Weaning a child from thumb sucking: tips and tricks. How to stop a baby from sucking his thumb Baby sucks his thumb at night

The habit of thumb sucking is very common among young children. Some manage to put an entire fist in their mouth. Although this seems like a common thing, new parents have many questions about it. Why does a child suck his thumb? Isn't this harmful? How to wean your child from this habit?

Why does a child suck his thumb?

Sucking is one of the primary reflexes that appears even before birth. In the womb, babies suck fingers or umbilical cord rings to soothe themselves. This habit continues after birth; babies suck their fingers or fists especially actively in the first months of life, but as they get closer to the age of one year, the reflex begins to fade away.

In the first year of life, children suck their thumb for the following reasons:

  1. Unsatisfied sucking reflex. In some children it is very developed, so they try to make up for the deficiency in accessible ways. Babies who spend little time at the breast or are bottle-fed often put their fingers in their mouth.
  2. Hunger. This reason can be distinguished by the child’s behavior: having found his finger and put it in his mouth, he begins to suck it greedily, trying to get milk. Sometimes you can see how a child sucks his fist, and after a while, not receiving the desired milk, he begins to get irritated, nervous, and cry.
  3. Boredom. A bored toddler may start sucking a finger or other objects out of nothing to do. The mother needs to pay attention to this in time and try to devote time to the baby.
  4. Research interest. Up to one year old, children learn about the world through their mouth, and their fingers, being a subject for exploration, go there too. In this case, after sucking the object of interest, the child takes it out of his mouth, examines it, and puts it back in his mouth. This reason does not cause problems, the main thing is that your hands are clean.

If the child is older than a year, then the reasons are different. These include:

  1. Stressful situations. Moving, having a newborn in the family, illness or injury, or the death of a loved one or pet can trigger the development of thumb sucking. In this way the child tries to calm down and feel safe. Conflicts in the family also negatively affect the psychological state of the baby, even if he is not even a year old.
  2. The child lacks attention, care, he feels unnecessary. This is especially true for children who were not wanted from the very beginning. Deprived of mother's warmth and affection, children acquire a whole complex of neurotic habits.
  3. Boredom, fear, nervous tension, fatigue, overexcitement. Children under three years old can calm themselves in this way. Then we can talk about a habit that was formed according to the principle: I experienced negative emotions - a finger got into my mouth - the child liked it, felt calm, and fell asleep. After some time, the situation repeated itself, the child followed the path already known to him, and he managed to calm down again. Now every difficult situation is accompanied by thumb sucking.

If before a year the causes of thumb sucking are in most cases harmless, then after a year parents need to be especially attentive to their baby. Until the age of three, this situation is also normal. If the child has not experienced any emotional turmoil, the family has a calm atmosphere, and the baby is loved and cared for, then parents need to pay more attention to the child in moments of fatigue, stress, and anxiety. Then thumb sucking will not develop into a serious problem.

If the habit persists even after three years, then parents need to think about the reasons for this behavior and analyze whether the child has psychological problems. In some cases, consultation with a psychologist may be required.

Isn't it harmful?

The most important question that worries mothers is whether thumb sucking is harmful for the child? If the habit goes away by one and a half to two years, then, as a rule, it does not carry with it serious negative consequences. But we must not forget about the danger of getting an infection through dirty hands. If a child constantly sucks his thumb for a long time, this can negatively affect his development:

  • problems with bite appear;
  • teeth deteriorate;
  • traumatization of the skin and nails occurs;
  • Constant skin irritation can lead to dermatitis.

Therefore, you need to fight the habit of thumb sucking, but do it correctly and consistently.

What not to do?

Before you understand what to do, it is worth asking yourself what not to do. Some tips are very common and seem to be effective and efficient. In fact, they harm the baby.

Among these tips is to smear your fingers with mustard, bitter varnish, or something else bitter or spicy. The logic is simple: the baby will try it, understand that it is tasteless, and stop putting his fingers in his mouth. In reality, everything is not so harmless. A child’s gastrointestinal tract is not designed to digest spicy or bitter foods, so even a small amount of it in the body can cause negative health consequences. This is especially true for varnish, a chemical substance that even in small quantities can cause poisoning.

Other similar methods are tying or bandaging the handles, putting on mittens. All these methods cause great discomfort and even suffering to the child. In addition, he is deprived of his usual way of calming himself, and this affects the nervous system even more.

