The Monk Ephraim of Novotorzhsky. Ephraim of Novotorzhsky, reverend (life) Ephraim of Novotorzhsky of relics

The Monk Ephraim, according to his life, was a Hungarian by birth and was the brother of St. Moses Ugrin (+ c. 1043; commemorated July 26 / August 8), as well as George, the beloved and devoted youth of the holy Prince Boris (commemorated May 2/15 and July 24 / August 6). Leaving his fatherland, the monk, together with his brothers, entered the service of Saint Boris. When on July 24, 1015, the prince was killed by the accursed murderers sent by Svyatopolk, and the brother of St. Ephraim George was beheaded by them for the sake of the golden hryvnia laid on him by the holy prince, St. Ephraim, who was absent at that time, came to the banks of the Alta River and looked for the body of his murdered brother. But he found only one chapter of George and took it in order to bequeath it later to put with him in one tomb. Soon after, the monk left the world and settled in a secluded place on the banks of the Tvertsa River, not far from the town of Torzhok or from the place where he arose. At his own expense, the Monk Ephraim built a house of hospitality here and took upon himself the feat of love of strangeness, which was widespread among the pious and needy people of Ancient Russia. When the relics of the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb were discovered and a general church celebration was established for them, in 1038 the monk built a church in the name of the martyrs of Christ and under him founded a monastery, in which he asceticised to a ripe old age. The monk died on January 28, 1053.

The venerable relics of the Monk Ephraim were found on June 11, 1572. Archbishop Leonid of Novgorod, returning from Moscow to Novgorod, then visited the Borisoglebsk monastery for prayer. He asked the abbot and the brethren where the relics of the miracle worker were laid. When they showed the saint's tomb, the archbishop ordered to open the tomb itself. Then those present saw the body of the monk imperishable and felt a fragrance. After this, in the 80s of the 16th century, a local celebration was established for the Monk Ephraim. At the present time, the memory of the saint of God is honored as a whole church.

The Lord glorified the Monk Ephraim with the gift of miracles. Of the many recorded miracles we will pass on only two.

Former Tsar of Kazan Ediger, who took the name of Simeon in holy baptism, received Tver and Torzhok from Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Frequently visiting the Borisoglebsk monastery, he began to reverently venerate Saint Ephraim and decided to arrange a cypress shrine for his relics. But he entrusted this matter to a careless master, who dropped the tree into a shrine and crushed the bone of the saint's leg. At that very time, the miracle worker appeared in a dream to the abbot of the monastery, Misail, and told about the master's negligence, showing his leg ulcer, and asked him to tell Tsar Simeon to change the master. Misail hurried to Simeon, and the pious king not only fulfilled the will of the saint, but also decorated his temple with holy icons and church utensils.

During the time of Grozny, Dementy Cheremisin and Zamyatnya-Zavoplyutsky were sent to Novgorod with the royal treasury. Cheremisin wanted to carry the treasury by water against the flow of the Tvertsa River; but he himself drove by dry road, instructing Zamyatna to accompany the treasury. The royal servants brutally plundered people and monasteries on the way. So they gathered a lot of estates. Having sailed to the Borisoglebsk monastery, Zamyatnya demanded from the brothers for the royal treasury people and a lot of supplies. The brothers were forced to borrow money in order to buy them off. But when Zamyatnya sailed along the Tvertsa, burdened with monastic wealth, he dropped money into the water, and he himself suddenly fell mortally ill. They let Cheremisin know. He was horrified, ordered to carry the sick comrade to the monastery and accompanied him himself. Here prayers were served to the holy martyrs; both wept for their sins and returned the silver taken from the monastery. Then the old man appeared to the sick man; reproaching him for plundering the monastery, he had mercy and granted him healing.

Troparion, voice 1

Being divine from above, enlightened by grace, reverend, with many patience in temporary life you have accomplished the feat. In the same way, exude miracles, grace to all who come with faith to the race of your relics, most blessed Ephraim, for this sake we call: glory to the One who gave you strength, glory to the One who crowned thee, glory to the one who acts in your healing.

Kontakion, voice 8

Like the divine Russian star, today shining miracles, you appeared, reverend Father Ephraim. Nevertheless, do not cease praying for your flock, preserve your fatherland, but the city and people who worship you by faith and to your honest power zealously flowing in, and cry out loud to you: Rejoice, God-wise Ephraim, our father.


O glorious Lord's servitor and God gathered here about the flock of Christ for you, the good pastor and mentor, venerable and God-bearing our father Ephraim! Accept this wretchedness of ours and the prayer offered to you, small from love of soul, and do not despise us, sinners, who demand your help and intercession. Behold, we, who have acquired a representative of thee in shameful needs, call upon you to intercession with unbelievable faith, but you, as if you have great boldness to the Lord and the Most Pure Mother of God, wake up the prayer book, helper and intercessor for all, with diligence in your Divine temple who come, honest but also those who touch your multifunctional relics with fear and reverence, hear us, holier than God, and look with a merciful eye on the people coming to your celibate grave. We are truly, as if, after your departure from your flesh, you were separated from us, but in spirit you abide with us relentlessly, so and all of us, who are useful to salvation, who earnestly ask, you can pay taxes by your prayers. Stretch out thy venerable hand, oh our good and great intercessor, and do not cease to pray for our country and for the people, in every place piously calling for your help. Save all the cities and countries of Russia from the invasion of a foreigner, internecine warfare, pernicious winds and from all destructive evil. Deliver us all from all troubles and sorrows. As if you govern, the many-year-long life of this sea has floated comfortably, we will reach the desired heavenly refuge and glorify the All-Holy, Equal and Consubstantial Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Venerable Ephraim of Novotorzhsky, the founder of the Borisoglebsk monastery in the city of Torzhok, was from Hungary. Together with his brothers, saints Moses Ugrin (Comm. 26 July) and saint George he left his homeland, possibly because of the persecution of the Orthodox.

