Marine education. Modern Maritime Institute (sovmorin) Russian Maritime Schools

There are many maritime educational institutions in Russia and they are mainly divided into three groups: trade, fishing and military. Educational institutions that train specialists for the merchant marine are divided into sea and river ones. According to the level of education, all educational institutions are divided into higher (universities and institutes), secondary specialized (technical schools and colleges) and nautical schools (vocational schools).

Naval and river schools

Naval schools with secondary specialized education, nowadays many of them are called colleges in the English manner, these are former nautical and river schools in which the cadets received a good maritime professional education, which made it possible to successfully work on all types of sea, river-sea and river vessels.

Higher nautical educational institutions

Maritime higher education is available at the public universities and academies listed below. There is practically no point in tormenting yourself with doubts about which of them to enter in order to get a better education. The level of teaching in all institutions is the same.

Map of nautical and river schools in Russia

Practice on a training sailing vessel

Even in the age of satellite and computerized navigation, electronic engine control and most other mechanisms on a modern merchant ship, it is difficult to imagine a sea romance without sailing ships.

Training sailing vessels of Russia

Since the times of the Soviet Union, six training sailing ships have survived in Russian nautical schools: "Young Baltiets", "Kruzenshtern", "Sedov", "Mir", "Nadezhda" and "Pallada".

Practice for cadets

The word cadet (cadet) in translation from English means cadet. With regard to the navy - a cadet of a nautical or river school, no matter what, specialized secondary or higher. About 20 years ago, cadets on ships were called a more appropriate word, trainees.

These Rules are developed on the basis of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-F3 "On education in the Russian Federation", "The procedure and conditions for admission to educational institutions of higher education under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), put into effect by the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2015 No. 185, "The procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs, master's programs", put into effect by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 14.10.2015 No. 1147 and determine the conditions and procedure for the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the Pacific Higher Naval School named after S.O. Makarov in 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the school) for their subsequent training as cadets, and also establish the requirements for candidates entering training. The list of specialties for which cadets are recruited at TOVVMU in 2020 is given in the table.

Open designation of areas of training,vocational education specialties and qualifications

Codes of professions, specialties and areas of training

Name of professions, specialtiesand areas of training

Higher education

Electronic systems and complexes

Military specialty:

  • "Application and operation of radio equipment of ships";
  • "Application and operation of hydroacoustic equipment";
  • "Operation of radio-electronic equipment of aviation anti-submarine and missile systems of naval aviation."

Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems

Infocommunication technologies of the special communication system

Military specialty:

  • "Application and operation of ship communication systems".

Engineering and technology of shipbuilding and water transport

Application and operation of technical systems

surface ships and submarines

Military specialty:

  • "Shipbuilding and Operation of Marine Navigation Aids";
  • "Application and operation of submarine submarine weapons";
  • "Application and operation of naval underwater weapons of surface ships."

Secondary vocational education

Management in technical systems

Automatic control systems

Military specialty:

  • "Operation and repair of technical means of navigation";
  • "Operation and repair of anti-submarine, torpedo and mine weapons."

Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems

Radio communication, radio broadcasting and television

Military specialty:

  • "Operation and repair of ship communications".

Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems

Technical operation of transport radio-electronic equipment (by type of transport)

Military specialty:

  • "Operation and repair of aircraft radio-electronic equipment".

Technical operation of aircraft and engines

Military specialty:

  • "Operation and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines".

Air navigation and operation of aviation and rocket and space technology

Technical operation of electrified and flight and navigation complexes

Military specialty:

  • "Operation and repair of aviation instruments, electrical equipment, automatic control systems (ACS) and flight and navigation systems."

The list of military specialties for which enrollment for training in 2020 is made is communicated to applicants upon their arrival at the school.

Cadets are in active military service and are provided with all types of allowances in the manner prescribed by the legislative and other legal acts of the Russian Federation, and the normative legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Education, accommodation, meals, provision of established types of allowance are carried out free of charge. In addition, cadets are paid monthly allowances.

Those who graduate from college in the specialties of higher education (specialty) are issued a diploma of higher education of the established sample in the civilian specialty with the assignment of the appropriate qualification "engineer" and the military rank of "lieutenant".

Graduates in the specialties of secondary vocational education are issued a diploma of the established sample in a civilian specialty with the assignment of the appropriate qualification "technician" and the military rank of "warrant officer" or "warrant officer".

Admission to the school includes a set of measures for the selection of candidates for training by cadets who meet the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Procedure, as well as determining their ability to master professional educational programs of the appropriate level (hereinafter referred to as professional selection). The organization of admission for training is carried out by the admission committee of the school.

Admission to TOVVMU them. S.O. Makarov is carried out on a competitive basis, ensuring the enrollment of cadets for training the most capable and prepared for mastering educational programs, as well as the most appropriate to the requirements for the professional suitability of candidates.

The number of candidates to be enrolled by cadets for the first courses in each military specialty (specialization) is determined by the annual calculations of the recruitment of the first courses of universities with a variable composition, developed by the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff in agreement with the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for candidates for enrollment by cadets in TOVVMU named after S.O. Makarova

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 35 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-F3 "On military duty and military service", Articles 45, 46 of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2015 No. 185 "The procedure and conditions for admission to educational institutions of higher education located under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, citizens with secondary general education are considered as candidates for admission to higher military educational institutions for training cadets in programs with full military special training, from among:

  • citizens aged 16 to 22 who have not completed military service;
  • citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription - until they reach the age of 24;
  • servicemen doing military service under contract (except for officers) entering universities for training in programs with full military special training - until they reach the age of 27 years.