If the child is a little older, some parents find it acceptable to shout and scold the baby, telling him to take his fingers out of his mouth. This will also not help in solving the problem, but, on the contrary, will aggravate it. Feeling the irritation of his parents, he experiences stress, as a result - the desire to calm himself down in a familiar and familiar way.

In such cases, this habit itself is safer for the baby than the wrong reaction of adults.

How to stop your baby from sucking his thumb?

Then the question arises, how to wean a child from thumb or fist sucking in a safe and effective way? To help a child, parents first need to find out why he is doing this. If we are talking about a child under one year old, then you can try the following:

  • If the issue is an unsatisfied sucking reflex, then you need to replenish it. You should try to keep a breastfed baby at the breast longer, even when the breast is empty and the baby is already sleeping, sucking periodically. If the baby is artificial, then in order to satisfy the sucking reflex, you need to purchase a high-quality pacifier. It will help form the correct bite. And it’s much easier to keep a pacifier clean than the hands of a child exploring the world.
  • If a child is feeling restless from hunger, then you need to feed him. And next time, try to react faster by feeding the baby before he begins to become very restless.
  • Take your little one in your arms more often, play with him, and spend time. Then he will have no time and no reason to suck his fingers.

If the child is older than one year, then the following methods will help:

  • If this is a way to calm down, then observe what else calms your child. You can give him a toy that is pleasant to hold in your hands. But the most important “calming” thing for the baby is mother’s participation and warm hugs. Try to switch the child’s attention to something else, distract him, cuddle him, read an interesting book. At the same time, without focusing on what he is currently doing wrong.
  • Talk to your child - explain why you can’t put your fingers in your mouth. You can talk about how when he stops sucking his fingers, he will become just like an adult.
  • Some children benefit from a visit to the dentist - the doctor will tell you about the dangers of such a habit for the teeth, and this will encourage the child to try to get rid of this activity.
  • Use fairy tales and games that will help your child fight the habit. You can use finger games.

You should not focus your baby’s attention on the problem of finger sucking. If parents constantly pull him back, this only makes the situation worse. If you gently and imperceptibly switch the toddler’s attention to another activity, the habit can go away on its own.

It is important to remember one more extreme: if the mother begins active communication with the baby only after noticing fingers in the mouth, then another reflex may develop - he will do this every time he wants the mother’s attention. Therefore, you need to show interest and start communicating before your finger or fist is in your mouth.

Think about the situation in the family: sorting out relationships in front of children always affects them negatively. Therefore, try to avoid such situations. If a child is experiencing a stressful situation, help him cope with his feelings: pay him more attention, be understanding of his feelings. Encourage your baby to express his opinion about changes in his life - be it moving, the arrival of a baby in the family, or something else. This exchange of thoughts will help the child see support from the parents and reduce anxiety.

Thumb sucking after one year

Usually, by the age of one or one and a half years, the sucking reflex fades away, and the need for finger sucking disappears. But some children continue to do this until they are three years old or even more. By the age of six or seven, this habit can cause problems related to communication with peers. At school it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid the ridicule of children, so the issue of weaning will become especially acute.

But it is important for parents to remain calm and not panic. Children feel the mood of their parents, and your anxiety can be transmitted to the baby. If a child continues to suck his thumb after five years and no methods help get rid of it, then, most likely, you will have to consult a child psychologist.

The situation when a child over one year of age sucks his finger is familiar to many parents. Not so long ago, thumb sucking was considered simply a bad habit, but modern pediatricians believe that the child is trying to tell his parents something important in this way.

For children, a finger (most often the thumb) is practically the same as a pacifier: with the help of sucking, it is easier for the baby to calm down and cope with worries, especially if the mother is constantly busy or physically cannot devote much time to communicate with the child.

Parents should realize that the tendency to put fingers in the mouth is not just an aesthetic problem. In some cases, this habit can negatively affect the development of the baby, so it is necessary to take measures to wean it as early as possible.

The main reason why a child begins to suck his thumb is the sucking reflex. This reflex is the most important for a newborn baby.

If, after birth, the child does not take the breast (does not open his mouth, trying to grab the nipple), neonatologists conduct an extensive examination to identify severe pathologies of a neurological nature.