Arriving in Russia, the brothers entered the service of the Rostov prince Saint Boris, the son of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir.

In 1015, Ephraim's brother, George, perished along with the holy prince Boris on the Alta River. The assassins cut off his head to remove the gold torch that he wore around his neck. Moses managed to escape by flight, and he entered the number of monks of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

Ephraim, who was apparently in Rostov at that time, arrived at the scene of the murder, found his brother's head and took it with him. Leaving his service at the princely court, the Monk Ephraim withdrew to the Tvertsa River in order to lead a solitary monastic life there. After several monastics settled near him, in 1038 he built a monastery in honor of the holy princes of the passion-bearers Boris and Gleb. The brethren chose him as their abbot. Near the monastery, located not far from the trade route to Novgorod, a hospice was built, where the poor and wanderers were kept free of charge.

The Monk Ephraim died in extreme old age, his body was buried in a monastery he had built, and in the coffin, according to his will, was laid the head of his brother, Saint George. The relics of the Monk Ephraim were found in 1572.

Iconographic original

Russia. XIX.

Venerable Efrem Novotorzhsky. Icon. Russia. XIX century. Tver Picture Gallery.

Russia. 1814.

Russie saints (fragment). Drawing (translation from the icon). Russia. 1814 year. Sheet 4. SpbDA Museum, tab. 59. Retouched.

Russia. XVIII.

Cathedral of Novgorod Saints (detail). Drawing (break through from the icon / image, except for the signatures of the saints in halos, mirror image). Russia. XVIII century. Postnikov, 1899, tab. LXIX. Retouched.

Reverend Ephraim, Novotorzhsky Wonderworker, was originally from Hungary (Ugrin "from the Ugric lands" - stichera for the Great Vespers in the service of St. Ephraim). Probably, St. Ephraim left his fatherland and arrived with his brothers, Moses and George, as a result of the persecutions that were there against the Orthodox from the Latins, and entered the service of the Rostov prince St. Boris, the son of the Great Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

In 1015 on the river. Alta (in the current Poltava province) of St. Boris was killed by Svyatopolk the Accursed, and together with him the brother of St. Ephraim was truncated. George, and Moses fled (See about him in the Kiev Patericon). Ephraim, who was absent at that time, when he learned about the death of Prince St. Boris Vladimirovich and his brother Theory, came to the bank of the Alta River, found the body of his beloved brother George and took his head with him (which, according to the will of St. Ephraim, was put in his coffin and is still with his relics). Leaving the court service and the princely court, St. Ephraim decided to lead a monastic life, secluded, and on the high bank of the river. Hardy (where Torzhok is now) settled. In 1038, when several people, lovers of a silent life settled around him, he built a church in honor of the new martyrs, the first Russian martyrs, St. princes Boris and Gleb. Not far from the monastery, a hospitable house was set up, where gratuitous support was delivered to the poor and pilgrims (on the site of this charitable institution a new monastery was formed in the name of St. Simeon Stylpnik, now converted to the parish church of the village of Semenovsky, near Torzhok, on Dorogoschi). Rev. Ephraim was elected by the brethren to the abbot of the Novotorzhsk Borisoglebsk monastery founded by him; in some lists of the life of St. Ephraim is called archimandrite, but this is incorrect, since in Russia archimandrites appeared not earlier than the 14th century. (Probably, St. Ephraim was named archimandrite because at the discovery of his relics the abbot of the Borisoglebsk monastery was archimandrite). Rev. Ephraim died in extreme old age on January 28, 1058. The relics of St. Ephraim were discovered on June 11, 1572; now they rest openly in a gilded silver shrine. The celebration of St. Ephraim under the Moscow Metropolitan Dionysius was established and at the same time a service was compiled for him *) The life of St. Ephraim is thought to have been compiled earlier than the 16th century, but it (during the pogrom of Torzhok by Grand Duke Mikhail Yaroslavich) was stolen and lost. In the Iconographic Original on June 11, about the teacher. Ephraim noticed that he was "in the likeness of a sed, a brad, like Nikolin, on the head of the schema, venerable robes, in the hands of the church" (Filimonov, 58-256) On the icon of the Tver Saints, St. Ephraim is depicted in the schema, blesses with his right hand, and in his left hand holds a five-domed temple. In the Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Monastery, St. Ephraim is celebrated: January 28 - the day of his death; June 11 - in remembrance of the opening of his relics (when there is a Vsegrad procession of the cross from the city Transfiguration Cathedral, before the liturgy, and after the liturgy - the enclosure of relics around the monastery cathedral (Vorisoglebsky) church; -15 September - on the day of the transfer of the relics of St. Ephraim from the Borisoglebsk Cathedral to the warm Vvedenskaya church and on May 1 - the day they were transferred from the Vvedenskaya church to the cold (Borisoglebskiy) cathedral. In 1900, at the request of Archbishop Demetrius of Tver, the Holy Synod (dated September 26, under No. 8831) permitted an annual religious procession on September 1, from the Borisoglebsk monastery and the churches closest to it in Torzhok, to perform with the icon of St. Ephraim, to " St. Semyon ", ie to the former in the present village Semenovsky monastery church, on "Dorogoshche". In the churches of Torzh-k there are ancient locally revered icons of Ephraim. In the Vvedenskaya church, the old image of St. Moses Ugrin, brother of St. Ephraim (July 26).

