Weaning a child from thumb sucking: tips and tricks. How to wean a child from sucking fingers What to do if a baby sucks a finger

The vast majority of newborns suck their fingers, and, as can be seen in the pictures obtained using ultrasound, even babies in the womb do this.

Such an action is laid down by nature, because the sucking reflex is necessary so that a baby that is barely born can survive and get food - mother’s milk.

For unborn babies, thumb sucking means training. That is why a skilled baby with a trained reflex grabs with his lips everything that touches them.

The sucking reflex is so strong that often a newborn sucks his fingers not only because of hunger, but also in order not to lose an important skill.

The interaction of the facial muscles, trigeminal, vagus and nasopharyngeal nerve trunks during sucking helps to stabilize the central nervous system and activate brain activity.

An important result of this “action” is not only improving the functioning of the central nervous system of a young child, but also evoking such important emotions for him as a feeling of security, calmness and psychological satisfaction.

Why does an older baby suck his thumb?

And if the behavior of a newborn baby can be explained by basic instincts, then why does the child suck his thumb in adulthood? Scientists have identified several main reasons for this behavior:

  1. Fist sucking after 6 months can be explained by the fact that the child’s tongue and oral cavity turns into a means of exploring the world around him and obtaining information important for development. The baby puts everything that gets into his hands into his mouth. This applies to toys, blankets, pet tails and, naturally, your own fingers.
  2. The obvious reason for baby thumb sucking is hunger. It doesn’t matter whether the baby is breastfed or is fed a special milk formula, sucking is the only way to get food. That is, a baby who puts his fist in his mouth signals to his mother that he is hungry.
  3. Excessively early weaning often leads to a situation where the child sucks his thumb. Moreover, a certain pattern can be seen - the shorter the period of natural feeding, the higher the likelihood that the baby will begin to put his fist in his mouth.
  4. Another reason for finger sucking is, which is accompanied by pain. To relieve discomfort and “scratch” irritated gums, the child puts into his mouth not only his fingers and fist, but also any other objects located nearby.
  5. For the baby, the mother’s breast is a guarantee of security, so he perceives sucking as a way to calm down and feel safe. That is why, in case of any emotional discomfort, alarming situation, or the appearance of a stranger in the house, the child reaches for a finger, as if it were a substitute for the mother’s breast.
  6. A 2-year-old child (a little younger or a little older) may suck his thumb due to lack of parental attention. When a child is bored without his mother, he subconsciously puts his finger in his mouth to compensate for the warmth of the mother's body.

There is an opinion that children who receive their mother's breast on demand, without any restrictions, very rarely suck their fingers. This is explained simply: babies satisfy all the basic instincts and the desire to be close to their mother.

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky is convinced that thumb sucking is not a child’s problem, but a mother’s problem. It is parents who worry about this, especially if they hear negative comments from others.

Most often, this habit disappears on its own, unless, of course, it is reinforced due to the wrong actions of mom or dad. . However, stereotypical behavior can also lead to a number of negative consequences:

  1. When sucking fingers, various harmful microorganisms and larvae may enter the digestive tract. Of course, this does not happen at 2 months or a little later, when the child spends all his time in the crib. But with the onset of the active period, the baby begins to explore the world around him, simultaneously pushing his not always clean fingers into his mouth.
  2. According to many orthodontists, such childhood weakness is fraught with the formation of a malocclusion (the upper front teeth protrude forward) and even problems with the development of speech skills. This is possible if thumb sucking continues after the age of five, when baby teeth begin to fall out.
  3. If the habit has passed into older preschool and even primary school age, then the child will have a hard time because of the ridicule of his peers. And this is already fraught with serious psychological problems and difficulties with adaptation.
  4. Fingers also suffer from sucking. The impact of teeth, gum pressure, and constant contact with saliva leads to the appearance of cracks, calluses, abrasions and deformation of nails. Pathogenic bacteria can enter the blood through damaged skin, resulting in tissue infection and inflammation.

Thus, the ingrained habit of sucking fingers is potentially harmful to the child: both from a hygienic and psychological point of view.

How can we wean a child from this unprofitable addiction? The choice of method will depend on the reason why the baby reaches for his fingers, his age and personality traits.