The baby makes sucking movements for the first time during the period of intrauterine development. After birth, the need for sucking does not disappear - on the contrary, to fully satisfy the innate reflex, the baby needs at least 20 minutes of sucking (breast or pacifier) ​​every 2-3 hours.

Reasons for the habit

  • Short feeding.

Overly active babies can eat the required portion of milk or formula in 5-7 minutes. This time is not enough to satisfy the need for sucking. If your baby puts his finger in his mouth immediately after feeding, and does not show signs of hunger, it is better to offer him a pacifier. Giving breastfeeding solely for this purpose is not recommended, as this can lead to overfeeding and digestive problems.

  • If the child is bottle-fed, it is important to monitor the size of the nipple and select it taking into account the age of the child.

Too high a flow rate will cause the baby to overeat, but the instinct to suck after feeding will not go away.

  • Hunger.

Another reason associated with feeding is hunger. If the baby does not eat enough, he will signal this to his parents by crying or sucking his thumb. This behavior is natural for a hungry child, so you should not rely only on the recommendations of specialists when creating a feeding regimen. For example, it is recommended to feed artificial babies every 4 hours, but if the baby is clearly hungry, you can reduce this interval to 3.5 or 3 hours.

  • Teething.

If your baby starts putting his finger in his mouth at the age of 5-6 months, he may be teething. This condition is very painful for the baby. The gums at the site of eruption swell and itch, so the child can shove everything that comes to hand, including his finger, into his mouth.

  • Lack of attention.

If a child feels well, does not cry or be capricious, but constantly sucks his thumb, the reason may be a lack of attention and warmth.

Young children are highly dependent on their mother or other loved one who spends most of their time with them. If a mother spends little time communicating and playing with her child, he may feel insecure. Such children often continue to suck their thumb even at the age of 2.5-3 years.

Breaking a habit in such a situation will require a lot of time and patience. In some cases, consultation with a child psychologist may be necessary.

At what age should you wean off sucking?

Most pediatricians recommend weaning a child off thumb sucking before the age of one; at an older age, this will be much more difficult. For the first time, the baby puts his hands in his mouth at the age of 3-4 months. Until the age of six months, such actions are considered the norm, but if the habit persists and does not go away when the child reaches one year of age, urgent action must be taken.

Children who suck their fingers after two years of age should be examined by a psychologist and neurologist. If the child is healthy and does not require treatment, the cause of the bad habit lies in emotional problems or a dysfunctional family situation.

Can thumb sucking cause harm?

It is necessary to wean a child from sucking in a timely manner, not only because it is unsightly, and in the future he may have problems with peers - prolonged thumb sucking can negatively affect the health and development of the child.

  • Thumb sucking primarily involves the lower jaw, so a prolonged habit can result in deformation of the jaw bone. The situation can only be corrected surgically, but it is better not to let it get to that point.
  • A 2-3 year old child who sucks his thumb may experience weak tooth enamel and crooked teeth. The habit is especially dangerous during the period of active tooth growth, that is, from 6 to 18 months.
  • The widespread assertion that a child can “suck his thumb” is nothing more than a grandmother’s superstition. But this does not mean that the habit does not harm children's fingers. Prolonged sucking can lead to thinning of the top layer of skin and the appearance of painful calluses and cracks.
  • Don't forget that hands are the dirtiest part of a child's body. Constantly putting your hands in your mouth is fraught with infectious diseases and poisoning, so it is better to wean your baby off thumb sucking at an early age.

How to wean: effective methods

The main principle of weaning a baby from thumb sucking is to switch attention to something else. If the child is over 3 years old, a calm, friendly conversation can help.

From 3 to 6 months

  • Method 1.

If parents are uncomfortable with thumb sucking at any age, you can try replacing the finger with a pacifier. A pacifier is much healthier for a child, and it is much easier to wean him off.

It is necessary to offer the baby a pacifier every time he begins to make sucking movements (for example, sucking the edge of a blanket), after making sure that the baby is not hungry.

If a child refuses a pacifier, do not insist and forcefully push it. It is better to postpone attempts for 2-3 days, and then try again to switch your attention to the pacifier.

At the same time, you need to spend more time with the baby, pick him up more often, and “walk” the baby around the room, showing and naming surrounding objects. This will not only contribute to the calmness and confidence of the baby, but will also have a positive effect on overall development.

  • Method 2.

