The country that opened the way to space. The country that opened the way to space. What will we do with the church?

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The joy of a new thing lasts only a couple of days, studying at the institute sometimes seems like a waste of time, and some are embarrassed to travel to work on public transport. A person gets used to living in his own environment and rarely thinks about others.

website I have collected 9 things from your life that for so many people on Earth are a real luxury. Don't forget to answer the important question at the end of the article.

1. You have completed primary education

You can often hear yesterday’s graduates calling their diploma “useless cardboard,” and basic skills- read and write - we take for granted. And few people think about the fact that:

  • There are about 263 million children in the world don't go to school. Children are forced to work so that their families can survive.
  • About a million adults can't read and write, and this figure is constantly growing.

2. You have access to limitless resources

3. You can maximize your health

Health problems happen to everyone, but happiness if you can return to exercise, To find a job and provide for yourself. Many people with disabilities would like to work and receive a decent salary for it, but they are hardly accepted anywhere:

  • 10% of the total population of the planet - disabled people. This is more than 650 million people, and the number is increasing every year.
  • Disabled people among the population working age 386 million In some countries, unemployment among disabled people reaches 80%; employers believe that disabled people are not able to work.

4. You have a different idea about old age.

Modern cosmetology and pharmaceuticals are aimed at prolongation of youth. You can correct your vision, remove age-related changes and be inspired by fashionable older people who lead an active lifestyle. Everyone says that 40 is the second 20, only there are places on the planet where life ends on a shocking for our time stamp:

  • Sierra Leone - 50 years;
  • Angola - 52 years;
  • Chad - 53 years old.

5. You have freedom of choice

We are used to thinking that the only form of slavery- office Job. Now imagine: 40 million people who don't have control over their lives- that’s exactly how many people are in real slavery.

6. You know what comfort is

7. You have someone to talk to

The modern young generation is inventing entire movements of social exclusion, the most popular of which is hikikomori. Only people who have a choice can afford this. It’s hard to count the number of people who are unwillingly alone, but in the UK alone, 0.5 million people over 60 spend every day alone, and they don’t even have what many now call loneliness - constant virtual communication.

In Japan, there is a special word kodokushi (“kodokushi” or “kokodushi”). That's what they call it people whose death no one noticed and the body can lie there for months. About 30 thousand kodokushi are found every year. Whether you use it or not is entirely your choice. We inherit not only material wealth, but also opportunities. And it’s up to you to decide: use what you have and stay in place, or multiply it and give your children (or those close to you) much more.

Millions of people on the planet would give anything for what you have. What are you most grateful for?

1. Seryozha and Nadya’s dad invites you to decide whether these statements are true. Circle "Yes" or "No".

2. Read an excerpt from a song that was loved and often performed in Soviet times. Think and write what this song is about.

I am the Earth (Words by E. Dolmatovsky)

The soul is both light and anxious,
We have reached a wonderful time:
The impossible became possible
Other worlds have opened up to us.

Only we would not be able to reach their limits,
If only my heart had not heard a voice in the distance:
Chorus: “I am the Earth!
I see off my pets -

Fly all the way to the sun and come home quickly!”
We will fly all the way to the sun and return home soon!

This song is dedicated to human space flight

3. Put on the “time tape” the years of the creation and collapse of the USSR.

4. What do you know about space exploration in the USSR?
Using the Internet or additional literature, provide 2-3 facts not mentioned in the textbook.

The study of the impact of space flight conditions on a living organism began with the second Soviet artificial Earth satellite, launched on November 3, 1957. In the pressurized cabin of this first biological satellite was the dog Laika. Regeneration and thermal control systems maintained the necessary conditions in the cabin, and supplies of food and oxygen ensured the existence of the animal and the conduct of a long-term scientific experiment.

Flight conditions in deep space are fraught with many surprises. Here there is an unexpected encounter with meteoric particles and all-penetrating cosmic radiation, the impact of which dramatically changes the properties of construction materials. A big technical problem is maintaining the temperature regime of the spacecraft. One of the space pioneers who paved the interplanetary route to the planet Mars was the Soviet automatic station “Mars-1”, launched on November 1, 1962.