Troparion teacher. Ephraim, voice 1: "Being divine from above, having been enlightened by grace, reverend, you have accomplished a feat with many patience in temporary life. In the same way, exuding miracles, grace to all who come with faith to the joy of your relics, Blessed Ephraim, for this sake we call: glory to him who gave you strength: glory to the one who has crowned, thee: glory to the one who is healing you. "

(† 28.01.1053 (?), Nov. Torg, now Torzhok, Tver region), Venerable. (commemoration January 28, June 11, on the 3rd Week after Pentecost - in the Cathedral of Novgorod saints, on Sunday before July 28 - in the Cathedral of Smolensk Saints, on Sunday after June 29 - in the Cathedral of Tver Saints), Novotorzhsky, founder of Novotorzhsky in the name of the holy princes Boris and Gleb of the monastery.

Information about E. and his veneration is the Life of the saint, as well as compiled in the 17th century. The Legend of the relics, the Praise of Commendation, and the Legend of the transfer of the relics of Egypt in 1690. Of these works, the Life was the most widespread in the lists. According to the editorial staff of the Life, created in the 17th century, the oldest biography of the saint, kept in the Borisoglebsk monastery, was taken away by the Tver people during the seizure of Torzhok by troops. book Michael (Grand Duke St. Michael Yaroslavich, who ruined Torzhok in 1315, or his grandson Grand Duke St. Mikhail Alexandrovich, who seized the city in 1372). Since the monks of the Borisoglebsk mon-ry lived "in great poverty," they could not "redeem the venerable life"; during the fire that followed in Tver, the manuscript was burned down. The new edition of the Life of E. was compiled in the last. third of the 16th century, after the discovery of the relics of the saint on June 11, 1572, hier. Joasaph from St. George's Novgorod husband. mon-ry. In this edition, the biography of Ye., Based largely on the narration of the Kiev-Pechersk patericon, is supplemented with stories about the miracles of Ye., Where the inhabitants of Torzhok are mentioned. XV - 1st floor XVI century, local estates, Novotorzhsk and Novgorod landowners, who originated mainly from Moscow (for example, the princes Khovansky and Putyatin-Drutsky; the fact that landowners of Moscow by origin appear in the records of miracles is apparently connected with changes in the environment Novgorod patrons of the mon-rya after the annexation of Novgorod to the Russian state in 1478), the famous oprichnik Demensha Cheremisinov and others. The story of miracles contains a number of unique news about the life of Torzhok and Russia at the end. XV-XVI centuries, it also testifies to the tradition of veneration of Yemen in Torzhok before the acquisition of relics (a number of miracles described in the Life are associated with the punishment of the saints of landowners or royal servants who cruelly treated people dependent on them).

In the XVII century. Life edited by hierom. Joasaph was reworked. Apparently, this was due to the events of the Time of Troubles, when the interventionists plundered Torzhok and only the monastery Borisoglebsk cathedral survived, where the relics of E. were buried, which was perceived by contemporaries as the intercession of the saint. All R. XVII century The Life was supplemented by the Praise to the Saint and the recording of new miracles, the last of which dates back to 1647, some lists of the Praiseworthy Word contain a miracle relating to 1681. The Brief Life of Ye. Was written for the publication of the Prologue in 1661 (Kuchkin V.A. The first editions of the Russian Prologues and the handwritten sources of the 1661-1662 edition // Manuscript and printed book. M., 1975. S. 142-143). In 1744, the Life of Ye. And the service to him were published in Moscow, apparently compiled on the basis of 3 copies of the Life of the 17th century. from the Borisoglebsk monastery. The Legend of the Relics, the Praise of Honor, and the Legend of the Transfer of the Relics of Egypt in 1690 are represented by a few copies of the 17th-18th centuries.


