Born in the year of the dragon compatibility. Dragon: description and characteristics. Compatibility of Dragon and Goat

>Year of the Dragon

The man, who born in the year of the Dragon, boasts excellent health and a large supply of energy. Representatives of the sign are very capricious and have great willpower, but at the same time they are quite emotional and receptive. As a rule, such people are noble and intelligent. They are often called the life of the party, because they are sociable and open to everything new. Most people of this sign are perfectionists, they always strive to live correctly and set fairly high demands on themselves and others. The dragon has some negative qualities: it can quickly become irritated and succumb to feelings of resentment and anger. This sign is very stubborn, obstinate and suffers from excessive pride. In the heat of the moment, Dragon people can allow themselves to stir things up too much.

Dragons are incredible enthusiasts, true devotees of any business they do. They prefer to see things through to the end, and upon completion they feel pride and a sense of accomplishment. These people have the ability to persuade, inspire and lead. They give practical advice that others always listen to. Their opinion is always important and valuable in any company. Dragons devote themselves entirely to their chosen goal: no one can convince them or stop them. These people often shift easy tasks onto the shoulders of others, preferring to control their implementation. The Dragons diplomatically nullify any dissatisfaction or accusation against them, maintaining their impeccable reputation. Sometimes they behave arrogantly and unrestrainedly with people.

Since childhood, representatives of the sign have vehemently defended freedom and always choose independence. They have frequent disputes with their parents; they often leave the family early, expressing their dissatisfaction with the prevailing moral principles or upbringing.

Dragons have a variety of global goals, for the implementation of which they use their power and authority, cunning and ingenuity, relying on well-developed intuition. Bureaucracy and conservatives, all those who are characterized by indecision and timidity, become enemies of the Dragons. Protecting themselves from like-minded people, Dragons spend a lot of time and effort. At such moments, these people turn into cruel, merciless despots and strike the enemy one by one. Often completely innocent people fall under the threat. This is their drama, because at such moments the Dragons are not subject to reason and justice - they rely only on intuition. If people - Dragons, who are not accustomed to defeat, do not immediately manage to defeat their enemies, they feel weak and worthless. The same rule applies in love relationships: Dragons approach the object of their attention with complete confidence to conquer him. If this does not work out right away, such a relationship is doomed to failure.

Dragons have the ability to ignite in a matter of seconds and cool down just as quickly, so very often they spend a long time searching for their soul mates. Dragons, as a rule, are desired and loved in marriage, although they themselves rarely truly love their partner. These people are often the objects of personal dramas and experiences, which cannot be said about the Dragons themselves: they almost never experience strong love suffering. Among the representatives of the sign there are many bachelors. Few Dragons marry in their youth, and some of them remain single for their entire lives.

The extroverted dragon is always the favorite of the company. He will instantly captivate everyone present (especially the female half) with his charisma and charm, as well as wit and sparkling humor. Dragons are wonderful psychologists, who like to think about life and give valuable advice.

Introverted Dragons are reserved people who prefer to trust their thoughts to paper. They often become writers, editors, and researchers. These people are equally polite to others, but they choose friends solely intuitively.

Dragons encounter the greatest difficulties at the beginning of their life's journey, defending independence and their own worldview. Happiness usually comes to them in their declining years, when the Dragons have achieved everything and can calmly reap the benefits. They are admired and followed by example.

Eastern astrologers consider the years of the Dragon to be very successful and powerful. The sign symbolizes the growth of prosperity, wealth and the rise of vitality.

Compatibility of the Dragon with other signs

Dragon and Rat

This is an ideal relationship, a spiritual and emotional idyll and mutual understanding. The Rat is always useful and necessary for the Dragon, for which the Dragon will be forever grateful to it. It is also a strong friendship in which both partners respect and value each other. Significant growth is expected in business relationships if the Dragon is at the helm.

Dragon and Bull

The marriage is very superficial: endless stubbornness and power struggles destroy the union. The Ox is sometimes captivated by the charisma of the Dragon, and he, in turn, is often attracted by the thriftiness and practicality of the Ox. But this is not enough for a strong relationship. Friendship is absolutely impossible, since mutual understanding is completely absent. Business relationships can only be successful with the complete leadership of the Dragon and the unquestioning submission of the Ox.

Dragon and Tiger

A very promising marriage relationship. These are two very strong personalities; in addition, the Tiger sees a reasonable and wise person in his partner. Friendship is also strong and unbreakable. In business relations, this is a strong partner team, although the Dragon still takes the reins into his own hands.

