I dreamed of a high fence. Why do you dream about the Fence? Fence according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing a fence that is strong and reliable means that your fears are groundless, you have nothing to fear, since you are under reliable protection. Seeing a wire fence in a dream means that you yourself are to blame for your troubles. Your complicated affairs have tied your hands and feet. See wire.

Seeing a fence made of twigs (wattle fence) is a sign that your affairs may get off the ground. Seeing it broken is a sign of danger to your property. Doing it yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to fool your enemies. But if you don’t succeed in a dream, then you will get confused in some matter. If you dream that someone is putting up a fence, then be afraid of the intrigues that your enemies are weaving.

A hedge in a dream means an imminent separation from a loved one. Successfully crossing it in a dream predicts victory over your rivals. Seeing or putting up fences in a dream is a sign that you will realize your mistakes in time. If the fence is lopsided and you are afraid that it may fall, then your position will be shaken. Such a dream predicts that you should not enter into risky ventures. The same thing means a dream about a broken, damaged fence. Building a fence or wall in a dream predicts that you will be able to protect yourself in a difficult moment. Repairing a fence in a dream is a sign of difficulties that can undermine your health. Such a dream predicts danger and means illness.

For those who are going on the road on business or are waiting for an important matter to be resolved, a dream about a fence is a sign of obstacles in business. Climbing over a fence or wall and finding a hole in it is a good dream and predicts good luck in a difficult and risky business. However, seeing a hole in someone else’s fence in a dream means that the owner of the fence will soon die. If you dream that angry animals have torn down a fence, then expect political cataclysms soon. Breaking a fence yourself in a dream is a sign of decline in matters that you will try to improve. Fencing yourself with a fence in a dream means protecting yourself from danger and living a serene, happy life. A dream in which you saw that a fence suddenly fell down will bring you big troubles that will have a bad impact on your future.

Why do you dream of a fence according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

A fence in a dream represents an overpowering factor and indicates self-restraint, causing depression; means for you a possible obstacle, minor failures. Building or repairing a fence means limiting your range of activities. Sitting on the fence is probable luck. Falling off the fence is a ruin of plans. Breaking a fence means overcoming an obstacle. An old fence is an accident with one of your close friends. Climbing over the fence - you will have to resort to cunning to achieve your plan. A burning fence means a bright streak in life will begin.

Why do you dream of a fence according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a strong, good fence, it portends prosperity, the fulfillment of a secret desire; seeing a bad, broken fence is an obstacle in business; if you climbed over a fence in a dream, the path is illegal; passed through a gate in a dream - you will not have problems with law enforcement agencies; Repairing a fence in a dream means financial problems, which will then be easily solved.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 25th day of the month. The dreams I had last night are full of lies and deception.

Today is the 29th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today can come true within 24 days.

Today is Monday. Monday is considered a difficult day because it is ruled by the planet – the Moon. Monday's dreams, no matter what you see, reflect your emotional and psychological state and can be associated with everyday life and everyday worries, with family, relatives, especially with your mother and other women, with small children.

If Monday's dream is long and intense, if there was water in it, then you will have to redo a lot of everyday homework. It’s better when the dream is sparing, “short”. It means that there will be little fuss, you will be able to be collected and restrained, and you will be able to maintain a good mood.

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FENCE – Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed that you climbed a fence, this dream foreshadows the successful completion of some important business for you. If you fell from a fence, then this dream warns you that you are taking on a task that you are unable to cope with, and failure awaits you.

An unfavorable dream is in which you, sitting with friends on a fence, accidentally bring it down. In this case, an unexpected misfortune awaits you with one of your loved ones.

If in a dream you climb over a fence, then in reality you will want to resort to unsuitable means to achieve your goal.

Toppling over a fence in a dream in order to pass is a sign that with your energetic actions in life you will begin to achieve and achieve the almost impossible. If you dream of a herd knocking over a fence on its way, this portends receiving support from an unexpected side.