How to wean a child from thumb sucking?

More recently, there were, one might say, “old-fashioned” methods of getting rid of this negative habit. And still Some well-wishers may advise a worried mother such very ambiguous methods as:

Some parents consider such methods quite effective, while others point out their cruelty. For example, mustard can harm the oral mucosa.

Such restrictive measures often end in a relapse into a bad habit. As soon as parents stop tying their hands or lubricating their fingers with something bitter, the baby begins to suck even more intensely in order to calm down and restore a positive psychological attitude.

Parents should choose the most painless method for eliminating negative attachments. The most reasonable and obvious step is to find and eliminate the root cause why the baby sucks his fingers.

Up to 2 years

Usually, by the beginning of the second year of life, the sucking reflex fades away on its own. However, due to the dissatisfaction of the basic instinct in infancy, thumb sucking can become a habit. The rules for getting rid of addiction will depend on the way the child is fed.

If a baby feeding on mother's milk additionally sucks a finger, the mother, first of all, should make sure how correctly she has established the feeding of the baby. Most likely, the reason is very simple - the baby is hungry and demands his mother's breast. What to do?

  1. Try increasing the duration of feeding. Let the baby stay at the breast for more than half an hour. In this case, the sucking baby will be full and satisfy basic instincts.
  2. If you give your baby both breasts at one meal, try offering them at regular intervals. That is, the second breast is given only after the baby has suckled the first for 25 minutes.
  3. There is no need to worry that your child will overeat. No matter how long he stays near his mother’s breast, he will take the amount of milk that is necessary for complete saturation.
  4. If your baby gets distracted by something while feeding, there is no need to cut the meal short. Wait a little, and the baby will return to his mother’s breast on his own.

If possible, wind down the feeding process gradually. At first you need to reduce the number of daytime feedings, and only then move on to night feedings. This will allow the baby to experience weaning more calmly.

If the child is an artificial person, then weaning off a bad habit will be done in slightly different ways. In the case of IV, children are fed according to a certain schedule, and a portion of the formula is dosed. What to do in such a situation?

If your baby is teething, you need to purchase a high-quality teether with an additional cooling element. This device will help the child give up his fingers.

In general, expert advice regarding the habit of sucking fingers at this age comes down to satisfying the sucking reflex. Mother's breasts, a bottle with formula, or an orthodontic pacifier can come to the rescue.

From 2 to 5 years

When a baby is 2 or 3 years old, the factors that cause him to suck his thumb are no longer associated with reflexive behavior. The psychological causes of obsessive behavior are at the forefront.

Among the main reasons for the formation of a bad habit or its return, experts identify the following “catalysts”:

  • dysfunctional family environment;
  • strict parenting methods;
  • lack of mother's attention;
  • problems getting used to kindergarten;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • fears.

Before moving on to solving the problem, you need to establish its true cause. You can do this yourself by analyzing your own and your child’s behavior, or you can contact a specialist who will also tell you how to wean your baby from thumb sucking. General recommendations are:

  1. Pay more attention to your child. Read books, communicate, engage in outdoor games, play a small ball more often to keep children's fingers occupied. In general, give your child warmth and a feeling of security.
  2. Reduce emotional or intellectual stress. This is especially true for those mothers who are passionate about the idea of ​​early education for their children. Another rule is to give up exercise in the evening, instead of playing games, introduce the ritual of bathing in the bath.
  3. Closer to the age of five, children develop various fears and phobias: fear of the dark, monsters, fairy-tale characters. An impressionable child strives to suck his finger and calm down. It is better to combat this reason with the help of psychologists.
  4. Avoid punishment, especially corporal punishment. Three-year-old children are already able to explain the reason for their behavior. In turn, they can also be told why thumb sucking is ugly and unhygienic.

If you have spent a lot of effort and have not achieved a positive result, you should contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. A specialist will help you cope with an intractable problem.

From 5 years and older

If a child sucks his thumb even after the age of five, parents should be wary. In most cases, such a habit indicates serious psychological problems that require professional intervention.

Thus, some cases of thumb sucking in school-aged and adolescent children are a manifestation of obsessive-compulsive neurosis, arising for physiological and psychological reasons (for example, due to severe stress).