Dragon and Rabbit

Subject to the Rabbit's continued compliance, the union promises to be strong. The Rabbit does not like the overly domineering nature of his partner, but his optimism and kindness defuse the situation. Friendship usually does not work out in such an alliance. Things often go well due to the tandem of the Rabbit's financial and commercial knowledge and the Dragon's entrepreneurial spirit.

Dragon and Dragon

This is a whole emotional storm, an explosive mixture of two outstanding minds. The union is characterized by emotional closeness and a warm atmosphere. It is rare to truly make friends due to constant competition. Joint business is not recommended due to the eternal pursuit of leadership and the inability to give in to each other.

Dragon and Snake

A wonderful marriage. The beauty and charm of the Snake fascinates the Dragon, even if the Snake has several admirers. Happiness in such a marriage is completely in the power of the cunning and wise Snake. Friendship can also be very strong - the signs harmoniously complement each other. Collaborative work will go well if the Snake, in addition to valuable advice and instructions, works for the benefit of the common cause.

Dragon and Horse

The union has no prospects. Huge differences in the characters and worldviews of the signs. Friendship will also lead to nothing - the Horse is very selfish and is used to only reaping the benefits. The Dragon also loves to receive, but is also able to invest. Business relationships can develop, but only short-term.

Dragon and Goat

A very fragile relationship. The Goat has difficulty bringing happiness to the Dragon, although she herself can be absolutely happy under his wing. Friendship can be strong. The Goat is able to charm and charm the Dragon. Business relationships will be promising if the Goat becomes the director and personal manager of the Dragon.

Dragon and Monkey

Such a marriage is simply doomed to harmony and happiness. These signs complement each other perfectly. The Monkey will become a real adviser and assistant to the overly trusting Dragon, for which the latter will provide the Monkey with his protection. They really need each other. The friendship will last until they begin to irritate and irritate each other. Things will go uphill: the alliance perfectly combines strength and cunning.

Dragon and Rooster

An excellent union, provided that common ground is found. In such a marriage you will not be bored. The Rooster often uses the Dragon to achieve its goals. In friendship, sympathy on both sides plays the main role. Business relationships are possible in the form of “The Dragon is the generator of ideas, and the Rooster is the performer.” However, it may be that the Dragon will take all the laurels for himself, and the Rooster will get the pitiful crumbs.

Dragon and Dog

Marriage is very problematic. The Dog is a desperate pessimist, which is why the Dragon is deprived of flattery and praise, which he needs like air. Ultimately, quarrels will lead to a final breakup. Friendship and business are also impossible in such a union.

Dragon and Pig

Good marriage. The natural strength of the Pig attracts the Dragon, and he attracts the Pig with his spiritual leadership. The Pig knows how to admire and compliment its partner. The friendship also promises to be long-lasting. Businesses are doomed to guaranteed success, especially with the more restrained and modest behavior of the Pig.

People born in the year of the Dragon - what years belong to this sign? These are 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. They leave a legacy of a rich and long life for individuals born under this mysterious symbol.

The sign of this animal has an extraordinary astronomical influence on the fate of this year’s representative. However, one should not think that a person born in the year of the Dragon may not make special efforts to achieve success in life. Many representatives of this sign are gifted with high intelligence from birth. The most important thing is not to be lazy and be able to show it in a timely and useful manner.

Positive and negative traits

A person born in the year of the Dragon involuntarily finds himself in the center of attention in any company. He is very original in his judgments, so he feels genuine interest in himself from those around him. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by an inexhaustible supply of vitality and amazing performance. People born in the year of the Dragon are sometimes capable of committing impulsive, rash acts. But this is the exception rather than the norm.

Representatives of this sign have a fairly wide range of hobbies. They give particular preference to sports hobbies. Dragons are known as avid travelers and lovers of novelty. In the industrial sphere, they are able to achieve success in many fields: in medicine, acting, military affairs and teaching. This is not the entire list of professions available to a brilliant representative of this sign.

Year of the Dragon - which years are suitable for love relationships?

The Chinese horoscope advises people born in the year of the Dragon to turn their attention to partners born under the signs of the Rooster, Monkey and Rat. Representatives of these signs will each perfectly complement the Dragon in their own way. It will not be difficult for the Rooster to live in the shadow of his partner’s glory. If necessary, he will easily survive a period of lack of money, which will please the practical Dragon. The Monkey, with its characteristic flexibility, will easily adapt to the difficult character of the Dragon man. The Rat will conquer his partner with his devotion and ability to manage the family budget. Undesirable partners for family relationships with the Dragon are the Tiger and the Dog. Tiger people are quite charismatic and tend to create imbalance in the Dragon's life. Such a relationship is more likely to resemble a fight club than a harmonious relationship of a loving couple. For the Dragon, Dog People are overly tense, wary and pessimistic. These qualities can irritate the self-confident Dragon, and he will quickly get tired of supporting the spirit of his dreary partner.