The baby's attention can be distracted by rustling objects. If you don't have a suitable toy at home, you can use a candy wrapper. Children willingly play with such objects, so it won’t be difficult to interest your baby.

You need to repeat the action every time the child puts a finger in his mouth. This method is suitable not only for infants up to 6 months, but also for older children.

From 6 to 12 months

For babies older than 6 months, massage of the lips and gums helps well. Increased blood circulation as a result of light stroking and rubbing helps reduce pain and discomfort during teething, so finger sucking associated with this reason will gradually stop.

You can help cope with pain in other ways:

  • give a teething toy (previously put it in a bag and place it in the refrigerator);
  • offer solid vegetables or fruits (apples, carrots);
  • smear the gums with a cooling gel with an anesthetic (for example, a special gel for babies “Kalgel”).

If the baby does not feel discomfort, he will not have the need to suck his thumb.

From 1 to 2 years

To wean a one-year-old child from thumb sucking, you should use the following techniques:

  • ensure a sufficient level of physical activity (outdoor games, dancing);
  • talk and communicate with your baby more often;
  • create a favorable emotional atmosphere at home;
  • keep your child busy with modeling and drawing;
  • Limit watching cartoons and TV shows.

If the baby puts his finger in his mouth, you need to immediately switch his attention to something else, for example, offer to draw or stick stickers in an album. This method gives good results if repeated periodically over a certain period of time.

Important! Sometimes a child sucks his thumb not because he is bored - in fact, the baby just wants to sleep. Even if the baby protests, you should try to put him to sleep for at least an hour. Daytime sleep is important for the full development and growth of a child, so you should not give it up at an early age.

From 2 to 3 years

Children over 2 years old can smear unpleasant-tasting foods (sour or bitter) on their fingers. It is important not to use substances that can cause harm. These primarily include hot spices and seasonings (horseradish, pepper, mustard).

The baby will certainly not like the taste of these spices, and he is unlikely to put a finger smeared with horseradish into his mouth. But if a child accidentally rubs his eyes, he can get a burn to the cornea, so such products are not suitable for use in children.

Aloe juice is great for weaning off finger sucking. It has a very bitter, rich taste, does not cause irritation and is completely safe if it gets into the stomach or onto the surface of the eyes.

At the pharmacy you can buy a special ointment that is applied to the finger. The composition of such products is safe for children, so they can be used starting from one year of age.

Over 3 years old

A good option for three-year-old girls is a beautiful manicure. Girls of this age like to imitate adults (most often their mother), so they gladly agree to an “adult” procedure.

At the same time, it is necessary to explain that thumb sucking can have a harmful effect on his health. You can even compose some kind of fairy tale - the main thing is that it is interesting and reflects the essence of the problem in an accessible language.

Over 4 years old

Thumb sucking is rare in children over 4 years of age, but it is still possible. At this age, the baby needs the help of a child psychologist who will help identify the hidden fears of the child’s experience and solve the problem in gentle ways, without traumatizing the baby’s psyche.

From this video you can find out the opinion of foreign experts about why children develop the habit of thumb sucking.

What not to do?

The situation when a child sucks his thumb (especially if the child is over 2 years old and the action takes place in a public place) irritates and unnerves parents, but in no case should you hit the child’s hands or use other methods of physical force.

This will greatly aggravate the problem and increase fears and nervousness. Children who are hit on the wrist for this habit can suck their thumb until school age, and they will have serious problems adapting to the team.

To make weaning from the habit painless and unnoticed by the baby, you should not make typical mistakes.

What parents should not do when they wean their child from thumb sucking:

  • scream and scold the baby (especially in public);
  • laugh at the child and compare him with other children, ridiculing his shortcomings;
  • sharply remove your hands from your mouth (such actions can only scare the baby even more);
  • smear your fingers with soap, spices and other potentially dangerous substances;
  • use special bracelets, mittens and cuffs to secure the thumb (this has a negative impact on the child’s psyche).

Under no circumstances should you tell your baby that he will not be loved if he continues to suck his fingers. Such words will strengthen the child’s insecurity and isolation, which will then be very difficult to cope with.

Are the parents to blame?

It happens that a mother or father, seeing a child putting his finger in his mouth, immediately takes off and runs to him in order to prevent unacceptable behavior. Although the baby may have just wanted to sleep.