Venerable Efrem Novotorzhsky. Fragment of the icon "Novgorod miracle workers". Icon painter priest. Georgy Alekseev. 1726 (State Historical Museum)

Venerable Efrem Novotorzhsky. Fragment of the icon "Novgorod miracle workers". Icon painter priest. Georgy Alekseev. 1726 (State Historical Museum)

According to the Life, E. was a "Ugrin clan" (Hungarian), he served as a groom in the Rostov prince. St. Boris (see Boris and Gleb), to whose squad also belonged the brother of E. St. Georgy Ugrin. In 1015, at the site of the death of Prince. Boris on the river. Alte E. found the severed head of his brother, who died defending the overlord. As a relic E. kept the head of St. George all his life. E. retired from the Kiev land in the Upper Volga region, where on the banks of the river. Tvertsy laid a wooden temple bud. Borisoglebsk mon-ry. Life reports that in 1038 E., together with his disciple and cell attendant, St. Arkady Novotorzhsky and other monks erected in Nov. Torgue is a stone cathedral in the name of St. princes Boris and Gleb. Next to the temple there was a house of hospitality arranged by the saint earlier, a monaster was formed at the temple, E. became its abbot. Before his death, the saint carved a coffin from the stone, in which he bequeathed to bury himself with the head of St. George. According to Zhitiya, E. was buried in the Borisoglebsk Church.

The life of E. contains a number of inaccuracies. According to archaeological data, the stone cathedral in Torzhok was built in the 2nd floor. XII century, although in the area of \u200b\u200bmon-ry, scientists found items of the XI century, and the earliest examples of molded ceramics date back to the IX-X centuries. (Malygin P. D. Ancient Torzhok: Ist.-archeological essays. Kalinin, 1990. S. 49). Construction of a stone cathedral in the Borisoglebsk monastery in the 2nd floor. XII century. can speak of a rather ancient origin of the monastery, which by that time had obviously begun to play a significant role in the church life of the Novgorod land. Anachronism is the indication of the Life that E. was the archimandrite of the Borisoglebsk monarch (the abbots of this monastery received this status no later than 1572).


June 11, 1572 with the blessing of the Novgorod Archbishop. Leonidas, the discovery of the relics of Ye. Took place; the coffin also contained the head of St. Georgy Ugrin, later it was kept on the saint's shrine. E. was canonized to local veneration under Met. Dionysius (1581-1587), at the same time a service was compiled to the monk, the most ancient lists of which belong to the end. XVI century (Barsukov. Stb. 197). The veneration of E. was facilitated by the formation in 1576 of the Tver inheritance of the tsar and led. book Simeon Bekbulatovich. Torzhok became part of his possessions, churches and mon-ri to-rogo began to enjoy his attention and patronage. A number of miracles are associated with Ye. Intercession for Torzhok during the Time of Troubles. According to the short chronicler of the 17th century Torzhok, October 2. In 1617 the city was relieved of the troops of the Smolensk boyar son I. Meshcherinov, who, together with the "Lithuanian people", attacked Torzhok. The city was not taken thanks to the intercession of “our venerable father, Archimandrite Ephraim, the Wonderworker of Innovation” (Stanislavsky, p. 236). Information about the veneration of E. in Torzhok at the beginning. XVII century reflected in the scribal book of Torzhok and its posad, compiled in 1625/26 by PD Narbekov and others. According to this source, in the Borisoglebsk c. one of the side-altars was consecrated “in the name of the Monk Ephraim the Wonderworker” (there is information about the construction of this side-altar in 1577, during the reign of Archimandrite Misail), there was a shrine with the relics of E. In the dedicated holy side-altar there was “an image of the local Ephraim the Wonderworker on gold; ". In the Borisoglebskaya c. along with the icons equal to the ap. book Vladimir (Vasily) Svyatoslavich and saints Boris and Gleb were "the image of Ephraim the miracle worker on gold", "the image of the common Ephraim the miracle worker, the salary, crowns on enamel with stone, and there were three images in the butt of all kinds of silver and salient crosses" doors in the icon case, in addition to the icons of the princes-martyrs, was the image of the "Monk Ephraim, the creator of miracles." In the treasury of the Borisoglebsk Church. there was a “ploshchadnaya cover, and on it the image of the venerable wonderworker Ephraim was sewn,” and along its edges there were “troparion and kontakion sewn”. On the posad of Torzhok, the Borisoglebsk Monastery belonged to the Ascension Church. On one of its icons were images of "Metropolitan Oleksey and the Monk Ephraim, the Wonderworker of Novotor" (Scribe book of Torzhok and posad 7133 (1625) // Commemorative book of Tver province for 1865 Tver, 1865. Section 4. P . 24-27).

In 1621, at the direction of Patriarch Filaret (Romanov), the commemoration of E. was established in the Moscow Dormition Cathedral on January 26, but after the death of the chief hierarch it was canceled (no later than 1634). In the description of the cell treasury of Patriarch Filaret in 1630, stichera and canon E. (Dimitri (Sambikin)... Months. P. 208). Service E. in the Charters was placed under 28 January. In the edition of the Charter of 1641, the church-wide celebration of the memory of E. was canceled, it was indicated that it should be sent to the Borisoglebsk monastery and there, “where the ecclesiarch judges” (see: He. 1991, p. 86. Note 1). In the "Palinode" of Zechariah (Kopystensky) in 1621 there is an entry about the memory of E. January 28. with a label: "new miracle worker" (RIB. T. 4. Stb. 851). In the Monthly of Simon (Azaryin), compiled in ser. 50s XVII century, 2 days of memory of "Ephraim, Novotorzhsky wonderworker" are given: January 28. (the day of death, 6543 (1035) is indicated as the year of death) and June 11 (uncovering of relics) (RSL. F. 173. MDA. No. 201. L. 310v., 320). In 1675/76, in the Borisoglebsk church. At the Novotorzhsky monastery, 2 stone side-chapels were built, one of which, as before, was dedicated to E. In 1690 the relics of the monk were transferred (possibly to a new shrine).

