The perfect figure for summer. Step one. Press. The path to an ideal figure Delhi is a long journey in short segments

And cosmetic procedures. ELLE will give you some tips that will help you lose weight in 10 days without harm to your health.

The first thing to start on the path to an ideal figure is to radically change your diet. The general rule is: maximum protein, minimum carbohydrates and fats. By strictly following it, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds. The following products must be present in the daily menu: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, eggs (preferably only white), chicken fillet or fish, vegetables and fruits (in reasonable quantities), herbs, water (at least 2 liters) and green tea.

And here is a list of what you should give up (and preferably forever).

1. Sweets - candies, chocolate, cookies, cakes, etc. Eating them will quickly result in an increase in waist and hips. Returning them to their previous levels will be very problematic.

2. Flour products - baked goods, croissants, cakes, bread. If you really want to, you can eat one small bun with bran, a piece of grain bread or a diet bread enriched with vitamins and minerals.

3. Salt. It retains water in the body, which leads to the appearance of unwanted pounds. To prevent dishes without salt from seeming too bland, cook them with plenty of spices and herbs.

4. Oil. First of all, we are, of course, talking about creamy foods, although one should not get carried away with vegetable ones. The maximum you can afford is a spoon of olive, flaxseed or almond oil. It is better to season salads with low-fat yogurt with the addition of lemon juice.

5. Fast food. It’s better to forget about pizza, hamburgers and other representatives of this “family” once and for all.

6. Sauces. Ketchup and mayonnaise are the enemies of an ideal figure. So don't even buy them to avoid temptation.

7. Semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings, khinkali, manti, etc.). If you want meat, eat a piece of turkey or chicken fillet, preferably boiled.

8. Sweet soda. It contains a lot of sugar, which you definitely don't need. And all kinds of sweeteners are, in principle, very harmful to health!

1. You should eat 3-5 times a day. It is not recommended to skip meals, otherwise in the evening you will experience a strong feeling of hunger, so you may break out and eat something high-calorie. And then all efforts will go down the drain.

2. Avoid snacks, even in the form of an apple or grated carrot. Better just drink a cup of unsweetened green tea.

3. Before each meal, drink a glass of water with lemon juice: this will fill part of your stomach and you will eat less than you planned.

4. Have breakfast with cereals (for example, oatmeal, cooked in water, without sugar and salt): they contain slow carbohydrates that will provide you with a long-term feeling of fullness.

5. The diet should include fruits and vegetables (they can replace one meal). Or simply drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice daily to boost your metabolism.

6. Periodically arrange fasting days - on cottage cheese, kefir, apples. However, here too you must follow the norm: for example, 1 kg of apples or 2 liters of kefir for the whole day.

Physical exercise

In fact, you can lose weight in 10 days, but you definitely can’t do it without regular physical activity. The ideal option is to exercise at a fitness center under the guidance of a trainer. But even without extra financial costs you can achieve decent results! Start with cardio exercises (treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike), which help remove excess fluid from the body. Then add strength training to them: group or individual classes in the gym.

If you decide to do it on your own, download a sports app, for example, Nike Training Club or Fitness-PRO, and work out at home using specially designed programs aimed at working different muscle groups. Remember that you should exercise regularly and increase the load gradually.

Make it a rule to start your morning with exercise. Let it be a few of the simplest exercises: running in place (3 minutes), jumping rope (5 minutes), squats (3 sets of 25 times), swinging legs to the side (3 sets of 15 times each). Even this minimum is better than nothing! And for more tangible results, go to the gym in the evening or do a thorough home workout with stretching. Thus, you will not only gain a beautiful texture, but also get rid of the hated cellulite.

To add variety to your daily activities, sign up for a swimming pool or dancing (ballroom, sports, oriental): this will have a beneficial effect not only on your figure, but also on your inner state. This means that the notorious spring depression will definitely bypass you.