To make sure that a bad habit is a symptom of this disorder, you need to pay attention to other signs. Thus, a child sucking his finger may demonstrate:

  • winding hair around a finger or pulling out curls;
  • biting nails or, for example, pencils;
  • scratching or pinching the skin;
  • obsessive cough.

Older schoolchildren often demonstrate obsessive thoughts, various ritual actions, high anxiety, various fears, and depressive mood.

Naturally, to make or exclude such a diagnosis, you need to contact a neurologist or psychiatrist. The specialist will prescribe the necessary medications and psychotherapeutic procedures - play, cognitive or art therapy.

Parents in such a situation should follow the following recommendations from specialists:

  • provide a comfortable home environment;
  • prevent emotional and intellectual stress, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease;
  • refuse to focus children's attention on thumb sucking and other obsessive actions;
  • track every change in children's behavior.

Of course, you shouldn’t scold your child for such addictions. Punishment will only intensify the manifestation of negative symptoms and lengthen the recovery period.

As a conclusion

You need to unlearn this bad habit, but if nothing works, then you should stop and take a breath. Thumb sucking is, of course, a worrying sign that requires an adult response. However, it cannot be considered a disaster.

The choice of the preferred method will depend on several factors, including the age of the child and the cause of the negative addiction. It is better to abandon harsh methods such as smearing mustard on your fingers or tying your hands.

Thus, the process of weaning off the habit of thumb sucking can take a long time. And yet there is no need to despair. The mother needs to gain strength and patience, and the baby will definitely very soon give up the idea of ​​putting his fist in his mouth.

Seeing your baby on the screen using an ultrasound machine is happiness for every mother. And if the baby sucks its tiny finger, then there is no limit to the tenderness. What to do if this habit migrates from mom’s tummy into adult life? Should I worry? How to stop a child from sucking his thumb? Or wait until everything goes away on its own? This is discussed in our article today.

From this article you will learn

Causes of thumb sucking

With the birth of a baby, his reflexes and instincts are born. Many of them are quite understandable to the mother: she cries - she wants to eat or it’s time to change the diaper, she rubs her eyes - it’s time to sleep. Why does a baby suck his thumb? There are several reasons for this:

And in this short video pediatrician Yulia Rogozina will tell you about the main causes of thumb sucking and ways to get rid of this habit.

Age characteristics

Babies under 1 year

If a baby sucks a finger, then this is the influence of a still strong sucking reflex. It manifests itself more significantly than usual during tension and stressful situations. This habit can arise during weaning.

A bad or disturbing dream gives rise to fatigue, which does not go away; in order to somehow help oneself, the child calms himself by sucking. Take a closer look at your baby, check if he sleeps for the hours he is supposed to. Once you establish a daily routine, this habit will disappear on its own.

From 1 year to 3 years

At this age, if a child still puts his finger in his mouth, then we can talk about psychological reasons. Catalysts can be: a tense situation in the house, strict upbringing, lack of tactile contact with parents.

Getting used to the garden is a moment that rarely passes without tears and fears; help your baby adapt gently and painlessly. Before weaning a child at this age from an already bad habit, it is worth getting to the bottom of its origins.

Children 3–5 years old

The first fears appear - the dark, dogs, cartoon characters. A large amount of incoming information can cause emotional overload. Often children are either afraid to tell adults about their experiences, or suffer from something unconsciously.

In these cases, it is worth talking about obsessive behavior, which is expressed in thumb sucking. Weaning off a bad habit will be difficult; you need to choose gentle methods of struggle.

Over 5 years old

If a five-year-old child is noticed sucking his thumb, then this is a reason to be wary and seek help from professionals. Often in such situations, you can observe hair wrapping around your finger, nail biting, skin scratching, and even an obsessive cough.

All this indicates the presence of neurological or psychological problems (for example, hidden aggression, suppressed emotions of resentment or guilt), which need to be solved as quickly as possible, otherwise they can lead to psychosomatic diseases.

At what age does your child suck his thumb?