The dream that you are putting up a fence is favorable: it portends active creative activity and prosperity for you.

For a young lady, such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one.

FENCE – Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a fence that is strong and reliable means that your fears are groundless, you have nothing to fear, since you are under reliable protection.

Seeing a wire fence in a dream means that you yourself are to blame for your troubles. Your complicated affairs have tied you hand and foot.

Seeing a fence made of twigs (wattle fence) is a sign that your business may get off the ground.

Seeing it broken is a sign of danger for your property. Doing it yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to fool your enemies. But if nothing works out for you in a dream, then you will get confused in some matter.

If you dream that someone is putting up a fence, then be afraid of the intrigues that your enemies are weaving.

A hedge in a dream means an imminent separation from a loved one. Successfully crossing it in a dream means victory over your rivals.

Seeing or putting up fences in a dream is a sign that you will realize your mistakes in time.

If the fence is lopsided and you are afraid that it may fall, your position will be shaken. Such a dream predicts that you should not enter into risky ventures. The same thing means a dream about a broken, damaged fence.

Building a fence or wall in a dream is a prediction that you will be able to protect yourself in difficult times.

Repairing a fence in a dream is a sign of difficulties that can undermine your health. Such a dream predicts danger and means illness.

For those who are going on the road on business or are waiting for an important matter to be resolved, a dream about a fence is a sign of obstacles in business.

Climbing over a fence or wall and finding a hole in it is a good dream and predicts good luck in a difficult and risky business. However, seeing a hole in someone else’s fence in a dream means that the owner of the fence will soon die.

If you dream that angry animals have torn down a fence, then expect political cataclysms soon.

Breaking a fence yourself in a dream is a sign of decline in matters that you will try to improve.

Fencing yourself with a fence in a dream means protecting yourself from danger and living a serene, happy life.

A dream in which you saw that a fence suddenly fell down will bring you big troubles that will have a bad impact on your future.

FENCE – Slavic Dream Interpretation

Fence - separation from a loved one; repair - caution; destroy - decline in business.

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Why do you dream about the most ordinary fence? Just like in reality, in a dream it acts as a symbol of barriers and obstacles. Sometimes the same image promises the completion of a certain task. Dream books will give a more detailed interpretation of the dream.

Interpretation of sleep according to D. Loff's dream book

Did you dream about a fence? Depending on the actual circumstances, it symbolizes security or isolation from the world. An accurate interpretation will be given by the area that it encloses. The dream book also reminds you: whether you can overcome this or that life problem in reality directly depends on your success in overcoming the fence in a dream.

Why do you dream about a fence? In night dreams, it acts as a kind of border. Perhaps in the real world there are some limitations in relationships. From an esoteric point of view, the fence is a symbolic transition between worlds. Be careful with such visions.

Opinion of the Italian dream book

Why do you dream about a fence? In a dream, it reflects voluntary isolation and the desire to protect personal life or certain restrictions that exist in real life, but were not established by the dreamer himself. This situation can apply to both love and business. In addition, the fence reflects the desire to preserve some secret, feelings or even dreams that the dreamer himself is ashamed of.

What does Miller's dream book think?

Did you dream that you climbed a fence? Successfully complete a previously started project. But falling off a fence is bad. You have taken on a task that is clearly not up to you. The dream book believes that failure is guaranteed.

Why do you dream if a fairly strong-looking fence collapsed under you? A tragic accident will happen to someone close to you. In a dream, crawling through a hole in a fence literally means that to achieve your goal you will decide to resort to cunning or even prohibited methods.

Seeing a fence in a dream and knocking it over in order to pass freely is good. The dream book believes that with your perseverance and well-directed energy you will accomplish what seems unrealistic. If the fence was broken by a herd of animals, then you will unexpectedly receive support from those you did not count on.

Did you dream that you personally built and installed a fence? The plot is favorable in any version. Active creative activity will bring complete success, respect and well-being. For a young girl, such a dream promises spiritual unity with her loved one.