The most enjoyable part of the fight against extra pounds can be cosmetic procedures. One of the most effective is LPG massage, which is carried out using special attachments that literally break down fat deposits. Keep in mind that the first procedures may cause slight discomfort, but then the discomfort should disappear. Important information: while a cosmetologist is working on a particular area, be sure to stress it! Thus, you will act on the fat layer from two sides: from the inside and from the outside, which will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

If your skin is very sensitive, go for a hydromassage. Water will make your figure chiseled, although in this case you definitely shouldn’t expect immediate results. Of course, such procedures require a course of application.

Wrapping is another painless, and also very pleasant option for every girl. Moreover, it is quite effective! Chocolate, seaweed or coffee - choose your taste! Any of them is preceded by peeling, then comes the actual wrap, wrapping in a warm blanket and... complete relaxation. The undeniable advantage of this ritual is the quick result: changes are noticeable after the first session. But still, to maintain what you have achieved, it is recommended to complete the full course.

Of course, finding the figure of your dreams is not so easy. Don’t despair and don’t give in to all sorts of temptations, like a chocolate bar offered by a colleague, or watching a TV series instead of a scheduled gym session. Imagine how stunning you will look after just 10 days!

Surely you know people who, with ardent enthusiasm and momentary excitement, began to play sports many times: they ran around the house, swam in the pool, worked out their abs, enrolled in fitness clubs and dance schools, but then quickly cooled down and gave up physical endeavors, and without waiting for clear results. Maybe you are one of these people? Who knows?! Have you ever wondered why this happens?

Was the workload too much for you?

Waking up one morning, you suddenly decided to go in for sports at all costs and are ready to jump out of bed and set off towards physical adventures.

The reasons that prompted you can be completely different: sharply swaying health, creaking in the joints, fullness of the body, flabby muscles, and so on.

A sudden rush from a place, entering the wide open doors of sports, catching up on lost time can have a detrimental effect on your health. Before you start exercising, it is best to consult your doctor and fitness instructor. But if you can’t bear it, the opinions of experts in this field do not interest you, and you decide to rely on your own experience, then classes from scratch or after a long break should begin with minimal load on the body, gradually increasing it. Harshness in actions can lead to disastrous results, and they are of no use to you.

Have your body weight and volume begun to increase?

You started playing sports to lose weight, but after starting training you suddenly began to gain weight and increase in volume. Do not despair! You're not getting fat! It's just that muscle tissue weighs much more than fat tissue, and your muscles have become stronger and heavier, and your body has become more elastic.

After a certain period of time, three or four months, your weight will stop moving upward, slow down and, like a loaded inert train, slowly move from a standing position and begin its downward movement. Rejoice! This means that you began to lose fat, freeing yourself from the body’s “protective” reserves in case of hunger.

Are you tired of the monotony of classes?

If you continue to come to classes for more than a month and your body has become accustomed to physical activity, you have crossed the so-called milestone. Don't rush to rejoice! The turning point has come when the boredom of monotony and monotony of actions may come to you. Although some people like stability and consistency. But I would like to focus attention not on them.

Most people still get tired of the lack of novelty. To do this, it is best to engage in different sports: swimming, running, exercise equipment, tennis, skating, yoga, Pilates. You don't have to do the same thing over and over again! Do exercises for fun! Firstly, different types of muscles will be involved, and secondly, the identical atmosphere of the halls and monotonous classes every day will not annoy your eyes.

Fitness complexes that offer at your service: all kinds of exercise equipment for various muscle groups are well suited for this; yoga classes, Pilates, systematic classes aimed at specific problem areas, for example, shaping or controlled pedaling on stationary bicycles; a swimming pool with aqua aerobics classes, a sauna, a bathhouse, a jacuzzi, where you can warm up your hardened muscles and relax after intense workouts.

Are you unhappy with the staff and trainer?

Some people quit going to fitness centers because for some reason they did not like the staff or trainer, when they are not interested in their work or do not have good communication skills. The reasons may vary. Let's skip the relationship with the staff - this is the problem of the fitness complex - and smoothly move on to the trainers.

The trainer does not motivate people well, does not praise them for their successes, does not correct mistakes, does not look after clients and himself. As a rule, the trainer is the ideal figure that clients visiting fitness clubs strive for. And if a trainer looks unfit and bloated, then this discourages people from attending his classes.