Year of the Dragon: zodiac horoscope

Dragon-Aries is distinguished by great stubbornness and perseverance. This will partly help him achieve his goal. But if he had more flexibility, he would have hit fewer bumps on the path to his success. For such a person, it is especially valuable to have a reliable friend who could help him with advice at a crucial moment. Dragon-Aries is a born specialist in the field of trade, construction and public utilities. The Taurus Dragon has a delicate taste and love for everything elegant. He is more of a poet and romantic at heart. He can perfectly realize himself in art as a designer, fashion designer, artist. These Dragons are excellent family men.

Gemini-Dragon is a rather contradictory nature. His mood can change dramatically from the greatest good nature to terrible anger. These people need to find a middle ground so that their life path is more balanced. gives the Dragon dreaminess. Often the plans of such a person are far from reality. They are encouraged to create solid ground under their feet. The Leo Dragon is known to love to shine. He will feel natural if he is in the center of attention. The constellation Virgo gives its owner ideal practicality and eloquence. Such a Dragon has the gift of persuasion and can safely bring the most original ideas to the people.

The Libra Dragon does not like routine. He may often say that he is tired of everything: the food is tasteless, the opposite sex is uninteresting. It is advisable for him to change his surroundings more often and be enriched with new impressions. Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, is always focused on global affairs. This is a perfectionist person. Either everything or nothing! He is fearless and often likes to get involved in adventurous things. The Sagittarius Dragon is the most reasonable and flexible among his brothers. He does not gravitate toward worldwide fame, but has all the makings of a “gray eminence.” This is a responsible colleague and reliable friend with a pleasant disposition.

The personal qualities of the Dragon-Capricorn are based on stability. However, the representative of this sign is not without originality. If he chooses entrepreneurial activity, it will not be selling flowers, but selling exotic animals. Dragon-Aquarius has a demanding character towards himself and the people around him. He experiences failures acutely and easily becomes depressed. This attitude inevitably affects the activities in which he is engaged. Dragon-Pisces is unusually sensitive. He is a connoisseur of everything beautiful. Unfortunately, for many representatives of this sign, Astrologers advise such Dragons to devote most of their time to meditation and other practices.

Metal Dragon ( 1940, 2000)

Representatives of the Metal Dragon are distinguished by their originality, vividness of thought and unshakable willpower. Such people can be called revolutionaries. They are not afraid of loneliness and are called upon to translate bold ideas into reality. For people of the Dragon sign whose birth years fell on the above, it is important to pacify their excessive temper.

Water Dragon (1952, 2012)

Such a Dragon is unusually lucky. He is dynamic and friendly. The only thing is that he may suffer from a lack of a sense of humor. But his ability to empathize with people and forgive them their weaknesses smooths out this feature.

Wooden Dragon (1904, 1964)

Representatives of this year are characterized by detail of current events and practicality. They often become generators of various interesting ideas and always try to translate them into real life. These Dragons are distinguished by their special generosity, humor and generosity of actions.

(1916, 1976)

What personalities were born in this year of the Dragon? Years of metal have endowed them with a stable inner core. Representatives of this sign are very ambitious and responsible specialists in any field. Despite their emotional closeness, Fire Dragons are popular due to their leadership abilities.

Earth Dragon (1928, 1988)

This is the most balanced Dragon of all its brothers. He has a lively and inquisitive mind. This person always knows what he wants and persistently achieves his goal. The Earth Dragon has all the prerequisites to become a successful entrepreneur or financier. People born in the year of the Earth Dragon are excellent diplomats and very popular in all circles.

The eastern horoscope gives answers to many questions that interest us: about character traits, behavior, compatibility in friendship, love, family relationships. It is very important to know how to behave with this or that person, and a horoscope originally from China always gives answers to this.

A very interesting question is the compatibility of the Dragon with other signs: Sheep, Snake, Rabbit, Monkey, Rat, and others.

Dragon woman - what is she like?

Ladies born in the year of the Dragon are special individuals, whose character and behavior especially need to be emphasized. They are quite self-confident, take excellent care of their appearance and clothing, so they always dress in the latest fashion. Also, Dragon women always take care of themselves; they often visit the gym and swimming pool in order to stay in shape and look younger.