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Harmful or not

  • Entry of pathogenic viruses into the body, microbes and worms, dangerous for the gastrointestinal tract in particular and health in general.
  • Due to constant exposure of the skin of the hands to teeth, gums and saliva cracks, calluses, abrasions may appear. An infection introduced into them can cause tissue inflammation. There is a possibility of nail deformation.
  • Problems with socialization. Laughter and ridicule in the direction of a child sucking his thumb are guaranteed, and new stress will only add more reason for a bad habit.
  • The formation of a malocclusion will entail violation of pronunciation of sounds.

What you should absolutely not do

  • Fix your hands. Many parents go so far as to put special bracelets on their child’s hands or, even worse, use mittens. Is it worth talking about the psychological consequences of bondage? Psychosomatics and treatment of neuroses in the future are guaranteed.
  • Hit hands. Assault, even in a mild form, will not bring any benefit, but will only add new problems: withdrawal from parents → fear of punishment → self-absorption → isolation.
  • Smearing your hands with something tasteless. Under no circumstances should you put mustard, hot pepper, or soap on your hands. All these products, if they get on the delicate mucous membrane, will cause a burn.
  • Pull your hand out of your mouth on your own. If you pull your baby's hand out of your mouth yourself, the baby may perceive this as a fun game and thus attract your attention even more often.

Weaning off a bad habit

Watch the video where child psychologist, perinatal psychologist Natalya Movchan talks in great detail about how to overcome the habit of thumb sucking in children of different ages.

From the previous paragraph it is clear that if you adopt “grandmother’s” methods, you can easily cause harm, both psychological and moral. To get rid of the “habit of putting everything in your mouth,” you need, firstly, to find the reason why this finger strives to find a secluded place. And secondly, you need to act according to the age of the child.

Children under 2 years old

The age at which the sucking reflex gradually fades. The method of control will depend on the feeding option.

If this is breastfeeding, then it is necessary to provide the child with access to the breast upon request. You should not follow the opinion that spending 10 minutes at the breast is enough to satiate. Extend feeding times as much as your baby wishes.

Important! If you offer two breasts during one feeding, then give the second one only after half an hour. This way you will be sure that the baby has eaten, reached the hind milk and satisfied his sucking reflex. Let him fall asleep against your chest.

Weaning should be done delicately, preferably no less than six months in advance, otherwise hysterics and whims cannot be avoided. During this time, you gradually cancel one day feeding at a time, then move on to night feedings. Remember that WHO recommends breastfeeding until your child is 2 years old.

Artificial feeding milk mixture occurs according to an average schedule. You have the right to focus not on the norms, but on the behavior of your baby. If necessary, the intervals between feedings should be reduced.

Choose a bottle with a hard nipple and fewer holes. This trick will increase the time it takes to eat, which means the sucking reflex will be satisfied. Artificial children can be offered a pacifier made of good material that corresponds to orthodontic ideas.

Children from 2 to 5 years old

As already mentioned, thumb sucking at this age is psychological in nature. It is better to seek help from a specialist; if this is not possible, use the general recommendations:

The habit of holding a finger in the mouth, which persists after 5 years, should alert parents. Most often, this is a signal about the presence of psychological problems of a different nature: neuroses and obsessive states. You can no longer manage here on your own. Only a good psychologist can get to the roots of this habit and help you get out.

Parents who are faced with such manifestations need to closely monitor the child and notice all the little things in behavior. There are often cases when thumb sucking was subsequently aggravated by anxiety, apathy, and depression.

A psychiatrist or neurologist will be able to select medications and techniques that will once again make the baby cheerful, active and cheerful. But only through the relationship between doctors and parents can one expect a good result. You, in turn, must maintain a favorable environment at home and ensure that there is no emotional and physical stress.

Important! Remember that focusing on a bad habit and punishing it will only make the situation worse. Be more patient and attentive, surround your baby with love and attention, spend more time with each other, and you will be able to overcome all adversity.

Find an alternative

Dr. Komarovsky says that the fight against instincts and reflexes cannot end in victory. If you are going to take a finger from a child, then it is worth offering an alternative option.