Citizens with secondary general education up to the age of 30 are considered as candidates for admission to higher military educational institutions for training cadets in programs with secondary military special training.

Cannot be considered as candidates for admission to the school:

  • citizens who already have a higher education of the appropriate level;
  • citizens specified in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of clause 5 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service", as well as those who do not meet the requirements specified in the fourth paragraph of clause 1 of Article 35 of the said Law:
  • in respect of which a decision was made by the commission of the military commissariat or the certification commission of the military unit about the inadequacy of the candidate to the requirements for entering military service under the contract;
  • who have been convicted and sentenced;
  • in respect of whom an inquiry or preliminary investigation or a criminal case has been submitted to the court;
  • having a conviction that has not been removed or canceled for committing a crime;
  • those who have served a sentence of imprisonment;
  • deprived for a specified period of the right to hold military positions by a court decision that has entered into legal force.

III. The procedure for the preliminary selection of candidates

Pre-selection measures are carried out in order to send candidates who meet the requirements for entrance examinations at the school and include determining the suitability of candidates for training in a military educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the university):

  • by the presence of the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • by education level;
  • according to the age;
  • for health;
  • by the level of physical fitness;
  • by the category of professional suitability.

Citizens who have passed and have not completed military service, who have expressed a desire to enter the school, submit applications to the department of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal) at the place of residence (graduates of Suvorov (cadet) military schools, lyceums with enhanced military physical training apply to the head of the military school (lyceum) in which they study) until April 1 of the year of admission to the university.

Citizens living in military units stationed outside the Russian Federation submit applications to the head of the university before May 20 of the year of admission to the university.

Servicemen who have expressed a desire to enter military educational institutions submit a report to the commander of the military unit before March 1 of the year of admission to the university.

It is not allowed to refuse to consider these citizens and military personnel as candidates due to the lack of tasks determined by the preliminary selection plan of candidates from among citizens who have passed and have not completed military service and military personnel for completing the first courses of universities.

Documents required for civilians

Civilians - persons who are not military personnel at the time of admission (both who have completed military service by conscription and have not passed).

1. A statement indicating:

  • surname, name, patronymic, date of birth; information about citizenship;
  • details of the document proving his identity (including the details of the issue of the specified document);
  • postal address of the place of permanent residence;
  • email address and contact phone number (at the request of the candidate);

Attached to the application:

  • autobiography; characteristics of the candidate entering the university (from the place of work or study) (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 1); a copy of the document on education and (or) on qualifications, confirming it;
  • three photographs measuring 4.5x6 cm;
  • for students in educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education - a certificate of training or the period of study;
  • information on passing the unified state exam and its results;
  • certificate of registration of admission to state secrets in form number two;
  • diplomas of the winner or prize-winner of the corresponding Olympiad for schoolchildren (if any, indicating the name of the Olympiad, details of the diploma of the winner or prize-winner of this Olympiad);
  • documents confirming the existence of special rights for admission to higher educational institutions (if any, indicating such a right and information about the document confirming the existence of such a right); information about individual achievements;

2. Card of medical examination of a citizen entering a military educational institution:

the results of medical research; outpatient medical record; information about the state of health submitted from institutions of the state or municipal health care system.

3. Card of professional psychological selection.

Documents required for military personnel

Servicemen are persons who are currently doing military service by conscription or on a contract basis in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

1. A report indicating:

  • surname, name, patronymic, military rank and military position held, date of birth;
  • information about citizenship; details of the document proving his identity;
  • information about the previous level of education and the document on education and (or) qualifications, confirming it;
  • postal address and code name of the military unit; email address and contact phone number (at the request of the candidate);
  • the name of the university and the specialty of training for which the candidate plans to apply.

2. Attached to the report are:

  • copies of birth certificate and identity and citizenship document;
  • autobiography, characteristics of the candidate entering the university from the place of military service (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 1); a copy of the document on education and (or) on qualifications, confirming it; three photographs measuring 4.5x6 cm;
  • service card of a serviceman; certificate of registration of admission to state secrets in form number two; documents confirming the existence of special rights for admission to higher educational institutions (if any, indicating such a right and information about the document confirming the existence of such a right); information about individual achievements;
  • certified copies of documents confirming the eligibility of candidates for out-of-competition enrollment or the rights that give preference to enrollment.
  • medical examination card; a card of professional psychological selection, which is drawn up in accordance with the Guidelines for professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

A passport, a military ID or a certificate of a citizen subject to military service, an original state-recognized document on the appropriate level of education, as well as originals of documents giving the right to enroll in universities on preferential terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are presented as a candidate for the military admission committee. - educational institution upon arrival, but no later than one day before the meeting of the selection committee to make a decision on the candidate's enrollment in the university.

Military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (heads of Suvorov (cadet) military schools, lyceums with enhanced military physical training) send documents for candidates from among citizens who have not completed military service, medical examination cards and professional psychological selection cards to the university until May 20 of the year of admission to the university.

Documents for candidates from among military personnel, medical examination cards, cards of professional psychological selection, and for candidates from among military personnel undergoing military service under contract, and personal files are sent by the commanders of military units for consideration to the headquarters of the formations until May 1 of the year of admission to the university.