Some people are embarrassed by their fatness, affected by clumsiness complexes, and the coach’s job is to make people believe in themselves, gain “wings” of motivation and eradicate their physical disabilities and phobias. There may be one piece of advice here: do not quit classes because of a coach, find the strength and desire to continue the path to your intended ideal and replace this grumpy, grumbling loser with an enthusiastic coach.

Are you expecting quick results?

Many people come to fitness clubs and swimming pools to quickly lose weight for a trip to, say, a fashionable resort, wanting to get the ideal supermodel figure and lose several tens of kilograms in ONE month. This is unbelievable! On the verge of fantasy!

Losing weight through exercise and strengthening muscles is not a quick plastic surgery with visual, lightning-fast results. This is long and painstaking physical work, where stagnant irreversible processes have an inert speed of movement and are in no hurry for a hasty reverse. The results will make you wait at least six months to a year. But if you persistently go towards your goal, shoot at one target, then a miracle will certainly happen, and you will hit the bull's eye. You will transform a saggy, weakened body into a healthy and fit one.


The main thing you need to remember and what you need to believe is that with the help of physical exercise you can keep yourself in shape, your muscles will be elastic, your weight and health will be normal, and you will achieve the perfect figure, and maybe even become a role model. Play sports! After all, movement is life! .


The very phrase “cleansing teas” evokes understandable associations in our brain. What can we cleanse our body of? Well, then it’s worth thinking about what kind of ecological environment you live in, what you eat, how healthy and organically pure the food and water you use are?

People don’t often think about this, but the body, regardless of a person’s awareness, accumulates for years various wastes and toxins that we absolutely do not need and which we should periodically get rid of. They not only clog the body, but also cause various diseases, from pancreatitis to impotence.

Cleansing teas - how cleansing teas work

Since the human body itself cannot completely get rid of the garbage ballast accumulated over the years of life, conscious human intervention is needed in this matter. Cleansing teas, which will be discussed further, can become such an intervention on the part of a person in the functioning of his body.

So, these teas are designed to spur the body to actively work to get rid of waste and toxins. The effect of such teas is quite mild, gradual, but effective. This helps protect the body from shock during aggressive intervention and does not interfere with the smooth functioning of internal organs; on the contrary, it even helps to establish metabolic processes.

Accumulated toxins and other substances unnecessary for the body are eliminated naturally, that is, when you start taking this tea, do not be surprised at the laxative effect. But remember, moderation is important in everything. Do not overdo it with the dose of the drink. Otherwise, instead of the expected feeling of lightness, you risk having serious problems with dehydration, and this is a direct path to a hospital bed.

By the way, for people watching their weight or for those who want to lose weight, such teas are faithful helpers. Any nutritionist, first of all, will prescribe tea for you to cleanse your body of toxins and to start metabolic processes.

The New Year holidays have passed, the Olivier salad with tangerines has been eaten, and the reflection in the mirror is no longer pleasing. Or it pleases, but there is some kind of understatement. It's no secret that one of the components of a successful life is self-love. And you must agree that it is much more pleasant to love a beautiful, talented, harmoniously developed person. A healthy body has a healthy mind, everything in a person should be beautiful, and so on.

Sport is not only about running to the gym through the winds in the Siberian frost, exhausting body movements of all kinds and a red, disheveled, out of breath creature in the mirror after. This is a good mood, pleasant fatigue in the muscles and a strong, toned body as a bonus. Judging by the entries in the diaries, the siblings actively decided to regain their lost beauty not only through diets, but also through sports.

Due to biological characteristics, one of the most problematic parts of the body in women is the stomach. If 99% of women don’t care what the girth of their biceps is, then everyone wants to have a toned tummy. Let's talk about a beautiful tummy.

To begin with, it is important to outline some points, without which a flat stomach will remain an unattainable dream.

The first and most important, absolute axiom, so to speak: everyone has muscles. Remember? I have a slim and toned body, it’s a pity that you can’t see it under the fat) In fact, this is not a joke, but the absolute truth. Everyone has muscles, another question is what size they are and what condition they are in. By training, we force the muscles to awaken, begin to grow and become stronger. But training is the first component in the process of building a body. Many people have probably encountered the fact that when they pump their abs three times a day for a week, two, or months, they don’t see any results. The belly is not going anywhere, the barrels are hanging, and there is still no twinkle in the eyes. And all because the exercises are aimed at strengthening muscles. They don't burn fat.