And you know, they succeed, because when such people enter the room, admiring glances are always directed at them. Another distinctive feature that a Dragon woman has is her ambition, which sometimes just goes off scale. She always knows what she wants and knows which paths to take to achieve her goal.

A woman born this year, and especially representatives of this fire or wood sign, have a natural charm and mystery that representatives of both sexes cannot but like. When communicating with people or in a new company, humor, which she masters perfectly, always helps her.

If we talk about profession or career growth, then there are no obstacles for such a woman. Everything related to education and self-improvement is simply perfect for Dragon women. The craving for everything perfect manifests itself in collecting art, visiting theaters, conservatories, and general development in general.

What especially characterizes the Dragon woman is that she does not tolerate discrimination in any way, especially on the basis of gender, so equality between men and women is simply in their blood. The same applies to defending your opinion, which everyone, if not share, must respect.

The businesslike nature of a woman born under this sign is also manifested in her clothing style, so she prefers functional and comfortable clothes to all sorts of frills, ruffles and decorative elements, especially if she is a Libra.

As for family relationships, the Dragon enters into marriage only when he is firmly on his feet, which is where his practicality and rationality are manifested. But, remember, if she is Pisces, Sagittarius or Scorpio, be prepared for the fact that in family relationships you will play secondary roles.

Dragon Man – what does the horoscope say?

A representative of the stronger sex, born in the year of the Dragon, is no less interesting a person than a woman. He should always be in the spotlight of the public, especially women. Such men have a fiery passion that does not go unnoticed by others. He behaves very interestingly during the period of falling in love - he showers his beloved with gifts, flowers, signs of attention, so a woman at this time can feel like a queen. But, if he gets tired of a girl, he immediately ends up on the list of unnecessary ones. Therefore, very often such individuals remain bachelors, because they even like this kind of life.

His compatibility in work and friendly relations with all signs is quite good; signs of his enterprise, practicality in all decisions and influence are given.

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

DRAGON - Eastern horoscope by year of birth

Compatibility by year of birth and zodiac sign. Compatibility of signs by year

He is generous, but in moderation, because he knows how difficult it is to earn money. At work, the Dragon man is like a meteor, so his subordinates must also have such characteristics, otherwise they will be fired. It is very important for him that everyone works the way he does, giving their all, so the bar is very often raised for everyone, especially if it is Gemini or Aquarius. Know that you will have to work with them 25 hours a day and give 120%, and then there will be a result. Very often such people become leaders, politicians, successful lawyers and managers.

Dragons really don't like being rejected. They consider themselves the standard of beauty and gallantry, so they perceive women’s refusal very painfully. Such individuals, if the sign is Aries or Leo, are arrogant and proud, so they are not suitable for the role of a henpecked and homely guy; his destiny is to conquer the Universe.

Compatibility Horoscope for Dragon and other zodiac signs

The twelve zodiac signs have varying compatibility with each other. Therefore, when starting a love relationship, you need to know with whom you will be best, and how to behave with this or that person born in a certain year.