The selection committee considers the submitted documents of candidates for study at the university, determines the compliance of the selected candidates with the requirements established by this Procedure, and decides on their admission to the professional selection. The decision of the university selection committee on admitting candidates to the professional selection is formalized in a protocol, which is signed by the members of the selection committee and approved by its chairman.

The decision of the university admissions committee on admitting candidates to undergo professional selection is sent to the departments of military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of candidates from among citizens who have passed and did not complete military service, to Suvorov military schools, military units and personally to candidates with an indication of the time and place of holding professional selection or reasons for refusal.

Citizens of the Russian Federation residing outside the Russian Federation, where there are no military units of the Armed Forces, arrive at the university no later than June 28 with a document on education and (or) qualifications and an identity document of the candidate, for their consideration by the admissions committee of the university as candidates for admission to a higher military educational institution with the registration of a personal file and a decision on their admission to the professional selection.

Military candidates who meet the requirements established by this Procedure are sent to universities by commanders of military units to participate in training camps to prepare for professional selection and subsequent professional selection, regardless of the receipt by the military unit of the decision of the university selection committee on admission to professional selection:

  • applicants for training in programs with full military-special training are sent to the university by June 1, where they have a 25-day training camp;
  • applicants for training in programs with secondary military special training are sent to the university by June 10, where they have a 15-day training camp.

IV. The procedure for the professional selection of candidates for the S.O. Makarova

Professional selection of candidates entering the university for enrollment as cadets is carried out by the admission committee of TOVVMU named after S.O. Makarov in order to determine the ability of candidates to master educational programs of the appropriate level and includes:

a) determining the eligibility of candidates for admission for health reasons;

c) entrance tests, consisting of:

  • assessing the level of general education of candidates based on the results of the unified state exam (hereinafter - the Unified State Exam) in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty for which admission is carried out submitted by incoming documents on education);
  • assessing the level of physical fitness of candidates.

Professional selection of candidates for training in the interests of federal executive bodies, in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for military service, is carried out according to the number of military positions of cadets established for these federal bodies on the basis of candidates' reports on the desire to serve in this federal body separately for each federal body ...

For professional selection, the head of the school appoints:

  • a temporary military medical subcommittee; Subcommittee on Professional Psychological Selection;
  • subject examination subcommittees for each general and special subject included in the List of entrance examinations (Russian, mathematics, physics);
  • subcommittee on physical fitness assessment.

The selection committee has the right to check the educational documents submitted by the candidate, as well as control the reliability of information about the participation of candidates in the Unified State Exam and the results of the Unified State Exam. In order to confirm the authenticity of other documents submitted by the candidate, the selection committee has the right to apply to state (municipal) bodies and organizations.

4.1. The procedure for determining the eligibility of candidates for admission for health reasons

One of the main requirements for citizens entering military educational institutions is the assessment of their state of health based on the results of a medical examination. Citizens entering military educational institutions must, for health reasons, meet the requirements established for citizens entering military service by conscription, i.e. fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions.

Before a medical examination, citizens undergo compulsory diagnostic tests in the amount established by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Medical examination of citizens entering the university is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2013 No. 565 "On the approval of the Regulation on military medical examination".

The final medical examination of citizens entering the university is carried out by a non-staff temporary military medical commission (VVK), created by order of the head of TOVVMU.

The IHC includes a surgeon, a therapist, a neuropathologist, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, a dermatovenerologist, a dentist and the secretary of the commission. If necessary, doctors of other specialties are included in the composition of the commission.

Citizens arriving for a final medical examination must bring with them:

  • fluorographic (X-ray) examination of the chest organs in two projections;
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses; ECG (study at rest and after exercise); general blood analysis;
  • the results of tests for the presence of HIV infection, for narcotic substances and serological tests for YU;
  • general urine analysis; information about being registered (observed) for mental disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse, abuse of drugs and other toxic substances, infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, at dispensary observation for other diseases, indicating the diagnosis and date of registration (observation) ;
  • an outpatient's medical record and, if necessary, other medical documents (radiographs, protocols of special research methods) characterizing his state of health.

In addition, feces are additionally tested for helminth eggs and the dysentery group, sowing from the pharynx and nose for diphtheria.

Graduates of Suvorov (cadet) military schools, lyceums with enhanced military physical training arrive:

  • with a medical book, which should reflect the results of annual in-depth and control medical examinations and medical requests;
  • a medical examination card of a citizen entering a military educational institution, and the results of research.

In the absence of a graduate of the Suvorov (cadet) military school, lyceum with enhanced military-physical training, a medical record is not carried out.

Specialist doctors, based on the results of a medical examination of a citizen, issue a conclusion about his fitness or unsuitability for admission to a military educational institution in their specialty. If a citizen is diagnosed with a disease that prevents admission, further examination is terminated.

At the same time, in the medical examination card of a citizen entering the university, in the item "Objective research data", a specialist doctor sets out an expert diagnosis using additions, indications of the stage of the disease, the degree of dysfunction of the affected organ (system) and other characteristics that play an important role in an expert assessment of the state of health, physical development of a citizen and the adoption of an expert opinion on his unfitness for admission, an article (articles) and a graph of the schedule of diseases and a section of TDT (annex to the Regulation on military medical examination).

If a citizen entering a military educational institution is identified with a disease in which the schedule of diseases (annex to the Regulations on military medical examination) provides for temporary unfitness for military service, limited fitness for military service or unfit for military service, the IHC issues an opinion on unfitness for admission to a university.

The IHC, no later than 5 days after the end of the examination, sends the medical examination cards of a citizen entering a military educational institution and medical examination sheets of citizens recognized as unfit for admission to the IHC of the military district in which the examination was carried out.