Interpretation from the dream book of spouses Winter

Why dream of your own strong and serviceable fence? At the current stage, your well-being and happiness are reliably protected. Even if some disagreements and problems arise in real life, everything will be resolved soon.

Why do you dream of other people's fences? In a dream, this is a sure sign of obstacles and difficulties on the path of life. The image calls for abandoning any risky ventures, no matter how tempting they may seem. Did you dream that a huge fence blocked the road? Some unexpected obstacle will interfere with well-thought-out plans.

Seeing an old, collapsed fence or a very dilapidated structure in a dream, according to the dream book, is a sign of prospects and changes. Whether they will be good or bad will be determined by the atmosphere of the dream and plot twists.

Decoding the dream book of lovers

Seeing or personally erecting a fence means that at the moment you are preoccupied with some kind of romantic relationship. This plot literally reflects attempts to make a strong and long-term connection. It is best if in a dream you are satisfied with your work. In real life, you will certainly achieve what you want.

Did you dream that you were climbing over a fence? To achieve a certain goal, decide to use a workaround or a forbidden technique. Alas, in reality this will not bring the expected effect and will only complicate the situation.

Why dream of building a fence with your own hands? The dream book believes that you are a closed and little emotional person. At least in public. You are afraid to openly express emotions and, even more so, to fall in love without looking back, because you naively believe that this will protect you from disappointment.

Did you dream that you deliberately broke a fence? In reality, you will be able to get rid of memories that constantly return you to the past. After this, you will gain faith in yourself and a bright future, which will make life much more pleasant and easier.

What Danilova’s erotic dream book says

Why do you dream if a fence appeared on the way, which prevented you from going forward? In real life, you will experience certain limitations and boundaries yourself. Sometimes this is a sign of a quarrel that will happen because you want more freedom. Alas, in the end everything will end sadly, because they simply will not understand you.

Did you dream that you were walking along a fence? The dream book is sure: there is a huge potential sleeping inside that you don’t even know about. If you make even a small attempt to free yourself from external pressure, a real miracle will happen.

Freudian interpretation

Freud's dream book considers a fence a symbol of barriers and restrictions. Why is he dreaming? If in a dream you happened to climb over a fence, then in reality you will use workarounds to achieve your goal. For example, in a relationship it is better to subtly influence your partner rather than tell him something directly.

Did you dream about how you personally installed the fence? You consider love to be evil and avoid it in every possible way. Breaking a fence in a dream is much better. Your opinion has changed dramatically, and you are ready to throw yourself headlong into a hitherto unfamiliar feeling. Another interpretation of the dream predicts getting rid of an old and long-boring connection.

To understand why you dream of a fence, the dream book advises paying attention to its vertical elements. Their number symbolically reflects active connections and the number of current partners. Sometimes it is just a subconscious desire for this.

Did you dream of a clean, strong and well-painted fence? You manage to treat all partners evenly, attentively and kindly. The Dream Interpretation believes that such behavior is very commendable. If the fence was dilapidated, full of holes and ugly, then you are too frivolous and careless in relationships. Moreover, this is an eloquent hint of decreased sexual function.

Why do you dream about a new fence?

Did you dream of a brand new fence? You will achieve relative success, and at the same time you will gain a countless number of envious people. If in a dream you did not dare to open the gate in a new fence, then in a difficult situation you will behave indecisively and even inappropriately. Climbing a new fence in a dream means receiving the money you have long dreamed of. In general, a new fence symbolizes prosperity, success and stability.

I dreamed of a wooden, iron fence

To accurately interpret the dream image, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the fence is made. So the slate or sheets of metal used for the fence reflect a certain society with strictly established rules and morals.

Have you ever seen a fence made of metal wire? The thing you have planned for a long time and carefully will fail. A wooden fence in a dream symbolizes minor obstacles and failures that, overall, will not affect fate. It is also a symbol of gossip and false rumors. Why do you dream about an old picket fence? Long-standing, established values ​​are your priority in life.