If such situations are repeated constantly, the child quickly concludes that thumb sucking is a great way to attract the attention of constantly busy parents and gain their communication. As a result, instead of isolated cases of thumb sucking, a bad habit is formed, which can take months or even years to overcome.

To prevent your baby from developing a need for soothing through sucking movements, it is important to spend a lot of time with him, even if this means sacrificing your own activities or interests. No remedy will help cope with the problem if the child feels unwanted and unhappy.

Many babies prefer their finger or fist to a pacifier. Moms are worried about this state of affairs. The imagination immediately draws alarming pictures: it will get infected, ruin the bite, grow, but the bad habit will remain.

First of all, don't panic! Neurologist Tatiana Stetskaya advises understanding when and under what circumstances the child does this.

Thumb sucking occurs before bed or during moments of boredom. Usually children calm down this way—they satisfy their unconditioned reflex,” explains the doctor.

Neurologist Tatyana Stetskaya has prepared a “breakdown” by childhood age so that parents understand when a finger or fist in the mouth does not pose a danger, and when measures need to be taken to wean the baby from an unhealthy habit.

Up to 2 months Children do not differentiate their hands. We can say that their sucking is spontaneous due to the sucking reflex and chaotic movements of the hands.

From 2-3 months the child begins to realize that he has hands + movements become less chaotic + cognitive interest.

From 5-6 months Thumb/fist sucking becomes intentional. The child associates them with calmness.

Mothers are interested in where children develop such a need that turns into addiction. According to neurologist Tatyana Stetskaya, finger or fist sucking may be typical for babies in the following cases:

  • long intervals between feedings;
  • a nursing mother has a large milk flow;
  • Mom went to work early.

Instagram @doctor_steckaya

On average, the sucking reflex begins to weaken by 6-8 months, the doctor notes.

And then he also focuses on when it’s time to sound the alarm:

When thumb sucking displaces the breasts.

When a child over 6 months falls asleep and sucks his thumb all night.

When an older child (2-3 years old) sucks his thumb while watching TV, playing, out of boredom, or while sleeping.

What to do?

For a child under 6 months of age

After falling asleep, immediately remove your finger/fist from your mouth;

Wear scratches;

Give the breast when trying to suck a finger, but do not forget that at the moment of falling asleep, remove the nipple with smooth movements.

If the child is older than 6 months

Offer an alternative - a sleepy toy, a diaper, plastic embossed rings.

If he refuses sleepy helpers, you can help with gentle rocking, patting, and stroking. The most important thing is to remove the dependence on the finger.


In children aged 2 years and older

Be sure to switch your attention to another type of activity and gently remove it from your mouth. In severe cases, it is permissible to use a fabric plaster or a cohesive bandage.

Neurologist Tatyana Stetskaya focuses the attention of parents on what should not be done if a child has a habit of thumb or fist sucking:

  • slap hands, scold;
  • smear with mustard;
  • ignore thumb sucking.

Has your baby ever put his finger or fist in his mouth? Tell us about your experience.

Every baby tastes his fingers at least once in his life. After all, the sucking reflex is inherent in a person from birth. If a baby sucks his thumb instinctively, then why do some children grow out of diapers and do not change their old habit? If a child sucks his thumb, what measures should be taken to wean his baby from thumb sucking? The baby cannot answer these questions, leaving his parents thoughtful, who are seriously concerned about such behavior of their children.

Why does a child suck his thumb?

The baby, while still in the womb, becomes familiar with its own hands. Inextricably linked with his mother, this is how he reacts to her anxious state. When a baby sucks his thumb, he feels protected. This is based on the sucking instinct. When born, the baby instinctively continues to do its usual activities when hungry or feels discomfort - this calms the baby.


The baby is very attached to the mother. For him, the mother, first of all, is her breast. Having eaten enough, he can suckle even when the milk has run out. What should a baby do if he is bottle-fed, because quickly sucking milk from a bottle, the sucking reflex remains unsatisfied? The result is that the newborn sucks his thumb. In this case, you need to choose the right bottle, paying attention to the type of nipple, material, size and number of holes. The smaller the holes, the slower the access of food.

Many parents resort to a pacifier. Manufacturers produce pacifiers in accordance with the needs of different children's ages. The shape, holder, and material of the product vary. Each baby has his own preferences when choosing. The main criterion is safety: the nipple should not be destroyed or taken apart. To get used to a pacifier, you can wet it with breast milk or formula.