K ser. XVIII century. ancient Borisoglebskaya c. decayed and by the decision of the Holy. The synod was dismantled in 1784. In 1796, the newly-built Borisoglebsky Cathedral was consecrated, built with funds donated by the im. Catherine II. For the consecration of the cathedral, the empress sent robes with an epitrachil made of gold brocade, 3 clothes for 3 thrones, clothes for the altar and a cover on the relics of E. The right side-altar of the new church was dedicated to the founder of the monastery. In 1839-1840. the cathedral was undergoing renovations, after which it was consecrated again, the chapel in the name of E. was preserved. Her relics rested in the center of the Borisoglebsk Cathedral, on the right side, in a gilded silver reliquary under a bronze canopy, decorated with Venetian velvet with gold fringes and tassels. In the XIX century. in the monastery sacristy were kept wooden liturgical vessels, which, according to legend, were used by E. In 1893, the Archbishop of Tver. Savva (Tikhomirov) petitioned the Synod to establish a church-wide celebration of the memory of the Novotorzhsk miracle workers E. and Arkady and to include their names in the Typicon, the Followed Psalter and other liturgical books. The petition was transferred to the Vladimir Archbishop. Sergius (Spassky), who gave a negative review, by virtue of which the Synod, by decree of February 19. 1897 decided to leave in force the existing order of local honoring of the Novotorzhsky miracle workers. In the XIX century. on June 11, on the feast day of E., in Torzhok, a procession of the cross from the Transfiguration Cathedral took place in the city before the liturgy, and after the liturgy, a procession with the relics of E. around the monastery's Borisoglebsk cathedral. 26 Sep 1900 at the request of the Tver Archbishop. Demetrius (Sambikin) The Synod allowed an annual procession with the icon of E. from the Borisoglebsk monastery and the closest temples of Torzhok to “Saint Semyon” - formerly. monastery church "on the road" on the territory of the present. village Semyonovskoe. Annually the relics of the saint 15 Sept. were transferred from the cold Borisoglebsky Cathedral to the warm monastery c. in honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy. Theotokos, on May 1 the shrine was returning to the Borisoglebsk Cathedral.

5 Feb In 1919, Ye .'s relics were opened, in 1931 they were removed from the Borisoglebsk Cathedral, their further fate is unknown. The restoration of general church veneration for Ye. Was accomplished by the inclusion of his name in the Cathedral of Tver Saints, the celebration of which was established on the initiative of Archbishop. Kalininsky and Kashinsky Alexy (Konoplev) in 1979

Source: Life of Ephraim Novotorzhsky. M., 1774; RIB. T. 4. Stb. 851; Ponomarev A.I. Monuments of Old Rus. church-teaching literature. SPb., 1898. Issue. 4: Slav.-rus. Prologue. S. 27-29; Certificates of Novotorzhok husband. Borisoglebsk mon-ry. Tver, 1903; Budovnits I.U.Story about the destruction of Torzhok in 1315 // TODRL. 1960. T. 16. S. 449-451; Stanislavsky A. L. A short chronicler of Torzhok of the 17th century. // Chronicles and chronicles: Sat. Art., 1984, M., 1984. S. 235-236; Description about Russian saints. S. 182-183; Monuments to the literature of Dr. Tver / Comp .: V.Z. Isakov. Tver, 2002.S. 77-80, 192-197.

Lit .: SYSPRTS. S. 96-97; District N. Sketch of Torzhok // Commemorative book of the Tver province for 1865. Tver, 1865. Dept. 3. S. 80-81; Nekrasov I.S. lit-ry in North. Rus. Od., 1870. Part 1. S. 31-32; Klyuchevsky. Old Russian Lives. S. 335-336,371; Barsukov. Sources of hagiography. Stb. 195-197; Kolosov I., priest. Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Monastery. SPb., 1890. Tver, 1913; Leonid (Kavelin), archim. St. Rus. No. 495. S. 124-125; Dimitri (Sambikin), Archbishop. Months. Issue 5.S. 207-209; he is. Monasteries and parish churches of Torzhok and their sights. Tver, 1903; he is. Tver Patericon. Tver, 1991 S. 85-87; Venerable Archimandrite Ephraim and Arkady, his disciple, miracle workers from Novotorzhsk. Tver, 1895; Sergius (Spassky). Months. T. 2.S. 24-25; Livotov E. Efrem // PBE. T. 5. Stb. 533-535; Golubinsky. Canonization of the saints. S. 117, 416-417; Shamurins Y. and Z. Kaluga. Tver. Tula. Torzhok // Cultural Treasures of Russia. M., 1913. Issue. 7, pp. 65-67; Droblenkova N.F. Life of Ephraim of Novotorzhsky // SKKDR. Issue 1.S. 148-150; Ferinz I. Moisey Ugrin and his brothers // Studia Slavica. Bdpst. 1993 S. 19-25; Lopatina NA Local history almanac No. 4: Materials on the history of the Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsk mon-ry. Tver, 2004; Tvorogov OV About the "Code of Old Russian Lives" // Rus. hagiography: Issled., publications, polemics / Otv. ed. S. A. Semyachko. SPb., 2005.S. 28; Viktorov V.V. Efrem Novotorzhsky in the R&D funds of the RSL // Zap. OR RSL. M., 2008. Issue. 53.S. 61-68.