  1. The Dragon and the Rat can boast of an ideal relationship, full of idyll and mutual understanding. They can be very useful to each other, which is why their friendships develop in the best possible way. As for business relationships, a good tandem is possible between these zodiac signs if the Dragon is the leader.
  2. In the relationship between the Dragon and the Ox, such mutual understanding is not observed, because the Ox is quite stubborn and capable of fighting for leadership to the end. Such competition will not lead to any good and can destroy the tandem. The Fire Dragon is characterized by charisma, which often attracts the Ox, but this is not enough for a happy relationship, the same goes for friendship. If we talk about work, the atmosphere may not be tense only if the Dragon is completely dominant.
  3. The Dragon may have excellent marriage compatibility with the Tiger. There is a certain balance of prudence, wisdom and emotionality here. As for friendships, they can also be strong and unbreakable. In business and work, compatibility is also excellent, because such partners can have good results, but if it is the Dragon who is in the lead.
  4. If we talk about the Dragon and the Rabbit, if the latter yields in everything, the union can be durable and strong. The Fire Dragon of 1976 will be domineering, which his partner does not always like, but with optimism and kindness you can defuse the situation and live together for years. The Dragon sign does not allow friendships to develop, so there is no need to insist on what is not working out. In joint affairs, success is possible if a fire sign is at the helm.
  5. The union of Dragon and Dragon is very emotional and close if you control your passion. From year to year, warmth reigns in their relationship, but friendship will not work here, because natural competition cannot be avoided. The same applies to joint business.
  6. The Dragon has good compatibility with the Snake. The snake has a natural beauty and charm that cannot go unnoticed. Her cunning and wisdom can save any situation that arises between loving people.
  7. Dragon plus Horse have no chance of being happy; these signs have different characters and worldviews, even after living for years. One should also expect a fiasco in friendship, because the Horse is a very selfish sign. There is not always mutual understanding in business.
  8. Very often, the Dragon woman’s compatibility with the Goat is not always optimal. But friendships are almost 100% ideal. Things are getting more complicated; the Goat always needs to be in the background.
  9. The Dragon has the best compatibility with the Monkey; such relationships are harmonious and happy. Everything is built on mutual understanding, tenderness and complementation. In friendly relations, everything will be cloudless if you control your nerves, this applies to these two zodiac signs. In general, complete idyll and achievement of the final result are also possible.
  10. The Dragon and the Rooster need to have common ground. This could be an Italian family in which passions run high. Friendships are quite difficult to develop. In the business sphere, a positive result is possible if the Rooster has executive roles.
  11. Dragon compatibility with Dog is quite problematic. Everyone can be upset by constant showdowns, the same applies to friendships and joint affairs.
  12. A good marriage could be a Dragon plus a Pig, where she will admire her partner. Friendship can be long-lasting, but business is always doomed to success.

Thus, the best partners for our sign are:

  • Rat;
  • Tiger;
  • Rabbit;
  • The Dragon;
  • Snake;
  • Monkey;
  • Rooster;
  • Pig.

You should not start a relationship with:

  • Dog;
  • Goat;
  • Horse;
  • Bull.

People born in the years of the Dragon have excellent health and a large supply of vitality. They are energetic and active, emotional and decisive, self-willed and capricious. The dragon is a strong-willed, noble and generous person. The desire for improvement makes him very demanding - both to himself and to others. The Dragon has its own negative traits: it is easily excitable and quickly gets irritated. His stubbornness can reach the point of obstinacy; he is unrestrained in his tongue and proud.

A great enthusiast, the Dragon succeeds in any business he undertakes, and is able to inspire, convince and even convince others. People listen to his opinion and take him into account, because his advice is always meaningful and useful. If he devotes himself to a big goal, then he goes towards it without deviating from the path. Unfortunately, with the same success he can do a bad thing and also become a winner. As a rule, Dragons try to shift small work onto the shoulders of others, although they prefer to reap the benefits themselves. The Dragons parry all accusations against them very inventively, although somewhat condescendingly.

Since childhood, dragons have been desperately trying to defend their personal freedom and independence. They may rebel early against parents and other family members if they feel that educational measures against them are unfair or too harsh.

The goals of Dragons are many and varied. To implement them, they need power, which they gain not only with their abilities and tactics, but also with cunning and cunning, relying on very strong intuition. Conservative forces and bureaucrats, indecisive and hesitant people become their enemies, who have set only one goal - the overthrow of the Dragons from their posts and positions.

Protecting themselves and like-minded people requires a lot of strength and energy from Dragons. During such periods, they become harsh and rude, even merciless, and, striking at enemies, often hurt those who are not to blame. This is their tragedy, because at such moments their sense of justice is denied, they listen only to themselves. If the Dragons, who are accustomed only to winning, fail to do this right away, they feel deeply wounded. The same applies to the sphere of love and marriage. They approach the object of their advances with the obvious confidence of a conqueror. If he doesn’t give up right away, there will be no continuation of this love.

The dragon, with its ability to quickly ignite and fade even faster, as a rule, cannot find a worthy partner for love or marriage for a long time. Nevertheless, the Dragon is usually loved, although he himself rarely truly loves. In this situation, the Dragon practically does not experience love disappointment, although he himself is often the cause of the drama or even tragedy of his ex-partner. As a rule, Dragons rarely get married in their young years, and many of them remain bachelors.

The sociable Dragon is a social favorite. He instantly captivates those present, especially young women, both with his charm and brilliance of mind, as well as with his wit, aphorisms and subtle psychoanalysis. The Closed Dragon is a type of thinker who prefers to express his ideas and thoughts in writing - in articles, books, respectable monographic works. He is also polite and friendly with everyone, friendly, but he selects friends and like-minded people only at his own discretion.

As a rule, the Dragon may have slight difficulties in the first third of his life, when he defends his independence and achieves independence. His artistic inclinations may cause problems in the second third of his life. But he will be happy only in its last third, which will bring everything he dreamed of from an early age. They will listen to him and admire him.