Based on the results of the medical examination, the IHC issues the following conclusions:

a) fit for military service, fit for admission to school;

b) fit for military service, not fit for admission to school;

c) fit for military service with minor restrictions, fit for admission to the school;

d) fit for military service with minor restrictions, not fit for admission to a school;

e) temporarily unfit for military service, unfit for admission to a school;

f) is not fit for admission to the school, needs examination and certification at the place of military service (place of military registration) to determine the category of fitness for military service (the conclusion is made upon detection of a disease in which the schedule of diseases provides for limited fitness for military service or unfitness to military service).

The conclusion of the IHC on the suitability (unfitness) of a citizen for admission to a university for health reasons is announced at a meeting of the commission. In this case, information about the examined, their state of health and the conclusion of the IHC are recorded in the book of minutes of the meetings of the military medical commission.

In addition, the specified information and the conclusion of the IHC are entered:

  • for citizens entering the school - in the medical examination card of a citizen entering a military educational institution;
  • for servicemen, in addition, in the serviceman's medical book.

The results of the final medical examination of candidates are announced no later than one day after the military medical commission has issued an opinion on the health status of the candidate. If the candidate is recognized as unfit for health reasons for admission to the school, he has the right to receive explanations and recommendations from a specialist doctor.

4.2. The procedure for determining the category of professional suitability of candidates

Professional psychological selection is one of the types of professional selection and is a set of measures aimed at achieving high-quality recruitment of military posts on the basis of ensuring that the professionally important, socio-psychological, psychological and psychophysiological qualities of citizens voluntarily entering military service are consistent with the requirements of military professional activities ...

Professional psychological selection activities are carried out by staff or non-staff units of professional psychological selection and by specialists in professional psychological selection using methods of socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination.

Socio-psychological study provides for an assessment of the conditions for the upbringing and development of a personality, its military-professional orientation, organizational skills, characteristics of communication and behavior in a team, educational and professional preparedness.

Psychological and psychophysiological examination makes it possible to assess cognitive mental processes (sensation, perception, memory, thinking), attention, psychological characteristics of a person (abilities, character, temperament), properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, lability, poise, dynamism), psychomotor and nervous - mental stability.

Socio-psychological study is carried out using the following basic methods: study of documents, observation, survey (conversation, questionnaire).

The main method of psychological and psychophysiological examination is professional psychological testing (testing).

Based on the results of professional psychological selection, one of the following conclusions is made on the professional suitability of citizens and military personnel for training (education) in military registration specialties:

a) first of all recommended - the first category. Citizens and military personnel in this category in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities fully meet the requirements of military positions, which allows them to master the military specialty in a timely manner, to have, according to the results of inspector, final, control checks and final exams, mainly excellent marks, to obtain a class qualification ;

b) recommended - the second category. Citizens and military personnel in this category, in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities, basically meet the requirements of military positions, which allows them to master the military accounting specialty in a timely manner, to have predominantly good grades based on the results of inspectors, final, control checks and final exams;

c) conditionally recommended - the third category. Citizens and military personnel in this category in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities minimally meet the requirements of military positions, they hardly master the military accounting specialty in a timely manner, and according to the results of inspectors, final, control checks and final examinations, they have mostly satisfactory grades. Are allowed to study with a shortage of candidates;

When making conclusions about the professional suitability of citizens, the level of their neuropsychic stability is also taken into account. The assessment of neuropsychic stability is carried out at four levels:

  • high neuropsychic stability;
  • good neuropsychic stability;
  • satisfactory neuropsychic stability;
  • unsatisfactory neuropsychic stability (neuropsychic instability).

Persons with neuropsychic instability belong only to the fourth category of professional suitability for training and service in military positions.

Citizens and military personnel who have the fourth category of professional suitability cannot be sent for training in military educational institutions and accepted for military service under a contract for the corresponding military positions.

Heads of professional selection units (specialists) bear personal responsibility for the validity and reliability of the conclusions on the professional suitability of citizens and military personnel.

The conclusion on the category of professional suitability of candidates on the basis of their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination is completed no later than one day before the end of the professional selection of candidates.

Candidates classified in the fourth category of professional aptitude (“not recommended”) are informed about the conclusion made individually. If necessary, individual psychological counseling is carried out with these candidates, during which explanations and recommendations are given.

4.3. The procedure for assessing the level of general education of candidates based on the results of the unified state exam

The assessment of the level of general education of candidates entering higher education programs is organized in general education subjects in accordance with the list of entrance examinations approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Assessment of the level of general education of candidates for admission to a school for training in educational programs of higher education is carried out:

  • based on the results of the unified state exam (hereinafter - the Unified State Exam), obtained no earlier than 4 years before the completion of the professional selection events and valid as of September 1, 2015;
  • based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the school independently (for certain categories of citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for assessing the level of general education of candidates entering programs with secondary military special training is carried out according to the average score of the certificate of secondary general education.

The list of entrance examinations does not differ when admitting candidates entering on the basis of secondary vocational education and candidates entering on the basis of secondary general education.

The list of entrance examinations for the admission of candidates: for training in the specialties of higher education:

  1. mathematics (profile)
  2. physics
  3. Russian language

To assess the level of general education of candidates, the minimum number of USE points in general subjects approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is used as the minimum number of points:

  • mathematics (profile) - 27 points;
  • Russian language - 39 points;
  • physics - 37 points.