It is especially difficult for parents when the baby reaches the age of 5 months. Around this time, he not only sucks, but can also bite his fingers. The phenomenon when a child puts his hands in his mouth is a sign of the first teeth. Babies are cutting teeth. Everything that comes in your way is used: toys, clothes, furniture and your own fingers! You shouldn’t be scared, you need to take measures: provide the baby with special teethers and pacifiers.

At 2-3 years

The baby grows up and acquires new skills, but may remain faithful to habits, for example, the baby sucks his thumb. It is important for parents to understand the reasons why their beloved child is in no hurry to part with this skill. Perhaps the baby is tired of his toys, he doesn’t know what to do and instinctively puts his hands in his mouth. He may lack attention from his mother. At such moments, the little one becomes anxious, and he again slobbers on his fingers.

Another reason may be the baby’s pain, birth injuries, hypoxia, as a result of which the baby becomes quickly tired and restless. The situation is more complicated if there are family psychological problems: divorce, conflicts between parents, alcoholism of one or both family members. Since children are very emotional and sensitive, a bad habit can stick with them for many years.

Preschool children

If thumb sucking by children under 3 years of age does not cause major problems for the baby’s body, then after 4 years of age, this action is fraught with consequences. The habit can affect speech development and cause dental problems. It may appear unexpectedly when a preschooler turns 6 years old and his baby teeth begin to fall out. Then the child has a desire to touch his loose tooth, he puts his hand in his mouth and then the well-known sucking reflex is triggered.

School age children

An advanced case, when a child puts his hands in his mouth for years at the slightest stress, requires the mandatory help of psychologists and neurologists. Such problems cannot be left unattended. School-age children often suck one finger at a time. Sitting in class in a state of thought, a schoolchild, leaning on his elbows, unconsciously puts his thumb in his mouth, this can lead to the emergence of a new bad habit!

In this case, parents of schoolchildren need to urgently take action. Indeed, in addition to being unaesthetic, this phenomenon can be harmful to health. If at home you can make sure that your child washes his hands well, then at school he constantly touches dirty objects: pens, textbooks, desks. In addition, frequently putting your hands in your mouth leads to another bad habit - biting your nails, which is even more difficult to get rid of.

Consequences of thumb sucking

While the baby is an infant, no special problems arise. If an older child sucks his thumb or other fingers, you need to be prepared for the following problems:

  • Infectious diseases
  1. influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections
  2. salmonellosis
  3. cholera
  4. typhoid fever
  5. hepatitis A
  6. dysentery
  • Dental problems
  1. malocclusion
  2. deformation of the upper palate
  • Speech problems
  1. sigmatism
  2. incorrect pronunciation of letters s, ts, t, d
  3. tongue stretching when speaking
  • The child may experience psychological stress when interacting with peers

What to do if your child sucks his thumb

If a baby puts his hands in his mouth, there is no reason to panic. If a child is constantly doing this after 3-4 years of age, then you need to understand the reasons for this habit and try to eradicate it in order to prevent health problems. Parents of 5-6 year old preschoolers and schoolchildren should have great reasons for concern. Their children's habits may be based on deep psychological trauma. Here you may need to work together with a psychologist.

How to stop a child from sucking his thumb

You should not scold your child for a bad habit. You need to talk to children over 3 years old, explaining the consequences using clear examples. You can draw scary worms together, explaining how they get into the stomach, or come up with a reward system for the days when the child obeyed. Many people use old-fashioned methods - smear their fingers with wormwood, mustard, etc. The method will work for a awake baby, but don’t be surprised when you see a sleeping child sucking a bitter finger. Home methods do not help - psychologists have therapy to combat bad habits.

While the baby is in infancy, weaning methods are as follows:

  • If the baby is breastfed, simply increase the feeding time; if the baby is bottle-fed, choose a bottle with a slow supply of milk.
  • Introduce the use of pacifiers and various teethers.
  • Try to keep your little ones busy so that interesting toys and books are always available.
  • Pay more attention to the baby so that he does not feel the lack of mother.


A small child requires constant attention and care; lack of parental care often leads to the development of bad habits, such as biting lips, sucking fingers and fists. If a child sucks his finger for a long time, this leads to the destruction of the enamel of the nail plate, deformation of the phalanx of the finger and can cause a curvature of the bite, as well as damage to the gums. In addition to the above-mentioned troubles, constant finger sucking contributes to the introduction of pathogenic bacteria and microbes into the body, which causes all sorts of diseases. Therefore, the best option would be to wean the baby from such a bad habit in a timely manner.