What does it mean if the fence has fallen over or is broken?

Did you dream that you leaned lightly on a fence, and it immediately collapsed? An accident may occur to a loved one or someone you know. It is much better to deliberately collapse the fence. This is a sign of increased activity and targeted application of energy, which leads to the successful implementation of the most incredible goal.

Why do you dream if a fence appears out of nowhere? In reality, some obstacle will appear literally out of nowhere. However, breaking this barrier in a dream is bad. This is a sign of ruin and loss through one’s own fault. It is better to choose the tactics of temporary non-intervention and wait a little.

It’s bad to see your own fence rickety in a dream. In reality, something threatens your well-being. Someone else's old, broken fence symbolizes the destruction of stereotypes.

Why dream of painting, building, breaking a fence?

Did you dream that you built a high fence around your house? You clearly do not want to communicate with others, and perhaps there are reasons for this. The construction of a fence signifies a desire to receive protection and patronage.

Why do you dream of repairing a fence? You need to plan things more carefully, then there will be no annoying mistakes. The same plot prophesies numerous, and mostly useless, efforts. In your dream, did you have to paint an old fence? In reality, it is possible to move to a new place of residence.

Did you dream about how you broke a fence? Be prepared for major changes. Seeing another character break a fence means: a loved one will commit an imprudent act, as a result of which you will personally incur large expenses.

What does it mean to climb over a fence in a dream?

Why do you dream if you had to climb over a fence in a dream? In reality, you can do something incredible and global.

Have you ever seen animals jumping over a fence? You will have to accept help from strangers, although you really don’t want this. If you dreamed that pets on the other hand were running away from you, jumping over a fence, then get ready for losses in trade and commerce.

Climbing over a fence in a dream means you need to use cunning. If you climbed through a crack or hole, this literally means that you have to gain someone’s trust.

Fence in a dream - specific answers

Just seeing a fence means obstacles and various problems. If in a dream he magically disappears, then difficulties will be resolved without your participation. It’s a completely different matter if you personally take some active action.

  • climb to the top - successful completion, determination
  • through the hole - dishonest methods of achieving your plans
  • fall down - collapse of plans
  • hanging on a fence - renewal of hope
  • fall and hit yourself - mind your own business
  • jump over - make more effort
  • sitting on top - good luck
  • to overturn on purpose - the realization of the impossible
  • accidentally – collapse of stereotypes, change of worldview
  • blow up - act decisively
  • crashing into a car - help from the enemy
  • putting a new one - spiritual closeness with loved ones
  • repairing, patching holes - limiting your social circle
  • burning fence - light stripe
  • wooden - usual chores
  • metal – stability, protection
  • wicker – instability of position
  • plastic – opportunism
  • glass – illusion
  • drunk under the fence - great luck

Did you dream that there was a horseshoe hanging on the fence? You are destined for incredible success where you clearly did not expect it. It's good to see a rooster crowing on the fence. This is a sign of good luck that will follow a bad streak. If in a dream there was a cucumber lying near the fence, then you will have to communicate with a lonely or conditionally lonely man (for example, in a state of quarrel with his chosen one) man.


It means two things: isolation from society and the desire to be oneself, to have one’s own private life, independent of anyone, a person who sees a fence in a dream most likely experiences some kind of restrictions that may apply to both personal life and work.

Fence, seen in a dream, may also reflect desires to limit the interference of others in one’s personal life and the desire to hide from others one’s deepest feelings or desires that a person is ashamed of. Often such a person is too dependent on the opinions of others. The solution to this problem is to realize the intrinsic value of your own personality, your feelings and thoughts and work through the problems of the past associated with the negative assessment of your behavior by other people.