In Eastern astrology, the years of the Dragon are considered years of luck, a sign of heavenly power. It symbolizes life itself and the growth of well-being - wealth and virtue, harmony and longevity.


DRAGON and RAT. A wonderful union. They have real mutual understanding - both spiritual and emotional. The Rat is always useful for the Dragon, and he will be forever grateful and grateful to it. There are no contradictions or confrontations here. Friendship is also very strong because both partners value and respect each other. Business relationships will always go uphill provided that the Dragon is in charge of the affairs.

DRAGON and BULL. The marriage union is fragile due to their eternal struggle for power and too much stubbornness of both partners. True, the Ox often admires the charm of the Dragon, and the Dragon is attracted by the practicality of the Ox, but this is still not enough for life together. Friendship between them is impossible due to a complete lack of compatibility. There can be business relationships, but only on the condition that the Dragon will command and the Ox will only work.

DRAGON and TIGER. The union is promising and promising. These are two strong signs, and in addition, the Dragon will be useful to the Tiger with its prudence and caution. The friendship between them is strong and rock-solid. They complement each other well in many ways, which brings them both benefit and benefit. Business relationships are great because of the good interaction between two strong personalities. The Dragon will think for two, and the Tiger will work.

DRAGON and RABBIT. The Dragon likes the Rabbit's compliance, his constant optimism and goodwill, although the Rabbit is embarrassed by the Dragon's thirst for power. If both partners come to a compromise, the marriage will be good and calm. The friendship between them is already quite problematic, if not worse. Business relationships have a good prospect, since the Rabbit is well versed in all commercial and financial transactions, enhancing the Dragon’s ambition, activity and enterprise.

DRAGON and DRAGON. Here is a real colorful fireworks display, in which two outstanding minds will sparkle. Often the genius of one partner is encouraged by the great eccentricity of the other. Spiritual and emotional intimacy is often observed. Friendship between them is more problematic, especially due to the eternal competition between them. Business relationships are not recommended. The struggle for authority and competence, prestige and reputation is inevitable here. None of them will want or be able to voluntarily give up their positions to the other.

DRAGON and SNAKE. Such a union can be simply magnificent. The Dragon is always proud and admires the beauty, charm and charm of the Snake, even if its charms extend not only to him. The happiness and longevity of this marriage depend mainly on the wisdom and cunning of the Snake. Friendship between them can also flourish as they have a great rapport and simply complement each other in every way. Business relationships are possible provided that the Snake, in addition to its wisdom and advice, will also contribute a part of its labor to the common pot.

DRAGON and HORSE. The union is highly problematic, if not hopeless. There is too much difference in characters and morals here. Friendship is also futile. The horse is too much of an individualist and egoist; he only wants to receive. The dragon, however, also wants to receive, but at the same time he is ready to give. There can be a business relationship, but only for a short time.

DRAGON and GOAT. Not a reliable union. A Goat under the tutelage of the Dragon may even be happy, but she herself cannot make her partner happy. On the contrary, in many ways it only bothers him. Friendship is possible. The Goat will be so flattered that it will become simply charming, charming and will captivate the Dragon. Business relationships can flourish only in those cases when the Goat becomes a manager, director, impresario for the Dragon.

DRAGON and MONKEY. This marriage can be simply magnificent, since in many ways the Dragon and Monkey complement each other. In such an alliance, the Monkey, with her cunning and dexterity, will become a real adviser and assistant for the overly trusting Dragon, strengthening his power and position in society, for which the Dragon will protect her in everything. They really need each other. The friendship will continue until they start getting on each other's nerves. Business relationships will prosper and bring magnificent results. Cunning and power combine well here.

DRAGON and ROOSTER. A good union, provided they find a common language. This marriage will always be free from indifference and boredom. The Rooster will take advantage of the Dragon's successes to succeed himself. The friendship between them is based on mutual sympathy, and this is not so little. Business relationships are possible, especially in the field of public activities. Here the Dragon will offer brilliant ideas and considerations, and the Rooster will have to put them into practice. But it may also be that the Rooster will only pick up crumbs from the table of general success.

DRAGON and DOG. This alliance is highly problematic. The dog is too much of a pessimist and a realist. She sees the Dragon not through rose-colored glasses, but as he really is. Quarrels between them are guaranteed until the divorce and separation. Friendships and business relationships are also impossible.

