna Pozdnyakova. Its architecture is an example of the Empire style. The church is two-altar, the main side-altar is consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, the second - in honor of the holy unmercenaries and wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian of Rome.

After the revolution of 1917, the temple remained operational until 1938, when its rector, Archimandrite Euphrosynus (Fomin), and the chairman of the church council, Andrei Anokhin, were arrested and shot on a fabricated case, and the headman Elena Kondratyeva was sentenced to 10 years in camps. With the closure of the temple, all its property was confiscated, and the nearby orchard was cut down. During the Nazi occupation, the Germans kept cattle in the church building.

In the 50s. XX century the temple was opened. It was restored by priest Andrei Pavlikov, a retired colonel, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, who was awarded many awards. Father Andrey served in the church for 17 years. He had special care for the monastics who settled in the nearby villages from closed monasteries. Initially, services were held in a small side-altar in honor of the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, and then the main side-altar was restored.

On February 28, 1972, Hieromonk Arkady (Afonin), tonsured at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, was appointed rector of the church, who served there with an interruption from April 1, 1974 to September 1, 1975 until March 25, 1991, when the Holy Synod was appointed Bishop of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

With the blessing of Bishop Donat (Shchegolev) of Kaluga and Borovsk, Father Arkady began to create a female monastic community. He built a house at the temple, which housed the cells of the sisters. He invited experienced nuns to the created monastic community, who had been tonsured in old monasteries. The following settled in the community: nun Anastasia (Kuzmina), schema nun Martha, tonsured hieromonk Melety of Optina (Barmina), schema nun Tikhon, nun Dorothea, nun Nikodima, nun Agnia, nun Xenia, a blind nun, and others. Young sisters also came to the community, 3 of whom took monastic vows, and 4 - monastic.

With the opening of new monasteries and due to the advanced age of the sisters in the community by the beginning of the 90s. only 4 nuns remained, and on April 4, 1993, with the blessing of Archbishop Clement, several nuns of the St. Nicholas Chernoostrovsky Monastery were sent to strengthen the monastic community in Baryatino. The nun Theophila (Lepeshinskaya) was appointed the elder sister. The community began to develop: new buildings were built, the number of inhabitants increased. On December 26, 1995, by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, the monastic community was transformed into a convent - the Mother of God Maiden Hermitage, and nun Theophila was appointed abbess.

was in with. Baryatina Dankovsky u. Ryazan lips. (now Dankovsky district of Lipetsk region).

It was founded as a community in the spring of 1900 by the widow of the actual state councilor, Sofia Petrovna Muromtseva (nee Prince Golitsyna) at her estate. Muromtseva donated bud. monastery 1357 dess. 378 carbon black. land and capital of 100 thousand rubles. The first sisters began to come to the community in August. 1900 By 1903, the number of nuns reached 130. 16 nov. 1902 Muromtseva petitioned the Holy Synod and the Ryazan diocesan administration to establish a monastic community. Dec. the same year with. Baryatino was visited by Bp. Mikhailovsky, vic. Ryazan diocese Vladimir (Blagorazumov). By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 18-26, 1903, the community was officially approved. The abbess was Muromtseva, who took monastic tonsure with the name Sophia. Internal life was organized according to the monastery charter, the sisters were cared for by a priest: from 15 December. 1902 - Andrei Kunitsyn, then - Uspensky (unknown name, probably a priest of a village church), in 1917 - priests Mikhail Vyazemsky and Grigory Panfilov. In 1907 the community was transformed into the Sofia non-staff communal mon-r, and the mon. Sofia 24 Oct. 1907 elevated to the rank of abbess. According to the state of 1911, there were 100 sisters in the D.M., in 1914 there were more than 300 sisters, by 1919 there were an abbess, treasurer, 25 nuns, 230 novices, 5 laborers.