Why does a child suck his fingers?

The sucking reflex in an infant is considered one of the most important, since three main nerves are involved in this process - the ternary, nasopharyngeal and vagus. The simultaneous work of such important organs leads to improved digestion, stabilization of the nervous system and psychological balance of the baby, and activation of brain activity. The need of a newborn baby to suck the breast or anything else is caused not only by the feeling of hunger: in this way the babies calm down and develop.

What should parents do to normalize the baby’s condition? First of all, determine the cause of concern. There is no single reason why a child sucks his thumb; the following may be a prerequisite for this:

  • lack of breastfeeding– if the child spends little time near the mother’s breast, his sucking reflex is not fully satisfied, so the baby may suck fingers or toys;
  • pain from teething– the process of cutting the first teeth brings quite painful sensations, and thumb sucking helps soothe irritated gums;
  • psychological factor– if a baby sucks fingers at the age of 2-3 years, the main reason for this is most likely a lack of attention from relatives. In this way, the baby tries to calm down and make up for the lack of warmth and affection; most often in this situation the child sucks his thumb. Another reason may be fear or excessive excitability, for example, after active games before bed, sucking calms and relieves excess activity;
  • boredom - the habit of sucking fingers can be acquired due to a lack of interest in what is happening around; it happens that children suck their fingers simply out of boredom.

In any case, having noticed the habit of sucking fingers in their child, parents should take timely measures to eradicate such a harmful manner.

How to stop a child from sucking his thumb?

Few people know what to do when a child sucks his fingers or other objects, so often inexperienced parents take radically irrational and unacceptable measures to eradicate this habit.

There are several ways to wean your child from thumb sucking, for starters you can do this:

  • For a baby, try increasing your breastfeeding time, leaving him near his mother for 30-40 minutes. If the baby is bottle-fed, choose a nipple with a narrow opening so that the baby takes longer to suck food from the bottle;
  • For older children who suck their fingers mostly to calm them down, it is important to keep them occupied with something. Offer your child new activities: either clay, folding puzzles or construction sets, etc., so the hands will be busy and the need for sucking will disappear;
  • Often babies put their hands in their mouths at certain moments, for example, while watching TV or reading together. In such a situation, the easiest way is to switch the baby to another object - give him a soft ball or cube that you can crush with your hands;
  • Girls can be easily weaned off by offering to give them an adult manicure., of course, with a special children's varnish. Little fashionistas will not want to destroy the beautiful coating, especially if they promise to paint their nails constantly;
  • Can you visit the dentist together? who, along with checking teeth, will tell you about the dangers of thumb sucking; usually the opinion of such an authoritative person (whom almost all children are afraid of) has a positive impact;
  • emphasis on age factor also has a significant impact on the child’s behavior. Tell him that grown girls and boys do not suck their fingers, and such behavior is acceptable only for the little ones, remind him of this in those moments when the baby claims that he is already an adult.

Such distracting maneuvers will have to be done for more than one day, so get ready for a long weaning from thumb sucking and do not scold your baby under any circumstances. Remember that the main reason for the appearance of any bad habits is the lack of your attention and affection, so try to spend as much time as possible with your pet and often show him in word and deed how much you love him.

What should you not do to wean your baby from thumb sucking?

Many parents make a lot of mistakes when weaning their children from thumb sucking. There are some measures that cannot be used under any circumstances, these include:

  • Wrapping arms and legs in gloves or diapers is the most common incorrect way to wean a baby from biting and sucking on arms. This method does not give any result, since immediately after opening the baby will begin to suck his fists again;
  • smearing fingers with bitter substances (mustard, red pepper, aloe vera, etc.) - this method can lead to damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth and the walls of the child’s stomach;
  • Shouting and physical measures are a categorically unacceptable measure for raising children, since it is under no circumstances possible to punish a child for disobedience in order to avoid subsequent disorder of the child’s psyche.

All of the listed means of combating a bad habit do not lead to a positive result, but, on the contrary, aggravate the situation and cause whims and anxiety in the baby. It is worth noting that constant punishment and threats of physical harm negatively affect the mental state of the baby, and finger sucking in this case will become the body’s protective reaction to fear.