  • Chest feeding on demand– the best prevention of thumb sucking. It not only satisfies the sucking reflex, but also helps bring mother and child closer together, establishes close physical contact, and prevents the emergence of fears and anxiety.
  • With artificial feeding choose a good quality pacifier for your baby. Remember that the size of the pacifier depends on the age of the child. An incorrectly selected pacifier can cause a malocclusion.
  • Give it to your baby beautiful rodents, then the teething process will be easier.
  • Development of fine motor skills has a beneficial effect on mental abilities, harmonious physical development, and speech development. And most importantly, he keeps his hands busy with useful and interesting things: assembling construction sets, putting together puzzles, playing in the sandbox.

If all else fails

Quite recently, an unusual device appeared on the children's goods market - a nozzle for the habit of thumb sucking in children. It looks something like this:

We agree that not everyone will like the aesthetic appearance of the invention and the presence of something extra on the child’s hand, but you must agree that this is better than seeing the baby’s finger constantly sucked until meat and blood.

Nozzles are produced by different manufacturers and of different modifications, but the principle of using them is approximately the same.

In this video you can learn a little more about this device.

More detailed information is available on the manufacturer’s website: http://dr-thumb.ru/

Real reviews about the use of this device can be read on the Otzovik website.

We wish you and your child the absence of all sorts of bad habits, health and always a good mood.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

Many parents consider thumb sucking to be a major problem. However, this is an innate reflex that is necessary in the first months of life and goes away over time. By the way, not every child experiences the same need for sucking. Some suck a bottle or pacifier for 15 minutes, while others – at least 20. In addition, the latter continue to suck their thumb even after the bottle. This is due to physiology, genetics and developmental characteristics.

When does a baby stop sucking his fingers?

A child up to four months simply needs to suck to meet his needs and fully develop. Thumb sucking provides comfort and calms the baby. In addition, this is how he shows his mother that he is hungry. Most often, the baby begins to suck his thumb due to the fact that the baby does not have enough breast or pacifier sucking. Do not confuse finger sucking with chewing on hands or objects, which is often caused by...

By seven months, babies suck their fingers much less often, and after a year they refuse completely. At one year old, finger sucking ceases to be a reflex and gradually fades away. But for some kids, the reflex develops into a habit. Particular concern should be given to those parents whose babies continue to suck their fingers at two years of age and older. Behind this behavior there are often psychological problems, feelings of fear and anxiety. The older the child, the more serious the problem becomes.

There is no need to strictly forbid the child to do this; give the bottle, pacifier or breast longer. Perhaps the baby’s diet is too strict, and he does not have time to pump. Before you take any action, you need to figure out why your baby sucks his thumb.


Hunger is one of the common reasons. For very young children, sucking is the only way to obtain food, whether the baby is breastfed or formula-fed. Therefore, when he wants to eat, he begins to reflexively suck his finger.

Emotional or psychological discomfort is a common cause of many childhood illnesses. Kids feel tension, bad mood and negative changes. Even a small move can be stressful for a newborn. Infants react especially acutely to separation from their mother. Children who experience feelings of fear and anxiety, discomfort and other negative emotions, eat poorly, are capricious a lot and often get sick.

As a result of psychological problems, the child’s colic increases, his tummy begins to ache, and his overall health deteriorates. In addition, he does not sleep well and often cries for no reason. Such nervousness and lack of communication with the mother become the reason that the baby begins to put his finger in his mouth more often. Sucking calms the baby, and the finger replaces the mother's breast, a symbol of comfort, calm and protection.

Weaning methods

  • Continue breastfeeding and periodically put your baby to the breast, even if you have already started the transition to complementary feeding. You can safely continue breastfeeding until 2-2.5 years;
  • Review your diet and increase the number of feedings. Try to breastfeed on demand, and then the baby will fully satisfy the sucking reflex;
  • Increase the time of latching and feeding. Better yet, wait until the baby releases the nipple on his own or falls asleep at the breast;
  • Use pacifiers and pacifiers, but not too often. They calm the baby and satisfy the sucking reflex, but they often cause a number of problems, including malocclusion and early caries, digestive disorders and addiction. Read more about using pacifiers for infants;
  • Protect your baby from stress and anxiety. Take the baby in your arms more often, rock and talk to him, spend more time together and increase the number of physical contacts (games, touching, joint exercises, massage, etc.);
  • Try to distract your child when he puts his finger in his mouth. Take and carefully remove your finger, offer the baby an interesting game, show the toys. Do not scold the child or shout, be gentle and friendly!;
  • The famous pediatrician Komarovsky recommends swaddling very young children up to 1.5-3 months along with their arms so that they cannot pull their fingers to their mouth. At the same time, swaddling should not be tight! Older children can wear overalls or blouses with closed arms.