Fences- this is isolation in a negative sense and security in a positive sense. A more accurate interpretation can only be obtained by taking into account who or what the fence is protecting from. You will decipher the meaning of such a dream if you can guess what overcoming this obstacle promises - positive or negative emotions.

Fence (wattle fence):

  • minor setbacks and obstacles that tend to seem insurmountable;
  • gossip, defamation of name;
  • you feel limited in some way;
  • alienation, quarrel;
  • parting;
  • protection from foreign influences.

If in a dream you are standing in front of a fence, it means that in real life you are worried about some restrictions. Perhaps a serious quarrel will occur, caused by the fact that you wish for more freedom and looseness, but you will not be understood.

Walking along a fence in a dream- you have potential that you don’t even know about, so make an attempt to get rid of the pressure of others and surrender to the power of your feelings.

Hole in the fence- to the death of the one whose fence.

Hole in your own fence- danger of loss.

Seeing something through a hole- regret about something lost.

Insurmountable fence- difficulty, separation from loved ones.

fallen fence- fulfillment of desires.

Seeing your fence intact and in good working order in a dream- a sign that nothing threatens your well-being. If in recent days you have had any conflicts with others, then the dream promises that the situation will soon improve.

Seeing your fence lopsided or noticing a hole in it- this is a signal that your well-being is in some danger.

If in a dream you climb over a fence:

  • you are desperate to get out of the current situation;
  • difficulties will be overcome, the separation will not be long. The method of overcoming the fence (climbing, disassembling, finding a passage) speaks of a method of dealing with difficulties;
  • climb over the picket fence- your attacks against others will not harm them, but will damage your image; someone - those who plot against you will not achieve the desired result, but will be put to shame.

If in a dream you climbed a fence:

  • successful completion of an important task lies ahead;
  • to a successful relationship with your loved one.

Install a fence:

  • success;
  • In reality, the fruits of your labor are not yet noticeable, but you know for sure that you are laying the foundation for future well-being;
  • girl such a dream foreshadows spiritual intimacy with a loved one;
  • your defenses against the enemy are too weak.

A dream in which you watch the construction of a fence, portends that you are concerned about your relationship and want to improve the situation.

Climbed through a loophole in the fence in a dream- in reality you will want to resort to dishonest means to achieve your goal.

Knocked over the fence- you will achieve the almost impossible.

In a dream, knock over a fence in order to pass- a sign that with your energetic actions in life you will achieve and achieve the almost impossible.

If you dream of a herd knocking over a fence on its way- this is a harbinger of receiving support from an unexpected side.

An unfavorable dream in which you sit on a fence with friends and accidentally bring it down- it promises an accident with one of your loved ones.

If in a dream you are sitting on a fence and the fence suddenly falls, then such a dream foreshadows an accident.

Fell from the fence:

  • keep in mind that you are not taking on your own business;
  • such a dream promises a quarrel with your lover.

Destroy the fence- overcome an obstacle.

If in a dream you come across a fence on your way, you break it, step over it and move on, means that you will be able to accomplish something global.

Stranger or ownerless fences in a dream symbolize obstacles and restrictions on your life path. Typically, such dreams encourage you to adhere to certain established frameworks and protect you from the temptation to engage in any dubious activities.

To dream of a fence blocking your path, is a warning of unexpected obstacles that threaten to interfere with your plans.

Seeing an ownerless fence collapsed or noticing a hole or gate in it- a sign that in reality you may soon have new prospects - good or bad, depending on the general atmosphere of the dream.

A dream in which a herd of domestic animals is crossing the fence into your yard, symbolizes unexpected, but much-needed help.

If the animals, on the contrary, run away through the fence, then you will experience losses in trading and other matters.

Freud's Dream Book

Fence symbolizes an obstacle.

So, if you dreamed that you climbed over the fence,- this means that in reality you will try to achieve your goal in some roundabout ways. You will not be able to influence a person and his feelings directly, so you will choose the tactics of a soft and outwardly imperceptible influence, to which the person will soon succumb.