That is, by pumping up your abs for many years in a row, you will not remove a single millimeter from your waist, and by swinging your legs to the side, up, or from the “Warrior stalking a guinea pig” position, you will not reduce the volume of your hips by an ounce. A person’s body is such that it gains weight unevenly, but refuses to lose weight in the same way. The only way to see the treasured cubes at the waist is to lose weight. Fully. Whole body. The fat layer will decrease and release muscles pumped up by exercise.

Thus, the second important component in building a beautiful body is proper nutrition. The key word is “correct”, which means no “Japanese”, “Chinese” or other foreigners. Proper nutrition is a separate topic for discussion. For now, the main thing to understand is the main and only principle of losing weight: spend more than you consume. All.

Another important point. Exercises that target one muscle group are called isolation exercises. As a complement to general training, in order to finish off, so to speak, a recalcitrant problem area, they are perfect. But it is much faster and more effective to act on the entire body. To do this, there are so-called basic multi-joint exercises that involve a maximum of muscle groups. Any program is built on the basis of this base in one variation or another.

Don't believe me? And remember what group classes are taught in fitness centers. Legs-abs, arms-abs, interval training,... And not a single “Abs separately by itself” class.
However, I repeat, as a supplement to the base, isolation exercises are necessary and important, and they are usually done after the main program.

Next point. The abdominal muscles are round. By pumping them up and following the principles of proper nutrition, your stomach will not become flat and retracted. It will become tough, elastic and taut, but slightly protruding. Well, a person’s anatomy is like that, nothing can be done)) and, by the way, you can’t narrow your waist either (I’m talking about a waist that is not hidden by fat pads. So, provided you eat properly and exercise, the fat from your waist will, of course, go away). Quite the contrary. The oblique muscles are quite large, so as they begin to grow, they cover the waist, thereby expanding it. Slightly) Visually concealing wide hips. What do you think will happen to the waist of a girl who does all kinds of oblique bends, trying to make her (waist, that is) thin? That's it.

And one last note: muscles adapt quickly, so the set of exercises needs to be changed periodically.

Let's summarize:
- you need to pump up your abs, but in addition to basic exercises
- abdominal exercises will not give the desired relief if you do not combine the load with proper nutrition
- periodically change the set of exercises
- the most important rule for any type of activity is the correct technique

And now for what the post was actually written for: abdominal exercises. I usually do 2 exercises in a row for 20-30 repetitions, then rest for 30 seconds in the Cobra position. Two or three approaches.

1. Raising straight legs (or bent at the knees) while hanging on a horizontal bar (or in a machine with emphasis on the elbows)

2. We pull our elbows to our knees, as if twisting our stomach into a “rug”

3. Raise the right leg to a right angle, then the left. Lower in reverse order - this will be one repetition

4. Palms in a boat shape. We look in front of us, rise low, without squeezing our neck

5. Having raised the body, we touch the right and left bones alternately with straight hands (right-left - one repetition)

6. Plank. The whole body is one line, the stomach does not hang, the butt does not stick out. You can stand as in the first picture for as long as you can. If it’s easy, then like the second one. First right hand-left leg, then vice versa

7. From a straight plank, pull the right knee to the right elbow, return it back, repeat with the left half

8. Side plank. You can also do the first option, you can do the second or third (2 and 3 - pay attention to the supporting hand)

“My story began three years ago, when I gave birth to my daughter Ksyusha. Together with her, I got seven extra kilos and “ears” on my butt. It doesn’t sound too terrible, but I’m a fragile girl with thin bones (wrist 13.5 cm in girth) and have always been thin: about 48 kg with a height of 162 cm. Therefore, excess weight had a monstrous effect on my body - I became a flabby, disproportionate “pear” “with riding breeches and cellulite on the hips, with a belly hanging over the cesarean stitch, weak arms and a significantly reduced quality of life.