The minimum points cannot be changed during admission. Information on the dates and places of registration and holding of the Unified State Exam can be clarified on the official information portal of the Unified State Exam:

Graduates of previous years - military personnel who are undergoing military service by conscription and under a contract entering the school, submit an application to participate in the Unified State Examination, indicating the academic subject (list of subjects) for which they plan to take the Unified State Examination in the current year of the corresponding exam (relevant exams ) at the place of registration.

The admissions committee is coordinating with the regional education authorities on the organizational issues of conducting entrance examinations in the form and according to the USE materials in the relevant general education subjects in a military educational institution.

The selection committee is obliged to monitor the reliability of information on the participation of candidates in the Unified State Exam and on the results of the Unified State Exam. The control of the reliability of information on the participation of candidates in the Unified State Exam is carried out by sending a request to the federal database on the participants of the Unified State Exam and on the results of the Unified State Exam about the candidate's participation in the Unified State Exam, as well as confirming the correctness of the information on the results of the Unified State Exam.

The results of assessing the level of general education of candidates based on the USE results are announced to the candidates no later than one day after the end of the verification of the reliability of information about the candidate's participation in the USE and the USE results indicated by him or contained in the certificate submitted by him, as well as after receiving the USE results if the candidate has passed the USE in additional terms of the Unified State Exam in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the location of the university.

Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren of all levels, held in accordance with the Procedure for holding Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 267 dated April 04, 2014, and included in the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren and their levels for the 2019/2020 academic year, the school provides a privilege - to be equated with persons who have scored 100 points in the Unified State Exam in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.

Candidates with secondary vocational education, as well as certain categories of candidates, can apply for training based on the results of general educational entrance examinations conducted by the school independently.

Programs of general educational entrance examinations conducted by the school independently are formed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education and the federal state educational standard of basic general education, taking into account the compliance of the level of complexity of such entrance examinations with the level of complexity of the Unified State Exam in the corresponding general education subjects.

The entrance examinations, conducted by the school independently, are conducted in Russian in writing.

During the introductory tests, their participants and persons involved in their conduct are prohibited from having and using communication means.

Participants of entrance examinations can have and use reference materials and electronic computers permitted by the rules of admission for use during the entrance examinations.

If the applicant violates the procedure for conducting admissions tests, the authorized officials of the school have the right to remove him from the place of the admissions test with the drawing up of an act of removal.

After the announcement of the results of the written admissions test, the applicant (trustee) has the right to familiarize himself with his work (with the work of the applicant) on the day of the announcement of the results of the written admissions test or during the next working day, as well as submit an appeal against the violation, in the applicant's opinion , the established procedure for the admissions test and (or) disagreement with the obtained assessment of the results of the admissions test (hereinafter referred to as the appeal).

4.4. The procedure for assessing the level of physical fitness of candidates

Entrance tests to determine the level of physical fitness of candidates from among civilian youth and military personnel serving on conscription represent the practical passing of standards for 4 exercises. Only candidates who have passed the medical commission and who have a doctor's admission are allowed to take the exam.

The following exercises are defined for male candidates:

  1. pull-up on the bar;
  2. running 100 meters;
  3. running for 3 km;
  4. swimming 100 m.

Candidates perform exercises only in athletic form. There is no time to prepare for the exam.

All physical exercises submitted for the exam are performed, as a rule, within one day. During the exam, physical exercises are performed in the following sequence:

  • exercises for speed;
  • strength exercises;
  • endurance exercises;
  • swimming.

In some cases, the order of performing physical exercises can be changed. The endurance and swimming fitness exercises can be performed on different days.

In accordance with the results entered in the checklist, a list of admissions tests in physical fitness is drawn up, which is signed by the chairman and members of the subcommittee. The results of assessing the level of physical fitness of candidates are reported no later than one day after the entrance test. Assessment of the level of physical fitness is taken into account in the competitive list.

4.4.1. Rules for determining the level of physical fitness of candidates for individual exercises

Determination of the level of physical fitness of candidates is carried out in accordance with the rules determined in the conditions of individual exercises and "Requirements for checking and assessing the state of physical fitness of military personnel of the Armed Forces", NFP-2009 (hereinafter - NFP-2009).

Strength exercises

Exercise 4. Pulling up on the bar. Hang (grip from above, legs together), bending your arms, pull yourself up (chin above the bar), unbending your arms, lower yourself to the hang. The hang position is fixed. Minor flexion and extension of the legs is allowed. Performing jerk and swing movements is prohibited.

Speed ​​exercise

Exercise 41. Running for 100 meters. It is performed from a high start on a stadium treadmill or flat area with any surface.

Endurance exercise

Exercise 46. Running 3 km (for men). It is carried out on a flat surface from a general or separate start. The start and the finish line are usually equipped in one place.

Swimming exercises

Exercise 57. Swimming 100 meters in a freestyle sportswear. When swimming freestyle, any method is used. Perform the turn with the obligatory touch of the wall with any part of the body.

Exercise 58. Swimming 100 m in athletic form using breaststroke method. After the start and turn, it is allowed to perform one swimming movement with the legs and arms under water. Perform the turn with the obligatory touch of the wall with any part of the body.

4.4.2. Requirements for the level of physical fitness of candidates

The requirement for the minimum level of physical fitness of candidates is the fulfillment of the minimum threshold level in one exercise - 26 points and in total based on the results of four exercises - 170 points.