A. V. Kuzmin


Description of the external appearance of E. is contained in pl. icon-painting originals of the 17th-19th centuries under 28 Jan. and June 11 (see: Markelov. Saints of other. Rus. T. 2. S. 108-109). The earliest of them is in the manuscript of the 2nd quarter. XVII century in a special list of "new miracle workers": "Gray hair, simple hair, schema on the shoulders, and a brada like Semyon Stylite" (RNB. O. XIII.11. L. 251). The reverend is compared to ch. arr. with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker: "Sed, brada to Nikolina's share, the schema is at the head, he holds the church in his hand" (last quarter of the 17th century: IRLI (PD). Bobk. No. 4. L. 71v .; see also: Filimonov. Iconographic original. P. 58, 259-260; Bolshakov. Iconographic original. P. 69, 106); “The likeness that Nicholas, the schema is at the head, the church is in the hands” (end of the 18th century: BAN. Strog. No. 66, L. 114v.); "In the schema, the brada share of Nikolina, grubbing, in the hands of the church, barefoot" (40s of the XIX century: IRLI (PD). F. Dept. Receipts. Op. 23. No. 294. L. 58v.) ... In the original of the 30s. XIX century. the saint is indicated twice, under 28 Jan. in the text it is noted that "brada mensha Zlatoustova", in the margins a postscript: "Nikolina" (IRLI (PD). Peretz. No. 524. L. 117v., 171). Thus, a characteristic feature of Yemen's iconography is the image of a model of the temple in his hand or hands (obviously, the cathedral of the bloody princes Boris and Gleb built by him in Nov. Torg).

In the icon painting manuals of the beginning. XX century the image of E. was supplemented with national features: “Like a Hungarian, with a crimson body color, old man; venerable clothes, in the epitrachil, like an archimandrite. In the hands of a model of the church, like the organizer of the temple and monastery. You can write him a charter, according to your life: "Leaving your bolyar dignity and house, erect a temple in the name of your sovereigns, Boris and Gleb, and gathering many monks, set up a monastery, having done enough in fasting and prayers" (Fartusov . Guide to the writing of icons. S. 170-171).

The earliest known images of Egypt date back to the 17th and 18th centuries. From the Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsk mon-ry came 2 obverse covers on the relics of E., one of them - in 1644, the contribution of FS Kurakin (Zhiznevsky. 1888. No. 539, 540). Icon E. (in monastic attire, with a single-headed white church in hand) and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in prayer to Savior Emmanuel in the cloud segment, early. XVIII century, comes from c. in the name of arch. Michael (Blagoveshchenskaya) in Torzhok (at the present time in the collection of TsMiAR). Such a version could be the basis for compiling the text of icon-painting originals. In c. in the name of arch. Michael is the sole growth image of E. the last. third of the XVII - early. XVIII century. (with later renovations) - in a schema, with a doll on his head and arms spread apart, blesses with his right hand, in his left hand - a model of a temple of peculiar architecture. The personal is performed in a "lively" manner, the beard is small, slightly forked at the end, with curly strands and gray hair; on the upper field - the image of the Savior Immanuel. An image of a similar version (an "ancient icon" of a saint in a setting, with a tsata) was reproduced on chromolithography in 1882 (Moscow workshop of D. Gavrilov, RSL, stamped from the library of the Rumyantsev Museum).

The most common iconographic version is the Monks E. and Arkady Novotorzhsky against the background of the Borisoglebsk mon-ry in Torzhok. In 1720 the sexton c. in the name of ap. Philip in Torzhok, the icon painter E.F. Nedonoskov painted an icon of the monks in prayer to the Savior with a panorama of the Borisoglebsk monastery (with the designation of all buildings) and a landscape with a view of Torzhok, bordering after. kept in the Tver Museum (Zhiznevsky. 1888. No. 59; Uvarov A.S. Icon of the Monks Ephraim and Arcadius, Novotorzhsky miracle workers // He. Collection of small works. M., 1910. T. 1. S. 152-153. Tables 86, 130). There are 2 traces from the icons of the 18th century. with a similar type of image, E. is presented with a small beard and curly hair along the edge of the cockle (Markelov. Saints of other Rus. T. 1. S. 238-241).