I was only 28 years old, and I turned into an aunt. Mom consoled me, saying that there was nothing wrong, you just became a woman, a mother. But I didn't want to put up with it.

Where can you find motivation and strength to take the first step?!

Tired, overwhelmed by everyday life, at first I didn’t even have time to understand how bad everything was, and I almost resigned myself to the fact that I didn’t like myself. But one day, looking closely at the girl in the mirror, I suddenly understood clearly: either I will be forever dissatisfied with myself, or I will now change my life. Then I was able to intuitively find the motivation that today I convey to my students: energy is given to us all. If you feel like you have no strength, in reality you simply don’t have the right goal.

Think bigger

My goal was not just to “lose seven kilos.” I wanted to never be sad or upset again when looking at my reflection in the mirror! I wanted my daughter to be proud of the best, most beautiful and disciplined mother, I wanted to see the excitement and admiration in my husband’s eyes. And I was so inspired by this idea that the technical stages of its implementation, such as restructuring the power supply, seemed uncomplicated to me.

Divide a long journey into small sections

To begin with, I advise you to do the following exercise: on one side of a sheet of paper, write down the daily habits of an ordinary woman, and on the other, the habits of a slender, fit beauty. Most often, it turns out that the first one almost always doesn’t get enough sleep, snacks on buns and “doesn’t have time” to exercise, while the second one knows how to set priorities correctly, manages time rationally and eats a lot of vegetables. Here it is, a ready-made action plan: gradually replacing bad habits with beauty rituals.

Raise the bar (level of expectations)

Indecision is a consequence of our low standards. As long as it’s “fine as is” for us, we won’t leave our notorious comfort zone. Is this the most “normal” thing we claim to be? Don't we deserve the good, the beautiful, the best? Health, excellent well-being and a beautiful body? After all, only development and awareness of one’s own progress gives a person a feeling of real happiness!

Proper nutrition vs. "magic" diets

Of course, the first association with the word “weight loss” is “diet”. But strict short-term weight loss programs give a short-term effect, while proper nutrition is a fundamentally different approach to food, which should become your good habit forever and at the same time improve the quality of life, and not deprive you of pleasure.

We often think in stereotypes: healthy food is bland, tasteless, my husband and children, of course, will refuse to participate in this, and I’m not ready to cook for myself separately. Having probably tried hundreds of healthy recipes, I can say: cooking so that something healthy is tasty for everyone is real! This is what my daily menu looks like:

- breakfast(porridge with berries/dried fruits/nuts, you can treat yourself to a slice of dark chocolate);
- snack(bread, fresh vegetables, egg);
- dinner(complex carbohydrates - cereals, whole grain pasta, protein (fish, poultry, lean meat), vegetable salad;
- snack(cottage cheese with berries);
- dinner(protein again, but without carbohydrates, just with vegetables).

Such a diet leaves no chance for hunger or excess weight. The nutritionist on my team fully endorses this approach.

Dozens of combinations of meat/poultry/fish, cereals, whole grain pasta, dairy products, and vegetables provide significant scope for creativity. The trick is that you replace harmful things with useful analogues. For example, do not fry, but bake food in the oven, snack on protein bars rather than chocolate ones...

The most terrible myth: “you can’t eat sweets.” Can! Just instead of fatty, sugary cakes, switch to delicious PP desserts - oatmeal pancakes with sweetener, cooked in a non-stick frying pan without a huge amount of oil. By the way, my family loves these breakfasts!

Working out at home (without a trainer or exercise equipment) and losing weight is possible!

Physical activity works on two fronts at once: it helps you lose weight and “build” a pumped-up figure. For the first task, the most effective way to solve it is cardio. And beautiful relief is, in fact, strength training. When excess fat is burned, the muscles form smooth, elastic curves.

It is important to remember that both of these processes are associated with the body's hormonal response to stress, and this does not work instantly. We'll have to work! Ideally, your daily workout should consist of 30-40 minutes of cardio and 1 hour of strength training. Plus, don’t forget to warm up first and stretch at the end. This is the only way your body will react in the right way, activate all metabolic processes and start burning fat deposits.