Scoring for individual physical exercises is carried out in accordance with the Tables for scoring according to Appendices No. 14; 15 to art. 234 NFP-2009.

To determine the level of physical fitness of candidates entering the S.O. Makarov, a table is used to convert the amount of points scored in physical fitness to a 100-point scale.

Exercise score

In four exercises




on physical fitness

230 and more

Conversion of the scored points into a 100 - point scale

If a candidate scores 245 points or more in four exercises, then his result when translated on a 100-point scale is only 100 points.

If the candidate refuses or does not come to perform the exercise without a valid reason, then he is assessed as "unsatisfactory" and receives 0 points. A candidate who does not complete the assigned exercise is evaluated on it as "unsatisfactory" and also receives 0 points.

The candidate is given only one attempt for each exercise. Exercise to improve the score obtained is not permitted.

In the event that a candidate for health reasons cannot fulfill the standard, he is obliged to immediately report this to the chairman or a member of the examination subcommittee BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE EXAM. If the candidate has not reported to the chairman or a member of the examination subcommittee that he is unable to take the exam for health reasons before the start of the exam, and then completed the “unsatisfactory” exercise or did not pass the minimum threshold, his result is not subject to revision in order to improve the grade, or retake.


scoring for physical fitness exercises

(for men)

Unit rev. /scores

Exercise number 4

NSpullingon the

An exercise№ 41

Runat 100 m

An exercise№46

Runby 3 km

An exercise№57

Swimming 100m

An exercise№58

swimmingat 100 mbreaststroke way


min, s

min, s

min, s

  • determining the eligibility of candidates for admission for health reasons - no later than one day after the provisional military medical subcommittee issued an opinion on the candidate's health;
  • determination of the category of professional suitability of candidates - no later than one day before the end of the professional selection of candidates;
  • assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates - no later than one day after the entrance test;
  • assessment of the level of general education of candidates (for admission to training in programs with full military-special training) - no later than one day after the selection committee receives (confirmation) the results of the USE and no later than the second day after the entrance test conducted by the school independently;
  • by competition (a competitive list of candidates for enrollment in the military specialty (specialization) for which the candidate was applied) - no later than one day after the meeting of the selection committee on enrollment in the school.

Candidates who do not arrive at the appointed time and place of the professional selection for a good reason are allowed to participate in the professional selection until the completion of its events in accordance with the schedule.

Repeated professional selection events with the candidate are not carried out.

V. The procedure for enrollment of candidates by cadets in the school

The number of candidates to be enrolled by cadets for the first courses of TOVVMU them. S.O. Makarov for each military specialty (specialization), is determined by the annual calculations of the recruitment of the first courses of universities with a variable composition for training officers for the Armed Forces.

Candidates who have passed the professional selection are entered into the competitive lists in accordance with the Procedure for drawing up competitive lists for the enrollment of candidates by cadets and, based on the results of the competition, are enrolled in the university.

Candidates who did not pass the professional selection, did not appear for the entrance examinations without a good reason, who refused to enter the university after the start of professional selection, as well as candidates who were denied further professional selection due to lack of discipline, drop out of the competition and are not enrolled in the university.

Competition lists presented by the selection committee with the decision to enroll in the school in accordance with the established calculation of the number of candidates are approved by the head of the school.

Candidates admitted to the school on the basis of decisions of the admissions committee of the Pacific Higher Naval School named after S.O. Makarov, are enrolled in the school by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in terms of personnel and are appointed to military positions of cadets by orders of the head of TOVVMU from August 1 of the year of admission.

Drafts of these orders with the attachment of the minutes of the meetings of the PC TOVVMU on admission to the school, competition lists and lists of candidates who were refused admission to the school, are submitted for examination to the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation until July 30 of the year of admission to TOVVMU. After the examination, draft orders for admission to TOVVMU are submitted for signature to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

If there are vacancies in the 2nd year of the university, citizens who graduated from the first courses of educational institutions of higher education and are enrolled in cadets can be transferred to the 2nd year after conducting combined arms training with them, taking the Military Oath, taking into account the transfer of academic disciplines.

Candidates who do not arrive at the appointed time and place of the professional selection at the university for a good reason are allowed to participate in the professional selection until the completion of its events in accordance with the schedule.

Repeated professional selection events with the candidate are not allowed.

Candidates from among citizens who have passed and have not completed military service, who are not enrolled in the university as cadets, are subject to referral to the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at their place of residence.

Military candidates who are not enrolled in the university as cadets are to be sent to the military units in which they served.

Candidates who are not enrolled in the university as cadets are given personal files against receipt. Refusal to enroll in training with an indication of the reasons is reported to the military units and military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the candidates no later than 10 days after the end of the professional selection.

Candidates from among the graduates of the Suvorov (cadet) military schools, with enhanced military physical training who refused to enter the university or who were refused admission in the prescribed manner, are sent to the place of residence of their parents (legal representatives), and their documents are sent to the military commissariats of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Federation at the place of registration for military registration.

About the candidates from among the graduates of the Suvorov (cadet) military schools, lyceums with enhanced military-physical training enrolled in the TOVVMU them. S.O. Makarov, and those of them who were denied admission, indicating the reasons for the refusal, are reported to these schools (corps, lyceums) and military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at their place of residence no later than 10 days after the end of professional selection.

Vi. The procedure for drawing up competitive lists for the enrollment of candidates by cadets in TOVVMU named after S.O. Makarova

Competitive lists for the enrollment of candidates by cadets are drawn up according to the levels of military training, military specialties (specializations) in accordance with the list of military specialties (specializations) and qualifications, according to which the training of officers from among the cadets at the university is organized, approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and approved by the decision of the reception commission, which is drawn up by the minutes of the meeting of the selection committee.