You shouldn’t start fighting too actively in the first year. Offer your baby alternatives in the form of games and toys. If your child sucks his fingers after two years of age and nothing helps, contact your pediatrician.

Some parents use extreme methods, including the use of special gloves and fingertips. This impairs the development of hand motor skills. In addition, the baby will be able to remove the fingertip with his teeth, chew and swallow threads or pieces of material!

Do not lubricate your fingers and hands with mustard, garlic or other bitter substances. This will greatly frighten the child and traumatize the psyche. In addition, such products will severely burn the mucous membrane of the mouth and stomach walls of the baby.

The new issue of Educational Program is dedicated to a very common problem that young parents face (because children do not consider this a problem). This article will talk about thumb sucking, how this habit is formed, what it means and when you should start to worry about its presence.

So, the child sucks his thumb. This is fine?

Yes, it is normal. In addition to humans, chimpanzees and lemurs have also been observed engaging in thumb sucking. Children begin sucking their fingers in the womb and then continue to do so once they are born. Therefore, thumb sucking is a completely natural action for a baby. Moreover, often he does not even notice that he has put a finger or fingers in his mouth - it is so common for him, woven into the picture of the world. And the recent study , conducted in New Zealand, found that thumb sucking can help reduce a child's risk of allergic reactions because constant exposure to bacteria stimulates the immune system.

Why does the child even do this?

Sucking in a child’s life is divided into two types: nutritional and nonnutritive. The first, as the name suggests, is necessary to ensure that the baby is full (that is, sucking on the breast or a bottle with formula). The second is to calm down, cheer up, relax, fall asleep or recover from stress or impressions.

Pacifiers and fingers are designed to satisfy the sucking reflex in a non-nutritive form (in the first weeks of life, the breast can also act as a nipple, this is also normal). It is believed that thumb sucking is more physiological than sucking any, even the most sophisticated pacifier. In addition, advanced pediatricians do not recommend offering silicone breast and finger substitutes until the 28th day of a child’s life, so as not to disrupt the development of lactation.

However, compared to a pacifier, fingers have one significant drawback - they are always freely available, so the process of sucking on them can turn into a bad habit.

When should a child stop thumb sucking?

If the child is healthy and developing well, he should self-wean from his favorite finger at 2-4 years. If the child has already stopped sucking his fingers, but then returned to this habit, you need to analyze the events that preceded this regression. It is normal if the beginning of a new cycle of thumb sucking coincides with the period of adaptation to kindergarten, a move, the child getting a nanny, parents’ divorce, and other major events.

Is thumb sucking associated with psychological problems in children?

As mentioned above, thumb sucking is normal for a young child. During the first year of life, 75 percent of all children suck their fingers with varying degrees of intensity. And this, of course, does not mean that they all experience some kind of psychological difficulties. “Even if thumb sucking persists beyond infancy, it does not indicate that the child has emotional problems and is not a warning sign that the child will continue to suck thumbs into adolescence,” says a psychiatrist at the New York School of Medicine. York University Sabine Hack.

However, do not forget that finger sucking can cause communication difficulties for a child. Some children quite seriously refuse to play and talk (for example, in kindergarten) with babies who suck their fingers instead of drawing and running around the group screaming with joy.

Is it true that thumb sucking negatively affects a child's dental health?

Some specialists consider that at an early age - up to 4 years - there is nothing wrong with a child sucking his thumb. Other doctors, in particular, representatives of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and some Russian pediatricians, are of the opinion about finger sucking bad influence on bite formation, jaw development, diction and speech development.

Only his parents and doctors who observe him can assess the situation with a particular child. If you think that thumb sucking has caused a change in the shape or position of a small child's teeth, you should definitely show him or her to a specialist. It is also necessary to contact a pediatrician if you understand that thumb sucking has turned into an obsessive movement, and if it continues at the age of 6-8 years, when there is an intensive replacement of milk teeth with molars - in this case, thumb sucking is absolutely dangerous and can lead to significant changes in bite and tooth shape.