DRAGON and PIG. A good union. The Dragon is attracted to the natural strength of the Pig, and the Pig likes the spiritual strength of the Dragon. The Pig knows how to show his admiration, which gives the Dragon the greatest pleasure. Business relationships foreshadow guaranteed success, especially if the Pig behaves more modestly.

Date of publication: 08/16/2011

The dragon, according to the Chinese, who “awarded” one of the years of the 12-year cycle with its name, is a very strong and powerful creature. He can be a reliable patron and protector, but under a different set of circumstances he will incinerate him with his fire-breathing mouth or beat him with a powerful tail before his opponent has time to group or say anything in his own defense.

They are all different. But they are united by the Dragon

What is he talking about? horoscope of those born in the year of the Dragon? A person born in the year of the Dragon can bring positive or negative to the world, but in no case will he become a mediocre inhabitant of the planet, lost in the crowd.

Dates of those born in the year of the Dragon

The Year of the Dragon is: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and next year 2012.

The Dragon will come into force on January 23, 2012 and will hand over the “reins of power” to the Snake following it on February 9, 2013.

Character traits of those born in the year of the Dragon

So, those born in the year of the Dragon are honest people, alien to hypocrisy, flattery and deceit. Thanks to this, they are noble, decent, and even, with proper upbringing, intelligent. However, they are characterized by intemperance associated with an unwillingness to put up with injustice, mental uncleanliness (and physical, by the way, too). Therefore, the Dragon can unwittingly offend with a word when, under the influence of emotions, he says something without thinking.

Dragons are very independent. Moreover, in everything - in the company, in work, in hobbies. You can often hear the prefix “himself” from them. They love to engage in self-medication, self-improvement... but they also often “sin” by self-flagellation.

Whatever the Dragons undertake is certainly brought to its logical conclusion. They are very demanding both of themselves and of those who, by the will of fate, had to be “in harness” with them. But the Dragon will never shift his share of the responsibilities due to them onto the shoulders of others. Although he will not tolerate other people’s negligence and carelessness and will torture such a person with nagging and criticism. Yes, something, but you won’t find patience and tolerance with the Dragon.

Spheres of success for those born in the year of the Dragon

The Dragon is an extraordinary and strong leader. He is able to organize, it seems, anything and anyone. Business, politics, art, science, military affairs - all this may be in the area of ​​his competence. Such a person knows how to plan, keep both the thoughts in his head and the surrounding space in order.

However, life can force the Dragon to take a dubious path. You shouldn’t be surprised if you find out that some criminal “celebrity” is a Dragon by year of birth. The Dragon is capable of succeeding in this “position” no less than in any other. And the most interesting thing is that such “pranks” in most cases go unpunished for him and get away with it.

In any case, the Dragon is not threatened by one thing - poverty.

Dragon and love. Horoscope of those born in the year of the Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon are usually popular with the opposite sex and have a lot of fans. Dragon Woman can be briefly described as a socialite.

Dragon Men are not so desperately in need of universal worship. Some of them prefer to remain single, wanting their freedom to be unrestricted. But, regardless of the gender of the Dragon, their life partners should always remember that these people need solitude from time to time.

Being in love, the Dragon surrenders to the feeling with all his inherent ardor, until the existing relationship at one moment seems to him like a habit and routine. Dragons are not at all sentimental and they break off bored relationships mercilessly. And they can immediately set out in search of new love and impressions, fortunately, they always have someone to choose from. The main mistake made by their partners, perhaps, should be considered attempts to comprehensively control the Dragon and subordinate them to their influence.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Rat, Monkey and Rooster are most suitable for the Dragon as life partners. Each of these signs will complement and help the Dragon in different ways: the Rat - with devotion and the ability to plan a family budget, the Monkey - with patience for all the dragon’s difficulties of character, the Rooster - with the ability to be content with little and live unpretentiously in the shadow of the glory of the Dragon.

But it is better for the Dragon not to connect his life with the Tiger and the Dog. The Tiger will hourly bring disharmony into the Dragon's life with his own charisma, while the Dog has too much realism and pessimism for him.

Dragon and Zodiac. Combination of horoscopes

Dragons born under different zodiac signs, of course, differ from each other to some extent. Stars strengthen some qualities in them and weaken others.

Dragon-Aries should be called the Dragon Squared. The Aries sign is closest to the eastern Dragon in spirit. Thanks to this, such a person will not only go towards his goal, but fly towards it as if on wings. However, Aries's stubbornness and straightforwardness often serve him badly: having collected a bunch of bruises and bumps along the way to success, he loses a considerable share of the joy from it. Therefore, it would be nice for the Aries Dragon to acquire a reliable partner who could stop him in time and protect him from breaking through walls with his forehead. Suitable activities for Aries-Dragons are trade and construction.