Competitive lists of candidates for training in the interests of other federal executive bodies are drawn up separately for each federal executive body.

The first in the competition lists are the candidates who are admitted to the university out of competition, the rest of the candidates are placed depending on the amount of points, which determines the level of general education (points for each subject of entrance examinations are summed up) and the level of physical fitness. The results of entrance examinations are evaluated on a 100-point scale.

At the same time, candidates classified according to the results of professional psychological selection to the third category of professional suitability are placed in the competition list after candidates referred to the first and second categories of professional suitability, regardless of the amount of points received.

Candidates with an equal number of points are entered into the competition list in the following sequence:

  • in the first place - candidates who enjoy the priority right when entering military educational institutions;
  • in the second place - candidates who received a higher score in the profile general education subject.

6.1. Special rights for admission to study at a school

Special rights for admission to a school and the procedure for assessing the level of general education of candidates for training in the specialties of higher and secondary vocational education are determined by regulatory legal and local acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The preferential right to enter the school, subject to successful completion of professional selection and, all other things being equal, have:

  • orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, citizens under the age of twenty who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of these citizens;
  • citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and who are subject to the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant";
  • children of military personnel who died in the performance of their military service duties or died as a result of injury (injury, trauma, contusion) or diseases received by them in the performance of military service duties, including when participating in counterterrorism operations and (or) other measures to combat terrorism;
  • children of the deceased (perished) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory;
  • children of employees of internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State fire service, bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, customs authorities, who died (died) as a result of injury or other damage to health received by them in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness they received during the period of service in these institutions and bodies, and children who were dependent on them;
  • children of prosecutors who died (died) as a result of injury or other damage to health received by them during the period of service in the prosecutor's office or after dismissal due to harm to health in connection with their official activities;
  • servicemen who do military service under contract and whose continuous duration of military service under the contract is at least three years, as well as citizens who have completed military service by conscription and who enter training on the recommendations of commanders issued to citizens in the manner established by the federal executive body, in which the federal law provides for military service;
  • citizens who have served for at least three years under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in military positions and dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "b" - "d" of paragraph 1, subparagraph "A" of clause 2 and sub-clauses "a" - "c" of clause 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On conscription and military service";
  • participants in hostilities, as well as veterans of hostilities from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans";
  • citizens who directly took part in tests of nuclear weapons, military radioactive substances in the atmosphere, nuclear weapons underground, in exercises with the use of such weapons and military radioactive substances before the date of the actual termination of these tests and exercises, direct participants in the elimination of radiation accidents at nuclear installations of surface and submarines and other military facilities, direct participants in the conduct and support of work on the collection and disposal of radioactive substances, as well as direct participants in the elimination of the consequences of these accidents (military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, servicemen of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, persons who served in the railway troops and other military formations, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the federal fire service of the State Fire Service);
  • servicemen, including servicemen of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the penal system, the federal fire service of the State fire service, who performed tasks in the conditions of an armed conflict in the Chechen Republic and in the adjacent territories referred to to the zone of armed conflict, and the indicated servicemen performing tasks in the course of counter-terrorist operations in the territory of the North Caucasus region;
  • graduates of general education organizations, professional educational organizations under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies and implementing additional general education programs aimed at preparing minor students for military or other public service (graduates of the NVMU, SVU, KK, etc.);
  • children of citizens doing military service under contract and having a total duration of military service of twenty years or more, children of citizens who are dismissed from military service before they reach the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff activities and general the duration of military service is twenty years or more.

Other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are granted a preemptive right when entering universities.

Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren of all levels, held in accordance with the Procedure for holding Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 04, 2014 No. 267, and included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 2019/2020 academic year, are provided privilege - to be equated to persons who have scored 100 points in the Unified State Exam in a general subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad or to persons who have successfully passed additional entrance examinations.

6.2. Accounting for individual achievements

Applicants for training at the school have the right to submit information about their individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account when applying for training.

When admitting to study under the specialty programs at the school, the following individual achievements are taken into account:

Full name of the individual achievement, status or award of its owner

Points for individual achievement

Availability of the status of champion and medalist of the Olympic Games, world champion, European champion in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games.

Having a certificate of secondary general education with honors, or a certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded with a gold medal, or a certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded with a silver medal.

Having a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors.

The presence of a certificate of secondary general education (diploma of secondary vocational education) issued by educational organizations with special names listed in article 86 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" marks "excellent" (the rest - "good") from all subjects of the main educational program, as well as from integrated with it additional general developmental programs aimed at preparing minor students for military or other public service.

The results of the participation of candidates for training in the Olympiads (not used to obtain special rights and (or) advantages when entering training on specific conditions of admission and specific grounds for admission) and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical education events and sports events held by the central by the military administration bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, confirmed by the presence of the corresponding document (winner / awardee).

7/5 points

The results of the participation of candidates for training in the Olympiads for schoolchildren (not used to obtain special rights and (or) benefits upon admission to training) in one of the core disciplines (mathematics, physics, Russian), held in the manner established by the federal executive body implementing functions for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, for four years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad, if they have USE results of at least 60 points in the profile discipline (winner / awardee)

7/5 points

The presence of a graduate certificate from one of the general educational organizations with special names listed in Article 86 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", a certificate of secondary general education (diploma of a graduate of professional educated organizations) located in administered by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The presence of a sports category or sports title:

1. By sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games or by military-applied sports:

master of Sport

Candidate Master of Sports

first sports category

2. For other sports:

master of sports, candidate for master of sports.