By 1902, a 2-storey wooden cell building on a stone foundation with a rehearsal room, a tea room, 17 rooms for nuns and a house church, consecrated in the name of mts. Sofia 2 sept. 1901, rector of the Vladimir Church. Ryazan DS prot. Iona Solntsev. By 1904, an eight-room wooden priest's house, a refectory with a bakery and a basement, a hospice with a hotel, a courtyard for visitors, a woodshed, a brick glacier, a laundry room, a 2-storey brick building were also built. After. 2 brick 2-storey houses were built, as well as the brick house of the abbess. The latter, with medieval reminiscences. North European. architecture, was distinguished by its original composition: 3 high 8-sided towers crowned with tents were attached to the main rectangular building in the plan. The monastery buildings were surrounded by a high brick wall and, according to eyewitnesses, occupied an area of \u200b\u200bapprox. 10 hectares. An artesian well with a depth of 246 arshins was built for water supply. A skete was organized at the monastery, a steam thresher belonged to the mon-ryu, and a parish school for 40 orphan girls operated.

In 1903-1904. with the blessing of bishop Ryazan and Zaraisky Demetrius (Sperovsky) a 2-storey brick cathedral in the name of mts. Sofia (with a capacity of 600 people), as well as a bell tower with 8 bells (the largest weighed 242 pounds). 17 Sep 1904 Bishop Ryazan and Zaraisky Arkady (Karpinsky) consecrated the main altar on the top floor. Apr 25. 1906 Abbot of Skopinsky in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles of the monarch of the Ryazan diocese, archim. Joseph consecrated the lower church in honor of the Akhtyrka Icon of the Mother of God. The project of the cathedral, drawn up by architect. A. Shesternikov, according to which it was supposed to resemble the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir (Wagner, Chugunov). The cathedral was built with Byzantine elements. and Russian. styles. The main volume of the cathedral, which was cruciform in plan, was crowned with a high dome, the refectory and the vestibule with the bell tower were located on the same axis. Apparently, the temple was one of the versions of the unrealized project of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ on the Blood in St. Petersburg by I.S.Bogomolov (1882). The bell tower also had an obelisk-like finish and the facades were decorated with tall 3-part windows. However, the composition of the original source, gravitating towards centricity, acquired here elongated proportions.

June 15, 1914 in the presence of Bishop. Demetrius (Sperovsky), the laying of the 3-seat church in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord with side-chapels in honor of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God and in the name of the martyr took place. Tryphon. The temple, designed for 2 thousand people, was not completed.

Dec. In 1917, the plundering of D.M. by the Ryazan food detachment began, a requisition of bread was carried out: 30 pounds of flour and 4.5 pounds of millet per month were allocated for the sister, 2 pounds of oats per horse, “in addition, they gave firewood, and the clergy did not refuse , since the peasants dragged everything they could from the monastery "(GARO. F. R-1033. Op. 4. Table 3. D. 8. St. 3. L. 12-19). In Jan. 1918 D. m. Was plundered: property, including church utensils, icons, books, inventory, cash, livestock, was taken to the village. Baryatino and divided among the participants in the robbery, almost all the land was taken away (from 1300 dess. 25 remained under crops). Some of the buildings were demolished, the monastery farm was destroyed. At the same time, according to the abbess, “the peasants went into a frenzy, like the Tatar horde, beating their sisters half to death” (GARO. F. R-1033. Op. 4. D. 8. St. 3. L. 1-1 vol. , 14).

In March 1919, by a resolution of the Ryazan Provincial Executive Committee, a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients was organized in D.M., the sisters lived in 2 buildings. By May 1920, the D. m. Was closed. In 1925, the Baryatinskaya commune was located in the buildings of the monastery. By the beginning. 30s XX century in the commune it was approx. 100 hectares of arable land, up to 300 pigs, up to 50 cows, over 500 sheep, 50 horses; there were 2 Fordson tractors with a set of plows and seeders. In 1930-1931. most of the buildings and the fence were broken, 200 thousand pieces. bricks were taken to Voronezh. 77-year-old abbot. Sofia was subjected to repression and was forced to leave for Moscow. In 1933 the commune was disbanded, the Baryatinsky state farm was soon abolished, the territory of the mon-ry was in desolation. In 2005, the bell tower collapsed. As of 2007, the abbot building with 2 towers, a brick one-storey house, 2 wooden cell buildings on stone foundations, 2 brick barns have survived; D.'s restoration was not planned.

Arch .: GA Lipetsk region. F. R-1569. Op. 1.D. 4; D. 21; GARO. F. 5. Op. 2.D. 2398; F. 1033. Op. 1.D. 657a; Op. 4. Table 3.D. 8.

Yu. Klokov, A. A. Naydenov