Taurus significantly softens the Dragon, making him more of an esthete and connoisseur of beauty than a formidable ruler. As a rule, they are good family men. In addition, they are very particular about their appearance, they love accessories, etc. The best activity for the Dragon-Taurus is something in the field of applied art - interior design, sculpture, painting, etc.

Duality Gemini leads to the fact that such a Dragon can in the most unexpected way move from extreme peacefulness and good nature to extreme anger. The Gemini Dragon loves showiness and tries to be so even to the detriment of himself and his loved ones.

Constellation Cancer makes the Dragon a wonderful builder of castles in the air. He really knows how what he has planned should look like, but he doesn’t bother to think through the little things... or rather, what seems like little things to him. This is truly: “the gasoline is yours, the ideas are ours.” If next to the Dragon-Cancer there is a smart and practical companion, then you can count on a truly durable and beautiful castle.

Dragon-Lion– this is continuous suspiciousness and doubt. “Am I good enough in this light?”, “Was I adequately respectable and impressive in that situation?” It would seem that all you have to do is find yourself a quiet place away from everyone, and all the problems will disappear by themselves. But it was not there! This Dragon cannot do without spectators. Therefore, a good way out for him is radio, organizing celebrations, etc.

Realism and practicality Virgo combined with the Dragon's imagination gives an interesting effect. Such a Dragon can convince of anything, because his conclusions are logical and seem to be completely justified. It’s only later that it may turn out that he was “carried away.” So it would be good for the Virgo-Dragon to find some area where he could allow his fantasies to be turned into hard cash. For example, a stylist, cosmetologist or marketer selling something, well, not entirely material (perfumes, or what?) - just right!

U Dragon-Libra the eternal problem is spleen. He seemed bored and tired of everything. In the opposite sex he is disappointed, the work is seen as routine and promising nothing. If only there was something like that, with risk, adrenaline, new impressions! Such a Dragon is good at traveling, conquering peaks (literally), becoming a test pilot...

Dragon-Scorpio be sure to deliver something big. If it’s a business, then the oil industry, if it’s management, then the whole country. He will not run a network of stalls selling cigarettes and Pepsi-Cola. He would also have made a great Generalissimo. Only the Almighty would take him away from big crime, because the dragon-like Scorpio also has no fear of this sphere of “activity”.

Sagittarius-Dragon- probably the calmest and most reasonable among all the signs born in the Year of the Dragon. He values ​​friendship and has great integrity. And he doesn’t particularly need to be in the spotlight and fame. Such Sagittarians make excellent “gray” cardinals, but they are absolutely selfless and devoted to the work they are doing.

Born in the Year of the Dragon Capricorns, like Sagittarius, do not need excessive pomp and veneration from the crowd. They would like more income and stability... But the “dragon” essence still takes its toll, so Capricorn Dragons can be recognized by what exactly they decided to do. They are inevitably drawn to something extraordinary, say, breeding crocodiles or selling Voodoo masks.

Dragon-Aquarius does not accept imperfection, especially in himself. Any failure that a representative of another sign would “step over” with a shrug of his shoulders will cause him a feeling of discomfort for weeks and will not allow him to forget about himself. The Aquarius-Dragon will spend a lot of useful energy on this and may lose a lot in success.

Dragon-Fish prudent, intelligent, has a sense of beauty. He would probably make a great science fiction writer. But the trouble is that the Dragon Fish has low self-esteem. It would hardly even occur to him to think about it. Now, if only someone would give him some advice... As for the more “mundane” spheres of life, the best option for him is finance.

Famous Dragons

The dragon is an intellectual, a charismatic personality, an esthete. Therefore, you will find famous Dragons in various areas of human activity. For example, writers born in the year of the Dragon are E. Poe, O. Wilde, Omar Khayyam, M. Sholokhov, C. Perrault, L. Carroll, J. R. Tolkien, I. Brodsky, M. Gorky. Dragon Actors - M. Dietrich, Al Pacino.

Philosophers who were born under this sign are also known to the world. Among them are F. Nietzsche, F. Engels, O. Spengler, J.-J. Rousseau, I. Kant. And, of course, there are many political figures among the Dragons: J. d'Arc, Nicholas II Romanov, Martin L. King, A. Lincoln, Che Guevara, V. Putin, F. Mitterrand, E. Shevardnadze.