Such icons - the figure of E. is placed on the left - became widespread in the 19th century, as, for example, the image created in Torzhok in the 2nd half. XIX century. (with a particle of holy relics), - gray-bearded E. holds the hegumen's baton, the view of the Borisoglebsk cathedral accurately reproduces the building of 1785-1796, the icon in a silver setting third of the 19th century (both from the church in the name of architect Michael in Torzhok) - E. raised his hand with a rosary to his chest, the image of approx. 1883 (TsMiAR). Sometimes the image of the Mother of God was placed at the top (an icon-monk of the 1st half of the 19th century from the iconostasis of the church in the name of architect Michael in Torzhok). Among the small pilgrim relics are the icons of E. and St. Arcadia with a conventional view of the monastery cathedral and the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands at the top, often written on a gold or silver background, sometimes E. points to the church, holds an unfolded scroll in his hand (late XIX - early XX centuries, TsMiAR, TKG, Ts. the name of architect Michael, private collections). On the back of one of the icons (c. 1890, Cathedral of the Holy Trinity ("White Trinity") in Tver) there is an inscription - the blessing of Archimandrite. Makarii M. I. Maslennikov "for his lively participation in the publication of a book about the Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky monastery" 28 December. 1890 g.

In the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity ("White Trinity") in Tver in the south. chapel in the name of E. and St. Arcadia is a temple image written in the con. 60s - early. 70s XX century The images of the saints are included in the painting of the main altar (40s of the XX century, renovation at the end of the XX century), in the murals of the vault of the summer part of the church (mid-XIX century, renovation at the end of the XX century), south. chapel over the shrine of St. Makariy Kalyazinsky (50-60s of the XX century, renovated in 2007), written in Old Russian. stylistics on the outer wall of the cathedral from the side of the apse of the aisle. Icons E. and St. Arcadia are available in c. prop. Elijah in Staritsa, in the cemetery Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands in Bezhetsk (with a particle of relics), etc. There is a watercolor painting by P. Vavulin (TKG) in 1865 with a view of the Novotorzhskaya monastery and images of 2 of its saints. patrons.

In addition, a version was developed depicting 4 local Novotorzhsky saints: E., Venerable. Arcadia, blgv. book Georgy Ugrin and blgv. kng. Julianne (1797, TCG). On some icons, the Novotorzhskaya saints (Ye. With a temple in hand) are represented together with the blgv. princes Boris and Gleb (1st half of the 19th century, TKG). On another icon E. (on the left, holding a rod and an unfolded scroll with the text: "Brothers, repent to the faithful Tsar and the Grand Duke") is shown together with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. Nil Stolobensky (last third of the 19th century, Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Monastery). Icon E. and St. Nil Stolobensky early. XIX century. in 2007 was in the local row of the iconostasis of the Epiphany Cathedral of the Nilova Stolobenskaya empty. The image of E. was introduced into the composition of the selected saints, for example. on the icon of the 2nd third of the 19th century. from Torzhok with Deesis and the Evangelists (E. with a staff in his right hand on the left in the 1st row together with Venerable Arkady, in the center - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker); in the top row among the half-figures - on the icon "The Introduction of the Virgin into the Temple, with Angels, Selected Plots and Saints" of the 19th century. (both in the TCG meeting). At this time, there were also individual icons of E., as well as lists of early works (TKG).

A unique icon of Ye. With 30 hallmarks of the life of 1712, which was located in the Cathedral of the Borisoglebsk Monastery to the right of the entrance, is captured in a photograph of 1901 (TGOM). E. is represented in a doll, with a one-headed temple in his right hand and an unfolded scroll in his left, against the background of the monastery, in the upper corners - the Savior and the Mother of God, at the bottom left - a leaning reverend, on the right a stamp with the text. In other photographs of the interiors of the cathedral (TGOM): the embroidered, straight-faced image of E. in full-length, in a schema and a doll on the lid of the shrine; image of E. and St. Arcadia at the banner; the figure of E. with a staff in the painting on the eastern wall near the shrine (possibly preserved in fragments). Among the surviving fragments of the painting of the monastery gateway c. in honor of the Savior Not Made by Hands (1804-1811?), one can presumably distinguish the image of E. Obviously, in the monastery there were other images of E. XVIII - early. XX century

In monumental painting, the image of E. (with a model of the temple in his hand) is found in the painting of the TSL Assumption Cathedral in 1684 in the north. faces southwest. pillar (renovated by N.M.Safonov's workshop in 1859, 1865-1866). The image of E., performed in an academic manner, was placed in the altar arch of the bldg. book Alexander Nevsky Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, next to St. Ephraim Pereyaslavsky - painting of the 70s of the XIX century. artist V.D. Fartusov based on sketches by N. A. Lavrov (Mostovsky M. S. Cathedral of Christ the Savior / [Compiled by the conclusion of part B. Disputes]. M., 1996p. P. 76). Among the devotees of the XI century. E. is depicted in the murals of the Russian gallery. saints leading to the cave c. Venerable Job of Pochaevsky in the Pochaev Dormition Lavra (painting of the late 60s - 70s of the 19th century by the hierodeacons Paisius and Anatoly, renovated in the 70s of the 20th century).