But in most cases, when the intensity of thumb sucking fades gradually, nothing terrible happens in the child's mouth.

What if the sucking has already caused calluses on his fingers?

Calluses and small “abrasions” from thumb sucking may be painless and not cause any discomfort to the child. To moisturize rough areas of skin, apply baby cream to the child's hands while he is sleeping (carrying out a similar procedure while awake risks the cream quickly ending up in the child's mouth).

When calluses bleed, they not only cause discomfort to the child, but are also a source of infection, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the baby’s hands, who have not yet gotten rid of the habit of sucking fingers.

How to properly wean a child from thumb sucking?

  • First of all, you need to remember and take as a basis your tactics gentleness and the absence of any violent actions, including threats, physical punishment, screaming and other unpleasant methods of influence. Since thumb sucking is directly related to a feeling of psychological comfort, after your scandals the child will look for it, and will begin to put his hands in his mouth with much greater zeal and intensity.
  • WITH you should do the opposite: do not scold, but praise the child when he himself decides not to suck his fingers in a situation where he usually does it (for example, falling asleep or playing with a soft toy). Positive reinforcement techniques work much more effectively than punishment.
  • His favorite toys and characters from fairy tales and cartoons can also help a child give up a bad habit - talk to him and explain that they do not put their hands (paws) in their mouth because they have become very big and know how to do without it. In addition, negotiations can help your child feel like an adult, within the framework of which you will come to an agreement that allows the possibility of putting your hands in your mouth: you can suck your fingers only before going to bed, but not on the street or during games.
  • Try to minimize the number of situations that trigger thumb sucking. During the period of weaning from a bad habit, the child should feel calm and confident that you are nearby and will not scream like a vixen if he breaks down.
  • Do not mix warm with soft. In the sense that if you are now teaching a child to use a potty, you do not need to wean him off thumb sucking at the same time, this is too much stress on the psyche (and physics).
  • If your child is already speaking well, help him express his feelings in words, thus distracting him from the thought of putting his finger in his mouth as soon as possible. And be sure to ask if he notices that he sucks his thumb - many children do not even realize how this happens. Such markers in space and time will help the baby understand that he is performing an action that they are trying to wean him from.
  • Do not encourage cessation of thumb sucking with sweets, cartoons, video games and other not so healthy things. So you simply risk replacing one bad habit with another.

What to do if no amount of persuasion, fairy tales or jokes help a child get rid of the habit of thumb sucking?

Modern Russian pediatric dentists believe that thumb sucking can be considered a bad habit if it continues after one and a half to two years. And if during this period it was not possible to wean the child from thumb sucking using methods of persuasion, encouragement and fairy tale therapy, then special devices can come to the aid of parents (and these should not be homemade gadgets - silicone finger pads, ordinary woolen gloves, bandages on the fingers will only lead to attacks rage).

There are several modern inventions for weaning a child from thumb sucking:

— the vestibular plate is a kind of hybrid of a pacifier and a protective mouth guard; The point is that the plate prevents the tongue from getting between the upper and lower incisors and thus maintains the correct bite. The orthodontist selects the plate depending on the age of the child and the severity of the situation.

— the silicone attachment on the thumb looks intimidating, but the manufacturers claim that the child is quite comfortable wearing such a bracelet (although, as parental practice shows, not everyone agrees to wear it), which kills the whole thrill of sucking, creating a small gap between the finger and the attachment and preventing the appearance of a vacuum in the mouth. Among the disadvantages, many parents note the fact that under the nozzle the finger sweats, and you have to do ventilation using an awl or some other similar object that you probably have lying around on your balcony. Which is a bit of a shame, considering that such a device costs an average of 2,000 rubles.

Why can't you just put mustard on your child's fingers so that he finally stops sucking them?

Because it is simply cruel and ineffective. This pulls the rug out from under the child who believes that putting his finger in his mouth is not doing anything bad. Why you decided to punish him like this, he will not be able to understand, since the stress will be too strong to even understand anything.

In our practice, we often encounter concerns from parents about their children’s finger sucking. Parents ask questions : what to do if a child sucks his thumb? How and why does thumb sucking develop? When does thumb sucking go away? How should parents react better and should they wean their child from thumb sucking?