For home workouts, you will need a soft sports mat and a pair of collapsible dumbbells from your equipment. And you definitely need to wear comfortable sneakers! I had two 7.5 kg dumbbells, assembled from separate “pancakes” so that I could regulate the working weight. I also immediately acquired a barbell (beginners can do without it in the early stages) and an ellipse - a great thing, but not everyone has the opportunity to install it at home. Therefore, cardio may have to be “running” around the house or in the park.

When choosing exercises for strength training, follow the golden rule: 70% for basic exercises, 30% for isolating exercises. Basic ones are those that involve several muscle groups at once and provide the main load. Without them, training will not be effective. This includes squats, lunges, pull-ups and push-ups, various deadlifts (deadlifts and others). Isolating, as the name implies, affects one muscle group and is needed for “detailing” to work out the relief. For example, almost all exercises for biceps or shoulders, leg lifts with weights are isolating.

The success of strength training is ensured by two things: correct technique and progression in weights. Don’t immediately grab weights; first try to do each exercise lightly in front of a mirror. The body must remember the correct position. Then you definitely won’t get injured when working with weights. After training, muscles may ache, but not joints. All unpleasant sensations will disappear on the third day after class. But they are the ones you will focus on when you need to increase your working weight. If you have been working out with one weight for several weeks, and your muscles no longer ache after training, it means that they have adapted to the load, it’s time to take on heavier dumbbells. This kind of work will make training effective for building beautiful relief.

If your goal is to lose weight and burn excess weight, then cardio training (running, jumping, cycling) should last at least 40 minutes. During this time, you will speed up your metabolism, strengthen your heart and melt fat. But when you don’t need to lose weight, cardio can be used as a warm-up and cool-down (before and after training) for 10-15 minutes.

Pay special attention to proportions - the body should be pumped evenly and look harmonious

For many girls, the problem is not just the accumulation of fat, but its uneven deposition in one or two places. Guided by deceptively logical thoughts, girls rush to do exercises on the problem area, completely ignoring the rest of the body. Although the main principle of fat burning is to lose weight evenly and simultaneously (that is, everywhere!). Somewhere there is more fat stored, so these places are the last to lose weight. For figures of the “pear” type, which includes mine, such a place is the same “ears” on the butt, which finally disappeared only after six months of training and PP.

Therefore, in order not to find yourself in a situation where your butt is pumped up and everything else is just hanging out, pay attention to your whole body. In addition to the general tone and impression of a toned body, this principle is useful in achieving ideal visual proportions: sculpted shoulders visually balance heavy hips, and in contrast with the developed latissimus dorsi muscle, the waist appears thinner.

You can even get rid of “orange peel” at home

With regular exercise and a healthy diet, we lose weight correctly: we lose fat and tone our muscles. The paradox is that cellulite seems to become even more noticeable. The number of adipose tissue cells does not change, but their lipid “filling” is gradually broken down. From dense, filled “bubbles,” fat cells turn into empty “candy wrappers.” The adipose tissue becomes heterogeneous and loose. But this is a good sign that you are losing weight!

Our task is to speed up this process. And at this moment self-massage would be ideal. Well, of course, if you have a professional massage therapist and the time to go to him on a regular basis several times a week, that’s very cool. But if you follow the correct massage technique, you can do everything yourself. For example, using special jars, a stiff brush, even an ordinary kitchen rolling pin (my favorite method!) You can effectively massage problem areas. The principles are almost the same: we work for 15-25 minutes, moving from bottom to top, along the lymph flow, without touching the inner surface of the thigh, where important lymph nodes are “laid”, until persistent redness and noticeable heating of the skin. After a couple of months, you will realize that you can star in underwear commercials.

I went from despair and total lack of time to developing a beautiful, healthy body and a job I love. Today I am no longer just a housewife, but a trainer who has assembled a full-fledged team of professionals who have developed a course of home workouts that will help you lose weight and bring more beauty and health into your life. I hope my “memoirs” will inspire you to change yourself and your life for the better!”

Thank you Natalia Kuzmich for assistance in preparing the material. By the way, on her YouTube channel You will find many interesting and useful home workout options.