One of the earliest examples of the image of E. in works of decorative and applied art is engraving with niello in an oval medallion on a silver pectoral cross (1776-1788, TGOM; see: V.A. Bushlyakova. Cross of Archimandrite Theophylact // Calendar-chronological culture and problems of its study: To the 870th anniversary of the "Teachings" by Kirik Novgorodets: Materials of scientific conference, Moscow, 11-12 December 2006, M., 2006. pp. 86-88). For the anniversary of the repose of the saint in 1903, commemorative tokens were made with a frontal half-figure of E. on the front side and a view of the Borisoglebsk Cathedral on the back (private collection). At the same time (censor's permission dated April 30, 1902) in the studio of EI Fesenko in Odessa chromolithographs were printed "The dying testament of the brethren of the Monk Ephraim, the Wonderworker of Novotorzh" (RSL, Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky monastery, church in the name of arch. Michael in Torzhok). The saint is shown sitting in a cell, he indicates to St. Arkady and the monks on the head of their brother St. Passion-bearer Georgy Ugrin, next to a book and rosary, at the top - a detailed text about the teachings and testament of E. In the 50s. XIX century. chromolithography was repeated by Lviv artists in painting on the west. the wall of the narthex c. in the name of arch. Michael in Torzhok.

Filaret (Gumilevsky). RSv. May. S. 96-97). Presumably E. (or Venerable Ephraim of Perekomsky) is represented in the right group on the icon of con. XVII century (SPGIAHMZ, see: Icons of the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve: New acquisitions and restoration discoveries: Album-cat. Serg. P., 1996. Cat. 26). His image in a doll, with a small beard is in the 3rd row of the left group (3rd from the left, the inscription: "St. Ephraim") on the icon "Miraculous icons and Novgorod saints" in 1721 from the collection of the Assumption (GE, see: Kostsova A.S., Pobedinskaya A.G.... Rus. icons XVI - early. XX century depicting monasteries and their founders: Cat. vyst. / GE. SPb., 1996. S. 59, 136. Cat. 54). E. is written on the icons "Novgorod miracle workers" priest. Georgy Alekseev 1726 and 1728 (State Historical Museum, Tretyakov Gallery), on the line from the icon of the Cathedral of Novgorod Wonderworkers, forthcoming Sophia, the Wisdom of God, the 18th century - 1st to the center in the 4th row on the right (Markelov. Saints of Old Russia. T. 1. P. 398 -399, 618-619).

As part of the Council of Russian Saints, the image of E. is included in the 2nd row of the right group of saints on the Pomor icons: con. XVIII - early. XIX century. (MIIRK, inscription: "prp (d) b Efrem novotorzhski"); 1814 letters from Peter Timofeev from the collection of TsAM SPbDA (State Russian Museum; cut through - Markelov. Saints of other Rus. T. 1. S. 454-455) - with a scroll in his right hand, the inscription: "p efrem Novgorod (s)"; 1st floor XIX century. from the village Chazhenga, Kargopol district, Arkhangelsk region (Tretyakov Gallery - Icônes russes: Les saintes / Fondation P. Gianadda. Martigny (Suisse); Lausanne, 2000. P. 142-143. Cat. 52). On the icon early. XIX century. from Chernivtsi region (NKPIKZ) E. is shown in the 6th row of the 5th from the right with a model of the temple in his hands, named Novgorod ("Prp (d) Efrem Nov (g) o"). The saint is represented twice, in the right group of saints in the 1st and last rows on the icon of the 1st floor. XIX century. from the Old Believers' prayer house at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg (GMIR). On the icon "Image of the Holy Russian Wonderworkers" mid-2nd floor. XIX century. (Tretyakov Gallery, see: Ibid. P. 144-147. Cat. 53) E. is written by a Middle Ages, with a scroll in his left hand, in the 4th row on the far left.

E. is depicted among the Tver miracle workers on the icons "All the saints who shone in the Russian land" in 1934 (the cell image of St. Athanasius (Sakharov)), early. 50s, late 50s XX century letters mon. Juliania (Sokolova) (sacristy TSL, SDM, see: N.E. Aldoshina. Blessed Labor. M., 2001. S. 231-239) and their modern. repetitions (Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki, Church of St. Nicholas in Klenniki in Moscow). Drawing for Minei MP, made by prot. Vyacheslav Savinykh and ND Shelyagina, represents E. in growth, in a schema, with a doll on his head, with a small curly beard, in prayer (Images of the Mother of God and Saints of the Orthodox Church. M., 2001. S. 148).

In the churches of the Tver diocese, there are many icons of E. (usually with a model of the temple in his hand), painted in late. XX - early. XXI century. In particular, in the Vvedenskaya c. in the Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsk Monastery, the analogue straight-faced image of Ye. with a particle of St. relics, on another icon the saint is shown full-length, together with St. Arkady, coming to the Savior Not Made by Hands. E. is also depicted in the present. compositions of the Cathedral of Tver Saints (usually in the 1st row, 2nd from the right, with a model of the temple on the covered hand), for example. on the icons of the beginning. 90s XX century from the Tver Cathedral of the Holy Trinity ("White Trinity"), 2001 from the Tver Cathedral of the Resurrection Cathedral.

Lit .: Zhiznevsky A.K. Description of the Tver Museum. M., 1888. No. 59, 539, 540; Markelov. Saints Dr. Rus. T. 1.S. 238-241, 398-399, 454-455, 618-619; T. 2.S. 108-109; Kochetkov. Dictionary of icon painters. P. 437.