The topic of “thumb sucking” raises many discussions and myths. We would like to clarify all the issues in this article.

How does thumb sucking develop?

Let's start with the most important thing: sucking is an innate reflex. Nobody teaches a baby to suck. Thumb sucking appears in all children during the prenatal period as early as 12 weeks and performs an important function: obtaining pleasure.

Thumb or fist sucking stimulates the “pleasure center” in the child’s brain, which produces endorphins, the so-called “joy hormones.” It is through receiving pleasure that the baby can learn new experiences and develop the sucking skill that he will need after birth.

Thus, Sucking is not a habit, but one of the innate reflexes that ensures the baby’s survival! Don’t rush to wean your baby off thumb sucking; first figure out why he does it.

Why does a child suck his thumb?

If we understand the question “why does a child suck his thumb,” then we can find 4 reasons for this:

1) Hunger. Thumb sucking can be a sign that your baby is hungry.

What to do? Make sure that feeding is sufficient in volume and duration. Meet your child's nutritional needs in a timely manner.

2) Unsatisfied sucking instinct. Thumb sucking may indicate that the baby has not satisfied his sucking instinct.

What to do? It is important that the baby spends as much time at the mother’s breast as he needs not only to eat, but also to satisfy his sucking reflex and receive a sufficient “portion” of physical and emotional communication with his mother.

3) The need for pleasure and self-soothing. This is a basic need for all children, especially at an early age. Thanks to sucking, which actively produces “hormones of joy” - endorphins, the baby is protected from stress associated with adaptation to new living conditions. Thumb sucking may mean that the child is currently experiencing some kind of discomfort: he is bored, scared, something hurts, etc. At night, with the help of thumb sucking, the baby tries to calm down on his own, which indicates his sufficient maturity and ability to cope without your support.

What to do? Notice and promptly meet your baby's needs , give him enough care and attention. Give your child an alternative to thumb sucking and soothe him yourself. If you see that your baby is sucking his thumb, try to gently and calmly switch him to something else: games, communication, physical contact, etc. Hug and comfort your child if something is bothering him. Do not reprimand your child or show negative emotions. These rules of behavior are especially relevant while the baby is awake. At night, just ignore this habit.

4) Period of teething. During teething, the gums become swollen and itchy for the child. The baby uses his fingers to help himself relieve the itching.

What to do? Consult your doctor, he will recommend medical supplies , which will ease discomfort during teething. Make sure that safe teethers and rubber toys are within your baby's reach.

When does thumb sucking go away?

Normally, it gradually fades away in half of children by the age of one. Much depends on the physical and mental state of the baby. The more mature his nervous system, the easier it is for him to switch to other methods of self-soothing. That's why mother's support is so important!

Up to one year of age, finger sucking is observed in absolutely all children and goes away naturally. You can only help your child quickly learn new self-soothing skills that he will need during sleep and wakefulness. Then this habit will go away quite easily and quickly.

What if your thumb sucking habit persists?

If you observe your baby actively sucking his thumb until it turns red

If thumb sucking continues for more than 1.5 - 2 years and has not stopped by age 4

These are alarming signals that may indicate obvious problems with the baby: dissatisfaction with breastfeeding and poor care. If the child's basic needs are not met, then with the help of active sucking he tries to cope with stress and compensate for his negative experiences. Such a child needs properly organized breastfeeding, good care and, possibly, psychological help.

Does thumb sucking cause any problems?

Thumb sucking is not a problem in children under 4 years of age. Children who suck their thumbs frequently or intensely between the ages of 4 and 5, or who continue to suck their thumbs after age 5, may experience serious dental and speech problems.

Most often, parents worry that thumb sucking can lead to bite problems. Swedish scientists have proven that this habit does not affect the bite, provided that it does not persist until the period of change of baby teeth (up to 6 years).

What if your baby sucks his thumb before bed?

We think thumb sucking is a great pre-bedtime habit that allows baby to calm down and fall asleep without any help at any time, unlike a pacifier, which is easy to lose and difficult to find in the dark.

If your baby sucks his thumb, don't rush to come up with ways to wean him off this habit until your child is 4 years old. The habit of thumb sucking is a good helper for mom!