Availability of awards, confirmed by an appropriate document (certificate for them):

state award of the Russian Federation

departmental insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2017 No. 777).

The presence of a certificate of a veteran of military operations.

The presence of a personal book of a youth of the All-Russian children's and youth military-patriotic public movement "YUNARMIA" (hereinafter referred to as the movement), provided that the candidate has been a member of the Movement for at least one year.

The presence of a gold insignia of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) and a certificate for it of the established sample, provided that the candidate has passed the entrance test in physical fitness for the mark "excellent".

Vii. The procedure and rules for consideration by the admissions committee of applications, applications, complaints of candidates and their parents (legal representatives)

Based on the results of the professional selection of candidates, his parents (legal representatives) have the right to submit a reasoned written appeal, application, complaint about the erroneousness, in their opinion, of the decision made by the selection committee (hereinafter referred to as the appeal).

Personal reception of candidates and their parents (legal representatives) for the purpose of considering appeals, applications and complaints in accordance with the procedure for professional selection is organized by the secretary of the selection committee in accordance with the procedure established by the head of the university. When conducting a personal reception of candidates and their parents (legal representatives), officials (specialists) of the selection committee are involved in accordance with their competence.

Consideration of an appeal is not a re-passing of professional selection; during the consideration of an appeal, only the correctness of the assessment of the result of carrying out one or another of its elements is checked.

Appeals are accepted by the selection committee on the day of the announcement of the results of the professional selection. Appeals based on the results of professional psychological selection and on the results of checking the level of physical fitness of candidates by the selection committee are not accepted and not considered.

The candidate has the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal, while he must have an identity document with him. One of the parents or legal representatives has the right to be present with a minor candidate (under 18 years old). Appeals from second persons, including from relatives of candidates, are not accepted or considered.

The appeal is considered no later than the next working day after the day of its submission.

After consideration of the appeal, a decision is made by the selection committee to maintain or revise the results of the professional selection.

If it is necessary to revise the results of professional selection, a protocol of the decision of the selection committee is drawn up, in accordance with which changes are made to the competition lists.

If there is a disagreement in the selection committee about the result of the professional selection, a vote is taken, and the result is approved by a majority of votes. In this case, the results of voting by members of the selection committee are final and not subject to revision.

The decision of the appeal commission drawn up in the minutes is brought to the attention of the applicant (trustee). The fact of familiarization of the applicant (trustee) with the decision of the appeal commission is certified by the signature of the applicant (trustee).

VIII. Information about postal and e-mail addresses, telephone numbers for answering requests,
associated with admission to training Pacific Higher Naval School named after S.O. Makarova

Mailing address: 690062, Vladivostok, Kamsky lane, house 6.

You will need

  • - a personal statement addressed to the head of the school about the desire to study at this school;
  • - free-form autobiography;
  • - a copy of the birth certificate;
  • - a copy of the passport or document confirming the Russian citizenship of the applicant and his parents (for those living outside the Russian Federation);
  • - an extract from the report card with grades for the first three academic quarters of the last year of study, certified by the official seal of the school (the document must indicate the foreign language being studied);
  • - a medical examination card issued by the military medical commission and certified by the military commissariat (included in the candidate's personal file);
  • - a copy of the medical insurance policy;
  • - four photographs measuring 3 × 4 cm;
  • - a certificate indicating the place of residence, living conditions and family composition of the parents (or persons replacing them).


Make a choice of the educational institution in which you plan to study. On the territory of Russia there are only a few naval and naval vessels. And the terms of study in them are different, depending on the age at admission. Age categories for those who graduated from grades 4, 6, 8 and 11 of secondary schools. Accordingly, the full course of study will take 7, 5, 3 and 2 years.

Submit an application (report) about the desire to study at sea. Such a report is submitted by the parents, or persons replacing them, before May 31. Please note that applications are accepted only through the military commissariats at the candidates' place of residence. The application is submitted to the name of the district or city military commissar. The report must stipulate the consent of the parents (or substitute persons) to send candidates for training at the school and subsequently admit them to the disposal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Attach the required documents to the report.

Prepare the necessary documents about your eligibility for admission. When enrolling, first of all, preference is given to candidates from among the privileged category. These include: - minor orphans, or persons left without parental care (such candidates are enrolled without passing exams, only based on the results of an interview and the necessary medical examination); - students who have excellent grades in all subjects, award or commendation sheets " For excellent achievements "(this category takes only one entrance exam in mathematics (in writing); if they receive an excellent mark, they are exempted from further exams, but when they receive grades below 5 points, they will have to pass exams on a general basis); marks on entrance exams; - children of military personnel. The conditions for compliance with this category should be clarified with the chosen nautical school.

If you have been selected, arrive at the school on time, according to the information in the written call, which indicates the day and time of attendance. The call to the school gives the right to obtain the necessary travel documents at the military registration and enlistment offices at the place of residence.

Pass all necessary tests, medical examination. All persons arriving at nautical and naval educational institutions undergo a professional and psychological selection, a check of the level of physical fitness, a medical examination, and after that they are allowed to take competitive entrance exams. Candidates who do not meet the conditions of physical fitness, health status and have not passed the professional psychological selection for further exams are not allowed.